How to care for a cactus at home: tips and life hacks

Author: Elena N. Category: Houseplants Published: February 20, 2019Last edits: January 11, 2021
  • Blooming cacti
      Care during flowering
  • Cacti after flowering, wintering
  • Cactus propagation
      Growing from seeds
  • Reproduction by children
  • Diseases and pests
      Why do cacti turn yellow?
  • Why do they rot?
  • Why doesn't the cactus grow?
  • Pests and their control
  • Diseases and their treatment
  • Types and varieties
  • Aporocactus flagelliformis
  • Mammillaria
  • Gymnocalycium
  • Cereus
  • Echinopsis (Echinopsis)
  • Opuntia cactus
  • Literature
  • useful links
  • Comments
  • Cactus (lat. Cactaceae) belongs to the Cactaceae family, represented by perennial flowering plants. The family is divided into four subfamilies. The word "cactus" is of Greek origin. Carl Linnaeus introduced this name in 1737 as an abbreviation for "melocactus" (thistle) due to the spines with which representatives of the Cactaceae are covered. It is suggested that cacti evolved evolutionarily about 30-40 million years ago, and, despite the fact that fossil cacti have not yet been found anywhere, it is believed that the homeland of cacti is South America, and they spread to the northern continent not so long ago - no more than 5-10 million years ago. Thus, we can consider cacti to be plants of the New World. And today the habitat of the cactus in nature is South and North America and the islands of the West Indies. In addition to the American continent, the cactus plant can be found in natural conditions in Africa, Madagascar and Sri Lanka - they claim that cactus seeds were brought there by birds.

    The soil

    Now in stores there are ready-made soil mixtures for cacti, and even for different types. But you can mix the soil yourself. It should be light, airy, have good drainage and not too sour.

    Regular soil for indoor plants must be diluted with raising agents - pebbles, sand, stone chips. Choose a substrate based on lowland peat. To reduce acidity, use dolomite flour and limestone.



    Reproduction of cacti occurs vegetatively (from shoots) or generatively (from seeds). The vegetative method is so simple that most cactus lovers use it. But true fans of these unusual plants do not look for easy ways and enthusiastically grow cacti from seeds, despite the fact that this process is labor-intensive and a positive result is not guaranteed.

    Christmas tree - growing at home

    Vegetative propagation involves the rooting of shoots of adult plants. These cuttings usually have root buds and take root easily.

    In the photo: Blooming cactus

    Cacti are grown from seeds by first disinfecting store-bought seeds in a strong solution of potassium permanganate, and then germinating them in a humid environment. Some forms of cacti can sprout within a day, while others may take a month to germinate.

    An interesting observation was made by psychologists: they believe that growing cacti attracts dry and outwardly reserved people, who are actually very vulnerable and impressionable.

    Shading a cactus

    If such a need arises, organza or a mosquito net is sufficient for shading. It is imperative to hide freshly transplanted plants from direct sunlight, because they are more sensitive. It is also better to do this in early spring, when the first sunny days arrive. Accustom the cactus to light gradually over the course of a week.


    How to care for an orchid at home

    You bought a cactus - what next? Step-by-step instruction

    But business is business with its capitalist grin. Huge greenhouses have been built to grow such cacti. First of all, everything here is aimed at maximizing profit. Therefore, plants are grown using fertilizers and growth stimulants. As a rule, these are various hybrids; there can be no talk of purity of the species.

    So, in a flower shop, some big-eyed cactus pierced your heart with its thorns. Dazzled and touched, you are ready to buy it immediately. There is no need to rush, so as not to bitterly regret it later. First of all, you need to carefully examine the plant literally from head to toe, and preferably with a magnifying glass. If you find reddish accumulations on the top of the head, between the ribs, some soft cotton balls on the soil, or suspicious spots on the stem, it is better to refuse the purchase.

    The fact is that these greenhouse cacti are often infected with such dangerous pests as red spider mites, mealybugs (soil and stem), nematodes, and gall midges. If you are ready to fight for the life of the plant you like, buy and fight.

