150+ photos of Zamioculcas in the interior (how to grow and care for the plant)

Description of the flower

Zamioculcas is a representative of a large family of aroid plants.
It is unpretentious in nature, which is what distinguishes it from other relatives. This flower is succulent. It is able to accumulate moisture in the leaves and roots in case of drought. He was taught this by difficult natural conditions. This flower has an interesting appearance because it has no branches. Instead of branches, Zamioculcas grows dark green leaves that grow from a tuber. The flower grows very slowly. It blooms in adulthood, only after shoots grow back. The flowers of the plant resemble ears of corn. Flowering is rare and is not particularly beautiful.

When the dollar tree flowers, it is very difficult to distinguish it from a regular leaf in the early stages. The flower itself is tightly covered with a blanket, its size can reach 10 centimeters and at first glance they resemble a small ear of corn.

Over time, the lid opens completely. The frequency of Zamioculcas flowering at home depends on the growing and feeding conditions. It should be noted that if a tree blooms but does not produce new leaves, it is most likely aging and needs to start propagating.

The plant lives on average 5-10 years, reaching a height of 1 m. Zamioculcas transforms the interior of an apartment or office, wherever it is, wherever its presence is a winning option.

Can I keep it at home?

The dollar tree grows well in the house and can give the interior a special look. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that Zamioculcas is poisonous. Children can touch the foliage, which will lead to itching and burning. If a baby tastes the leaf plates, it will cause him poisoning. There is a danger to humans, as well as to cats and other pets. Therefore, you need to wear gloves when working with the flower, and children and animals should not be allowed near it.

You should not place a flower in the house if one of the residents has an allergic reaction to exotic decorative crops.

It is noted that the foliage of the plant releases large amounts of oxygen. Due to this, the air in the room is purified. This, in turn, turns out to be beneficial for health. Culture can be placed in bedrooms, kitchens and other rooms.

In order for the florist to make money in the future, he needs to plant the flower correctly. It is recommended to initially place a few coins in the pot, and only after that plant this tropical beauty.

If a gardener does not believe in signs and superstitions, he can simply purchase a plant. If a person is superstitious, then he should give a hint to close people that he would like to receive this unusual flower as a gift.

Culture has a special meaning in Feng Shui. She is treated with respect. An important point is the choice of the place where you plan to place the flower pot in the apartment. Of course, it will fit perfectly into the interior of any room, but they place it in the southeast. In this way, it will be possible to enhance the positive qualities of the home talisman.

It is necessary to plant only in new soil. It is unacceptable to plant a flower in soil where another plant previously grew. Otherwise, it will not attract good luck and wealth. And it won't look so attractive.

The exotic handsome man reacts vividly to kind words and affection. If negative energy swirls in the room, it loses its decorative qualities

It is extremely important that harmony reigns in the family and that there is a feeling of comfort in the house

According to Feng Shui, it is customary for a dollar tree to ask for the fulfillment of wishes, but only those that will not harm others.

Zamioculcas is an amazingly beautiful exotic culture with which many beliefs are associated. Often they decide to place it in the house in order to achieve financial well-being and improve their personal life. Non-superstitious flower growers value the flower for its decorative qualities and unpretentiousness. Its only drawback is the poisonous juice. To avoid getting it on the skin, all care procedures are performed with gloves.

If you are interested in the dollar tree, signs and superstitions associated with it, then you are the owner of this amazing plant or have decided to give it to someone as a gift. Zamioculcas is a desert plant of the Araceae family, capable of accumulating moisture in its leaves. It grows on the African continent and thrives in hot climates. But even in indoor conditions, the small tree feels good. In addition, it is believed that the dollar tree can mystically increase the income of its owner. Which ones belong to this plant?

Requirements for growing a dollar tree

Caring for the plant is simple. Loves warmth, bright light, moderate watering. The best place is a south window. You can place a flowerpot with a south-eastern or northern side, then the leaves will become a little smaller, but you will have to water the zamioculcas much less often. In summer, it is better to move the pot on the balcony. Landing nuances:

  • The pet easily tolerates both moderate shade and bright sunlight.
  • The plant survives in an extremely wide range of temperatures - from + 12 ° C in winter to + 30–35 ° C in summer.
  • For replanting, you can take any soil, but not clayey soil. A bag of ready-made mixture for succulents or garden soil will do.
  • drainage required.
  • Zamioculcas grows very slowly indoors. It is necessary to replant the flower into a larger container when the current pot is filled with roots.

Conditions for growing a dollar tree

Exotic guest - Zamioculcas

The genus Zamioculcas is represented by evergreen herbaceous plants, which are classified as semi-succulents. Zamioculcas is part of the Araceae family, well known to all gardeners, represented by callas, anthuriums, philodendrons, spathiphyllums, aglaonemas, dieffenbachias and other indoor favorites.

The genus Zamioculcas is very unusual in that, unlike its distant relatives, it is represented by only one species, which is known as Zamioculcas zamifolia. It received this name only because the leaves are similar to the leaf blades of zamia, and the plants are not related in any way.

