Description of Curly Chlorophytum: rules of care, cultivation and reproduction

What does chlorophytum curly look like, what family does it belong to?

In indoor growing, the most popular varieties of chlorophytum are:

  • Curly is a compact type of bush with curled leaves that begin to curl with good care.
  • Crested - has long narrow leaf blades painted bright green.
  • Orange - the leaves are wider than the previous ones, have an oval shape and a dark green color.

Climbing Chlorophytum bonnie

Important! Despite the variety of species and varieties of chlorophytum, caring for these plants is identical.

Medicinal properties

The plant has a number of properties that are beneficial:

  • cleans the air of dust and germs;
  • absorbs any chemical compounds in the air;
  • releases moisture if it receives enough of it;
  • releases a lot of oxygen.

Briefly about the history of appearance

Back in 1974, the first species of this plant were described. They were discovered in South Africa. In the second half of the 19th century, the bush was brought to Europe, after which breeding work began.

Subtleties of seed propagation

Seeds are germinated on a thin layer of damp cotton wool in greenhouse conditions. After at least two fresh leaves appear, they are placed in soil made from a mixture of peat, sand and a small amount of leaf soil. You cannot sprinkle seeds on top. Cover the container with polyethylene or glass and maintain high humidity. To prevent the substrate from drying out, every 2-3 days the soil is sprayed with warm water from a spray bottle.

The air in the room should not be cold, drafts and direct sunlight should be avoided. Before planting, place young seedlings in water for 5 minutes to wash away old soil from the roots.

You cannot propagate newly purchased young chlorophytum or a flower that was transplanted less than a month ago. After manipulating the plant, give it time to adapt. Plants older than three years of age are best suited for propagation by dividing the bush. Children are also better off taking a flower that is at least 1 year old. Together with the baby, the peduncle also separates.

Features of caring for chlorophytum curly at home

Chlorophytum - home care and reproduction

Many gardeners confirm that caring for chlorophyte is a pleasure. In order for the flower to grow well, develop and bloom lushly, you should not neglect agricultural technology.


Since chlorophytum is native to South Africa, the plant does not tolerate low temperatures and drafts. The temperature should not fall below +18 ℃. In winter, it is better to place a flower pot in a heated room on a warm windowsill.

Reproduction of chlorophytum at home


The flower loves diffused light and needs it. If the pot is placed in the shade, nothing will happen to the chlorophytum. The plant is often located in hallways, stairwells and corridors.


Tropical origin determines the need for frequent and abundant watering at high room temperatures. The soil in the pot should not dry out, but should always be kept moist.

Note! In the autumn-winter period, watering is carried out moderately.


Chlorophytum bonnie variety curly loves high humidity. Periodically give the flower a light shower. This is especially true in situations where the pot is close to radiators.


The flower tolerates dry air in the house normally, with the exception of the summer season. During this period, the crown must be sprayed daily with settled water.


The soil for planting a flower should be loose, well permeable, but at the same time nutritious. A mixture of soil from under coniferous (deciduous) trees, coarse sand and humus is suitable. Don’t forget about the drainage layer, which will retain moisture for a long time.


Chlorophytum bonnie loves feeding. Fertilizers need to be applied only in summer. Ready-made formulations for indoor deciduous plants are suitable. Frequency – once every 2 weeks.

Conditions for proper flower development

Optimal development will occur if the plant is provided with the best environmental conditions.
If you follow all the recommendations, you will get a beautiful bush with beautiful leaves. Follow these rules when growing chlorophytum.

Light modeOrange chlorophytum grows without problems both in the sun and in the shade. However, if the shadow is too strong, the crop will stretch upward, and the petioles will lose their beautiful appearance and aesthetic value. The sun's rays should not burn the plant, their influence should not have a negative effect. The plant loves the sun, but in the summer after lunch it is advisable to protect the bush from light. Chlorophytum can also exist in partial shade, but in such a situation its unusual color will fade. In the summer, it is not advisable to move the flower pot far away - it loves to be in the fresh air. If possible, you can place the flower in the shade of trees.
TemperatureAs for the temperature regime, we can say that orange chlorophytum prefers warmth. The best temperature for good development is 25-27 degrees. In winter, the permissible temperature can be lowered to 20-22 degrees. In some situations, it is advisable to keep the plant at a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius, but chlorophytum should not be kept in such conditions for a long time. A slight change in temperature will have a good effect on the bush, but a long stay in the cold will negatively affect the immune system.
LocationThe best location for a flower pot should be comfortable so that the plant can stay there for a long period without any problems. Chlorophytum should not be placed on a windowsill where cold drafts are frequent. These conditions negatively affect it and provoke illness. In summer, it would be advisable to place a flower pot in the fresh air. For this purpose, a balcony or veranda is used. Fresh air accelerates the growth of chlorophytum, making its characteristic colors even brighter.
HumidityOrange chlorophytum does not require high humidity; it is allowed to occasionally spray it with water in the summer. However, this must be done in such a way that during the spraying process it is not in direct sunlight. This will cause sunburn on the foliage.

