Birthday in March: what flowers to give to Pisces?

Zodiac sign Pisces

Pisces are gifted with subtle intuition, with their smooth manners and indifference to life's restrictions, they make a great impression on others. It is very difficult to influence representatives of this sign. But they are endowed with mystical powers. Since Pisces are born with the desire to see everything pink, interaction with the outside world is limited to selfless help to loved ones. There are many talented people among Pisces. They rarely find themselves in difficult situations due to their clairvoyant abilities.


The charm of the Pisces woman irrevocably attracts men. They feel comfortable and relaxed next to her. Feeling offended, Pisces will go deeper, secretly cry for a long time, but will not fall into hysterics. Or they will look at a man with a long, penetrating gaze into the very heart, and he will do even the impossible for the good of his beloved.

In marriage, Pisces will allow the man to earn money for the family, and they themselves will plunge into caring for children with great zeal. Representatives of this zodiac sign know exactly what the purpose of a real woman is.


The adult male figure of the Pisces zodiac is greatly influenced by his childhood. Happy people grow from honesty, sincerity and kindness. Pisces who have suffered severe psychological trauma and a skeptical attitude will not allow them to enjoy all the joys of life. If they are lucky, they will follow the “right” course and be able to achieve success in their career, business and personal life.


Slightly capricious exotic indoor flowers are distinguished by their special beauty, which will inspire contemplative representatives of the Zodiac sign and ennoble the atmosphere of the home. Some types of Orchids live without soil at all, their roots need only water and air, which is very suitable for some characteristics of Pisces, which often lose the feeling of the earth under their feet. The lack of solid support often leads sensitive representatives of the water sign to depression or uncertainty. Orchid helps to cope with periods of apathy, helplessness, despondency, softens severe conditions, and restores the joy of life .

Gorgeous indoor flowers will teach them to share the beauty of their soul, despite the circumstances around them. The influence of the delicate plant is very soft, harmonious, but noticeable. Orchid vibrations promote creativity, inspire, and fill the home with special creative energy.

This flower is a talisman for artists, poets, and musicians who want to convey the perfection of the universe and remind us of the interconnection of all things.

What flowers to give Pisces

Pisces belongs to the element of water. Therefore, the flowers chosen for them look like algae. The sign is ruled by the planet Venus, which means that flowers should be fragrant and evoke deep feelings and emotions.

Bouquets for women

Small flowers in cool shades - blue, light blue, white, light purple - are in harmony with the inner world of the Pisces woman. It could be:

  • delicate white lilies;
  • white daffodils in a composition with tulips;
  • snowdrops in a beautiful basket;
  • lilacs in an elegant vase;
  • white peonies enriched with slices or forget-me-nots.

Bouquets are not made from bright shiny candy wrappers. The decor should be elegant and serene. The composition is complemented by ferns, cornflowers and alstroemeria.

Favorite flowers for a Pisces woman

The sensitive and melancholic Pisces woman has had a favorite flower since her youth:

  • They love white lilies for their sophistication and sublimity, their aroma promotes astral exits and lucid dreams, which many Pisces love.
  • Snowdrops harmonize the space around Pisces and relieve emotional stress.
  • Peonies increase the attractiveness of Pisces of the opposite sex and dispel melancholy.

Pisces will appreciate your willingness to please them. In turn, relatives and friends can always count on their help and support.

A selection of flowers for the Pisces woman

You don't need a special occasion to give flowers to the Fisherman. These women are so sweet and feminine that they want to give flowers every day. If you are in doubt about which bouquet to choose for a Pisces woman, you can rely on the following tips:

  • White lilies are given to women as a sign of love and fidelity.
  • Young girls profess love with a basket of snowdrops in their hands.
  • On the occasion of an anniversary or wedding anniversary, a gift in the form of a lush bouquet of peonies is suitable.

If you don’t know anything about Pisces’ preferences, you can start a conversation with her about flowers. She will be happy to list a few plants she likes and make it easier for you to choose a bouquet.

Bouquets for men

Pisces men are given bouquets with a strict design, without unnecessary roundness and ornaments. Ideally, you should get a vertical bouquet with simple graphic lines, maintained in monogamy.

The following flowers are suitable for Pisces men:

  • white, red, maroon roses of any size;
  • red gladioli;
  • callas resistant to wilting;
  • varieties of dark red, black lilies;
  • modest and unassuming delphiniums.

The male flora is distinguished by thick, tall stems and large buds.

Favorite flowers for a Pisces man

Pisces men have subtlety of mind and insight. They intuitively prefer flowers that help them grow spiritually:

  • dark lilies make you associate them with the night, passion and enliven;
  • gladioli give strength and confidence;
  • delphiniums relax, allow you to forget about mental anxieties, and help you meditate.

Unlike women, Pisces men love flowers of rich colors: red, burgundy, blue, purple.

Choosing flowers for a Pisces man

Pisces are very attentive to the gifts they receive. Flowers feel great, and their choice should be approached responsibly:

  • Red gladioli are given on special occasions to colleagues and loved ones who want to advance their careers and achieve their goals.
  • Roses express love and respect. It is appropriate to give them to close Pisces men who will correctly understand their meaning.
  • Male executives are given flowers in a basket, to which they attach a small gift - luxury chocolate and alcohol.