Zamioculcas zamifolia - an exotic decoration for any room

Zamioculcas is common and native to Southeast Africa and Madagascar. Its habitat cannot be called comfortable. These are lowland forests, rocks, dry areas, slightly or completely shaded. Here, a long period of drought is replaced by heavy tropical downpours. Zamioculcas grows mainly on sandy soils with virtually no impurities. Once in such soil, moisture quickly leaves, and the soil dries out, waiting for the next portion of rainwater. It cannot be said that this plant survives in extreme conditions, but even if they come, Zamioculcas is well prepared.

All parts of the plant work to retain enough moisture in case of prolonged drought. Zamioculcas has a short but very thick stem, which is also called a rhizome or tuber; it can be located both underground and on its surface, but in no case belongs to the root system, it is a storage facility for starch. Compound-pinnate leaves extend upward from a short stem. From the common cutting, which is sometimes mistaken for a stem, dense leathery leaves with a glossy surface grow on small petioles in order to reduce the intensity of evaporation. The roots of Zamioculcas are very thick, similar to cords, and extend downward from the tuber in large numbers.

The plant blooms indoors already in old age, and flowers are not its strong point. They are inconspicuous, in the form of cobs, covered with a light green blanket - a modified leaf, and are located mainly near the stem itself. The flowers are unisexual, sometimes separated so that the possibility of self-pollination is minimal. If fertilization has occurred, dark berries containing seeds ripen.

Zamioculcas has an unusual structure

It is worth remembering that Aroids are poisonous, of course, not so much as to cause death, but they still should not be consumed internally.

Zamioculcas can reach a height of 110 cm, therefore it is valued by flower growers for its decorativeness, endurance and ease of care. In indoor conditions, it is suitable for growing even for novice gardeners or those who do not have extra time to care for the plant.

Zamioculcas may well shed its leaves, and this will be considered the norm, although it is considered an evergreen plant. The deciduousness of a flower depends not on the season, but on the conditions. Prolonged drought causes small leaves to fall off, take root in the soil, and grow a new stem, thus preserving the genus.

Dollar tree or celibacy flower?

Due to various folk beliefs, associations and signs, Zamioculcas has received many names: money tree, dollar tree, celibacy tree, New Year's tree.

According to Feng Shui practice, if Zamioculcas is in the house in the place where the energy of money goes, and the plant has shiny, green leaves and looks healthy, then the influx of green banknotes will be ensured. That's why it is called the dollar tree. If the leaves begin to wither, turn yellow or fall off, the tree gets sick or, even worse, dies, expect financial setbacks. Moreover, the more serious the problem with the plant, the more significant the financial losses. Thus, zamioculcas is a kind of indicator of the family budget. Believing in this or not is a personal matter for everyone. You don’t have to bother and purchase a plant solely for phytodesign.

Zamioculcas should not be confused with Crassula, which is widely known as the money tree.

Another sign associated with Zamioculcas applies exclusively to the female gender. It is believed that if the plant blooms, the girl will soon expect pleasant changes on the personal front, happy relationships, love and wedding; For married women, flowering promises strengthening of marital relationships. Since Zamioculcas blooms extremely rarely, it is difficult to achieve this; it is called the flower of celibacy, sincerely believing that since it does not bloom, it means that the girl will not have personal happiness.

Zamioculcas: care at home

In addition to the generally accepted opinion that zamioculcas is a flower of celibacy, it is believed that this plant can attract money to the house in which it is located. Be that as it may, every caring gardener provides his green pets with proper care and attention. Zamioculcas at home requires the following attention from the owner:

  • The right choice of land. To grow a southern flower indoors, it is better to use soil that is not too heavy, in which zamioculcas grows poorly and often turns yellow. It is best to purchase a special substrate for succulents and cacti at a flower shop for this purpose. If you cannot find it, plant the plant in light soil containing clay admixtures.
  • Maintaining optimal temperature conditions. Zamioculcas at home is quite unpretentious to climatic factors, but does not tolerate sudden temperature changes. Stable thermometer readings + 16-18 ° C are the best condition for maximum well-being of this exotic plant.
  • Choosing a comfortable place for the plant. Zamioculcas is a flower that prefers bright and diffused light, but is extremely sensitive to direct sunlight. Therefore, the best place for it would be a table or flower shelf located in the southern window area. If the leaves of the Zamioculcas flower turn yellow, you may just need to change its location around the house.
  • Respect for rational watering. The flower requires moderate watering, done as the soil in the pot dries. When water pours into the cup, remove the moisture immediately, as Zamioculcas does not tolerate standing water well and can even get sick.
  • Respect for diet. Home care for the zamioculcas flower involves regular but infrequent feeding (once a month is enough). Try to carry out such activities during the period of active flower growth, using mineral and organic fertilizers for cacti and succulents. It is not recommended to feed the plant in winter.
  • Humidity level control. If your Zamioculcas has turned yellow and its leaves are wilting, it is most likely suffering from a lack of moisture. To avoid this, spray the plant regularly and clean the dust from the foliage a couple of times a month.

Where is the best place to put a dollar tree?

Although the dollar tree is young and small in size, a south or southwest window will do, as mentioned above. Large flowers are great for outdoor display.


During the period of active growth (from April to September), the optimal temperature will be +25. It also tolerates increases to +30 well.

In the summer, you can take the zamioculcas out into the fresh air, where the dollar tree will feel very good. In winter, during the dormant period, the temperature should not fall below +12. Does not tolerate sudden changes and drafts.


