Bulbous perennial garden and indoor flowers photos, names

Bulbous flowers are considered one of the most attractive representatives of the flora. This group of plants is suitable for cultivation in the garden and at home, and early forcing. Flower growers value them for their unpretentious nature, but some varieties require special care. Bulbous flowers, photos and names of which you will learn from the article, will delight you in early spring immediately after the snow melts, give you lush blooms in summer and complement the autumn picture with bright colors. Indoor plants most often bloom in winter, breaking up the cloudy snow-white landscape. The article will tell you about the most popular bulbous crops and the nuances of their cultivation.

Bulbous flowers - general characteristics of crops

Bulbous crops are usually called representatives of the Amaryllis, Liliaceae, Iris, Onion, Hyacinthaceae families, as well as their subfamilies. These plants are united by the presence of an underground storage organ - a bulb. If we cut the bulb, we will see that it is a modified shoot growing underground. The flat stem forms the bottom, and the fleshy modified leaves form the scales.

The outer scales perform a protective function, protecting the onion from damage and fungus. The dense, fleshy scales of the inner layer serve to store nutrients that are necessary for wintering. Renewal buds (aerial shoots) and daughter bulbs develop from the axils of the modified leaves. Thus, the bulb serves not only as a storage facility, but also as an organ for vegetative propagation.

Know! According to the nature of development, annual and perennial bulbs are distinguished. The former are completely replaced by a new storage organ every year by the end of the growing season, the latter are renewed every few years.

Corms are an overgrown underground part of the stem, and therefore do not have characteristic storage scales. The nodule is covered on top with a layer of dead leaves, which also performs a protective function. There are several growth points at the top; babies are formed near the base, on top or on the side. Such underground “storages” are typical for gladioli, crocus, freesia, and colchicum.

Flower growers do not draw a clear line when classifying corms and bulbous plants into the same category, because the technology of growing and caring for them is not much different. Botanists believe that corm species occupy an intermediate position between bulbous and rhizomatous representatives of the flora.

Plants with underground “storage” can bloom in early spring, summer, autumn and even winter (at home), the duration of budding varies from several days to a month. Low-growing representatives of the flora will perfectly decorate an alpine hill, rock garden, or a prefabricated multi-tiered flower bed. Tall plants will become the center of the lawn composition, forming a bright spot against the background of greenery and shrubs. They are also good as a spectacular background for any flower bed.

Advice! Since most crops are ephemeral, they are used in group plantings so that bushes with later budding periods cover dying vegetation.

Perennial plants. Features of their use in summer cottages

Perennials are a variety of beautifully flowering plants, which also include decorative deciduous species. All of them are characterized by a long growth period; in other words, these plants can form a flower bed for several years, without the need for replanting or additional sowing.

Most perennials tolerate low temperatures well

Scope of application of perennials:

  • hanging panels;
  • volumetric compositions;
  • flower sculptures for garden decoration;
  • multi-tiered landscape objects.

Perennials can be used to create original flower arrangements

All green spaces belonging to this category can be used to design flower beds as the main background for other flowers or as a decorative addition. They differ in color, shape and height, so they can be an excellent complement to each other.

Why choose perennials

Gardeners prefer this type of plant to annual flowers for many good reasons.

Advantages of perennial plants:

  • The opportunity to create a beautiful flower bed that retains its attractiveness throughout the entire summer season.
  • Landscape design created with their help can be preserved for several years. This period depends on the grade of the flowerbed. At the same time, the gardener will not have to dig up plants, replant or re-sow the flower bed every year.
  • Most varieties are resistant to low temperatures, so a flower bed can overwinter well in the soil without additional protective agents. In the warm season, perennials bloom first, as they have an already formed and strong root system.
  • Growing decorative flower beds is accompanied by minimal costs. To preserve the beauty of flower beds, you do not need to purchase planting material every year.
  • A combination of different types of garden flowers will decorate your summer cottage

Garden bulbous perennials with different flowering periods

Garden representatives of various families that form the underground storage organ have many faces. The most common group are primroses, but there are species that bloom in summer and even autumn. Each flower differs from its counterparts in appearance and has some peculiarities of agricultural technology. Let's take a closer look at the species diversity of garden perennials.

Early spring bulbous flowers (primroses)

Primroses or ephemeroids are plants with a very short growing season. They bloom in early spring, pleasing the eye and attracting pollinators to the garden. After flowering, the leaves remain for some time, which help to store food reserves for wintering. When the leaves die, the vital functions inside the bulb do not stop. The underground organ is actively increasing its mass, laying flower stalks and forming children in order to once again please the gardener with bright colors next season.

The popularity of primroses is due to their unpretentious nature and winter hardiness. But certain species require special care and technology for storing bulbs. Among primroses, the following crops are especially popular:

  • snowdrop (galanthus);
  • anemone (anemone);
  • crocus (saffron);
  • Chionodoxa;
  • scilla (scylla);
  • iridodictum;
  • muscari;
  • Pushkinia

Galanthus is the earliest representative of primroses; its snow-white buds literally peek through from under the remnants of the snow cover. Snowdrop belongs to the Amaryllidaceae family, there are 18 species in the genus, about 250 hybrid forms have been bred.

Remember! This plant is strictly protected and is included in the Red Book. Spring bouquets are allowed to be sold only with a certificate of origin.

Perennial ephemeroid has a very short growing season. The bulb consists of three scales, the diameter of the head is 2-3 cm, the dormant period lasts 9 months. The bush forms 2-3 lanceolate leaves, appearing simultaneously with the buds. The surface of the plates is shiny or covered with a waxy coating. The flower is small, 1.5–3 cm long, and tolerates frost down to -10⁰C.

The corolla consists of two rows of petals - the three outer ones are snow-white, oval, and the three inner ones are wedge-shaped, with a green spot at the base. The aroma is attractive, but subtle. Inside the three-chambered box there are some seeds. The seed is equipped with an appendage and is carried by ants.

Galanthus easily propagates by seeds and children, and self-sows. The heads are planted in the fall in a well-lit, level place that prevents stagnation of water. Snowdrops are not afraid of temperature fluctuations and are frost-resistant. They need a loose nutritious substrate and require moisture in the spring. Potassium-phosphorus fertilizing is applied once before the leaf mass dies. Transplantation is carried out every 5-6 years.

Anemones - spring anemones are of botanical and hybrid origin. The simple structure of the corolla does not make the anemone less attractive. The fluffy center of the flower consists of many stamens and pistils. It is framed by simple oval petals, ranging from 5 to 20 or more pieces. The diameter of the corolla is 3-5 cm, in the crown anemone it is up to 8 cm. The flowers are simple or double, collected in a loose umbellate inflorescence. The height of the bushes is from 30-50 cm. The palette is very diverse.

Attention! Anemones are included in the ranunculaceae family; hand and eye protection is required when working. The juice causes serious burns and irritates mucous membranes.

Hybrid varieties have low winter hardiness and require reliable shelter. They grow well under the shade of trees and shrubs; they prefer a loose substrate rich in organic matter with a neutral environment. They do not tolerate excess moisture and are drought-resistant. Transplantation is carried out every 8-10 years, since the anemone does not tolerate it well. The curtain is prone to rapid growth; it is recommended to dig in a limiter made of slate or plastic.

Crocus is an indigenous inhabitant of Africa, the Caucasus, Central Asia and Europe. This tuber-bulb species belongs to the Iris family. The bulbs reach a diameter of 3 cm, forming a basal bunch of linear or lanceolate leaves. Often flowering begins before greenery appears. The corollas are large, funnel-shaped, and consist of 6 petals.

Color blue, light blue, lilac, snow-white, orange, yellow. The bright yellow or orange stigmas have long been used as a spice called saffron. The decorative period falls in early spring, but some varieties bloom in autumn. The decorative period lasts 2-3 weeks.

Bulbs of spring species are planted in the fall before the onset of frost. Nests are planted every 3 years. Planting depth is 2-3 times the height of the onion. The soil should be well structured and contain organic matter. The culture does not need special care. Choose a sunny site where melt water will not linger for a long time. Reproduction by children and seeds.

On a note! Crocuses are suitable for early forcing. In order for the primrose to open its corolla at a certain time, you need to count three months ago from this date, which will give you an approximate planting date.

