Indoor trees: types, care, planting features (43 photos)

Many people love to use trees as part of the interior of their homes. Each of us at least once in our lives has seen at a party either a tub with a palm tree, or a ficus up to the ceiling, or the pride of the owners - a huge Chinese rose, languishing alone in the corner of the room.

Plants in the house perform several important functions at once, including humidifying the air and saturating it with oxygen. In addition, it is with the help of a small tree in a pot that you can add zest to the room and add exotic notes. Moreover, today you can find a tree for every taste and budget - if you wish!

In an effort to get double benefits, today people prefer to grow mainly fruit trees at home. Such trees are not only pleasing to the eye, but with proper care they also bear edible fruits.

And what kind of trees are these?

Types of indoor trees and breeding conditions

Large plants in tubs perfectly decorate the interior. With proper watering, they provide lush greenery all year round. Of the existing species diversity, preference is often given to some variety that is undemanding in care. We’ll tell you in more detail about which specimens can be bred at home.

With constant employment, spending free time on hobbies and hobbies is an unaffordable luxury. Unpretentious varieties that do not require special conditions for growth and flowering are popular among apartment and house owners. The following varieties are common:

  • citrus fruits (lemon, tangerine, orange, kumquat);
  • exotic (breadfruit, bamboo, shefflera);
  • ficuses (Benjamina, Bengal, rubber);
  • palm trees (date, banana, rapis);
  • bonsai (pine, spruce, sakura);
  • flowering (hibiscus, abutilon).

The owners decide for themselves which species to give preference to. When making a choice, you should take into account the nuances. You need to determine in advance where the flower pot will be located. For the plant to be healthy, there must be enough lighting in the house. You should choose a flower carefully if there are small children and animals in the house. Some of the plants contain harmful substances that are hazardous to health.

Useful tips

If you like to do hair, buy an indoor tree whose crown can be shaped, and braid and trim it to your heart's content. Plants such as aucuba, laurel, and ficus will suit you.

If you decide that the planter with the tree will stand on the floor, immediately install a cart under the planter or screw wheels to its bottom so that the plant can be moved around the room.

You can plant small plants in a pot with an indoor tree. It's both beautiful and good for your tree.

And, most importantly, remember: indoor trees, like any plant, sense the mood of their owner. Grow your plants carefully, with love, and they will definitely reciprocate your feelings, making your home beautiful and cozy.

Now let's talk about the types of indoor trees.


There are more than 20 species of domestic trees of the ficus genus. They vary in shape and appearance. An unpretentious plant does not require frequent watering and feeding. It cleans the air well, neutralizing benzene, formaldehyde and other harmful substances. Some ficus trees are poisonous. They should not be kept in a home where there are children and pets.

Ficus rubber produces volatile substances that are harmful to asthmatics. It is not recommended to place it in the bedroom and nursery.

Ficuses with large, juicy greens forming a dense crown look beautiful in the interior. The following varieties of ficus are optimal for home interiors:

  • Ficus Benjamin;
  • rubbery;
  • lyre-shaped;
  • Ficus Binnendieck;
  • ampelous;
  • Bengal;
  • dwarf;
  • bottle.

Ficus is one of the most common indoor plants. It can often be found in apartments and offices. To make the flower look healthy, it is enough to water it abundantly from time to time.


It grows up to two meters in height. The motley guest from the sunny tropics is demanding in care. She cannot stand drafts and cold. Uneven watering leads to yellowing of the leaves. In order for the leaf to retain its rich green color, it is necessary to spray with warm water.

Dieffenbachia can liven up a boring apartment interior. But not everyone knows that its juice is poisonous. When it comes into contact with human skin, irritation occurs. If the juice splashes into the eyes, vision problems may occur. In a family where there are small children and animals, Dieffenbachia should not be bred.


The evergreen beauty grows up to 12 m in height. Garden boxwood can be grown in an apartment. Dense greenery, forming a dense crown, will decorate the design in an oriental style. Do not forget that boxwood is considered a long-liver. With proper care, it will delight its owners for many years.

The planted sprout grows slowly, up to 5 cm per year. Around the columnar trunk, many shoots are formed, covered with small glossy leaves.

There are more than 50 varieties of boxwood. The following varieties are suitable for growing at home:

  • evergreen;
  • small-leaved;
  • Balearic.

The evergreen beauty requires circular pruning. Boxwood branches grow quickly. Regular pruning gives the plant a well-groomed appearance. A compact boxwood figure will be a wonderful decoration for an apartment or office. This decorative beauty perfectly purifies the air. It should be remembered that its stems and leaves are poisonous. It is not recommended to place boxwood in a nursery. Greens are also dangerous for pets.


In an apartment, laurel can grow even with a lack of lighting; it is not afraid of drought and drafts. It is easy to care for. With moderate watering, the laurel will delight with greenery all year round. The fragrant leaves can be used as a seasoning in cooking.

Homemade laurel is not afraid of diseases and pests. In a cozy environment, the giant grows up to 15 meters. Curly pruning will help limit excessive growth. At home, laurel lives 12-15 years. In order for the bush to form a lush crown, it is trimmed starting from the age of five. The following varieties of decorative laurel are distinguished:

  • noble;
  • Canarian.

