Flowers by zodiac sign: If you believe in horoscopes, what to give

The plants that surround us can influence our well-being and mood. To make choosing a gift easier, and for the buds to bring only positive emotions to the recipient, you can use a flower horoscope. In accordance with it, there are flowers that match the zodiac sign and have special energy. Knowing a person's date of birth, you will present him with a plant that brings good luck.


is a sign of communications and information transfer, a mobile and fickle sign, under the influence of Mercury. Plants and flowers with climbing shoots and a lush crown with many small leaves suit him.

People of this sign are recommended to have palm trees, ferns, ivies, tradescantia, asparagus, and others in their home. These plants will create a positive atmosphere in the house, purify the air and lift your spirits.

Ferns are suitable for all people who do not know a sense of proportion; they help to find harmony in everything and relieve extremes.

Ivies are indicated for those who want to get rid of complexes, put their emotional state in order, and are especially recommended for Geminis who cannot make decisions and take responsibility.

Asparagus is extremely necessary for Geminis, who are always in a hurry to get somewhere; it will relieve fussiness and create a calm atmosphere around them. It will help those people who talk a lot but do little.

Tradescantia will not allow negativity and envy to enter the house, and will also get rid of bad thoughts. Not suitable: croton and arrowroot, saxifrage and Kalanchoe.

Aries Plants

Garden geranium (with red and dark pink flowers), Indian and Japanese azalea (with red and pink flowers), royal begonia, dwarf pomegranate. Aries symbolizes a strong personality, helps to achieve personal success and strengthen character.

begonia has large, amazingly painted leaves. If you work with people, have a begonia plant in your work area. It neutralizes the negative energy that arises in disputes. Begonia is the best gift for an indecisive lover because it helps to take a step in the relationship. It imparts eloquence and can even reduce stuttering.

Begonia has an active and beneficial effect on the bronchi. Red begonia is good for those who like to receive guests. It will make gatherings more interesting and will not allow guests to interrupt each other. It will give speed and intelligence to a slow person.

Azalea, rhododendron, English rose are one of the most colorful indoor plants that bloom in winter. There are two types of azaleas grown at home: Japanese and Indian. If someone spends a long time on the phone, place an azalea nearby. She turns conversations into useful and informative ones. If you want to share household chores, let the azalea be present during the conversation. It will allow us to come to an agreement with each other. If you are a night owl and life forces you to get up early in the morning, place an azalea in your bedroom.

Azalea in the workplace will help those who tend to procrastinate for a long time before getting down to work. Azalea is useful for those who are afraid to take responsibility for a big undertaking. Azalea cleanses the atmosphere of the home.

Geranium has a calming effect, develops a sense of humor, relieves stress, and makes people kinder. Geranium acts as a fire engine. If heated debates often happen at home and you take everything that happens around you to heart, get a geranium. It will soften the energy of anger and help develop a sense of humor and improve your mood. Red geranium is a great helper for stress.

Persian cyclamen. © alison.klein


Virgos also belong to the earth element and are very fond of nature and flowers especially. The main character traits of Virgo are calmness, wisdom, and poise. These are creative people with a rich inner world.

Virgo, although an earth sign, is under the protection of Mercury, the planet of air. Therefore, Virgos are suitable for indoor plants such as various vines with aerial roots and powerful stems.

These can be syngonium, aucuba, aloe, monstera, dracaena reflexum, birch and others. Virgos prefer decorative plants, with variegated, carved leaves.

For the most part, Virgos are not attracted to flowering plants.

Syngonium is especially indicated for this zodiac sign, as it will allow you not to dwell on the past, accelerates thinking and the desire to learn something new, this flower will make Virgo easier to communicate with and help you relax.

All Virgo plants are very useful and have medicinal properties. For example, dracaena purifies the air, promotes the removal of toxins from the body and heals wounds. Thanks to the presence of this indoor flower in the house, your mood and state of mind improves.

Aucuba is able to soften Virgo’s character, her pickiness and pettiness. This flower will help get rid of complexes and shyness, which will promote harmonious communication and personal growth. It will also reveal their creative abilities and new talents.

Monstera will teach you how to structure your thinking. Conservative representatives of this sign will become softer and expand their perception of the world. The main criterion for choosing indoor plants for Virgos will be their ability to cleanse the room of negative energy. Virgo plants are useful to have in the house for developing intelligence and maintaining health. Not suitable for Virgos: bulbous and clivia cinnabar.


Capricorn is an earth sign under the auspices of Mars and Saturn, has a strong character and is inherently stubborn, but he skillfully hides this or uses it for his own purposes.

People of this sign are reserved, reasonable and unhurried. Capricorns are a sign of careerists and Saturn plants are suitable not only for them, but also for other signs who want to achieve personal growth and success in their careers. Representatives of this sign will prefer plants with straight stems and possibly with thorns.

Ideal indoor plants for them would be fragrant and dereme dracaenas, yuccas, crassulas, ficuses and other plants with dim flowers, straight stems, spines and pointed leaves.

