How to plant and care for a border rose?

Miniature border roses: their photos and descriptions

We offer a brief description of miniature border roses as a botanical crop that has every right to take its rightful place in the garden.
Border roses are distinguished by their small size, which are planted in the same small bushes around the selected lawn.

They differ from the usual roses in their double petals with a complex cut and unusual shape - all this provides the garden with a unique appearance for a long time (subject to high-quality and proper care). They easily survive harsh winters, since due to their short growth they are completely covered with snow for this period and are protected.

Those who like to plant roses at home - don’t worry, you can also plant this variety at home, in an ordinary pot (but it’s better if it’s large). Border roses bloom repeatedly, and some can grow without interruption - until the onset of the first frost.

The border rose can be replaced with a fairly common analogue - a disposable rose. Three or four cuttings are planted in a pot and the result is a compact bush, which is ultimately sold. After they have bloomed, they are immediately thrown away.

But some of the gardeners who feel sorry for throwing away miniature roses plant it again, but in fresh soil in their garden. And they continue to delight the eye with their bright and colorful flowers.

They can be planted in the first row next to taller bushes, or placed on a hill - a rock garden, in particular. If you plant them on a flat or slightly elevated surface, they will grow much easier - the sun and moisture will flow evenly over the entire area of ​​the plant.

Look at the photo of border roses in all their splendor:

Advantages of border roses in landscape design

In landscape design, border roses, as their name suggests, are used to frame certain areas of the site. They are planted when decorating driveways or in rose gardens with other varieties of roses. It is enough to select several varieties with inflorescences of different palettes, and the garden will be transformed for the better.

Using border roses in landscape design

For your information! Border roses bloom profusely throughout the season. They begin to bloom in June and end in October. The pride of this dwarf group is the double petals of flowers with complex relief.

The bushes are unpretentious in care and tolerate frost well, because in winter snow completely covers low bushes.


Planting and caring for these amazingly beautiful flowers does not cause much trouble, you just need to be an attentive owner, then border roses will delight you with long-lasting flowering. They love warmth, but not heat, they can easily tolerate cold snaps, and if the air warms up above +25 degrees, the bush will be too hot, the roots may overheat, so in extreme heat it is better to mulch the ground around the bushes and shade the above-ground part.


Water roses often, but not too much; this should be done regularly, preferably in the evening, using settled water heated by the sun at room temperature.

It is very important that the water does not stagnate, otherwise root rot may occur. It is advisable to water the ground under the bush, and not the bush itself; these roses do not like water getting on the greens

Top dressing

Lush color almost all summer requires a lot of effort, so the rose needs feeding

They are carried out several times, but only until mid-summer, otherwise the plant will not prepare for winter, this is especially important where winter is harsh and comes early. Humus or manure is mixed with the top layer of soil and spread evenly under the bushes in the spring.

Under no circumstances should you use fresh manure; it can burn the roots of even an adult plant.

When the first buds begin to form, you can water the bushes with calcium nitrate, 1 tablespoon of which is dissolved in a bucket of water. You can water with this fertilizer only after a good watering, and after that, water again with at least a little water.

Roses respond well to watering with herbal brew or mullein infusion solution. Such fertilizing can be carried out after 2 - 3 weeks. In the first year of life, roses are fed only in the spring, and in the fall compost or peat is used for insulation; for the first year this is enough for them. The hotter the summer, the less fertilizing needs to be done, but in cool, rainy summers you can alternately water it every 2 weeks with a solution of organic and mineral fertilizers.

Because very hot or very rainy weather causes roses to experience stress, they can be very vulnerable. You can help them survive unpleasant weather by using special preparations: Zircon, Epin, Ecosil. You can fertilize miniature roses with products for flowering plants, which are sold in stores - this is much easier to do than preparing solutions and infusions yourself.


Sanitary and formative pruning is carried out all summer; if you do it carefully, using a clean, sharp pruner, the roses will tolerate it well, the main thing is to cut it and not flatten the stem. In the first year, all shoots are pinched above the 5th - 6th leaf; this will make the bush lush; it is also advisable to cut off the buds. In adult bushes, the side shoots continue to be pinched or simply shortened, while the central ones usually grow straight up.

You need to cut off damaged shoots and wilted flowers, this stimulates the formation of new branches and flowers. It is imperative to remove wild shoots, which often form on grafted plants; they differ in the number of leaf parts - a varietal rose has a leaf consisting of five parts, and a rose hip has seven parts. Such wild shoots cannot be shortened, because they will grow and multiply, they must be ruthlessly cut out at the level of the root collar, for this you will have to lightly dig up the ground near the root.

In the fall, long shoots are usually shortened, buds that have not had time to bloom are cut off, and then the plant is prepared for wintering. As soon as the first night frosts appear, the fallen leaves are removed, the shoots are trimmed one last time, the bushes are hilled up, raking at least 20 cm of soil.

The main thing is that the roses do not freeze.

How should you care for a flower garden?

Caring for a border rose will not cause difficulties even for those who are growing it for the first time. If the basic requirements for pruning, watering, and fertilizing are met, the plant will reward you with good growth and lush flowering.


Miniature roses need regular but light irrigation. The soil should not be allowed to dry out or become waterlogged. Watering is best done in the evening, using sun-warmed and settled water.

Top dressing

Growing roses is not complete without feeding. Miniature plants need to be fed several times. To do this, you need to use fertilizers designed specifically for Rosaceae or other ornamental flowering plants. You can use organic matter: aged horse manure. It is mixed with soil and placed under the bushes. There is no need to use other manure, as the roots may get burned.

Spring and autumn application of compost has a good effect on miniature roses. It is laid out under bushes at the rate of 5-6 kg per m2.

When the first buds form, the plant can be fed with calcium nitrate (1 tbsp per bucket of water). This fertilizer has its own characteristics of use:

  • Before feeding roses, you should water them well so as not to burn them;
  • after feeding - water again;
  • time of the procedure – morning or evening (when the heat subsides).

Additionally, every 15-20 days you can feed with mullein, mineral fertilizers or herbal infusions. Liming is necessary in September.

