What flowers quickly sprout and bloom from seeds?

Each gardener begins preparing for the new season of growing flowers in the garden in advance, at the end of winter. In this case, the seedlings will have enough time to get stronger. In addition, such seedlings begin to bloom much earlier.

You can grow any types of flowers in seedlings that are easy to transplant. Most often these are annual plants that have a long growing season.

Seed selection

Absolutely any gardener, even an inexperienced one, can cope with growing seedlings. The most important thing is to follow the basic rules and listen to the recommendations of experienced gardeners.

The initial task is to purchase high-quality seeds from trusted, reputable producers. Good seeds are the key to future strong, strong seedlings.

Graceful viscaria

A beautifully flowering annual with a scattering of lilac flowers on thin stems. It is characterized by rapid growth - from sowing seeds to lush flowering it takes 1.5-2 months. Viscaria cannot boast of large buds, but due to the large number of simultaneously blooming flowers, the plant looks as if shrouded in a colored haze. Flowering lasts from mid-summer to September. Viscaria can be used for border planting, assorted flower gardens or single plantings in outdoor bowls and boxes.

Suitable container for planting seedlings

It is difficult to find a more suitable container for planting seedlings than pots. However, if you plan to grow a large number of seedlings, you should use plastic cassettes equipped with special trays or glasses; some gardeners successfully use boxes for germinating seeds.

A good option for growing flower seedlings are peat pots. Special environmentally friendly materials are used to make them; seedlings in such containers feel comfortable and cozy.

You can plant seedlings in the ground directly in these pots, this will help the plants tolerate replanting more easily. Very often, gardeners use peat tablets to germinate seeds.

Sprouting calla lilies

Despite the fact that such a heat-loving plant as calla lilies requires special growing conditions, it can delight with its beauty both in a pot and in a flowerbed. However, in order for the flower to adapt better, it must be germinated before planting. Otherwise, flowering will be late, and may not occur in the garden at all.

Sprouting calla tubers not only promotes earlier and longer flowering, but also better plant development and increased resistance to adverse weather conditions and diseases.

Before you begin the procedure, you should choose a container for calla lilies (by the way, its second name is zantedeschia) depending on where you plan to grow it in the future. Any seedling container is suitable for germination before planting in the garden.

But if you plan to grow zantedeschia indoors, you will need a pot with a volume of at least 5 liters, because... the flower does not like transplanting. Due to the fact that the plant needs daylight, it should be germinated no earlier than mid-March, or else it will have to be supplemented with additional light.

Zantedeschia tubers should not be overdried or waterlogged. If there are areas of dry rot on them, they should be cut back to healthy tissue, and the area should be treated with brilliant green. Before the germination procedure, place the tubers for half an hour in a Fitoverm solution or a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Then place the tuber, flat surface down, in a container with soil substrate (2 parts peat, one part each of garden soil and compost, half part sand). Cover it with about 2 cm of soil and tamp it down lightly. It should be watered 1-2 times a week along the edge of the container or pot so that water does not get into the middle of the tuber and it does not rot.

Calla does not sprout until its root system is formed. Therefore, sprouts will appear no earlier than in two weeks. When they reach 5-7 cm in height, add another layer of soil 2-3 cm thick to the container. Feed every two weeks with a solution of complex mineral fertilizer for seedlings.

The temperature in the room where the calla germinates should be 15-20°C during the day and 13-15°C at night. This difference is favorable for the plant and helps it more easily transfer the planting to the flower bed, which can be done by transshipment no earlier than mid-May.

Soil preparation

Before sowing seeds, you should take care of the planting soil. It can be purchased at a specialized retail outlet, or prepared with your own hands. The soil should be loose and fertile.

To prepare planting soil, standard components are used: garden soil, fine sand, humus, peat.

Pre-planting seed treatment

To grow strong, healthy seedlings, you need to carefully treat the seeds with special products before planting. For preventative purposes, selected large and medium-sized seeds should be placed for some time in a strong solution of potassium permanganate. Then transfer it to a special composition, the action of which is aimed at stimulating plant growth.