    It was not for nothing that I used the word “big-eyed” above: this is another sabotage of cacti, but at the hands of humans. In pursuit of profit, suppliers simply barbarously attach all sorts of eyes, ears and flowers to plants. In this case, long needles are used, stuck deep into the stem, or terrible glue that cannot be torn off with anything without consequences for the plant. Of course, all these decorations serve to attract an ignorant buyer, although they turn the cacti into cripples.

    If you are “lucky enough” to become the owner of such a cactus, you need to immediately free it from these decorations. But be prepared for the fact that the plant will invariably suffer: the needles are often impossible to pull out, and the glue does not want to be removed at all, only with the help of a blade. The resulting wounds will heal over time, but the scars will remain forever. It’s even worse when the flowers are glued to the very top of the head: this cactus will not be able to grow, because its growth point is tightly filled with this superglue.

    A new cactus should definitely be kept in quarantine for about two weeks, separately from other indoor plants. In case pests or diseases that were not immediately noticed are suddenly discovered. And you will need to watch his adaptation: after all, this is a free life, and not in a store on a dimly lit shelf. That is why you don’t need to immediately put it in the sun; you definitely need to shade it for the first time, otherwise burns will not be avoided.

    The next step is replanting into new soil. There are two options here: replanting into new soil and completely removing the old one. And replanting and transshipment while preserving the greenhouse peat clod. Regardless of the option chosen, the first step is to remove the cactus from the pot and carefully inspect the roots and soil. If diseased roots are found, they need to be cut off. If there are pests in the soil, there can be no question of transshipment - only replanting after thorough washing of the roots.

    The transplant must be done immediately after purchase. Soak the peat lump in warm water and rinse the roots. Then, after drying for 1-2 days, plant the cactus in fresh, dry soil mixture. On the one hand, there is no longer the risk of hidden pests appearing. But on the other hand, such a transplant is quite extreme, because it is impossible to remove this peat without cutting off the roots. There is a risk that the plant will not cope with this stress and will die, unable to immediately get used to the completely new soil and grow roots.

    Transshipment is less traumatic for a plant that finds itself in new conditions. The cactus, along with the old lump of “native” soil, is transferred to a larger pot, adding its own soil mixture around the edges. It will be easier for him to adapt to new conditions without wasting energy on restoring roots. But there is a risk of overlooking pests in the depths of the soil. And in the future, when watering, this greenhouse part of the peat soil will dry out greatly and injure the roots. And in general, the soil in the pot will be wetted very unevenly.

    One more point: when can you water a transplanted cactus? If there was a transplant with flushing, then plant only in dry soil and water no earlier than a week later. If there was a transshipment without injury to the roots, then you can water it in a couple of days.

    In any case, you need to proceed from your specific situation. The main thing is to remember that the injured roots must dry out and tighten, otherwise rotting will occur.

    After adapting the cactus to new conditions and gradually getting accustomed to sunlight, it can be placed on the windowsill. In the future, care for it as you would for other cacti.

    Tags: cacti, floriculture, plants, indoor plants, thorns

    Is it possible to place a cactus in a room without a window?

    Often, cacti are placed in offices or bathrooms in the hope that their unpretentiousness will help them survive. But in fact, only certain varieties are able to live in such conditions, because most of them are southern desert plants.

    At best, the cactus simply will not grow and develop. So we recommend avoiding such decisions. Or at least be sure to study the conditions of keeping a particular species and organize special lighting.


    Drainage for cactus

    For cacti, drainage is simply necessary. Even drainage holes will not prevent stagnation of water in the roots, because excess water remains in the pan, from where there is not always time to drain it. Good drainage will certainly protect the cactus from stagnation of water. The dimensions of the drainage are relative - at least 1/6 of the volume of the pot, maximum - 1/3. For drainage, you can use expanded clay, small pieces of broken red brick, small crushed stone, and, for lack of a better option, pieces of foam plastic.

    Broken egg shells are also added to the drainage. Preferably for drainage, or you can simply add pieces of charcoal (preferably birch) to the soil mixture.