Care on hot days

Miniature roses do not tolerate rainy or very hot weather. It causes them stress. During this period, resuscitators will help to “encourage” the plants: “Zircon”, “Epin”, “Ecosil”, potassium humate.

It is important to protect the crop from overheating. An increase in temperature above 25 ºC leads to overheating of the roots and deterioration of the condition of roses

Peat and hay placed under the bushes will help cool them down a little.


Care includes another important point - proper pruning. It consists of removing damaged and dry shoots and forming a beautiful and regular above-ground part.

Pruning is done 5-8 mm higher from a healthy bud. This procedure can be carried out throughout the season. The last pruning involves shortening the elongated new shoots and buds.

If the shoot is damaged, it is cut off from above between 2-3 leaves

It is important to cut off wild growth from grafted roses. Eliminating the “wildlife” above ground level will not give any results - it will grow again

Proper pruning means removing wild shoots from the very base (from the root collar).

In order for the bushes to grow proportionally, in the 1st year of their life it is necessary to pinch all the shoots that appear after 4 and 5 leaves and remove the buds. In “old” bushes, the central shoots that grow vertically are not pruned; only the lateral shoots are trimmed a little.

Preparing for winter

Despite the fact that many varieties of border roses can withstand frost, they must be insulated for the winter. But first, all shoots and fallen leaves are removed. The first night frosts are a signal to begin insulation. The sequence is:

  • Hill up the plant, and the height of the earthen embankment should not be less than 20 cm;
  • put spruce or pine branches around;
  • Place shoots on them, gently pressing them to the soil;
  • Cover the top with dry leaves or spruce branches.

To insulate roses, many gardeners make a frame and cover it with moisture-repellent material (roofing felt, insulating paper) folded in several layers. An additional plastic film is placed on top. As soon as the thaw begins in spring, the flowers can be opened slightly.

Growing and caring for border roses

Caring for border roses is easy. Following a few rules will allow you to admire their lush blooms throughout the entire summer season.


Water the bushes regularly as the soil dries with settled water and preferably in the evening. Water should be poured under the roots, without touching the above-ground part of the bush.

Top dressing

Fertilizers are produced especially for Rosaceae, which take into account all their needs. For organic matter, you can use well-aged horse manure. Otherwise, the roots may suffer from burns.

Important! When buds appear, phosphorus-potassium fertilizer is applied for lush and long-lasting flowering. In spring and autumn, compost is laid out under the bushes

In addition to feeding, it protects the roots from frost in winter, and from drying out in summer.

In spring and autumn, compost is laid out under the bushes. In addition to feeding, it protects the roots from frost in winter, and from drying out in summer.


Proper pruning helps to form a beautiful and healthy bush. Damaged shoots are removed throughout the season.

Cut with sharp pruning shears, retreating 5-7 mm from a healthy kidney

In the first year of life, all shoots of a border rose bush are pinched at the level of 4-5 leaves. In the future, only the side shoots are pruned.

Wild shoots must be cut off from grafted roses. Remove it from the root collar itself; pruning above ground level will not give the desired result.

Features of wintering

Border roses tolerate frost well, but in order not to risk it, it is recommended to insulate them. The plant is covered with earth or compost and the shoots are tied in a bunch on top and covered with spruce branches or dry leaves.

In winter, the bushes will be comfortable under the spruce branches

Features of agricultural technology

Caring for border roses is based on standard agricultural techniques and implies the following rules:

  • placing seedlings in sunny areas, protected from hot and dry or icy gusty winds;
  • the soil is preferably loose, with good air and water permeability, as well as a neutral acidity level;
  • watering at the root - regular and moderate, on hot days in the morning and evening;
  • fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers. It is recommended to apply them at least three times per season: during the period of active growth - nitrogen, during the formation of buds - potassium, after flowering - phosphorus;
  • carrying out sanitary pruning in the spring with the removal of old, damaged and diseased shoots, as well as those that grow in an undesirable direction;
  • Constant pruning of fading flowers to maintain the decorative appearance of the plant.

In low-growing varieties and hybrids, the shoots are pruned heavily, leaving 2-3 eyes, which ensures good branching and wood growth with fewer flowers.

Border roses are propagated by vegetative methods: layering or cuttings. Bushes can be planted both in spring and autumn. The size of the planting hole should not be larger than the diameter of the earthen ball or root system, which is carefully straightened and deepened into the ground by 3-5 cm. A distance of about 30 cm is left between the seedlings. You can learn more about the features of autumn planting of low-growing spray roses from the video:

Single- and double-sided borders are an excellent solution for the design and zoning of a site. In this case, roses are combined with each other, with flowering or decorative deciduous perennials, taking into account the height of the bushes, the size and shades of the flowers. The most popular are border paths with a height of 60-80 cm. They are arranged in two rows, using roses in contrasting shades, for example, with white, yellow, pink and purple petals.

Trimming methods

Pruning is carried out in three ways. They depend on the length of the stem, the branching of the bush and the type:

  • Short pruning is used for polyanthus and small-flowered species. During this pruning, 2-3 buds are left. It is rarely carried out, because there is a risk of the bush freezing.
  • Medium pruning is most often used. The bushes are pruned to 35 cm from ground level, 5-7 buds remain on the branch. It is used for all types of roses, with the exception of climbing and ground cover roses.
  • Long pruning is suitable when the buds are located on the top of the shoot. Roses are pruned a little or not at all. This pruning is suitable for large-flowered varieties. Types of pruning

Choose medium pruning if you have not decided on the type of rose.

Be sure to remove:

  • Old shoots (over 3 years old),
  • The shoots are white, young branches (they will not tolerate frost and will become a site for the development of the disease),
  • Shoots growing inward.
  • Dried buds, flowers, leaves.

The best varieties and their characteristics

In specialized nurseries you can see a large assortment of spray roses, which differ both in color and in the shape and size of the bud.

Range of most common shades:

There are other color shades that are sure to surprise even experienced gardeners.

Representatives of pink and cream roses are the following species:

The following species have become prominent representatives of orange and yellow varieties of spray roses:

Red roses include the following types:

Multi-colored varieties are less popular - “Paple”, “Princess”, “Kent”, “Droplet”, “Abracadabra”, “Orion”, “Bordeaux”, “Tiramisu”.

