Ficus Elastica Robusta: photo and care at home

What does ficus Robusta look like, what family does it belong to?

Robusta belongs to the rubber-bearing species of ficus or, as they are also called, Elastica. Family – Ficus.

Description of appearance:

  • The leaves are evergreen, slightly drooping. The shape is oval, pointed at the ends. Color – dark green, surface – glossy. There is a vein running through the middle of each leaf blade; its color can be light green or red. Leaf length – up to 25 cm, width up to 15 cm.
  • The trunk is green.
  • Height – from 1 m.
  • The flowers are inexpressive, no more than 1 cm in diameter.

Ficus is one of the most common indoor plants with an evergreen lush crown.

Additional Information! Ficus Elastica Robusta is a very massive representative of its species. In its natural growing environment, its height can reach 60 m, diameter - up to 2 m.

Medicinal properties

Robusta is a plant that is recommended to be placed in every home. It is able to absorb negative energy and clear the atmosphere of anxiety.

Robusta cleanses energy, bringing peace and comfort

The leaves of the plant are used to prepare tinctures that are used in the treatment of arthrosis, rheumatism and arthritis. Folk remedies based on ficus help get rid of papillomas, warts, and wen.

Briefly about the history of appearance

It is not known exactly how and when the flower came to Europe. The homeland of ficus is India, the southern regions of China, Nepal, Burma, Indonesia.

Ficus Robusta: home care

Caring for a flower is easy. You just need to adhere to certain rules.


Ficus rubber - home care

The optimal temperature regime for a flower is +18 °C…+25 °C.

Attention! At higher or lower temperatures, ficus leaves begin to fall off.


The light should be diffused. The ficus is most comfortable on the north side of the room. In winter, you can additionally use fluorescent lamps.


You need to water the flower moderately and regularly. The soil should be allowed to dry out a little. Recommended watering schedule: in summer - every 3 days, in winter - every 5 days. The water from the pan must be drained so as not to cause root rot.


In summer, the plant needs to be sprayed once a week, in winter or when the air is dry - 2 times.


The ideal humidity for ficus is from 50%.


The soil must have a neutral acidity level. It is important that the soil is light, loosened, with the addition of sand. The optimal solution is to purchase special soil for ficus plants.


Complex mineral fertilizers are applied under the flower every 15 days from March to the last days of November.

Features of seasonal care

Important details:

spring is the growing season, a suitable time for hygienic pruning, pinching the top and forming the crown. Fertilize with mineral and organic fertilizers, water moderately, keep the flowerpot with ficus in a warm but not hot room (about +23°C);

summer. The growth period continues, the flower becomes more magnificent, many young leaves and side shoots appear (provided that the top is pinched in a timely manner). Feeding twice a month and loosening is useful. The room should be warm

In hot weather, it is important to spray the flower every day or wipe large leaves with a damp cloth or soft washcloth;

autumn - the beginning of the dormant period (from October), slow movement of juices. No fertilizing is carried out, watering is rare, but too dry soil is a bad option

Be sure to move the flower pot with ficus to a cool room (about +16°C). You cannot take the plant out onto the balcony in cold weather: at temperatures below +13 degrees, illness and death of the tropical flower is possible;

winter. The decorative foliage species is resting and the dormant period continues. Crown formation and hygienic pruning cannot be carried out, watering is very rare, fertilizers are temporarily not applied. The dormant period gives the plant time to prepare for the growing season when spring arrives. The plant is in a cool room, but there should be no dampness or “deep” shade: moderate light is needed.

When and how does it bloom

Ficus Melanie - home care

The flowering of ficus Robusta has no decorative significance. Its inflorescences are small, no more than 1 cm in diameter, collected from several yellow flowers with a green tint and are almost invisible among the massive leaf plates.

Robusta blooms extremely rarely and barely noticeably

In the natural environment, flowering can begin in May - June.

Additional Information! At home, ficus blooms in the rarest of cases.

Changes in care during the flowering period

If the rubber ficus Robusta blooms indoors, it needs to increase watering and spray the bushes more often.