    How to water a cactus?

    Any cacti must be watered only with warm, settled or filtered water. You must not let water get on the plant itself and allow it to stagnate. Moisture-loving varieties are watered more often, but desert varieties are sufficient several times a season. Therefore, there is no universal scheme, but remember: in the case of cacti, underwatering is always better than overwatering. And be sure to reduce the frequency of watering in winter!

    Dracaena: home care, propagation and transplantation

    Cactus pruning

    Cutting off excess parts of plants prolongs their life, stimulates growth, and promotes abundant flowering. Cacti are no exception: timely pruning will have a positive effect on the health of many varieties.

    Is it possible to trim

    Pruning cacti is legal and beneficial.

    It must be done in the following cases:

    • the appearance of rot;
    • severe distortion, deformation of the stem;
    • excessive growth.

    Some ornamental varieties require regular pruning for normal functioning.


    To prevent pruning from causing harm to the plant, you must adhere to the following rules:

    • use only a disinfected knife;
    • treat large and small cuts with crushed coal;
    • After the procedure, place the cactus in the shade so that the wound can dry out:
    • do not allow the cut to come into contact with the ground.

    After pruning, you need to monitor the plant in order to notice signs of weakening or infections in time and take action.

    Caring for flowering cacti

    During this period, protect the plant from direct sunlight, ventilate often and avoid weeds. For flowering varieties, proper wintering with a state of dormancy is especially important in order to have time to accumulate strength. You should not turn the pot with different sides to the sun - let it stand in one place. Do not disturb the cactus with buds with fertilizers, rearrangements or transplants.


    Blooming cacti

    Blooming mammillaria can have up to hundreds of flowers

    Flowering of cacti occurs once every 3-4 years for small varieties and once every 4-6 years for large ones. In order for a cactus to bloom, it must be properly cared for. To get a flowering plant, you must follow these rules:

    1. The cactus must be in a state of growth. If its growth has slowed down, it means the roots are not providing it with enough nutrients. Most likely, they take up the entire space of the pot. The plant needs to be transplanted into a larger container or a new substrate
    2. The cactus must definitely go through a dormant phase this season.
    3. The plant should receive maximum sunlight and fresh air
    4. It is not recommended to move the pot from place to place. When the lighting direction changes, even plants that have begun to bloom drop their buds
    5. At least a year must pass from the moment of transplantation for the cactus to bloom.

    In addition to these basic rules, each species has its own characteristics, consisting of special conditions for temperature, humidity and lighting. Practice shows that the more unpretentious and hardy a variety is, the higher the likelihood of its flowering. For example, in Echinopsis, simultaneous formation of babies and flowering is generally possible, which is rare in the world of cacti.

    The use of fertilizers to stimulate flowering in cacti is not always effective. Moreover, in some cases it has completely the opposite effect.

    You should also know that sick, weakened, attacked by pests and rotting plants will not bloom.

    VIDEO: Cactus ?Planting and Care? Useful tips

    Cactus ?Planting and Care? Useful tips

    How to care for a cactus at home: features of care after purchase, in winter, flowering, reproduction and watering | (Photo & Video)


    Cacti are replanted in the spring, when they have just gained strength for active growth. In the process, carefully cut off all damaged roots, disinfect the pot and soil, and give the plant a bath with rooting agent according to the instructions.

    When planting, a generous drainage layer is needed. The root collar must remain on the surface, because if the trunk gets into the ground, it will begin to rot the very next time you water it. When you need to strengthen an unstable plant, cover it with decorative stones. After transplanting, do not water the plant for 3-5 days, do not place it in direct sun and do not fertilize for 1-2 weeks.


    How to grow an avocado from a seed at home

    How to replant a cactus

    You need to replant succulents when they become cramped in an old pot. For young plants, it is advisable to carry out the procedure annually, for old plants – every 3-4 years. Timely and correctly carried out replanting has a beneficial effect on the health of the plant by renewing the soil and expanding the space.