Particular attention should be paid to the description of the most popular representatives of this flower.

  • “Lovely Lydia” is a Dutch plant, the height of which is less than 75 cm, and the diameter of the bush reaches 55 cm. The color range of the buds ranges from crimson to pale pink. The main feature is the presence of a dark core. The size of the buds is about 3.5 cm. Advantages - long and massive flowering, high resistance to low temperatures and the most common types of diseases, spectacular appearance.
  • “Fire Flash” is a bright variety whose color resembles fire. Yellow buds with orange spots grow on low bushes, the size of which does not exceed 3.5 cm. This variety is one of the most popular among florists and designers.
  • “Yana” is a decorative representative of the spray rose family, the maximum height of the bush is 55 cm. Advantages - compactness, presence of an elusive and delicate aroma. Area of ​​application: decorating borders and balconies.
  • "Rumba" is a colorful flower that has a deep yellow hue with pink and crimson highlights. The number of flowers on one shoot is 15 pieces. The color of each bud is unique and inimitable.
  • “Hiha Spray” is a profusely flowering plant with bright pink buds, their number can reach 20 pieces. The height of one bush reaches 100 cm.
  • "Tomango" is a small plant with large velvety flowers. The main feature is color preservation even under the scorching ultraviolet rays of the sun;

  • "Black Jack" is a spectacular bush, the number of buds on which can reach up to 30 pieces. The petals have an openwork structure and are indispensable for making bouquets.

How do border roses propagate?

Miniature beauties reproduce in 3 ways:

  1. cuttings;
  2. dividing the bush (seedlings);
  3. seeds.

Propagation by cuttings

It is considered the easiest way. From May to July, you can cut off semi-lignified shoots and divide them into parts so that 2-3 buds remain on each of them. All leaves on them are shortened by half.

Each shoot is planted only after 3-4 hours of keeping them in the root-forming solution. The distance between them when planting is 30-35 cm. Then each shoot is watered abundantly and covered with a container (glass jar, large plastic bottle). They stay in such a “greenhouse” for about a month and a half. All this time it is necessary to water them regularly. When the shoots take root, they can be dug up and transplanted to a new place in the garden.

Propagation by seedlings

This method is applicable in the fall or spring before the buds open. Dividing an adult bush is very simple. It is dug up and carefully cut into pieces. The main thing to consider is that each part must have a shoot and roots. Then all the resulting shoots are planted in the garden.

Propagation by seeds

Flower growers very rarely resort to propagating border roses by seeds, since this is a long and troublesome process.

All collected (purchased) seeds are germinated for 2 weeks at a temperature of +20 °C before planting. They can be sown in a container with fertile, light soil in late autumn. Seeds are planted 0.5 cm deep

All winter it is important to maintain their temperature from +3 to +5 °C. At the end of spring or in the first days of summer, the seeds will begin to sprout

When buying seeds, the main thing is not to make mistakes

You need to pay attention to the following factors

Best before date. Expired seeds may not germinate completely or may not germinate at all. Color of the purchased variety. The selected miniature roses should be combined with plants already growing in the garden and match them in color. Duration of flowering. It is different for all varieties: some have early, others late flowering. It would be nice if the selected variety of roses complements the overall flowering of the plants. Planting requirements and care. To get active growth and flowering, you need to know the basic rules for growing the purchased variety. Boarding time

This is also important, since many species are grown indoors for some time before being planted in open ground.


No difficulties in growing roses will stop a lover of roses. The dream of breeding a beauty of a certain variety is worth all the hassle.

There are several ways to propagate border roses:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • dividing the bush.

Growing roses from seeds is difficult and time-consuming. Its seeds require preliminary preparation; it is better to do this in late autumn.

They must be soaked for 2 weeks at a temperature not lower than 20 °C. When planting, the seeds are deepened by 0.5 cm.

The container with the seeds is covered with glass and kept in a cool room until spring, remembering to ventilate.

Harvesting cuttings

The most common method of propagation is the preparation of semi-lignified cuttings with 2-3 buds at the beginning of summer. Even a novice florist can handle it.

Note! Before planting, it is recommended to soak the cuttings for 4 hours in a solution of heteroauxin, root or epin, which will help root formation. You can also use natural root formation stimulants that were used by our ancestors, for example, aloe juice with ash.

Then the cuttings are planted under cover with a slight slope, and they spend more than a month there, then they are transplanted into open ground to a permanent place.

A method available to beginning gardeners is dividing the bush. The procedure is carried out in spring or autumn. It is important to correctly determine how many parts the root system allows the mother bush to be divided into. Each part must contain a root and a shoot. The separated seedling is immediately planted in a permanent place.

Important! For beginners in rose growing, it is better to purchase ready-made seedlings in specialized flower shops or at exhibitions. They are planted at a depth of 5 cm to the root collar. Before planting, fertilizers are applied to ensure comfortable rooting.

Planting in a summer cottage

When to Plant Border Roses

It is recommended to plant seedlings in the spring so that young plants can form a strong root system before the arrival of autumn and winter and are ready for severe cold and severe frosts. The most favorable time is mid-spring or the second half of April. The soil should have warmed up well by this time, and the threat of night frosts will have passed.

Choosing the Ideal Location

Choosing a suitable site for planting border roses is not an easy task. Even in the summer season they prefer to be at a temperature of +19...+22°C. The ideal place would be where the sun would shine brightly only before 11 and after 17 o'clock, and the rest of the time the area would remain in shady or semi-shade conditions. At the same time, flowering crops should not be exposed to strong gusts of wind and constant drafts, from which the soil dries out and the flowers lack moisture.

Another important condition when choosing a location is taking into account predecessors. These cannot be plants from the Rosaceae family, since they negatively affect subsequent plantings and can leave a “legacy” of pests and spreaders of diseases.

What kind of soil is needed

For full development, border roses require high-quality soil with moderate humidity, without stagnant water and not in low places, light in structure and with good permeability of water and air.

