The best varieties of peonies for the Moscow region with photos and descriptions

The best early varieties and hybrids of peonies

This section of the article contains very early and early varieties of peonies with photos and names - they all bloom at the very beginning of June.

"Aritina Nozen Glory." The bush is beautiful, reaches a height of 70 cm, leafy, semi-spreading. The buds are lilac-pink in color, 20 cm in diameter. A flower with one row of wide outer petals. The stamens are bright yellow, collected in a pompom. Stems are pubescent, straight, strong. The leaves are large, carved, light green in color.

"Pearl placer." The bush reaches a height of 80-85 cm, slightly spreading. Japanese type bud. The description of the color of this peony variety is reminiscent of the “Aritina nozen Glory” variety - the inflorescences also have a lilac-pink color, but their diameter is slightly smaller (up to 14 cm). The stamens are modified, with bright pink tips. The flower is densely double. Feature - the bush grows quickly. The stems are straight, the leaves are small, bright green.

"Anne Berry Cousins." The bush reaches a height of 90-95 cm, compact, slightly spreading. The buds are coral pink, with yellow stamens in the center. The diameter of the flower is approximately 16 cm. The petals are arranged in 5-6 rows. It has an unusual luminous color. The leaves are quite large. The stems are thick, strong, slightly deviated, light. The foliage is dense. The hybrid of this variety of peonies is simple, semi-double.

"Lastres." The bush reaches a height of 70 cm. Quite compact. Beautiful buds of bright red color, yellow stamens with red veins. The diameter of the flower of this variety of peonies is approximately 19 cm. The buds are arranged in 4-5 rows, the stems are thick, with large leaves, and light. The leaves are bright and shiny. The flower is semi-double and has a pleasant, unobtrusive aroma. Looks good in a bouquet.

"Velma Atkinson." The height of the bush is 80 cm. The buds are bright carmine pink, with a diameter of 18 cm.

Look at the photo of peonies of this variety: the stamens are bright yellow and pink. Cream-colored petalodies. Japanese type variety. The leaves are green and shiny. Stems and leaf petioles are reddish in color. The petals are wavy. The variety is distinguished by abundant, long-lasting flowering due to the fact that it has many side buds on the peduncle. Fragrant. Great for the garden.

"Snow Mountain" The height of the bush is up to 75 cm. The buds are cream-colored, 17 cm in diameter, the variety has strong stems. The leaves are dark green and shiny. Peduncles are strong, but bend. Peony flowers of this variety have rounded petals. The aroma is average. Resistant to adverse weather conditions, as well as diseases and pests; winter-hardy and drought-resistant. The variety is a cut variety and can be used in landscaping only with a support. This is a universal one, one of the best varieties of peonies; it can be grown throughout Russia, except for the Far North.

"A la Mode." A beautiful variety. The bush reaches a height of 80 cm, semi-spreading. The buds are bright white, sparkling. The form is simple. The flower is large, reaching 21 cm in diameter. The stamens are bright yellow, which form a dense pompom in the center of the flower. The variety has good flowering. The stem is erect, on which up to 8 buds can be located. The flower has a pleasant smell. Can be grown everywhere. Sufficiently resistant to adverse weather conditions.

"America". A beautiful compact bush of this garden variety of peonies reaches 75 cm in height. The flower is dark red, up to 21 cm in diameter. Simple in shape, non-double. The petals are wide, with smooth edges, corrugated. The buds are shaped like tulips. The stamens are short, bright yellow, collected in the form of a pompom. Each stem contains up to 4 buds. The leaves are very decorative, green in color. The flower opens with wide, even petals. Has a slight odor. The variety is universal.

Here you can look at the photo to see what peonies are of very early and early varieties:

Pyonomania. Part I. Review of peony varieties

Photo by the author.

More than a century has passed since the first Chinese varieties of peonies were brought to France, Russia, America and Japan. At first, they gained the greatest love and popularity in France, where during the 19th century several generations of talented gardeners and breeders created varieties with fragrant, densely double flowers, which to this day are considered peony classics and are on the list of all modern manufacturing companies. You will probably immediately imagine huge bouquets in vases and old summer cottages where the descendants of these varieties have been thriving for decades. From the creations of the Parisian gardener Lemon Nicholas, the variety “Edulis Superba” (1824) has come down to us, and Auguste Millet in 1851 created the variety “Festiva Maxima”, beloved by many. The development of selection was continued by: Calot from Douie - “Duchesse de Nemours” (“Duchesse de Nemours”, 1856); Cross from Nancy - “M-me de Verneville” (“Madame de Verneville”, 1885). Working with the Cruss collection, Victor Lemoine opens the 20th century with the creation of masterpiece varieties: “Sarah Bernhardt” (“Sarah Bernhardt”, 1906), Solange (“Solange”, 1907), Le Cygne (“Le Cigne”, 1907).