To grow a healthy flower, you will have to make some efforts to create conditions suitable for it.

It is very important to provide the plant with lighting adequate to its requirements. Orange chlorophytum needs control

The reason is that when a flower is exposed to direct sunlight for too long, its leaves will be scorched and the color will fade. Otherwise, a long shadow can affect the shade of the cutting or edging - they lose their characteristic orange color.

When and how does it bloom

Chlorophytum - species Green Orange, winged, green, Laxum

The plant blooms in the warm season. Flowers do not have decorative value. The foliage has a more attractive appearance than the inflorescences.

Types of flowers

Small white flowers are formed on short peduncles, which are completely inconspicuous in appearance.

Flowering period

Chlorophytum blooms in spring and summer. Throughout the warm season, you can observe the blooming inflorescences.

Divided plants for planting

Changes in care during the flowering period

During the flowering period, the plant expends a lot of energy and nutrients. To replenish microelements, regular fertilizing and watering are carried out. At this time, the bush begins to dry out especially quickly.

Basic methods of reproduction

Chlorophytum reproduces very quickly. Children, who are used for the fastest and easiest breeding, appear every season. They also need to be removed for sanitary purposes - they thicken the bush and interfere with normal air exchange and the flow of light. Also, for propagation, a whole bush is used, dividing it into parts or seeds.

Dividing the bush

The root system of this flower is superficial, but quite massive. Several cylindrical seals form on each root, where moisture accumulates. This adaptation mechanism was formed in the flower due to the fact that its homeland is the hot tropics and subtropics of Africa, where there is little rainfall.

The plant should be replanted using division during the annual transplant of the entire flower into a new pot . From one adult plant you can get up to 3-4 new young bushes:

  • Firstly, each of them will be healthier and produce a lot of strong foliage and shoots.
  • Secondly, by dividing the bush and reducing its volume, you can use the old pot rather than buy a new one with a larger diameter.


The easiest way to propagate chlorophytum is by rosettes (children). Any adult flower has long stems on which small white buds appear. Rooting these side shoots is very easy. At the end of each of them there is a small ready-made rosette of young leaves with thin aerial roots. Such rosettes sometimes take root on their own if they touch the soil surface for a long time.

Before planting, place the rosette in water so that only the roots are wet and the leaves remain on the surface. After 2 days, remove the baby from the water and immediately plant it in a regular soil mixture.

You can plant a flower in this way at any time of the year, since babies appear on the plant even during the dormant period. That is, in winter.


RR Propagating chlorophytum by seeds is not just difficult, but almost impossible. This process is long, labor-intensive, and requires not only effort and time, but also special skills. The percentage of similarity of the seed material of this plant does not exceed 40%; they very quickly become unviable.

How does chlorophytum curly reproduce?

Chlorophytum curly can be propagated vegetatively and generatively.

Germination of seeds

This breeding option at home is used extremely rarely. It is mainly used by breeders in an attempt to develop new varieties. If you want to propagate a flower by seeds, you should adhere to the following scheme:

  • the seeds are placed in gauze and dipped in water for germination;
  • the planting substrate must contain peat and sand;
  • seeds are sown on the soil surface;
  • the container is covered with film and sent to a warm place;
  • the crops are periodically ventilated;
  • diving is done after several leaves appear on the seedlings.

Air layering

After flowering, rosettes are formed, which are used in flower propagation. To increase the chances of rooting, the cut rosette is dipped into liquid. When the roots appear, the plants are planted in a pot with soil.

Dividing the bush

The crop can be propagated by dividing the bush only after the plant reaches 3 years of age. The flower is carefully removed from the pot. The root is divided into several parts. The cuts are lubricated with crushed coal. The resulting cuttings are planted in separate containers filled with soil mixture.

Description of the plant

The curly chlorophytum flower with long longitudinal stripes or plain leaves is present in almost any home and office. This tropical creature feels great in a home environment. Wherever you put it - on a windowsill, a closet, on a special slide or on a wall - it takes root everywhere.

The leaves of the plant are long and arched. Chlorophytum curly is a beautiful plant that can decorate any room. It comes from the subtropics and tropics of America and Africa. In its homeland it grows in damp conditions along streams. The plant has a high level of adaptability to indoor conditions. But when growing it, it is still worth remembering the conditions in which it is more accustomed to existing.

