Why forsythia does not bloom: all the reasons and ways to eliminate them

There are times when flower growers purchase a healthy forsythia seedling and plant it in a flowerbed or plot. The plant grows and develops beautifully, but time passes, and the bush remains green and does not bloom. Gardeners encounter this problem very often. Don’t despair and dig up the problem bush. Knowing the reason, you can fix everything , and the sunny bush will bloom.

If forsythia has no buds on a bush, this does not happen by chance, but as a result of something, so it is necessary to consider each reason separately and in more detail. The main factors for poor flowering or lack thereof are as follows:

  • Lack of fertilizer;
  • Improper pruning of bushes;
  • The plant was not insulated for the winter,
  • Lack of light.

Improper feeding and watering

The reason that forsythia does not bloom may also be due to improper care. This is a fairly unpretentious shrub, however, it also needs help if you want to enjoy abundant flowering every year.

The main mistake is overwatering forsythia. Of course, in dry and hot summers you need water, but don’t overdo it, because... there is a high probability of causing root rot. A bucket of water under each bush once every 1-2 weeks, depending on the weather, will be enough.

A signal that forsythia is over-watered will be curling, discolored leaves, poor flowering, and faded petal color. After watering, carefully loosen the tree trunk circle. At the beginning of October, watering can be stopped altogether.

Lack and excess of nutrition, as well as improper application of fertilizers, is another common reason that forsythia does not bloom. It would be correct to do this:

  • In the spring, before flowering, feed the forsythia with organic fertilizer; it stimulates the growth of shoots and activates the awakening of flower buds. Spread the rotted manure in a thick layer around the tree trunk (about 15-20 cm) and pour in plenty of warm water;
  • at the beginning of flowering, plan to thoroughly loosen the soil and apply complex mineral fertilizer at the rate of 70-100 g per 1 sq.m;
  • in May-June (with the end of flowering), repeat the same mineral fertilizing;
  • in September, offer forsythia phosphorus-potassium fertilizer (superphosphate, ammophos, etc.) to increase the plant's frost resistance - at the rate of 1-2 tbsp. under a bush

If the soil on the site is acidified, a mandatory step for the well-being of forsythia will be the addition of crushed chalk or slaked lime, which normalize the pH level.

Inadequate nutrition or improper fertilization

The presence of necessary nutrients in the soil directly affects the successful vegetation of the shrub. Given the unpretentiousness of forsythia, gardeners often forget to feed it. Others over-tend and apply too much fertilizer and inappropriately. Such care has a bad effect on the condition of the shrub and may be the reason that it has stopped blooming.

Excessive soil fertilization may be the reason why the bush has stopped blooming.

The best time to apply organic fertilizers such as last year's manure, mullein or infusion of bird droppings is early spring. The nitrogen compounds they contain stimulate the growth of new shoots and leaf mass, and activate the awakening of flower buds. Mineral preparations - ammonium or calcium nitrate, urea - are also used as nitrogen fertilizers. When they are introduced, acidification of the soil sometimes occurs, which can be neutralized by adding wood ash, crushed chalk or fluff lime after two to three weeks.

After flowering, and even better in the fall, phosphorus fertilizers are applied, which include: superphosphate, bone or phosphorus meal, ammophos and others. During the winter, these fertilizers are evenly distributed in the soil, which allows the root system to better absorb the necessary elements.

Superphosphate is added in the fall

Bone meal

Phosphorite flour


By establishing proper nutrition for the shrub, you can force it to return to a full growing season, which includes annual flowering.

Failure to follow pruning rules is the main mistake of novice gardeners

One of the main factors in caring for forsythia is pruning the plant. Even beginners know the importance of this process not only for rejuvenation, but also for the health of the bush. Often, due to improper pruning, flowering stops, and this happens because on a forsythia bush the flower buds are located on biennial shoots, and therefore, if you shorten the shoot incorrectly, you can remove the unopened flower itself.

In order for pruning to be successful, it is better to carry it out gradually, without removing all the old shoots at once.

Important! For beginners, it is recommended to prune after flowering, and not before it.