After the First World War, the center of selection moved to the USA. There, based on French varieties, work begins on creating the first interspecific hybrids by crossing intraspecific hybrids of milky-flowered peony with natural species (P. medicinal, P. thin-leaved, P. large-leaved, etc.). This made it possible to expand the color spectrum of peonies to pure red (without purple tones), coral and bright pink flowers, and to move the flowering period to an earlier date. The results of the work of the pioneers of interspecific hybridization A. Saunders - “Athena”, “Ballerina”, “Cytherea”, Othena - “Chocolate Soldier”, “ Red Dandy”, as well as Glasscock – “Red Charm”, “Red Grace”, “Salmon Beauty” are not particularly represented need, because they are world famous. In 1903, the American Peony Society (APS) was formed, which since 1974 has served as an international registrar of new varieties of peonies. Currently, the society’s website contains 267 electronic pages with more than 6,000 registered varieties of herbaceous and tree peonies. The APS Gold Medal, awarded annually, distinguishes the most beautiful and sought-after varieties with stably inherited traits during propagation, disease resistance, excellent bush habit and affordability. In 2018, the variety “Pietertje Vriend Wagenaar” (“Pietertje Vriend Wagenaar”, 1996, Nicholas J. Friend) received the Gold Medal. The same variety was declared Peony of the Year in 2022.

Peonies came to Russia only under Peter the Great and were grown exclusively in the Apothecary gardens of Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as in monastery gardens. French varieties that appeared in the 19th century became an invariable decoration of rich landowners' estates and country dachas. After the Great Patriotic War, in 1949, in the Main Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow, work began on breeding their own varieties of peonies. Then the initiative was taken up by Botanical gardens and scientific institutes throughout the country - in Bashkiria, Siberia, Ukraine, and the Baltic states. Thanks to the painstaking work and enthusiasm of specialists deeply devoted to their work, the domestic selection was a success. Extra-class varieties were obtained that are highly decorative, resistant to adverse weather conditions and suitable for cutting. A striking example is the work of N.S. Krasnova: “Arkady Gaidar” (1958), “Varenka” (1957), “Anniversary GBS” (1959); A.A. Sosnovets: “White Sail” (1961), “Memory of Paustovsky” (1960), “Yablochkina” (1960); Z.I. Archer - “Altai News” (1963).

It is impossible not to mention the wonderful varieties created by amateur gardeners, people of professions far from science, who were united by a common passion for peonies. “Olympics-80”, “Russia”, “Moscow”, “Spark of Hope” are the creations of Mikhail Akimov. “Admiral”, “Anatoly Skakodub”, “Sakhalin”, “Svetlana Sedova” - lush, with strong stems of the Anatoly Skakodub variety (USSR, Kazakhstan). “Kuril Islands”, “Mom’s Heart”, “Coolness”, “Svetlana Udintseva” are long-known and beloved varieties of our contemporary Vladimir Dubrov.

When you visit peony exhibitions or choose new interesting varieties from catalogs to replenish your collection, you inevitably become imbued with great respect for the titanic work of breeders. Imagine, in order to get a variety worthy of the attention of the most sophisticated gardener, you must first select parental pairs capable of producing promising offspring. And sometimes just one couple can’t do it. Then, from the hundreds of seedlings obtained, which at best will bloom in 4–5 years, several of the most interesting ones are selected for further observation. After about 3–4 years, having made sure that at least one of them retains its characteristics every year and does not belong to the “find ten differences” category, the seedling is called a variety. Otherwise, they start all over again. At the moment, my personal collection of herbaceous peonies includes about 150 varieties. Compared to the collections of famous and venerable peony growers, it is very small and very young. Many varieties have yet to show themselves in all their glory.

The last two seasons have surprised all gardeners in central Russia with their diametric opposite. The summer of 2017 was cold and rainy - the flowering of peonies was delayed by almost three weeks. But the summer of 2018 pleased with the heat and minimal rainfall - some large-flowered double varieties were much smaller in size (“Lavon”, “Madylone”), the shape of the flower varied from double according to the variety to almost simple (“Vladimir Dubrov”).

Next, I want to share my impressions of those favorite varieties that, despite various weather conditions, showed resistance and stable flowering in my Vladimir region. After all, it is always interesting how a variety bred in America, France or Kazakhstan will demonstrate the declared high decorative qualities, being so far from its homeland.

I'll start with white peonies:

“AE Kundred” (“A.E. Kundred”, A. Kundred, 1951, USA). An old, well-deserved variety. Excellent cut. A snow-white, perfectly formed rose-shaped flower with a diameter of 16 cm. A tall bush (80–90 cm) with strong stems. Blooms later, from June 23–28. Usually, when choosing a variety, you put the aroma characteristic somewhere in second or third place. Strong, pink, with a spicy tartness, the aroma of “A.E Kundred” is just for the first time!

“Capital Dome” (“Capital Dome”, Bigger, 1979, USA). White-cream huge head (diameter 18 cm) with tightly packed, slightly curled petals. The bush is tall (90–100 cm). The stems are strong, but still bend under the weight of the flowers, which from a distance look like large “marshmallows”. It blooms for a long time in the early-mid period, from about June 12–14. Good for cutting.

“Serene Pastel” (“Sirin Pastel”, Klehm, 2000, USA). This variety can be classified as both white and pink peonies. It opens to a soft coral pink, then becomes almost white, maintaining a pink tint in the center. The flowers are large (16–18 cm), beautifully symmetrical, light, airy, from semi-double to double. Despite its fragile appearance, it tolerates both heat and cold with rain. Due to the side buds, it blooms for a very long time (more than 10 days), in the average period, starting from June 15–17.