To increase the resistance of seedlings to temperature changes, the seed material should be stratified.

What flowers can be grown in one year in different regions?

Climatic conditions in Russian regions vary. Therefore, we have compiled a list of fast-rising flowers for the Middle Zone, Moscow region, Urals, Siberia, and Leningrad region.

Moscow region

In the Moscow region and the Middle Zone, many annuals bloom well. You can choose marigolds, nasturtium, calendula, calceolaria, evening primrose, snapdragon, escholzia, lobelia, brachycoma, nemophila.

Leningrad region

The Leningrad region is known for its changeable climate, so it is necessary to plant weather-resistant and unpretentious annuals here.

For example, cosmos, kobeya, zinnia, kochia, lobelia, eschscholzia, gatsaniya, godetia, snapdragon, sweet pea, amaranth, marigold, sunflower, cornflower, etc. All these crops bloom well in North-West Russia.

Ural and Siberia

For Siberia and the Urals, annual flowers that quickly sprout, bloom and bloom for a long time are suitable: ageratum, nasturtium, matthiola, petunia, salpiglossis, alyssum, calendula, pansy, daisy, bellflower, mallow, lobullaria.

The optimal place for growing seedlings

When growing seedlings of annual flowers, it is necessary to take into account that the seeds need to be germinated in a dark, warm place, and only after the first shoots appear, the containers must be moved to a well-lit place.

In case of insufficient lighting, special lamps should be used to additionally illuminate the seedlings.

What annuals can be grown in one season?

First, let's talk about annual plants that will bloom in the same season in which they were planted.


This flower culture is famous not only for its inflorescences of deep colors (white, pink, lilac), but also for its delicate honey aroma.

Alyssum sprouts in less than a week, and begins to bloom in just 1.5 months.

This color is quite hardy and unpretentious to growing conditions.

The only thing is that during periods of drought it will have to be watered quite often.

Growing alyssum from seeds


Decorative cornflowers take a little longer to bloom.

It will take about 55 days from the moment the shoots appear before the inflorescences appear.

Cornflower is good because it blooms for a very long time and withstands periods of drought.

Therefore, it can be sown if you do not have the opportunity to regularly water the flowers.

Decorative cornflower can produce not only blue, but also yellow, white, lilac and pink flowers.


A low flower with pale blue, graceful petals folded in a saucer.

The inflorescences themselves are not too large - a maximum of 3 cm in diameter.

Nemophila is sown using the nesting method in late spring - early summer.

The seeds germinate fairly quickly.

Flowering begins at the end of June and continues until September.

sweet pea

This flower crop can be used to decorate front gardens, gazebos and hedges.

Sweet peas can grow up to 1.8 m.

Seeds germinate in about 1.5 weeks.

Sowing can be done as early as April.

Peas bloom in about 2.5 months and continue to bloom until the first frost.

Planting seeds

It is important to sow the seed correctly in the ground, this will help to obtain strong and healthy seedlings as a final result.

Before sowing the seeds, you should thoroughly moisten the soil. Then the seeds are evenly distributed over the soil surface and sprinkled with a small amount of soil.

The top of the container must be covered with a plastic bag or glass. This will help maintain the moisture level in the container necessary for seed germination.

Luxury zinnia

The plant is often used in home and city flower beds. Among the flowering annuals that are easily grown from seeds, zinnia stands out in a huge number of colors. Several 10 or more lush inflorescences bloom on one strong stem per season. When sown in the ground, seedlings appear after a week. The full height of an adult plant reaches 100-150 cm. For growing in flower beds, seedlings are pinched at the 6-7 leaf stage so that zinnia begins to bush.