Noble laurel exudes a pleasant tart aroma. But the Canarian has beautiful wide leaves. Botanical varieties look great in urban interiors.

Mini trees in pots

Indoor trees: caring for an Arabica coffee plant at home

Another popular option for growing indoor trees is a bonsai, or miniature tree growing in a shallow container. This is also the name of the art of growing it.

Usually the plant is an exact copy of a tree growing in natural conditions. The art of growing bonsai originated in China before our era. This technique was further improved in Japan.


Trees that have small leaves and quickly grow new branches after formative pruning are suitable for bonsai. Currently, about 400 species of trees are grown in this style. Single bonsai and compositions of several plants look beautiful. Bonsai height varies from 20 to 100 cm.

To give the desired shape to the branches, wire is used. With its help, branches are tied up and the direction of growth is given to them. After the branches remember this new position, the wire is removed.


Howea perennial belongs to the palm family. Under artificial conditions, the trunk, covered with ring-shaped scars, grows to the ceiling. The feathery leaves form a shady canopy. Khoveya is withering away from lack of light. It should be located in a spacious room, closer to the windows facing south. Watering should be moderate in winter and abundant in summer.

Palm trees do not tolerate dry air well. From lack of moisture, its leaves begin to turn yellow. From time to time, the greens need to be sprayed with water at room temperature. It is important not to allow the lump of earth in the pot to dry out. To prevent this from happening, in the event of a long absence, an automatic watering system is necessary.

The perennial palm grows to gigantic size, spreading its feathery leaves widely. It should be located in spacious rooms. Green beauty cleans the air well. Its leaves are safe for animals and small children. Khoveya can be placed in a spacious nursery.


Tropical dracaena is called the dragon tree: “dracaena” means dragon in Latin. An adult plant looks like a palm tree. The leafless stem ends in a tuft of long leaves bent downwards. Dracaena belongs to the asparagus family. In nature there are up to 40 plant species. The following varieties are common in home floriculture:

  • fragrant;
  • bordered;
  • Derema;
  • Sandera;
  • godsefa;
  • bent.

Dracaena is extremely popular among gardeners. At home, with proper care, it lives 12-15 years. Looking after her is not much of a hassle. A newly purchased dracaena needs to be transplanted from a cramped pot. As the root system grows, replanting must be repeated.

Dracaena loves diffused sunlight, like in the tropics. It should be placed near a south window, shaded by light curtains. The southern beauty cannot stand cold and drafts. In unfavorable conditions, the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off.


The money tree is common in home floriculture. The name comes from the fact that its leaves look like coins. They have a round shape, which is due to their ability to accumulate moisture and nutrients. Indoor succulent grows up to 2 meters in height. Crassula propagates by cuttings.

It needs to be replanted once every two years. A weak root system is not able to support the weight of an adult plant. A deep pot with thick walls is suitable for replanting, which will not allow the fat plant to fall.

The tree needs regular watering: the water should be settled and warm. Crassula is a shade-tolerant plant. With a lack of lighting, it changes shape. Its stems stretch out and become thin. Direct sunlight is contraindicated for her. This causes the greenery to wither and begin to fall off.

snake tree

This tree is a real miracle. But not everyone can watch it. It's rare that anyone gets to grow a snake tree and see its incredible blooms.

The beginning of flowering occurs only after 5-6 years of cultivation. Until this time, the tree looks like a snake. This is where the name comes from. Later, the plant shoots upward and looks more like a tree.

The buds have an incredibly beautiful, bewitching appearance. It is impossible to take your eyes off them. But, along with all the delights, the plant has an important negative side - an unpleasant odor. Therefore, if you decide to grow it, worry about where it should be kept.


The plant of the mallow family grows up to 1.5 meters in height at home. The thick stem is crowned with a lush crown. It is covered with curly leaves, similar to maple leaves. Because of the shape of the leaves, abutilon is called indoor maple.

Tropical abutilon loves heat and humidity and does not tolerate lack of lighting. With good supervision, indoor maple grows and branches quickly. In spring, its branches are covered with bright flowers - bells of pink, purple, red or golden color. Flowering continues until late autumn. More than 100 varieties of indoor maple are known. The following types are common in home floriculture:

  • Bella;
  • Juliet;
  • Organza;
  • Bellevue;
  • Bella mix;
  • Sello;
  • Eye of the Tiger.

The above varieties are distinguished by beautiful flowering. Every spring the green crown is covered with lush flowers. The abutilon flower is extremely beautiful. The calyx of a large flower is crowned with bright petals covered with delicate reddish veins (can be seen in the photo). During the flowering period, abutilon needs abundant watering and weekly feeding.

Juniper indoors

Junipers (Juniperus) belong to plants of the Cypress family. This evergreen tree or shrub is distributed from the Arctic to mountainous regions with a subtropical climate. Craftsmen use it to create beautiful wooden crafts; the plants are often used by landscape designers to decorate flower beds and hedges.