Life in Pink

“Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt” (“Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt”, Franklin, 1932, USA). APS Gold Medal in 1948. APS Exhibition Grand Champion (1963, 1984). It’s not without reason that I listed so many regalia. With its highest decorative qualities, the variety deserves a place of honor in every garden. Amazingly built, double, pink-shaped, large (20 cm) flower in half-opening resembles a nymph in shape. The color is very pleasing to the eye - light pink, with a delicate salmon tint on the inside. The bush is strong, 80 cm high, the foliage is always healthy, dark green. Blooms from June 15. If I were asked to choose a bridal bouquet, I would make it only from this variety.

“Lyudmila Askarova” (1987, A. Skakodub, USSR). It should be noted that the domestic selection of peonies is rich in high-quality pink varieties. And “Lyudmila Askarova” is proof of this. The flower is large (18 cm), densely double, pink-lilac. The petals are wavy, tightly arranged in a circle, with a bud characteristic of the variety in the center. The bush is tall and compact. The aroma is light and delicate. It blooms in the mid-late period, from June 18–20. There is an opinion that late varieties of A. Skakodub are developing slowly in our country. But “Lyudmila Askarova,” planted in a high sunny place, already in the third year has 7–8 stems and full flowering.

Red ones are beautiful

“Highlight” (“Highlight”, Auten-Wild, 1952, USA). My mom's favorite peony. Globular, shiny, large (19 cm), very fragrant. The color is memorable, spectacular, dark red beetroot with a chocolate tint. One of the darkest in the group of milky-flowered peonies. Flowering from June 12–15.

“Mackinac Grand” (“Makinac Grand”, DL Reath, 1992, USA). Hybrid. Order of Landscape Merit in 2012. APS Gold Medal in 2013. Peony of the Year in 2014. It is rare that a peony boasts such a bright red color. When “Mackinac Grand” blooms, all eyes are focused only on it. Even photographs of him seem to glow. Add to this strong stems, wavy large petals arranged in several rows around a golden center, early (from June 5) flowering and vigorous growth. The variety 100% deserved all the awards awarded to it.

“Old Faithful” (“Old Faithful”, Glasscock-Falk, 1964, USA). Hybrid. APS Gold Medal in 1997. Order of Landscape Merit in 2009. In the first year after planting, it rather frightened me, opening with an absolutely simple flower without a hint of doubleness. But already in the second year he appeared in all his glory. Dark red velvet petals of a very dense texture formed a double flower with coquettishly peeping golden stamens. The bush's habit can confidently be called a reference one. The stems are very strong with lush green foliage that covers them from bottom to top - just a vase for your own flowers. It is unusually beautiful at the blooming stage, when the curled petals, reminiscent of rose buds, unfold into a huge (20 cm), beautiful flower. Withstood all the hail and downpours of 2017 on its “legs”. It blooms later than many hybrids, from June 10–15.

Karl stole corals from Clara

“Salmon Dream” (“Salmon Dream”, David L. Reath, 1979, USA). Hybrid. Another landscape champion and medalist. Semi-double flowers of a warm pink-coral-salmon hue bloom almost simultaneously, having absolutely the same size (16 cm). A distinctive feature of the variety is the shiny dark green leaves on strong stems. Flowering is early, from June 5–10.

“Etched Salmon” (“Etched Salmon”, L. Cousins ​​- Roy G. Klehm, 1981, USA). Hybrid. Gold medal APS in 2012. Order for landscape merit in 2012. Champion of the APS exhibition in 1990 and KCM (Moscow Flower Growers Club) in 2004. A light coral shade gives soft pink flowers a special charm and “delicacy”. As if made of porcelain, the lower large petals form a bowl filled to the brim with carved, smaller petals, which increase in size during the flowering process, and the flower becomes spherical. Towards the end of flowering, the petals acquire the color of pink champagne, which creates a stunning effect in the morning and at dusk. Unlike many coral hybrids, which have a rather specific aroma, “Etched Salmon” smells of citrus and peppermint. Blooms from June 10–12.

“Sugar'n Spice” (“Sugar and Spice”, A. Rogers, 1988, USA). Hybrid. A very powerful, fast-growing variety. In the third year, if you do not maintain a meter distance between the bushes, it can “crush” neighbors carelessly planted close to each other. Large ping-pong ball buds unfold into caramel pink-coral flowers with very dense, ruffled petals that, when closed in the evening or in cloudy weather, reveal a marbled back. In a vase, the size of the flower increases to 20–22 cm. It blooms early, from June 3–5.

Peonies are chameleons

Many interspecific hybrids change their color (burn out) by the end of flowering, which does not always look good. But there are varieties for which a change in color increases their decorative value by an order of magnitude.

“Bess Bockstoce” (“Bess Bockstoce”, Bockstoce, 1955, USA). Hybrid. That's the lady, that's the lady. The bush is wide, tall, with strong stems. The flowers are lush, huge, soft pink, in shape reminiscent of another masterpiece by William Boxtos - the variety “Henry Boxtos” (1955). As they bloom, the edges of the petals become almost white, but the center remains pink. This gives additional volume to both the flower and the bush as a whole.

“Glowing Raspberry Rose” (“Glowing Raspberry Rose”, L. Cousins ​​- Roy G. Klehm, 1981, USA). Hybrid. The flower is large, double, luminous, with wavy petals, its structure is suitable for both rose-shaped and bomb-shaped. It opens up raspberry-pink-coral, then within a week it radically changes its color to peach. Blooms June 5–8.

