Which yellow perennial flowers to choose to decorate your site

Perennials come in an endless variety of shapes, sizes, colors and textures. The bright and attractive colors of perennials will create colorful compositions in your flower beds, rock gardens, flower beds and borders, in your containers, pots and baskets. Yellow is special in the color spectrum - it denotes joy and happiness. In addition to this, yellow is also the most visible color out of all the colors to the human eye. With a softer and more attractive hue than orange or red, yellow perennial garden flowers always have a charming effect. From subtle to vibrant, yellow perennial flowers always deserve a place in any garden.

Which yellow perennials to choose for the garden

You can enjoy yellow flowers in the garden throughout the growing season, from the fragrant flowers of Mimosa and Narcissus in spring to late-blooming perennials such as Rudbeckia. Yellow is a cheerful, sunny color and is very versatile - it can be paired with colors in red or orange, or contrasted with blue or purple for a softer look.

Yellow perennials will bring a bit of sunshine to your garden

If you are having a hard time choosing or identifying the right yellow perennials for your garden, you can check out this list of the best yellow perennial flowers. These perennials are grouped according to their growth. For quicker access, you can simply click on the names below to learn more about how to care for them.

Meaning in culture

What do yellow flowers symbolize? People are accustomed to thinking that they personify fading feelings. However, if you turn to floristry, you can find out that they are given when stability is established in a relationship. Therefore, a yellow bouquet given to a girl means that the gentleman’s feelings towards her are sincere and strong.

During the reign of Catherine the Great, there was such a document as the “Register of Flowers”. It said that yellow flowers symbolize intelligence, warmth and sun. Most often, such plants are preferred by resilient individuals who are able to overcome any adversity in life.

If you turn to Japanese culture, you can find out that when giving such flowers as a gift, people wish the recipient well. Indeed, in the Land of the Rising Sun, yellow is associated with light. This color is very popular in the UK. Since the weather in this country is constantly cloudy, such plants lift the spirits of the residents of England. In world culture, yellow is considered a symbol of success and wealth.

Which low-growing yellow perennial flowers to add to your garden

Nature offers us a wide variety of ground cover yellow perennial flowers. And there is plenty to choose from:


Members of the genus Adonis are generally short-growing plants, although some species can reach 50 cm in height. Perennial Adonis in a wide variety of shades have yellow flowers reminiscent of buttercups.

Photos of ground cover Adonis

Due to the very early flowering of these perennials, they are excellent for use in the garden and can look great when grown in garden path borders or rock gardens.

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Perennial Cannes

Flower culture includes more than 50 species. Flowers in the form of paniculate or racemose inflorescences of a bright yellow, yellowish-orange hue.

Cannas in the garden go well with other low-growing flowers.


Another low-growing representative of bulbous plants, one of the first flowering garden crops. The ease with which most types of Narcissus can be grown is surprising because, being primarily native to Southern Europe and Northern Africa, they are highly adaptable to a wide range of soil and climate conditions.

Early spring is the time of Narcissus

Enjoy every moment of the Narcissus blooming in the spring, as it will be a whole year before you can enjoy their beauty and scent again.


Another beautiful and useful perennial that blooms with yellow flowers. They are used in a variety of flower beds: in flower beds, ridges, on borders along paths, in rock gardens.

In flower shops you can buy marigold seeds of the most amazing shapes and colors.

They protect neighboring plants from pests such as aphids, cabbageweed and other insects. In the garden center you can always find marigold seeds of various colors and shapes.


Representatives of bulbous perennials are well known to everyone. Incredible shapes and variety of colors of this flower.

There are few flower crops that can compare with the diversity of the tulip's color palette.

Yellow tulips of the Golden Apeldoorn, Yellow Crow, and Monte Carlo varieties begin to bloom in early spring, and can be grown in greenhouses all year round. Plants have strong elastic stems. They will not only complement your flowerbed, but will also become a wonderful decoration as a bouquet.


Varieties of this plant can be dwarf and tall. Yellow iris is undemanding to soil. However, excess moisture will not do it any good, so you need to regularly drain the soil. Perennial flowers grow in one place for up to seven years. The yellow iris has gained popularity not only because of its enchanting beauty. It also has a fragrant aroma that unobtrusively spreads throughout the surrounding space.

On the stem, whose height ranges from 60 to 150 cm, there are long sword-shaped leaves. Yellow-golden flowers delight with their beauty in June-August. Shiny seeds ripen in a closed, oblong-shaped box.

Tall yellow perennial flowers

To hide an unsightly fence or create a unique backdrop in your garden, simply plant tall perennials bearing yellow flowers in a row to create the illusion of a living fence. List of common tall garden flowers:

Imperial hazel grouse

A beautiful plant with a height of 60 cm to 1.2 m. The flowers are formed in the form of inflorescences consisting of “bells” of various shades: yellow, red, white.