Signs and superstitions

Ficus is considered a symbol of well-being

In many signs and superstitions, the ficus Robusta is endowed with magical properties.

It is believed that if a childless woman gets a green pet and asks for its help, she will soon know the happiness of motherhood.

However, some esotericists note its male-fuelled effect, so a single lady should purchase it with caution.

Married couples who want to become parents are recommended to keep a flower in the bedroom.

Many claim that the plant absorbs negativity, which allows it to accumulate the energy of the home in the right direction, finding peace and harmony.

If we rely on the teachings of Feng Shui, then Elastica is a symbol of prosperity, material well-being and well-being in general.

  • Those who are regularly in close proximity to it experience a surge of strength and energy.
  • Additionally, ficus acts as an inanimate psychotherapist and helps to cope with attacks of aggression. Indecisive individuals begin to believe in themselves.

Another belief related to the financial aspect is considered regarding the rare and extremely unremarkable flowering. Many believe that the appearance of nondescript buds promises quick profit.


The rapid growth of ficus must be restrained by regularly cutting off the top. This measure helps to form a beautiful crown and rejuvenate the plant.

The procedure is carried out in early March, when the growing season begins. Rules:

  • shoots are removed at a height of 3 to 5 leaf blades;
  • thin branches are cut straight, thicker stems - at an angle;
  • cut areas are treated with crushed activated carbon.

When removing shoots, stumps should not be left, so as not to provoke the development of fungal diseases.

If the ficus is not pruned, it will very quickly grow to the ceiling.

How does Ficus Robusta propagate?

Ficus propagation is easy, carried out by seeds, cuttings and air layering.

Germination of seeds

Purchased seeds are soaked for several hours in a growth stimulator. It is necessary to place the seed on nutritious soil, moisten it with a spray bottle, and cover it with a thin layer of soil. The first shoots will appear in about 7-10 days.

Attention! You can expect germination only if you use high-quality seeds.

Rooting cuttings

This is the most convenient and frequently used method. Procedure:

  1. Cut the stems from the top; each should have 2-3 leaf blades.
  2. Rinse the plant juice from the cut and air dry it for 1 hour.
  3. Plant the cuttings in nutrient soil mixed with sand, lowering it into the ground at an angle.

It is recommended to place a support under each cutting, for example, a thin stick.

Air layering

Old stems and woody shoots are suitable for layering. How to propagate ficus by air layering:

  1. Make a diagonal cut on the branch.
  2. Insert a match into it to prevent it from becoming overgrown, wrap it with moistened moss, and wrap it with film on top.
  3. Mist the moss regularly to keep it moist until roots emerge. Water is added under the film through a syringe.

Roots will form in about 2 months. The branch with roots is cut and inserted into nutritious soil.

The preferred method of propagating ficus is cuttings.

Other options

You can plant a ficus using a leaf plate. You need to choose only strong specimens, without any damage.

The leaf plate is cut off with part of the shoot, the cutting is placed in a container with clean water or wrapped in wet cotton wool.

Attention! Only a piece of the shoot should have contact with water. The leaf plate should not touch the water. When the shoots have roots, they are planted in a small container with nutritious soil and covered with a plastic bottle on top. After rooting, the leaf must be planted in a permanent place.


Ficus Robusta is propagated by cuttings. Usually at the end of February, after trimming the flowers. For rooting, cuttings with three nodes, 10 - 15 cm long, are selected. A knife is used for cutting. Scissors and secateurs leave uneven, torn edges, and plants do not take root well. After cutting, the juice from the shoot must be washed off with running water and the cutting must be soaked for two hours. After soaking, dry the cuttings, cut off the bottom leaf completely, cut the rest in half or roll them into tubes. Thus, the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the leaves is minimized.

Cuttings are rooted in two ways:

  • in water;
  • in the substrate.

The lower part of the cutting, without the leaf, is placed in water with the addition of a root growth stimulator. And put it in a warm, bright place. Rooting occurs in 3-4 weeks. Afterwards the sprout is planted in light soil.

