Research work on the topic: “Flowers in our lives.”

Every day we see flowers that surround us everywhere - daisies, roses, violets, tulips, chrysanthemums, dandelions, and their beauty has become familiar to us. We all know that the best gift for a woman is flowers, which is why flower delivery services are so in demand. Truly amazing and unusual flowers in terms of adaptability and appearance grow in different parts of the planet, and every time you look at this natural miracle, you are amazed at the beauty of the plant world. Let's get acquainted with the most unusual flowers of our planet.


Today there are no problems with tulips. They can be easily purchased at any flower shop. The same applies to tulip bulbs. However, earlier in the 17th century, tulip bulbs were so valuable in Holland that they were worth more than gold. In 1634-1637, in Western Europe, a real tulip madness occurred. The bulbs were so valuable that they were considered currency.

Classification of flowering plants

Flowering plants are divided into 2 groups - monocotyledons and dicotyledons.

Dicotyledons have an embryo with two cotyledonous leaves, which germinate first. True leaves appear later; the cotyledons feed the seedling. This group includes asters, roses, nightshade, potatoes, legumes, apple trees, cherries and others.

Potatoes came to Russia in the 18th century; they were planted in flower beds for the sake of large inflorescences. It began to be widely consumed as a food plant at the beginning of the 19th century. Peasants did not always know that tubers were edible, so poisoning from poisonous fruits occurred.

Rice. 2. Flowering potatoes.

Monocots have one cotyledon, which remains underground during germination. This includes cereals, lilies, tulips, lilies of the valley, galanthus (snowdrops), garlic, onions and others.

Rice. 3. Blooming galanthus.


Have you ever heard of such a flower as White Ash? It is also called the burning bush. The thing is that this perennial bush can spontaneously ignite. Yes Yes. You can set it on fire either yourself or wait for it to ignite spontaneously (of course, if the sun’s rays are very hot).

After the plant lights up (it burns with a blue flame) and goes out, it turns out that the fire did not cause any harm to it.

This effect occurs due to the fact that the plant releases a huge amount of essential oils. It is these oils that flare up at high temperatures. The combustion temperature of essential oil is so low that the plant does not suffer after the so-called “fire”.

Option 2

Flowers are the most graceful and beautiful creations of nature. Flowers fascinate with their beauty, aroma and variety of shapes.

In human culture, flowers have played an important role in all centuries. Flowers were used to decorate the home; not a single celebration would be complete without flowers. And how many beliefs, superstitions and legends are associated with flowers! The most famous belief is that whoever finds a fern flower will gain good luck, wealth and fame. They looked for blooming ferns on certain days of the year. They prepared for this event in advance, performed special rituals and read conspiracies. Entire villages went into the night forest to look for ferns. But in all this time, no one has ever found the treasured flower. And it’s not surprising, because the fern never blooms.

The most ancient legend about flowers comes from Ancient Greece. One day, the goddess of plants, Flora, bestowed names on her creations, and completely forgot about the small, inconspicuous flower, lost among the rest. Passing by, the goddess heard a thin voice: “don’t forget me...”. That’s what Flora called him - forget-me-not, and gave him the ability to return the memory of family and friends, of home, to everyone who looks at him.

The myth about the aconite flower is interesting. The myth describes one of the labors of Hercules, when King Eurystheus ordered the hero to descend into the underworld and tame the huge three-headed dog - Cerberus, who guarded the gates to the underworld. God Hades allowed him to take the dog, provided that Hercules tamed him without weapons. When Hercules brought the dog into the light of day, Cerberus became frightened, whined, and saliva dripped from his mouth, from which aconite grew. The name of the flower comes from the name of the city of Akone, in which, according to legend, the gates to hell were located. It is noteworthy that aconite is a very poisonous plant, as deadly and dangerous as the dog Cerberus himself.

