Indoor flowers with yellow flowers: photos with names

Why do they grow flowers at home?

Beautiful indoor plants are simply necessary for a person. Without them, life will lose its bright colors and good mood. For caring for flowers and caring for them, beautiful plants will always respond to a person with love, beauty and tenderness. Flowers help create coziness in the home, and on special days - a unique holiday atmosphere.

Any plants, including indoor flowers with yellow flowers, have a unique feature of purifying the air in the room. It is saturated with oxygen and the amazing aroma of flowers. This lifts the mood and makes the person feel healthy.

Benefits of growing flowers

You don't need any special education to grow houseplants. To do this, you just need to periodically spend a little time and know the rules of care. Flowers with yellow flowers have several advantages:

  1. Like other plants, they perfectly purify the air and help improve the well-being of home owners.
  2. Sunny flowers give a feeling of calm and comfort. Also, thanks to their bright colors, they add a festive touch to the interior.
  3. Indoor flowers of this color are considered protectors of the family hearth, bringing wealth and prosperity. In addition, they bring love and mutual understanding into the home, as they help eradicate jealousy.
  4. Unlike cut flowers, indoor plants do not wither after a few days, but constantly delight the eye with both spectacular flowering and beautiful leaves.

Maple abutilone

This indoor plant can delight with its flowering until late autumn. Its flowering fades as daylight hours shorten. In winter, the flower enters a dormant period and stops blooming. But if you continue to water regularly and install additional lighting lamps, the maple will not stop blooming in winter.

An indoor flower with yellow flowers, whose name is abutilon, has an interesting feature. The leaves of the indoor tree are similar to maple leaves. Hence the name. It is very easy to care for the flower: observe the frequency of watering and watch the growth. If you don’t like the shape of the flower, pinch off the excess shoots. That's all. Abutilone is a natural or hybrid plant. The latest varieties are distinguished by more diverse shapes and shades of flowers.

Blooming species with photos and names

Pay attention to a number of examples of unpretentious indoor plants with yellow flowers, which even a novice gardener can grow. In return, they will definitely delight you with beautiful flowering:

  1. Maple abutilone. This plant belongs to the mallow family and has maple-like leaves. It is characterized by bell-shaped flowers in bright colors, including yellow. The main thing it needs is regular watering. If this condition is met, abutilon is able to bloom until late autumn, and sometimes even in winter.

  2. Pachistachis yellow. It is an evergreen subshrub up to 1 m tall with large dark green leaves. Its beautiful appearance is achieved not due to the flowers - they are white and rather inconspicuous, but thanks to the bright and unusual yellow bracts. They retain the decorative appearance of pachistachis for several months.

  3. Common primrose. The genus Primrose includes several hundred species of plants. One of the most popular is the common primrose, which can grow both in open ground and in apartment conditions. It does not require complex care and grows well even with inexperienced gardeners. Blooming at the very beginning of spring, primrose is considered a primrose, and its bright yellow flowers symbolize the sun and the awakening of nature.

  4. Kalanchoe. Flowering begins at the end of winter and lasts about a month. The flowers are yellow, white, red or purple umbels. In addition to its attractive appearance, Kalanchoe has a number of healing properties. It disinfects, stops bleeding, relieves inflammation and heals wounds.

  5. Terry yellow begonia. The lemon-yellow flowers, similar to roses and possessing a pleasant aroma, have earned the love of plant growers for their ease of care and incredible beauty. Florists often use it to decorate weddings and other events. Flowering continues for a long time, under favorable conditions - from May to early November. Begonia grows equally well in pots on the windowsill and in hanging pots or boxes on the balcony.

Peculiarity! The popular name for begonia is an air purifier flower. It perfectly removes toxic compounds and dust.

Yellow indoor flowers are beautiful and varied. They look great individually or in combination with flowers of other shades. Each gardener can choose a plant among them to suit his taste.

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These yellow indoor flowers are often found in the collections of gardeners who love plants for their interesting structure. The dark green leaves form a lush rosette, which emphasizes the amazing beauty of the inflorescence. It contains from ten to twenty lush flowers of a yellow or orange hue.