“Rose Heart” (“Rose Heart”, W. Bockstoce - H. Landis, 1974, USA). Hybrid. Obtained from a 1963 seedling of William Boxtos by Canadian breeder Henry Landis, who registered it in 1974 under the name “Rose Hart”. The name of the variety speaks for itself. The large, rose-shaped flower opens bright coral pink, then the edges lighten to a pale pink, almost white, and the center becomes a deep crimson. Develops a little slower than “Bess Boxtos”. Blooms from June 10–15. When cut flowers sit in a vase for 2–3 days, a pink border sometimes appears. Stars on the Walk of Fame

“Lois Choice” (“Lois Choice”, Laning, 1993, USA). Hybrid. APS Gold Medal in 2022 Peony of the Year in 2022 This is exactly the case when the peony chosen from the photo from the catalog exceeded all expectations. I have never seen such watercolor shading on any variety. And this is not fading, not a change in color during development. Emerging from a tight bud, the petals unfold slowly, over the course of a week, forming a neat lace flower with extraordinary tints of pink and yellow. The bush is compact, low. The variety develops quite quickly and is resistant to gray rot and rust, but you must be prepared for the fact that in the first two to three years it can “dry out” the buds. But in the fourth year, each of the 10–12 stems bears a beautiful flower.

“Pastelegance” (“Pastelegance”, Bill Seidle, 1987, USA). Hybrid. Having such a talented breeder as Bill Seidle as a creator, and such outstanding varieties as “Salmon Dream” and “Lemon Chiffon” as parents, you are naturally born into a masterpiece. “Pastelegans” has become the embodiment of the dreams of all peony growers. Excellent habit, dark green dense foliage resistant to disease, strong stems bearing huge vanilla creamy pink flowers. The perfect example of a modern lightweight terry shape. It grows actively, and already in the second year it forms a full-fledged flower. Flowering is early, from June 8–10. What's stopping him from getting the APS Gold Medal? This is still (!) a high price.

The development of peony selection does not stand still. Every year, new interesting varieties appear, supporting peony mania among a good half of the planet, and the other half is quietly jealous, because, unfortunately, peonies do not grow either in Africa or in the Arctic. Continuation: Pionomania. Part II Pyonomania. Part III

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August Dessert

Lush double and semi-double buds of Auguste Dessert peonies really look like a cake with airy cream. The deep pink petals are edged with a silvery “thread”. This is what gives the flowers an exquisite and original look. Peonies of this variety look good in a flower bed and last a long time when cut.

Purpose Class Stem height Flowering time
Terry and semi-double 60-90 cm Mid-late

Agricultural technology for growing ITO peonies

ITO peonies should be planted in elevated and well-lit areas with low groundwater levels. ITO peonies will feel best on loamy, well-fertilized soils with a high humus content. The acidity of the soil should be slightly alkaline or neutral. The best time for planting ITO peonies is the end of August - beginning of September.

Peony root planted in a pot.

The optimal size of the planting hole is 50-60 cm in depth and 60-80 cm in diameter. “Divisions” of ITO peonies are planted in such a way that they are located strictly in the center of the planting hole and with a slight slope, and the renewal buds are located at a depth of 3-5 cm from the soil surface level. Planting holes are filled with pre-prepared nutrient soil, consisting of a mixture of humus and garden soil with the addition of a small amount of phosphorus fertilizers. To deoxidize, a small amount of ash or dolomite flour should be added to the soil. If you purchase planting material for ITO peonies with a closed root system, you should carefully, without disturbing the earthen ball, transfer the plant from the container into the planting hole, and then, observing the required planting depth, fill the planting hole with nutrient soil. After planting, the soil surface should be mulched to maintain its moisture and breathability.

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Caring for ITO peonies is generally the same as caring for ordinary herbaceous peonies. In summer, plants require regular watering and fertilizing.

It is especially important to provide plants with sufficient moisture in late spring - early summer, when active stem growth and bud formation occur, as well as at the end of summer, when plants are actively forming renewal buds. It is best to water ITO peonies in the evening.

In hot weather, it is advisable to moisten the soil surface daily. ITO peonies are watered exclusively “at the root”. It is highly not recommended to use the sprinkling method, since in this case the plants are very easily infected with fungal diseases. After each watering, the soil under the peony bushes should be loosened. The more oxygen the roots receive, the more beautiful and magnificent the flowering will be.

If proper agricultural practices are followed, ITO peonies do not require any fertilizing in the first two years after planting. Plants should be fertilized starting from the third year of their cultivation. In spring and early summer (during active growth and budding), plants are fed with nitrogen fertilizers, and at the end of summer (during the formation of renewal buds) - with a phosphorus-potassium complex.

The buds that appear in the first two years should be removed immediately, since the flowering of young plants can significantly weaken their development. In mature, well-formed plants, the first pruning is done in mid-June. At this time, the “old” dried flowers are removed, which promotes the formation of new renewal buds. The more of them are formed, the more magnificent and beautiful the flowering of ITO peonies will be next year.

When performing pruning, it is also important to carefully remove all leaves and petals that have fallen to the ground. This is done to reduce the risk of developing fungal diseases.

The second time ITO peonies are pruned in the fall - in the first half of October. This time, almost the entire above-ground part of the plants is removed, after which it is burned to prevent contamination of the plantings with fungal infections. When removing the aboveground part of ITO peonies in autumn, it should be remembered that the main renewal buds, which ensure further development and flowering of plants, are formed on the roots deep in the soil.