Juniper in landscape design

At home, Chinese and hard junipers are most often grown.

In an apartment, indoor juniper perfectly purifies the air from harmful microorganisms, is a natural phytoncide, and helps strengthen the nervous and immune systems.

Propagated by layering, cuttings, grafting and grains or seeds that are found in berry cones (coneberries). The most convenient way is propagation using cuttings and layering.

Under natural conditions, the height of juniper can reach 30 m. It practically does not get sick and is not damaged by pests.

Some species have hard spines, so you need to protect your hands when caring for them. Lifespan is up to 600 years.

Juniper lends itself well to shaping. Bonsai is grown from it.

Juniper Bonsai

It is important to create favorable conditions for indoor juniper. These plants are light-loving, so a well-lit place is selected for the flower pot. It is desirable that good air circulation can be arranged in this place.

When planting in a container, be sure to create a drainage layer of broken bricks or small gravel.

Juniperus can grow on depleted soils, but develops better on light substrates. For soil, mix peat, sand and turf soil.

Watering mode

The plant requires moderate watering for normal growth. In hot weather, uniperus is watered once every 2-3 days, depending on the speed of drying of the soil.

Attention! Juniper does not tolerate stagnant water.

If the summer is hot, then spraying with warm, settled water is indicated.

Top dressing

During the growing season, the tree is fed with mineral compounds every two weeks. Fertilizers are dissolved in water for irrigation.

Care during the flowering period

Hot air is detrimental to it, so it is better to maintain a room temperature of +20-25°C. It is not recommended to place the plant near a radiator.

For normal development of juniper, it is necessary to organize sufficient diffused lighting. It is necessary to prevent direct sunlight from entering the crown.

Care during the rest period

At this time, the air in the room should be cool. The temperature is maintained at +12°C. You cannot overcool indoor juniper. The plant can be placed on the loggia for wintering.

In winter, the plant must receive enough light, so placing it in dark rooms is not recommended.

Watering and fertilizing are not carried out in winter. If the plant is kept in a room, then in this case the juniper is watered only when the earthen clod dries out. To check if the soil is dry, stick a wooden stick into it. If only the top layer of soil is dry, then watering is not carried out.

Preparing for winter

In the autumn, fertilizing is reduced and carried out once a week. Starting from November, juniper is not fertilized.

If the tree is on a balcony or in the garden, then the temperature itself naturally gradually decreases, preparing the plant for wintering. If the uniperus is indoors, then in this case the temperature must also be gradually lowered. This will avoid stress when the plant transitions to lower temperature conditions.

Indoor trees in the interior

Indoor trees are easy to grow. They will add a “zest” to the interior of every home.


The Chinese rose fits perfectly into the interior of an apartment or office. With proper care, it grows up to 1.5-2 m in height. Chinese hibiscus is a long-lived plant. Under favorable conditions, it lives for several decades. Large green branches forming the crown are its decoration. If you properly care for a Chinese rose, it will thank its owner with beautiful blooms. Hibiscus flowers are bright, large, with large petals. The Chinese rose is unpretentious in care. For full growth, regular watering and spraying is sufficient. Hibiscus can grow in artificial light, in rooms completely devoid of natural light.

A coffee tree

Coffee grows in the hot tropical climate of Africa. The coffee tree loves warmth and humidity. In order for it to grow well, it needs to be placed in a warm, well-lit place. The room must maintain a stable temperature of at least 18 degrees. In winter, you should not place the seedling on the windowsill: the lump of earth in the pot may cool down and the sprout will die.

If the seedling is well cared for, regularly watered and sprayed, in favorable conditions it will grow up to 1.5 meters. The stem thickens, forming a trunk, which is crowned by a spreading crown covered with wavy greenery. Flowering occurs twice a year: in spring and autumn. Small white flowers exuding a delicate aroma turn into green coffee beans.

Lemon Tree

The highlight of the interior will be a lemon tree grown in a pot. This tree cannot be found on the street, which is why homemade lemon will be a pleasant surprise for guests of your home.

The advantages of keeping such a tree are not only its aesthetic appeal, but also the fact that it is a source of phytoncides that prevent the growth of bacteria.

In addition to all of the above, this plant is a low-growing species, which makes it possible to grow it even on a windowsill. And if you properly care for the plant, you will get small fruits that will have an incredible aroma and taste.

In winter, citrus needs intense lighting for 12 hours. The plant does not require much care. It is enough to provide it with three components: light, heat and moisture.


The evergreen monstera of the liana family was brought to us from South America. The young plant looks like a bush, covered with large leathery leaves, which over time become covered with slits and holes. Many people consider Monstera to be non-flowering. This is wrong. The tropical beauty rarely blooms. The monstera flower is a dense white bud, in the center of which there is a variegated fruit, similar to an ear of corn.

Monstera is easy to care for. It requires regular watering and spraying. The shade-loving plant does not tolerate direct sunlight, so it is better to place it away from southern windows. It should also be taken into account that the monstera does not like to move from place to place: it is necessary to immediately allocate a certain angle for it.

banana tree

Banana is a tropical plant, so you will have to create appropriate conditions for it in your home greenhouse. That is, a humid and warm environment. The banana tree, which is actually a herbaceous plant, is also very demanding in terms of care.

