Aquarius flowers according to the horoscope: list, features and recommendations

People born under the sign of Aquarius are, first of all, incredible lovers and connoisseurs of their freedom and independence. They are characterized by an unconventional way of solving situations and fantastic foresight. Aquarians always crave something new, they are in constant search and joyfully meet a riot of colors and joyful moments. It is worth noting that the female half of the population, born under the sign of Aquarius, loves to receive bouquets of flowers, but as for house plants that require constant care, representatives of the sign are much less interested in them.

Indoor flowers of Aquarius

Sometimes there are situations when a flower grew rapidly while it was with your colleague, relative or friend, but when for some reason it got into your house, it began to wither and fade, despite all the attention that was paid to it. The point is not that Aquarians do not take good care of plants; perhaps it simply does not suit their character and energy.

Plants, like other representatives of the living world on planet Earth, are also influenced by natural elements and cosmic vibrations, just like ourselves.

Based on this, we can safely say that plants constantly feel influences from space. Therefore, it can be argued that each plant has its own patron and zodiac sign. It is this factor that determines whether a person gets along with a plant or not. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you carefully study horoscopes in order to, based on them, give preference to the appropriate indoor plant.

Aquarius's indoor flowers can have an annoying effect on the owner, since Aquarians, due to their intolerance, do not really like indoor plants that need constant care and love. As a rule, any idea is perceived by Aquarius with great enthusiasm, but soon the impulse fades away, and the person continues to care for the plant only because it is customary, and not at will. Most often, Aquarians consciously approach landscaping their habitats after 30-35 years. It’s as if their body begins to demand landscaping, and failures in this matter are extremely difficult for them to cope with.

Sometimes there are situations when, after a series of failures, Aquarius gives up and stops devoting time to plants. But it is worth noting that for him a flower is an opportunity to relax emotionally and physically, as well as transform his home.

What flower can become a favorite for Aquarius? A plant that renews itself frequently and blooms regularly is the best flower for Aquarius according to the horoscope. Let's look at the list of the most suitable plants below:

  1. Jasmine.
  2. Honeysuckle.
  3. Columnae.
  4. Arrowroot tricolor.
  5. Spurge.
  6. Fuchsia.
  7. Anthurium.
  8. Dracaena.

Aquarians adore inflorescences, so they will do everything necessary to keep the plant alive.

Aquarius flower according to the horoscope

Those born between January 21 and February 18 are born under the sign of Aquarius. Flowers of this sign protect against stereotyping and conservatism. They help a person look at the situation with a fresh look and can help find a way out of all situations.

Uranus is considered the ruler of Aquarius. Therefore, to achieve the desired result, you need plants with a pleasant smell, slightly moist and airy. These plants attract with their beauty and smell. Aquarius is a graceful lover of colors. Aquarius is extremely fond of exotic and strange flowers.

Aquarius loves nature. Any Aquarius plants can stimulate people to search for innovative and unconventional solutions in various areas of life.

Aquarius is the sign of ideas, discoveries and inventions, therefore its plants are mascots for innovators who can contribute to the search for new ideas and ways to implement them. This is why Aquarius plants often have an unusual and unique appearance.

A flower of the zodiac sign Aquarius with yellow leaves is able to absorb aggression, cleanse negative energy, and prevent an impending quarrel. Variegated flowers can develop a person’s ability to speak quickly and beautifully, inspire creativity and give bright thoughts.

Blue inflorescences can transform sadness into joy and attract creativity and love. They are able to create a festive mood and send you uplifting.

Aquarius is the sign of original ideas, so the Aquarius flower can serve as talismans for innovation for all of us. For people born under the sign of Aquarius, there are no special restrictions in terms of colors. Aquarians will enjoy bouquets of roses, lilies of the valley, tulips and daffodils.

Arrowroot tricolor

Maranta fits perfectly into the rhythm of its owner's hectic activity. This flower is able to suppress the depressing energy of conflicts and helps to concentrate on important and urgent matters. Tricolor arrowroot is well suited for companies where a large number of interesting personalities are concentrated who strive for primacy and leadership. Arrowroot can relieve insomnia and normalize the life cycle of owls.