Seedling care

Emerging seedlings require special attention and careful care. First, you need to place the container with the seedlings in a fairly cool but well-lit place, protecting them from direct sunlight. Further care of seedlings includes performing a standard list of manipulations:

  • Bosch meat grinders.
  • Fasteners What is it like?
  • Curtains

Flower sprouts

4. In the beginning. Rabbi Shimon opened: “Sprouts of flowers appeared on the ground (in Hebrew, country and land are denoted by one word - Aretz. Song of Songs 2, 12; Russian translation p. 166, 12). Sprouts are the action of the beginning of creation. Appeared on earth - when? This is on the 3rd day, when it is said: “Let the earth produce greenery” (Torah, p. 1). “The time for singing has come” - this is the 4th day, the time of severity, law, restrictions. Therefore, in the 4th day the word “luminaries” is written with a missing letter, a hint at the severity of the law and curses. “The voice of the turtledove is heard” is the 5th day, on which it is said: “The waters will stir up” to create offspring. But the word “heard” is already the 6th day, on which it is said: “Let us create man,” who in the future will precede the action of understanding (naase ve nishma). Because here it is said: “let us make man,” and there it is said: “let us do it and hear it.” “In our land” is the Sabbath, which, like the land of life, is the future world.

It is completely incomprehensible to us how the Zohar compares what is said in Shir Hashirim (Song of Songs 2, 12) with what is said in the Torah about the first days of creation. The 6 days of creation are 6 Sefirot h-g-t-n-h-e ZA, from which all 10 Sefirot of the Partzuf Nukva are built. Because Nukva is only the desire to receive (pleasure), and her entire spiritual body, the desire to give, is built from the Sefirot of ZA, her husband, from those altruistic properties that he transmits to her.

Nukva itself is a created desire for self-enjoyment - an empty, unfilled place with light, the Creator, because Light can only enter into a desire (Kli) that is similar to itself in properties. Therefore, to the extent of its similarity to ZA, which Malchut receives properties from it, such corrected properties of it, become a Partzuf and are filled with the light corresponding to its correction: the greater the correction there is in some part, the greater the light (out of 5 lights naranhay) is included in this part. The corrected and filled part of Malchut is called “world.” Here and further, the Zohar explains how the Nukva is built from ZA, i.e. how the world is created.

Nukva is called "earth". The sprouts are Sefirot – the properties of ZA, which are shown and sprout into Malchut on the 3rd day of creation, which corresponds to the Sefira Tifferet (Hesed-1, Gevurah-2, Tifferet-3). At first, Malchut was created in height as ZA, two equally large luminaries, the sun – ZA, and the moon – Malchut, therefore those visible to us on the Full Moon as equal in size. After all, everything is said relative to man. In the initial state, after its creation, Malchut is a point at the feet of ZA, and then it grows along it.

That is, on the 3rd day of creation, Malchut was equal in height to Tifferet ZA, i.e. had the same properties. But in such a state, Malchut could not receive the light. Therefore, it is said that Strictness (the law) WAS MANIFESTED ON EARTH, i.e. in Malchut.

But in such a state, Malchut could not receive the light. Therefore, it is said that the sprouts have just appeared. And then - THE TIME OF SINGING HAS COME - this is already the 4th day of creation, when Malchut decreased, because she complained to the Creator: “Two angels cannot use one crown” - if it is equal to ZA, the same height as him, then it cannot receive Ohr Hochma from him.

The reason is that without first receiving the Light of Hassadim from ZA, Malchut cannot receive the Light of Hochma, because the Light of Hochma can only be received inside the Light of Hassadim, by dressing the Light of Hochma, pleasure, in the Light of Hassadim, the intention to enjoy “for the sake of the Creator.” . And the Creator answered her: “Then go and reduce yourself.” Those. if you cannot receive the light on your own, due to your egoistic properties, but only from z”a, then reduce your properties, and accept his properties, and gradually correct yourself, and then you will be able to receive the whole light and be like him (z” a = Creator). All this is described in the Talmud, Hulin 60, 2, but only with the explanation of the book “Zohar” ceases to be perceived as a fairy tale.