You can plant such a plant with seeds or immediately buy a young plant and try to find an approach to it. Frequent spraying is a must for the well-being of a banana tree. But moisture should not stagnate in the pot - make sure that excess water flows freely through the drainage holes.

The ideal temperature for a banana tree is 25-30 degrees. Good lighting is necessary, without direct sunlight. In summer, bananas can be taken out to the balcony in a shaded place. But at home, avoid drafts - bananas cannot tolerate them. If you manage to grow a banana tree to the formation of 15-18 leaves, expect it to flower and even bear fruit.



It is a miniature copy of a tree. The idea of ​​growing dwarfs in pots came to us from China. Asian bonsai is not just a small flower in a pot. It is an object of art and the embodiment of living sculpture. Growing miniature trees is a kind of ritual, the purpose of which is to create a smaller copy of nature.

Growing bonsai requires special skills and patience. Coniferous and fruit trees, as well as specimens with small curly leaves, are suitable for propagation. Beautiful bonsai are obtained from climbing willow and birch. A rooted seedling is planted in a pot. Lawn grass is sown around it for aesthetics. For several years, the Christmas tree or birch tree is well looked after, giving it the desired shape. This is achieved by pruning old branches and pinning new shoots. All this time, the bonsai needs to be watered in a timely manner and fed as needed. If you monitor the growth of shoots and regulate their growth, over time you can get an elegant dwarf mini-tree.

From the history of bonsai art

The earliest image of a characteristic “tree in a flat pot” was found on the frescoes of the Qianling Mausoleum (6th century), located 80 km from the Chinese city of Xi’an. Similar images can be seen on Japanese scrolls and paintings dating back to 1195. During this period, Chinese learned Buddhist monks often visited Japanese monasteries. They preached the laws of the Buddha, taught, introduced political leaders and the nobility of Japan - people with artistic taste and education, to Chinese culture, including the art of creating miniature landscapes.

Over time, Japanese masters began to shape and develop their own bonsai aesthetic - when creating it, they focused on the tree itself, used smaller, more concise pots and abandoned other decorations. The art of bonsai reached a high level in the 17th century and has survived to this day. One of the oldest creations of this style is

Japanese white pine Sandai-shogun-no-matsu (Pinus pentaphylla var. Negishi), which has become a national treasure of Japan, is kept in the Tokyo Imperial Palace. The tree is believed to be at least 500 years old.

Bonsai in the 19th and 20th centuries

In the 19th and then in the 20th centuries, bonsai from an esoteric practice of a limited circle of people began to turn into a widespread hobby, accessible to representatives of different classes and

welfare. The first issue of Bonsai magazine was published in 1921. Beginning in the 20s of the twentieth century, the Japanese toolmaker Masakuni (1880–1950) began to develop and manufacture

steel tools specially designed for bonsai. Since 1934, Tokyo's Ueno Park has hosted annual exhibitions of trees grown in the bonsai aesthetic. And with

By 1940, more than three hundred merchants in the Japanese capital were sending thousands of their samples to America and European countries.

The Art of Bonsai, written in English by Yuji Yoshimura and published in 1957, has come to be called “the classic Japanese bonsai bible for Westerners.”

Annual exhibitions from professional producers of these plants began to play a major role in the popularization of “trees in a bowl.” In 1980, the first World Exhibition of bonsai and suiseki, the Japanese art of making compositions from stones, took place in the Japanese city of Osaka. In 1984, the European Bonsai Association was created. And 5 years later, the World Bonsai Friendship Federation (WBFF) was established.

There are more and more people interested in bonsai. This is confirmed by:

  • numerous clubs, online forums, master classes, courses, lecture series, conventions and exhibitions dedicated to bonsai;
  • in 90 countries, in 26 languages, more than 12 hundred different books on bonsai topics have been written and published;
  • 13 thousand special magazines are published in 13 languages;
  • one and a half thousand bonsai associations and clubs have a total of at least 100,000 enthusiasts;
  • There are millions of unrelated bonsai art lovers.

Citrus trees

They are grown at home, planted in large boxes and flowerpots. According to Feng Shui, they bring happiness and prosperity to the home. Citrus fruits are propagated by seeds and cuttings. Caring for them is easy. Regular watering, spraying and fertilizing once a year is sufficient. Lemon and orange seedlings require curly pruning. There are several varieties suitable for growing at home. The following are considered the most popular:

  • lemon;
  • calamondin;
  • tangerine tree;
  • grapefruit;
  • citron.

In order for exotic citrus to bear fruit successfully, it is necessary to create ideal conditions: optimal temperature, constant humidity, regular feeding of fruit seedlings, lighting in the winter. For successful fruiting, grafting is necessary.