In Ancient Hellas, the Greeks and ancient Slavs, since the time of the centaur Chiron, who first used the division of the ecliptic into twelve signs of the Zodiac, astrology associates almost every plant with a specific planet, which gives its inherent qualities and healing properties. Indoor plants not only decorate the interior, but like all living beings, they have an energy field.

In order to use the protective properties of plants, each person needs to choose exactly the flower that corresponds to his zodiac sign . And if you want to achieve something more, change something in life, then choose a flower of the zodiac sign that will help with this. For example, it is believed that Aries plants are suitable for success in personal life, for absent-minded, indecisive and lonely people, for giving stamina to men and athletes. Taurus plants promote a rich life and physical stamina. Gemini plants strengthen friendships and help with studies. Cancer plants create comfort and happiness in the family. Leo plants: for success in love and creativity. Virgo plants protect health and develop intelligence. Libra plants promote the development of partnerships and the development of delicate taste. Scorpio plants help to discover and develop unusual abilities in a person. Sagittarius plants are needed for success in travel. Capricorn plants are the key to success in work and for losing weight. Aquarius plants: for innovators. Pisces plants develop spirituality. People born under the zodiac sign of Aquarius (January 21 - February 18) will benefit from improving their mental and physical health and purifying the atmosphere in the house from the plants of Saturn and Uranus. Since Aquarius is an air sign and is ruled by the planets Saturn (calmness and asceticism) and Uranus (mobility, variability, agility, fussiness). It is not advisable for Aquarius to grow bulbous plants in the house.

Indoor plants of Aquarius are Abutilon (striped, hybrid), Alocasia Sander; bocarnea reflexum, dracaena Godseph, calathea (Lubbersa, striped, decorated, pinkish-colored, Makoya, wonderful), coccoloba berry-bearing, coleus (dwarf, Blume), Rowley's cross, lemon yellow callistemon, arrowroot tricolor, poinsettia most beautiful (euphorbia most beautiful), reo variegated, rosemary officinalis, stromantha pleasanta, fittonia (silver vein, Verschaffelta), jatropha gouty. They stimulate innovative activity, help you look at the old with new eyes, avoid stereotypes of behavior and thinking, and get away from the traditional view, from conservatism. As talismans, these plants (Aquarius) are useful to have for a person who is called the “black sheep,” as well as for people of creative professions, developers of new technologies, new medicines and equipment.

Garden plants of Aquarius: pansies, henbane, cornflower, honeysuckle, verbena, willow, medlar, ivy, conifers. They stimulate people to find new, unconventional solutions and help find a way out of any situation. The energy of plants will attract people into your life who are always able to understand and support. If you want to change your lifestyle, move from everyday life to a creative life, plant several Aquarius plants in your garden or dacha.

Energy of plants of the sign Aquarius The energy of plants of Aquarius attracts true friends into your life.

Abutilon (striped, hybrid), Alocasia Sander, lemon yellow callistemon

Dracaena Gotsepha. The shine of the leaves, silvery color and tint help to engage in new ideas, see something new in the old, and consider the solution to the issue in a new way, gain consistency and bring what you started to the end. It allows you to give up unnecessary emotions, grievances, eliminate conflicts and reduce the spirit of contradictions. Helps cope with salt deposits in the body.

Pinkish-colored calathea, coleus with leaves of red shades give a good mood, a surge of energy, and an active attitude to life. Plants with red flowers and leaves are useful for people who are indecisive, overly dreamy, and who want to increase their influence on others.

Arrowroot tricolor relieves night owls from insomnia and fights off the thirst for activity in the evenings and at night. It is good to have it in a house where bright personalities gather, each of whom strives to gain the upper hand and show what she is capable of. It absorbs the energy of aggression if household members quarrel. The most beautiful euphorbia (poinsettia) gives the joy of communication, helps to decide on a profession and discover new bright qualities in oneself.

Reo is colorful , absorbs and transforms destructive energies - dissatisfaction, anger, aggression and protects the atmosphere of the house from tension. People in creative professions are inspired by the desire to create colorful creations. White reo flowers protect a person from unclean deeds.

