Chamelacium flower. Description, features, types and care of chamelacium

The chamelacium's natural habitat is southwestern Australia, so it is difficult for it to adapt to the conditions of our continent.
It is important to remember that this evergreen shrub loves the sun, and for ease of growing, low-growing varieties are chosen. Guided by this article, it is quite possible to grow and care for chamelacium at home.

Chamelacium belongs to the Myrtaceae genus, which includes about 14 varieties. The height of the bushes varies from 30 cm to 3 m, depending on the type and germination conditions. Naturally, at home, the plant does not reach its maximum height.

This plant is characterized by both single flowers and small inflorescences. Chamelacium leaves have an unusual appearance and are often compared to pine needles. In addition, the leaves contain essential oils that emit a wonderful aroma when rubbed.

Varieties and photos

Chamelacium Moonlight and Sarah Delight are most often grown indoors, but some other varieties are also in demand. Depending on the variety, the flowers can be colored lilac, yellow, pink, white and red. The shape of the flowers is double and semi-double; the leaves are always needle-shaped and reach up to 4 cm in length.

The size of the bushes varies - it depends on the variety and growing conditions. Note that this shrub is a fast-growing one, therefore, to give it an aesthetic appearance, its branches are periodically pruned.

Below are photos and descriptions of chamelacium varieties suitable for propagation and care at home.

Sarah dolight

This variety is characterized by the presence of pink flowers, which bloom for more than a month and have a honey aroma. The photo below shows Chamelacium Sarah Delight:

Moonlight dolight

It is distinguished by large flowers and is considered the largest variety. The flowers are white, but after exposure to bright sun they may turn slightly pink . The flowering period is from November to May. The optimal place to grow this beauty is a sunny balcony, because... It prefers a warm climate and open ground. You can see what the Moonlight Delight variety looks like in the photo below:

Chamelacium is not recommended for growing in the office, because he needs careful care.


A variety such as Snow Flake (translated as “snowflake”) has pink or white flowers and grows up to 40 cm tall. Chamelacium snowflake is often used in floristry when making flower arrangements. The photo below shows the Snowflake variety:


This variety is most adapted to home conditions, which is why it is grown by indoor plant lovers. Another name is heraldon, wax myrtle . It is characterized by needle-shaped narrow leaves decorated with small flowers (only about 1-2 cm in diameter). The colors of the flowers are different: white, yellow, lilac, red, purple. Flowering period - end of winter - beginning of summer. The photo below shows Chamelacium Hookate:

When buying a plant, you should pay attention to the leaves - they should be bright, dark green, shiny. Dull leaves indicate the presence of some disease.


The description of the flower begins with the fact that there are different types of bushes that reach a height of 0.3–3 meters. Chamelacium has leaves 3 cm long, green in color, needle-like structure, densely located on the branches of the bush.

As the plant matures, its leaves gradually fall off and new leaves appear in their place. They emit a spruce aroma, which has a beneficial effect by purifying the nearby air from harmful microbes and bacteria. Round-shaped flowers appear on the bush; they reach 1.5-2 cm in diameter.

Indoor chamelacium flowers are painted in whitish, lilac, light pink, pale yellow, and dark red shades. The beautiful inflorescences of the shrub resemble those of fruit trees. Being among the needles, they look great on the branch and exude a pleasant almond-lemon aroma.


To make this exotic flower pleasing to the eye, you will need maximum strength and patience. It is important to know the theoretical basis of proper care for chamelacium.

Soil preparation

Loose and moisture-permeable soil is suitable for growing chamelacium. The earth mixture should be prepared from the following components in equal proportions:

  • Leaf soil;
  • Turf land;
  • Peat;
  • River sand.

Humus should be used as fertilizer . In addition, to maintain a moist layer, it is recommended to add sphangum moss or a special hydrogel, sold in specialized stores. The soil should be slightly acidic.


Chamelacium in its natural environment is accustomed to a lot of sunlight, so the recommended place for growing it is a south window. In winter, you can use special phytolamps.


During the flowering and reproduction period, wax myrtle requires a lot of heat. The flower will feel comfortable at a temperature of 20 to 25 degrees. Chamelacium is also accustomed to 30-degree heat, but it should be protected from scorching rays.

In hot weather, it is recommended to wrap dark pots with flowers in white paper and put them in a darker place.

In autumn and winter, the plant needs to be kept cool . Therefore, the temperature at this time should be reduced to 10-15 degrees so that the plant can “rest” successfully.