The plant does not really like direct sunlight, which can cause burns on the leaves, but it still needs good lighting. It is best to place it in an apartment on the west or east side. In summer, the dollar tree can be taken out to the balcony or garden and left in the shade, and in winter it can be brought closer to the window.

Pot for Zamioculcas

For the first time, a plastic pot is suitable, which can be easily cut without damaging the roots during replanting. In the future, it is advisable to choose a ceramic pot with a diameter 3-4 cm larger than the root system.

There should be drainage holes at the bottom. A tall, narrow vase is ideal for this flower. The point is in the characteristics of the plant: it releases new arrows only when the roots hit the walls of the pot.

To make the flower produce new arrows faster, in the spring you can water it with water slightly above room temperature.

Soil for dollar tree

It is recommended to purchase special soils for cacti and succulents. However, you can prepare the land and houses. To do this, mix half the garden soil and peat with the addition of perlite.

Soil for Zamioculcas, suitable for cacti

When preparing the soil yourself, you need to cook it in the oven for 30 minutes, or leave it in the freezer for a day to eliminate parasites and fungi. The soil should be light, permeable and breathable.

It is not advisable to choose ready-made soil for deciduous plants - it may not be suitable for zamioculcas - such soil retains moisture better, which leads to rotting of the root system.

Watering and air humidity

The plant does not need frequent watering. It can live without water for up to two weeks. Dollar Tree doesn't like overflows. Stagnant water threatens root rot and can even lead to the formation of rot on the stems. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to ensure good drainage and always drain the liquid from the cup. In spring and summer, zamioculcas should be watered only when the top layer of soil dries out, and in winter, when all the soil is dry. For irrigation, it is better to use stabilized water at room temperature. It tolerates dry air well during the heating season; the dollar tree does not like excessive humidity. Sometimes it needs to be sprayed with water to give it a fresh look and get rid of dust.


Zamioculcas are fairly easy to clean with a soft, damp cloth. You can give him a hot shower periodically.

Top dressing

Zamioculcas needs regular nutrition. It is necessary to use suitable fertilizers for succulents according to the instructions. If you use universal fertilizers for indoor flowers, their concentration should be halved.

It is necessary to feed the “dollar tree” during its growth period - from spring to mid-autumn - twice a month. In this case, it is necessary to alternate organic fertilizers with mineral fertilizers.

You can also organize foliar feeding of zamioculcas in the intervals between waterings (1-2 times a month), spraying the leaves with a solution of urea or complex fertilizer.

During active growth of the dollar tree, it is necessary to alternate mineral and organic fertilizers. The following substances are considered particularly popular among them:

  1. Agricultural. Used for root feeding. The preparation contains a huge amount of micro- and macroelements, optimally soluble in water. To prepare a nutrient solution, one teaspoon of Agricola is diluted in two liters of water. Watering with this fertilizer should be done every ten days. It is strictly forbidden to mix fertilizers with other nutrients. It is important to prevent the solution from getting into the green components of the zamioculca.
  2. Agricultural water. The medicine is sold in ready-to-use form; it does not need to be diluted. By applying fertilizer by adding it to the soil and spraying the leaves, it turns out that it accelerates the growth and flowering of Zamioculcus. The flowers will remain on the plant much longer.
  3. Small. Top dressing is produced in Holland, specializing in the care of cacti, and Zamioculcas responds well to it. The tool is implemented in a ready-to-use form. The drug contains substances that are dangerous to any person, as well as animals, so it should be stored out of the reach of children.
  4. "Uniflor-growth". Nitrogen-based fertilizing promotes rapid growth of green mass. Before sale, it is necessary to dilute 2.5-3 milliliters of the product in one liter of fresh water.
  5. "Uniflor-Bud". Product based on potassium and phosphorus. Stimulates the budding process, promotes the formation of a large number of strong buds and accelerates flowering. It is produced in the form of a liquid, which must be diluted with water before use - three mm of the drug per liter of water.
  6. "Master of Color" Zamioculcas is prone to developing a disease such as chlorosis. A well-known prevention of the disease will be the systematic use of the iron-based drug “Master Color”. The fertilizer is specialized for flowering plants, so with such courtship, Zamioculcas can soon amuse it with rapid flowering.

When you need support

Adult zamioculcas can reach a height of up to 1 m.
In this case, the branches will fall apart under their own weight, and the zamioculcas will fall to the side, which can lead to the flower branches breaking. You can use a strong wire loop or a wooden one as a support.

Flower lighting requirements

Zamioculcas is one of those indoor flowers that do well in light shade.
Moreover, direct sunlight is contraindicated for it, because it will ruin the decorative appearance of the chic deciduous hat. A bush standing in the sun all day quickly loses its attractiveness. Its leaves become stained, turn yellow and lighten, burning out. At the same time, complete shade is not for Zamioculcas. There it will grow poorly, form weak nodules, and the branches will begin to stretch. A flower needs a golden mean - diffused lighting.

If all your windows face south, place the pot not on the windowsill, but on a table or stand by the window. A remote location and a curtain will protect it from the sun. On the northern window, Zamioculcas can develop normally only in the summer. In winter it will be dark there, which will cause the leaves to grow small.

Do not forget that in addition to lighting, the room should have a comfortable temperature. The dollar tree is characterized by a hidden period of dormancy, when the growth of the flower slows down, but the above-ground part does not die off.

