What flower is a Taurus woman's horoscope?

Women born under the sign of Taurus are distinguished by a subtle sense of style, love of beauty, elegance and sophistication. When accepting a bouquet, they will definitely enjoy it to the fullest - they will examine it in detail, feel the aroma, and look for the hidden meaning. Therefore, you need to choose flowers for Taurus especially carefully. A well-chosen floral arrangement will help you express any feelings without words!

What flowers to give to a Taurus woman?

For a gift for a woman born under the sign of Taurus, you need to choose bright, lush plants with a pleasant, long-lasting scent. Ideal fit:

  • lilac - its aroma will inspire creativity and daydreaming, pacify stubbornness and improve your mood;
  • daffodils and tulips - symbolize joy, youth, the onset of spring, and will help cope with stress and depression;
  • lilies of the valley - capable of filling the heart with love, softening resentment, restraining stubbornness and pacifying the temper of Taurus;
  • lilies - will bring sophistication to the interior, become its decoration, and give a lot of pleasant emotions with their colorful colors and amazing aroma;
  • roses - symbolize love, fidelity, passion, admiration, put you in a romantic mood and help express the fullness of feelings.

Some representatives of the sign prefer wild flowers: daisies, crocuses, bluebells. Try to find out from your chosen one in advance what she likes. Choose a bouquet taking into account the individual preferences of the recipient, and then she will definitely appreciate it.

Flowers for Taurus

Which flower does Taurus prefer, based on the fact that its element is Earth?

This zodiac sign is considered the most down-to-earth of all earth signs. Naturally, such a horoscope representative will like wildflowers and meadow flowers. If the flowers were purchased in a store, then excessive decoration should be avoided when arranging the composition. The bouquet should be decorated tastefully, but modestly. Taurus will immediately notice excesses that he does not like.

In flowers, Taurus feels the harmony created by nature, which is in tune with his vision of the world. Therefore, plants for Taurus should be cozy and homely, which corresponds to the internal needs of Taurus. He will be glad to see the first spring flowers because they represent a connection with the earth. In general, it won’t be difficult to please a Taurus with flowers. A strong connection with nature allows him to love and appreciate everything that is created by it.

According to the horoscope, Taurus chooses his favorite flower for himself. Young girls of this sign, self-confident and with a strong character, will definitely let their boyfriend know what flowers they prefer. However, if relationships are just beginning to build, then it is better to give preference to the following representatives of the flora:

  • All spring flowers - daffodils, lilies of the valley, snowdrops, lilacs. Possessing a delicate aroma, they, among other things, bloom during the period that corresponds to this zodiac sign in the calendar.
  • Taurus also love large bright flowers that bloom in summer - roses, chrysanthemums, gladioli, peonies.
  • Since this is a down-to-earth sign, the compositions should be of low-growing flowers. Representatives of the flora such as gerberas are also suitable for a bouquet. They are also called solar, bringing joy. Because of their color scheme, Taurus will be delighted to receive such a gift.

The colors this zodiac sign prefers are red, pink in combination with white. He will also be pleased with colors such as orange or yellow. Taurus cares about the opinions of others, so they are demanding about clothes and, as a result, about the bouquet that is given to them in public. He must be chic to please a Taurus.

Houseplants for Taurus

Women born under the sign of Taurus simply love growing indoor plants. Therefore, they are always happy to receive a flower in a pot (blooming or decorative foliage) as a gift. Representatives of decorative potted flora grow wonderfully in the Taurus house. Taurus masterfully selects an approach to each flower, and even the most labor-intensive care is a joy for them. The best choice for Taurus females are the following indoor plants:

  1. Violets, streptocarpus, gloxinia - will help you find peace of mind and balance, make the atmosphere in your home cozy, and relieve heavy obsessive thoughts. Purple and blue flowers improve relationships with household members, strengthen marriage, and protect against the evil eye. White violet will fill the heart with joy and make a woman’s inner world cleaner and more stable.
  2. Azalea, gardenia - attract wealth and good luck, help overcome greed, inspire a feeling of satisfaction with life, and contribute to the establishment of harmonious relationships with the outside world. For a Taurus woman, it is better to choose red and pink azaleas.
  3. Orchids - symbolize female sexuality, inaccessibility, pride. Fill the house with feminine energy. They will help you love yourself and raise your self-esteem. A Taurus woman can be given any orchids, for example, phalaenopsis, cambria, cymbidium. She will cope with everyone and find a common language.

Indoor plants for Taurus should not be too pretentious and flashy. It is better if they are compact and neat, of regular shape and with regular flowering.

Taurus flower according to horoscope

As you know, Taurus is the second earth sign in the Zodiac circle and it is the sign that is closest to the material sphere and to the Earth. In addition, some explain the low growth of plants and the thriftiness of representatives of this sign.

The Taurus flower is Saintpaulia (Uzumbara violet), Kalanchoe Mangina and Blossfeld, decorative flowering begonias (multiflorous, tuberous and winter-flowering), Sinningia (gloxinia) beautiful, ampelous peperomia and primrose. These plants exhibit many of the properties of Taurus, but they all have two common properties.

First of all, it is worth noting that any of the above plants can be grown in the house as a talisman to attract wealth. Taurus is a sign characterized by stability of financial situation, and it is plants that will help strengthen it. In addition, Taurus is considered physically strong and resilient, so plants of this sign can also be grown to maintain the strength of their body.

