Popular types of indoor plants with red flowers

What are home grown white flowers with a red center called?

A houseplant with white and red flowers is called clerodendrum. The complex name of this plant translates as “tree of fate.” There is a Javanese legend associated with it that clerodendrum brings happiness. A distinctive feature of these plants are their unusual flowers that take the shape of a butterfly.

Clerodendrum Thomson

Thomson's clerodendrum is a woody vine with fast-growing shoots. This plant is a rare guest in Russian apartments. The most common variety was Prospero. It is distinguished not only by its flowers, but also by its leaves, which look like thick branches. The aroma of blooming clerodendrum has jasmine notes - for this feature the vine was nicknamed “nodding jasmine” by the Japanese.


Clerodendrum blooms in the summer season. The first flowers appear in June, and in September the plant begins to prepare for hibernation. But if we consider the Fragrant Clerodendrum, it is capable of blooming all year round with proper care. The aroma of the plant comes not only from the buds, but also from the leaves. The smell may vary depending on the variety.

The leaves of the vine reach a length of 20–30 centimeters. The shoots of the plant quickly become woody during the period of active growth.

Flower growers note the following features of clerodendrum:

  1. The shape of the bush is adjusted by pinching and pruning. The plant can be bush-like, ampelous or standard.
  2. The flower surprises with its unpretentiousness and endurance. During the dormant period, it does not freeze even at a temperature of twelve degrees.
  3. As the bush matures, it needs to be replanted less frequently. A young plant changes pots once a year. Mature - once every 3-4 years.


During the growing season, clerodendrum needs periodic watering. It is necessary to spray the plant with a spray bottle in the evening. The bushes tolerate soft, settled water well. The frequency of watering is determined by temperature conditions. On hot summer days, the vine needs frequent watering. At other times, hydration is reduced. To determine a flower’s need for moisture, just look at the soil.

Important. In order for the flower to be preserved over the winter, it must be protected from all heating devices. Despite hibernation, clerodendrum may suffer from excessive dry air. Overdrying the earthen clod will result in the death of the plant.

Flower growers begin to fertilize clerodendrum in the second half of April. To saturate the plant with microelements, two feedings per month are enough. Complex fertilizer for flowering indoor plants is used as fertilizing. During the hibernation months, the bush does not need fertilizers.

Clerodendrum requires periodic pruning to adjust growth. Two types of pruning are applied to the plant:

  1. Rejuvenating. During rejuvenation, weak and dried shoots are removed. Healthy stems are shortened by a third to stimulate growth. If you follow the pruning rules, the bushes will produce young, fast-growing shoots. Inflorescences will begin to actively form on these shoots.
  2. Formative. A dense crown is the key to the health and beauty of the plant. If a gardener wants to turn clerodendrum into a bush, in the spring he will need to greatly shorten the stems. To give a flower a stem shape, it must be removed from all shoots except one - the strongest. To form the crown, all upper stems are pinched.

Clerodendrum needs frequent soil renewal. It quickly absorbs all nutrients and depletes the substrate. Another reason for replanting is that the pot is cramped: if there is not enough space, the plant will wither. The transplant should coincide with the beginning of the growing season. If the grower plans to prune the bush, this task must be completed before replanting.

The bush is suitable for fertile soils with a slightly acidic reaction. You can buy the substrate at the store or prepare it yourself.

The following components will be needed for the soil mixture:

  • coarse sand;
  • peat;
  • clay and leafy soil.

Important. Before planting clerodendrum, the substrate must be disinfected. For these purposes, gardeners use ovens, ovens or microwaves.

When transplanting, the exact sequence of actions must be followed:

  1. A drainage layer 3 centimeters high is poured onto the bottom of the pot.
  2. The flower is lowered into the pot using the transfer method. During transplantation, you need to try not to damage the earthen ball.
  3. The voids in the pot are filled with prepared substrate.
  4. After compacting the earth, the bush is watered.

If the plant requires support, it is installed during transplantation. If you stick a stick into the soil mixture later, there is a risk of damaging the root system.

Vriesea splendens

Of the variety of species, not all are used as house plants, even though this is not a fancy plant and is easy to care for. Almost all representatives of the tropical flora of South and Central America are highly decorative. Most gardeners give their preference to Vriesia Brilliant or Beautiful. This plant has other names. For example, it can be seen on sale as Vriesea Splenriet or Vriesea Splendent. This is a perennial herbaceous plant with wide-lanceolate, monochromatic leaf blades, up to 80 cm long. Among flower growers, it is believed that this is the most suitable species for home cultivation. The leaves are most often solid dark green, but there are varieties with brown specks or longitudinal stripes, as shown in the photo below.

The peduncle of the brilliant vriesea is equal in length to the leaf blades. Closer to its top, small flowers are formed, collected in spike-shaped inflorescences. These are bright orange or red buds framed by yellow or scarlet bract petals. The leaf sheaths form a large rosette. In indoor floriculture, the species is considered highly decorative; due to the unusual structure of the inflorescence, it is also called “fire sword” or “tiger”.