ITO peonies are very winter-hardy plants, so they do not require mandatory shelter for the winter. In particularly cold winters, you can sprinkle the planting holes with peonies with a layer of well-rotted manure

In the spring it will need to be carefully removed, trying not to damage the tender young shoots of plants

ITO peonies begin to bloom in the second or third year after planting. Their first flowers are usually not very beautiful - they have an irregular shape and curved petals, but later everything returns to normal, and the plants begin to delight their owners with luxurious blooms. According to most gardeners, ITO peonies gain maximum beauty in the fourth or fifth year of their development.

Peonies: agricultural technology for growing, propagation, planting and care (read more)

Rules for caring for peonies in autumn and spring

1. Completely cut off withered stems and leaves when frost sets in, and burn them to kill any pests that may have settled in them.

2. Sprinkle the remaining parts of the stems with ash (2 - 3 handfuls per bush).

3. In spring, water the bushes abundantly (but not often), 2 - 3 buckets per adult bush. Moisture is especially important for peonies in early spring (during the period of rapid growth), when the plant lays buds and blooms, as well as in August - September when new buds are formed.

4. Loosen the soil after watering and remove weeds . Do not let water get on the leaves.

5. Feed peonies with potassium permanganate

immediately after the snow melts (2 - 3 g per 10 liters of water for 2 bushes).

Feed peonies immediately after the snow melts (2 - 3 g per 10 liters of water for 2 bushes)

6. Feed the plants with ammonium nitrate (15 g of nitrate per 10 liters of water) when the shoots begin to grow.

7. Starting from the second week of May , water young plants once a month on the leaves with a solution of complete mineral fertilizer in the recommended concentration. Use a watering can with a sieve. To prevent the solution from flowing down the leaves into the soil, add washing powder to the solution (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water).

8. Fertilize peonies in the evening or on cloudy days.

9. During the budding period, mineralize the soil with a solution of mineral fertilizers (10 g of superphosphate, 7.5 g of ammonium nitrate and 5 g of potassium salt per 10 liters of water).

10. Feed peonies after flowering (after 10 - 14 days) with a solution of superphosphate (10 g) and potassium salt (5 g) in 10 liters of water.

11. Alternate mineral and organic fertilizers.

12. Water, feed, weed peonies in a timely manner and loosen the soil under them in the summer, after flowering has ended.

13. Do not cut the stems too short if pruning in the fall is done before frost. Leave shoots with 3-4 leaves on the stem: the plant needs them to form replacement buds. Follow this rule when cutting flowers for a bouquet.


Varieties of peonies with medium flowering period

Among the varieties characterized by an average flowering period, o. This universal variety, resistant to various diseases, is ideal for growing in Russia, with the exception of cold regions of the country. The maximum height of the bush is 0.8 m. The buds with wide petals are similar to rose buds. The shades are mixed: inside – light pink with yellowness, outside – creamy pink. These peonies have a pleasant jasmine scent.

A variety called “In Memory of Gagarin” is noted, which has an unobtrusive aroma. Its pink buds (18 cm in diameter) have wide light petals of a pinkish hue, a yellow base.

The variety called “Top Brass” is resistant to the negative effects of the environment, pests and diseases, the bush of which reaches 0.9 m. The flower of the bush has an original shape with wide lower petals of a cream shade in the lower tier and yellow in the middle.

Tree peonies: features

Tree peony or subshrub is a hybrid plant of the peony family. Although some scientists do not distinguish it as a separate species, but classify it as a group of forms and varieties of hybrid origin. Most of these plants grow in China. It should be noted here that these varieties are mostly the result of the hard work of Chinese breeding scientists.

This variety was brought to Europe at the end of the 18th century. These plants are deciduous shrubs, reaching a height of two meters. The stems are erect and thick, colored light brown. They do not die off every autumn; on the contrary, they grow every year and over time turn the plant into a huge bush shaped like a ball.

The leaves of this variety are double-pinnate, ornamental, and openwork. The plants have very large flowers. They often exceed 20 cm in diameter, which are located at the ends of the shoots and can have different colors - yellow, white, crimson, pink and even two-tone.

Another peculiarity of tree peonies is that the older the plant gets, the more flowers bloom on it. These peonies bloom half a month earlier than herbaceous peonies, and this process lasts about three weeks. In addition, tree peonies are cold-resistant. Growing them in temperate climates is not difficult. But if in your region the temperature in winter drops too low, then it is recommended to opt for special frost-resistant varieties (Peter the Great, Hoffman, Moscow University).

Description of beautiful plants

Pink peonies live in their natural environment throughout Russia. They prefer sunny places, but can often be found in the shade. In the latter case, the bud will be smaller and the foliage system will be more developed.

There are two main types of pink peonies:

  1. Tree-like, the size of which can exceed 1.5 meters. The bush can have about 70 buds. A distinctive feature of these varieties is that they do not die off in winter. In their natural environment, they can be found in southern Russia and China, where winters are mild. These plants have a tree-like stem, the buds reach 20 cm in diameter. The first flowering occurs in the third year.
  2. Herbaceous - flowers whose height reaches 100 cm. Buds up to 20 cm, fleshy. The stems are powerful. The first flowering occurs after 2–3 years.

