Decembrist fertilizer: what to feed it so that it starts to grow well and bloom?

Why do you need to feed a flower at home?

The use of root and foliar fertilizers ensures proper growth and abundant flowering of Schlumbergera. Against the background of a deficiency of nutrients, the speed of flower development slows down and it may die. To stimulate the process of laying flower buds, it is important to promptly fertilize the soil in which the crop grows.

Feeding the Decembrist at home will be required in the following cases:

  1. Poor flowering or lack of buds on the bushes. In this situation, it is reasonable to stimulate the culture with balanced fertilizers for the Decembrist, which contain phosphorus and potassium.
  2. Severe shedding of leaf segments. Flower growers recommend applying Decembrist fertilizer directly under the root system, and also spraying the green mass with a solution for epiphytic cacti.
  3. Transplanting a plant into new soil. Feeding is applied 5 weeks after the procedure.


Focusing on the condition of the zygocactus, gardeners decide whether to water or spray it with a special composition. However, in addition to this, basic recommendations for hydration, replanting, rest and lighting levels are required.


This period begins immediately after flowering, since the zygocactus is greatly depleted during the formation of buds. After this, the shoots of the plant where there were already buds are cut off. After this they place it closer to the sun. Before watering the soil, you should make sure that the soil is dry, since after flowering, moisture is consumed more slowly.

Interesting! Liquid consumption depends on the conditions and humidity level in which the plant is kept.


Decembrist is considered a rather unpretentious plant, but it is not worth placing it on the sunny side for a long time. Direct sunlight and shade are equally harmful to this zygocactus. Even during budding and abundant flowering, you should not place the pot in the sun for a long time. This is due to the fact that the plant only blooms in winter, so if there is excess light it will continue to grow leaves.

The time in the sun is gradually reduced starting in September, during which time the buds are already forming. If you do not take this into account and additionally turn on artificial light, then the Decembrist will not bloom at all.


The most moisture is required during flowering; during this period, the soil is checked for moisture every day. Also, watering depends on the air temperature in the room: when it is low, it is reduced, and when it is high, on the contrary, it is increased. Spraying is permissible during any period except flowering, since then the buds will fade in the sun.


The first time the plant is replanted immediately after purchase, and then the growth of the rhizome is monitored. As soon as it becomes crowded, gardeners look for a larger container. I move young shoots to new containers every year, and adult or old bushes once every 3-5 years.

This procedure is performed only as needed, since after each replanting the flower takes a long time to recover, sometimes its leaves and buds fall off. Select only slightly acidic soil; other peat is not suitable.

In order to apply fertilizers for the Decembrist on time and correctly, it is necessary to correctly determine the needs of the plant, and then choose the period and the appropriate dosage. If all this is taken into account, then there will be no problems with further flowering and growth of the bush.

What time to apply fertilizer

When determining the timing of fertilizing, it is worth taking into account the period of plant development. It is recommended to apply fertilizers for the Decembrist from the 20th of March to November. In spring and summer, it is advisable to use fertilizers that contain nitrogen. This fertilizer promotes the growth and strengthening of green mass.

How to feed Decembrist for abundant flowering? In the last week of October, you need to add a phosphorus-potassium preparation. Using this fertilizer allows you to achieve lush and long-lasting flowering.

In late autumn, buds begin to form. During this period, you can fertilize the soil in which the flower grows with diluted mullein, chicken or pigeon droppings, or wood ash.

When it is fertilized

Fertilizer for Decembrist is selected taking into account what stage of development the plant is at. There are several stages for this:

From March to October

Christmas tree growth usually occurs at this time. For spring, fertilizers with nitrogen are selected, so the plant grows greenery faster and strengthens the stem. At this stage, the zygocactus is periodically sprayed and also watered at the root. The last time it is fed is in October, since buds will appear in about a month.

From November to December

When the buds are already forming, the Decembrist is also additionally fed. During this period, ash or bird droppings are used.