Clivia is a light-loving plant. But she does not like direct sunlight and high indoor temperatures. For comfortable growth, twenty-two to twenty-five degrees of heat in the summer is enough. During winter dormancy, the flower should be placed in a room with a temperature of fourteen degrees above zero.

Should you or should you not give yellow flowers?

Yellow flowers have undeservedly fallen out of favor with people. Presenting sunny flowers brings joy and prosperity to the home of the person to whom they were presented.

But where did the negative beliefs associated with these flowers come from, and what did they do to deserve such an attitude:

  • The sign is based on the legend of adultery. According to ancient legend, the prince, returning from the war, decided to check on his beloved. The witch advised him to give his wife a bouquet of scarlet roses and place them at the head of the bedroom. The constancy of the color of the buds in the morning was supposed to confirm the fidelity of the chosen one. However, with dawn the flowers turned yellow, which indicated betrayal.
  • Empress Catherine the Second disliked yellow flowers because they were usually given by ladies' men when flirting with young ladies. Therefore, flowers were associated with frivolity and infidelity.
  • In the memory of many people, lines from Natalya Koroleva’s famous song “Yellow Tulips” still ring, which firmly attached to these flowers the meaning of separation.

If your beloved is superstitious, then it is better to refrain from giving her yellow flowers. You should not create doubts in the girl’s mind about your feelings and intentions. To any other representative of the fair sex with whom you are not connected by love ties, such a gift will only bring joy and good mood.


An indoor flower with yellow flowers, the photo of which is presented below, is called pachistachis. It resembles fireworks. The bright yellow flowers look like candles pointing upward. The dark, fleshy leaves add to their beauty. Gardeners love to grow this plant at home. A flower can complement and decorate the interior of any corner in the room.

Pachistachis does not like drafts, but prefers a cool atmosphere in a ventilated room. It is better to place it away from heating devices, in a corner with diffused light. The flower should be watered moderately, not overwatered. For this purpose, settled water is used. Fertilizer for indoor flowering plants is used as periodic feeding. If you follow all these simple requirements when caring, the flower will bloom magnificently for a long time.

Signs with yellow flowers

There are many signs associated with sunny colors. Some are convinced that such a gift promises separation, while others, on the contrary, consider it a sign of great love.

In general, the essence of the sign largely depends on the country in which it originated.

According to ancient Russian customs, yellow is a symbol of wealth and good luck, a color associated with light and the sun. Therefore, such a gift should cause joy.

But still, where did the belief come from that these flowers speak of something unfavorable? There is a legend according to which in ancient times one prince wanted to find out whether his wife was faithful while he was at war. And the old witch advised him to give his beloved a bouquet of bright red roses and place them near the bed at night. If they remained the same color in the morning, it would mean that his wife was honest with him. However, when he woke up in the morning, he saw that the bouquet had turned yellow. This meant that his wife cheated on him.

However, in our time it is customary not to believe in such legends and the meaning of flowers: yellow roses are a wish for peace. If, after a major quarrel, a young man presents such a bouquet to a girl, it means he wants a truce.

And yellow flowers brought to a wedding mean friendship and joy. This means that the giver wishes the newlyweds a long and happy life together. However, on the other hand, the second meaning is separation and betrayal, which means that for a correct interpretation you need to trust your own feelings and emotions.

Flowers are always a symbol of joy and happiness. A bouquet received as a gift can lift your spirits and make even the most gloomy person smile. All over the world they help to speak the language of love, friendship, sincere feelings and emotions. The meaning of yellow flowers is not only what is described in dictionaries published by someone, but also what they evoke in the soul of the beholder - a feeling of sunlight and warmth.


This is a bright, evergreen ornamental plant. Indoors it grows up to forty centimeters in height. The flower has an interesting structure.

A bright rosette formed from long narrow leaves is a cup-shaped moisture storage for the plant. A bract crowned with an inflorescence grows from the center of the rosette. It contains beautiful yellow flowers.

Why are yellow flowers given?

People who are superstitious often feel stuck. Each nation has its own interpretation of the same phenomenon. Therefore, it is impossible to say exactly why yellow flowers are given. Everyone draws their own conclusions.