    The container for replanting should be 2-3 cm larger than the one in which the cactus grew before. There should be enough space for the plant's root system, but not too much: empty space is bad for succulents. It is optimal that the container size is 50% larger than the diameter of the roots, and the depth is 20% greater than their length.

    You can choose pots of any shape and color, but they must have drainage holes at the bottom: otherwise moisture will begin to accumulate in the container, which will cause the plant to rot.

    Young cacti prefer plastic containers that prevent soil leaching. Mature plants grow best in ceramic and clay pots.


    You need to fill the pot for transplanting as follows:

    1. Fill the bottom with drainage mixture to 1-2 cm.
    2. Place some substrate on top.
    3. Leave the remaining layer underground. It should fill the pot without reaching 1 cm to the edge.

    For optimal growth, desert cacti require loose, slightly to moderately acidic (pH 4.5 to 6.0), porous soil with good water permeability. The optimal composition of the soil mixture: leaf and turf soil, charcoal, washed river sand.

    For succulents with white needles, add a little gypsum. Peat should be used carefully when growing cacti: it promotes plant growth, but slows down the processes of reproduction and flowering.

    The choice of soil mixture depends on the plant variety. Unpretentious varieties, such as Echinopsis, grow well on a mixture of any soil and sand in a 1:1 ratio. Tropical cacti prefer clay substrate.

    How to transplant

    It is advisable to replant in the spring, when succulents begin their active growth stage. 2-3 days before the procedure, stop watering the plant so that the soil dries out and begins to fall freely from the roots. It is advisable to disinfect a new pot for a cactus by pouring boiling water over the inner and outer parts: this will protect it from diseases and parasites.

    If the cactus is prickly, replanting is carried out wearing thick fabric gloves, and the plant itself is wrapped in several layers of newspaper, polystyrene foam or foam rubber.

    Stages of work:

    1. Take the pot and turn it over. Using a thin stick or pencil, lightly press the soil inside the pot through the drainage holes so that the earth ball falls out.
    2. Shake off the root system from the remaining soil. If the plant is transplanted into a new soil mixture, it should be completely washed and cleaned.
    3. Trim overgrown roots. Treat the cut areas with charcoal.
    4. Place the plants in the pot, being careful not to wrap or bend the roots. Cover with substrate, but do not cover the bottom of the stem.

    After replanting, it is recommended to compact the soil - sprinkle with pebbles or small crushed stone.

    How to care after transplant

    After transplantation, the cactus is placed in a quiet, shaded place. Humidification is stopped for 4-5 days, then watering is gradually resumed, starting with 20-50 ml of water per day. If necessary, it is alternated with liquid mineral fertilizers.

    Reproduction of cactus by children

    Most cacti simply reproduce by babies, which you simply need to carefully pinch off and root in water or directly in the ground. It is better to take already grown children, at least 1.5-2 cm. When rooting in water, it should be warm (25-30 degrees), and not reach the trunk of the plant. The distance between the water level and the bottom of the cactus is 5-7 mm.


    Features of the plant

    Representatives of this breed belong to the large group of Cactus plants. Needle-shaped, they are not very friendly to humans, but despite this, they have gained enormous fame among lovers of home flowers. Caring for a cactus in a pot is not at all burdensome. It requires sunlight, very moderate watering and periodic, rather rare, changing of the pot. Cacti are classified as succulents, and the main feature of these plants is the ability to accumulate moisture.

    That is why caring for plants at home does not cause much trouble. They do not require abundant watering, and during the autumn-winter period, watering is practically stopped, since the cacti have already managed to stock up on the required amount of moisture.

    There are only 4 types of cacti:

    • Pereskiaceae (their peculiarity is the presence of full foliage; scientists consider this a transitional variety from deciduous plants to succulents);
    • prickly pear (distinguished by unusual shapes, grow very quickly, therefore they are more often found in office premises or the foyers of administrative buildings, easily adapt to any growing conditions, the most common type is the mammillaria cactus);
    • mauchienaceae (cacti from Patagonia grow well at home and do not require special care, the only problem is that cultivated varieties practically do not bloom);
    • cacti (a large number of varieties and varieties distinguish this species; all remaining varieties of succulents are collected here; the rules for caring for them vary somewhat, but there is a certain general program of measures for caring for such plants).