Landing scheme and features

The size of the planting hole depends on the volume of the root part of the seedling - the hole should be slightly larger. It is recommended to pour a drainage layer about 5 cm thick at the bottom, and then 1/3 of the nutrient substrate intended for representatives of Rosaceae. The bush is placed in the center of the hole and each root is carefully straightened. Fill the hole to the brim so that the root collar remains 2 cm below the soil surface. It is recommended to lightly compact the soil around the seedling and moisten it abundantly. After the water has been absorbed, you can apply a layer of peat mulch 2-3 cm thick around each plant.

When planting several bushes, an interval of about 30-40 cm should be maintained between them.

Basic landing rules

In order to grow healthy roses, you need to take into account some basic nuances of planting them.

  • Firstly, you should never plant roses in places where rose bushes have already grown for a long time. The fact is that harmful bacteria or insects may remain in this place, which can greatly harm the plant.
  • Secondly, the place where you plan to plant shrubs must be well lit. Moreover, the planting site must be selected in such a way that the place is not exposed to strong drafts and winds.
  • Thirdly, in order to take root well in the soil and take root in a new place, border roses should be planted in early spring.
  • Fourthly, it is necessary to choose the right soil for planting the plant. However, gardeners should immediately be reassured - this type of ornamental roses is quite unpretentious to the soil, however, it must meet certain requirements: roses should not be planted in waterlogged, too dry or dense soil.
  • Fifthly, before planting a rose in a hole, you must first put nutritious fertilizers. Also, at the bottom of the hole, before direct planting, it is best to lay a thick layer of drainage made of coarse gravel or small pieces of brick.
  • Sixthly, as for the depth of the hole for planting shrubs, you should know that it should not be too large - ideally, the diameter of the planting hole should be slightly larger than the diameter of the roots of the shrub. This parameter is individual and completely depends on the size of the plant being planted.
  • Seventh, when planting a shrub in a planting hole, you need to very carefully straighten the roots, and you need to bury the root collar no more than four centimeters.

At the end of the planting process, the soil must be carefully compacted and watered thoroughly. If these simple rules are followed during planting, then soon you will be able to enjoy the gorgeous look of your border rose.

BORDER ROSES (spray, floribunda, mini)

Border roses are one of the most popular groups of roses. They are distinguished by their small stature (40-80 cm). The peculiarity of this group of roses is that the flowers on the shoots are not located singly, but in inflorescences, sometimes several dozen pieces. Therefore, they are also widely used for cutting. It's hard to think of a better decoration for a garden flower bed! Ideal for edging an alley, shading a rose garden or decorating a flower bed. In small courtyards they are simply irreplaceable. They bloom continuously (with good watering) from late May until late autumn. Roses have proven themselves very well in their resistance to disease and good frost resistance.

Showing 1–9 of 39 results


The peculiarity of this rose is that its flowers can be of different colors on one bush (black, black with yellow splashes, yellow with black splashes and yellow). The unusual coloring impresses everyone. Height 50-60 cm.


Lovely rose spray. Quite unpretentious, practically without aroma. The bush is erect, 60-70cm high, with stable shoots with 25-35 buds on each. The flowers are orange-pink, goblet-shaped, about 5 cm in diameter. Blooms throughout the season.

The height of the bush is up to 70 cm. The flowers are pure white. Continuous flowering.

Arau Folies

Slightly spreading Arrow Folies bushes reaching a height of 50 - 60 cm (with a width of about 40 cm) bloom profusely throughout the season, and the flowers are not damaged by rain. The beautiful, semi-glossy dark green foliage is virtually disease free. Arrow Folies are characterized by strong shoots with large thorns. The Arrow Folies rose variety is quite new and one of the few representatives of American selection on our market, characterized by high resistance to disease and rain.

Baby Romantic

An amazingly beautiful rose – romance in miniature. The flowers are spherical, densely double, up to 40 petals - yellow with a burgundy edge. It blooms profusely and for a long time, with large, loose clusters, the bush is voluminous and fluffy. Depending on the weather, the shade may change. The aroma is weak. The bush is compact, dense, with dark green, semi-glossy foliage.

Black beauty

The height of the bush is about 60 cm, without thorns, resistance to diseases is high, winter hardiness is average.

Continuously blooming. Cutting, high forcing. A very beautiful deep black rose. The buds are dense, terry, with velvet-velor petals. Blooms profusely until frost. For group plantings, borders, cuttings.

The flower is dark red, velvety. The variety is very similar to the hybrid tea rose Norita. Bush height 70-80 cm.

White little (miniature)

The flowers are white, cup-shaped, small, 2–2.5 cm in diameter, double, 40–45 petals, fragrant, in small inflorescences on strong peduncles 30–35 cm long. The leaves are light green, leathery, shiny. Flowering is abundant. Resistant to diseases. The variety is winter-hardy.

Jardin de France

This beautiful, branching floribunda has won many awards in Europe for its showiness in the garden. The flowers are densely double, with many short wavy petals, and tolerate rain and wind well. They are bright pink with a salmon tint, and more silvery pink on the undersides of the petals. However, the color is not uniform, because on the flower there are spots of darker color, and in some places white, which creates an unusual effect. Flowers appear in dense racemes, usually 3-8 pieces, sometimes more. Flowering is incredibly abundant and almost continuous until late autumn. The Jardins de France bush is wide, branched, with very beautiful disease-resistant, dark shiny foliage. Usually the rose is pruned and grown as a bush about 1 m tall; without pruning it can grow twice as tall.

Prevention and treatment of border rose diseases

As you know, it is easier to prevent a disease than to try to cure it later. Therefore, the most important advice is that the rose should be systematically monitored, and if the slightest sign of infection appears, appropriate measures should be taken.

To prevent your rose from becoming infected with pests or diseases, you should adhere to the following rules.

  1. Twice a year, before opening the rose after wintering or covering it during frosts, it is necessary to treat with three percent copper sulfate, DNOC and nitrophen.
  2. If traces of damage are still found on the bush, it should be sprayed:
      if a rose is infected with an infectious burn, you can use foundationazole or copper oxychloride;
  3. if traces of powdery mildew are found on the bush, it must be sprayed with Bordeaux mixture or water-soluble sulfur;
  4. if the rose is attacked by pests, treatment with special compounds BI-58, actofite or mospilan is required;
  5. A solution of a water-soluble mixture or copper oxychloride will save you from rust damage;
  6. Bordeaux mixture or copper oxychloride will help get rid of traces of black spotting;
  7. The preparation “Sunmite”, “Flumite” or “Demitan” will help rid the bush of spider mites.