Flowers with large leaves

Flowers that differ in the size of their leaves include:

  1. Anthurium. The leaves of this plant reach a length of 30 centimeters. Flowers with a yellow erect inflorescence and a bright red petal that resembles a sail. Anthuriums are light-loving flowers that do not get along with drafts and coolness.
  2. Spurge. Euphorbia leaves are dark green in color. Their length ranges from 10 to 15 centimeters. The deep red petals are shaped like the pointed leaves. This plant blooms during the winter months.
  3. Vallota. Wallot leaves are pointed and sword-shaped. They can reach half a meter in length. They come in a dark green shade, which turns into dark red towards the base. With proper care, the plant blooms twice a year.
  4. Clerodendrum. The leaves of the plant grow up to 30–35 centimeters and have the shape of a vine. The plant itself has become famous due to the unusual color of its flowers, which combines red and white.

Leaves, flowers and fruit

Vriesia leaves form a funnel, which has the properties of a tank. More precisely, it is formed by the sheaths of leaf plates; they form a container where accumulated moisture enters. This function is vital for perennials even at home. Some wild specimens have “cisterns” in funnels up to 5 liters. The leaf blade is dense to the touch, leathery, most often solid green. The leaf shape is xiphoid with a pointed tip. There are species with leaf blades of variegated color, with spots, stripes or with a marbled coating. You can also find simple or branched leaves. The plate can reach up to 80-100 cm, both in nature and in indoor flowers.

The flowers are small; they form in bracts and die quickly. The buds are covered with bract petals of green or other bright shade. The most common inflorescences are red, orange, deep yellow or white. Due to the slight similarity of not many species during the flowering period, due to the consonance of names, they are often confused with Freesia from the Iris family. The inflorescences are located on tall peduncles, equal in length to the leaves or from 50 to 90 cm. A spike of small flowers and bract petals reaches 15 cm.

After flowering, the indoor Vriesia flower quickly sets seeds. The fruit forms a capsule with tufted planting material. It remains viable for a long time, so it is often used for plant propagation.

Vriesea carinata

The second most popular indoor species is the keeled Vriesea carinata. The perennial epiphyte received this name due to the sharp keel of its xiphoid leaves. The species is considered dwarf, since in adulthood it reaches no more than 25 cm in height, not including the flower stalk. The leaves are bright green, rich in color, up to 20 cm long and up to 3 cm wide. The erect or drooping peduncle is not much longer than the leaf blades - up to 30 cm. It bears a spike-shaped inflorescence of pink or red buds with monochromatic bracts framed by an emerald border. The inflorescence is almost square in shape and reaches about 4-5 cm in length. Unlike the beautiful species, it blooms for a longer time.

Caring for the Vriesia houseplant

Caring for vriesia at home is not difficult at all. The epiphytic perennial is not capricious when grown as an indoor flower. But, there are some nuances, non-compliance with which can lead to the fact that the plant begins to wither and die. For this reason, let's try to answer the question often asked by inexperienced gardeners - how to care for a houseplant of Vriesea so that it pleases with its decorative appearance.

The tropical plant loves bright, diffused light, but exposure to direct sunlight leads to burns on the leaves (especially if it is a variegated species). In the summer, when placed on eastern and western windowsills, it is recommended to shade the perennial from the sun from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. If this is not done, then the plant may experience light shock and it will shed some of its leaves and will not bloom this season.

As for placement in the room, flower growers recommend places with an eastern or western orientation. On the southern side the plant will suffer from excess light, in the northern part - from its lack. To keep Vriesia at home, room temperature within +25..30 degrees is suitable. Too high rates injure the leaf plates. In the winter season, you can hibernate at a temperature of +18-22. A drop in mercury below 5 degrees Celsius is detrimental to bromeliads. The most important thing is that the root system does not overcool and the soil temperature is always within +18-22 degrees.

Proserpinaka palustris

Proserpinaka palustris is a stunningly beautiful plant with serrated orange-red leaves. When growing above water, the plant turns green.

Maintaining proserpinac is generally not difficult. This is a marsh plant, so it likes silted gravel. Medium to high lighting will do. The stronger the light and the more nutrients, especially nitrogen and phosphates, the more colorful the leaves will be.

The plant is small and grows slowly, suitable for foreground and middle ground decoration.

Popular varieties

VarietyLeaf color
Sonora WhiteIvory
Strawberry and creamPink-purple carved bracts
Polly PinkBright crimson
Winter RoseRed double bracts. Looks like a rose flower
Ice PunchThe middle is light pink and the edges are scarlet
Jingle BellsRed bracts with white speckles
Carousel Dark RedRich red
Silverstar MarbleThe bracts are soft pink in the center and light yellow at the edges.
Carousel PinkPink
GalacticaThe variety has the brightest leaf color. Scarlet red.
Cinnamon StarSubtle salmon shade

FOR REFERENCE: Many gardeners prefer to immediately buy poinsettia mix. It is highly decorative, and care is no different from other types

Reviews from gardeners

“I got my Guzmania right after the New Year - my friends presented it. The flower is luxurious and delighted me with its beauty for a very long time. Then, when it bloomed, I was even upset - but I saw a little baby! The transplant was successful, now I’m waiting for new flowering.”