A typical representative of the tea family - the obstinate camellia - with its magnificent lush flowering will decorate the interior of the apartment. In suitable conditions it blooms profusely. Over time, a spreading crown forms. The Japanese beauty is capricious in its care. The room temperature must be maintained no higher than 15 degrees. For growth and flowering, air humidity and constant watering with soft water are required. The reward will be abundant flowering. In spring, camellia is covered with large inflorescences consisting of white, pink and purple petals.

tangerine tree

An elegant plant will be a bright decoration of any interior. The dwarf tangerine produces a good harvest of fruits and also protects the surrounding area from annoying insects. Usually grown on windowsills.

The leaves are dense, rich green in color. Prone to disease and may be attacked by pests. Therefore, the condition must be constantly monitored.

The plant cannot be treated with chemicals - it is better to use laundry soap dissolved in water.

European dwarf olive

Olives from the olive family can be successfully grown at home. The plant was brought to us from Greece, a country with a mild subtropical climate. In indoor conditions, olive grows up to 1.5 m in height. The seedling begins to bear fruit only in the 8th-9th year. In spring, the olive tree is covered with small fragrant flowers with yellowish petals.

Olive is easy to care for, as it has a strong root system that can revive a stem damaged by drought and disease. Seedlings are obtained by cuttings. You can grow an olive yourself from a seed.


Abelia grandiflora is an amazing flowering shrub. It reaches a height of 2.5 m. It does not withstand frost. Designed for growing in open ground in the central part of the country. Its homeland is the subtropics of China.

Akka, feijoa - belongs to the Myrtaceae family. It is a small evergreen tree or wide pyramidal shrub. It has pubescent leaves of a silvery hue. It has six different subspecies.

Alocasia is a beautiful perennial. Belongs to the Araceae family. Grows in the tropics of Asia, Australia, USA. It reaches a height of 40-200 cm. It has large tree-like leaves of an emerald hue. Produces milky juice. It has medicinal properties and can be grown at home.

Alternanthera is a low-growing herbaceous plant. Belongs to the Amaranthaceae family. It has smooth lanceolate leaves of a burgundy-emerald hue, located on shortened petioles. Its homeland is the tropics of the USA.

Anredera is a herbaceous perennial. It has beautiful broad oval or heart-shaped leaves. The flowers are miniature, collected in spike-shaped inflorescences. The plant has 10 different subspecies. Belongs to the Basellaceae family.

Orange is an evergreen fruit tree. Belongs to the Rutaceae family. It can reach a height of more than 12 m. Dwarf subspecies grow up to 4-6 m. The tree has dense, rounded leaves with a pointed top. The flowers are snow-white, bisexual, with an amazing aroma. The fruits are sweet, slightly sour, and orange in color. Read more information about this fruit here.

Asparagus is a perennial herbaceous plant, liana or small shrub. Belongs to the Asparagaceae family. Has more than 300 different subspecies. Main: white asparagus, mayera, pinnate, crescent, sprenger. Ideal for decorating compositions. Some species are used as vegetable plants and grown at home. Has beneficial properties.

Aspidistra is a stemless evergreen plant. It has a cartilaginous root system. It has several elongated vertical leaves. Leaves with a basic emerald hue with snow-white-amber stripes. Can grow in shaded forests.

Aucuba is a shade-tolerant perennial plant. It has leathery leaves growing in bunches of inflorescences. It has an unusual burgundy-brown color. Belongs to the Cornaceae family. Consists of three different subspecies. Used in folk medicine.

Euonymus is a small evergreen or deciduous shrub. It has round or tetrahedral shoots. Sometimes it forms corky growths. It can reach a height of more than 4 m. It belongs to the Celastraceae family. It has about 200 different subspecies. The most common: fortune euonymus, warty, European, dwarf, winged, Japanese.

Ginura is an amazing ornamental plant. Can be spreading or compact. It has pubescent leaves of a lilac hue. The flowers are beautiful, fragrant, and bloom for a long time. They contain an elongated, hairy stigma. Loves a lot of sunlight. The most common types are orange and wattle ginura.

Hypocyrta is a beautiful subshrub. It has oval or elliptical two-color leaves. It has either a pubescent or smooth surface. Develops swollen tubular flowers. It reaches a height of 10-60 cm. There are more than 30 different subspecies.

Hypoestes - has unusual spotted leaves of burgundy, emerald or purple. Blooms on last year's shoots. It has miniature snow-white flowers. There are more than 150 different subspecies. Belongs to the Acanthaceae family. Always the first to attract the eye.

Gomphrena is a beautiful annual herbaceous plant. Blooms with amazing fragrant inflorescences in the form of cones. Belongs to the Amarantaceae family. Refers to unpretentious plants. There are more than 90 different subspecies. Can grow in open ground.

Pomegranate is a branched fruit tree or small shrub. Belongs to the family Punicaceae. It can reach a height of 6 m. The most common types are baby and carthage. It has bell-shaped flowers of an orange or burgundy hue. The fruits are very healthy, round. They have 9-12 membranes, forming two rows of grains. Often grown at home.

Dizygotheca is an evergreen shrub or weakly branching tree. It has elongated leaves located on petioles and shoots. It has a palmate leaf blade. The flowers are miniature, collected in umbrella inflorescences. The plant belongs to the genus Dizygotheca. Covers more than 17 different subspecies.