Another legend, originally from Greece, tells the story of a beautiful young man - Narcissus. He was so handsome and good-looking that all the girls, when they saw him, fell in love. But Narcissus was proud and did not reciprocate anyone. And one day, seeing his reflection on the river surface, he could not tear himself away from contemplating his own face, and died on the spot, bending over the surface of the water, and his body turned into a wonderful flower. And, indeed, once you see a daffodil flower, you fall in love with it at first sight. And the flower never “looks” back at you; it bends towards the ground, as if looking for its own reflection.

The beauty, grace and charm of flowers is reflected in many areas of human life.

1st, 2nd, 3rd grade. The world


A flowering plant begins its life as a seed that sprouts to take root and grow a stem. Then leaves and the flower itself are formed on the stem. The flower itself is the reproductive part of the plant, which contains its reproductive organs. It produces seeds of new plants through pollination. The resulting seeds fall into the soil, germinate and the cycle repeats.

Caleana major orchid

This amazing orchid looks like a flying duck. That is why it is called “flying duck”. Nature endowed them with this appearance in order to attract insects called sawflies. To them, the upper part of the flower resembles a female. Thus, when they fly to a flower, they carry pollen on themselves and pollinate the flower. The Kalania orchid is very small and reaches a height of only 50 cm, and the flower itself is 2 cm. There are 2-4 flowers on the stem. It grows in Eastern and Southern Australia, mainly under eucalyptus trees.


The slowest blooming flower on our planet is the rare species of giant bromeliad, Puya raimondii. It was discovered at an altitude of 3960 meters above sea level in the Bolivian mountains in 1870.

Puya Raymonda begins to bloom at approximately 80-150 years of age. Once Puya Raymonda blooms, it will die.

Fact 7. Carnation is a symbol of valor

This flower is attributed to divine origin. According to ancient legend, the first carnations grew where the blood of a shepherd was shed, on whom the wayward Artemis took out her wrath. And Christian legend says that the world's first carnation hatched from a seed at the hour of the birth of Jesus Christ.

One way or another, this flower with bright red petals almost all over the world has become a symbol of blood shed in the fight for a just cause. In the Soviet Union, it was associated first with the October Revolution, and then with the victory in the Great Patriotic War.

And the peaceful overthrow of the military dictatorship in Portugal was even called the “Carnation Revolution.” On this day, citizens took to the streets with carnations in their hands, and soldiers stuck scarlet corollas into the muzzles of their rifles.


The most expensive flower ever sold in the world is the Shenzhen Nongke orchid. The Shenzhen Nongke orchid blooms very rarely, only once every 4-5 years. Scientists spent eight years creating this amazing flower. At an auction in 2005, one connoisseur paid a staggering $200,000 for a Shenzhen Nongke orchid.

Report on flowers. Message about flowers

A message about flowers, grade 3, will briefly tell you about this priceless gift of nature. Also, a report on flowers can be used while preparing for classes.

Report on flowers. Message about flowers

Flowers have embodied the beauty, perfection and uniqueness of nature for thousands of years. Scientists have counted more than 350,000 varieties of flowering plants. Each of them has its own special aroma, color, shape. They bring joy and charm into our lives, making it brighter and happier. Flowers are associated with the sun, warmth, spring, no matter what the weather is like outside the window.

The most important feature of flowering plants is the presence of a flower, which is responsible for the functions of sexual reproduction and attracting pollination agents.

We offer you a short tour of the flowers that are so loved and familiar to many of you:

  • Lilies. They are perennial herbs that reproduce by bulbs. They have fleshy, long leaves, and a large, beautiful, fragrant flower. There are more than 110 species of lilies in different colors and sizes in the world. Mainly distributed in Europe and Asia. This flower is a symbol of first feelings, innocence and beauty.
  • Tulip . Translated from Persian it means turban. It is a perennial bulbous plant with about 110 species. The birthplace of the flower is Central Asia. They delight with their scent with the arrival of spring, which is why they are associated with this time of year.
  • Roses . From Latin it means conqueror of women. And this is true: there is hardly a person in the world who does not admire this flower. The ancient Greek botanist and philosopher Theophrastus was the first to describe the rose and give it a detailed description. But the Romans began to grow it in protected soil.
  • Orchids . From the ancient Greek language it means testicle. These beautifully flowering ornamental and wild plants have a magical scent and bright, varied colors.
  • Lily of the valley . The name of the flower was given by Carl Linnaeus. Other names are rejuvenator, youthful, shirt, lilies of the valley, culprit, convalia. Distributed in Europe, China, Asia Minor, the Caucasus, and North America. Widely used in pharmacology.
  • Carnation . From Greek it means divine flower. Previously, it was called the flower of Jupiter and Zeus. There are 350 species that are distributed in Asia, Europe, Africa, and North America.
  • Gladiolus . From Latin it means sword. The birthplace of flowers is the subtropical and tropical regions of the Mediterranean and Africa. Includes 250 species.
  • Peony . It received its name in honor of the doctor Peanu, who could treat wounds not only of people, but also of gods. Peony was known to man as early as 200 BC.
  • Iris . The second name is rainbow. The flower can be found on all continents of the world. There are about 800 species. Each flower is unique, has its own shade and shape. It has no petals or sepals.
  • Chamomile . From Latin it means uterine herb, as it was used to treat female diseases. The first person to discover its medicinal properties was the botanist and physician Albrecht von Gallen.

Interesting facts about flowers:

  • In ancient India, a person who gave a rose to the ruler could ask for the fulfillment of any of his wishes. And the oil from this flower was worth its weight in gold.
  • The world's oldest rose grows in Germany. She is a brass knuckle in Hildesheim Cathedral. It is more than 1000 years old and still blooms, spreading its bush over the roof of the building.
  • The Puya Raymonda flower is found on the slopes of the South American mountains. It blooms once every 150 years, and then dies.
  • The largest flower on the planet is Rafflesia Arnolda. Its weight is 11 kg, diameter is 91 cm. It grows on the island of Sumatra.
  • It is believed that the carnation first grew on Calvary in the place from where the Virgin Mary looked at the suffering of Christ.
  • The most expensive flower in the world is the golden orchid. The price for it is $5000. She shoots her first arrows only after 15 years of life.

We hope that the report on flowers helped you prepare for the lesson, and you learned a lot of interesting information about them. You can add a short story about flowers using the comment form below.


Have you ever heard of rainbow roses? These are amazing roses that seem to have absorbed all the colors of the rainbow. Naturally, this is not a real rose, but an artificially created one. By the way, you can make such a rose at home. It is enough to buy a white rose, divide its stem into several parts (different streams) and place each part of the stem in water with dye. It will absorb water, which will then evaporate, leaving the dye on the petals.

The method of this coloring was invented by Peter Van de Werken.

Plant structure

Flowering plants have a developed root system, well-defined stem, leaves, flower and fruit. The nutritional organs are roots, stems, leaves. Reproductive organs - flower, fruit.

Roots can develop in water (duckweed) and on land. In desert plants, the roots reach groundwater at a depth of 25–30 m. Plants form a close relationship with fungi and bacteria.

Small nodules form on the roots of legumes, where nitrogen compounds accumulate. Nitrogen is a valuable fertilizer, so it is recommended to mow peas and beans so that the nodules fertilize the soil.

Rice. 1. Nodules on the roots of legumes.

Based on the structure of the stem, trees, bushes, and herbs stand out among flowering plants. Trees and bushes have a hard, woody stem. These are perennials. Herbs have succulent, grassy stems. Herbs are annual, biennial and perennial.

Fruits and seeds have a variety of shapes, sizes, and structures. Ripen in summer and autumn.


The ancient Egyptians considered the lotus a sacred flower. Lotus thrives in rivers and wet wetlands. However, it can “fall asleep” for several years during a drought, and then “wake up” again and continue to bloom. Since the ancient Egyptians believed in the afterlife, they believed that the lotus was a symbol of resurrection and eternal life.