The pruning process can be roughly divided into three stages:

  • removing old branches;
  • bush thinning;
  • shortening branches that have bloomed (by a third).

Planting a forsythia seedling

In order for a forsythia bush with yellow flowers to become a decoration of your garden, you need to know a few basic aspects of planting it.

Optimal planting dates

In principle, it is better to plant forsythia, as well as replant it, in the spring or early autumn, before frost hits. The plant needs to get accustomed to winter.

Choosing a landing site

Forsythia is a warm and sun-loving plant. Taking this factor into account is important when planting and further caring for shrubs. In the rays of sunlight, forsythia develops much better and flowering is more spectacular. But even in partial shade this ornamental shrub feels good. The place where forsythia grows should also be well protected from the wind. Typically, group planting of shrubs is done along paths and fences.

How to prepare the soil for planting

Nutrient-rich, well-ventilated soil is best for forsythia to thrive. For this plant, it is certainly better to prepare a special soil mixture. Humus, sand and leaf soil in a 1:2:1 ratio will take root well in soil of this composition. Forsythia will not be able to fully grow in acidic soils. If the soil pH level is low, it will need to be balanced by adding wood ash.

Proper planting of seedlings

The hole for forsythia should be about half a meter deep and wide. If you plan to plant several shrubs on the site, then you need to leave a distance of at least two meters between them. The process of planting forsythia occurs as follows:

  1. At the bottom of the hole, a ten-centimeter layer of drainage consisting of broken bricks or crushed stone should be laid.
  2. On top of the drainage there is a five-centimeter layer of coarse sand.
  3. The plant must be carefully removed from the container and lowered into the hole so that the root collar is visible on the surface.
  4. The roots need to be covered with the prepared soil mixture.
  5. The trunk circle needs to be trampled down a little.
  6. At the end, the forsythia needs to be watered and mulched with humus, straw or fallen leaves.

Neglecting the rules of wintering plants

Very often, gardeners neglect the quality of the shelter that is built for the bush for the winter, and the consequence of this is that only the lower branches bloom in the fall or flowering in general becomes much worse. The opinion that forsythia does not require special concern about the “roof” is a little erroneous, because the branches can not only freeze, but if there is insufficient shelter, they can be damaged by birds remaining for the winter.

Usually, by winter, the tree trunk circle is covered and the branches are covered. You might think: how can you cover a fairly voluminous bush? It’s very simple: the branches are carefully tied together with a rope.

Did you know? As a shelter, it is better to use exclusively woven material that allows air to pass through, in order to prevent the buds from awakening ahead of time.

If it so happens that you had to use non-woven material, then you need to remove such cover gradually. You can use snow for additional cover.

As you can see, the health of the bush and its appearance largely depends on the care that the plant receives, and we hope that this article will help you take care of your forsythia correctly.

Improper preparation for winter

Forsythia does not like the cold, so it is necessary to prepare it for wintering in the fall. True, not all summer residents know how to do this correctly, and some do not prepare it at all and the bush remains uncovered. And the next year the lower branches bloom, but the upper ones do not. Or even the entire flower remains without buds. If only the bottom of the bush blooms, then most likely the upper buds were pecked by birds, or the lower part was simply under the snow and did not freeze, unlike the upper part, which was on the surface.

In order for forsythia to successfully overwinter, it must be covered for the winter and the tree trunk circle and branches must be carefully insulated. And when the snow falls, sprinkle the bushes with it, and then it will remain intact. Forsythia has some varieties that are cold-resistant and do not die, but their flower buds freeze and do not bloom in the spring.

Many will consider this work difficult and impossible, because the bush is quite large and the branches are long. That is why, in order to cover a bush, you must first prepare it properly. Initially, you need to carefully tie it with a rope or special twine, then it will be much easier to cover the bush. For shelter, it is not recommended to use polyethylene or similar materials that do not allow air to pass through. Such materials may cause untimely awakening. If this happens, the bush will die. The ideal material for shelter is lutrasil.