If you were presented with a bouquet in yellow tones, do not be upset, because they wished you prosperity, you are a delightful, bright and gifted person. Previously, bouquets of yellow shades meant:

  • when tulips are given as a gift, it is a rational recognition of feelings. This symbolizes confidence and that a person is in control of his desires.
  • if they present roses, it means they wish you good luck, bow down and respect;
  • Carnations are a symbol of apology for having offended.

And during exams, bouquets of this color were given to girls to give them confidence, because the palette of the sun enhances intellectual thinking:

  • increases memory abilities;
  • makes it possible to remember more information;
  • stimulates brain activity.


This is the name of a cactus with a spherical shape. These yellow-flowered indoor flowers come in about twelve varieties. Depending on this, the flowers have different shades. The older the cactus, the longer its stem with fifteen or twenty ribs.

The spines are small, with different shades: yellow, brown, white. The flowers are very beautiful, but small in size. Acanthocalycium is distinguished by the presence of scales on the tube. This cactus can be found in many homes and offices.

Tall yellow perennial flowers

To hide an unsightly fence or create a unique backdrop in your garden, simply plant tall perennials bearing yellow flowers in a row to create the illusion of a living fence. List of common tall garden flowers:

Imperial hazel grouse

A beautiful plant with a height of 60 cm to 1.2 m. The flowers are formed in the form of inflorescences consisting of “bells” of various shades: yellow, red, white.

Photo of yellow grouse (

Blooming perennial yellow fritillary flowers will always attract attention. They are often planted in group plantings in a flower bed or in the space between bushes.


Thanks to their ability to maintain flowering until the first frost and easy care, these flowers are frequent guests of garden beds.


If you are planning to decorate your garden with tall yellow flowers, then it is time to plant this unforgettable flower.

The second name of gladiolus is “sword” from the similarity of long narrow leaves with swords

Gladioli are the most frequent guests in most garden areas. You can choose from different shades to create a colorful flower garden.

Heliopsis rough

Perennial with yellow flowers, native to America. The most popular species is Heliopsis helianthoides.


You can also add Kniphofia, Gelenium, Goldenrod, Eremurus and others to the list of popular tall yellow perennials.

Plants with yellow leaves

Plants with interesting leaves that are not the traditional green color always attract attention. They are used for decorative purposes to complement and decorate the interior of premises. Plants with leaves of different colors require good care: timely watering, pruning flowers and inflorescences when they wither, fertilizing. The owners select a whole range of measures to combat pests and diseases for each flower. They prepare soil in pots for their pets. These plants combine, as it seems, absolutely incompatible elements: flowers of unique beauty and leaves of interesting color and shape.

  • In nature, there are indoor flowers with yellow leaves. One of them is codiaum or croton, as it is also called. Characterized by an erect stem with well-branched shoots. The leaves are large and leathery. Their length reaches thirty centimeters. The shape and color of the leaves are varied: yellow and green, red and variegated. This is a very impressive plant, used for interior decoration of residential and non-residential premises.

  • Dracaena is a cold-resistant plant, so it will not grow well in a room with high temperatures. Optimal heat regime: in summer - fifteen to eighteen degrees, in winter - twelve to fifteen. To prevent dracaena leaves from drying out, they should be sprayed as needed. This plant does not require special care. It is transplanted very rarely, every five to ten years. The two-colored leaves make the plant especially decorative: green in the center, yellow at the edges.

Yellow flowers are regulars in flower beds

Representatives of aroid plants: indoor and wild

It is the yellow fruits that attract attention due to their original image. Typically, golden seedlings are used to add contrast in gardens or other areas.

They also perfectly refresh any landscape, making it brighter and more impressive.


  • This is a perennial variety that has a long trunk and beautiful flowers.
  • There are practically no leaves on the stem, which gives the viola an unusual appearance.
  • Often such fruits are used in parks, various gardens, and also as a decorative class for fences and other landscape decorations.
  • The ripening period begins in the spring, namely in April-May.


