Why are yellow chrysanthemums given to a woman, what do they symbolize?

Symbolism of flowers in Europe

Later, the language of flowers spread to Europe thanks to the notes of some travelers. Aubrey de la Mottray, who visited Turkey at the court of the Swedish king, and Mary Wortley, who was the wife of the British ambassador in Istanbul, told their compatriots about him. The latter described the secret language of love letters in her letters to her homeland, which were published after her death. These letters made her famous.

Once upon a time, young girls and married ladies enthusiastically counted the number of petals of each flower in a bouquet, looking for the secret meaning in this number. Today, the language of flowers is almost forgotten, but we still consider the red rose to be a symbol of love, and yellow tulips to be the harbingers of separation. Why do you give yellow chrysanthemums? And what do they symbolize?

Feng Shui meaning

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, Chrysanthemum will bring a lot of fun and positive emotions to household members, and good luck in their endeavors. In Japan, this flower is a symbol of the sun, in China it is a symbol of happiness and a carefree life . If you place the plant in your home, negative energy will not enter it.

You can add both fresh and artificial flowers to your home. The main thing is that dust does not collect on the latter. Any image of Chrysanthemums also has strong energy.

According to Feng Shui, flowers are recommended for melancholic people, characterized by self-doubt and indecision. Chrysanthemums are especially beneficial for Libra and people born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit), Goat (Sheep).

Chrysanthemums in the plant kingdom

Chrysanthemums are a genus of plants in the Asteraceae family. Today there are more than 2000 species of these beautiful flowers (including chamomile, which is popular in our country). They are so different that even the most experienced florist can choose a chrysanthemum to suit their own taste. Chrysanthemums are herbaceous or bush. Often the height of the plant does not exceed 80 cm.

The homeland of chrysanthemums is still unknown to scientists. They may have first appeared in China or Japan. Some historians believe that chrysanthemums were brought to Japan by Chinese Buddhists 2,500 years ago. Today these beautiful flowers are the national symbol of Japan. The plant appears on the emperor's seal and is considered an unofficial Japanese coat of arms. The Order of Chrysanthemums is the highest award for a Japanese.

There are many shades of chrysanthemums. The least popular are white ones, which in many European countries are associated with death. It is also prohibited to give them as gifts in China. They are often bought for tragic occasions and placed on the graves of the deceased. In Malta, white chrysanthemums cannot be kept at home or given to relatives and friends. However, today we will discuss yellow flowers, which in most countries carry only positive associations. Why are yellow chrysanthemums given as gifts and what associations do they evoke among different peoples of the world?

Benefits of the flower

Chrysanthemums return harmony and tranquility to a marriage and restore broken relationships.
The flower is useful not only for people who have found their match. All the inhabitants of the house will become bolder, stronger and more noble. They will be able to set clear goals for themselves and achieve them, even if something didn’t work out for them before.

If you grow the plant at home or in the garden next to it, all residents will benefit from good luck in work and love affairs.

Yellow chrysanthemums

Yellow is a multifaceted color that has many meanings. First of all, it is associated with good mood, optimism and joy. However, yellow is also the color of emperors, so it symbolizes power and nobility. It also attracts good luck and success, and promotes the development of creative abilities. Therefore, it is possible and even necessary to give chrysanthemums for the holidays. This will be a wonderful gift for a wedding, birthday, anniversary or March 8th. This gift is suitable for both men and women. Feel free to give chrysanthemums to your friends, beloved girls, and relatives.

Yellow chrysanthemum is the queen of flowers, which has incredible, vibrant beauty. It is not without reason that this flower is called the queen of autumn. It is a real decoration for any bouquet. And it carries a special secret meaning. Why are yellow chrysanthemums given as gifts in different countries of the world?

Yellow chrysanthemums are revered in China. Here they are endowed with very beneficial properties. A bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums, standing in a porcelain or ceramic vase, is not only beautiful, but also attractive to Lady Fortune. The Chinese believe that yellow chrysanthemums can be given as gifts, as they are conductors of male yang energy and attract good luck to the home. In order to enhance this effect, it is necessary to add symbols of longevity - pine, bamboo, crane and deer.

Why are yellow chrysanthemums given as gifts in Japan? Here it is incredibly revered and symbolizes the Sun (and is even called similarly - “kiku”). Therefore, the chrysanthemum is the emblem of the Japanese emperors. The Japanese believe that this plant protects against diseases and misfortunes, and carries the energy of beauty and longevity.

In Vietnam, chrysanthemum symbolizes purity of thoughts and clarity of mind.