If non-woven material was used for shelter, then it is necessary to open it gradually in the spring so that the bush has time to adapt. Other covering materials can be opened immediately; no special recommendations are required. When purchasing seedlings, you need to take into account the climatic conditions of the region in which solar forsythia will grow, and purchase only those that are suitable for cultivation.

Many factors can influence why forsythia does not bloom, and each of these factors is very important. Even abundant feeding and proper pruning will not give one hundred percent confidence that forsythia will bloom. The reason may be that the flower buds simply froze during the winter cold. It is necessary to carefully monitor the shrub and not ignore the recommendations for caring for it, because this will determine whether it begins to bloom or not.

If all manipulations are carried out in a timely manner and according to the rules, there is no doubt that forsythia will bloom in early spring and will delight you with its abundant and bright flowering for a long period.

Forsythia: propagation

Forsythia is propagated by cuttings, layering or root shoots. The plant can also be propagated by seeds. But this is an ineffective and costly method, which is often carried out in nurseries. The first three are suitable for independent reproduction.

Forsythia cuttings

Forsythia is propagated by cuttings after flowering has finished in mid-summer. Cut small shoots 10-15 cm long with several buds and leaves. Dip the lower cut into solutions of Kornevin, Epin and other growth stimulants for 1-2 hours. To root Forsythia by cuttings, plant the shoots in damp sand or perlite. Before the roots appear, the seedlings are germinated in greenhouses or containers at home. Cover the boxes or containers with film until the roots appear. They can be planted in open ground within a couple of months after rooting and the appearance of a developed root system. It is better to do this in early autumn, while the weather is still warm and the seedlings have time to adapt. For the winter, they need to be covered with a layer of leaves, sawdust or pine needles and covered with non-woven material.

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The article will be useful here: How to propagate garden crops from cuttings.

You can also propagate Forsythia from woody shoots. Cut them in October with a couple of live buds. They can be planted immediately in open ground in the spring. Therefore, until this time, store in a cool place, for example, in the refrigerator in the vegetable section, wrapped in a damp cloth. And in mid-spring, plant it in open ground in the garden.

Reproduction of Forsythia by layering

Forsythia can be propagated in the garden by rooting cuttings or root shoots. In the first case, choose the branch that grows closest to the ground. Secure it with wire or a peg. Make a cut where it touches the soil so that roots begin to appear. Sprinkle with additional soil. The cuttings take root quite quickly. In the spring, carefully separate the young plant from the parent and replant it in a new location. The bush will begin to bloom next year.

Replanting Forsythia

It is not difficult to replant a young plant. To do this, they dig it in from all sides in order to remove it from the ground along with the earthen lump.

It is very important not to damage the roots. After the bush is removed from the ground, lay it on cloth or paper and transfer it to the desired place

After planting, secure the young plant with a fence of pegs. Once the bush takes root, they can be removed. Water thoroughly and make a small barrier of soil to retain water.

If the roots are damaged during replanting, prune the branches so that the plant has the strength to primarily develop the root system.

Mistakes in winter care

In order for forsythia to be guaranteed to bloom in the spring, you need to take care of it in advance - organize proper wintering of the plant. This is true for regions with a harsh climate and snowless winters, and especially for non-winter-hardy varieties of this shrub.

  • Forsythia - a bright decoration of the garden

    If you are missing bright colors in the spring, be sure to plant forsythia in your garden.

To protect forsythia flower buds from freezing, even before the first frost, mulch the tree trunk circle with sawdust, straw or dry leaves with a thick layer (at least 10 cm).

Then, if possible, the branches are bent to the ground, fixed and covered. If the bush is too tall or bulky and bending down the branches is not possible, the plant is carefully tied with twine into a compact cone and again carefully wrapped.

When it comes to covering material, you have a choice. You can take spruce spruce branches, or breathable non-woven material (for example, lutrasil or spunbond). Avoid plastic film and other similar materials that do not allow air to pass through. When heated by the sun, they create a greenhouse effect, which can lead to untimely awakening of the buds and even putrefactive processes due to high humidity.