It must be remembered that the sooner the disease is detected, the more effective the treatment of the bush will be.

Popular varieties

Today there are many varieties of border roses. They all differ in their characteristics, colors, and growing requirements.


Miniature shrub inflorescences that reach a length of 30-40 cm. Rose Eleanor is compact and has multiple blooms. The inflorescences of the plant are slightly elongated buds. They have a slightly pointed shape and a velvety texture. The color of roses varies from coral to red. The petals are double, they are collected together into a dense bud (up to 15 pieces per bud). The plant is grown both in indoor pots and in open areas.

White Bouquet

The inflorescences have a delicate aroma. The rose buds are oblong, the petals are small in size - up to 5 cm, and have a terry texture. One bud contains up to 20 petals. The maximum number of inflorescences on one stem is 5 pieces. The height indicators remain at around 50 cm. Sometimes the rose grows up to 65 cm. The plant loves sunlight; with regular exposure to sunlight, the border rose develops faster and produces beautiful inflorescences.


Rose Meidi is a small shrub inflorescence distinguished by red velvety buds of an oblong shape. The petals of the plant are large, their length is around 5-6 cm. Up to 40 petals are collected in one bud, this makes the inflorescences lush and fragrant. The bushes themselves are dense, their height reaches 30-40 cm. The Meidi variety is characterized by good resistance to bad weather conditions and some diseases. The crop is grown in pots, greenhouses, and in open summer cottages.


Clementine is one of the border varieties that is characterized by cup-shaped and dense buds. The maximum length of the bush is 50 cm. The number of inflorescences on one stem is 5-6 pieces. Rose petals are small, their shade is rich orange and apricot. Clementine blooms several times during the spring and summer with proper care. The variety is resistant to frost and sudden temperature changes.


A Dutch variety of border roses that has good frost resistance. Lydia is a bushy inflorescence with small buds that reach 5 cm in diameter. Up to 10 buds can grow on one stem. Their color varies from dusty pink to rich plum. A distinctive feature of the Lydia variety is the darkening of the petals in cloudy weather. And, conversely, on clear days the buds of the plant become lighter and more radiant.


Debut is a miniature shrub inflorescence. The maximum length reaches 40 cm. The buds of the plant are oblong, consisting of 15-20 petals of a dark red hue and terry texture. Debut blooms several times in spring and summer.

Important! The plant crop is resistant to frost and sudden temperature changes. Border roses are most often planted in open and sunny areas.

Border rose: varieties


A spectacular variety to grow on your property or at home. The rose is a border rose and grows to a maximum height of 50 cm. The flowers are double, lush, collected in inflorescences. Roses have a delicate apricot color. The variety is well resistant to diseases, adverse environmental factors, and winter-hardy. The leaves are dark green in color and have a glossy surface. One of the most important aspects of care is the timely formation of the bush, which will increase the decorative value of the rose several times.

"Baby Maskerd"

The lush and long flowering of border roses of the Baby Maskerd variety will not leave any gardener indifferent. Roses have absolutely amazing colors - the delicate lemon color of the petals smoothly flows into reddish shades. Roses grow up to 35-40 cm and have a fairly compact shape. An excellent option for decorating garden paths and sidewalks.


Another successful contender for creating a small hedge in your garden could be the border rose of the “Debut” variety. The flower has good resistance to various diseases, as well as adverse environmental conditions. The variety is quite young, because was developed at the end of the 20th century.


The Meidi variety is loved by many gardeners because of its bright color. Lush flowers have a blood-red hue, and on the reverse side - with silvery tints. The bush grows compact and lush. The stems are densely covered with dark green foliage, which is why the bush seems to be very spreading. Flowering is abundant and long lasting. You can enjoy bright roses right up to the autumn frosts. Roses of the "Meidi" variety grow up to 35-40 cm in height.


If you want to add some tenderness to your garden, then this variety will be a great find. The flowers have a snow-white, white-pink hue. In addition, the shape of the flowers themselves makes this rose stand out from the mass of other flowers. The flower is tall, and the petals have an elongated shape and pointed edges. Border roses of the “Pixie” variety will delight you with their blooms all summer long.


You can grow this very fragrant rose not only in the open ground, but also at home. Lush inflorescences contain up to 15 spectacular flowers. The bush is erect, reaches a height of up to 40 cm. The color of the rose - soft pink, coral - gives incredible tenderness.


Almost the only drawback of this variety can be considered not very good winter hardiness. You can't do without creating a shelter. Roses have a beautiful creamy white hue, they are collected in inflorescences of 5-10 flowers. The bush is spreading and can reach 0.6 m in height. The brilliant dark green foliage creates an advantageous contrast to the delicate roses.

"Impala Cordana"

The variety is often grown for cutting. Although the flowers do not have a strong aroma, the rose is winter-hardy and well resistant to adverse weather conditions. The flowers are cup-shaped and pale apricot in color. The bush grows up to 30-40 cm.

"Diamond Sweet Dream"

Roses of this variety can add bright color accents to your flower plantings. The petals are yellow-orange in color, which looks great with lush emerald-colored foliage. The bush grows to a maximum height of 45 cm. One of the main advantages of the variety is its good tolerance of high air humidity, which is usually a comfortable condition for the development of fungal diseases.

"Suga Baby"

Juicy bright pink flowers grow on a spreading bush up to 50 cm high. The rose branches very well. It needs timely pruning to ensure optimal growth and development of the plant. The variety has proven its good resistance to various diseases.

"White Bouquet"

Beautiful snow-white flowers combined with matte green foliage make an incredible impression. One of the tallest varieties among border roses. It can reach a maximum height of 60-70 cm. It pleases with abundant and long-lasting flowering. The bush is very spreading. This fact should be taken into account when planting. It can grow both as a flowerbed plant and as a border plant. The variety has shown high resistance to diseases.