Ruscus - is a beautiful indoor perennial. It has inconspicuous leaves resembling scales. Phyllocladial shoots grow in the form of spears. The flowers are miniature, inconspicuous, pale pink. After pollination, blood orange berries may appear. The plant belongs to the unpretentious varieties.

Ginger is a herbaceous plant. Grows in India, Japan, China. It is very rare in the wild. Often grown at home. Ripens within 9-12 months depending on natural conditions. After ripening, it sheds its upper leaves. Propagated by rhizomes. Has beneficial properties.

Zamioculcas is a large, massive plant. Belongs to the tribe Zamioculcadeae. Its homeland is South Africa. Therefore it is considered a desert flower. When growing at home, it is picky about the choice of soil, susceptible to some diseases, and you need to know the tricks when replanting. During drought, it can store water in the branches, root system and leaves. It blooms very rarely.

Irezine is a herbaceous or bushy plant. There are more than 80 different subspecies. Has curly branches. Leaves are opposite, oval or elliptical in shape. They have miniature teeth along the edge. The inflorescence is capitate, in the form of a spike.

Caladium is a seasonal plant. Grows from May to October. In winter it will go into a dormant period. It has an unusual leaf shape. The color is emerald or purple with spots or stripes. Propagated by tubers. Prefers loose, airy soils.

Oxalis is a herbaceous perennial or annual. There are more than 800 different subspecies. The most popular: common sorrel, triangular, purple. It has palmate or trifoliate leaves. They open in the morning and close in the evening. They have a sour taste. The flowers are regular in shape, snow-white, amber, purple or soft pink. Often grown at home. The plant is the national symbol of Ireland.

Coleus (nettle) - has an amazing, unusual shape of leaves. The leaf pattern is very attractive. It is a shrub or subshrub. It reaches a height of 30-50 cm. There are more than 150 different subspecies. Most popular species: black dragon. Often grown at home.

Colocasia is a perennial plant. It reaches a height of 120-180 cm. Belongs to the Araceae family. It has large leaves 90 cm wide. It blooms very rarely. Possesses a cob with a veil. If there is too much lighting, it may begin to turn yellow.

Kufeya is an amazing plant. It has an unusual curved shape. It is an annual subshrub or shrub. At home it is cultivated as a perennial. It has magnificent illuminating fragrant flowers. There are more than 250 subspecies.

Leptospermum is a very useful plant. Otherwise called "Tea Tree". Essential oils are extracted from its leaves. It is a small shrub. It has several subspecies, which differ in shade, doubleness of leaves, parameters, size and aroma of flowers.

Arrowroot belongs to the family Marantaceae. Has 25 different subspecies. It can often be found in the forests and swamps of the United States. The most popular type is tricolor arrowroot. It has unusual leaves with pronounced veins. It blooms very rarely. Can grow in a horizontal position. When growing at home, you need to know about the main diseases and pests.

Metrosideros - has durable wood. There are more than 50 subspecies. Belongs to the Myrtaceae family. In indoor conditions it can be cultivated as a tub or potted plant. It has decorative foliage of an emerald hue. The flowers are fluffy, collected in umbrella inflorescences. The plant is native to the USA.

Murraya is an elegant small tree. It reaches a height of no more than 1.5 m. It has silvery-white or soft amber bark. It has dark feathery leaves with a citrus-lemon aroma. Used in cooking. It blooms with magnificent snow-white flowers. You can find out everything about this plant and its types here.

Palisota is an unpretentious herbaceous plant. Belongs to the Commelinaceae family. It grows up to 30-50 cm. The leaves reach 80 cm in length. It blooms with miniature pink flowers all year round. After flowering it forms blood-burgundy fruits. Contains calcium oxalate.

Nightshade (solyanum, potato tree) is a magnificent flowering plant. Belongs to the Solanaceae family. It can grow as a climbing or hanging plant. It has elongated shoots reaching a length of more than 2 m, blooms for a long time and profusely. The USA is considered the homeland. Main types: black, false pepper nightshade, red.

Peperomia is an evergreen perennial shrub or annual herb. Belongs to the Piper family. It has compacted shoots, dense, leathery leaves. Blooms with miniature leaves. Grown as a deciduous ornamental representative of the flora. Main types: cluseifolia, lilian, magnolia-leaved, wrinkled, blunt-leaved.

Pilea is a magnificent annual or perennial plant. There are more than 400 different subspecies. Belongs to the Urticaceae family. May be in the form of a shrub or evergreen grass. It reaches a height of no more than 40 cm. It is used to decorate flower arrangements. Main types: cadie, coinifolia, peperomyoid.

Pepper is an annual plant. There are more than 2000 different subspecies. May be in the form of an evergreen vine. It has aerial roots and elongated leaves. The flowers are miniature, collected in small inflorescences. The fruits are round and have a sweetish or pungent taste.

The main types of peppers: black, allspice, habanero hot pepper, indoor chili, cockatoo, ramiro, atlas, bell, jalapeno, indoor flame, white, green peas, cayenne, chili.