Caring for Aquarius plants. Aquarius flowers love attention. Plants will be happy if they are watered with water taken from different sources or a mixture of warm boiled, settled cold and mineral water. Aquarius plants should not be overfed with fertilizers. It is better to fertilize them with state-of-the-art fertilizers and change them more often. The soil in potted plants must be loosened frequently. But from September 23 to October 23, it is useful to leave Aquarius plants alone and alone (move them to a place where people rarely visit). It is advisable to regularly rotate the plants to prevent bending of the stem. Like all Saturnian plants, the stem should be straight and the leaves should be symmetrical relative to it. It is better to plant them in strong pots with thick walls of an unusual shape. When replanting, do not change the shape of the pot. All plants of the air element love to live suspended, so it is better to place them in hanging pots or on shelves. They also like it when pots are placed in the most incredible places where “normal” people don’t put flowers. For example: on a shelf next to dishes or books, if there is enough light there. Unusual, exotic, extravagant electronic music performed on state-of-the-art instruments will suit them. They talk with Aquarius plants about their fantasies, dreams, and fairy-tale projects. The more unusual the story, the more the plants will like it. The best neighbors will be plants of their own sign and plants of Gemini and Libra.

To protect against troubles, weak Aquarians born 01/25-03/02 are recommended to have cypress amulets Those born from 04 to 08.02 will be helped by pieces of wood, twigs or poplar roots - to fulfill plans and move up the social ladder. Horse chestnut cups for pens, candlesticks or treasure boxes for career advancement. And the fruits of edible chestnut (42 pieces in an open vase, or 2 pieces on the shelves or on the table) are a talisman of good luck. For Aquarius born 09-19.02, the amulets will be orange, pomegranate, apple tree, fig (fig tree). Apple tree flowers, 24 pieces, dried and not crushed in a box made of natural material, stored in the closet on the shelf with linen - against unnecessary stress and emotional disorders. A plate made of an apple tree with a picture of a peacock or a peacock feather in blue or lilac (in the linen closet) will help build relationships with people. For good luck and protection from accidents, protection during travel, octagonal dies are made from fig, pomegranate or orange wood, inlaid with mother-of-pearl or painted with blue, white, lilac, pink flowers and with the image of a hoopoe or mole.

For Aquarius people, the best gift would be a bouquet of orchids; you can also give red and white roses, tulips, daffodils, lily of the valley, forget-me-nots, violets, and gerberas. Dahlias, gladioli and peonies are given only to those Aquarians who like these flowers.


The flowers of Aquarius are, first of all, the personification of his human qualities. Fuchsia is like a talisman for Aquarius. We strongly recommend keeping it in the home of every representative of this sign. This plant will allow you to easily establish contact with people around you, although Aquarius rarely has such problems. Fuchsia will help you concentrate on what is most important, while helping you maintain calm and self-confidence.

About the sign Aquarius

People born under this sign (January 20-February 18) are distinguished by their love of life and unconventional thinking. The symbol of Aquarius is a water bearer who distributes and shares water with people. So are its representatives: they love money, but they are not greedy. Thanks to their sociability, they easily find the same language with different people.

Sometimes Aquarius believes that he is not understood, his ideas are not accepted, then he becomes irritable and behaves defiantly. However, friends of this sign can be confident in his devotion. He has traits such as stubbornness, eccentricity and determination.


In a conversation about the sign called Aquarius, “what flowers suit its representatives” is a frequent question. From all of the above, we realized that Aquarians are fans of everything exotic, bright and unusual. Anthurium is just such a representative. His armed, seemingly menacing appearance guards the energetic order in the house, preventing any imbalance from being introduced into it. This plant can help the sometimes unrestrained and impetuous Aquarius. If you have a similar plant in your home, it will help you quickly cope with colds and flu viruses. Surprisingly, anthurium accelerates the processes occurring in the human body. The bright colors of the plant will make a noticeable accent, adding color to the room. The second name of the flower is “male happiness.” And not in vain, since he has the power to bring love, mutual understanding and happiness into the house.

Flowers for women under the sign of Aquarius

What other nuances do you need to know in order to choose the right flower for Aquarius? An Aquarius girl will remember two things from the first date: the dress she was wearing at that moment, and the bouquet or bouquet that was given to her. Aquarius prefers flowers grown in a humid climate or in damp, cool shade. However, talented and unusual Aquarians do not set restrictions on the choice of colors for the composition.