Border roses - growing charm and luxury

Border roses are a special type, which, in accordance with the name, is used for its intended purpose - to decorate areas along borders, paths and sidewalks, and not only in personal courtyards, but also in parks, city streets and squares. Border roses will help you successfully create a small picturesque dividing hedge in the garden. They will look attractive in any corner of your yard.

Another advantage of these roses is that they can be successfully grown at home in flower pots and flowerpots.

Border roses are loved for their amazingly beautiful flowering of double inflorescences, for the variety of varieties and colors, long flowering and the ability to bloom again, as well as for their unpretentiousness and frost resistance.

Border roses can be transplanted without problems and take root easily. Propagated by cuttings, dividing the bush and seeds. The height of the bushes is from 35 to 50 cm, the maximum is 60-70 cm. Compact bushes branch well, bloom profusely and luxuriantly.

Despite its unpretentiousness, you must approach the landing site responsibly - choose a quiet and well-lit one. As flower experts recommend, it is not advisable for the predecessor of border roses to be plants from the Rosaceae family.

But border roses are really unpretentious to soils. They like any one. But ideally, the soil should not be either overly moist or too dry. Loose, light, nutritious and fertile will do. It is great if it is fertilized with organic matter - compost, humus (5 kg per m²) and equipped with a drainage layer.

It is better to replant in the spring with the arrival of stable warmth, when the threat of return frosts has passed. Border rose bushes are planted at a distance of up to 30 cm from each other. The root collar should be buried no more than 5-6 cm into the soil. After planting, the soil in the area of ​​the bush is compacted and must be watered.

During the warm season, border roses have time to take root and develop well, so young plants survive winter successfully.

Care is no different from usual - regular removal of weeds, loosening, removal of faded inflorescences and timely watering at the roots without excesses. Water for irrigation is preferably settled and heated in the sun.

In order for roses to look well-groomed, attractive, grow and develop correctly, it is necessary to form and trim the bushes in a timely manner - remove dry, damaged shoots. This will add decorativeness to the bushes.

It is necessary to identify and carry out effective treatments against diseases and pests in a timely manner.

In unfavorable weather conditions (heat, dry periods or, conversely, cold and rain), it is a good idea to support border roses with preparations specially designed for this purpose, which will help the plant to come to life again in difficult life situations. Zircon, Epin or Ecosil will do.

The first year after planting, border roses are not fed; they have enough nutrition that was provided during planting. In the future, compost can be added both in spring and autumn. It is not necessary to dig it in, just spread it under the bush at the rate of half a bucket per m². Once every three weeks it is a good idea to feed the flowers with mullein or fertilizers specifically designed for ornamental flowering plants and specifically for Rosaceae. When carrying out mineral fertilizing, it is better to spill it under the bush before and after to avoid burns.

Border roses should be prepared for winter - trimming protruding shoots and cutting off buds. Next, the bushes are insulated - first they hill up, then they are covered with spruce branches. In special cases, when there are severe frosts without snow, the construction of a wooden “hut”, which is covered with non-woven material, will be of great help. Closer to spring, the shelter is removed.

Growing roses of all types and varieties is a fascinating and rewarding activity, especially border beauties. A little attention, love and these cute miniature creations will create a picture of well-being, luxury and comfort in your garden.

Further care

Border roses require simple care. It consists of the following activities:

  • regular irrigation;
  • feeding;
  • weeding;
  • pruning;
  • shelter for the winter.

Flowers are also treated against harmful bugs and diseases with special means.

Soil feeding

Border roses should be fed with the following compounds:

  • organic matter is horse manure, it is mixed with soil and placed under bushes;
  • in spring and autumn they add compost, spreading it under the bushes at the rate of 5 kilograms per m2;
  • when the first buds form, add 1 tbsp of calcium nitrate. on a bucket of water.

Before adding the nutrient composition, roses need to be watered abundantly so that they do not get burned. Then pour water again. Manipulation should be carried out early in the morning or in the evening.


Rose bushes should be watered early in the morning or evening. The frequency of irrigation will be approximately 2 times a week. It all depends on soil moisture and weather conditions. The water should not be icy; it is advisable to leave it until it reaches air temperature. If there is excessive moisture, the plant may rot. You also can’t overdry it, otherwise the roses will fade.

Care in hot weather

In extreme heat, the leaves should be irrigated with settled water. Carry out the procedure in the evening, when the sun has gone down. Due to the action of high temperature, the rose fades and droops. It should be additionally fed with Zircon, potassium humate or Ecosil.


Proper pruning involves cutting out damaged and dry branches and forming bushes.

  1. To avoid rotting and disease attacks, use only clean, disinfected pruning shears.
  2. Trim the bush 5-8 millimeters higher from a healthy bud.
  3. The event will be held throughout the summer.
  4. For the last time, shorten the elongated new shoots and buds.
  5. If branches are damaged, cut them between 2-3 leaves.
  6. Wild growth must be removed from roses. Eliminating the “wildlife” above the soil level will not have any effect - it will grow again. Cut down wild branches from the very base.
  7. In order for the bushes to grow proportionally, every year pinch out all the shoots formed after 4 and 5 leaves and remove the buds.

In old shrubs, the central, vertically growing branches are not pruned. Only the sides are trimmed a little.

Treatment for diseases and insects

Miniature flowers need regular inspection, this will help protect them from attacks by bacteria and harmful bugs. If infection is noticed, immediately treat with insecticides. They can be purchased at nurseries. To prevent diseases, the rose is fertilized with organic matter and mineral fertilizers.

How to cover them for the winter?

For the winter, roses should be insulated, first removing all fallen leaves and shoots. The procedure is done as follows:

  • hill up the plant, the height of the earthen embankment should be at least 20 centimeters;
  • lay branches or pine needles around;
  • Apply the shoots tightly to them;
  • the last layer is dry foliage or spruce branches.

You can also make a protective frame from cling film and roofing felt.

Plant diseases and pests

The standard rose is quite often subject to infections and attacks by all kinds of pests. Unfortunately, such plants are not characterized by increased resistance to various ailments, which dramatically affects their life expectancy. Most often in a rose garden, a gardener is faced with an invasion of caterpillars, scale insects, mites, earwigs, aphids, and thrips. They love to feast on the juice and young shoots of roses, which inhibits its growth and flowering. They control pests using complex insecticides (“Aktara”, “Bi-58”, “Rose Clear”, etc.). Carry out the procedure in early spring and repeat if parasites appear.