Humidity and watering rules

An average humidity level of 50-60% is suitable for growing chamelacium.
Excessive air moisture can provoke the formation of gray rot on the plant, which is quite difficult to get rid of. Chamelacium requires moderate watering in the cold season and abundant watering in the hot season. Both overdrying and overwatering have a detrimental effect on the plant. In the first case, the flower may shed its leaves, but in the second, the soil may rot.

For irrigation you should use soft water , preferably settled water. In addition, it can be acidified with vinegar or citric acid.

Top dressing

For fertilizing, it is better to purchase ready-made fertilizer and produce it only during the period of intensive growth. The plant should not be fertilized in winter.


Plant transplantation is carried out with caution, because Chamelacium roots are quite fragile and easy to damage. Therefore, it is recommended to move it to a larger pot without destroying the earthen coma.

If it is impossible to carefully remove the plant from the pot, it should be carefully broken.

In order for the plant to take root properly, it should be given even more attention than before.


Pruning can be done after flowering . In this case, 1/3 of each shoot is subject to pruning. In young plants, it is better to pinch the tips of the branches to form a more lush bush.

Chamelacium is a fast-growing plant, so there is no need to be afraid to prune it - soon its branches will grow back.

Chamelacium transplant after purchase

Money tree - home care and flowering

The plant is not replanted immediately after acquisition. What needs to be done before the bush is transplanted:

  1. The chamelacium along with the pot is covered with a large plastic bag or thick black film for 7-10 days. There is no need to tie the bush.
  2. The plant is placed in a well-lit and cool (14-16 °C) room.
  3. After the allotted time has passed, the film or bag is removed, the top layer of soil mixture is removed and new fertile soil is added.

Post-purchase care consists of several stages

Choosing a pot and preparing the soil

To plant chamelacium, it is better to use slightly acidic, loose, well-drained soil. To prepare the soil mixture use:

  • rotted peat;
  • humus;
  • coarse river sand;
  • turf;
  • rotted leaves.

All components are taken in equal proportions. To prevent the soil in the pot from drying out, add hydrogel or sphagnum moss to it.

Important! The plant needs soil that will allow air to pass through well, otherwise it will drop all its leaves and die.

Step by step planting process

Landing is performed in this way:

  1. At the bottom of the pot it is necessary to lay a layer of expanded clay, small stones or crushed bricks.
  2. Cover the top with a prepared soil mixture consisting of turf soil, rotted leaves, sphagnum moss, rotted peat, vermiculite and coarse river sand.
  3. In the center you need to place the plant along with a lump of earth.
  4. Fill the voids with earth.
  5. Cover the bush with plastic wrap.
  6. After 3-4 days, the cover must be removed.


Chamelacium propagates using cuttings. Planting should be done as follows:

  1. Prepare an earth mixture of sand and peat;
  2. Cut off several apical cuttings and treat them with means to stimulate root growth;
  3. Place the pot in a room with a temperature of 22-25 degrees.

Within 6 weeks the cuttings will take root , but some may not develop roots at all.

Top dressing

Complex fertilizers are suitable for chamelacium in a pot, which contain phosphorus and potassium, these are the main vitamins for flowering plants.

Fertilizer is applied 2 times: during the growth period and during the flowering phase. There is no need at other times.

Diseases and pests

The smell that comes from the plant protects it from many pests. However, like other indoor flowers, it is afraid of aphids in the warm season. To prevent this disease, insecticides should be used.

The main problem of wax myrtle is gray rot , which appears at high indoor temperatures and high humidity. To eliminate it, the flower must be sprayed with fungicidal agents.

Gray rot is dangerous due to rapid infection and death of not only the chamelacium itself, but also other indoor plants in the neighborhood. Therefore, it must be dealt with immediately.

Chamelacium uncinate

In Australia it can reach 2 m and grows quickly. It won't be as big at home, but it also needs to be trimmed frequently for a decorative aesthetic.

Fragrant flowers amaze with their shades and abundance. They can be snow-white, yellow, pink, scarlet, lilac and even purple. These are single flowers or beautiful inflorescences. The leaves are very similar to needles.

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Chamelacium Darwinia

This is a low shrub up to 50 cm, it is convenient to keep it on a loggia or balcony in a metropolis. Delicate inflorescences are similar to an apple tree. Colors range from soft pink to purple.

Branches of bright Darwinia can be seen in flower arrangements and holiday bouquets. They look great with lilies and roses.

If you care for it correctly, the chamelacium will be healthy and will delight you with a whole armful of shoots and a scattering of delicate fragrant flowers.

Different types of shrubs with multi-colored flowers and leaves in the photo of chamelacium.

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