For proper rest, it is necessary to ensure smooth fluctuations in temperature depending on the time of year:

  • in spring and summer – about 23°;
  • in winter – up to 18°C.

Zamioculcas transplant

The Zamioculcas flower, unpretentious in everyday care, requires special attention when transplanting. This is due to the characteristics of the plant’s root system, which is very voluminous and sensitive to mechanical stress. To successfully reboot your exotic guest, follow some helpful guidelines:

  • Having bought a zamioculum, give it the opportunity to adapt to new conditions and not disturb the flower for a couple of weeks. The only exceptions are plants imported from abroad. They need to be replanted immediately, because plants add harmful chemicals to the soil in order to preserve the flowers during long-term transportation.
  • Replant the plant in light, loose soil. You can loosen the soil by adding a small amount of fine expanded clay.
  • There should be drainage at the bottom of the pot (about 1/5 of the container), and holes drilled at the bottom to allow moisture to escape.
  • Zamioculcas should be moved rather than replanted to avoid damaging the plant's roots. Transfer the flower to a larger pot, ensuring the integrity of its original earthen lump.
  • The first watering of zamioculcas after transplantation is not carried out immediately, but after 2-3 days.

Young zamioculi are replanted approximately once a year, and adult plants need to be fed on average once every three years as their root system grows. This moment can be determined by the deformation of the walls of the plastic pot, which will be pressed by the regrown roots.

How often to replant

  • Zamik up to three years old can be replanted according to plan every spring, one adult - once every 2-4 years.
  • To understand that it’s time to collect a new pot for an adult flower, you need to look at its roots - if they appear from the drainage holes, it’s time to think about replanting.
  • This is done by the transfer method: you cannot shake off the soil with the roots, otherwise you can ruin the plant.
  • Let the roots protrude slightly from the ground. After transplanting, refrain from watering for 2 weeks.
  • An unscheduled transplant is necessary for zamioculcas after purchase, when the plant becomes cramped in pots or it has lost its beauty: the leaves turn yellow and begin to fall off, the flower withers.

How unpretentious is Zamioculcas?

The flower requires virtually no care, especially in winter. The less you pay attention to her during this time, the healthier and more beautiful she will grow up. During the cold season, you can safely go on vacation, leaving the plant without care even for a whole month.

Memo for beginners

Despite its flexible nature, zamioculcas needs proper care to prevent disease and death of the plant. Particular attention is paid to:

  • Providing bright diffused light;
  • Gradual adaptation of the plant to the new light regime after winter;
  • Proper watering without waterlogging the soil;
  • Regular spraying and wiping the leaf plates from dust;
  • Staying outdoors in the warm season;
  • Feed twice a month from April to September;
  • Protection from direct sunlight;
  • Correct choice of container and substrate;
  • Timely transplantation;
  • The presence of supports for the thick and fleshy leaves of the dollar tree.

Familiar requirements that do not require special efforts to fulfill. By following simple rules, you can grow an amazingly beautiful plant. Zamioculcas will repay attention to itself not only with luxurious leaves and original flowers, but also with a significant increase in income. Or maybe a little feminine happiness, contrary to the signs.


Zamioculchi rarely bloom inside. To do this, create optimal conditions for its care; one of the main ones is maintaining the temperature regime in winter. I hope the dollar tree makes you happy with its blossoms.

The inflorescence is not quite ordinary: it is an ear, similar to corn, white with a yellowish tint, bordered by a greenish blanket.

The bud protrudes from the base of the flower, from the ground itself, just like the leaves. From a botanical point of view, the structure of the flower is very interesting. The upper part of the spike consists only of male flowers, and the lower part - only of female flowers. In addition, they are separated by several rows of sterile flowers. It is clear that with this arrangement, self-pollination of Zamioculcas is impossible.

Where is the best place to place Zamioculcas, Feng Shui tips, video

Zamioculcas is one of the very attractive ornamental plants. Perhaps no other flower has such an original form. It has no stems, and the tall, fleshy shoots are not branches, but large petioles growing directly from the root (tuber). The dark, rich coloring of the dense, feathery leaves located along the petiole requires a special approach when growing a flower. Lighting is considered one of the main criteria for caring for a plant. Actually, it is responsible for the distinctive dark green color and for the development of the bush in general. Knowing where it is better to place zamioculcas, it will be easy not only to preserve its decorative effect, but also to obtain a lush bush.

Reproduction of Zamioculcas

Zamioculcas “female happiness” is easily propagated by various cuttings. For such purposes, any leaf is suitable, ranging from a small one to a whole pinnate compound or a fragment of a plant rhizome. The green stem is planted in a mixture of perlite, sand or peat and wet sand. In this case, it is important to check the sterility of the soil.

The future plant is placed in a humid greenhouse or covered with a transparent sealed cap. The place for the greenhouse should be warm and bright, it is possible to use artificial lighting. When propagating zamioculcas, it is recommended to use root formation stimulants, for example, zircon or root. The soil should be stable but moderately moist.

The growth process of tuberous rhizomes is quite long, can last from one to several months and largely depends on the size of the leaf taken for rooting. The larger the cut, the more fully the plant will develop.