Poliscias is an evergreen tree or low shrub. Belongs to the Araliaceae family. There are more than 80 subspecies. It has a strongly branching trunk and vertical stems. The leaves are elongated, odd-pinnate. They have an emerald hue with small snow-white splashes. Asia is considered to be the birthplace of the plant.

Guava is an evergreen shrub. It has graceful ellipsoidal leaves. The flowers are snow-white with many stamens. They have a pleasant floral aroma. The shoots are quadrangular. The fruits are round and ripen in 4 months.

Radermacher - has 15 subspecies. Belongs to the Bignoniaceae family. It has large leaves, reaching a length of more than 70 cm. They are covered with glossy miniature leaves 2-4 cm long. To make the bush lush, it is recommended to pluck the buds on the shoots.

Broom is an evergreen shrub. There are more than 40 subspecies. The leaves are emerald, amber, burgundy or snow-white. Europe is considered the homeland. Some subspecies are poisonous. The plant should not be eaten.

Selaginella/Rose of Jericho is a stunning plant. Belongs to the subspecies Selaginellaceae. There are more than 700 varieties. The most popular: martensia jori and squamosal. The stems are covered with miniature leaves. Leaves of different shapes. Cultivated at home.

Skimmia is an evergreen shrub with a dome-shaped shape. It has glossy elongated leaves. Has fragrant flowers. After flowering it produces burgundy or black berries. It is considered a wonderful honey plant.

Strobilanthes is a perennial shrub. Belongs to the Acanthaceae family. It has more than 250 subspecies. Grown from cuttings. Requires regular trimming of stems. It has unusual leaves of variegated colors with serrated edges.

Fittonia is a herbaceous perennial. Has 10 varieties. It has pubescent creeping shoots. The flowers are solitary, amber in color. They grow in spike-shaped inflorescences. The bracts are elongated, oval. Homeland is the USA.

Homalomena belongs to the Araceae family. Has more than 150 subspecies. The flower has become widespread in the tropics of Asia. It has a branched root system and long-petioled leaves. The leaf plate is one-piece. The rosette reaches 40 cm in diameter.

Schefflera - can be in the form of shrubs or small trees. It reaches a height of no more than 2.5 m. It has elongated leathery leaves of an emerald hue. Often grown at home. The flowers are miniature, emerald-amber. They grow in paniculate inflorescences. Main varieties: bianca, tree, janine.

On the pages of our website you can learn about fruiting bushy plants, such as orange or pomegranate, as well as ornamental shrubs, such as muhlenbeckia.

Bushy plants have a branched root system. In most cases, they are propagated by cuttings. They can be decorative and cultivated in greenhouses or at home. Used to decorate flower arrangements.

Indoor eucalyptus

Medicinal eucalyptus is a useful home plant. It effectively purifies the air, making it healthier by releasing phytoncides that kill harmful bacteria.

Eucalyptus of the myrtle family was brought to us from Australia. At home, the plant takes on a compact pyramidal shape. It stretches up to 150 cm in height. Eucalyptus loves sufficient lighting and moderate watering. Resistance to diseases and pests is its characteristic feature. Young eucalyptus needs to be replanted annually. During the period of active growth, it must be fed twice a month.

How to grow an avocado from a seed at home

Those who love avocados can kill two birds with one stone by planting this ornamental tree at home - both their aesthetic needs will be satisfied and they will be able to obtain juicy fruits. True, not right away, but we know that luck comes only to the patient!

In addition, the avocado is an evergreen tree, which means that even in winter it will not shed its leaves and go into hibernation. In nature, it can reach a height of 20 meters. Of course, in a city apartment this is hardly possible, and it is not necessary.

You can grow a small avocado tree at home from a seed. To do this, you will need a ripe fruit seed, a pot for planting and fertile soil. The seed cannot be placed in regular soil taken from the garden bed. Usually, for avocados, a soil mixture is prepared from peat (humus), soil from the garden and river sand - all in equal proportions.

The avocado seed is planted to a depth of 3 cm. And then you need to provide the plant with high-quality, timely watering and plenty of light. A window sill on a west-facing window is the most suitable place. If you did everything correctly, a sprout will appear in about a month.

For those who like a non-traditional approach, there is another way to germinate an avocado seed. To do this, three holes are made in the central part of the bone. A toothpick is inserted into each of them to a depth of 3-5 mm. Next, the blunt end of the bone is immersed a third of the way into water; toothpicks will hold it on the surface of the glass. The water level should be the same throughout the entire time allocated for germination.

After the root system of the future tree reaches 3-4 cm, it is transplanted into a pot with drainage holes. The plant is planted in a fertilized soil mixture; the surface is not compacted. The tree needs light, but not direct sunlight. Avocados love moisture, so they need to be watered 3-4 times a week. Experts recommend replanting your avocado every year - before you know it, the tree will turn into dough in an old pot! It needs to be replanted when it reaches a height of 15 cm. The substrate (peat, soil and sand in equal proportions) must be fresh and loose.