The cover should be removed in early spring. Moreover, they do this gradually so that the plant has time to painlessly adapt to changing temperatures.

Often inexperienced gardeners are perplexed - why does forsythia bloom only from below? All because of the same improper winter shelter, when the lower branches, sprinkled with snow or carefully covered, were able to protect the flower buds, but on the upper branches they were beaten by frost or pecked by birds.

As you can see, it is not at all difficult to help the beautiful forsythia bloom regularly and abundantly every year. We are looking forward to a bright spring!

Mistakes when watering and fertilizing forsythia

There are often questions on gardening forums: how to make forsythia bloom, whether additional fertilizing is needed, how to water correctly.

Forsythia does not require very abundant watering; Water the plant once every three days, with a bucket of water under one bush in severe drought conditions.

In a temperate climate and normal weather, the bush has enough moisture contained in the soil. In order to avoid the problem of loss of flowering quality due to waterlogging, even during planting it is necessary to provide a layer of drainage, using either purchased material or crushed red brick, peat, gravel. If forsythia is waterlogged or overdried, not only the color will suffer (it will become less abundant, the bright yellow color will become faded), but also the leaves, which will also lose their decorative appearance.

Despite the fact that forsythia is unpretentious in care, it still needs feeding. It needs to be fed correctly: if in the early period of the growing season nitrogen substances are simply necessary, then in subsequent stages of feeding this will only do harm, and the bush will lose its color saturation.

It is also very important in the correct selection of fertilizers for forsythia that if the soil is sufficiently acidic, then slaked lime can act as an additional substance, which should enter the root system for better flowering and growth, and also normalizes the pH level.

Important! It is also important not to overdo it with fertilizers for forsythia, as this will lead to loss of color and an increase in thick leaf mass.

Why forsythia does not bloom: insufficient lighting

There are several reasons why forsythia blooms poorly, and one of the most important is a small amount of light. Each plant requires a suitable place to live, the choice of which should be based not only on the quality of the soil, but also on the neighbors that grow next to the bush, and on lighting.

Forsythia is a rather bright shrub and requires the same lighting, and in addition, it is very thermophilic.

Of course, the plant will not die just because it grows in partial shade, but it’s not for nothing that forsythia flowers are called “golden bells” or “golden lilacs.” Forsythia blooms very brightly and abundantly, but in partial shade the color will lose its quality.

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Free access to sunlight will be a good prevention of root rotting, because with good lighting, excess moisture will evaporate faster and there will be no stagnation of water.

Like many other garden bushes, forsythia loves warmer and brighter places, and by providing these two conditions, you will get a beautiful plant that will delight the eye for a long time.

Incorrect pruning

Forsythia, like most cultivated garden plants, needs regular and competent sanitary and formative pruning. If you cut it excessively or too short, you can remove flowering shoots due to inexperience. If you allow the bush to grow without pruning at all, there is a high probability of thickening of the crown, when the root system will not cope with nutrition, and the sun will not be able to evenly illuminate such a large number of branches.

The rules for pruning forsythia are simple:

  • The bush is pruned after flowering in order to accurately identify and not damage the biennial shoots bearing the main number of flower buds. Faded shoots are shortened by no more than a third;
  • old branches should not be removed all at once in one year - do it gradually and evenly, leaving the strongest shoots as a replacement, which will bloom the next year;
  • do not forget to thin out very thick bushes so that nutrients are not wasted on extra branches.

Poorly chosen location

For any plant it is very important that the conditions are favorable. Therefore, before planting, every gardener should think about whether the new resident will be comfortable here? Conditions may change over the years - soil moisture may increase, neighboring trees may provide shade, shade may be provided by buildings that appear nearby

Forsythia is a heat-loving plant, and its growth and flowering can be negatively affected by drafts that were not there before. In addition, over the years the soil becomes depleted. These and other factors can cause poor flowering or its complete absence.

The moisture content in the soil may increase after the creation of an artificial pond, drainage system, or appearance near a garden path. If forsythia is young, it can be replanted, but what to do if the plant is more than one year old? Try point drainage. At a distance of 40 cm from the bush, dig a hole 50 cm deep and fill it with broken bricks, gravel, coarse sand and dry peat.