Flowers bloom from early spring (snowdrops) to late autumn (asters). Flowers attract pollinators with their bright color, scent, and nectar. Many flowering plants are wind pollinated.

Each flower contains an ovary with seed primordia. After pollination, the ovary gradually grows into a fruit, inside of which the seeds are hidden.

The seeds contain the embryo and nutritional tissue. A plant develops from an embryo.

Seeds can be stored in favorable conditions for several years. For example, lentil seeds remain viable for 13–15 years after harvest.


Dandelion is considered a weed, but it is a very useful flower. It contains a huge amount of vitamins A, B, C and D. It also contains iron, zinc and potassium. You can make jam from dandelion (reminiscent of honey), and you can make green borscht from its leaves. Wine is also made from this flower.

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Fact 2. Subsoil prospectors

In ancient legends there are plants that help to find various treasures. Our ancestors believed in the fiery fern color - they get it in the dead of midnight, on Ivan Kupala. If you throw a fern flower up, the riches hidden in the earth's firmament will instantly be revealed to you.

The fern doesn't actually bloom. But many true flowering plants really help geologists. Violets prefer soils high in zinc, and one of the carnation's relatives, weed paniculata, indicates nearby deposits of copper ore.

A number of flowering plants are good indicators of soil acidity. Red clover and sweet clover grow only on soils with an alkaline or neutral reaction, and buttercup or violet only on strongly acidic soils.

Message about Rose

Rose is a light-loving plant. It lives in illuminated areas of the soil. There are more than 20 thousand varieties of roses, differing in color, scent and shape.

According to some sources, the birthplace of the rose is Ancient Greece. Various legends arose about the rose, and myths also said that the flower brought by Phoenician merchants was presented to the goddess Aphrodite. The rose became her favorite flower. Roman patricians took baths with rose petals. Rose water was believed to have a rejuvenating effect. Also, according to legend, roses gave courage to wars. The rose also left traces in Christian lands; it decorated gardens.

The color palette of roses is extraordinary. White, Pink, Peach, Orange, Red, Scarlet, Black, Blue, Green. Each shade is beautiful and carries its own hidden meaning.

The splendor of roses begins with 5 petals and ends with 120. Rose growth is from 20 cm to 7 meters. The stems and trunks of the plant are covered with thorns of different sizes. But there are varieties without thorns at all.

Roses are also used as raw materials for perfumes, wine, and dyes. Rose is not only the queen among flowers, but also among perfumes. The most commonly used varieties are: Damascena Mill, Rose de Mai, Centifolia. Bulgaria is a major supplier of Damascena Mill. Approximately 45% of men's and 95% of women's perfumes contain rose essential oils. And of course, the rose is the favorite branch of many. For example, roses are given to women as a symbol of beauty and youth.

The rose is not only beautiful, but also brings great benefits as a medicinal plant. Preparations containing essential oils and rose extracts help improve and strengthen the nervous and immune systems. Inhaling the scent of roses can relieve headaches and dizziness.

Interesting Facts. The largest single rose bush is Lady Banks in the USA. The occupied area is equal to a football field. The bud of the smallest rose of the “C” variety is no larger than a grain of rice. The oldest rose is in Germany. She is already 1000 years old.

Growing roses yourself will, of course, require a lot of effort. First of all, you need to choose a place where the bush will grow. Since the rose loves the sun's rays, this place should not be dark. After planting, it is important to feed and care for the plant in a timely manner.

Fact 9. Orchids are the same age as dinosaurs

The first orchids appeared 145 million years ago. Since then, these flowers have spread throughout the planet - they live in swamps and deserts, in tundras and on barren cliffs. Some types of orchids grow on trees, but do not parasitize them, but use the trunks as supports to reach for sunlight.

The most expensive orchids are from Malaysia. "Kinabalu Gold", as this rare species is called, first blooms only at 15 years of age. One shoot of a unique flower sells for 5 thousand dollars.

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