Chionodoxa is called the snow beauty. The homeland of exotics is the mountainous regions of Turkey. The genus is included in the Prolesaceae family. Small bulbs produce two leaves 6-8 cm long and about 20 mm wide. The height of the bush is 8-20 cm, the peduncle is 10 cm long. The flower racemes contain 2-3 stars of blue pink or blue color with a sparkling snow-white center. Bud diameter up to 35 mm. The decorative period is 3-4 weeks.


Chionodoxes are located in open partial shade or in open sun. Curtains grow quickly and require replanting every 4-5 years. The crop is winter-hardy and drought-resistant, but during the flowering period it requires moderate watering and the application of potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. Loves loose nutrient substrates.

Scilla (Scylla) is a genus of herbaceous perennials from the Asparagus family. The genus includes about 90 species that can be found in meadows and mountain slopes of Africa, Asia, and Europe. Blue, pink, white or blue stars are collected in loose brushes. The image of the scylla is complemented by long stamens and few leaves. Ephemeroid prefers partial shade and good drainage.

Scilla is undemanding to care. In the fall, add a full mineral complex; in the spring, water if necessary. When planting, the soil is enriched with humus and compost. Scylla reproduces by self-sowing or by babies; nests are replanted every 5 years.

Advice! Scylla grows well under the shade of deciduous trees. In spring, they do not prevent the penetration of sunlight, and in summer they protect dormant bulbs from the heat.

Iridodictum is a rather rare guest of flower beds, native to Turkey, Iran, and the Caucasus. The genus is included in the iris family. Long lanceolate leaflets have 3-4 edges. The flowers resemble irises in appearance, the color ranges from white to purple, the aroma is delicate and refined. The buds appear before the development of the leaf mass.

It is undemanding to soil, drought-resistant, but often suffers from winter thaws, so it is recommended to mulch autumn plantings with peat. Iridodictum prefers open sunny areas. In regions with heavy summer rainfall, it is recommended to dig up the heads after entering the dormant period, and plant them in a permanent place in the fall. Can survive without transplantation for up to 5 years.

Muscari looks like a tiny hyacinth with small drooping bells. For this he was nicknamed mouse hyacinth. The name viper onion is also found. The bells are collected in dense brushes, the color of the corollas is blue, purple, white. The aroma is rich with notes of musk. The height of the bush is 10-30 cm, there are terry forms.

Winter hardiness and unpretentious nature have made muscari a favorite of gardeners. In the spring, add organic matter and ensure there is enough moisture in the soil. Muscari is picky about watering and loves the sun. Overwinters without shelter, replanting every 5 years. During the season, the bulb produces a lot of tiny babies, so next year the curtain will expand.

On a note! Due to its moisture-loving nature, muscari can be planted near an artificial reservoir. It is suitable for cultivation in balcony boxes and flower pots.

Pushkinia is a small-bulbous relative of scylla and hyacinth. The growth of the bush is 15-20 cm, the foliage is fleshy, rosette. The flowers are similar to scilla buds, but have a small crown near the throat. The color of the corollas is white or blue. The Hyacinth Pushkinia has star-shaped buds with a blue vein, while the Scilla has bell-shaped buds. The agricultural technology is similar to growing scylla, but in winter the plantings are mulched with peat to a height of 5 cm.

bulbous flowers photos and names Pushkinia

Late spring bulbous flowers photos and names

Following the ephemerals, the garden is filled with the bright colors of late-blooming spring perennials. They also stand out for their high decorative characteristics, but delight gardeners with longer flowering periods. Prominent representatives of this group include:

  • poultry farmer;
  • grouse;
  • tulip;
  • narcissus.

These representatives of the flora require special care; let’s take a closer look at the description and features of agricultural technology.

The poultry plant is native to the Mediterranean, Africa, and Asia. Belongs to the Hyacinth family. The height of the bush varies depending on the variety - short individuals are 20-30 cm tall, large representatives reach 80 cm.

The decorative period is 2-3 weeks, beginning at the end of May. Linear leaves are collected in basal rosettes and have a lighter vein in the center. They appear before the inflorescences, sometimes disappearing green under the snow. The corollas of small flowers look like stars. Inflorescences are loose racemes or corymbs. The snow-white or yellowish petals have a green vein on the outside. Botanical species and hybrid forms are used in culture.

The poultry plant is undemanding to the composition of the soil, but needs good drainage. Overwinters without shelter. In autumn or early spring, the bushes are fed with organic matter and minerals, trying to reduce the dose of nitrogen. Replant every 4-6 years, sunny or partial shade area.

Know! Poultry plant is suitable for cutting and will make a magnificent bouquet.

The hazel grouse is the real king of the flowerbed. Perennials differ in height and inflorescence structure. Large flowers are similar in shape to tulips, but are arranged in rows on the peduncle. The short checkerboard hazel grouse are beautiful with interesting colored buds, and their tall imperial relatives will become a real highlight of the garden.

The imperial hazel grouse looks like an outlandish palm tree with a long bare peduncle. At the top of the stem grows a bunch of lanceolate leaves and one or two rows of 6 bright buds of orange, yellow, and red. Umbrellas stay on the peduncle for up to 20-30 days.

The hazel grouse needs soft, rich soil, an area in light partial shade, where there is no stagnant water. Planting is carried out in the fall to a depth of 20 cm. A reliable shelter is organized for the winter. Hazel grouse are demanding when it comes to watering and fertilizing; the area must be mulched. Without transplantation, the exotic grows up to 4 years, propagates by children, dividing the bulb, and seeds.

Advice! The hazel grouse's storage organ emits an unpleasant garlic odor. Since rodents cannot stand the “fragrance,” the plant can be used to repel pests from other bulbous relatives.

The tulip is familiar to every gardener. This undemanding perennial plant has been decorating our gardens for a long time. Goblet-shaped flowers on long hollow peduncles come in the most unexpected colors. The double forms, parrot, peony, and lily flowers are magnificent. The variety of varieties will satisfy even the most demanding taste.

Choose a flat, well-lit area. The tulip does not tolerate acidic soils; take care to add dolomite flour or lime six months before planting. Enrich the soil with organic matter (humus, peat, compost). Planting dates depend on the climate zone and variety. The optimal time is mid-autumn.

Every year the bulbs are dug up after flowering and divided. They are kept until planting, gradually reducing the temperature of the storage to 9-10°C. This is done to lay a flower bud. Fertilizing is applied three times per season; watering is carried out when there is insufficient natural precipitation. Some varieties will require shelter for the winter.

Narcissus is a European guest from the Amaryllidaceae family. Breeders have given the world over 12 thousand varieties. Simple cultivars have a corolla of 6 petals that surrounds a small crown skirt in the center. The leaves are ribbon-shaped, of varying lengths. The size, degree of terry, petal color, peduncle height, budding period depend on the variety. The palette of petals and crown is white, yellow, peach, orange, pink. Daffodils bloom in late spring or early summer.

Attention! The handsome daffodil contains the poisonous alkaloid narcissin.

In the shade, the intensity of budding is lower, so a sunny place is preferable. Plant the heads so that they take root before the cold weather. After planting, moderate watering and covering with spruce branches are recommended. Daffodils are demanding when it comes to fertilizer - fertilize every 2 weeks. Watering should be done moderately; during budding, the daffodil needs more moisture. Replanting is carried out every 3-5 years. Reproduction by children, the seed method is used only for breeding purposes.

With summer flowering times

Specimens that bloom in summer are stunningly beautiful. Due to their high decorativeness and long-term budding, they can decorate any flower garden, mixed flowerbed, mixborder, or complement a group planting. Other annuals and perennials that bloom at the same time or closer to autumn will become good neighbors for summer-blooming individuals. Gardeners consider the most popular and beautiful representatives of this group to be:

  • montbretsia (croxomia);
  • garden lilies;
  • gabranthus;
  • galtonia.

Montbretia (croxomia) is a South African guest from the Iridaceae family. A large representative of the flora reaches a height of 60-150 cm. The foliage is dense, sword-shaped, up to 60 cm long. Racemose inflorescences contain up to 10 buds, reminiscent of tiny gladioli. The palette includes shades of scarlet, orange, yellow and white. The decorative period falls in the second half of summer and lasts 20-30 days.

Croxomia is photophilous and does not bloom in the shade. The soil should be loose, rich in humus, well drained. Corms are planted in early spring and stored in the cellar until planting at a temperature not exceeding 5-7°C. Irrigation is carried out once a week, fed every 10-14 days. In harsh climates, corms are dug up shortly before frost. Croxomia can grow without transplantation for 3 years.