Reproduction of Zamioculcas by leaves

Zamioculcas is an inexpensive plant; in the store it costs from 500 to 2000 rubles. So if you want to save money, you can grow it yourself.

How to grow a dollar tree from a leaf, also watch in this video:

Reproduction by dividing the bush

  • take the flower out of the vases;
  • free from the substrate and separate the roots, trying not to damage them;
  • cut off the damaged roots and treat the cut areas with activated carbon, ground into powder;
  • dry for 2-3 hours;
  • We plant individual plants in pots.

We leave new locks without watering for at least three days.

Propagation by leaf cuttings

Cut off a stem with two leaves and plant it lightly in the ground, then cover with soil where the outer part of the stem protrudes.

If we plant in recently unpacked soil from a bag, then there is no need to water it. If we plant it dry, lightly moisten it. A little!

Rest period

The dollar tree does not have a pronounced dormant period. It does not shed leaves and does not require a special room, it is simply watered less and not fed at all. Some specimens follow their own biological clock and begin to actively grow in winter, producing new leaves, so you need to focus on the plant itself and feed it at this time.

Dollar tree according to feng shui

Various kinds of talismans, amulets and amulets play a huge role in this teaching. To attract currency into your home, there is a dollar tree or zamioculcas.

How to plant a dollar tree according to Feng Shui?

According to Feng Shui, a dollar tree should be planted with your own hands. According to legend, the best results are obtained from its flower if it has been stolen. If you see this tree with friends, acquaintances, or at work, quietly tear off a shoot from it. Then plant it in the ground in a clay pot. Place some coins in the ground. When the flower grows and gets stronger, perform a ritual with it: tie a red ribbon to the plant. The effectiveness of this ritual is great.

A tree that attracts women's happiness

Sometimes the dollar tree is called “women’s happiness.” It is the zamioculcas that miraculously attracts luck in love to its owner. According to Feng Shui, the dollar tree is a symbol of the phallus. Indeed, during flowering the plant blooms in the form of a large cob. And the power of the tree will be fully revealed precisely during the flowering period.

Talisman attracting dollars

According to Feng Shui, the dollar tree has the power to attract currency into the home. Its qualities will be beneficially affected by dollars, which can be hung on branches as additional leaves. You can significantly increase the activity of Zamioculcas by watering with pre-charged water.

To charge, place a few cents in water for fifteen minutes. After watering, put the coins in your wallet and do not separate from it.

Dollar tree space

It is very important. The dollar tree should be located in the wealth sector - this will significantly enhance its properties. To correctly identify this sector, use the Bagua grid. The wealth zone is located in the southeast of the house.

But the dollar tree cannot be placed on a windowsill that receives direct sunlight, but it loves shade.

Talisman that gives good luck

According to Feng Shui, any tree attracts good luck to your home if you install it in the right place. However, Zamioculcas is a very strong plant, and the effect of its presence in the house can be unsurpassed. You need to carefully look after the tree and even talk to it, thanking it for your existing wealth.

Why can Zamioculcas hurt?

If you see that the tree is drooping, then perhaps you should expect some trouble because it is very sensitive to such things. In this case, make decisions with great caution and reconsider your behavior. Zamioculcas is very sensitive to lies and dishonesty.

This state of the plant may indicate a large amount of negative energy in the house. In this case, urgently do a general cleaning and throw away the trash.

Clean the house. For this you will need holy water, candles, prayers.

Watch your behavior - the dollar tree cannot tolerate scandals or insults.

When talking to a plant, say kind words to it. Sometimes Dollar Tree can ask for something. It fulfills wishes.

Perhaps the plant became sick due to poor care. We must learn to do it well.

How to give zamioculcas?

The effect of the dollar tree can be significantly enhanced. If you decide to sell its shoot, be aware: you cannot sell a pot with a new plant - this can negatively affect your main tree and even harm you.

This plant must be given with all your heart, then its effect and capabilities will be significantly enhanced. The person who gives the dollar tree receives much more than he gives.

Artificial Dollar Tree

In the teachings of Feng Shui, artificial zamioculcas is used. You can buy it in a store, but it’s better to make it yourself. Connect your imagination to its creation. The main thing is that it is advisable to use real coins, preferably from different countries, which will attract you and your family to travel. Each coin has a small hole cut into it and hangs it on the dollar tree. You can plant a small dragon on the top of the tree, which will increase the energy of the tree and its efficiency.


Pests and diseases

The plant can suffer from microbial and viral diseases, but rarely. This often happens when you over-clean your dollar tree. In this case, the process of rotting begins, and to avoid it, it is necessary to remove the zamioculcas from the pot and remove the damaged roots. Diseases can cause anacrosis, powdery mildew and sooty fungi, which are caused by pests such as aphids, whiteflies and mealybugs. To solve this problem, you must first get rid of the insects and then begin treatment. If a dollar tree's leaves turn yellow, this is not always an indication of disease. This happens during its active growth. Also, the yellow color may appear due to the nest of the plant.


The plant may be infested with pests if it has already begun to wilt. Most often, aphids attack diseased leaves. You can get rid of it only by using special pesticides.

If you notice that your dollar tree's leaves are turning pale and distorted, inspect the plant and begin pest control immediately.

Wilting foliage

Most often, such problems arise due to improper care of zamioculcas. Try changing the location of the plant, water or fertilizing.


