Indoor flowers for women's happiness and love: 20 varieties with photos

Why is there more than one plant? It would seem that only one thing should have the strength and power to attract love! But no, the plant should not only attract love into the house, but also be to your heart, then mutual harmony will bring the joy of love to your home, and not the bitterness of loss. We present to you a list of 8 plants, where everyone can choose a related plant:

  1. Spathiphyllum
  2. Saintpaulia or home violet
  3. Anthurium
  4. Pomegranate
  5. Myrtle, myrtle tree
  6. Hibiscus
  7. Hoya Kerry, Hoya Heart, or Valentine
  8. Other plants: chrysanthemums, orchids


Almost everyone knows about spathiphyllum. This plant has long earned the title of “Women’s Happiness,” but it turns out that it is not suitable for everyone. Very often, girls and ladies who want to find love NEVER manage to make friends with this plant. It doesn’t seem to be capricious, but it doesn’t grow at home and that’s it, or it grows but doesn’t bloom. In general, one disorder. But don’t despair, it’s just that spathiphyllum is not suitable for everyone, you need to choose another plant.

We wish good luck to those who managed to make friends with spathiphyllum)

Spathiphyllum or Women's Happiness

Spathiphyllum requirements for cultivation

For active flowering, spathiphyllum is best placed on southern and eastern windows. In summer, moderate watering with spraying. From spring to autumn, fertilizing is necessary every 2-3 weeks. Spathiphyllum needs a loose substrate.

Flower care

Despite the fact that the indoor plant is considered unpretentious, it requires compliance with certain conditions, the list of which includes watering, lighting and a number of other factors affecting the health of the green pet.

Home care involves:

Abundant watering in spring and summer. At this time, the plant begins to bloom, it requires additional strength and energy. However, you should not get carried away with water to prevent the soil from becoming waterlogged. You can start watering only when the top layer of soil dries out. The water quality must be impeccable. As a rule, it is recommended to leave the filtered liquid for two to three days.

Scattered light. Hot rays can burn the leaves and injure the spathiphyllum. In winter, it is important to ensure that the plant is not deprived of light, so it is given a place on a southern windowsill, or nearby. Many gardeners install phytolamps or fluorescent lamps.

High humidity of the habitat. It is desirable that spraying from a spray bottle becomes a mandatory procedure, and that the pot has a tray. The water that will be released from it will support the plant and nourish it with the necessary moisture.

Maintaining temperature conditions. In spring and summer, thermometers should not fall below 18°C; in winter, stay within 16°C. If it is cooler, the bushes will begin to rot, and this can lead to the death of the indoor flower. Drafts have a detrimental effect on people from the tropics.

IMPORTANT: Drooping leaves indicate a lack of moisture, dark spots on the ground indicate its excess. Knowing how to water a flower correctly, you can avoid many problems.

Saintpaulia or home violet

And here is a plant from our grandmothers’ windowsills! It was not in vain that they grew it in their youth, oh, not in vain! We need to take an example from them and plant Saintpaulia in our window. Especially if it is in western, eastern or northwestern directions. Making friends with Saintpaulia is much easier than with spathiphyllum. This means that the energy from this friendship will only be positive.

Home violet or Saintpaulia

Requirements for growing homemade violets

From spring to autumn, Saintpaulia prefers bright, diffused light, and in winter - direct sunlight. North, east, west windows with winter temperatures of +17...+20°C are suitable.

It is recommended to water under a rosette of leaves or in a tray. You cannot spray. It is advisable to feed Saintpaulia every two weeks during the warm season.

Signs and superstitions regarding the flowers of happiness that are popular in our time

Since ancient times, flowers have been endowed with a certain meaning and certain signs and superstitions are associated with each of them. The most common and preserved to this day are the following:

  1. All house plants for family well-being are endowed with a certain power that must be used immediately after the wedding.
  2. A myrtle tree will help preserve love and harmony in the house. If the girl who raised it gives a twig from it to each guest, and puts it in a beautiful pot in the house, then the family will live happily ever after.
  3. Residents of the Solomon Islands, before setting foot in unknown territory, attached orchid leaves to their heads. It was believed that they would bring good luck and safety.
  4. Many people believe that hoyas bring happiness to the house, so this plant should definitely be in every family.
  5. There is a belief that it is strictly forbidden to give spathiphyllum to another person, since success and prosperity will go with it.

Indoor bride flower - what is the name of the plant?

There are also signs regarding the location of flower pots in different parts of the house.

For example, to achieve material well-being, it is recommended to place pots on the southeast side. To bring the meeting with your soulmate closer, a flowerpot with a flower is placed on the southwest side. You can achieve family well-being by placing an indoor flower of happiness in the east. To attract good luck, plants are placed on a windowsill located in the west.

This is interesting: today the teaching of Feng Shui is becoming widespread - many choose and arrange indoor flowers in accordance with this practice.


This is essentially the male version of spathiphyllum. Their influence is almost the same: only spathiphyllums are placed in the women's room, and anthuriums in the men's room.

Perhaps the combination of red Andre anthurium and white spathiphyllum is the most powerful love amulet.

Requirements for growing anthurium

Anthuriums are demanding of light, heat and air humidity. To place the anthurium, choose a south or west window. In summer, water abundantly, in winter moderately, but so that the lump of earth does not dry out completely. Anthuriums do not tolerate watering with water containing a lot of lime. When caring for old plants, the base of the trunks can be covered with sphagnum to maintain moisture. From March to September, the plants are fed 2 times a month.

Anthurium Andre with red flowers

And finally, the last of our list (may men forgive me!) is anthurium, or “male happiness.”