Important! After digging, the children are not separated, otherwise they will dry out before spring.

Liliaceae from the Liliaceae family are the most frequent guests of summer flower beds. Funnel-shaped, bell-shaped large flowers of various colors will become a real decoration of the flower garden. The corolla consists of 6 elongated petals, which can open wide or bend strongly.

Long stamens with bright anthers give lilies a special charm. The palette includes various shades, often specks or stripes are visible on the surface of the petals. The diameter of the flower is 8-20 cm. The inflorescence bears many buds that open gradually. Lilies bloom for 25-40 days. The variety of hybrids allows you to create any garden composition.

Lilies are unpretentious; they love sunny areas or openwork partial shade. The site should be well lit, the soil should have a neutral environment, and be well fertilized. Lilies can be planted in spring or autumn; they are fertilized three times per season. Replanting is carried out once every 5 years, and for the winter they are well covered with mulch and spruce branches.

Gabranthus is a rain lily native to South America. Belongs to the Amaryllidaceae family. It has pink, white, orange or yellow flowers, similar to lilies. Diameter 7-10 cm, peduncle height 30 cm. Leaves are lush, linear. Gabranthus blooms intermittently throughout the summer. Agricultural technology is the same as for lilies. For the winter, the heads are dug up and stored in the basement.

Remember! When planting, the top of the bulb should rise above the ground.

Galtonia is a visitor from South Africa, called the African hyacinth. Succulent, belt-shaped leaves reach a meter in length, the height of the bush is 90-150 cm. The multi-flowered raceme up to 1 m long bears numerous bell-shaped flowers with a diameter of 3-6 cm. The petals are white or greenish, the aroma is rich and pleasant. Galtonia blooms profusely and for a long time at the end of summer, and is not afraid of frost.

Among the features of agricultural technology, a great need for moisture and the need for garter are noted. Otherwise, they are grown like lilies. For the winter, you can dig up the bulbs and store them in the basement or mulch the flowerbed (in warm regions).

With autumn flowering times

Autumn bulbous flowers, photos and names, will add bright notes to the flowerbed and remind you that after winter sleep, their fellow primroses will return again. They will dilute the autumn bouquet and cover the empty spaces in the garden left after the annual plantings. Flower growers preferred the following plants:

  • Colchicum;
  • cyclamen neapolitan;
  • gladiolus;
  • freesia.

Colchicum (colchicum) - looks very similar to crocus, but produces buds in the fall, often before snow falls. Funnel-shaped flowers of white, purple, blue shades reach a height of 20 cm. The leaves die off at the beginning of summer, it seems that the buds grow directly from the ground. The plant is poisonous; to work with it, you need to protect your skin and mucous membranes.

Cyclamen Neapolitan is a frost-resistant species with decorative kidney-shaped foliage covered with a network of silvery veins. They are very similar to the leathery leaves of begonia, sitting in a dense rosette on long petioles. The flower stalks are decorated with unusual buds. It looks like they are growing upside down. Most often, the color of the petals is pink, up to 6 cm long. The buds of Neapolitan cyclamen appear from late summer to late autumn, filling the garden with a floral-honey fragrance. The sap of the plant is poisonous.

Gladiolus. This slender beauty with tall flower stems is known to everyone. The spike-shaped inflorescence contains up to 10 flowers of various shades. The flowers resemble a small gramophone; they are simple, double, or fringed. The leaves are xiphoid. Decorative appearance begins at the end of summer and lasts up to 20 days. Gladioli are ideal for cutting and often become the main element of bouquets for first-graders.

Freesia (pictured) is a stately beauty with long, bright green leaves and funnel-shaped flowers. The bell span is 5-6 cm, the number in a one-sided inflorescence is 2-7. The height of the bush depends on the variety, on average about 60 cm. The palette includes various shades - pink, yellow, carmine, purple, scarlet, blue, orange. Often there is a speck of a contrasting color inside the pharynx. The aroma is rich, similar to the smell of lily of the valley.

On a note! Freesias are great for cutting and are used for early forcing and growing in greenhouses.

The listed plants are usually planted in the spring in a well-lit place with excellent drainage. The soil should be rich in humus and humus. Fertilizing is applied three times per season, avoiding an increased dose of nitrogen. Otherwise, flowering will be sparse, but the bush will begin to “fatten.”

Watering is moderate; during flowering, crops should be irrigated more often, avoiding stagnation of water. Freesia and gladiolus will require staking due to their tall, fragile stems. Their bulbs are dug up for the winter and stored in the basement. Cyclamen and colchicum winter well in open ground, but care should be taken to provide shelter.

Popular perennial flowers for the garden (list, photo)

A rich assortment of perennial flowers, oriented to cultivation in open ground conditions, allows you to select varieties for a specific climatic zone, taking into account the timing of flowering.


The genus Aquilegia belongs to the Buttercup family. Original buds of lilac, red, blue, yellow, and white shades adorn branched stems up to 70-80 cm high throughout the summer.

The plant is winter-hardy and can withstand relatively low temperatures (-30-36 °C). It grows well in lighted areas and in the shade, preferring loose soil.

Beautiful Aquilegia


The genus Alyssum belongs to the Brassica family. There is another official name for these plants - Alyssum. The oblong-lanceolate leaves of a low-growing perennial with semi-lignified stems are distinguished by a grayish tint due to the characteristic fluff. Four-petalled small flowers of yellow, white, pink, lilac tones, with a honey aroma, are united in brushes.

Early flowering alyssum is grown on decorative borders framing lawns, paths, and playgrounds. Adapts well to arid conditions, is frost-resistant, prefers light areas with loose, fertile soil.

Alyssum is an elegant perennial that is particularly hardy


The genus Anemone belongs to the extensive Ranunculaceae family. Several more generic names are known - Windmill, Anemone. Many spring-blooming perennials from 170 species of Anemones are cultivated in gardens and summer cottages.

Flowers of bright yellow, white, purple, red, blue, green shades develop solitary or in semi-umbrella inflorescences. Tubers are planted in a sunny area with fertile soil.

Anemones – their beauty is hard to resist


The genus Viola tricolor is known by different names. The most famous of them are tricolor violet, viola, and pansy. Simple tricolor inflorescences - frontal racemes - give the plant an original look.

The color of the upper petals of the corolla is dominated by a rich blue or purple color. There are varieties with white, yellow and even black coloring. The middle petals may match the overall color of the corolla or be yellow. The lower petal has a yellow or white color. When growing, it is taken into account that this plant requires a humid place, so you can place it in a lowland.

Pansies love attention and care


The genus Arabis or Rezuha is included in the Brassicaceae family. It belongs to a variety of unpretentious perennials, the flowering of which lasts from the last ten days of April until the autumn frosts.

This creeping plant with stems 25-35 cm long quickly takes over the territory, forming a dense green carpet strewn with pink, white or purple buds. Used to design wide borders and decorative terraces.

Arabis prefers breathable soil and light areas


The genus Astilbe belongs to the Saxifraga family. Astilbe blooms throughout almost the entire summer. Both carved leaves and lush inflorescences - panicles of lilac, red, white, purple small flowers - have decorative qualities.

The above-ground part of astilbe dies off by winter. It is recommended to cover the roots with spruce branches. The plant grows well in partial shade on fertile soil.

Astilbe grows quietly next to other plants


The genus Aster, consisting of almost 200 species, belongs to the Asteraceae family. Given its unpretentiousness, wide range of colors, long flowering, perennial species of this plant are often found in summer cottages.

To grow asters, choose a sunny place, but if necessary, you can place the flower bed in partial shade. Bushes need to be dug up and divided every 4-5 years.

Due to its bright color, the aster is often called the queen of flowers.


The genus Bergenia or Badan is included in the Saxifraga family. Evergreen perennials, reaching a height of 20-35 cm, are attractive with large, dark green, leathery leaves with a shiny surface, united in a rosette.

Unusual goblet-shaped buds of pink, red, white colors are collected in paniculate inflorescences with a dense structure. They appear in the second half of May. In landscape design, the unpretentious shade-tolerant bergenia is used to decorate ponds.

Bergenia is perfect for creating decorative lawns


The genus Vinca or Periwinkle belongs to the Kutrovaceae family. These unpretentious ground cover perennials with long flowering thrive both in sunny meadows and in the shade. They are made decorative by funnel-shaped large buds of blue, purple, snow-white, and pink shades.