Amulet flower for Taurus

The most valuable plant for a woman born under the sign of Taurus is the medicinal flowering Kalanchoe. The plant with fleshy leaves and small inflorescences does not look particularly attractive, so it is rarely bought as a gift. And in vain, because it brings happiness and prosperity, protects from the evil eye and all troubles.

Kalanchoe is associated with Taurus by common features: unobtrusive beauty, endurance and inner strength. It is believed that if a woman makes a wish near this plant, it will give her inspiration to achieve her goals.

Kalanchoe will be especially useful if there are constant quarrels in the family of a Taurus woman. The flower neutralizes the energy of anger and discontent, thanks to which it will help smooth out any conflict.

Kalanchoe is odorless, so it is considered completely safe for allergy sufferers. The juice of the plant can be used to treat a runny nose. The flower described above will become not only a beautiful, but also a useful gift. You definitely won't go wrong by giving it as a gift!

Zodiac sign Taurus

Taurus element is Earth. This means that the beauty of nature inspires representatives of this zodiac sign. These are purposeful and self-confident people, they do not change their habits, they are stubborn and hardworking.

The bull, the symbol of this sign, is characterized as a strong and cruel animal. But the bull is balanced by Venus, which rules the elements of Taurus. She endowed the sign with sensuality and romance, instilling a love for beautiful things, pleasure and comfort.


Women born under the sign of Taurus are known for their love of fine things, elegance and sophistication. When accepting a bouquet, the first thing you will want to do is feel the aroma of flowers and admire its harmony.

Unlike men of their sign, they do not need monumentality. A small floral arrangement made up of seasonal plants will delight you.


Representatives of the stronger sex of this sign are known for their perseverance and hard work. They are demanding of themselves and respect the fruits of the labor of others. Especially if a lot of effort has been put in. At the same time, they are generous and passionate.

The bouquet for them should be strict and high-status. And if it is a houseplant, then it is useful.

How to choose a bouquet for a Taurus woman?

Still, on holidays it is traditional to give bouquets. When choosing a bouquet for a Taurus woman, give preference to large buds. A chic composition can be made from roses and sunny gerberas. In this case, the dominant shade should be red or orange.

Taurus values ​​luxury, but does not suffer from commercialism. Therefore, there is no need to chase super expensive bouquets. Even for the most significant celebration, a golden mean will be enough. Taurus people like all types of bouquets without exception:

  • standard and spherical;
  • asymmetrical and tiered;
  • frame and sheaves;
  • bouquets in hat boxes.

The main thing for Taurus women is the emotions with which flowers are presented. Give with joy and with all your heart! You can decorate a bouquet for Taurus with floral foil, multi-colored paper and ribbons. Representatives of this sign do not like excessive decoration. Therefore, it is important not to overdo it with decor. Everything should be in moderation. Name plates, signs with wishes, artificial butterflies and birds will help add originality to the bouquet.

If a bouquet is given to a Taurus woman by a child (for example, a son presents flowers to his mother), then it is advisable to decorate it with your own hands. Plants can be wrapped in colorful paper and tied with fabric (or cellophane) ribbon to match the buds. You can also add a card with kind words.

Indoor flowers and plants for Taurus

Taurus is the first earth sign of the zodiac, ruled by the beautiful Venus. Therefore, Taurus is suitable for short, strong, decorative flowering plants that bring stability and well-being to the home. For women:

  • Cyclamen;
  • Gloxinia;
  • Saintpaulia;
  • Begonia;
  • Primrose;
  • Kalanchoe;
  • Peperomia.

Cacti, various palm trees, and ferns are suitable for men with this zodiac sign.

Flowers talismans for Taurus

Taurus people are very strong and sometimes waste their energy. Flower talismans help them gain energy. It’s good if Kalanchoe grows in a pot at home. This flower nourishes Taurus with energy and harmonizes the emotional sphere. Suitable for both women and men.

Uzumbara purple is a must for Taurus women on the windowsill. She will remind her lover that she needs to find time in her life to take a break and slow down. Saintpaulia awakens sensuality and tenderness in a strong woman, relieves stress and fatigue.

Flowers in the life of a Taurus can harmonize their inner world and bring positive changes. Talisman plants will help strong, robust, hardworking representatives of this sign gain financial stability while maintaining health.

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Which flowers to choose for which window?

Do you want your indoor plants to always be bright green and bloom regularly? A lot depends on how correctly you choose a place for them. After all, for one flower the south side is destruction, and for another it is paradise!

Residents of the south. In my opinion, it is most difficult to care for flowers living on southern windows. They are constantly exposed to sunlight, overheat and “burn”. Not every flower can survive in such conditions. Cacti, for example, just like other succulents, aloe only wait for this - the sun - and wait. However, you need to rotate the pots regularly to ensure even illumination of the plants. Many plants love the sun, but require shading in the hot season. These are myrtle, crassula, chamerops, coffee tree. And be prepared for the fact that in winter your pets will not have enough light and you will have to arrange additional lighting.

East and west windows suit many colors. Ficus, dracaena, asparagus, begonias, ivies, and violets will coexist without problems near the eastern window. And the Western one too, along with jasmine, eucalyptus, date palm.

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