  • Easily grown in dry to medium, well-drained soil in full sun.
  • Heliopsis, commonly called bull's eye, is an upright, nearly glabrous, sunflower-bearing, short-lived perennial that is native to eastern and central North America.
  • It typically grows to 3-4 feet and has pink flowers (2-3 inches in diameter) with lemon-orange rays surrounding brownish-gold central cones.
  • They ripen throughout the summer.


  • Dahlias come in different shades, except blue.
  • It is best to use warm, well-drained soil.
  • If the climate is cool, the plant should not be watered until the tubers germinate.
  • This is a perennial species, the ripening period lasts all summer.


  • Gladioli are a beautiful and unusual image that has such a name for a reason. Translated from Latin, it means sword and it received this name because it has the shape of petals that resemble the shape of a sword.
  • Gladioli will be a wonderful decoration for any garden.
  • These are perennials; the ripening period begins in the summer and lasts almost all summer and early autumn.

Golden ball

Golden ball is a common garden plant and is actively planted by most gardeners. The main feature of the golden ball is that it is not whimsical, grows easily and does not require special care, but at the same time it has a delicate image and a bright golden hue, which attracts attention. The golden ball looks great both on its own and in combination with other fruits. Suitable for paths and other fences. The ripening period begins at the end of summer and ends in late autumn.


  • Clematis does not have a standard image.
  • The ripening period is very short and on average is 2-3 weeks. Ripens in mid-summer.
  • But the great advantage of this class is that it is not whimsical, does not require special care and easily adapts to a variety of growing conditions.


  • Lily is a delicate variety that belongs to the bulbous type and is characterized by perennial flowering.
  • Lilies come in several shapes and types, including sand lilies.
  • These are not whimsical fruits that do not require special attention. That is why they are in demand among summer residents.
  • The flowering period begins at the end of spring and lasts one month.


  • These are long-lasting seedlings that are popular with gardeners. The fact is that after planting, peonies will live in the soil for 15-20 years, and this is a large indicator among all dacha species.
  • In addition, peonies are very beautiful and come in many different shades.
  • They easily adapt to all conditions and require virtually no maintenance.


  • Sunflower is a class that, in addition to its beauty, produces very tasty fruits, that is, seeds.
  • In appearance, the sunflower resembles the sun, which is why it has such a name.
  • Prefers a lot of sun and warm areas.
  • Flowering period is mid-summer and early autumn.
  • After ripening, the fruits are cut off, the seeds are torn off, fried and delicious seeds are obtained.


  • Yellow roses are a great addition to any garden. Such classes are used precisely to create contrast.
  • The fact is that most often burgundy and other warm shades are found in gardens. But at the same time, golden roses look great and are in no way inferior to the most famous varieties.
  • As a rule, they bloom for several seasons, and the active ripening period occurs throughout the summer.


  • Chrysanthemums are cute and delicate seedlings that are distinguished by their small size and size of flowers in one stem.
  • At first glance, chrysanthemums are very reminiscent of ordinary daisies and look very elegant and fresh in any area.
  • In addition, chrysanthemums are actively used for medicinal purposes, used to prepare various tinctures and even honey.
  • This is a perennial species, the ripening period of which lasts all summer.


This plant is more suitable for experienced gardeners, as it requires special attention. In the wild, allamanda grows in the tropics, so at home it requires a lot of light, high humidity and abundant watering. It is better to place the flower pot on a sunny window without drafts.

In summer and spring, it is important for Allamanda to provide abundant watering so that the soil does not have time to dry out. But you also can’t over-moisten the soil, otherwise the roots will begin to rot. And the most important thing is air humidity, which must be maintained at a level of at least 60%.

Calathea saffron

The plant is distinguished by variegated leaves and small bright yellow flowers growing on long stems. It is better for beginners not to get such an exotic flower, because caring for it is very difficult.

Most often, calatheas die from dry air, so be sure to buy a humidifier and do not forget about spraying the foliage. Another problem is the lack of sunlight.

To make the calathea feel comfortable, place it in a well-lit place, but do not forget that the light should be diffused. To do this, you need to cover the window with thick tulle or a Roman blind. In addition, abundant watering is important for exotic plants, 2-3 times a week in summer, and once every 1-2 weeks in winter.

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