They are always open to something new, curious and inquisitive. Having established friendly relations with both men and women, they do not stop them even after marriage. Representatives of this sign tend to greatly exaggerate their problems: constant worries and anxiety make the Aquarius woman completely “broken.” She works better among people, where her traits are fully revealed - philanthropy, intuition, charm and attention to others.

When creating a composition for such a woman, show maximum originality in the choice of plants and creativity in the design of the bouquet. Do not forget that this sign is endowed with exquisite taste, so too much in the bouquet will catch your eye, but it should still be bright and original.

The unconventional character and inquisitive mind of the Aquarius woman will appreciate a gift in the form of a non-flowering tree or shrub. Aquarius, having a refined taste, can appreciate both a huge armful of flowers with a lush design, and a small, modest bouquet of wild or garden flowers. Also, to impress him, you can present a rose or orchid in black or ultramarine, violet or sky blue colors bred by breeders.

Surprise Aquarius, please him, support him in word and deed, and in return you will receive a devoted friend, an inexhaustible source of joy and inspiration, a generator of ideas and a non-standard approach to business.

What mascot flowers are suitable for an Aquarius woman?

When choosing a bouquet, be sure to take into account the colors and originality of the flowers themselves and the composition. Many people believe that the color blue symbolizes depression, but calm and balanced Aquarians really like it. Especially if flowers such as orchids or delightful roses are painted in it. In turn, many consider yellow flowers to be harbingers of separation. However, for Aquarius they are associated with joy, fun and happiness. Yellow tulips, freesias, roses, and gerberas will look great in a bouquet. Ambiguous and creative calla lilies with a yellow core will also appeal to the lady of this sign.

It is absolutely not necessary to collect the favorite flowers of Aquarius women and all the recommended shades in one bouquet. It is enough that the bouquet will look unusual, tender and fresh. Never give a woman of this sign single bouquets of roses, carnations or tulips; she will consider you boring and unpromising. Play with contrasts: if you make the favorite color of Aquarius the main shade of the composition, you can dilute it with one or two contrasting tones. The design of the bouquet must also meet the requirements of the representative of this sign. It is advisable to choose discreet packaging and not use shiny or frilly accessories.

Aquarius woman: what is she like?

Representatives of this zodiacal constellation were born under the influence of the planets Uranus and Saturn. Uranus gives the ladies of this sign self-confidence, determination, a competitive spirit and a passion for self-improvement. Saturn somewhat calms the emotions that flare up in women of this sign under the influence of Uranus. These are ladies who are always in search, generating various ideas that remain dreams and dreams. When they take on something, they rarely complete it.

The Aquarius woman is an ambiguous and enthusiastic nature, she is bright and impressionable, at the same time vulnerable and suspicious. She tries not to take part in conflicts, avoiding any proceedings in every possible way. However, if she is offended or insulted, she withdraws into herself and can, in her loneliness and worries, reach the point of depression.

Based on all of the above, according to the horoscope, the flower of an Aquarius woman should be just as vulnerable, gentle and delightful. Traditional roses, carnations, tulips and other flowers can only be given if they are of unusual varieties, colors, or if all flower shops have a sharply reduced range of flora.

Garden plants for the Aquarius woman

Aquarians who live in private houses prefer to receive useful flowers as a gift, which can then be planted in the garden. If your chosen one or a friend is one of these people, then give her: bird cherry, white lilac, jasmine, daisy or field violet. The listed plants easily take root in our climate, do not require labor-intensive care and bloom profusely in flower beds. An unusual gift for Aquarius would be aromatic herbs in a pot:

These plants not only provide visual pleasure, but can also be used in cooking. They also fill the house with amazing aromas and have a positive effect on health.

A pot of fragrant plants can be decorated in the same way as a standard bouquet - wrapped in floral foil and tied with a ribbon. You can insert a skewer into the ground with a short warm position or the name of the recipient. In addition, ferns are an excellent floral gift for Aquarius. Garden or indoor, it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that the bush is as lush as possible. Give Aquarius flowers both with and without a reason! Please women with attention, and they will definitely thank you in kind!


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