Lack of fertilizers

Although the plant is not a shrub that requires heavy fertilization, it does need to be fed from time to time. If you add compost, fertile humus soil or peat to the hole during planting, then the first application of fertilizers is made after 3-4 years. A signal of a lack of fertilizer is weak shoot growth and weak flowering, despite appropriate care. The bush is fertilized in the spring (March-April) and at the end of summer (no later than the end of August). In spring, it is best to use a multicomponent fertilizer for flowering shrubs. In August, autumn fertilizers (potassium-phosphorus) should be applied, which encourage the bush to set buds and prepare the plant for winter.

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Forsythia care

You need to care for the plant in the same way as other berry bushes and trees. Forsythia is not a very demanding crop, so for growing it is enough to follow simple rules.

How to care for Forsythia

Provide Forsythia with plenty of water during the summer. Despite the fact that the plant can grow in drought conditions, it will fully develop and bloom only with regular watering. Do not water too much, as the roots may begin to sour. The soil should be moist, but do not allow it to become waterlogged or dry out to the point of cracking. Water as needed; if it rains regularly, no additional moisture is required. If there has been no rain for two weeks, then watering is required.

Constantly loosen the soil and destroy weeds.

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From spring to autumn, feed Forsythia several times depending on the condition of the soil and bush. The first time is in the spring after the start of sap flow. At this time, feed Forsythia with rotted manure and mineral fertilizers. Apply 70-80 g of rotted manure or humus per square meter. meter. Be sure to water the roots well. Make sure that the manure does not touch the trunk or branches.

Feed the second time after flowering, that is, in late spring or early summer. To do this, use mineral fertilizers of 120 g per 1 square meter. meter. The third - closer to autumn, at the end of summer - in August or September with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers to increase frost resistance for the winter.

Forsythia in winter

In the fall, be sure to inspect the plants for branches affected by diseases and pests. It is usually resistant to them, but can suffer from moniliosis and bacteriosis. To prevent the spread of the disease, before and after winter, spray Forsythia with fungicides, for example, a 5% solution of Fundazol, and prune the affected branches. Bushes with bacteriosis will have to be removed from the site and completely destroyed. As for pests, Forsythia is affected by nematodes. To prevent their appearance, treat the soil with Carbation.

For the winter, bend the branches of the bush to the ground, cover it with dry leaves, and cover it with non-woven material so that the plant is protected from frost and wind, but continues to breathe. You can open the bush in spring in March, when the weather becomes warmer and severe frosts definitely will not return.

Pruning Forsythia

Pruning Forsythia plays a very important role. Every year, carry out sanitary removal of dried, damaged and frozen branches during the winter. Prune before or after sap flow in spring or late fall. Be sure to treat all cut areas with garden varnish and potassium permanganate solution to disinfect them.

Photo from WikiMedia.org

Plants older than 6-7 years must be thinned or rejuvenated. This is called shaping trim. Cut off most of the young branches, leaving half. Trim old and dried ones, leaving the above-ground part no more than 8-10 cm. Carry out the procedure immediately after flowering. Flower buds form on young shoots. Next year they will have time to grow, and the bush will bloom again. If you delay pruning, then next spring and summer the buds will not have time to form.

Do not perform molding pruning too often, as this will cause the plant to grow too much and stop blooming. The optimal time is once every 3-4 years.

Using pruning, you can form the crown of a forsythia bush. It can be shaped into a ball, square or triangle. You can also adjust the density and height of the bush.

Why doesn't Forsythia bloom?

If Forsythia does not bloom, then this may have the following reasons:

  • Pruning is done incorrectly: too often, that is, new shoots on which flowers form do not have time to grow;
  • A shaded place was chosen for planting the plant, so it does not have enough sunlight. And on a day, Forsythia requires at least 6-7 hours of sunlight;
  • The bush is already too old, and rejuvenation has not been carried out for a long time;
  • The plant does not bloom well if it is damaged by too much frost in winter.

