Violet Malachite rose: growing at home

Botanical description of the plant

LE-Malachite Rose is a standard hybrid Saintpaulia or Usambara violet.

The flowers are light pink with an ashen tint, with light green edges. The buds grow up to 4 cm, less often up to 5 cm. The peduncles are long, so the flowers lie on the leaves. The leaf blades are dark green.

With proper care, it blooms profusely for up to 5 months. It is impossible to give an exact date; Saintpaulias bloom almost all year round. In this variety, alternate blooms replace each other without stopping.

Distinctive features

Natalya Puminova is a professional collector. She abandoned the traditional wick watering of violets. Thanks to this method, they grow and bloom well. Violets grown on wicks develop excessively large rosettes that do not always ripen, and the seed pods of the plant deteriorate. According to Natalya Puminova, jars with laces are not entirely aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, the breeder recommends watering the plant in the usual way.

A distinctive feature of Natalia is the desire for perfection and special demands on her creativity. The breeder produces new varieties infrequently, little by little. What is the reason for such slowness? First of all - quality. New species undergo strict and thorough control, only after which the violet variety receives a name and becomes a real masterpiece.

The master has difficult choice conditions: the rosette must be neat, she prefers small standards, but at the same time the flowers must be large and preferably have strong peduncles, and the flowering must be rich and abundant. Natalia's goal is the perfect violet.

Recently, Natalia Alexandrovna has been working on variegated violets; she managed to make a flower with a good and rich red color. The breeder creates trailers, as well as varieties with mosaic variegation. Its species are miniature, that is, the ratio of the diameter of the rosette and the size of the flower is one to three.

“There must be harmony,” says Natalya Alexandrovna, creating her samples, striving for perfection. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the varieties of violets bred by other outstanding breeders, including Konstantin Morev, Tatyana Pugacheva, Evgeny Arkhipov, Elena Korshunova, Boris and Tatyana Makuni, Alexey Tarasov, Natalya Skornyakova, Svetlana Repkina, Elena Lebetskaya and Tatyana Dadoyan.

The main argument and argument in favor of growing violets is very simple and clear. Beautiful violets are small and can be placed throughout the house. With proper care, they bloom for almost a whole year. Their rich range of colors will always decorate even the most gray and colorless everyday life, filling the house with joy and harmony.

Basic conditions for growing violets at home

Violet lovers will confirm: the microclimate for Saintpaulia is one of the main components of successful flowering. This statement also applies to the Malachite Rose violet. When growing it, consider three factors: lighting, temperature and humidity.

Placement and lighting

Optimal lighting is bright, diffused light. A window sill near a west or east window is ideal. If the light is very bright, you can cover the window with a light cloth or paper.

Daylight hours should be up to 14 hours. To extend it in winter, you can use biolamps.

Did you know? The violet variety Malachite Rose was bred by the famous Ukrainian breeder Elena Lebetskaya in 2012.

Temperature and humidity

Violet needs a temperature of +18…+24°C. It is not advisable to lower it lower. +15°C is already dangerous indicators. Avoid drafts and sudden temperature changes.

Keep humidity at 50-60% or higher. Malachite rose will be damaged by dry air. Direct moistening from a spray bottle is also unacceptable. If the humidity level is below normal, use a humidifier.


Jan-Caprice is a very unusual, original variety. Both his flowers and the rosette itself are good. Terry flowers of medium size, with a wonderful openwork ruffle from greenish to bronze with a pink tint. Most often there are three flowers on one peduncle, but sometimes there are 5. The peduncles are strong, erect, and rather short. Thanks to such peduncles, even three flowers form a small openwork bouquet. An adult rosette blooms often, and the flowers last a very long time - up to two months.

The rosette is compact, smooth, self-forming, of beautiful dark green quilted leaves with a white, sometimes slightly pinkish border along the wavy edge of the leaf. The green part of the leaf blade is glossy, and the white wavy edges create a velvety feeling. On young rosettes the variegation is often weakly expressed. As the rosette matures, the light velvety border appears more and more. With sufficient lighting, the leaves slightly “hug” the pot. The blooming rosette is surprisingly harmonious. A beautiful openwork bouquet of creamy-white lush double flowers, “painted” with a greenish-bronze-pink pattern of a ruffled border, merges into a single whole with dark green leaves, trimmed with a soft wavy creamy-white border.