It happens that dollar tree leaves fall due to the influence of mealybugs or mites. If you notice that dark spots and cobwebs have appeared on the surface of the plant, and the leaves have begun to fade, then most likely an insect has settled in the flower. Once you find a problem, clean all stems and leaves with a sponge and soapy water. To kill the larvae, spray the dollar tree with tobacco spray and rinse with water after 30 minutes. Specialized substances will help in a difficult fight.

Signs and superstitions

Folk signs and beliefs associated with Zamioculcas are very contradictory . The following negative qualities are attributed to him:

  • if a flower is kept in the house of an unmarried girl, then she will not marry;
  • You can’t buy this plant yourself, having given money for it, the woman is also giving away her happiness.

You cannot buy zamioculcas on your own, you can only receive it as a gift or give it as a gift

Zamioculcas is popularly called the “dollar tree” and “women’s happiness” for the following abilities:

    the plant attracts money and wealth into the house;

The sign says that Zamioculcas attracts dollars into the house

It is believed that if the zamioculcas blooms, which happens extremely rarely, then its owner will soon get married

There are special rituals for attracting money using zamioculcas. To do this, coins are buried in a flower pot, dollar bills rolled into a cone are tied to the leaves, water is infused on the coins for irrigation, etc.

To attract money using Zamioculcas you will need a real banknote

Video: ritual to attract finance

About precautions

Zamioculcas is a poisonous plant.

Therefore, he is not afraid of all kinds of parasites and parasites.

its juice and sprouts are unlikely to kill anyone, but they will cause a lot of trouble. Calcium oxolate contained in the plant is a fairly strong allergen for humans.

When working with Zamioculcas, certain precautions must be taken. This is especially true for the treatment of tubers when dividing for propagation. Quite large roots can splash their juice not only onto the hands of the unfortunate owner, but also onto the mucous membranes.

Cutting a leaf with drops of poisonous liquid

In addition, to wash, for example, your eyes from the poison of this plant, you need to spend enough time, since calcium oxide does not dissolve well in water. Therefore, when working with Zamioculcas, it is necessary to wear plastic protective gloves and goggles. Whether you're pruning branches or dividing tubers, you need to wear protective gloves.

Pets - cats and dogs - ignore Zamioculcas because their sense of smell suggests it is poisonous, but with birds the situation is a little more complicated.

It is not recommended to place a pot with zamioculcas in a room where parrots can fly. They may be attracted to succulent branches, and if the parrot eats the flesh of the plant, it may die.

a whimsical and unpretentious indoor plant. Despite its slow growth, it has taken a strong place in modern floristry. And its fantastic endurance and unpretentiousness allows it to be grown in almost any conditions. This plant can be used as a wonderful gift for an experienced or novice gardener, or even for a completely inexperienced person with indoor plants. Since the pot is of sufficient size, the plant only needs watering, so a person completely inexperienced in floriculture can take care of it.

Why is Zamioculcas called the dollar tree?

It is not known for certain why Zamioculcas began to be called the dollar tree. Some say that this name stuck by analogy with the money tree (crassula). This version is supported by the fact that the leaves of these plants are very similar.

The second origin of the name is related to the shape of the foliage. The leaves look like sparkling coins. In addition, some people associate the rich green color of Zamioculcas with the color of the American dollar.

ON A NOTE. Zamioculcas is sometimes called the flower of celibacy.

Possible mistakes during care

Here are some of the most common home care mistakes:

  • Excessive watering. Signs: The leaves turn yellow and gradually dry out. The roots and stem begin to rot. Replant, and immediately.
  • Insufficient lighting. The plant loses color, the branches become thin and elongated. The appearance deteriorates. Move to a more suitable and illuminated place.
  • Insufficient air humidity. This is especially important in winter when dry air comes from the hot coils. The tips of the leaves become dry and brittle. Mist frequently with persistent warm water or place the dollar tree pot in a tray filled with damp moss, expanded clay, pebbles, and shells, which are moistened from time to time.

Attention! If old leaves turn yellow, but young branches with green leaves appear, this is normal; cut off the old leaves.

Zamioculcas grows very slowly. Moreover, this does not depend on the conditions of its maintenance, the same thing happens in nature, this plant has such characteristics. Sometimes it can simply “freeze” for a while and not grow at all. There is no need to be afraid, nothing serious. If the zamioculcas looks healthy and there are no parasites, everything is fine.

Appearance and origin.

This plant came to our apartments from the countries of East Africa: o. Madagascar and Zanzibar. Under natural conditions, Zamioculcas grows in rocky areas and is often found in arid conditions. Therefore, the plant is able to store moisture in the fleshy roots, stems and leaves.

The main decorative effect is created by the leaves - glossy, dark green, erect, slightly pointed at the top. The leaves densely cover the short horizontal stem, creating a rosette effect. Zamioculcas can decorate the interior of our home. Follow the link and be interested in other indoor plants that are used for these purposes.

Only old plants bloom, forming a spadix at the base of the leaf containing small, inconspicuous flowers. The cob is surrounded by a green blanket and is hardly noticeable.

We have come to love Zamioculcas for its unusual appearance and ease of care, and even came up with its own nickname “dollar tree”. It really is somewhat reminiscent of the well-known “money tree” (Crassula). The truth is much larger and more massive. And you can learn about the “money tree” from my article about it by following the link.