Problems with flowering: what are the reasons?

The absence of buds on a bush will always be a consequence of some reason. There are enough of them, so we will touch on each of them.

Lack of nutrition

Undoubtedly, forsythia is a very unpretentious plant, but this does not mean that it does not need feeding. In the spring, manure is spread around the bush, and after flowering, it is also necessary to plan two more fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. And if nitrogen minerals are important at first, then the last feeding should include only phosphorus-potassium microelements.

Ash and slaked lime have a good effect on forsythia. The latter also acts as a means that reduces soil acidity. It is necessary to add it periodically, otherwise the absorption of nutrients will be seriously disrupted, and they will not get into the root system

Flowering depends a lot on the quality of fertilizers, and therefore it is impossible not to pay attention to this

Incorrect pruning

Why does the forsythia bush not bloom, what to do in this case? If this issue is relevant to you, then it is possible that you are pruning incorrectly. Many inexperienced gardeners know how important it is, but, thinking that they are doing a good thing, they often seriously harm the shrub. The fact is that flower buds are formed on shoots that are one or two years old, so if you have done the so-called long pruning, you can’t expect flowering. Therefore, there are two main recommendations here: firstly, plan pruning in the spring, immediately after flowering, so you will be sure that the bush will bloom again next year; secondly, try to cut off old branches evenly, and not all at once.

Some people simply let the bush grow and do not prune, so the forsythia does not bloom. What to do in this case? Of course, it is time to remove dried, old shoots, as well as branches that excessively thicken the bush. Because of this, nutrients are spent on unnecessary areas. In the absence of feeding, in this case, the forsythia will not have enough strength to open the buds.

Neglecting winter preparations

Not every summer resident takes autumn work responsibly, and sometimes there is simply not enough time for it

But it is important to cover such a delicate shrub as forsythia. Why do only the lower branches bloom, while the upper part remains bare? There can be two simple explanations: either the flower buds were eaten by wintering birds, or simply because the lower part of the bush was under thick snow

In both cases, only a good covering material will help you, which will protect the forsythia. Many varieties of this shrub withstand frost well; they often survive without loss even in very cold winters. But if the branches remain intact, the flower buds are damaged even at low temperatures. Therefore, try to take time in the fall and prepare forsythia for winter: insulate the tree trunk, cover the branches. And when snow falls, you can additionally sprinkle it around the edges to keep them safe.

For an inexperienced summer resident, such work will seem impossible, because the bush is often vigorous

The fact is that it is first carefully tied together with twine to make it more convenient to wrap it with covering material. Well, by the way, lutrasil is suitable for this purpose

It is better not to use plastic film and other materials that “do not breathe”, since when heated by the sun they can provoke an untimely awakening, because they do not allow air to pass through. In this case, the bush will definitely die. If you used non-woven material for shelter, try to remove it gradually so that the forsythia has time to adapt. Other types of shelters can be removed immediately. But, most importantly, always focus on your climate, purchase varieties that are exactly suitable for growing in your zone.

The flowering of forsythia is influenced by many factors, and each of them is important. Even if it receives good feeding and you prune according to the rules, the problem may lie in the fact that the buds simply freeze

Try to balance your attention to it and do not lose sight of any of all the factors that can affect the flowering of the bush, because it is not so difficult. But in the spring, when the rest of the trees are still sleeping, you will enjoy the bright flowers, knowing that this lush, abundant flowering is also your considerable merit

Forsythia description

Forsythia is a woody shrub of the olive family. The plant is also called Forsythia. Forsythia looks quite unusual. It has straight branches of a dark brown color. The bark is rough and tough. Young shoots bear long oval leaves with sharp tips and jagged edges. Their size is about 5-10 cm. In autumn they form a lilac border. The size of the bush is average 2-3 meters.

Forsythia blooming

Forsythia blooms in late spring. Early species bloom in April. The entire bush is completely covered with small golden flowers resembling bells. The petals are long and narrow. When it rains, they curl into buds. Pollination ends with the formation of capsules with winged seeds.