Advice! After the plant has flowered, it should be left alone, because during this period it gains strength and recovers.

Since zagocactus has a very delicate rhizome, it is considered one of the most sensitive plants to store-bought fertilizers. In this regard, the concentration of ready-made mixtures is reduced by at least 2 times.

Thanks to the timely application of fertilizers, the flowering period of Decembrist at home increases by 2-3 times and ends only when Christmas arrives.

How to fertilize Decembrist for growth and flowering

The Christmas tree needs special feeding that is gentle on the root system, therefore, when using ready-made fertilizer for indoor flowers, the concentration should be reduced by 2 times.

But most often, home remedies are used to feed this plant and improve the composition of the soil. For example, you can feed the Christmas tree with aspirin. A crushed aspirin tablet is diluted in 1 liter of water. The resulting solution is used in the fall to moisten the soil.

Below we will tell you how to feed the Decembrist flower at home.

Boric acid

The recommended concentration of the product for spraying green mass is 0.1%. Using Decembrist fertilizer allows you to stimulate shoot growth. In addition, the use of boric acid helps to increase the number of buds. The plant is sprayed twice - during budding and during flowering.

Wood ash

Wood ash can be dissolved in water or added to the soil in dry form. To prepare the solution at home, dissolve 4 tbsp in 2 liters of water. l. wood ash. The components are mixed and infused for 4 hours. Potassium fertilizer for Decembrist is used during the budding period and in the first week of flowering.


Glucose is a source of energy and building material for plant cells. For better absorption of sugar fertilizer, it is recommended to apply it to the soil together with the Baikal M preparation. If you ignore this advice, the added sugar will cause mold to appear in the soil.

To prepare the solution, you will need to dissolve 4 tbsp in 2 liters of water. l. Sahara. It is necessary to feed the plant every month, except for the dormant period.

Bred mullein

Many flower growers are interested in what to fertilize the Decembrist plant so that it blooms? Experts recommend adding diluted mullein, pigeon or chicken droppings to the soil. Preparing the solution is quite simple. Mix 200 g of mullein or dung in 1 liter of water. Water the plant generously with the resulting liquid.

Hydrogen peroxide

By saturating the soil with oxygen, you can strengthen the root system and achieve long and lush flowering. To prepare the fertilizer, dilute 2 tbsp in 2 liters of water. l. hydrogen peroxide. The resulting solution is applied under the root system of the Decembrist every 10 days from April to November.

Apple infusion

To prepare an apple infusion for feeding the Decembrist, you need to cut several fresh sour apples into small slices and add water. The liquid is infused for 48 hours, after which it is used to water flowers from March to November.

Brewed tea

Using brewed tea allows you not only to increase the number of buds on Schlumbergera bushes, but also to achieve flowering even for those plants that have refused to bloom for many years. Preparing fertilizer is not difficult. You will need to brew black tea with boiling water and let it steep for about 60 minutes. After the specified period of time, you can use Decembrist fertilizer for flowering for watering (1-2 times a week).

Is it necessary to feed Decembrist

Does the Decembrist really need feeding? What happens if you don't apply fertilizer? Like other house flowers, Schlumbergera lives in a limited pot space, so the soil inevitably becomes depleted over time. With a lack of nutrients, the plant begins to develop worse, lags in growth, and stops blooming. Due to the fact that Decembrist is a succulent, it requires special fertilizers that will not harm the root system.

The stronger the plant, the more readily it will bloom. In the case of Decembrist, feeding is stopped only in the fall, some time before flowering. In September, the flower is given a period of rest, reducing watering and providing it with a cool room to maintain. The last feeding should occur in November, and already in December buds appear on the flower.

On a note! You cannot move the Decembrist plant from place to place, turn it the other side towards the light or touch it in any way from the moment the buds appear, otherwise the plant will drop them.