Periwinkle blooms in spring. Once planted, it quickly creates a colorful, showy carpet. It is important to water the plants frequently and cover them for the winter.

Periwinkle often shows off in flower beds located in shady areas of the site; it is one of the few perennials that gets along well there


The genus Colchicum or Autumn (Colchicum) belongs to the Colchicum family. This flowering perennial herb reproduces by corms, from which short stems develop. Bisexual large flowers with a pleasant aroma are distinguished by an unusual funnel-shaped bell-shaped perianth.

Many varieties of colchicum bloom in the fall, but there are species that form pink, blue, white, purple, and yellow buds in early spring. This stage lasts 3-4 weeks.

Nowadays, Colchicum can be found in almost every garden.


The genus Brunnera belongs to the Borage family. These perennials, up to 40-55 cm high, begin to bloom in May. The plant is especially decorative due to its large variegated or green leaves and numerous blue or white buds.

Spectacular perennials feel comfortable in partial shade, so it is recommended to plant Brunnera near walls, under trees, next to fences.

Brunner will be grateful to you if you plant it in the shade of fruit trees or shrubs


The genus Ligulana or Buzulnik (Ligularia) belongs to the Asteraceae family. A number of perennials from 150 species are used for growing in summer cottages. The large, heart-shaped leaves of this plant are collected in a basal rosette. Orange or yellow flowers are united in inflorescences in the form of a panicle, brush, spike or shield.

Flowering begins in early summer. Its duration is about two months. Peduncles reach a height of 1.8-2.2 meters. Planted in moist areas with fertile soil.

Buzulnik gives the taste of summer, sun and warmth


The genus Lysimachia or Loosestrife belongs to the Primrose family. Some perennial winter-hardy species with straight or creeping stems and simple leaves are cultivated to decorate the area around a country house. Corymbose-paniculate or spike-paniculate inflorescences collected from pink, white or yellow flowers look impressive.

Loosestrife will require a sunny area. This plant grows well in moist soil. In hot weather it needs to be watered abundantly.

Loosestrife will delight you with its flowering all summer long


The genus Gazania is included in the Asteraceae family. These very beautiful drought-resistant plants as perennials are grown in areas with warm climates. They are distinguished by chamomile-shaped inflorescences, painted in juicy orange, white, lilac or yellow colors.

Flowering lasts throughout the summer season. Gazania is grown as a border decoration, in rock gardens, and in flowerpots. Select soil that is loose and without excessive moisture.

Gazania - a bright perennial for decorating the garden


The genus Hyacinthus of the Asparagus family includes three bulbous species, on the basis of which more than 300 varieties have been bred. The buds with perianths, representing a bell-shaped funnel, are united into a brush at the crown of the stem. They surprise with their rich color palette. You can find red, white, blue, yellow, and purple hyacinths with varying degrees of saturation. Varieties have been bred with variegated colors.

The shape of the flowers that bloom in spring can be either simple or double. To grow hyacinths, select an area with sandy loam soil that easily permeates moisture.

Hyacinths can be used to create beautiful compositions in a flower bed


The genus Gentiana or Gentian, consisting of almost 400 species, belongs to the Gentian family. This perennial with entire sessile leaves has flowers with a bell-shaped or funnel-shaped corolla that are colored predominantly in blue or purple shades, although white and yellow colors are also found.

Depending on the variety, flowering occurs in spring, summer or autumn. Low-growing gentian looks advantageous on alpine hills. Grows well in light shade.

Gentian can be used to decorate both the top and the bottom of an alpine hill


The genus Dicentra of the Poppy family is valued when decorating summer cottages for the original shape of its flowers, reminiscent of hearts. They are painted in white, yellow, red tones. Double or triple ternate leaf blades enhance the decorative effect of this spectacular perennial.

Possessing a powerful large rhizome, the plant withstands winter cold well. It begins to bloom in May. The buds decorate the dicentra for two months. Plant it in a sunny area with fertile soil or in partial shade.

Dicentra feels good near a pond or reservoir


The genus Iris or Cockerel, Iris family, has approximately 800 species, surprising in their variety of colors and shapes. The buds with a corolla-shaped tubular perianth can be combined into inflorescences or can be single.

Irises bloom from the second half of May until the end of June. It is advisable to grow these unpretentious perennials with high winter hardiness in elevated areas, as they die in marshy soil.

Irises are able to adapt to any soil, except very waterlogged


The genus Clematis or Clematis belongs to the Ranunculaceae family. Characteristic features of clematis include climbing or climbing stems like vines. Large flowers, which in some varieties form inflorescences, appear in the spring.

Select a site that is sunny with loose soil without stagnant moisture. In regions with a cold winter season, clematis require shelter.

Clematis is ideal for vertical gardening


The genus Crocus or Saffron belongs to the Iris family. In most varieties, bright single flowers with a long funnel-shaped perianth appear in early spring. There are varieties with buds developing in the fall. According to color, crocuses are divided into blue-flowered and yellow-flowered species, and albinos are also found.

For planting saffron bulbs, select places with light shade. This culture also develops well in sunny areas.

Crocuses will be one of the first to delight the eye with abundant and bright flowering


The genus Trollius or Swimsuit is part of the Ranunculaceae family. The plant has lobed or palmately divided leaf blades. The spherical flowers of a rich orange or yellow color, which appear in the second half of June, are especially decorative.

When cultivating, take into account that the swimsuit will need light shade and a sufficient amount of moisture.

The swimsuit is an unpretentious plant, which greatly simplifies the work of caring for it.

Lily of the valley

The monotypic genus Convallaria or Lily of the Valley belongs to the Asparagus family. Plants with leathery, elongated leaves are valued for their delicate appearance of white (sometimes pinkish) flowers with a characteristic pleasant aroma of bell-shaped flowers. They appear in the spring.

Since winter-hardy lilies of the valley have creeping, strong rhizomes, they quickly spread throughout the territory allocated to them. They can grow under trees and in open clearings.

Lily of the valley is a persistent and hardy harbinger of spring


The genus Hemerocallis or Daylily (Krasnodnev) of the Asphodelaceae family unites rhizomatous perennial plants with orange, yellow, reddish-brown, pink buds, each of which blooms mainly for one day. They are united into spreading decorative inflorescences.

For its unusual majestic color, daylily is often called the royal flower.


The genus Lupinus of the Legume family is represented by unpretentious perennials. They are valued for their bright spike-shaped inflorescences, painted in pink, snow-white, deep blue, and purple tones.

Lupines bloom twice a summer


The genus Pulmonaria or Lungwort belongs to the Borage family. The corolla of low spring plants is pink at the beginning of flowering, and then gradually acquires a blue tint.

The plant is unpretentious with developed roots. Magnificent honey plant.

Flowers of different shades may appear on one lungwort bush


The genus Narcissus of the Amaryllidaceae family unites more than a hundred species of early-flowering unpretentious perennials.

On plants with ribbon-shaped leaves, graceful buds with a funnel-shaped perianth look impressive.

There are many ways to decorate the local area, planting daffodils on the site is one of them


The genus Myosotis or Forget-me-not belongs to the Buranchikovy family. Plants that bloom at the end of May are attractive with soft blue shades of petals.

Graceful forget-me-nots grow magnificently not only on fertile, loose soil, but also on rocky areas.

Charming forget-me-not


The genus Leucanthemum or Leucanthemum of the Asteraceae family includes plants with inflorescences - a basket. Large frost-resistant daisies can decorate elevated sunny areas.

Niwberry, like chamomile, belongs to the Asteraceae family, which is why these flowers are so similar to each other


The genus Paeonia is the only one in the Peony family. Spreading bushes with lush greenery and magnificent, mostly double white, red, and pink buds look spectacular in gardens in June-July.

Peonies can grow without transplanting for 15-25 years in one area


The Puschkinia genus of the Asparagus family contains early spring bulbous flowers. A spectacular picture is presented by racemose inflorescences of bell-shaped white or pale blue buds against a background of dark green foliage.

Bulbs need to be dug up every 4-5 years. The children are separated and can be seated in a new place.

Pushkinia is one of the most beautiful plants belonging to the genus of perennials.


The genus Phlox belongs to the Sinyukhidae family. Tubular-funnel-shaped flowers, white, purple with a red or violet tint, collected in large inflorescences, favorably set off the elongated leaves.

Of the 85 species, 40 varieties with excellent decorative characteristics are cultivated.