The variety is unpretentious in care. Easily tolerates short periods of dryness that may occur during the owner's departure. But you need to be patient - it grows slowly. Loves natural daylight. In cool conditions, variegation becomes more intense. The variety is quite suitable for beginner violet lovers.

Jan-Caprice, N. Puminova, photo by Svetlana Sazykina (flowering of a young rosette with mild variegation):

Jan-Caprice, N. Puminova, photo by Svetlana Sazykina (adult outlet):

Violet Jan-Caprice, first flowering, photo by T. Lysikova:

How to care at home

Measures for caring for the Malachite rose include watering, fertilizing, plant formation and replanting.


When watering violets, flower growers name three rules that must be strictly adhered to:

  • the substrate must be moist, but stagnation of water is unacceptable;
  • When watering, do not moisten the leaves, stems and flowers;
  • Water for irrigation must be warm.

The frequency of watering depends on the microclimate in the room. It is this that affects the rate of drying of the soil. The method of hydration is also important. Violet growers use different watering methods.

It can be:

  • watering along the edge of the pot (2 times a week);
  • bottom watering through drainage holes (once every 1.5 weeks);
  • wick watering, in which a rope is threaded through holes for drainage and the ends are lowered into water (enough for 2 weeks, ideal for vacation).

Fertilizer application

The flower needs microelements. To grow, it definitely needs nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Other elements and vitamins are also needed. For this reason, without fertilizers, the Malachite rose will grow and bloom poorly.

Fertilize the plant during the period of active growth. Feeding is especially needed during flowering. The flower should be fed once every 10–14 days.

Products specifically for Saintpaulia are on sale. These include the mineral preparation Mister Color Saintpaulia.

Important! Fertilizer is prohibited in three cases: a month after transplantation, in case of microclimate disturbance and in case of disease development.


To form a bush, leave 3 rows of leaves. The lower leaf plates are pinched off, removing the petioles. Get rid of faded flowers and foliage. Unnecessary parts should be removed as necessary.


The plant is transplanted in the spring, preferably in March. The frequency of transplanting a healthy violet is once every 2–3 years. The flower can be moved to a new pot even if the Saintpaulia wilts. Her condition could have been affected by the composition of the soil or illness. In this case, the transplant will save the flower.

Violets grow in loose, breathable soil. Due to the popularity of violet growing, soil for Saintpaulia can be found in any flower shop. You can prepare the substrate yourself.

To do this, mix:

  • sheet soil (3 parts);
  • turf soil (2 parts);
  • peat soil (1 part);
  • coniferous soil (1 part);
  • vermiculite;
  • perlite;
  • river sand in large fractions;
  • crushed sphagnum.

Also prepare a drainage mixture for replanting.

The pot should be small.
You can simply change the substrate and place the violet in the same pot. If the root system has grown greatly, it is better to purchase a new container with a diameter 2 cm larger than the previous one. The transplant process is as follows:

  1. Fill a third of the pot with drainage mixture.
  2. Pour the substrate into the container.
  3. Moisten the flower and carefully remove it from the container (if only the substrate is being changed, perform this step first).
  4. Place the violet in the new soil.
  5. Add soil to the top of the pot.
  6. Water the plant.

Did you know? The natural habitat of Uzambara violets is the mountains of Tanzania and Kenya.

Types and popular varieties of violets with photos

Violet “angelica”

There is no scientific classification of violets yet, so the division into species is conditional. The developed hybrids now number more than 32,000 varieties.

The following types of violets are more popular than others:

Violet-flowered Saintpaulia

Violet-flowered Saintpaulia

It has dark green leaves with a jagged wavy edge, the stem length reaches no more than 8 cm, and the diameter of the rosette can reach up to 60 cm. The flowers are violet-blue in color, located on short, fleshy stems.

Velvet Saintpaulia

Velvet Saintpaulia

Its dark green leaves are round in shape with a serrated edge. The leaf size is 4-5 cm. The underside of the leaf blade is reddish in color. It blooms magnificently, with small blue-violet flowers with a dark center.

Saintpaulia Grote

Saintpaulia Grote

The plant has ampelous shoots with bright green, pubescent leaves. There are varieties with purple foliage. The leaves reach 5 cm in width, grow up to 6 cm in length, the flowers are small, blue with a purple tint and a dark middle. Their size does not exceed 2.5 cm.