As a substrate, it is best to use perlite or vermiculite, or peat. The cut of the cutting is sprinkled with charcoal dust and deepened by one knot into moist soil. The temperature during germination should be about 25 °C. Plants covered with a glass or plastic jar are accepted faster and better. Periodically, the jar should be lifted and the sprout ventilated. A sign that the cuttings have taken root will be the appearance of new leaf buds. The jar is opened more and more often and when the leaves appear, they are removed altogether. Typically, the rooting process in the ground takes 3-4 weeks.

For better rooting, cross-shaped cuts are made in the bark near the lower edge of the cutting. This makes it very convenient to plant cuttings in seedling pots.

Ficus can be propagated by air layering. This method is used on large, tree-like plants. It is complex and practically not used in amateur floriculture. In addition, it can lead to the death of the plant.

Are you growing ficus robusta?




Replanting should be done as the flower grows, when the roots are visible on the surface of the soil. Rules:

  • The next pot should be 2-4 cm larger in diameter than the previous container.
  • Young ficus are replanted annually, flowers over 4 years old - once every 2 years.
  • The root collar does not go deep into the soil.

Attention! Ficus purchased in a store must be replanted after a few days, when the plant acclimatizes to the new place.

Possible problems in cultivation and diseases

Caring for a flower is easy, but the gardener may still encounter certain difficulties.

Based on the condition of the leaf blades, you can understand what is bothering the plant.

The flower sheds buds and leaves

The appearance of such a symptom may be due to the fact that the plant is renewing itself. But more often this symptom occurs due to improper watering and lack of nutrients.

The leaves are turning pale

This indicates that the room temperature is too high.

The tips of the leaves are drying out

The causes of the condition are excessive lighting, lack of watering.

The lower leaves fall off

This indicates the presence of pests or soil depletion.


Most often, the plant is affected by spider mites or scale insects. The flower is treated with a soap solution. In advanced cases, insecticides are used.

Other problems

If the leaf blade begins to turn yellow, it means the flower lacks iron. If blackness appears on the green surface, this is sunburn.

Robusta is a beautiful, fast-growing ficus with a lush and spreading crown. The plant is completely unpretentious. But even if the most comfortable conditions are created, the likelihood of it blooming in captivity is extremely low.

Growing conditions

Let's find out what conditions ficus robusta prefers.


The best temperature for ficus is room temperature - too much heat, as well as excessive coolness, are not suitable. That is why in our country the plant is cultivated exclusively as an indoor plant. If the temperature reaches +25 degrees and goes higher, the leaves begin to turn pale, sag and fall off.

The plant categorically does not tolerate cold weather. Even in winter, ficus should not be kept at temperatures below +15 degrees. If you violate this recommendation, the flower will react by dropping its leaves.

The pot must be installed in a place in the apartment where there is no access to drafts. Ficus does not tolerate drafts and reacts sharply negatively to them.

Air humidity

The plant needs moderately humid air - at least 50%. The optimal option is humidity from 60% to 70%. You should not place the pot near working heating radiators, as the latter greatly dry out the air. In winter, when the batteries are working hard, it is recommended to spray the ficus leaves with a spray bottle to moisten them.

Ficus robusta is undemanding to lighting and can feel quite good both in a sunny room and in a shaded one. If the place is completely dark, an artificial light source will easily solve the problem.

Do not expose the ficus to direct sunlight - this can lead to burns on its leaves.

Let's get acquainted with the main features of planting and rooting ficus.

Soil preparation

Ficus robusta will thrive in light soil with low acidity. You can buy ficus soil, which is sold in all flower shops - the simplest and best option. It is necessary to lay a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot - expanded clay or sand will do just fine.

Features of reproduction

Ficus robusta can be propagated in several ways:

  • leaf shoots;
  • cuttings;
  • seeds;
  • layering.

In amateur home cultivation, the cutting method is most often used. Planting material is obtained after pruning an adult plant.

The cuttings are placed in water, and when the roots grow, they are transplanted into prepared soil. As a rule, the plant takes root without problems, and soon begins to actively grow.

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