    Cacti and succulents are often called synonyms. In fact, this is not true at all. Cacti are part of the genus of succulents, but are not its only representatives. Even among grape and bromyelaceae there are succulents, the main feature of which is considered to be the ability to store water and use it economically in various habitat conditions.


    The most common problems with cacti are fungi and rot. Most often they appear due to improper care: excess moisture and low temperatures. Here it is important to remove damaged areas, reduce watering, provide warmth and sun, and use antifungal sprays and solutions.

    If the cactus trunk is too soft, the problem is an excess of moisture. When the root system begins to rot, it is very difficult to save the plant. But you can try with an emergency transplant, removing rotten roots and drying.

    A slight change in color is a standard reaction to changing conditions, so most often it will go away on its own. Dropping buds or leaves can be a reaction to stress, and the death of young shoots is a sure sign of damage to the roots during transplantation or due to pests.


    Possible mistakes during care

    Cacti are very resilient, but even they, once in an indoor environment, can suffer from various influences. For example, mechanical damage, excess fertilizer or violations of the care regimen. It is also possible that the soil is overcooled or the substrate is overfilled. In this case, bacterial or fungal diseases may develop. With this development of events, you will have to use insecticidal preparations purchased in specialized stores. This cannot but affect the condition of the succulent.

    Weakened immunity in a cactus can contribute to the proliferation of various pests. It could be a spider mite, aphid or scale insect. Pests can only be controlled using fungicides. An excess of nitrogenous fertilizers in the soil contributes to the pathological growth of the above-ground part of the plant. The skin quickly bursts, and areas of rot quickly form at the site of damage. Such a flower is practically doomed to death.

    Drafts and changes in lighting levels also negatively affect the condition of the succulent. In the first case, the surface of the flower becomes covered with rusty spots, and in the second, a reddish tint appears, completely unnatural for cacti.

    Excessive amounts of ultraviolet radiation can cause sunburn. This is especially noticeable in young and small plants that are installed on the windowsill of the south side of the house. If it is not possible to use less illuminated areas, it is better to come up with a small screen for the plant that will protect it from excess ultraviolet radiation without preventing it from reaching the flower.

    In general, all cacti adapt very easily and quickly to any conditions. They take root well and grow quickly. If you take good and competent care of them, following all the recommendations of experienced flower growers, you can get a blooming succulent that decorates the windowsill with an unusual color.

    Cactus pests

    Pests on cacti are rare. Occasionally, small mites settle on them, leaving behind rusty spots. Less common are whitish scale insects, scale insects and false scale insects. The methods of control are the same: remove everything that can be removed with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol, and treat the plant with an insecticide according to the instructions.


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    Varieties of cacti

    In our apartments we mainly grow dwarf cacti, which were bred through selective breeding. There are a huge number of miniature forms that can easily be placed on a windowsill in dozens.

    • Aspidistra in the photo with species names

    Growing Pereskia - a detailed guide

    The most popular indoor cacti of deserted are echinopsis, Echinocereus of Knippel and Combenchene, Echinocactus Gruson, Cereus Peruvsky, Hametsyusereus Sylvester, Aporocactus Polespey, Notokaktus, Capricorous Astrophitum, Opinia, Politylary and Bloody Porillic Parodios and Bloodwood .

    In the photo: Cacti

    Indoor varieties of forest cacti do not look like cacti. In nature, they grow on or under trees. In the conditions of our apartments it is convenient to grow rhipsalidopsis, epiphyllum and everyone’s favorite zigocactus (Decembrist or Rozhdestvennik).

    How to care for the Decembrist - forest cactus

    How to trim a diseased cactus

    Gymnocalycium: mix and other popular plant species and cactus care at home

    The healthy upper part of the plant is cut off and placed in water for several days. When the roots appear, the plant is planted in a new flower container. A phytohormone solution will speed up rooting; it stimulates root formation and improves immunity.