Quite often, when growing zamioculca, questions arise.

Is Dollar Tree Poisonous or Not?

Like other plants of the araceae family, Zamioculcas is a poisonous plant. In this case, the poison is contained both in the stem and in the leaves of the flower.

Exposure to the venom may affect health with the following side effects:

  • skin burns;
  • allergic reactions;
  • intestinal disorders when plant juice enters the gastrointestinal tract;
  • blurred vision due to the deposition of poison on the mucous membrane of the eyes.

To prevent your health from deteriorating, follow the basic rules for handling flowers:

  • replant and trim leaves only while wearing gloves;
  • Always wash your hands after contact with zamioculcas;
  • do not start a dollar tree if there are allergies in the family, small children or pets;
  • do not place a vase of flowers in a child's room or bedroom.

Pollen on flowers can also cause allergies, so remove the plaque immediately when the first symptoms appear.

How often does it bloom?

At home, Zamioculcas blooms very rarely, and if it does bloom, it is already in adulthood.

To do this, it is necessary to create the most optimal conditions, but even in this case, very young plants most likely will not bloom.

However, as with any rule, there are exceptions, and for some gardeners who love their pets very much, zamioculcas can bloom at an early age.

Why do the leaves turn yellow?

If yellow leaves only appear on older branches and new ones remain bright and green, don't worry. The plant is simply going through a young growth phase. Otherwise, the plant is affected by unsuitable external conditions or pests.

What to do if a branch breaks off?

Carefully cut it at the base of the stem with a sharp knife and be sure to sprinkle the cut with activated carbon powder.

According to numerous data from the forums of amateur gardeners, the main reasons for failure when growing zamioculca at home are excessive watering, as well as non-compliance with the conditions of maintenance and care during the winter dormancy period, when the plant requires low air temperature combined with humidity.

Diseases and pests

The dollar tree is valued not only for its ability to influence the increase in material wealth, but for its endurance. Diseases and pest damage are rare occurrences. The main cause of diseases lies in mistakes made while caring for a succulent.

Problems and diseases

Yellowing of leaves accompanied by the absence of young shoots

The reason is drafts, unbalanced temperature conditions, improper watering, and pest damage. Methods of control: remove the flower from the container, remove the affected parts, treat with a solution of potassium permanganate or fungicide. Dry the treated roots. Plant in a new substrate.

Dark spots on leaf blades

Reasons: low air temperature, drafts, excessive watering, stagnation of moisture, infestation with scale insects. Control methods include regulating heat and water conditions, reducing watering, timely removal of water from pans, and pest control. If no rot is detected during inspection of the plant, then the tree is in good health, and the presence of spots is its biological feature.

Stem rot or stem rot

The reason is excessive watering with cold water at low air temperatures, heavy clay soil. Methods of control: remove the plant from the container, cut off the rotten parts of the stem, treat the plant completely with fungicide. Sprinkle the cut areas with activated carbon powder. Dry. Plant zamioculcas in a new container using fresh soil.

Drying of the plant

Reasons: natural aging, errors in care, mechanical damage. Natural aging causes the lower lobes of the leaves to dry out. Methods of control - a new plant obtained from a leaf plate or cuttings, eliminating errors in care.

List of pests

The thick, waxy skin of the leaves protects zamioculcas from pests. Rarely, but lesions do occur:

  • Spider mites that prefer dry indoor air. A white cobweb appears in the internodes, the leaves of the plant wither, turn yellow and crumble. Methods of control: wipe the leaves with a sponge soaked in a soapy solution and spray with a low concentration of tobacco infusion. After the procedure, rinse the tree with a warm shower. Severe infestations can be eliminated using insecticides.
  • Scale insects that moved to the dollar tree from infected plants. The leaves and stems of zamioculcas attacked by the scale insect become covered with dark spots. You should fight scale insects with a damp sponge and spraying with soapy water. In severe cases, an insecticide is used.
  • Aphids attacking leaves in the warm season outdoors. The leaves of an infected plant curl, lose color intensity, turn yellow and die. You can kill aphids with ready-made insect repellents.
  • Thrips that migrate from plant to plant. The leaves of a dollar tree infected with thrips become covered with silvery spots. The stems gradually become bent. The pest can be controlled using insecticides.
  • Mealybugs that prefer dry indoor air. Mealybugs are easy to spot. These are relatively large pests that feed on plant juices. Infection leads to stunted growth, deformation and loss of leaves, and the appearance of sooty fungi on the sugary, cotton-like secretions of pests. At the initial stage, mealybugs are removed with a sponge soaked in soapy water. An alcohol solution can be used for impregnation. If time is lost, you will have to use pesticides.

Zamioculcas – 140+ photos

If you want to know more about what Zamioculcas looks like, we suggest you look at the selection of photos on this page. This will help you better navigate when choosing a specific indoor plant in a flower shop or online catalog, and will also give you the opportunity to decide whether to use it in the design of a particular room.

Zamioculcas plants grow faster when multiple rhizomes are grown together. The most common methods of propagating zamioculcas plants are rhizome division or leaf cuttings. For such a plant, propagation indoors using seeds is a very labor-intensive process.