There is also a division according to the type of bud:

  1. Terry - distinguished by a large number of petals. The stamens also have the shape of petals, but there are also varieties with the traditional type of stamens.
  2. Non-double - they have from 5 to 10 petals surrounding the core in two rows. The pistil and stamen are located in the center.
  3. Semi-double - have five or more petals. In the center you can see traditional or petal-shaped stamens and pistil.
  4. Japanese or transitional. The stamens have a yellow tint. The flower is considered to be something between a double and non-double type, so they decided to highlight it separately. It first appeared thanks to the work of Japanese breeders.
  5. Crown - similar in appearance to a crown. Inside it are the inner petals, stamens and pistil.
  6. Anemone-shaped - have short petals on top and long ones below. The bud has a spherical shape.

Important. The uniqueness of pink peonies lies in the fact that each variety has its own unique shade. There are soft pink tones and very bright ones, reminiscent of fuchsia.

This crop has a rapidly growing root system. The buds are underground. Today there are more than 5 thousand varieties of peonies, and approximately 30% of this number are pink.

Varieties of milky peony (with photo)

Varieties obtained from the milky peony (P. lactiflora) are the largest group, the most typical and familiar flowers to us. Usually large, densely double. But in this group there are also peonies with all other flower forms, most often with the Japanese (anemone-like) form. Flowering time is late compared to other groups. Varieties from the milky peony are distinguished by their viability and longevity. Subsequently, the reduction is Lact. used when describing varieties of this group.

Hybrid varieties are obtained from interspecific hybridization of herbaceous peonies within the Peony section. There are a lot of such combinations.

Speaking about what types of peonies there are, we can distinguish three main groups:

Hybrids between P. lactiflora and P. officinalis (combination P. lactiflora x P. officinalis or the reverse) or a related P. foreign (P. Peregrina).

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The most common group of hybrids. Hybrids of this type have attractive, clear, vibrant pink and red colors. Most of them have a simple and semi-double flower form, but the available double varieties are popular and valued. They begin to bloom and complete flowering approximately 1-2 weeks earlier than varieties of P. lactiflora. Usually they can grow successfully in one place for up to 10-15 years.

Hybrids from P. lactiflora and P. thin-leaved (combination P. Lactiflora x P. tenuifolia) have a simple flower shape of a deep red color, small bush size, openwork, unusual finely dissected leaves. They begin to bloom in our strip from the end of May - the very first days of June.

Hybrids from P. lactiflora and peonies of Caucasian species are attracted by the earliest dates of flowering, from the end of May. The flowers are simple and double in shape, with colors ranging from white and creamy yellow to pink.

For example, varieties of milky-flowered peonies Sania Boy and Ballerina are double with a yellow color.

When describing hybrid pions, the following designations are used:

  • G1 - hybrid of p. officinalis;
  • G2 - hybrid of fine-leaved plant;
  • GZ is a hybrid of items of the Caucasian flora (usually from items of Wittmann or items of Mlokosevich);
  • G - an interspecific hybrid, without detailing the parental pair, or when it has not been established, from another combination or from a combination with several species of peonies without certain phenotypic characteristics.

Look how beautiful the milky-flowering varieties of peonies are in these photos:

Species peonies are natural plants. Picturesque and varied.

Among the most popular in Russia:

Early flowering species of peonies of the Caucasian flora - Caucasian peony (syn. p. kavakhsky)

Pion Mlokosevich

Crimean peony

Peony evading - Maryin root

Thin-leaved peony (P. tenuifolia) with unusual finely dissected (fern-like) leaves.

This group appeared in the 70s. XX century The varieties belonging to this group have the phenotypic characteristics of both. First of all, varieties with a stable yellow color, which is absent in herbaceous peonies, are interesting. They are still not widespread and have not been sufficiently studied. Although they are quite successfully cultivated in central Russia. They equally have the characteristics of both herbaceous and tree-like peonies.

The best varieties of peonies for the Moscow region

Flowers suitable for growing in the Moscow region differ in appearance and flowering period. Thanks to the painstaking work of breeders, there are options for everyone. Certain forms of shrub, semi-shrub and herbaceous peonies grow well in the region; you can choose from domestic and foreign ones.

We will first describe the most popular varieties:

  1. Ballerina (herbaceous). Grows up to 80 cm, double flowers, creamy yellow with a light green tint.
  2. Bartzella (ito hybrid). Up to 85 cm in height. Flowers are 25 cm in diameter, semi-double and double, bright yellow.
  3. White phoenix (tree-like). It grows quickly, the maximum height is 1.5 m. The flowers are ordinary, lotus-shaped, white, up to 23 cm in diameter.
  4. Varenka (herbaceous). Peduncles are about 80–100 cm in height, flowers are double, pink, from 15 to 19 cm in diameter. Petals are glossy.

Attention! In regions with difficult climates, it is recommended to plant herbaceous peonies; they are the most unpretentious and persistent. However, the experience of summer residents shows that other types of flowers grow just as well in the Moscow region, but only if the seedlings were purchased from local nurseries.

Plants selected from catalogs, especially foreign ones, may not take root or bloom. Experienced gardeners advise planting self-rooted seedlings; they develop slowly, but are characterized by increased resistance to unfavorable climate, and in the future they will not produce much growth. Cutting it out is not difficult, but to do this you need to be at the dacha often; if the bushes become too thick, the immunity of the bushes weakens.

American varieties

Terry peonies, beloved by most people, continued to be created later, already in our time, within the framework of the usual ideas about what this flower should be. Many new varieties and hybrids that have replenished the world's collection have become the subject of admiration. Most modern varieties come from the USA, where the center of selection has moved from France.