Then Malchut descended under Yesod of ZA, and her 9 lower Sefirot fell under Parsa, into the worlds of BYA. And in Atzilut only her Sefira Keter remained in the form of a point standing under Yesod ZA. And then Malchut is built not from its Sefirot – properties found in BYA, but from the Sefirot – properties, Netzah and Hod of ZA. Although Malchut was previously greater, but could not receive the Light due to the absence of the Light of Hassadim, now she will be smaller, but she will have the Light of Hassadim, in which she will be able to receive the Light of Hochma - she will have a smaller level, but she can use her, because the Light of Hassadim drives away the unclean forces that cling to the Nukva. This is what is said by the word ZAMIR - singing, but here we have another meaning of this word - cutting off the unclean forces from Malchut - the rose sprout.

THE VOICE OF THE DOVE: The turtledove is the sefirah – property, netzach ZA, and the voice of the turtledove is the Sefira Hod ZA, the 5th day of creation. And because Malchut receives from Yesod, which receives from Hod connected with Netzach, such receiving into Malchut is called “the voice of the turtle dove.”

Therefore, the word “heard” is the 6th day, since the voice of the turtledove of Malchut is heard only with the help of the 6th day, Yesod of ZA, which includes Netzach and Hod together and transmits their light to Malchut. Therefore, it is said that this voice is heard in Malchut only from Yesod, on the 6th day.

The reason for this is that Malchut can receive light only from the middle line of ZA: either from Yesod ZA (receives the level called Nehi = N-H-e, Ibur-germ), or from Tifferet ZA (receives the level called haga”t = h-g-t = VAK, yenika – feeding, or katnut-small), or from Daat Z”a (receives the level called haba”d = h-b-d = GAR, Mochin – intelligence, or Gadlut – great).

LET'S MAKE A MAN, BECAUSE HE WILL IN THE FUTURE PREPARATE THE WORK - HEARING: seeing is Sefira Hochma, hearing is Sefira Bina. A deed, an action, is a property of Malchut. In order to correct Malchut, the only thing that was created by the Creator (the remaining Sefirot are the properties of the Creator himself, with which he gradually created Malchut), the 2nd reduction was created - the rise of Malchut to Bina, in order to combine the egoistic properties of Malchut - to receive, with the altruistic properties of Bina – to give: Malchut rose to ABA-Hochma, and IMA-Bina found itself under Malchut-Parsa, where it turned out to be similar to Malchut in properties.

The eyes are Sefira Hochma, ABA. Malchut has risen to the eyes and stands in the pupils of the eyes. Malchut is called Nukva, and Malchut standing in the eyes is called Nukva Eynaim – Nikvey Eynaim, NE. Therefore, AA has only Keter and Hochma in the head: Bina fell from the head into the body, Malchut is above Bina, i.e. Malchut = action above, i.e. earlier than perception and understanding. This means “let us do and hear” – action on the 2nd reduction, receiving only in GE. This state is called return (to the Creator). A complete return is when one corrects himself and joins the level and its AHP.

As a result of Malchut’s ascent to NE, she changed her properties (that’s all each of us needs—to rise to the level of the Creator’s properties, so that, having received His properties, we become like Him) and became ready to rise to AVI, to receive the light of Haya. The permanent light of this level is called the 1st Temple. Therefore, when receiving the Torah, Israel chose to do first and then hear. And therefore, he was worthy of receiving the Torah (Talmud. Shabbat 85, 1), because action = Malchut rose and put her faith on AVI, which revealed the secret of the 50th gate of Bina.

The construction of the Temple does not mean its earthly construction, but the attainment of the level of the Temple, the level of AVI of the world of Atzilut, the light of Haya, the 1st Temple, or the level of YESHSUT of the world of Atzilut, the light of Neshama, the 2nd Temple.

Here the Zohar says: “it was heard” on the 6th day, because on this day, i.e. in this state, Malchut was corrected by her rising above Bina, which is called “preparing action to hearing,” doing and hearing, as when receiving the Torah. Malchut in the state of rising to Bina is called the eternal land, the land of life, because it receives life from Bina.