This flower comes in a variety of varieties. It does not tolerate direct sunlight, requires frequent spraying and is sensitive to high humidity (especially during growth). And what is very important - it is poisonous! (Our spathiphyllum next to it is an angel.)

But it gives men masculine strength. And all together - success and happiness in love.

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I have a close friend who has been unlucky in love for five years now. I learned that there are special indoor flowers that can attract love to their owners. I went shopping and bought a gorgeous Spathiphyllum for my friend.

The most amazing thing is that a month later my friend met her loved one, who proposed to her two months later! In this article I will tell you which indoor flowers bring love and happiness to their owners.


The entire pomegranate plant is filled with positive energy. Pomegranate is fertility, immortality, love and rebirth! It’s not easy to grow it at home, but if you succeed, you will never regret it.

Pomegranate flowering indoors

Requirements for growing pomegranate at home

In summer, it is better to keep pomegranate in a pot in the garden, in a sunny place, in winter indoors at a temperature of +2...+6 °C. Pomegranates tolerate temperatures down to –10 °C, so they can be put outside early. Regular watering; from spring to the end of August, the plant must be fed every two weeks. Before wintering, the plant is cut back heavily by one third. In winter, the soil should be dry.

Plant of love and happiness No. 3 – calathea

Source: Wikipedia.

This indoor plant is often found in city apartments and houses, but usually not because of its deep esoteric meaning, which few people know about, but because of its exotic beauty. The decorative foliage plant looks luxurious, its green foliage and bright flowers resemble the plumage of songbirds, because calathea came to us from tropical forests. It is believed that it helps to harmonize the relationship between a man and a woman. But bad luck - this houseplant is quite capricious for love, so it needs to be cherished and painstakingly cared for.

Myrtle, myrtle tree

The myrtle wreath is an ancient European symbol of love and fidelity. Thanks to this property, myrtle attracts not only love to its owner, but also true true friends. Myrtle helps strengthen connections between people, increases trust and enhances mutual affection.

Myrtle flowering in natural and indoor conditions

Myrtle requirements for growing at home

The myrtle tree, like the pomegranate tree, is usefully kept in the garden in the air in the summer, in winter - in rooms with bright but diffused lighting, the optimal temperature in winter is +10...+12 °C. Regular watering with spraying, drying out the earthen clod is not allowed, the soil should always be slightly moist. Feed with organic fertilizer once a month during the growing season.


This very cute and unusual shrub plant is popularly called the tree of love. And for good reason, since it is often given to newlyweds for strong and long-lasting love.

For an unmarried girl who will carefully look after the aichrison, it will help increase her attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex, and then her personal life is not far off. For a housewarming, it is aichrizon that is given as a gift for a peaceful and happy life.

It is rarely taller than 30 centimeters, and from a distance it resembles a small tree. It has small, fleshy, fluffy leaves. With proper care, yellow flowers resembling the sun bloom on it.

Occasionally the petals are red. It loves humidity very much, so it needs to be frequently sprayed and watered, but only with warm water.


Flower of young girls. It is as beautiful and hot as the young beautiful girls who decorate their hair with it in southern countries. Black hair, a red flower, an ocean of love ahead and gentle warm sand under your feet.

red hibiscus blooming

Hibiscus requirements for growing at home

Read the following link for the secrets of growing hibiscus>>>

Plant symbol of love and fidelity No. 5 – hibiscus

Source: Wikipedia.

Another plant of love and happiness that esotericists advise everyone who dreams of love to have in their home. “Chinese rose” looks incredibly impressive; with proper care, it blooms beautifully and for a long time. This homemade love plant is said to be especially good for couples who lack a spark. If passion has left your relationship with your beloved man (or never really came due to different temperaments), buy a hibiscus for home.

It also won’t hurt when it comes to sluggish relationships.

Hoya Kerry, Hoya Heart, or Valentine

Hoya Kerry is a cute gift for Valentine's Day. This is such a small sign of love and attention, but nothing more. Beautiful, cute, but only works for Valentine's Day). True, the plant itself may well decorate your room for a long time, just like a beautiful indoor flower.

Hoya Kerry or Valentine

Hoya requirements for growing at home

A bright room or window, protected from direct sunlight, is best suited for placing Hoya. Watering in summer is plentiful; the soil should be kept moist at all times. Rare in winter. Spray about once a week, in hot weather - daily. From April to September, feed once every 2 weeks.

Houseplant of happiness and love No. 6 – hoya

Source: Wikipedia.

Houseplants that climb don't have a very good reputation. Sometimes you can hear the opinion that they have no place in the house of an unmarried girl, or, indeed, in any other house. But you can’t lump everyone with the same brush, because, for example, Monstera really doesn’t have the best reputation. But “wax ivy” is even customary to give on February 14, Valentine’s Day, instead of a Valentine’s card. It is believed that if you place a houseplant in the bedroom, it will protect the family happiness of the couple.

Usambara violet

It can be found in almost every apartment. And for good reason, since it is considered a symbol of eternal and pure love. In addition, it fits perfectly into any interior, adding coziness to it. Thanks to the huge palette of colors, you can choose a violet so that it fits perfectly into the design of your home.

The violet looks like a very nice little bush with fleshy, slightly fluffy leaves, in the center of which small flowers almost always bloom.

She loves light very much and hates watering with cold tap water. The water should be settled and at room temperature. And you should always water at the root, otherwise drops of water can spoil the delicate leaves.

If you care for it properly and replant it every three years, it will not only attract the love of its owner, but will also protect her from family conflicts and financial problems. Unfortunately, if you quarrel often around her, she will wither, despite careful care, since she is very sensitive to negative atmosphere.

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