Photo of yellow grouse (commons.wikimedia.org)

Blooming perennial yellow fritillary flowers will always attract attention. They are often planted in group plantings in a flower bed or in the space between bushes.


Thanks to their ability to maintain flowering until the first frost and easy care, these flowers are frequent guests of garden beds.

There are dwarf varieties for planting in containers and flowerpots, but most plants are quite tall and can grow up to 2.5 m. Dahlias require an area with good drainage and partial or full light.


If you are planning to decorate your garden with tall yellow flowers, then it is time to plant this unforgettable flower.

The second name of gladiolus is “sword” from the similarity of long narrow leaves with swords

Gladioli are the most frequent guests in most garden areas. You can choose from different shades to create a colorful flower garden.

Heliopsis rough

Perennial with yellow flowers, native to America. The most popular species is Heliopsis helianthoides.

Heliopsis is an excellent tall perennial for the background of a flower bed or mixborder. It has a bushy, well-branched form and shiny dark green triangular leaves. Flowering continues throughout the summer.

You can also add Kniphofia, Gelenium, Goldenrod, Eremurus and others to the list of popular tall yellow perennials.


Yellow tulips are perennial bulbous plants that belong to the lily family. Most varieties have only one flower on the stem, but there are varieties with five buds on the peduncle. Although flowers can be painted in a variety of shades, red and yellow tulips remain the most popular. These Dutch plants inspire people around the world to create paintings and write musical compositions.

The erect stem can reach a height of 5 to 100 cm. It bears green or bluish leaves of an elongated shape. They surround the entire stem. The flag leaf, that is, the one that is located above all, is the smallest. In some varieties, the leaves may be decorated with longitudinal stripes or small spots.

The so-called “bottom” of the flower is often painted a different color from the rest of the petals. A tulip can have any shape: oval, cup- or goblet-shaped, as well as terry. Large flowers reach a length of 12 cm, their diameter is about 3-10 cm. If the tulip is fully opened, then its radius measures 10 cm. Tulips close on cloudy days and at night, and open wide in sunny weather.

Perennials reproduce by bulbs, which are planted in the ground to a depth of 15-20 cm in the fall. They are covered for the winter, and the flowering period begins in May. For plants to be truly beautiful, you need to take care of the soil. It should be loose and nutritious. Most often, tulips are used to decorate the surrounding space. They are used as decorations for various events. People often give bouquets of these flowers.

Long-blooming yellow perennials

Perennial garden plants, as a rule, are not long-flowering, unlike annual crops. Perennials bloom for only one season, investing most of their energy in the roots, stems and foliage. But there are flowering perennial crops that can decorate the garden with their blooms for a couple of seasons. Here are some examples of such plants that will bring yellow sunshine to your garden.

Echinacea is strange

An herbaceous perennial, the most unique of the coneflowers, blooming with yellow flowers rather than purple. Hence the name E. paradoxa.

Easily adaptable look. Flowering period - from late spring to mid-summer. If you remove faded flowers in a timely manner, flowering can be extended. Definitely deserves a place in flower beds and other flower beds in the garden.


The flower has become one of our most popular garden plants in recent years, and it's no surprise - the densely growing plants produce masses of flowers with a long flowering period from July to October.

Rudbeckias are characterized by their bright, daisy-like flowers. Flower borders and flower beds, patios, containers, summer cottages - it will be an excellent addition to any flower arrangement.

Gaillardia aristata

A long-flowering perennial native to North America. Grows well in both wet conditions and dry areas.

Flowering time: summer-autumn. The flower is resistant to pests. Looks great in mixborders, as a border or container plant. It lasts a long time in a bouquet.

Garden Daylily

The perennial blooms yellow all summer and grows up to 45 cm in height. Provides color and contrast to a perennial flower bed.

This species can be effective in controlling soil erosion when planted on slopes. Elegant foliage provides background and texture to the garden when flowers are not in bloom.

Heliopsis sunflower

Flowering period: from June to September. An unusual flower with branched stems. This plant looks like real little sunflowers.

But unlike them, its petals are retained on the flowers. Heliopsis is hardy and easy to grow as a showy garden perennial in dry areas and is a good choice for clay soils.

Chrysanthemum Korean

There are a huge number of varieties of chrysanthemums. However, the most popular are Korean flowers. They are ideal for growing in central Russia. The name of the culture was given for its resemblance to the Sun. Translated from Latin, it means “golden-colored.” Yellow chrysanthemums can reach a height of one and a half meters. Fragile thin stems are surrounded by long leaves. Their length is 7 cm and width is 4 cm. Their shape is similar to the outline of oak foliage. The flowers can be double or daisy-like. Depending on the variety, one bush can contain from 1 to 800 yellow chrysanthemums.

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