If you want to create a real riot of color in your garden, then Phlox is exactly what you need.


The genus Hosta of the Asparagus family is valued for the high shade tolerance of its plants.

With sufficient watering, the crop forms leaves of various shapes and tall, reaching 90-105 cm, flower stalks with racemose inflorescences of purple or white bell-shaped buds.

Hosta is on the list of the most popular perennial flowers for the garden.

The list of beautifully flowering perennial plants is amazingly diverse. Some popular varieties are considered that can decorate summer cottages from early spring until pre-winter frosts with proper selection of varieties.

Author of the article: Lastovskaya Lyudmila Viktorovna

Tags: perennials

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Unpretentious bulbous plants for the garden and vegetable garden

Of the garden flowers listed above, not many require special care; almost all can be called unpretentious. If you already want to have a useful and undemanding flower, allium will come to the rescue, or, in common parlance, onion.

The perennial ornamental onion has many varieties, but they have not lost their external resemblance to their garden comrades. The leaves are long, hollow or flattened. The bright heads are painted in white, lilac, purple, and greenish shades. The inflorescence resembles a dandelion balloon. They care for the perennial in the same way as for ordinary onions - weed, moderately irrigate, mulch, and feed with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

Know! In addition to being highly decorative, chives are suitable for eating. Its lush greenery appears immediately after the snow melts.

Indoor flowering bulbous plants photos and names

Among the indoor bulbous flowers, you will come across both familiar corollas that resemble a lily, as well as completely unusual ones that look like exotic birds. There are quite a lot of bulbous crops cultivated at home; let’s look at brief descriptions of the most popular representatives of this group.

Oxalis is a tuber-bulbous species that will be an excellent decoration for the windowsill. The bush is compact, up to 20 cm high. The leaves are trifoliate or multi-lobed, sitting on a long petiole. Star flowers are most often pink, but can be white or yellow.

The flowers are simple, consisting of five petals. The leaves of some species are highly decorative and fold in bad weather. Oxalis bloom throughout the season, with few-flowered umbrella inflorescences. Oxalis tolerates shade easily and requires regular watering and fertilization once a month. Some species hibernate.

This is interesting! Oxalis tubers in Chile are eaten like potatoes. The culture refers to medicinal plants.

Hippeastrum is a tropical inhabitant of America. Hybrids will make excellent indoor “pets”; their color palette is wide. Peduncles up to 120 cm long appear from February to April. Gramophone flowers with a short tube reach 14-20 cm in diameter. The leaves are wide, belt-shaped, up to 60 cm long, 5-7 cm wide. The hippeastrum bulb produces one flower stem.

When growing, a dormant period is observed - the green mass is cut off, the pot is kept in a dark, dry place with a temperature of 10°C. Watering is stopped and no fertilizing is applied. Luxurious flowering is observed at a temperature of 20°C. The rest of the time, feed the hippeastrum once a decade, water it abundantly after the soil dries out. Replant every 3 years, leaving a third of the bulb above the ground surface.

Eucomis crested is a popular indoor species that blooms in mid-summer. The bush consists of a large number of wide shiny leaves. The flower stems stretch 80-100 cm, the inflorescence up to 30 cm long resembles a pineapple, since it ends at the top with a thick cap of wide lanceolate leaves. Petals are white, greenish, pale purple. Small stars consist of 6 petals.

Eucomis love bright light, but require shading in hot weather. The crop requires high air humidity, spraying is undesirable, moderate irrigation, feeding 2 times a month. After the “pineapple” wilts, the exotic plant prepares for a period of dormancy.

Important! During hibernation, maintain a temperature background of 12°C. Higher temperatures result in missing pineapples or deformed flower stems.

Krinum reaches a height of 30-80 cm, has large bulbs (up to 20 cm in diameter). Long flower stems are decorated with large fragrant flowers with a diameter of 15-20 cm. The foliage mass is lush, belt-like, up to 1.5 m long. Crinums are similar to lilies, prefer to grow on eastern or western windows. Flowering occurs at sunset in summer, budding lasts 30-40 days. They are cared for like amaryllis or hippeastrum, being sure to maintain a cool winter.

Eucharis is an Amazonian lily that blooms in August-September, but can expel flower stalks 2-3 times a year. Each episode of budding is followed by a period of rest lasting a month. The culture has 2-5 wide lanceolate leaves, which sit on long, strong petioles. The length of the plate is 55 cm, the width is 2 times less.

Large snow-white flowers, similar to daffodils, crown the head of a flower stem 80 cm long. The umbrella bears from 3 to 10 buds, emitting a pleasant aroma. Eucharis is unpretentious, care for it like other indoor bulbous plants. Can overwinter without a rest period.

Zephyranthes is known to flower growers as an upstart. It received this name for the rapid ejection of flower arrows bearing a single flower, similar to a small lily. The range of colors includes shades of pink, white, and yellow.

The leaves are linear, flat or hollow inside, length 20-30 cm. Arrow up to 30 cm long, flower diameter up to 10 cm. Zephyranthes will delight you with a bouquet in winter, budding lasts 1-2 months. Unpretentious, light-loving, require annual transplantation with separation of children (before the dormant period).

Know! Marshmallow bulbs are not afraid of drought, pests, and contain a number of alkaloids. Use protective measures when working.

Amaryllis is a South African exotic whose closest relative is hippeastrum. Therefore, it is cared for in the same way. Amaryllis bloom in the spring, when the leaf mass has not yet developed after hibernation.

The bulb produces a peduncle 50-60 cm long, bearing 2-6 large funnel-shaped flowers. The diameter of the corolla is up to 12 cm, the color ranges from white to crimson, there are terry and striped cultivars. Narrow, belt-shaped leaves half a meter long are arranged in two rows. Homemade amaryllis needs annual replanting and does not tolerate sudden temperature changes.

Hemanthus is a very interesting representative of the Amaryllidaceae family. The bush has few leaves; they look like the green mass of hyacinth, but are bent outward and covered with hairs. Height is 20 cm, the flower arrow bears an inflorescence similar to the fluffy heads of a flowering onion.

It consists of a large number of stamens equipped with yellow anthers. The white-flowered hemanthus leaves for the winter along with the greenery. Fluffy inflorescences appear in summer or early autumn. During the rest period, the temperature is reduced to 10-12°C. The rest of the time, they are cared for like other representatives of the amaryllis family.

Attention! Organic-based fertilizers are contraindicated for Hemanthus. Use mineral fertilizer with a reduced dose of nitrogen, apply once every 2-3 weeks during the active growing season.

Catalog of perennial flowers for the garden: photos with the names of the most popular plants

The photos with names posted in the catalog of perennial flowers for the garden can be considered as a kind of guide to the world of gardening and landscape design. Since there is a lot of seed material on the market, it is worth considering the most popular varieties, which can be grown not only by professionals, but also by beginning gardeners.

Watering is an essential component of caring for garden plants.

Alyssum: photo, planting and caring for flower beds

Alyssum is suitable for dry areas. It is able to withstand not only drought conditions, but also shows resistance to low temperatures. The plant takes root in any soil. There is no need for complex care measures.

Scope of application:

  • landscape objects;
  • rock gardens;
  • curbs;
  • compositions requiring ground cover addition.
  • Alyssum has fragrant flowers and rich colors. Planting is carried out on light soil with high fertility. The plant needs sun, and is combined with elements such as slab-paved fences, paths, and rocky crevices. Alyssum requires moderate watering and increased nutrition at the first stage of development.

    Alyssum is an unpretentious flower that takes root in dry soil.

    Anemones: planting and care, photo of flowers

    This type of plant belongs to the genus Vetrenits. Photos of anemone flowers show purple, blue and bright red hues. In harsh areas, the plant is grown as an annual. The diameter of the flowers is 70-80 mm.

    Planting and caring for anemones is quite simple. Tubers are planted in moderately fertile soil in a sunny place to a depth of 5 cm. The soil must be breathable. In infertile soil, the plant will need feeding. It is better if it is a complex mineral fertilizer, which should be added to the soil twice during the summer.

    Bright anemone flowers will decorate any flower bed

    Pansies: planting and care, photo

    Pansies are on the list of the most popular plants. Their second name is viola. The perennial is characterized by a huge number of colors:

    • snow-white;
    • yellow;
    • blue;
    • with red spots;
    • black.