Dracaena will clear the room of negativity, calm you down and help with back and joint pain. The presence of yucca ivory in the house will fill the room with business energy, reduce excessive emotionality and excitability, and help you believe in yourself and your strengths.

Silver Crassula removes negative energy, fills a person with confidence in the future, hard work and perseverance. Ficus gives a person the gift of eloquence, and exclusively to the point, without fluff or unnecessary words.


Scorpio is influenced by Mars and Pluto. Mystical and dangerous representatives of this sign have very strong energy, and not all representatives of the home flora will be able to endure this.

Flowers that can become a source of energy for Scorpios, inner peace and comfort, will become his talismans, and he will be happy to look after them and show care.

First of all, Scorpio flowers can be plants with thorns and thorns, cacti or poisonous plants such as oleander. Dracaena or dragon tree, echmea are also suitable for this sign.

Cacti are able to catch and extinguish negative outbursts of anger and rage of Scorpio. They help Scorpios think sensibly and not give in to outbursts of emotions.

Oleander will help get rid of bad habits and soften the cruelty of Scorpio. This flower is a talisman for Scorpio and helps create an atmosphere of understanding and harmony. Dracaena will give calm and peace of mind to aggressive Scorpio, help to withstand moments of uncertainty and teach empathy.

Aechmea is a mysterious and mysterious plant that will relieve you of fuss and remove aggression from space.

Hippeastrum, clivia, palm trees and citrus fruits are unfavorable flowers for Scorpio.


Aquarius is under the protection of Uranus and Saturn. This is a realist who lives in tomorrow. This is a sign of the future, a supporter of innovation and original ideas.

Aquarius plants are distinguished by their originality and stimulate people to find new solutions in all areas of life. If you want to learn how to act and think creatively, get one of the plants of this sign.

Dracaena Godsefa with silver leaves will surprise you with its originality and will help you take a fresh look at solving this or that issue, help eliminate contradictions and gain consistency.

Coleus will fill the space with positive energy and clear away negative vibrations, promote more pleasant communication and improve your mood.

Tricolor arrowroot will help those who have lost it find the meaning of life. It has a beneficial effect on people's health, protects against colds and hypothermia. In addition, arrowroot is associated with the vascular system of people and helps avoid the formation of blood clots.

Callistemon lemon yellow will allow you to relax and rest your soul. The energy of the plant is such that it contributes to the emergence of new vibrations, which are very necessary for creative individuals. Aquarians should not grow bulbous plants.

What bouquets should I give?

Each representative of the zodiac is suitable for a certain patron from the flower world.

  1. Aries

This zodiac sign, ruled by the hot planet Mars, will suit flowers of bright, fiery shades on tall stems, emphasizing the active and purposeful nature of the horoscope.

  • tiger lilies;
  • gladioli;
  • hydrangeas;
  • Red roses;
  • cornflowers or daisies (for women).
  1. Taurus

According to the Taurus zodiac sign, spectacular flowers are suitable, preferably expensive ones - in red or pink shades. This romantic sign will also be pleased with delicate spring flowers.

  • lilies of the valley;
  • snowdrops;
  • forget-me-nots;
  • pink roses;
  • dahlias;
  • daffodils;

  1. Twins

These horoscope representatives are suitable for cute bouquets with small flowers. They also love an abundance of greenery and leaves. They love wildflowers.

  • peonies;
  • jasmine;
  • ranunculus;
  • daisies and bells;
  • daisies;
  1. Cancer

The zodiac sign will like bouquets of light, bed colors. They love white and cream shades.

  • lilies of the valley;
  • lilac;
  • snowdrops;
  • white lilies;
  • tulips of delicate shades;
  1. a lion

Expensive noble flowers, especially bright colors, are suitable for this zodiac sign. Leos will like bouquets in yellow or red-pink colors.

  • tea roses;
  • sunflowers;
  • gladioli;
  • yellow chrysanthemums;
  • peonies.
  1. Virgo

They prefer neat and not too bright bouquets. Be sure to have a subtle, natural scent.

  • asters;
  • white lilies;
  • tea roses;
  • bells;
  • violets in a pot.
  1. Scales

Aesthetes and connoisseurs of beauty are born under this zodiac sign. They will be happy to receive a bouquet of delicate shades in an original design as a gift. They will also be delighted by unusual shades of familiar colors.

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  • cream or lilac roses;
  • hydrangeas;
  • chrysanthemums;
  • daffodils;
  • lilies;
  • daisies.
  1. Scorpion

This sign likes deep colors, such as dark red and purple. It’s good if flowers given to a Scorpio woman emphasize her sensual nature.

  • terry chrysanthemums;
  • dark red peonies;
  • burgundy or white roses;
  • tiger lilies;
  • irises.

  1. Sagittarius

Sagittarians prefer spectacular bouquets with tall stems and lush inflorescences. It is unlikely that they will like to receive one flower as a gift.