To the question of whether it is possible in France to give yellow chrysanthemums, the meaning of which is unfavorable in this country, the answer is unequivocal - no. Here this beautiful bright flower is considered a symbol of betrayal. In general, it is better not to give yellow flowers to French women, as they symbolize infidelity. The only exception is sunflowers, to which European women have a special reverent attitude.

Interpretation of other shades

Chrysanthemums have many varieties. Each type and, accordingly, color has its own meaning.

  1. Red and its shades indicate the feelings of the giver, his love and affection. It is better if the gift is intended for a loved one: a significant other, a relative with whom the relationship is close. The color also hints at the attractive appearance of the gift recipient. Older women are presented with bright red and burgundy flowers.
  2. Pink, pale lilac, and other light shades are often chosen for young ladies and little girls. Chrysanthemums of such colors will hint at interest in a person and the emergence of feelings for her, so they are well suited for the candy-bouquet period.
  3. Blue and lilac colors highlight the uniqueness of a person. Suitable as a gift for creative people.

Is it possible to give yellow chrysanthemums to a woman?

Yellow represents luck, happiness, bright emotions and feelings. And if Italians and French women do not appreciate the beauty of such a bouquet, then our women will be delighted. This bouquet can be intended for a mother or sister, or for a beloved woman. It symbolizes warm and sincere feelings.

However, yellow chrysanthemums given to a beloved girl carry a special meaning. They symbolize sincere and deep feelings and trust. In their own language, flowers communicate: “I trust you, I love you.”

Just one chrysanthemum in a bouquet means that the person you are presenting it to is unique. A bouquet of three flowers does not carry any meaning, but five chrysanthemums are given to express gratitude. It is better for the girl you love to buy a bouquet of seven chrysanthemums, which will tell her about the deep affection of the giver.

What is the difference between white chrysanthemums?

Light shades are a symbol of purity. White chrysanthemums are given for the following purposes:

  • to emphasize the sincerity and honesty of your intentions;
  • express deep respect and devotion to another person;
  • highlight the high moral qualities of the one who receives the gift.

The bouquet can be given to everyone, regardless of age and gender. White flowers are also used for various occasions: birthdays, weddings, declarations of love, etc.

Floral etiquette and symbolism. What should you pay attention to?

Floral etiquette does not prohibit presenting a bouquet of chrysanthemums to a man. In this case, it is better to choose shades. It is a symbol of influence, wealth and nobility. Choose a single pot of beautifully blooming indoor chrysanthemums as a gift. You won't go wrong if you give such a bouquet to your teacher for a professional holiday. Chrysanthemums delight with their abundant blooms, but are not particularly whimsical. Perhaps that is why I have good health.

You can choose a bouquet for close friends, relatives or good acquaintances, taking into account individual preferences. Personal preferences will be quite appropriate, even if they do not coincide with traditional associations. They sometimes contradict each other. For example, red is a symbol of love and life, as well as the color of blood, anger and revenge. White is a symbol of purity and innocence, sadness and mourning, golden is the sun and joy, but at the same time - hatred and separation.

Chrysanthemum flower and talismans

In the east they traditionally made and are still making many pendants, amulets and talismans for their Chrysanthemums.

You can make an amulet out of it that will help fill you with energy and improve your health. To do this, you need to dry the petals of red, yellow and orange chrysanthemums. Place them in a red bag and tie with a red note. Carry it with you always and happiness will come into your life. Remember that you need to carry out the ritual of making an amulet either on Friday or Sunday when the Moon is in its waxing phase. In order to establish a connection with the amulet, you can read a prayer while holding it in your hand. When you feel a surge of strength, this will mean that the talisman is connected with you and it is activated.

To attract wealth into your life, it is recommended to wear a pendant with chrysanthemums. You can increase the effectiveness of the talisman if you lubricate it with vanilla oil. This way, banknotes will stick to you like honey.

And a talisman made of beads in the shape of a chrysanthemum helps to cope with diseases. It helps improve immunity.

A ring with a chrysanthemum symbolizes fidelity. No problems are scary for those who wear a ring with coral, which depicts a chrysanthemum. If such jewelry was given to you by your loved one, then this guarantees his loyalty and devotion to you. Such a gift can indicate the seriousness of the partner’s intentions.

A necklace with white chrysanthemums is considered an excellent wedding amulet. It will help protect lovers from envy and evil. You can often see decorations in the form of chrysanthemums made of white beads on brides. Such a talisman symbolizes the future happiness of the couple.

In addition to Chrysanthemums, there are many other equally interesting plants. Read, for example, about magic herbs and find out which plants were considered magical in Rus'. Also, find out what magical properties fern has and learn how to use them for your benefit.