    A sunny place and moist loam with a high level of fertility are optimal conditions for planting; they will increase flowering time. Planting in lowlands where liquid stagnates is best avoided. The plant requires frequent feeding; superphosphate and ammonium nitrate are suitable for these purposes. The use of fresh manure should be avoided.

    In order to extend the flowering period, areas that have bloomed and seed boxes are removed. Otherwise, seed ripening will take a lot of energy from the plant.

    Pansies have bright colorful colors

    Astilbe: planting in open ground and caring for the plant

    Many owners of suburban areas are attracted by beautiful photos of astilbe. Planting and caring for this plant may vary, as the perennial has several varieties that can be dwarf, short, medium or tall.

    The plant is crowned with inflorescences in the form of panicles of various colors. In matters of planting and care, astilbe has the following requirements:

    • penumbra;
    • soil rich in humus;
    • watering on a regular basis (afraid of overheating of the roots);
    • removal of peduncles after the end of the flowering period.

    Astilbe takes root well both in the sun and in a shaded area

    Asters: planting and care in open ground

    In the photo, aster flowers look spectacular, and this is not surprising. This perennial is considered the dominant plant of all that can be found in the autumn garden. Aster is characterized by abundant flowering until the onset of the first frost.

    The palette of shades is diverse: dark purple, white, delicate lilac, light violet, rich pink.

    Care and planting requirements:

    • placement area – weak partial shade or sunny area;
    • light soils with good water permeability;
    • fertilizers of organic and mineral origin;
    • abundant watering;
    • dividing bushes and replanting every five years.

    The scope of application extends to the design of the edges of flower beds and paths. Plants can play the role of borders and carpet flower beds.

    Aster flowers can have a wide variety of shades

    Bergenia: planting in open ground and caring for perennials

    Bergenia leaves have a shiny surface and are round in shape, and its flowers are pink. The plant is characterized by good development on fertile soils. It is recommended to place bergenia in slightly shaded areas. Lack of sunlight can delay the flowering period and affect the beauty. Poor soils can also become the basis for plant growth. Thanks to regular feeding, the perennial is able to form rosettes.

    Scope of application:

    • group type flower beds;
    • rocky areas of the garden;
    • ridges and borders.

    Bergenia will take root well on a rocky area or alpine hill

    Periwinkle: planting in open ground and caring for the plant

    Periwinkle belongs to the climbing and creeping species of ground cover type plants. It has the ability to quickly grow in breadth. The leaves of this perennial have a leathery texture covered with gloss. In most cases they are dark or light green. In rare cases, the leaves are covered with spots of gold or cream shades.

    The plant quickly forms a root system and prefers partial shade conditions. The soil can be almost any kind. The only condition for normal development is the absence of drying out. Watering should be done on a regular basis. It is recommended to trim plants. In harsh winter conditions, protection in the form of covering material is required. A good neighborhood would be: scillas, primroses, hyacinths and heucheras.

    Periwinkle shoots spread along the ground and grow in breadth

    Colchicum: photo and features of the plant

    Colchicum bears some resemblance to crocuses. The second name of the plant is colchicum. It is very easy to distinguish a perennial from a crocus. Just look at the flowers, which in this case are much larger and have a very pleasant aroma. One bulb can simultaneously form up to four beautiful flowers.

    The flowering period is about three weeks. Pollinated flowers immediately wither, but subsequently survive wintering well under the snow. In terms of soil and care, the plant is unpretentious. The same goes for growing conditions, which may include plenty of sun or shade.

    It is recommended to plant colchicums on alpine hills. Flower beds with continuous flowering, even ordinary flower beds, are also suitable.

    Colchicum (colchicum) looks like crocus flowers

    Buzulnik: photos and specifics of this perennial

    The large leaves of buzulnik and its unusual color attract summer residents. The perennial is valued for its abundant flowering over a long period of time and its absolute unpretentiousness. Optimal conditions for plant development can be created with equal success by both a shade and a sunny area.

    Planting in soils with sufficient levels of nutrients and moisture is recommended. Watering is carried out as needed. The period for applying fertilizers of organic and mineral origin is in spring and early summer. In the fall, peat mulching is carried out and perennials are cut almost to the root zone. There is no need for shelter for the winter.

    Bright yellow buzulnik inflorescences will decorate a summer cottage

    Loosestrife: photo, planting and caring for the plant

    Summer residents call loosestrife lysimachia. This perennial can appear as an erect plant or creeping shoots. Colorful photos of loosestrife clearly reflect how impressive a flowerbed on a personal plot with these yellow or red flowers can look. Some of them can be used for medicinal purposes.

    Most plants of this species prefer abundant sunlight; only some varieties feel better in a shaded place.

    Care requirements:

    • wet soil;
    • abundant watering on a regular basis;
    • fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizers twice a month.

    The plant tolerates cold well and does not require the use of covering material.

    Loosestrife (lysimachia) may have red or yellow inflorescences

    Gazania: planting and care, photos of perennials

    Gazania (or gatsania) is a summer-blooming plant with a wide range of colors. For this reason, landscape designers called it the South African daisy.

    Due to its unpretentiousness, gatsaniya can be grown:

    • in flowerpots;
    • in rock gardens;
    • in boxes on the balcony;
    • as a border design.

    For normal development, it requires a lot of sun and open areas. The soil components should be turf mixed with sand. Stagnation of water is extremely undesirable. Even in dry weather conditions, the perennial needs moderate watering.

    Gardeners call gazania the South African daisy.

    Hyacinths: planting in open ground and caring for perennials

    Planting hyacinths and caring for them primarily comes down to the use of fertilizers. To obtain large and full flowers, dry fertilizer is used, which is introduced into the soil immediately after the first shoots appear and the first loosening of the soil is done.

    The second application of fertilizer is done during the period when the buds have formed. This time the fertilizer is supplied to the root in liquid form. The third time, replenishment is carried out after the hyacinths have bloomed. This type of plant has special watering requirements. Before the bulbs take root, do not allow the soil to dry out. The soil should remain moist. During the remaining period, when the sprouts are already visible, the watering procedure should be carried out on a regular basis, especially in dry weather.

    The first time after planting, hyacinths must be watered abundantly.

    Perennial gypsophila: planting, care, photos and plant features

    Gypsophila has the appearance of a flowering shrub. Its delicate white or pink flowers abundantly cover the perennial, creating the effect of an airy haze. Photos of gypsophila, which can be found on the Internet, clearly show that this type of plant will look good:

    • in the background of the garden;
    • at walls for retaining purposes;
    • in the rock garden.

    The perennial is characterized by increased resistance to winter cold. The main preferences are light soil with high levels of fertility and moisture, sunny areas.

    Perennial gypsophila is great for planting on an alpine hill

    Gladioli in open ground: planting and care, growth features

    Planting of exquisite gladiolus is carried out in an open area. In this case, wind protection must be present. It is not recommended to place the perennial in areas where water can accumulate and stagnate.

    In areas characterized by increased dryness and heat, gladiolus will need light shade. Midday sun can have a negative effect, so flowers will need protection from high temperatures and direct rays. In areas with moderate climatic conditions, even light shade can cause a drop in the level of decorativeness and delayed flowering.

    Gladiolus responds well to sandy loam soil, which must first be cultivated 20-30 cm deep and saturated with organic fertilizer.

    Gladioli - traditional flowers in summer cottages

    Gentian: photo, planting and care in open ground, features of handling the flower

    Gentian is a perennial plant that blooms with blue bells. The period of active flowering coincides with the summer season. This mountain flower is recommended to be planted on alpine hills. The group of perennials of this genus includes more than four hundred varieties and varieties.

    Like all low-growing plants, gentian needs a careful approach to fertilizers. Feeding with a high nitrogen content can harm the plant. Exposure to sunlight should be measured, but this does not mean that the flower should be placed in the shade. Dried shoots must be removed from the flowerbed.

    Gentian flowers are shaped like bells

    Delphinium: photos and varieties of flowers

    Seeds are planted in the soil in March. Landscape designers advise dense sowing to ensure a lush flower bed. After this, the flowerbed is covered with a layer of soil about 0.3-0.4 cm thick.

    The perennial category includes the following varieties of delphinium:

    • Persian;
    • grandiflora;
    • holostem;
    • hybrid.

    The flower loves regular watering, especially in dry weather conditions. The wet soil is then loosened, but very carefully.