IN OUR COUNTRY IT IS THE SHABBAT AS THE ETERNAL LAND OF LIFE: IMA-Bina is called the land of life or the eternal land. Due to the effect of the 6th day, i.e. actions of the Creator from above (the time factor denotes the action of the Creator himself, an action that has no causes in our world), Malchut rose on the 7th day of creation, Saturday, before IMA and became like that one, because the lower, having risen to the level of the higher, becomes ( properties) as the highest. Therefore, Malchut, having ascended to Bina and received the light of Haya there, is called the land of eternal life.

5. Another explanation: the sprouts are the fathers who entered the mind and entered the future world, Bina, and were hidden there. And from there the hidden ones come out and hide in the true prophets. Yosef was born and they hid in him. Yosef entered the holy land and built them there. Then they appeared on the ground and revealed themselves there. When did they show up? When a rainbow is visible, they open up. At this time the time for singing comes, i.e. the time of destruction of all sinners on earth. Why were you saved? Because sprouts appeared on (from) the ground. And if they were visible earlier, they could not remain in the world, and the world could not exist.

Here the Zohar explains the comprehension of ZA of Light Haya. N-h-e ZA are called “sons,” and H-G-T ZA are called “fathers.” Also, the turtle dove is h-g-t of ZA. ZA itself consists, as it were, of two parts: up to his chest, his Sefirot H-G-T are called large ZON, under his chest, Sefirot N-H-E, are called small ZON. H-g-t - respectively: Abraham - Isaac - Yaakov. N-h-e - respectively: Moshe - Aaron - Yosef. Malchut - David.

Sefirot N-H are called “prophets”, Yesod – “righteous person”, etc. Here he speaks of sprouts gradually growing from a small state to large ZON: in the beginning, ZON were small, Sefirot N-H-e, with the light of Nefesh , called ubar - embryo. Then, with the help of enik - feeding, receiving light from Ima, they grew: the Sefirot n-h-e accordingly grew in their properties to the properties of the Sefirot h-g-t and received the light of Ruach. Thus, the Partzuf has already become from the parts of Hagat and Neh”i with the light of Ruach and Nefesh. Then, as a result of further receiving forces from the higher, further growth, they reached “gadlut alef”, the 1st great state, Sefirot h-g-t of steel, respectively, Sefirot h-b-d with the light of Neshama, Sefirot n-h-e became, accordingly, Sefirot H-G-T and received new Sefirot N-H-E. Thus, the Partzuf grew to 3 parts h-b-d, h-g-t, n-h-e with the lights Nefesh, Ruach, Neshama. And it’s called gadol – big (big-1). And then, due to further growth, they reached the mature state (large-2) “Gadlut Bet”, the 2nd large state, the light of Haya entered Sefirot HBD.

“Growth” means the growth of the screen, anti-egoistic internal forces, desires in the person himself. This is the only thing that distinguishes a large vessel from a small one, this is the only difference between the Partzufim. And due to the size of the screen, their internal properties also change.

THESE FATHERS ENTERED THE HIGHER MIND AND ASCEN TO THE FUTURE WORLD - it is said about the intrauterine development of ZA, when he ascends to AVI, called the “higher mind”, “highest thought”. Aba-Hochma is called “mind”, “thought”, and Ima-Bina is called “the future world”. And both are called “parents,” father and mother, AVI. And there begins the beginning of creation, the conception of ZA from its initial state of a spiritual embryo.

Just as in our world the embryo is completely dependent on the mother, completely left to her, has absolutely no desires and life of its own, and develops only thanks to her, so every person can become a spiritual embryo if he completely puts aside all his desires and actions, and does only what the upper partzuf desires is to make of itself a spiritual embryo, like a physiological one. The difference between a physiological embryo and a spiritual one is that to become a spiritual embryo requires enormous personal effort and desire, whereas the parents decide to become a physiological embryo.

As a result of his uterine development in Bina, which means that a person completely destroys all his personal desires and thoughts and is ready to accept, like an embryo from a mother, everything that she gives him, all her thoughts and properties, no matter how incomprehensible and unnatural to its being, this embryo reaches the state of its spiritual birth.

