Petite Blarney, Jolly Orchid, Hortense's Country Rose, Lil' Glimpse O'Spring and Plumberry Glow miniature violets in bloom.

Translated, the name of the variety sounds like Painted Silk . This violet belongs to semi-miniatures.

A small rosette with crown variegation and scalloped gel foliage .

Variegation most often appears when there is no flowering on the rosette. After the first buds begin to bloom, the bush immediately turns bright green.

Violet Ma's Melody Girl (O. Robinson), or Melodious Girl

Photo and description of the variety

This variety is a registered sport from Ode to Beaty (G.Cox/B.Johnson).

Violet Ode to Beaty.

Standard rosette, quilted gel foliage , round and scalloped leaf plate. The rosette is small, round and neat, from the outside it resembles a ball. If the violet does not receive enough light, it begins to lift its leaves up and this slightly spoils its decorative qualities.

The center of the leaf blade is lighter than the edges.

Photo of violet Mas Melody Girl.

There are two lines of this variety - with darker and lighter foliage . But in any case, the edges of the leaf plate are always darker and shiny.

The line of the variety that has dark foliage is distinguished by a flatter rosette. Areas of leaf blades that should be yellow-green take on a slight reddish tint.

Despite the fact that the author's description indicates a standard, the violet can rather be classified as a small standard . It reaches a size of 12 to 18 cm.

The bush is very beautiful and even between flowering periods does not lose its attractiveness.

The flower is a semi-double coral star with a clear white edge and thick fantasy patches of crimson.

Fantasy inclusions have the shape of small dots that are located closer to the edge of the petals.

The flowers are very bright and beautiful. The crimson dots along the pink petal closer to the edge turn into a border, and a thin border with clear boundaries refreshes and makes the flower more delicate and touching.

The diameter of the bud in full bloom reaches 2-4 cm. The peduncles are even, strong, and erect. About five buds can form on each of them.

Always blooms in bouquets, flower stalks do not lie on the foliage. from three to five weeks in dissolution

Don't expect a lush bouquet from the first flowering. But every time the flowers become larger and more magnificent.

Also, with age, color saturation increases.

It is worth noting that this variety is very original, does not require a large area, and is very compact.

Also, the violet is in no hurry to bloom and can produce its first bloom 12-14 months after planting the baby. But even during the first flowering it will not produce a cap of flowers.

The variety is capricious, not for beginners. There are some difficulties in care.

It propagates well by leaf cuttings, takes root easily, and produces many children.

Prefers plenty of light , and at the slightest lack of light it begins to lift its leaves. Should be grown on a windowsill in natural light.

It cannot be said that it will stretch out on the racks, but it will not flower in such conditions.

It is worth placing on the brightest windowsill. In this case, the outlet will be very smooth and compact.

Very high tendency to form stepchildren . It is necessary to carefully monitor the number of growth points and remove all unnecessary ones in a timely manner.

The scalloped gel foliage is very dense and if the development of lateral stepsons is allowed, the rosette will become overgrown.

Attention! During short daylight hours, development and flowering stops.


Katerina, Moscow. “The violet is very greedy for variegation. But this feature is observed in all varieties with crown variegation and the same type of foliage. You also have to rejuvenate very often. Otherwise it grows without problems, like a weed. The rosette managed to bloom even while it was rooted.”

Alexandra, Irkutsk. “I saw a photo and description of Painted Silk on the Internet and fell in love with it at first sight. My little one did not let me down - it blooms willingly and profusely. I put it in a brightly lit place. But if there is too much light, it can hug the pot with leaves, which is not always beautiful.”

Caring for a plant at home

Ma's Melody Girl violet should be placed on the brightest windowsill. This variety is sensitive to light. If there is not enough of it, the plant stops growing and does not produce flower stalks.

Proper watering and fertilizing

The plant can be kept on a wick, but top watering or watering in a tray is also allowed.

The water must be purified or settled.

The frequency of watering depends on air temperature and weather conditions . You can add water only when the top layer of the earthen clod becomes dry.

Fertilizing is applied according to the standard scheme , but it is worth limiting the nitrogen content. It is this substance that can provoke excessive formation of lateral stepsons.

Lighting and temperature

The Ma's Melody Girl variety is very demanding in terms of lighting. This plant will feel best on a windowsill. The lamp and rack are not suitable for this violet. It won't die, but it won't bloom.

The air temperature should be between +18 and + 22°C . The plant will be able to survive in more difficult temperature conditions, but will lose its flowering appearance.

Do not place the plant in drafts or allow sudden changes in temperature. This is fraught with the development of diseases and even the death of the outlet.

Air humidity

This figure should fluctuate between 50-60%. Very high humidity will lead to fungal diseases.

Optimal air humidity is 50-60%.

Important! Too dry air also has a detrimental effect on the condition of the plant. Leaf plates may curl and lose their decorative effect.