Huge peony flowers of the American selection 'Jessie Gist'. Photo by the author

American breeders managed to achieve stunning results. They created hundreds of new - wonderful peonies. There is no way to list everything, I will only name varieties that evoke admiration for the impeccable shape and size of the flower, abundant flowering and texture of the leaves. The champion among pinks is rightfully considered the variety 'Dinner Plate', whose pink-pearl flowers are indeed the size of dinner plate, as the name suggests. Their diameter is 20-25 cm, this is an absolute record!

'Dinner Plate' is a flower the size of a dinner plate. Photo by the author The variety 'J.S.' stands out from the white ones. Nicholls' ('JC Nicholls'), whose densely double huge flowers last on the bush for a very long time. They bloom pale pink, with a yellow highlight inside, then turn white and become ivory.'J.S. Nicholls' is an outstanding peony among white varieties. Photo by the author Among the reds there is a hybrid 'Henry Bockstoce' ('Henry Bockstos'), which cannot leave anyone indifferent, it is so good! The double flowers are of a deep red color without an admixture of blue, unlike other similar peonies. Huge flowers with a diameter of more than 20 cm, in the center there is a ball-bud of twisted petals, reminiscent of the forelock of a poodle-cut. The leaves are light green, which is rare in peonies.

Peony 'Henry Bockstoce' is a multiple winner of flower shows. Photo by the author The palette of pink peonies is extremely wide - from the most delicate shades of a girl’s blush to rich pink tones. This is 'Jessie Gist' with peach highlight in the center of huge double flowers; 'Princess Margaret' ('Princess Margaret') Profusely blooming 'Princess Margaret' and its neighbor 'Henry Bockstoce'. Photo by 'Mrs. F.D. Roosevelt' ('Mrs. F.D. Roosevelt'). 'Gladys Taylor' Peony flower 'Mrs. FD Roosevelt'. Photo by the author Meanwhile, in recent years, peonies with simple, non-double anemone-shaped or so-called Japanese-shaped flowers, which (alas!) very often have no scent, have gradually come into fashion. Most of the newfangled varieties are also appearing in the United States. coral series

Varieties of yellow tree peony

It was possible to obtain varieties of tree peony with yellow, orange, pinkish-peach flowers thanks to interspecific crossing.

The Kinko variety, or Jin Huang as it is called in China, is a popular yellow tree peony. From a photo of a peony it is easy to appreciate the charm and freshness of the flowers.

The plant received its European name, Alice Harding, in 1935 from its creator Victor Lemoine from France. It was possible to obtain lemon-yellow flowers by crossing the natural yellow tree peony P. lutea shown in the photo and the Yaso-okina variety from Japan.

The variety from the Lemoine group is characterized by late flowering, a sweetish lemon aroma and compact size. At 10 years old, the height of the bush does not exceed 100 cm.

Peony Green Ball (Lu Mu Ying Yu)

Skillfully using the natural characteristics of the plant, Chinese breeders have created a variety whose flowers are first painted in light green tones, and then suddenly turn pinkish-green.

This is the Green Ball tree peony shown in the photo with densely double flowers, which gave the plant an unusual name and memorable appearance. In Chinese catalogs the variety is called Lu Mu Ying Yu, Green Jade or Green Jade. The bush is 150 to 180 cm high in June, and during flowering is clearly visible from any corner of the garden.

Tree peony Chan Liu (Spring willow)

A rare but highly sought after variety, Chun Liu or Spring Willow. A plant no less spectacular than the tree peony Green Ball. It is distinguished by dense buds with light green or yellowish petals. Closer to the base they are decorated with crimson specks.

Tree peony Sunrise

The Sunrise tree peony pictured here was created thanks to the efforts of David Reath in the USA. The hybrid plant, derived from Peony Lutea, annually delights owners with yellow-pink semi-double flowers with gracefully curled petals and a crown of yellow stamens at the core.

The tree peony Sunrise or Sunrise demonstrates its maximum decorative effect in sunny areas. The carmine border on the creamy yellow petals emphasizes the splendor of the flower.

Tree peony Kinkaku

Among the most popular varieties, the Kinko tree peony occupies one of the most honorable places. Presented in foreign catalogs as the Kinkaku peony, the plant stands out for its double flowers of an orange-yellow hue. The light yellow background color of the petals is refreshed by a soft, watercolor-like carmine border, creating a blush effect. The peculiarity of the variety is its heavy flowers, hanging slightly on thin stems and opening en masse in early June.

General information about peony flowering

Peony is a perennial crop that can grow in the same place for a long time - for 20 years. The underground part forms a fleshy tuber, from the buds of which stems emerge. They reach 1 m. Over the years, the peony tuber thickens, and additional roots appear from it. All peonies can be divided into 2 large groups - herbaceous and tree-like.

The flowering of peonies depends on many factors

Age of first flowering

Many people are interested in what year after planting the peony blooms. It is worth considering that plants are not able to bloom in the first year of life. They require a longer period of time to fully develop. First of all, the plant spends energy on rooting and acclimatization.

Important! In the first year you should not expect even a large number of shoots. In the second year, the tuber thickens and the number of stems increases

Small buds may form at the ends of the branches. It is not recommended to let them bloom. It is better to immediately tear off the buds so that the culture does not waste energy on them. Otherwise, they may not be enough for the development of the plant.