But this is a state of even greater concealment of the Upper Light from him, because he does not yet have a screen to receive this light. Therefore, such a state is called small, HIDDEN IN THE TRUE PROPHETS, i.e. in the Sefirot Netzah and Hod, which ZA will comprehend as a result of the process of feeding, receiving milk, light of Hassadim from the mother – Ima – Bina.

The Light of feeding enters the n-h-e of ZA, and ZA comprehends VAK = the Light of Nefesh-Ruach = the small state. In the feeding, ZA reaches the Sefira Yesod - that is why it is said that Yosef was born: after the end of the feeding, ZA rises to receive the light of Neshama from AVI - a great state called Yosef.

Z”a consists of 3 parts: haba”d = h-b-d, haga”t = h-g-t, nekh”i = n-h-e. The process of ZA’s growth, the process of acquiring a screen for his desires, begins with the brightest, least egoistic part – Sefirot HBD, in which he first receives the Light of Nefesh. Then he acquires a screen for heavier egoistic desires, Sefirot H-G-T, and the light of Nefesh from H-B-D passes into them, and the light of Ruach enters the empty H-B-D.

Then ZA acquires a screen also on the most egoistic Kli, Sefirot N-H-e, and the Light of Nefesh from H-G-T passes into N-H-E, and the light of Ruach from H-B passes into the empty H-G-T. -d, and the light of Neshama enters the empty h-b-d.

The achievement of ZA to a great state is called the birth of Yosef, because the Sefirot N-H-e appeared, where the last Sefira, Yesod, is called Yosef. But since there is no light of Haya yet, this state is called concealment. YOSEF ENTERED THE HOLY COUNTRY AND ESTABLISHED THERE – i.e. After achieving the 1st big state, receiving the light of Neshama, ZA continues to grow, cultivating its screen, until it receives the light of Haya.

In this state, Malchut ZA is separated from him into an independent Partzuf called the HOLY EARTH, because the light of Haya is called holiness. Therefore, it is said that YOSEF entered, or rather, ASCEN, in a great state of ZA, INTO THE HOLY LAND, ZA and Nukva became equal and equally large in the state of PB”P – Panim be Panim, face to face, a state that determines a Zivug between ZON.

AND YOSEF ESTABLISHED THERE – the Light of Haya or Hochma fills the Partzuf only during a Zivug, when the ZON make a Zivug among themselves. And this light remains in Malchut, because as soon as it, its screen, is revealed. Just as AVI-gar Bina, and YESHSUT – ZAT Bina – and only in YESHSUT there is the light of Hochma, so ZA and Malchut are related to each other, and the Light is revealed only in Malchut. Therefore, only when the Light of Hochma fills the Nukva is it said that there is a revelation of the Light, and before that it is considered hidden.

WHEN ARE THEY SEEN? WHEN A RAINBOW IS VISIBLE IN THE WORLD, ZA is called a “rainbow,” the world is Malchut, and their combination together is called a “rainbow in the cloud.” THE TIME HAS COME TO DESTROY ALL THE SINNERS OF THE EARTH - with the increase of sinners in the world, the increase in the attachment of unclean forces to ZON, the unclean forces can influence ZON so much that, as during the flood, they will lead to the destruction of the entire world. In this case, there is no other salvation for a person except through the revelation of the highest light to him - the light of Haya. That is why the Zohar says that the world is saved by the fact that sprouts appear from the earth, i.e. by the fact that the light of Haya destroys the unclean forces of man from the earth - his desires, from Malchut, and they cannot attach themselves to it and interfere with man.

AND IF THEY DID NOT SHOW UP, THERE WOULD BE NO SALVATION FOR THE WORLD - because at first the Nukva is built as large as ZA, which is called two great luminaries, when Malchut has the same level as ZA, but stands behind him, with her back to back, unable to receive Ohr Hochma due to the absence of Ohr Hassadim. Therefore, Malchut complains that due to the lack of Hassadim, she cannot receive Hochma: although the moon is the same size as the sun, it cannot shine on its own; it can only shine if the sun, ZA, gives it light. And since she lacks the light of Hochma, this state is called reverse (achor - back). But in a back-to-back position there cannot be a Zivug.