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The meaning of blue peonies

No one can remain indifferent when they see a bouquet of blue peonies in front of them. These flowers have a lot of positive meanings - kindness, desire, happiness, sincere love and passion. That is why bouquets of blue peonies can be given not only to beloved women, but also to those people you respect.

Blue flowers, photos of which could be seen in the text, are a wonderful option not only for adding to a gift, but also for the main surprise! Believe me, even the most capricious and selective person will not be able to contain his admiration when he sees a truly stunning bouquet of blue buds!

The meaning of blue roses

Not only young girls, but also representatives of Balzac’s age sincerely wish to receive a bouquet of blue roses as a gift from their lover. Their meaning is as follows: a declaration of sincere love, emphasizing the originality of the woman to whom the bouquet is presented. It is generally accepted that blue roses are awarded to those ladies whose hands and hearts the representatives of the stronger sex have serious intentions. Often men, when proposing marriage to their other half, choose blue roses, wanting to doubly impress the girl.

The legend of how chrysanthemums came to Japan

Once upon a time, many centuries ago, a mighty emperor ruled in China. He was not afraid of anything in the world except old age and only thought about one thing: to rule and live as long as possible. And so he called his chief physician and ordered to prepare a potion that would prolong his youth.

The cunning doctor bowed low before the emperor: “Oh, mighty lord,” he said. - I could prepare such an elixir, but for this I need to get wonderful flowers that grow in the east, on distant islands...

- I will order those flowers to be delivered immediately! - the emperor cried.

“Oh, if only it were that simple,” the doctor sighed. - The whole secret is that a person with a pure heart must pick them - only then will the plant give its miraculous power...

The emperor began to think: he knew that neither he himself nor his courtiers were suitable to fulfill this condition. And then he decided to send 300 boys and 300 girls to the islands: surely among them there would be many people with a pure heart!

That’s what they did - they equipped many ships and sent them, led by the imperial physician, to the islands - where Japan is now located. On one of them they found a beautiful flower - a chrysanthemum and could not stop admiring it!

“I don’t know if this flower is suitable for an elixir,” exclaimed the doctor, “but, without a doubt, it pleases the heart and rejuvenates the soul!”

The wise doctor knew well the insidious and cruel character of his emperor. “Surely,” he thought, “the emperor will think that I and my companions were the first to try the elixir, and will order all of us to be executed as soon as he receives the drug.” And then everyone decided not to go back. They remained to live on the islands and founded a new state there. It is not known whether they prepared a wonderful elixir or not, but the chrysanthemum became their favorite flower...

Perhaps this is how the Japanese learned about chrysanthemum?

Japan's highest state award is called the Order of the Chrysanthemum. Since 1888, when it was established, only 100 people have been awarded it. The chrysanthemum is depicted on the Japanese national emblem, adorns the halls of parliament and the cover of foreign passports. In the past, the chrysanthemum was depicted on the helmet (kabuto) of the militant knights of Japan - the samurai, symbolizing the rising sun, that is, Japan.

White and pink cover

How did it happen that chrysanthemums acquired meaning?

It is believed that the “language of flowers” ​​- selam - originated in ancient times in the countries of Western Asia. With its help, women of the East could convey their emotions and experiences . At the beginning of the 18th century, the exotic custom spread to European countries, and then was adopted in Russia.

Indoor chrysanthemums

Species and their shades were given certain meanings. Initially, plants were endowed with properties caused by associations and personal emotions, later they were consolidated by tradition . Different plants grew in each area, there were national and class characteristics, so the flower alphabet was somewhat different. Selam attracted poets and artists of the Romantic era; by the end of the 19th century, the fascination with “flower” messages had passed.

Interest in the “language of flowers” ​​was revived several decades ago, and modern villages have been enriched with new meanings.

Despite the huge variety of crops, the plant occupies a special place; it is called the “queen of autumn”. Ancient China and Japan are considered its homeland . For a long time they were available only to royalty. They symbolized power, wealth, nobility.

In the Land of the Rising Sun, the chrysanthemum is a symbol of the state. For many centuries, a stylized image of a 16-petalled yellow plant has been the imperial seal and state emblem. The color of this symbol is orange or yellow - “golden”: this is the color of the first known chrysanthemums, the name of which comes from the Latin “golden-flowered”.

Luxurious spectacular views amaze with a variety of shapes:

  • Bush , with small simple or double inflorescences;
  • Bright balls ;
  • Large inflorescences – simple or semi-double “daisies”, flat or voluminous, needle-shaped or peony-shaped.

In addition to traditional yellow, white, pink and red chrysanthemums, today varieties with fancy colors, unusual lilac, green and blue have been developed.

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