    Important! To avoid damaging your hands during transplantation, it is advisable to wear gloves. You will also need cloth or newspapers to wrap the thorny plant.

    Video description

    Watch the video for some more tips on caring for a cactus:

    How to choose the right soil

    In order for growing cacti to be successful, you need to select a light substrate into which air can easily penetrate. You can purchase ready-made soil mixture for cacti or make it yourself. To do this, you need to mix river sand, turf, and leaf soil. You can put expanded clay, brick chips or gravel at the bottom of the pot. They will serve as drainage.

    Plant transplantation

    A succulent needs to be replanted if the plant has stopped actively growing and the stem has begun to wrinkle and become dull. For some types of cacti, this procedure needs to be carried out once every two years, for others, once every five years is enough. There is no one rule for everyone; you need to monitor the condition of the succulent.

    First of all, you need to protect yourself from injury. To do this, you can use gloves, or wrap the plant with thick cloth, newsprint or a washcloth. There are also special pliers for replanting cacti on sale.

    Echinocactus transplant Source

    The roots need to be carefully shaken out of the pot, cleaned of any remaining old soil, and dead or rotten roots removed. All cuts should be sprinkled with crushed charcoal, and the plant should be left in a dry container for the cuts to heal.

    After this, you need to take a larger pot, put a layer of expanded clay on the bottom, sprinkle with a thin ball of soil, and carefully place the cactus. Using a rolled-up newspaper, you need to hold the plant strictly in the center and fill it with soil, making sure that the roots are evenly distributed in the container. Expanded clay or decorative crushed stone can be placed on top of the soil.

    Plant after transplantation Source

    You can water the plant after transplantation only after 15 days. All this time the plant should be in a partially darkened place.

    This is how you can decorate the soil surface Source

    Description of cacti

    Cacti are perennial plants native to North America and Mexico, and are part of a general group called succulents, that is, plants that can retain water and create moisture reserves in special tissues.

    The spines, ribs and papillae protect the plant from overheating in the wild; each spine casts a shadow on the stem. Cacti began their triumphal march in the 19th century, in Europe and to this day they are popular among flower growers, including thanks to the work of breeders who created many new species of cacti. By the way, there are cacti without any thorns.

    All cacti are divided into groups: according to shape, color, structure of ovaries, location of flowers, characteristics of fruits and seeds. Cacti are divided into 4 groups: Cactaceae, Mauchienaceae, Opuntiaceae, Peireskiaceae. Prickly pears are home cacti and there are about 160 species of them.

    Cacti are not only spectacular plants, they are used to produce medicines, food, liquor and cosmetics. In addition, cacti perfectly purify indoor air by releasing negative ions.

    It is quite a worthy flower for the home, useful and beautiful, does not require special care, is decorative and effective in the interior, blooming cacti delight everyone without exception. Flowers can range from tiny to large specimens up to 20 cm in diameter.

    How to care for a cactus

    When purchasing in a store, they usually give recommendations on how to care for a particular cactus at home. Most of the prickly beauties are unpretentious, but differences in living conditions still exist.

    The cactus family is diverse and beautiful

    Watering mode

    The viability of plants largely depends on proper watering and water quality.

    During the summer, desert cacti (xerophytes) and spurge triangular should be watered once or twice a week; In winter one is enough. It is better to do this in the morning, so that by evening the soil has time to dry to a depth of 2-3 centimeters.

    Forest (tropical) cacti are watered more often. In winter - twice a week, in the warm season - as the top layer of the earth dries out.

    The earthen lump should be completely wet, and waterlogging and, especially, stagnation of water should not be allowed. It is advisable to use filtered or settled water with a neutral pH reaction.

    Important! Hard and chlorinated can not only spoil the appearance, but also damage the delicate roots that absorb nutrients.

    Watering should be sufficiently abundant

    Air temperature

    Cacti are not capricious, but they do need care. In summer, all cacti benefit greatly from being outside. No high temperature will harm xerophytes and milkweed; they like both heat and bright sun. However, when the temperature drops to +5-7 degrees, they need to be brought into the house, even if the sun is shining with all its might outside.