But after Nukva is born and grows (receives properties) from the body of ZA, as it is said in the Torah that Chava is born from the body of Adam, then PBP, Panim be Panim, becomes equal to him, face to face with ZA in a Zivug. But the past light also remains in it. And moreover, it is precisely due to the feeling of the lack of light in its original state, precisely in past suffering, that Malchut receives the light of Haya. Moreover, a person can experience pleasure precisely and only thanks to past suffering.

Therefore, says the Zohar, if sprouts had not appeared in Malchut during her small state, when she stood behind ZA, she would not have been able to receive the Light of Haya during her great state, because she would not have had Kelim - desires get this light. The entire creation of the new is based on the feeling of darkness, as it is said that the Creator spreads light from Himself and creates darkness out of nothing. A person's feeling of darkness means he is preparing to receive light.

6. Who revives the world and causes the revelation of the fathers. This is the voice of children engaged in Torah. Thanks to these children the world exists. Therefore it is said: “We will make gold pendants for you” (Shir Ashirim 1, 11; Russian translation p. 165, 11). These are children, teenagers of the world, as it is said: “Make two gold cherubs” (Torah. Shemot 25, 18; Russian translation p. 100, 18).

The Light of Ruach is called “the children of the world,” and the Zivug in this (PB”A – face to back) state is called the VOICE OF THE CHILDREN WHO DO TORAH. And this is called golden threads and two golden Kruvim. Before the growth of the Nukva, there were forces in the unclean forces to destroy the world. But precisely because in the growth of Nukva from ZA the right and left lines are united in her, the RAINBOW - the right, shines IN THE CLOUD - the left, the light of Haya can enter Malchut, without which the world can be destroyed, as in condition) of the flood.

WHO REVIEWS THE WORLD - who causes the light of Haya to appear - is precisely the children who study Torah. Children, i.e. the light of the opposite side, the light of Ruach, the feeling of a lack of light of Haya, because a child means the process of feeding. The children of the house of Raban (tinokot Beit Raban) are the light of chaya, because raban comes from the word rav - big - chaya. They did not experience sin - they did not use AHP, their (egoistic, still uncorrected desires, since children mean a small state) desires to receive.


Since the seeds were planted in well-moistened soil, there is no need to water them.

To water the emerging seedlings, you should use a weak, pale pink solution of potassium permanganate. This must be done very carefully, in small portions, as the soil dries.

Picking seedlings

After the first true leaves appear on the seedlings, you should carefully and carefully pick the seedlings into separate containers.

Optimal timing for transplanting seedlings

Sooner or later, the time comes to transplant mature seedlings into open ground; the most favorable time is the end of May, the beginning of June.

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For transplantation, you need to choose a not hot, cloudy day, or late in the evening, when the sun's rays become less scorching.

All of the above will help even an inexperienced, novice gardener to grow strong, strong seedlings. This way, you will never have to think about where to get flower seedlings.

Unpretentious marigolds

Marigolds are a great choice for a lazy flower garden. They are easily grown by seeds and are almost not damaged by pests. Simple and curly varieties are used to decorate flower beds. Abundant flowering occurs in June and lasts until late autumn. Beautiful marigolds adapt to any type of soil and always delight with lush flowering. An ornamental plant helps repel harmful insects and has a beneficial effect on the composition of the soil. For beginning gardeners, marigolds are an excellent choice.

Our top ten includes plants with different heights and shapes of bushes, sizes and colors of inflorescences, so that you can easily create a beautiful flower garden with minimal time. The list includes tall and compact plants for shady and sunny locations. They reproduce well without seedlings and the hassle associated with it. Flowers grow well in normal conditions of a summer cottage and delight with abundant flowering throughout the warm season.

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