Forsythia after flowering

In general, Forsythia is a southern plant and grows in warm regions. But today varieties have been bred that are frost-resistant.

This is what Forsythia looks like in the fall

Forsythia resistance to diseases and pests

Forsythia, no matter how long it blooms (usually 22-25 days), unlike other garden shrubs, is an unpretentious plant. Despite the early appearance of the first flowers, the bush does not require titanic efforts in its care. Forsythia most often affects inexperienced gardeners.

The only thing that the bush is afraid of and what causes many of its diseases is an excess of moisture, but in dry seasons it feels quite comfortable. So, the most common disease of forsythia is root rot, which is very difficult to cure, but easy to prevent.

Important! If your forsythia is already sick with rotting roots (the bush itself will signal this: the color is faded, the leaves are curled), then loosening the soil will only improve the situation, and in order to finally get rid of the problem, the bush will have to be dug up and all damaged shoots removed. Another serious disease that can damage forsythia is bacteriosis, which is dangerous because it instantly spreads to nearby bushes.

If this disease has already damaged your plant, then there is only one way out: uprooting the bush, disposing of it, and also disinfecting the place where your bush “lived” with a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate

Another serious disease that can damage forsythia is bacteriosis, which is dangerous because it instantly spreads to nearby bushes. If this disease has already damaged your plant, then there is only one way out: uprooting the bush, disposing of it, and also disinfecting the place where your bush “lived” with a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate.

But among living pests, forsythia is often attacked by nematodes (insects that are located in the upper layers of the soil and can damage the root system). You can fight nematodes by treating the bushes and the soil around the bush with Carbation.

The next pest, perhaps one of the most common on all garden plants, is aphids, which damage leaves.

Birds that like to feast on the unopened buds of a plant can also cause irreparable harm to the plant, therefore, for the purpose of prevention, it is better to cover it in the fall and cover the trunk and shoots with fine mesh before the buds open.

As you can see, the condition of forsythia depends directly on the quality and timeliness of the care provided to it.

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Ideal conditions for growing forsythia

Despite the fact that the plant itself is easy to care for and does not require special knowledge and skills, gardeners have compiled a number of recommendations that will help in quickly and correctly growing forsythia:

  1. The plant does not tolerate drafts well, so when choosing a place for its growth, you must immediately take this aspect into account. The most optimal place is with a lot of sun, which is protected from winds and drafts; you can also use shaded areas.
  2. In order to be able to easily care for the plant in the future, young plants should be planted at a distance of at least 1.5 meters.
  3. Forsythia grows in any soil, but to get beautiful and long-lasting flowering, you need to prepare special soil. It should consist of sand, humus and leaf soil, which are taken in equal proportions.
  4. If the soil in the areas is highly acidic, then it is necessary to add lime or charcoal.

Forsythia does not bloom, what should I do?

Forsythia is one of the most popular ornamental shrubs planted in gardens and parks. Pleases in early spring with abundantly blooming yellow flowers, in front of other shrubs. Unfortunately, it happens that forsythia does not bloom. Find out the 5 most common reasons why forsythia does not bloom, and what to do to make the plant bloom beautifully again and again!

How to choose the right seedling in a store

The very first and, perhaps, fundamental question concerns the purchase of forsythia seedlings. How to make the right choice so as not to regret it in the future?

We do not recommend buying plants from people without the necessary documents confirming their trading activities and professionalism in the field of plant trading. Simply put, it’s better not to take it “from hand.” Order seedlings from organizations, shopping centers, in a word, from those who specialize in landscape design and have established relationships with trusted nurseries and plant suppliers. It is better to entrust the choice to an experienced dendrologist. Another advantage to this is that, being next to him, you will receive basic but necessary information about your future plant.

If you decide to make a choice yourself, then definitely go to the trade fair. Since choosing a forsythia seedling, like any other plant, is not easy, it is better to have a certain reference book with you. This is how you will choose, ask leading questions, and generally navigate this type of product.

You have every right to ask for a quality certificate regarding the forzia you choose

The main points to pay attention to are the supplier country and the climatic zone of growth. What looks great when planted doesn't necessarily stay that way until the very end.