Caring for nematanthus at home

Nematanthus is not one of those plants that you can forget about. This tropical flower does not forgive neglect, but readily responds to care. So, if you don’t forget to water and feed the nemantanthus and trim its stems in time, expect a large litter of goldfish. A well-groomed plant can bloom up to 4 months a year.

Watering and fertilizing

During growth and flowering (spring, summer and early autumn), nematanthus is watered generously, preventing the soil from drying out. It should always be slightly damp; only the top layer can dry out. When there is a shortage of water, small leaves can dry out and fall off, and large ones can curl up. In winter, watering is reduced to moderate. If wintering takes place at high temperatures, water more. In a cool room (about +12) you can switch to almost dry mode. Wet “feet” and cold air are a sure way to rotting roots or other ailments. In the spring, increase watering gradually.

If you have given your nematanthus a period of drought and it has already begun to lose leaves, try to correct the mistake. Immerse the pot with the plant halfway in a large container of water. Wait until the soil is saturated with moisture, remove the pot and fill the gaps between the walls and the lump of earth with fresh substrate.

Irrigation water for a delicate tropical plant needs lukewarm and soft: rain, melt, settled or filtered. Water the nematanthus carefully, at the root; it does not like water getting on the leaves.

Feeding nematanthus during the period of growing greenery and flowering is given once every two weeks or a little more often (but no more than three times a month), and in winter it is completely stopped. Mineral complexes for flowering crops are suitable. Pay attention to the content of potassium and phosphorus; these elements are especially useful for nematanthus. Prepare the fertilizer solution according to the instructions, slightly reducing the dose. And before fertilizing, be sure to water the plant; fertilizer can burn its delicate roots.

Blooming: why don't goldfish appear?

The flowering of a healthy and well-groomed nematanthus lasts a long time. The first fish buds may appear in March, and the last in November. Those who have been growing this plant for a long time claim that with additional lighting in winter, nematanthus will continue to bloom. But then there is a danger that the plant will deplete its strength.

Good care, cool rest in winter and pruning are the components of long flowering

But it happens that nematanthus does not bloom at all. Most likely, the conditions of detention or rules of care were violated. Why don't goldfish appear?

  • Too voluminous pot. For flowering, the roots of the nematanthus must be crowded.
  • There is not enough light, the buds are laid in bright but diffuse lighting.
  • In the previous season, the nematanthus was not watered or fertilized much; it was depleted.
  • The plant has not been pruned. Remember: nematanthus buds are formed only on young shoots.
  • The plant did not rest in winter and did not accumulate strength during the dormant period.

Pruning and rest time

Nematanthus should be pruned annually, without this you will not achieve vigorous flowering. Most often, pruning is done in the fall, immediately after the plant has finished flowering and begins to retire. However, if wintering is warm, pruning can be postponed until spring. This procedure gives a sanitary and rejuvenating effect. First of all, weakened and thinned shoots are removed. But even completely healthy stems should be trimmed to stimulate the formation of branches and flowering. Young ones are shortened by a third, and old ones by half the length. Cut shoots can be used for propagation. Sometimes the plant has to be cut twice: in the fall and on the eve of spring. It depends on how the nematanthus spent the dormant period.

Nematanthus is regularly pruned to form a bush and achieve abundant flowering.

So, your nematanthus has bloomed safely, you have cut off unnecessary stems - now it’s time to send the plant to rest. The best rest for a fish flower is a cool (+12–18 degrees) and well-lit room (ideally with artificial lighting), very limited watering and no fertilizing. If the temperature is low, the flower will not need spraying. Such a cool and hungry winter will be the best incentive for flowering in the spring.

Table: growing hypocyrta at home - care errors

Video: caring for hypocyrta (nematanthus) and other gesneria plants

Indoor flowers and plants for Pisces

Pisces love to take care of flowers. As a gift, choose indoor plants that require care and attention from their owner:

  • The orchid protects anxious thoughts and prevents Pisces from sinking into melancholy.
  • Cyperus (inner papyrus) resonates with Pisces, forcing them to show their best qualities - kindness, generosity, reaction.
  • Geranium clears the room of bad energy, to which Pisces are very sensitive.
  • Pisces are fascinated by domestic karyotic palms, the leaves of which are shaped like fins.

Flowers in pots given to Pisces should be in beautiful, preferably ceramic pots.

Flower talismans for Pisces

Flowers act as talismans for the mystical zodiac sign, which contribute to the development of intuition and awaken spiritual powers:

  • Cyper
  • orchid
  • geranium.

Hyacinth occupies a special place in the life of Pisces, which increases their attractiveness to the opposite sex.

How to arrange a bouquet stylishly and tastefully?

If you still decide to give your beloved a bouquet, then take a responsible approach to the process of decorating it. Pisces do not like excessive decoration. It is better to decorate flowers with natural materials: paper, foil, greenery. There is no need to add artificial berries, fruits, butterflies, or birds to the composition.

Flowers for fish can be decorated with sparkles by applying them to the edges of the petals. This creates the effect of humidity and the presence of dew drops on the buds. Pisces will be very happy with a bouquet in a hat box. This design is highly practical and does not require a vase. An “oasis” floral sponge is placed at the bottom of the box, into which plant stems are placed. The sponge is saturated with water and then gradually releases it to the flowers.

Bouquets in hat boxes are long lasting and very mobile. With such a gift, you can calmly go on a date, and it will not interfere or constrain you. Give women flowers! Don't look for a reason, give spontaneously. Please and surprise your beloved ladies!

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