Looking at the photo of Zamioculcas, you can see that these are herbaceous plants growing from a succulent potato-shaped rhizome from 45 to 60 cm in height. They are generally evergreens, but can become deciduous in drought conditions.


Dollar tree according to feng shui

November 10, 2015
Various kinds of talismans, amulets and amulets play a huge role in this teaching. To attract currency into your home, there is a dollar tree or zamioculcas.

How to plant a dollar tree according to Feng Shui?

According to Feng Shui, a dollar tree should be planted with your own hands. According to legend, the best results are obtained from its flower if it has been stolen. If you see this tree with friends, acquaintances, or at work, quietly tear off a shoot from it. Then plant it in the ground in a clay pot. Place some coins in the ground. When the flower grows and gets stronger, perform a ritual with it: tie a red ribbon to the plant. The effectiveness of this ritual is great.

A tree that attracts women's happiness

Sometimes the dollar tree is called “women’s happiness.” It is the zamioculcas that miraculously attracts luck in love to its owner. According to Feng Shui, the dollar tree is a symbol of the phallus. Indeed, during flowering the plant blooms in the form of a large cob. And the power of the tree will be fully revealed precisely during the flowering period.

Talisman attracting dollars

According to Feng Shui, the dollar tree has the power to attract currency into the home. Its qualities will be beneficially affected by dollars, which can be hung on branches as additional leaves. You can significantly increase the activity of Zamioculcas by watering with pre-charged water. To charge, place a few cents in water for fifteen minutes. After watering, put the coins in your wallet and do not separate from it.

Dollar tree space

It is very important. The dollar tree should be located in the wealth sector - this will significantly enhance its properties. To correctly identify this sector, use the Bagua grid. The wealth zone is located in the southeast of the house. But the dollar tree cannot be placed on a windowsill that receives direct sunlight, but it loves shade.

Talisman that gives good luck

According to Feng Shui, any tree attracts good luck to your home if you install it in the right place. However, Zamioculcas is a very strong plant, and the effect of its presence in the house can be unsurpassed. You need to carefully look after the tree and even talk to it, thanking it for your existing wealth.

Why can Zamioculcas hurt?

If you see that the tree is drooping, then perhaps you should expect some trouble because it is very sensitive to such things. In this case, make decisions with great caution and reconsider your behavior. Zamioculcas is very sensitive to lies and dishonesty. This state of the plant may indicate a large amount of negative energy in the house. In this case, urgently do a general cleaning and throw away the trash. Clean the house. For this you will need holy water, candles, prayers. Watch your behavior - the dollar tree cannot tolerate scandals or insults. When talking to a plant, say kind words to it. Sometimes Dollar Tree can ask for something. It fulfills wishes.

Perhaps the plant became sick due to poor care. We must learn to do it well.

How to give zamioculcas?

The effect of the dollar tree can be significantly enhanced. If you decide to sell its shoot, be aware: you cannot sell a pot with a new plant - this can negatively affect your main tree and even harm you. This plant must be given with all your heart, then its effect and capabilities will be significantly enhanced. The person who gives the dollar tree receives much more than he gives.

Artificial Dollar Tree

In the teachings of Feng Shui, artificial zamioculcas is used. You can buy it in a store, but it’s better to make it yourself. Connect your imagination to its creation. The main thing is that it is advisable to use real coins, preferably from different countries, which will attract you and your family to travel. Each coin has a small hole cut into it and hangs it on the dollar tree. You can plant a small dragon on the top of the tree, which will increase the energy of the tree and its efficiency.

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Is it possible to give zamioculcas as a gift?

To activate the magical energy of zamioculcas, it would be good to give it as a gift. Although some, on the contrary, are sure that in return they should get at least a couple of coins.

A gift of zamioculcas is a wish for success, prosperity and financial well-being.

ON A NOTE. Fans of the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui believe that giving zamioculcas as a gift has a good effect on the aura. In this case, the energy of the dollar tree to attract wealth increases multiple times.

One small nuance. As mentioned above, there is a superstition that the dollar tree is a muzhegon. Of course, the sign is quite controversial, but some believe in it. Therefore, it is better to think about whether to give such a gift to a single girl or a woman in a relationship. So that in case of failure in love you do not become the culprit of a breakup or loneliness.

Is it good or bad to keep a dollar tree at home?

In general, Zamioculcas is considered a flower with a good aura. There are very few bad superstitions. And even those are quite controversial.

In addition to good energy, the dollar tree is very useful in everyday life. It purifies the air by removing toxins from it. The flower also has a good effect on sleep and overall emotional state. No wonder Zamioculcas often decorate cafes and coffee shops.

In addition, we must not forget about the decorative properties of this culture. Zamioculcas looks advantageous in almost any interior. Whether it is made in high-tech style or in soothing colors of the bedroom or living room.

Is a dollar tree in a pot a man?

Some people believe that the dollar tree is a real muzhik. Since the flower has a feminine aura, it does not tolerate other men at home.

Allegedly, the dollar tree causes discord in the couple and leads to the man leaving for another.

In fact, there is no evidence for this superstition, and the dollar tree can only “harm” those couples who are already not doing well in their relationship.

Most likely, this sign is due to the fact that Zamioculcas, unknowingly, can be mistaken for spathiphyllum, which is considered a strong muzhegon.

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