Violet variety "LE Rosemary"

Variety "LE Rosemary"

A popular variety with star-shaped double flowers. Has a standard serrated leaf rosette. It stands out very much for its decorative inflorescences. There are three colors on the petals at once: scattered pink strokes and blue specks on a white background. Rosemary violet looks luxurious and delicate at the same time.

Violet variety "Liens Pirates Treasure"

Variety "Lians Pirates Treasure"

The variety is characterized by bright pink flowers with a crimson edging along the edge of the petals. There are crimson specks at the border of the main color and the border. The leaves collected in a rosette have a bubbly surface texture.

Violet variety "Fire moths"

Variety "Fire moths"

The upper surface of the leaves is dark green, the lower surface is light green. The flowers are simple or semi-double with petals of a rich burgundy shade. There is a white or pink border along the edge of the petals. The color of the inflorescences changes over time. The socket dimensions are standard.

Violet variety "YAN Caprice"

Variety "YAN Caprice"

The plant has variegated wavy leaves that combine green and white. Above the leaf rosette rises a snow-white foam of double flowers with green corollas. A very elegant Saintpaulia. Requires more light due to variegated leaves.

How to propagate at home

Violet growers use three methods of plant propagation: cuttings, dividing the bush and seed propagation. Each method is associated with its own subtleties.


Cuttings, or leaf propagation, are the most common method in amateur floriculture.

To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Pinch off a leaf with a 4 cm petiole from the parent plant.
  2. Place the cutting in a container of water, such as a glass.
  3. Wait for the roots to appear.
  4. Plant the cutting in a pot.

Some gardeners plant the leaf in a pot and wait for it to take root. The container is immediately filled with drainage and soil for Saintpaulias. However, this method has a drawback - the process of root emergence is not visible. So the gardener will not immediately understand whether the cutting has started or can be thrown away.

Dividing the bush

If there are many children on the bush, it can be divided:

  1. Remove the plant from the container.
  2. Remove the earth ball.
  3. Divide the rhizome into rosettes.
  4. Replant in separate pots.

Even blooming violets can be propagated this way. The main thing is that she is healthy.


Seeds are often purchased, but you can get them yourself:

  1. Using a toothpick, transfer the pollen to the pistil from the stamen.
  2. After 1–1.5 weeks, the ovary of the capsule will appear.
  3. In six months the seeds will ripen.
  4. Remove the dried box and open it.
  5. Using a needle and tweezers, remove the seeds onto a sheet of paper.

We advise you to learn how to make a rack for violets.
Landing occurs as follows:

  1. Pour the Saintpaulia substrate into a wide, shallow pot.
  2. Make small furrows in the soil.
  3. Mix the seeds with sand and distribute along the furrows.
  4. Cover the crops with glass.
  5. Leave the container in the light at a temperature of +22...+25°C.
  6. Remove the glass regularly and moisten the substrate with a spray bottle.

Plant seedlings 5 ​​mm high with leaves into a new pot. Add some coal to the substrate. The distance between the sprouts is 1.5–2 cm. To replant, you will need a small sharp object - a toothpick or a sharpened match. Now you can wait for the violet bushes to fully grow.


Oksana. “I really liked this variety! I love him for his bouquet of incredible beauty. It grows on a south-west window, and at the very first flowering it produced a huge head of 40 flowers. Among the shortcomings, in the fall and winter the handles go up, there is not enough light on the window.”

The variety attracts the attention of many gardeners.

Olesya Vladimirovna. “A gorgeous variety that blooms constantly and profusely. The flower stalks do not fall, and the flowers remain fresh for a long time. It bloomed for more than 2 months, only the last flower stalks were torn off, and new flowers appeared in the axils of the leaves.”

Nadezhda Andreevna. “The variety quickly pleased me with its first blooms. There was no flower cap the first time, but the flowers were large and bright. This border is also speckled with cherry, beautiful. Now I’m waiting for the next dissolution.”

Difficulties in growing

The main difficulties when growing Malachite rose are diseases and pests. They often appear when the grower violates the rules of care. First of all, check and adjust watering and fertilizing.

Among the fungal diseases in violets are:

  • powdery mildew;

  • late blight;

  • gray rot;

  • fusarium;

  • rust.