Soil composition

For this violet it is worth using soil mixtures of medium nutritional value. The soil should have good air permeability and also retain moisture. The Saintpaulia root system should be moist. Overdrying and excessive humidity can lead to the development of diseases or even death of the plant.

You can use standard or special mixtures or make your own. The soil should not contain clay.

You should mix sand, peat, leaf and turf soil, and sand. Vermiculite, agroperlite, pieces of sphagnum moss and crushed coal are also used as additional components.

Pruning and hygiene

Ma's Melody Girl violet is prone to excessive lateral growth points. It should be removed promptly. If they grow, the rosette will lose its decorative appearance and stop producing flower stalks.

Reproduction methods

The variety is propagated by cuttings.

It takes root easily, produces many children, and is not prone to genetic mutations.

also root lateral stepsons.

Such specimens will grow much faster.

Rules for transplantation and rejuvenation

Transplantation occurs once a year . It is best to do this at the end of February. The plant is carefully dumped out of the pot, excess soil is shaken off, and if necessary, all diseased and rotten parts of the plant are removed.

All cuts should be sprinkled with crushed coal.

After the procedure, the violet is transplanted into a new container and fertilizers are forgotten for two months.

If necessary, if the trunk of the plant is too high, then the top of the plant is cut off and placed on rooting for rejuvenation . Young roots should appear in two to three weeks.

Rooting the top in water.

Difficulties in growing

Diseases and pest attacks are easier to prevent with preventive measures. One of them is disinfection of the soil during planting, for example, by calcination or watering with a solution of potassium permanganate. Prevention from pests is to maintain the microclimate of the plant.

You will be interested to know why violet leaves curl and what to do about it, as well as why violets do not bloom at home.

Main difficulties and their elimination:

  1. Gray rot - the green part of the bush is covered with a fluffy gray coating. Treat the plant by spraying with Topsin-M 1 ml/1 liter of water, repeat the procedure if necessary.

  2. Root rot - manifests itself in leaf lethargy, yellowing and putrefactive processes. The bush is removed from the pot and inspected. If there is rot on the cuttings, the plant cannot be saved. You can cut a leaf from the top row and root it, but only if the cut is clean. The rescued plant is sprayed with Fitosporin-M 1.5 g/1 liter of water and transplanted into clean, disinfected soil.

  3. Aphids and thrips. Microscopic sucking insects feed on the sap of the flower, which eventually dries out and dies. Insects are destroyed with the drug “Agravertin”, sprayed with a solution of 2 ml/1 liter of water.

  4. Shchitovka - a sucking pest with a gray-brown shield on its back. The drug “Aktara” is effective against insects; spray with a solution of 1 g/1.25 l of water.

The snow-white Ballerina will take its rightful place on any windowsill and will decorate any collection of Saintpaulias. Lush and long flowering is one of the main advantages of the variety.

Features of growth, flowering and reproduction

The violet develops rather slowly. To grow a full-fledged rosette and get bouquet flowering, you need to be patient. As a rule, this requires at least a year.

reproduces well , takes root well, and has no tendency to genetic mutations.

Prefers cool weather ; in hot weather, the flowering period is significantly reduced.

The peduncles are tall, straight, strong , and hold buds well. Each of them can have up to five flowers.

Ma's Melody Girl's flower stalks are very strong.

The first flowering is modest , but with each subsequent bloom the bouquet becomes more lush and bright. One bud blooms for about three weeks.

Violet YAN-Katyusha (N. Puminova)

Bright violet YAN-Katyusha.

Genus, family

Uzambara violet YAN-Katyusha belongs to the Gesneriev family . The genus of violet is Saintpaulia hybrida.


In 2008, the YAN-Katyusha variety was introduced by Natalya Puminova, a domestic violet breeder . Natalya’s goal is the perfect violet, and judging by the varieties of the violet, the master of his craft is doing it well.

Attention! All Puminova varieties have the abbreviation YAN at the beginning, in honor of the beloved Airedale terrier Yannick-Folley.

This variety has bright pink flowers.

Description and photo of the variety

Saintpaulia YAN-Katyusha is semi-mini, but the size of the leaves and the diameter of the rosette are closer to small standards . A semi-miniature variety with a diameter of 15 to 20 cm. A beautiful, neat rosette with crown variegation attracts the eye:

  • Bright and rich greens;
  • Terry pompoms in rich pink color.

The flowers are bright pink-coral, double. In the sun, the petals play with a pearlescent sheen . The diameter of the flowers is from 3 to 5 cm. The first flowers are always larger.

rosette :

  • Neat;
  • Flat;
  • Easily forms symmetry without outside help.

Variegation, imprints

Leaves are rich green. Variegation – yellow crown . Bright variegation appears at the very beginning - when the baby has barely appeared.

Young rosettes have more beautiful variegation ; in an adult plant it appears by the time the buds form, and at the peak of flowering it practically disappears.

The leaves of the variety are colored yellow-green.


The variety is very resistant. When propagated by leaf cuttings, all children show varietal characteristics of the mother plant.

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