Signs of improper feeding

When deciding to feed the Christmas tree, you should take into account the needs of the plant in order to choose the right product and dosage. The following signs indicate improper feeding of the Decembrist:

  • the appearance of yellow spots on leaf blades - most often such a nuisance occurs against the background of an excess of phosphorus;
  • leaf burns, death of green mass, which signals excess boron;
  • the absence of flowering indicates a supersaturation of the soil with nitrogen.

Boric acid

Boron, which is part of boric acid, is very beneficial for plants. With its deficiency, the leaves become small and ovaries do not form. Therefore, boric acid is ideal for stimulating the formation of buds.

Dilute a nutrient solution from 10 g of powder (as much as in a bag) and 10 liters of water. But for one or even several colors this will be too much. For one time, it is enough to dilute boric acid in 1 liter of water on the tip of a knife - this is approximately 1 gram.

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It is important! Boric acid will not dissolve in cold water. First, dissolve the powder in a small amount of warm water, and then bring it to the desired volume. You need to stir thoroughly.

The resulting nutrient solution is sprayed onto the leaves. Use foliar fertilizing with boric acid no more than 2 times per season. It is recommended to feed the Decembrist plant with boric acid in November so that buds form on it by December.

General care recommendations

Experienced flower growers are happy to share recommendations for caring for Decembrist flowers with beginners.

  1. The Christmas tree prefers bright but diffuse lighting. On hot days, it is important to take care of shading the flower.
  2. The temperature in the room where the Schlumbergera pots are placed should not be allowed to drop significantly. If the temperature drops to + 5°C, the plants die.
  3. During flowering, it is necessary to move containers with Decembrist away from central heating.
  4. In the summer months, it is recommended to take Schlumbergera out into the garden, choosing shaded areas. In the fresh air, the flower grows most actively.
  5. In winter, the frequency of watering is reduced. It is not recommended to fertilize at this time.

Decembrist is an amazing plant that will delight you with abundant and bright flowering in the cold season. In order for the plant to grow healthy and the flowering period to last as long as possible, you should provide the bushes with proper care and take care of systematic feeding of the Decembrist at home. Using the recipes indicated in the article, even a novice gardener can cope with this task.

The best fertilizers for the Decembrist

There is snow and a blizzard outside the window, and flowers in a pot bloomed on the windowsill.
You will say that this is impossible, because in winter indoor plants are in a dormant period? Yes, most of them, but not all! Meet the Decembrist (popular name “Christmas tree”) - a unique plant that blooms buds in the cold season. But do not forget to use Decembrist fertilizer for flowering. After all, a deficiency of nutrients inhibits development, the Christmas tree does not bloom at the right time, the bush has a minimum number of buds, and the leaves fall off.

Read below about how and what to feed the Decembrist, how often and what fertilizers it is preferable to use.

Complex fertilizing

Those who do not want or cannot prepare organic fertilizer themselves can use store-bought products. For Decembrists, a complex mineral supplement, which is sold in liquid form, is suitable. The main component is NPK complex, small amounts of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.

It is necessary to dilute the nutrient infusion with water according to the instructions and water the plant.

Experienced gardeners recommend reducing the concentration by 1.5-2 times, since manufacturers often inflate the values ​​​​on the labels.

What other fertilizer can I use?

If in the summer the Decembrist was not fertilized with complex fertilizer and began to “fall asleep,” you can try to wake it up for the New Year or Christmas. To do this, the flower should be fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizer. Superphosphate is perfect as a phosphorus fertilizer. The best potash fertilizer in this case is potassium sulfate.

The plant must be fertilized according to the instructions on the packaging of the specific composition. But in this case, half the dose should be used. The fact is that Decembrist has a very delicate root system located close to the soil surface. Fertilizer that is too concentrated can burn the plant's roots. And this, in turn, will most likely lead to the death of the flower. Decembrist should be fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizer a couple of weeks before the New Year.

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