To treat any fungus, use fungicides, for example, Fundazol. If the disease does not go away, remove the plant from the flowerpot and burn it.

The most common parasites on Malachite Rose are:

  • mites;
  • scale insects;
  • false scale insects;
  • thrips;
  • scale insects;
  • aphid;
  • woodlice;
  • springtails;
  • whiteflies.

Parasites are destroyed by insecticides such as Actellik or Aktara.
In this case, you definitely need to reconsider the care of the flower. Important! Prepare all medications exclusively according to the instructions.
LE-Malachite rose is unpretentious, but requires regular care. If grown correctly, this miracle of Ukrainian selection will delight you with lush flowering for many months.

Diseases and pests

It is worth mentioning separately about diseases and insects that can attack this crop. The most common cause of parasites is improper growing conditions.

The most common ailments of Saintpaulia "YAN-Caprice" are fungi. These include powdery mildew, fusarium, gray rot, late blight, and rust. Diseases are caused by spraying leaves and low air temperature in the room. The fungus can be distinguished by dark and brown spots on the leaf plate; spores and white coating also form on the leaf.

You can often notice how violet leaves turn yellow and begin to fade. These signs indicate overheating or direct exposure to the sun's rays on the leaves. In this case, it is recommended to place the flower in a cooler and shaded place, and in the future provide diffused lighting for the plant. Also, the cause of unhealthy looking leaves can be the formation of root rot. This disease appears if the culture is overwatered. Another sign of decay is the appearance of mold.

Among the insects that most like to eat Saintpaulia are mites, thrips, aphids, nematodes, scale insects, and whiteflies. Often these insects are visually noticeable; under their negative influence, spots, dots, and cobwebs form on the leaves

To prevent the appearance of pests, it is important to observe the temperature regime, reduce the frequency of watering when the temperature drops, and systematically ventilate the room. To combat insects, the products “Aktellik”, “Intavir”, “Fitoverm” will be effective.

For processing, drugs are diluted in water in the proportions indicated on the package.

You can learn about the characteristics of the variety and the conditions of keeping the YAN-Caprice violet by watching the video below.


Violet Winter Rose (Optimara Crater Lake) R. Holtkamp

Mysterious violet Winter Rose (Optimara Crater Lake) R. Holtkamp.
Both varieties belong to the genus Saintpaulia hybrids from the Gesneriev family . All data is precisely known about the origin of Optimara Crater Lake, and the breeder who bred it is Hotkamp, ​​and the variety is classified as industrial.

The history of the breeding of Rose is lost, as is the name of the breeder; its parameters are suitable for industrial varieties, which confirms its relationship with Optimara .

The rosette is smooth and symmetrical, like all representatives of industrial Saintpaulias. Leaves:

  • Medium size;
  • Rounded with fine teeth;
  • Light green color.

    The leaves of the variety are medium in size.

The leaf cuttings may lengthen slightly .

The flowers are shaped like roses, the color is blue-violet with a gray-blue underside. The diameter of the flower is large and the number of flowers is quite impressive. Peduncles :

  • Sturdy;
  • Short;
  • Stretching upwards, due to which a cap of flowers is formed.

The Winter Rose variety is considered a sport from Optimara, and differs from it in several ways :

  • The color of the leaves is darker;
  • The flowers have a distinct white border;
  • The underside of the petals is lighter, as is the main color of the flowers.

    Saintpaulia flowers have a purple-white hue.

Attention! Some flower growers are inclined to think that Winter Rose is not a sport from Optimara, but simply its popular name, and the difference in appearance is attributed to differences in living conditions.

Breeder Natalya Puminova

Violet “Duchess”: description of the variety and subtleties of care
Natalya Aleksandrovna Puminova is a breeder from Moscow, a programmer. She is a very subtle, delicate person, modest. Talented, with good taste. A simple woman with a friendly smile. She began breeding violets in 1996. She began to name her varieties using the prefix “Yan”.

Natalya wanted to see something new and unusual on her shelves, but it was difficult to get the right plants. Selection provided such an opportunity; she managed to create something unique, unlike other flowers in the collection. The first variety released by Natalya was “Blue Gift”.

It is very difficult to impartially select plants grown with your own hands, moreover, if these are crops that have been bred through many crossings. Puminova violets are visible from afar - even rosettes with richly colored flowers.

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