    Delphinium - a moisture-loving flower

    Dicentra: photo, planting and care (“broken heart”)

    In the photo of the perennial dicentra, you can see arched inflorescences dotted with heart-shaped flowers, which can be white, pink or light purple. In total, this genus includes about ten cultivated plant varieties.

    The most important condition for the successful cultivation of dicentra is the correctly selected planting zone. It feels best in partial shade, but a sunny area will also be an excellent place for the flower to live, provided it is watered in a timely manner. The soil should have a rich mineral and organic composition. You can fertilize it with humus before planting.

    Due to the shape of the flowers, di

    Creeping tenacious: photos and features of perennial care

    Gardeners love tenacious for its resistance to the negative effects of weather conditions. It does not show vulnerability to pests and diseases. Thanks to its dense flowering, even in conditions of minimal sunlight, the tenacious plant can be planted in specific areas of the summer cottage.

    Scope of its application:

    • decoration of rocky slopes;
    • planting at the bottom of a green hedge;
    • design of tree trunks around the circumference.

    The procedure for planting, disembarking and replanting can be carried out throughout the entire summer season. Loose types of soil mixed with peat, sand or turf are good for plants.

    Creeping tenacious can be planted on rockeries and rocky slopes

    Honeysuckle: photos, varieties, description of perennial and its care

    Honeysuckle is a shrub that tends to bear fruit. There are quite a lot of varieties of this plant, but if you limit yourself to only those where edible berries grow, the choice will be between honeysuckle:

    • edible;
    • Altai;
    • Kamchatka;
    • Turchaninova.

    The shrub is easy to care for and can take root anywhere in the area where you want to plant it. The main thing is to have protection from the wind and enough sun.

    There are a large number of varieties of honeysuckle

    Clematis: planting and care. Photo of a vine plant

    Clematis can become a worthy decoration for any garden, suburban area or courtyard in a private home.

    Perennial benefits:

    • resistance to winter conditions;
    • long flowering period;
    • unpretentiousness in terms of care;
    • durability.

    Clematis is thermophilic and prefers the sun. Planting is carried out in increments of 2 m. Low-lying areas or areas adjacent to groundwater are considered bad places. The soil should be loamy or sandy. In heavy soil, installation of a drainage system will be required. In winter, the perennial needs protection.

    Clematis has a long flowering period

    Swimsuit: photos and landing features

    To plant a swimsuit, preliminary soil preparation will be required. For good development of perennials, shade should be provided. The plant can also grow in sunny areas, but too much light will cause the flowers to become crushed and fade quickly.

    Soil requirements:

    • looseness;
    • humidity;
    • presence of drainage.

    It is better to avoid planting a swimsuit on sandy or dry soil. The flower needs regular watering, weeding, and loosening of the soil. Feeding is also important. The best nutrition for the plant will be the dosed introduction of nitrophroska, Agricola and urea in combination: a tablespoon of each fertilizer and 10 liters of water.

    Bathing suit with large yellow buds

    Kupena: photo of a perennial plant on the site

    Kupena is considered one of the little-known garden perennials. The plant has a family relationship with Liliaceae. On its curved stem there are greenish-gray leaves and small bell-shaped flowers with a green border hanging in droplets.

    Areas with slight or significant shade are the main habitat of this modest but attractive plant. Sun rays slow down its growth and negatively affect the decorative characteristics of the plant.

    Kupena does not like places that are too sunny for planting.

    Lakonos: photo, description of the perennial and its growing conditions

    Lakonos is a large perennial plant. America is considered his homeland. During the period of summer growth, the lacquerberry turns from small seeds into a lush bushy plant. The height can reach 1 m. By autumn, the flower stalks are covered with black berries with a characteristic shine.

    Both the juice of the plant and its berries are very poisonous. But this does not prevent gardeners from placing the lacconaceous plant in the very center of their compositions. In the middle of a flower garden, a perennial is unlikely to pose a danger. It can become a background addition to the fence, because open sunny areas are contraindicated for it.

    Powderwort juice and berries are poisonous

    Lilies of the valley: photos and care recommendations

    The favorite place for lilies of the valley is moist soil, hidden under the dense shade of trees. The perennial tolerates prolonged absence of sunlight well. But if the shadow is deep, the number of flowers will decrease. In return, the lily of the valley will grow its foliage. Exposure to wind will also not be beneficial, reducing the number of flowers.

    Hot weather conditions are detrimental to perennials. Don't forget about watering the plants. It is better to avoid transplants altogether. A low fence around the flowerbed will prevent excessive growth.

    Lily of the valley flowers have a pleasant, persistent aroma

    Daylilies: planting in open ground and caring for bushes

    Shrubs are planted in the planting hole. For daylilies, the depth of such a hole is about 20-25 cm, and the perennials themselves are placed in increments of 0.4-0.6 m. Before placing the bush in the hole, you should pour a little fertile soil to the bottom. And this needs to be done in a slide. The roots will subsequently be straightened along it.

    The area where the transition from the root system to the leaves takes place is called the “neck”. It is buried approximately 2-4 cm into the ground. Daylily requires abundant watering and mulching of the soil. It is recommended to cover the plant's soil around a circumference of 4 to 7 cm. After planting, the plant will need to be regularly watered and fertilized.

    Daylily blooms with bright inflorescences of various shades

    Lupins in the open ground: planting and caring for flower plantations

    The decorative characteristics of this flower are very high. It is for its natural beauty that gardeners love lupine so much, planting and caring for it is a pleasure. The plant's demands on soil are low, but, as with other perennials, the rule applies here: the more fertile the soil, the more magnificent and beautiful the plants bloom.

    If you want to achieve optimal conditions for growing lupins, you should give preference to acidic soil types. In such an environment, the plant improves the composition of the soil by independently forming nitrogen-containing fertilizer on its tubers. To increase acidity, it is recommended to add sawdust and manure to the soil.

    Fertilize the soil for lupins with sawdust.

    Lungworts: photos of flowers in a summer cottage and features of flowerbed care

    Lungwort, called pulmonaria among landscape designers, is distinguished by the beauty of its flowers with a very early flowering period. Despite this, today it can not be found in every garden.

    With the help of this flower you can create a wonderful design for your site:

    • living borders;
    • ridges along garden paths;
    • ground cover addition to flower beds.

    Place lungwort in a cool and shaded place, and this plant will be able to please the eye with flowers even in poor soil. Sandy composition is preferable. The perennial needs moisture and regular watering; mulching is necessary for the winter.

    Lungwort (pulmonaria) should be planted in a shaded area

    Euphorbia: photo of a garden flower, rules of care and cultivation

    To plant milkweed in your garden plot, you need to set aside a sunny place. As a last resort, it is permissible to grow the perennial in partial shade, but the flowering of the plant will not be as abundant.

    Watering should be moderate. During the period of vegetative development, no more than two feedings with mineral fertilizer are allowed. Timely removal of dead inflorescences and pruning will help preserve the external attractiveness of green space.

    Euphorbia is often planted in gardens and summer cottages.

    Muscari: photo on a personal plot and characteristics of plants

    This type of perennial belongs to the Hyacinth family. Even the muscari shown in the photo can create a joyful and spring mood. It is difficult to find a more interesting specimen for a flowerbed at a summer cottage.

    The bulbous plant is completely unpretentious. Muscari earned its name due to its specific smell, which has similar notes to musk. Gardeners use muscari:

    • Turgenevsky (light blue);
    • Armenian (blue with white border);
    • racemose (purple);
    • grape-shaped (white, blue, blue-violet).

    Muscari love abundant watering and sun. They perceive penumbra normally. Some varieties propagate by self-sowing.

    Muscari reproduce by bulbs or self-sowing

    Narcissus: planting and care in open ground

    Daffodils, accompanied by tulips, can be a beautiful addition to a garden plot. They bloom very early and are available in a wide variety of varieties:

    • onkeleform;
    • tubular;
    • small-crowned;
    • terry;
    • cyclamenoides;
    • large-crowned;
    • taceniformes;
    • poetic.

    Planting plants is not difficult, the main thing is to guess the timing. The packaging usually indicates the ideal month for planting daffodils. Mandatory care conditions: regular loosening of the soil, watering (especially after flowering), removing diseased plants and planting daffodils of a different variety.

    There are a large number of varieties and varieties of daffodils

    Forget-me-nots: photos of flowers and features of perennials

    If you want to see what a brunera looks like, take a look at the forget-me-not flowers (the photo no less vividly conveys the appearance of this pretty spring plant). The perennial blooms in late spring with small light blue flowers. After flowering, they are replaced by spiky, heart-shaped leaves. These leaves have a sharp tip. Virtually no special care is required.