Diseases on the bush may include viral mosaic, chlorosis, spotting, pink and gray rot. To prevent diseases, the rose should be treated in the spring with a solution of ferrous sulfate (1:3), re-treatment is carried out after 4 weeks. When acute foci of illness appear, the affected parts of the shoots are removed, and the rose garden is carefully treated with complex fungicides (Agate, Kurzat, Quadris, Fitosporin, etc.).

Preparing for winter

Despite its frost resistance, border roses provide shelter in the garden. In autumn, bare shoots are shortened and the foliage is burned. After the first frost, the bushes spud up to 20 cm in height, after which they are covered with spruce branches, which protect the flowers well from the cold.

Border varieties of roses can be attacked by spider mites, aphids, and sawflies. The most effective and fastest way to get rid of pests is insecticides, which can be used for preventive treatment in early spring. The most common diseases are powdery mildew and rust, the development of which peaks in wet weather. To cure affected plants, diseased parts of the shoots should be removed and the plantings should be sprayed with a fungicide.

Pruning climbing roses in spring

Pruning climbing roses in the spring is carried out with the aim of forming a bush. Although plants from this group may not be pruned at all, in this case, after 2-3 years, it will be difficult to approach the overgrown bush and cover it for the winter. Therefore, in the spring, after removing the cover and sanitary pruning, the climbing rose bush is thinned out, all branches that thicken it are removed, and they try to form it so that the shoots grow horizontally.

If you are new to rose growing and are afraid of spoiling the bush when pruning, watch the video, which describes the entire procedure in detail:

Landing rules

Rose spray is an unpretentious type of ornamental plant that does not require special attention. To obtain beautiful flowers, experienced gardeners recommend using secrets for plant care and propagation.

Selection and storage of seedlings

The right choice of seedlings is the key to obtaining a strong and beautiful plant. Plants packaged in plastic bags with a nutritious soil mixture and with an open root system go on mass sale. Breeders recommend giving preference to the first type of flowers.

Signs of a healthy plant:

  • strong root system;
  • no mechanical damage;
  • absence of dry branches and signs of fungal disease;
  • the presence of a pleasant earthy aroma and crumbly soil in the container;
  • the presence of living white shoots at the ends of the roots.

Before planting, it is necessary to prune the planting material, during which buds, dry branches and damaged stems are removed. The maximum number of eyes should be 5 pieces. The cut areas must be treated with garden varnish.

Placing seedlings in water with sodium humate overnight is a must before planting.

Disembarkation time and place

The choice of planting location for your favorite plant depends on its variety. For some species, the most favorable place for growth and development is sunny flower beds, and for others, places with partial shade, where the buds will always have rich and rich shades.

The planting process consists of several main stages:

  • formation of a landing pit with a diameter of 50x50;
  • laying a drainage layer, for which you need to choose river sand and fine gravel;
  • the formation of a nutrient layer, which consists of fallen leaves, humus, manure and organic fertilizers;
  • placing the bush in a prepared hole;
  • backfilling the plant with soil while simultaneously compacting the soil around the stem;
  • abundant watering of the bush with clean water at room temperature in the amount of 10 liters per planting hole.

If planting is planned for autumn, then in the summer it is necessary to actively prepare the soil in the flowerbed.

Basic recommendations for preliminary preparation of the planting site:

  • cleaning weeds and their root systems;
  • digging up the area with turning over the soil clod;
  • digging the required trench;
  • mixing the top fertile layer with mineral fertilizers and placing the mixture at the bottom of the pit;
  • keeping the planting hole for several months.

If planting is planned for spring, gardeners recommend simply digging up the area and adding fertilizer to the soil. By the arrival of spring, the soil will be enriched with minerals and for planting it will be enough to simply dig a hole of the required size.

Before forming a flower bed, you need to take into account the type of plants that grew in front of the roses. Quince, cherry and hawthorn will have a negative impact on the rose garden. To create favorable conditions for the growth and development of flowers, it is necessary to replace the top layer of soil.

To normalize the acid balance, ash should be added to acidic soil, and humus, compost and pine needles to alkaline soil.

Basic rules for caring for border roses

If you follow simple rules for caring for roses, they will reward you with lush, bright and abundant flowering for a long period. Anyone can cope with these rules, even a florist without experience. The main thing is to do everything in a timely manner and regularly.

Irrigation regime

For irrigation, only settled water with a temperature of +25...+27°C is required. For these purposes, you can keep a special container of water on the site, which will warm up under the rays of the sun.

Watering should be carried out regularly (3-5 times a week) in moderate volumes, preferably after sunset.


In order for the applied fertilizers to benefit the plants, it is very important to take into account the climatic and weather conditions of your area. The first mandatory fertilizing is in early spring in the form of rotted humus, which is mixed into the top layer of soil.

The first mandatory fertilizing is in early spring in the form of rotted humus, which is mixed into the top layer of soil.

The second - during the formation of buds in the form of a solution of 10 liters of water and one tablespoon of saltpeter. Apply into moist soil.

The third - in the fall with compost, for each square meter - 5-6 kg.

In the future, organic and mineral fertilizers are applied regularly and alternately.

Preventive actions

Helps prevent the appearance of pests and diseases by maintaining moderate watering, timely weeding and regular inspection of all flowering crops, as well as spraying with natural infusions (based on garlic, onions, sage, coltsfoot, marigolds).

Disease and pest control

Possible diseases of border roses are powdery mildew, rust, root rot. Diseased plants must be immediately removed from the site, and the remaining specimens and the ground around them must be treated with special preparations - “Fundazol”, “Bordeaux mixture”, “Copper chloride”, “1% sulfur solution”.

Possible pests are spider mites, aphids, sawflies, caterpillars. To combat them, the following are effective: a solution of soap with copper or wormwood, ash infusion, the preparations “Aktara” or “Aktofit”.


Damaged and withered shoots are pruned in early spring, diseased parts of the bush and withered buds throughout the entire flowering period, elongated shoots and buds that have not had time to bloom - in the fall.