Possible problems in cultivation and diseases

The most common problem with this shrub is its drying out. To avoid problems, the flower is regularly watered, sprayed and ventilated.

Drops buds and leaves

The situation occurs due to a lack of nutrients and microelements in the soil. It is worth reviewing the fertilizing schedule and the fertilizer compositions used.

The leaves are turning pale

This can happen from excess moisture. Also, the flower most likely does not have enough light. Depleted soil and lack of microelements often lead to pale foliage.

The tips of the leaves are drying out

This indicates that the plant is simply drying out. The earthen ball has not been watered for a long time. Additionally, it is worth paying attention to air humidity and spraying.

The lower leaves fall off

Perhaps the soil was too flooded and the process of rotting of the root system began. In this case, moisturizing should be stopped immediately.


Among the popular pests that bother chlorophytum are aphids, thrips, and scale insects. To begin with, use a soap solution; if the solution does not help, then you will have to use chemicals.

Important! Doctors do not recommend displaying a large number of flowers in the bedroom, despite their beneficial properties.

Chlorophytum curly flower close up

Signs of errors in care, diseases

When a plant feels good and is properly cared for, diseases and parasites rarely affect it. However, if you deviate from the rules of care, you are likely to encounter the following problems.

  1. The tips of the leaves become brown or yellowish. This symbolizes a lack of nutrients. It is necessary to make amendments to the fertilizer regime.
  2. Brown spots appeared on the leaves. In this way, the plant shows that there is too much water. To correct the problem, you need to wait until the soil dries out and then stop watering the chlorophytum so often.
  3. If the stems become faded, it means the plant does not have enough light. In this situation, the pot needs to be placed in a more illuminated place.
  4. When a plant does not produce flowers or set shoots, it has too little space in the pot. It is necessary to transplant the chlorophytum into another container.
  5. The leaves curl and dry out. This means that the humidity in the room is not high enough. It is necessary to spray the bush more often, pour pebbles into the pan and constantly wet them. You can also put sphagnum moss in the tray.
  6. If the leaves turn yellow or brown, or even black, the roots begin to rot due to excessively frequent watering. You need to remove the flower from the pot, cut off the rotten elements and plant it in new soil. You also need to correct the watering regime, do not flood the plant. In winter, this problem may symbolize a lack of heat, so the bush can be moved to a warm place.

Rotten roots need to be cut off

What parasites pose a threat to chlorophytum:

  • mealybugs, which make themselves known by falling leaves;
  • spider mites, symbolized by the characteristic web on the plant;
  • scale insects, the presence of which can be judged by sticky spots on the foliage, which then turns yellow and falls off;
  • aphids, whose activity causes the leaves to curl.

Sometimes chlorophytum is affected by various pests

If you notice parasites on chlorophytum, you should carefully wash it with a solution of green or laundry soap. If individual leaves are very damaged, they are removed. Then the flower is sprayed with a decoction made from garlic, onion, tobacco, yarrow and orange peels.

If these manipulations do not give the desired result, you must use an insecticide. Subsequently, it is recommended to inspect the bushes weekly and provide them with a preventative shower every month.

You should use a special preparation to treat a plant as a last resort.

Chlorophytum is a very beautiful flower and has high decorative value. It is very undemanding to care, so even novice gardeners can purchase it. It is tolerant of different environmental conditions and returns to normal without problems if the owner has forgotten about it. Chlorophytum will be a worthy decoration for any room - both office and home.

Botanical characteristics of chlorophytum

Chlorophytum is a decorative deciduous herbaceous perennial. Botanists have not yet decided which family it belongs to - Asparagus, Agave or Liliaceae. People began growing chlorophytum as an indoor flower about two centuries ago. Many of its species are native to the subtropics of Asia, Africa and South America.

One of the first admirers of this culture was the famous German writer Johann Goethe. He cultivated the chlorophytum plant at home in hanging pots, admiring its original appearance and the spectacular daughter rosettes surrounding the mother bushes.

The word “chlorophytum” is translated from Latin as “green plant,” and its botanical description indicates that there are many popular names for this culture. Of these, the most common are the following: green lily, spider flower and flying Dutchman.

Although the flowering of chlorophytum is not bright and lush, its leaves are quite interesting. Those who set themselves the task of growing not only useful, but also beautiful green lilies should familiarize themselves with the main types of this plant. Their variety will allow you to choose chlorophytum to suit your taste.

This is interesting. Indoor plants with umbrellas of leafy greens: cyperus, chamedorea.

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