  • chrysanthemums;
  • freesia;
  • hyacinths;
  • hippeastrum;
  • women will like tulips and daffodils.
  1. Capricorn

It is preferable to give this zodiac sign bouquets that are not too bright. They do not like excess decorations, ribbons and the like.

  • gerberas;
  • dahlias;
  • tulips;
  • tiger lilies;
  • velvety carnations.
  1. Aquarius

Aquarians will be delighted with the original bouquets. The colors are not too bright and catchy. Better bedding or soft ones.

  • lilies of the valley;
  • daffodils;
  • strelitzia;
  • ranunculus;
  • orchids.
  1. Fish

This zodiac sign prefers lilac and white colors. The bouquet must be delicate and smell pleasant.

  • lilac, especially white;
  • gladioli;
  • white lilies;
  • ranunculus;
  • hyacinths;
  • chrysanthemums.

Indoor flowers of the Taurus sign

Uzambara violet
Taurus, the first earth sign, is under the auspices of Venus, the planet of beauty and love, has impeccable taste, and is endowed with natural strength and patience.

This is a stable and balanced nature, but sometimes he is prone to outbursts of anger. Representatives of this zodiac sign are strong, hardy, and to maintain these qualities, short, stocky and flowering indoor plants are suitable for them.

Taurus is able to spend a lot of time doing floriculture and caring for plants, especially if they bloom beautifully and smell delicious.

So, what flowers suit the zodiac sign Taurus? First of all, blue violets, this color calms him and directs his emotions in a peaceful direction. Pink violets are also suitable. Violets give their owners patience, calmness and a craving for beauty, comfort and harmony.

Taurus likes the colors of nature, greens and browns, which calm and relax him. Indoor plants with bright, red flowers will not suit them. Gloxinia neutralizes all negative energy and dissolves it. This amazing flower supports Taurus in their quest for material well-being.

Cyclamen is useful for people to improve their mood, composure and determination. Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that Taurus is best suited for: gloxinia, Uzambara violet, begonia, Kalanchoe, primrose, cyclamen and decorative foliage plants: myrtle, geogenanthus and groundsel.

Flowers for the Taurus zodiac sign are also suitable for those people who do not have balance, patience and do not know how to save money. All the flowers of the above-described representative of the earth element can be grown both at home and in the garden. In any case, they will maintain strength and health, attract good luck and stability to the house. Not suitable for Taurus: agave, calceolaria, decorative pepper and echmea.


Cancer, a representative of the water element, has a balanced, calm character, attached to the family and respecting family values ​​and traditions.

This sign is under the protection of the Moon. Plants of this sign are bushy, compact and have fleshy, succulent leaves and stems. They will help representatives of this sign improve family relationships and maintain their physical and mental condition.

These plants are useful for all zodiac signs, as talismans for happiness and well-being in the family. Cancers will be pleased with indoor flowers such as Kalanchoe, begonia, fuchsia, aloe and others.

For example, fuchsia will set Cancer up for positivity and help get rid of fears and doubts. Fuchsia vibrations will fill any home with clean energy and help representatives of different generations find a common language.

Aloe is the talisman of Cancers and must be present in the house. It will help you get rid of the desire to take on all the problems and hardships of the people around you, and help you free yourself from physical and mental wounds. Aloe will restore the biofield and mental balance.

Manson's begonia is good to have in the house for Cancer women. It will help them make the right choice in any area of ​​life, develop intuition and attract finance into the home. Peperomia bushy will teach Cancer to listen to the opinions of others and distract from disputes. Monstera, ficus and oleander are not suitable for Cancers.

a lion

Chinese rose
Leo is under the influence of the Sun and their flowers love light and are very demanding of care.

Leo flowers are bright and aristocratic, just like the representatives of this sign themselves. They will help Leos and Lionesses to be in a cheerful mood and have positive emotions. In addition, Leo plants will cleanse the energy of the house and improve the decor and atmosphere in it.

Suitable for Leos: Japanese camellia, calla lily, Chinese rose, gardenia, royal geranium, calceolaria, akalifa and others. Calla promotes happiness and peace in the home.

The Chinese rose improves the functioning of the heart, has positive energy and improves mental activity of a person; it is a flower of passion and emotions.

Calceolaria, for example, has the ability to attract love and recognition, which is very important for Leos and not only for them. Camellia helps fight laziness and inaction.

In general, Leos love beautiful and bright plants. Laurel, croton and arrowroot should be avoided.

Leo flowers are also shown to other signs to find true love and a sense of beauty.

Aries: cactus

You're not one to sweat the small stuff, Aries. You are known for your brashness and bold statements. For this reason, a cactus will be what you need to express the personality of your home. Cacti thrive in the desert, but many varieties will do well in your home. With a cactus, what you see is what you get. The zodiac sign strives for clarity in everything.

It’s great that they don’t require much watering or careful care. This echoes your tendency to quickly become fed up with monotony and neglect current projects in order to find something more exciting.

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