Reproduction methods

Border roses are propagated by seeds, cuttings and by dividing the bush.

The seed method is not popular among gardeners, as it takes a lot of time and requires attention and patience. The seeds, pre-soaked for 10-15 days, are planted in October - November in a container to a depth of about 5 mm, covered with film or glass and kept in cool conditions until spring. Shoots will appear only in spring or early summer.

For cuttings, semi-lignified shoots are used, with two or three buds on the cutting. After soaking the cuttings for three hours in a stimulating solution, they are planted in a light soil mixture. The cuttings should be kept under a glass cover for about a month and a half. During this time, they will form their own roots and the seedlings can be transferred to open ground.

The easiest and most affordable way is to divide the bush. The procedure can be carried out both in autumn and spring

It is important that each part has a strong and strong root and several powerful shoots. The resulting cuttings are immediately planted in a permanent place.

They take root very easily and quickly.

In late autumn, it is recommended to remove all shoots on the plants, hill up the soil to a height of 20 cm, and then cover the roses with a thick layer of fallen leaves or spruce branches. Sometimes an additional frame is built, which is covered with greenhouse film or roofing felt.

Pest and disease control

Breeding and caring for small roses also involves the destruction of insects that can cause harm to them. To save roses from the appearance of aphids, spider mites, and sawflies on them, you need to plant marigolds, onions, and sage not far from them.

For preventive purposes, plants should be sprayed with infusions of onion, garlic or calendula. In the periods preceding the appearance of pests, the soil must be sprinkled with ash. If control using natural means does not produce results, you need to use special insecticides.

You can prevent the appearance of powdery mildew, rust or black spot by spraying with a three percent solution of copper sulfate or nitrophenol (2%).

Note! Powdery mildew can appear on roses due to thick planting and frequent watering. It is necessary to regularly inspect the bushes and immediately remove leaves and shoots at the initial stage of the disease. This approach is very effective and allows you to quickly cure plants.

Low-growing border perennial flowers (photo)

One of the most valuable characteristics of groundcover crops is the rapid development of the planting site. As they grow, they create a dense flowering carpet.

Low-growing border flowers include the following.


It takes root from its own shoots, forming a new plant, and does not tolerate stagnation of melt water and waterlogging.

It grows quickly, so constant monitoring is required; shoots are used for propagation. Arabis is a good honey plant, so during flowering there will be a lot of bees on the plantings.

In difficult plantings, good companions for rhizomes are:

  • marigold;
  • nasturtium;
  • border chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • alyssum.

Flowers of lilac, pink, white or yellow are presented in the form of a loose rosette, the leaves are bright green, but there are varieties with and with variegated leaves. Withstands frosts up to 3-5 degrees.


Decorative leaves are bright and dark green, blue, purple, burgundy. Lush flowers - blue, blue, purple, yellow.

Loves moisture and shading, but can also tolerate sun, tolerates mild winters well, and requires shelter in extreme cold.

It does not shed its leaves in the winter, the color remains even under the snow, which is very valuable for plant borders. It has increased resistance to trampling, does not require maintenance and looks great. Pairs well with bulbous flowers.


Leathery leaves of rich green color retain their color under the snow, single flowers of violet shades.

The plant prefers shade and partial shade, but tolerates both sun and heavy shade. Periwinkle emphasizes the beauty of neighboring flowers, which is why it is often used in mixborders.


Loves poor rocky soils; can be planted among stone steps and concrete slabs.

The height of the plant is 15 cm, the leaves are green, single flowers of crimson, purple, white or red form in loose groups. The variety of varieties allows you to mix different colors. Good neighbors are: rezuha, phlox, spurge, iris, alyssum.

Spray roses: features, varieties and care rules

The rose is the most popular and beloved representative of flowering plants, which can be seen not only in flower beds near private houses, but also in flower beds in city parks and various public recreation areas. The high popularity of this plant forced breeders to work on developing new varieties. They have a wide color spectrum, as well as high resistance to various diseases and adverse climatic conditions.

One of the latest achievements in the field of breeding is rose spray. The new plant quickly gained a leading position in the sales ranking of this group of products due to its high aesthetic parameters and undemanding nature in terms of agrotechnical measures.

How to reproduce?

To obtain new plants, breeders distinguish several methods of propagation:

  • seed – growing seedlings from collected seed material;
  • rooting branches - digging up the lower branch of the mother bush to form the root system of a new plant;
  • root shoots - separation of young plants with developed roots from the main bush;
  • cuttings - cutting off pieces of the stem and placing them in a growth stimulator, as well as planting shoots in greenhouses and greenhouses;
  • division - dividing a whole bush into separate independent parts.

Rose spray - what is it and how is it used in garden design

Spray roses are without a doubt one of the newest rose varieties. And the debate about which group to include them in continues to this day. But the classification of roses is quite arbitrary and only time will put everything in its place. The only thing that can be said about these roses is that they came from the Floribunda group.

Each spray rose branch represents a whole bouquet. Sometimes these roses are called bouquet or border roses. These varieties attract attention with their incredibly elegant appearance and decorativeness, abundant flowering that lasts for a long time, as well as versatility in use (borders, in the garden, cutting, attached containers).

Description of orange roses

Orange color symbolizes happiness, joy, good mood. According to the description, red roses can be of different shades. Florists characterize these tones as follows:

  • salmon orange;
  • orange-scarlet;
  • cinnabar and others.

The color of the petals can be blurry and heterogeneous, which makes the flowers bright and delicate at the same time.

For beginners, floribunda roses and scrub forms are easiest to grow in the garden. Floribunda is characterized by continuous and abundant flowering. Orange buds are collected in clusters on their shoots and look very impressive. It is difficult to find a more decorative decoration for the garden.

Orange roses

Shrubs grow in the form of a large bush with large flowers. Srab roses look great in single and mixed plantings next to plants of other species. It is this variety that most often captivates with its delicate aroma.

Climbing roses with their long curly shoots create a real waterfall of flowers and look mesmerizing. They are divided into ramblers with a single but long flowering and climbers with powerful shoots and large flowers that bloom until frost. Climber roses are also good because they are less susceptible to disease than others due to the fact that they have good immunity.

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