Pay attention to the age of the seedlings. The older the plant is and the more the conditions during future planting differ from the previous ones, the more difficult it will be for the shrub to adapt

When choosing a seedling, examine not only the one you like, but also the others. If there is at least one patient among them, leave there with nothing. An infected plant will be an extra troublesome task for you, since it will not only require special care, but will also infect nearby plants. Buy only seedlings with thick and strong branches with many buds. Do not purchase plants with broken branches or damaged shoots.

Did you know? The ornamental shrub received its name in honor of the botanist from Scotland William Forsyth, part-time head gardener of Kensington Palace and one of the founders of the Royal Horticultural Society. He was the first to bring the forsythia bush from the Celestial Empire to Europe.

Comprehensive plant care

Unpretentiousness is a kind of “slogan” for almost all types of forsythia. Caring for this shrub is not particularly difficult. All a gardener will need to do with forsythia is:

  • Water periodically.
  • Loosen and weed around the trunk.
  • Trim the bushes.

Soil care

In this sense, forsythia is an unpretentious plant. One species that can be especially distinguished is the medium yellow forsythia. Many gardeners may not water forsythia at all. It tolerates dry climate conditions well. But when warm winds blow, it is recommended to moisten the soil from time to time. This is done very rarely - about once a month. One bucket of water per plant will be enough.

Important! After each watering, it is imperative to loosen the tree trunk circle by thirty centimeters and then mulch again.

Spring feeding of forsythia consists of spreading manure around each bush in early March.

Pruning and shaping the bush

So, we’ve sorted out the watering and feeding of forsythia, now let’s move on to the aesthetic part - the formation of the crown. The bush should be trimmed in any case - this is a mandatory requirement, because otherwise it will look unkempt. For a plant that is positioned as a decoration for landscape design, this is unacceptable. But the pruning procedure must be performed as carefully as possible. So, when and how to prune forsythia correctly?

In the first years after planting, shrubs are not formed. Only the removal of frozen branches is permissible. You should start pruning the crown in the third or fourth year. When the frosts pass, the frostbitten ends of the branches are cut off from the forsythia. The main pruning is carried out in the summer, when the bush has faded. The branches need to be shortened by half and old and dry shoots removed, leaving five to six centimeter stumps. New shoots will form from them.

The forsythia crown is usually formed in the shape of a bowl or ball. If forsythia is used in hedges, then it is periodically rejuvenated by cutting off the branches by two-thirds or to a stump of several centimeters. After this, the plant begins to grow new young and strong shoots in even larger quantities. Forsythia should be pruned no more than once every three years. Otherwise, the plant will stretch out greatly and bloom poorly.

Preparing bushes for winter

Preparing forsythia for winter is similar to the procedure for relatively similar representatives of ornamental crops. Even frost-resistant varieties tested by “minus” must be insulated with the onset of severe cold. This is done using heaps of dry leaves or pine needles.

Particular attention should be paid to young shoots. If they freeze in winter, they will not be able to bloom fully in the spring.

Important! Before you start insulating the branches of the bush, they need to be pressed to the ground and only then covered.

Planting, care, pruning, watering and feeding - all this is carried out according to very simple rules. Did you know? The most frost-resistant variety of forsythia is ovoid forsythia.

Did you know? The most frost-resistant variety of forsythia is ovoid forsythia.

Too cold

The most beautifully flowering varieties of middle forsythia (Forsythia x intermedia) are not frost-resistant. Sometimes spring frosts damage the developing flower buds. Due to damaged buds as a result of frost, there will be no flowering. Forsythia is completely frost-resistant . The species has less decorative qualities. Hybrids of ovate forsythia with medium forsythia can withstand frost and bloom more abundantly.

Frozen branches are cut down to the place of living (green) tissue. In autumn, you need to protect forsythia bushes before winter with agrotextiles or straw. At the end of summer, it is necessary to fertilize the bushes with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers; in the event of a dry autumn, ensure adequate hydration of the bushes.

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