    In winter, it is better to keep them indoors, where from +5 to +15 C. Left warm, they will continue to grow, and since there is not enough light in winter, they will stretch out and bend towards the light source, acquiring an ugly appearance. In addition, many varieties that are deprived of a dormant period do not bloom.

    Forest cacti, such as Aporocactus and Schlumberger - also known as Rozhdestvennik and Decembrist - need cooler daytime temperatures in the summer and even cooler ones at night. If at night it is from +13 to +16 degrees, their flowering will be full and long-lasting.

    The Decembrist will delight you with New Year's blossoms


    Caring for cacti also includes humidity control. Cacti come from deserts and semi-deserts, so it is preferable to plant them in rooms with warm, dry air.

    Forest cacti prefer a humid air environment. It is difficult to maintain the optimal humidity for them, 80-90 percent humidity in the apartment, but you can create more comfortable living conditions if you spray regularly. In hot summer weather, it is advisable to do this daily, in winter - a couple of times a month.


    One of the most important factors for the normal growth and development of plants is lighting. Some succulents like to be in direct sunlight, others require indirect light, and others generally prefer to live in the shade.

    Important! Desert cacti need bright light, so the best location for them is the window sills of windows facing south or southeast. In summer, they can be taken out onto the balcony or, if possible, into the garden, vegetable garden, or yard, so that they are in the open sun. This is the best prevention of many diseases.

    Forest cacti are also responsive to care. They need light, but cannot tolerate direct sunlight. It is better to plant them on windows facing west or north. In the summer, it is also useful for them to be outdoors, but in shaded places.

    Euphorbia grows well in both shade and sun. You can keep it on the balcony or outside all summer.

    Light is necessary for photosynthesis and is a powerful stimulus for the growth and flowering of all cacti. If it is deficient, they lose their natural color, do not grow, and may not form buds for years. To avoid this, in semi-dark rooms, as well as in winter, when there are fewer sunny days, you can use additional artificial lighting.

    Addition of light - artificial lighting

    The soil

    Soil for planting cacti can be purchased at specialized stores. But you can prepare it yourself, since purchased soil for all succulents is often peat-based, which is not at all suitable for desert cacti. Under natural conditions, they grow on dry, mineral soil, where, due to the abundance of hot sun, there are few soil microorganisms.

    Important! Microbes living in organic peat-based substrates can cause not only partial rotting and death of part of the root system, but also the death of the plant.

    The ideal mixture for desert cacti is a low-nutrient substrate consisting of garden soil, fine river sand with the addition of perlite or pumice. You can also add a little bone meal.

    The soil mixture for forest cacti should be looser and more breathable. In their natural environment, they most often live in rocky crevices or tropical trees, feeding on organic waste and rainwater. Therefore, the composition of the soil for epiphytic cacti includes:

    • turf land;
    • leaf soil;
    • river sand;
    • lowland peat;
    • charcoal.

    Top dressing

    Caring for cacti also involves regular feeding with complex mineral fertilizer. As a rule, they are carried out during the period of active growth, that is, in the spring and in the first half of summer.

    It is not always possible to prepare the perfect fertilizer at home. Therefore, it is better to buy it in a store and use it according to the instructions. For example, the “Flower Paradise” series of fertilizers also contains compounds for cacti.

    Important! It is not recommended to fertilize during the dormant period. This should not be done immediately after planting; you need to wait until the root system develops.

    To feed and, at the same time, to disinfect the soil, forest cacti are occasionally watered with a pale pink solution of manganese.

    An excellent way to enhance flowering is boric acid. It improves metabolic processes, increases the chlorophyll content in the leaves, and increases the plant's resistance to disease. The spraying solution is made at the rate of 0.1 g of boric acid per 1 liter of water. Spray in early spring.

    Cacti will respond to care with a healthy appearance and lush flowering.

    Important! It is better to fertilize in the evening or in cloudy weather. Before this, the plant should be watered.

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