Irina Valchenko, pensioner:

“An interesting flower from Guzmania reminds me of a pineapple. I wanted to buy yellow, I even specially ordered it, but it never arrived, so I chose the traditional red. I already had experience growing bromeliads, and therefore I did not place Guzmania on a south window - so that in the summer it would not get burned. Regular spraying, watering the rosette of leaves - and for several months now my flower has been pleasing with its inflorescence, although it has already faded a little.”

Valentina Vasilyeva, manager:

“The beautiful Guzmania is standing next to my desk - such a tropical corner among the grayness of the office. Its flowering has already been going on for two months and the mother plant has formed several children (which is rare). I’m preparing new containers - soon the children will have to be replanted, because Guzmania dies immediately after flowering.”

“I went into the store and fell in love with a bright fuchsia flower. It was difficult for the plant to take root in the apartment. I had to protect the pot from drafts and monitor watering and spraying. Unfortunately, it won’t be possible to wait for Guzmania to bloom again.”

Marina, owner of a large house:

“I was captivated by Guzmania, and I set a goal for myself: to achieve repeated flowering. I won’t lie, I had to work hard: wait for the shoots to get stronger, transplant them into a separate pot, and follow all the care recommendations. And a year later my Guzmania minor was blooming luxuriously again.”

“My experience of growing Guzmania began sadly: the first plant died. I grew the second bush, taking into account the mistakes of the past: I ensured high air temperature, ventilated it in bright sun, and regularly changed the water in the outlet. I am sure that now Guzmania has settled in my house for a long time.”

Amaryllis doesn't bloom

Often amateur gardeners complain that the amaryllis flower does not bloom. This behavior of the plant is associated with the following negative factors:

  • The bulb has not yet ripened and has not reached the required size.
  • The time to rest was too short.
  • During the growing season, the plant was in a hot microclimate.

It should also be understood that the number of inflorescences depends on the size of the bulb. When purchasing a bulb, it is worth checking its type. If the tuber is soft with dark spots, you should refuse to buy it.

Rotala makrandra

Rotala is a rather demanding heat-loving tropical aquarium plant. There are also several types of red rotal makrandra, but even the green rotal has a red stem and the leaves can take on a reddish tint.

Rotala is very famous, quite common and easy to obtain. Although it is a long-stemmed plant, it is often used for nano aquariums because it grows compactly.

In addition to the traditional red rotala macrandra, there are the following species: tiger, ratundifolia, green, green angustifolia, mini. All species prefer strong lighting, soft or medium-hard water, pH 6-7. The aquarium must have enough iron, nitrogen and phosphates. If there is insufficient nutrition, the rotala will grow poorly, the leaves will become pale, and eventually the plant may die. In strong lighting conditions, it is advisable to add additional CO2.

In an aquarium, rotala is often used to create a bright accent in the middle or background.

Cirrus roraima

Cirrus roraima or yarrow is a long-stemmed plant with many thin yellow-orange leaves. A well-known popular aquarium plant, amazingly beautiful. It can grow not only in an aquarium, but also on a windowsill.

Cirrus is quite unpretentious, suitable for beginners, and can be used to start an aquarium. The lighting is strong or moderate, the soil can be simply neutral, the water can be both hard and soft, acidic and alkaline, warm and very cold - this is an incredibly hardy species.

In an aquarium it is used to decorate the background; after cutting, many side shoots will appear.


Ammania is a colorful, popular, common, fairly large aquarium plant. Most often you can find Ammania gracilis and Senegalese on sale.

Ammania gracilis

A fairly undemanding plant that can grow in both moderate and strong light. It grows best in soft, slightly acidic water, but can adapt to other conditions. It is recommended to regularly add macro and micro elements to the water, as well as iron and CO2. With insufficient light or lack of nutrition, the leaves may turn pale and even green. The more nutrients, the more beautiful the plant will be.

Ammania sinegalese is more demanding - it needs strong lighting and good nutritious soil.

Ammania is often used to decorate the background and middle ground. Planted next to green plants to provide contrast.

Vriesea saundersii

Vriesea Sanders is another famous indoor flower with decorative leaves and long flowering. The sheaths of the leaf blades form a wide rosette. The leaves have a glossy surface and are slightly bent towards the bottom of the perennial. The species is represented by low plants up to 35-40 cm in height. The leaf blade of Vriesea saundersii is up to 35 cm long and up to 5 cm wide, and has a grayish coating. The back of the leaf is covered with brown or purple spots or specks (saturation depends on the quality of lighting; with light shock, the spots become brighter). The paniculate inflorescence is located on a peduncle up to 50 cm in length and is a spike up to 15 cm. The flowers are small, yellow in color, hidden behind the axils of the bract of a pale yellow (lemon) color. Flowering of this species can be observed from early October to December.

Some gardeners purchase an equally spectacular plant called Vriesia Mix - this is a hybrid of some species groups, which during flowering looks like a luxurious bouquet with crimson bract petals. Bright yellow small flowers are hidden in their axils.

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