    Forget-me-nots bloom with small blue and blue flowers

    Nivyanik: photos and features of perennial

    Nivyanik has many names: white chamomile, roman herb, popovnik, white flower. This flower is a frequent inhabitant of gardens and suburban areas. The perennial is characterized by high resistance to negative weather conditions (frost) and unpretentiousness. Timely removal of baskets that have already bloomed will extend the flowering time of this amazing meadow plant.

    Considering the origin of the cornflower, it becomes clear that the perennial prefers open and sunny areas. It is better to avoid areas where water stagnates. Properly grown chamomile can survive without replanting for 5, and sometimes even 7 years.

    Nivyanik is distinguished by its durability and unpretentiousness

    Liverwort: photo and characteristics of an evergreen plant

    The herbaceous plant liverwort has another name - coppice. The perennial belongs to the extensive Buttercup family. Its habitat is considered to be forests in northern latitudes with moderate climatic conditions. In gardens you can find only one species - the noble liverwort. There are thousands of varieties of this plant worldwide.

    The liverwort has a long lifespan. Under conditions of cultivation and appropriate care, the plant can live up to 25 years. In nature, this indicator does not occur due to the fact that the liverwort needs moist and very fertile soils.

    The liverwort (copperwort) has a very long life span

    Peonies in the open ground: planting and caring for a flower bed

    Peonies can often be found in park areas and gardens. This light-loving perennial loves fertile soil. In optimal conditions, it can live up to 50 years in one place.

    For planting, you should select sunny but protected from the wind areas of the territory. Peony bushes tend to grow, so when designing paths you should leave a certain distance between the path and the planting holes. It is not recommended to plant perennials under the walls of a building. Rainwater from the roof will increase soil moisture, and if water stagnates, the root system of plants will rot.

    Peonies grow into lush bushes with large flowers

    Pyrethrum: photos for lovers of garden daisies

    If you see colored chamomile in front of you, it means pyrethrum in the photo. Planting and caring for this plant are specific, but quite simple. This unpretentious perennial grows well in both sunny flowerbeds and shaded areas.

    There are no special requirements regarding the soil, but high humidity and poor soil composition can inhibit the development of pyrethrum. The watering schedule should be regular, but in moderation. If you remove flower stalks that have already outlived their usefulness in time, the perennial will be able to bloom again.

    Pyrethrum flowers are shaped like a regular chamomile

    Climbing rose: planting and caring for the plant

    Climbing roses are suitable for creating a romantic atmosphere in almost any area. This perennial cannot do without sunlight, so it is better to plant it in an open area with a good level of ventilation. Swampy and low-lying areas are not suitable for growing roses.

    It is not recommended to plant bushes in the place where there was previously a flower bed, otherwise the plant will not take root. To avoid the death of roses, it is recommended to plant them on slopes or hills. This will relieve the soil in the bush growth zone from waterlogging, which often occurs during the rainy season or in areas with groundwater lying near the surface.

    Climbing roses are planted near fences, pergolas or arches

    Perennial primrose: photo, care and planting

    Primrose is called primrose because it blooms early. This is why it is a favorite perennial of summer residents and gardeners. In the photo of perennial primrose there are purple, yellow, red and blue flowers.

    Before planting, it is worth introducing fertilizers into the soil. The soil must be moist. The edges of gardens with good shade are best suited for these purposes. The plant takes root well under pear and apple trees. Cool conditions are considered optimal. Humus from last year's leaves can be used as food.

    Primrose is one of the earliest flowering perennials.

    Perennial rudbeckia: planting and caring for a flower bed

    The variety of rudbeckia is varied. The plant has similar features to daisies. Their petals, bent to the bottom, can have different colors:

    • yellow;
    • blue;
    • lemon;
    • brown;
    • orange.

    The plant is not picky about land. Feels better on well-groomed soils, fertilized with humus and with high water permeability. The growth period of a perennial in one place without replanting is 5 years.

    During the growing season, fertilizing in the form of potassium sulfate and nitrophoska is recommended. Dead flowers need to be removed, as well as young shoots (as necessary, if the bushes are heavily overgrown).

    Rudbeckia can grow in one place without transplantation for up to 5 years

    Yarrow: photo of an unpretentious and medicinal plant

    Yarrow is very popular among owners of suburban areas who design flower beds. Its inflorescences have a bright color (red, white, pink, orange, cherry, yellow), retain their attractiveness for a long time, and the plant itself is considered medicinal.

    There are almost two hundred varieties of this perennial. Its natural habitats are mountain meadows, rocky and rocky terrain, and clearings, which ensured the plant’s high durability.

    Yarrow has medicinal properties

    Perennial phloxes: photos, planting and caring for flower beds

    Thanks to the work of breeders, the variety of phlox has increased, and these unusually beautiful plants have become indispensable inhabitants of decorative flower beds in suburban areas. Even a little care makes phlox bloom with lush colors.

    The plant can take root even on heavy soils. To do this, you just need to add coarse sand to the bottom of the planting hole. In sandy soils, a layer of clay will not hurt. Phlox are planted 2-3 cm deep into the ground (the root collar is buried to this depth). For good flower development, you will need an open area with sun and protection from the winds.

    Phloxes grow in lush and bright inflorescences

    Hosta: types and photos with the names of varieties

    The plant loves the shady coolness of gardens and does not need careful care, as evidenced by the beautiful photos of hostas in the landscape design of suburban areas. Decorative perennial has many varieties:

    • Christmas Eve;
    • White Christmas;
    • Alex Summers;
    • Mango Tango;
    • First love, etc.

    One can easily get confused about plant varieties, since many of them are based on sports (shoots that differ significantly from the mother perennial).

    Hosta variety "Tango Mango", planted in a flower pot

    Perennial garden chrysanthemums: planting and care, photo

    Chrysanthemum has a 3-thousand-year history. It was first cultivated for horticultural purposes in China. The plant is characterized by lush flowering. To achieve this result, you need to choose the right time and place for planting.

    When the perennial is in the ground, the first pinching is done. In other words, growth points are removed. This procedure is repeated three weeks later and the upper part of the shoots is removed. Chrysanthemum reacts poorly to lack of moisture and does not like dense shade.

    The best landing place is high ground. Soil requirements: looseness, moisture permeability, fertility. Peat, compost, and rotted manure will not hurt.

    With proper care, chrysanthemum will bloom lushly

    Rose stock: photo, specificity of this plant

    The rose stock is distinguished by its beautiful flowering and light-loving nature. Therefore, it should be placed in an area well lit by the sun. The shadow will not only retard the growth and development of the perennial, but can also cause a lack of flowers. Moreover, the plant can remain in this state for two years. Poor and dry soils are also not desirable.

    The watering scheme should be moderate, because a large amount of liquid can provoke rotting processes in the roots. The soil should be fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. Dead flowers cause depletion of the rose stock, so you need to get rid of them.

    The hollyhock loves sunny places and moderate watering.

    By studying the characteristics and features of each of the plants presented in the catalog, you can learn how to create unique flower arrangements. Many perennials have similar requirements regarding planting conditions, feeding and watering. Based on this information, you can create precise designs for beautiful and colorful flower beds.

    Perennials for early forcing at home

    Buying a potted plant grown from a bulb in winter is not difficult. Almost all garden flowers can be grown at home yourself, and the flowering period can be easily “adjusted” to your own preferences. This process is called early forcing. As March 8 approaches, store shelves are filled with various potted crops, but the most common one is the beautiful hyacinth.

    This Asian exotic is difficult to confuse with other representatives of the flora. Large bulbs produce a rosette of narrow basal leaves that form around a strong peduncle. The arrow contains up to 60 star flowers with bent petals. The height, length of the arrow, degree of terry and color of the buds depend on the variety. The aroma of hyacinth is persistent and pleasant. The tropical guest can grow in the garden, but the bulbs are dug up annually and stored in a dark, cool place.

    In order for hyacinth to present a bouquet by a certain date, it is planted in pots after a dormant period that lasts 10-16 weeks. At this time, the heads are kept in complete darkness at a temperature of 5-7°C. After the shoots wilt, the hyacinth is planted in a flowerbed.

    Advice! When planting late cultivars in mid-October, flowering will begin by March 8th.

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