From time to time, avocados need to be fed with fertilizers that are designed for ornamental flower plants, for example, Biochelate. In spring and summer, you need to apply a fertilizer solution (10 ml of mixture per 2 liters of water) 2-3 times a month. In autumn and winter, fertilizing is applied once a month.

Planting, propagation and care

Household trees in pots wonderfully decorate the interior of an apartment or house. In order for plants to bloom and delight their owners, they need optimal care. Proper replanting, planting, watering and fertilizing are the key to healthy greenery.

The seedling brought from the store needs to be planted in a spacious pot. For replanting, soil specially selected for this variety is suitable. You should choose in advance the place where the flower pot will be located. It is necessary to take into account all the nuances. Some plants are afraid of sunlight, while others, on the contrary, cannot tolerate shade. At first, the seedling needs regular watering. To do this, it is better to use settled water at room temperature.

House flowers are propagated by seeds and cuttings. To get a cutting, cut off a leaf or part of the stem located on top. The cuttings are placed in a uniformly moistened earthen mixture. To create a greenhouse effect, the cuttings are covered with a glass jar.

When choosing an indoor tree, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of its cultivation in advance. In this case, the plant will delight its owners with its appearance for many years, delivering aesthetic pleasure and purifying the air.

Necessary care

Clerodendrum vitally needs only abundant watering. If you want to make the plant more decorative and tidy, annual formative pruning is necessary.


During the active growth phase, water the clerodendrum abundantly every 3-4 days and spray the leaves daily with soft water at room temperature, which has stood for at least a day. The plant is especially demanding of moisture during flowering. Ideally, you need to use rain or melt water, but not everyone has this opportunity. Tap water can be softened by adding 3-4 granules of citric acid to a 10-liter bucket and waiting for sediment to settle.

But it is also undesirable to create a swamp in a pot. After watering, wait 15–20 minutes and drain excess water from the pan. This way you will gradually decide on the norm.

Clerodendrum that lacks moisture can be easily identified by its drooping leaves.

Top dressing

Fertilizers are applied only at the active growth stage every 12–15 days. The first fertilizing is carried out immediately after transplantation, associated with pruning. After flowering, clerodendrum does not need fertilizer until next spring.

The flower accepts both organic matter and store-bought liquid fertilizers for flowering indoor plants (especially those with high concentrations of phosphorus). If possible, alternate them.

Natural organic matter is an infusion of fresh cow manure or bird droppings. It is best to cook it outside of your apartment. Even with the lid tightly closed, the smell is very specific. The selected container is filled about a third with raw materials and topped up with water. Then close tightly. After 3–4 days, after the characteristic odor appears, the contents are vigorously mixed. For irrigation, the fertilizer is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:15.

If you notice that the leaves are turning pale, becoming translucent, spray the underside with a solution of complex mineral fertilizer.


Clerodendrum blooms profusely and almost continuously from May to October. If you want to receive flowers by a certain date, try to “deceive” the plant. Put it in the darkest corner of the room, stop fertilizing, spraying and reduce watering. After 20–25 days, the lower leaves will droop, turn yellow and fall off, but buds will form on the tops of the side shoots in the leaf axils. Wait for this moment and return the plant to its original place, providing it with optimal conditions.

Rest period

Most varieties of clerodendrum require a dormant period. This is a necessary condition for flowering next year.

After the plant has finished flowering, stop feeding and gradually reduce watering. When the lower leaves begin to fall off, move it to a bright, cool (15–18ºС) room.

Clerodendrum cannot do without water at all, even in winter. One watering every 3-5 days is enough. The norm is approximately halved compared to summer. Do not bring the flower to such a state when the soil begins to move away from the edges of the pot. In this case, immediately water the plant outside of the schedule.

Pruning: how to shape a bush, tree and other options

Pruning is a necessary procedure for clerodendrum. Otherwise, it will look very sloppy, take up the entire window sill, and also hang down.

Long vine shoots provide gardeners with a wide range of possibilities for giving the plant a wide variety of shapes. The easiest option is to send the shoots up along guides (thin wire or twine) tied to a curtain rod or fixed to the ceiling. Soon you will have a solid green wall. An alternative option is hanging flowerpots. Then you can do without tying. Every year, the shoots need to be cut back by about a third, while at the same time getting rid of dried, broken, dead lashes. This way you stimulate the flower to form new shoots.

If you want to form a bush from clerodendrum, cut all shoots to 50 cm every year. Pinch the tops of young shoots from last year by a quarter at the same time. Ideally, the shape should be close to spherical.

You can give clerodendrum the appearance of a tree, justifying its name. Select 2–3 most developed shoots, cut them to a height of 60–70 cm. Cut the side branches on them by half. At the bottom, to a height of 10–15 cm, cut off all the greenery on the main shoots, leaving bare trunks. In the future, annually pinch out young shoots by 8–10 cm, and remove all growth at the roots.

Using pruning, you can bring any variety of clerodendrum to an acceptable size.

Perform pruning only with sharp, disinfected scissors to avoid damaging the shoots and causing infection.

Video: caring for Mrs. Thompson's clerodendrum

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