In the third year, the time for peonies to bloom comes. However, it may not be too abundant.

Full flowering occurs only in the 3rd year

Peony lifespan

Tree crops have a good life expectancy. On average, they develop for 100-200 years. Varieties of herbaceous plants can grow for more than 80 years.

Note! Hybrid crops are considered less durable. The lifespan of such plants is a maximum of 10 years.

Features of flowering

Tree-like plants are more commonly grown in China. Their features include large inflorescences. Petals can have different shades - white, crimson, lilac. At the base of the flower there is a spot of rich pink color.

  • Hybrids have yellow flowers, which are undemanding and resistant to dry weather.
  • Japanese tree peonies are smaller in size. Moreover, they are characterized by semi-double petals that have an interesting shade.
  • There are also dark red and burgundy buds, which turn purple at the ends.
  • The combination of white and red shades looks interesting.
  • Some varieties have a citrus aroma.

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In the middle zone you can more often find herbaceous crops. They have many species and hybrid varieties. In this case, double and semi-double petals are found. Anemone-like cultures contain stamens in the center. They are surrounded by many petals.

Anemone-shaped peonies look very impressive

Care during flowering

During the flowering period of peonies, they require complete and high-quality care. It is recommended to start it at the stage of bud formation. In this case, the plant needs active watering.

Before the buds appear, peonies should be treated with copper oxychloride. It helps prevent the development of fungi. If you plan to cut flowers into buds, it is recommended to leave at least 2 petals on the branch.

Important! To achieve timely formation of flower buds, it is recommended to add phosphorus and potassium in the spring. Peonies also need abundant watering and loosening.

Peonies need watering during flowering.

Regular feeding of flower crops

At the very beginning of the growing season, the plants are fertilized with nitrogen. When small buds are just being laid and until the end of the season, phosphorus and potassium should be added to the soil. During active flowering, the shrub needs three components - nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. At the same time, fertilizer rates should be moderate. After all, in an effort to help a plant, you can cause a lot of harm to it. For example, if you overdo it with nitrogen, you can provoke the development of rot. Plants should be fertilized after preliminary watering of the soil, on moist soil. This eliminates the possibility of burning the root system of the bush. Read the article: Remontant strawberries: a review of small-fruited and large-fruited varieties.

According to the structure of the flower

Plant varieties differ quite significantly. And one of the main differences that experts actively use to classify crops is the structure of the flower.


It is not difficult to identify such a decorative variety. Their flowers consist of one or two rows of petals, and in the middle there is a pistil, surrounded by a cluster of stamens and large anthers.

A pleasant feature is that it is the non-double peonies that begin to bloom earlier than other peonies.


The main distinguishing feature of this category is the especially wide petals, as well as the corolla, consisting of three, five, and sometimes seven rows! The stamens protrude directly between the petals, in some varieties they are ring-shaped, while in others they are collected in the center.

Fact! Peony is the only genus in the peony family, which is quite rare.

In recent years, these flowers have begun to be grown in open ground in Russia.


Japanese peonies stand out sharply against their background. Their outer petals are arranged in one or two rows, and in the center there are very narrow ones - in fact, these are modified stamens. An interesting feature is the fact that these petals do not stick out, but bend inward, thus forming a kind of “pillow.”


According to many experts, the most luxurious peonies fall into this category. Their outer petals are large, and in the center there are petalodes - they look like modified stamens, but are quite short.

Some gardeners value anemone-shaped peonies for their unusual feature - the inside of the flower has the same tone as the outside - contrast is very rarely observed.

Terry: bomb-shaped, hemispherical, spherical

Terry peonies are usually further divided into three subgroups depending on the shape of the flower. Their petals are very wide, but these plants have no stamens or pistils at all! This means that pollen is either absent or sterile. Because of this, terry peonies do not produce seeds; they can only be propagated vegetatively.


In general, this is a special case of terry peonies. As the name suggests, the flower is similar to a rose. Pink peonies have petals of the same size, collected quite compactly, only slightly smaller in the center than on the outside.


Crowns are characterized by the presence of 3 tiers, the top of which forms, as the name suggests, a “crown”.

Note! Their large flowers reach up to 20 cm in diameter

Because of her thick pink crown, Barbara gets the most attention

Description of the best varieties of herbaceous peonies

The compact (up to 90 cm) Podmoskovny variety blooms in the mid-late period - towards the end of June. The inflorescences are up to 18 cm in diameter, double, the petals from the bottom row are large, pale pink, and the core petals are small and snow-white. Peony Arkady Gaidar is the same in height and flowering period, the inflorescences are pink-shaped, lush, dark red, up to 20 cm in diameter. The petals do not fade in the sun.

The foreign variety Red Charm grows up to 80 cm, flowers are 18–23 cm in diameter, shiny double, deep red. Another guest from another country is Duchess de Nemours, a bush about 100–110 cm high, blooms late, the inflorescences are double, the outer petals are snow-white, and the crown is milky. The aroma has notes of peony and lily of the valley. The variety with the very gentle name “Mom’s Heart” grows up to 75 cm, the flowers are 19 cm in diameter, the petals are two-row, white, the anthers are elongated, of a warm yellow hue.

On a note! Peony Black Beauty is considered one of the darkest varieties, the petals are black and burgundy with a chocolate tint. Winter hardiness is excellent, it tolerates frosts down to 40˚C, and is not afraid of late return frosts.

It is worth taking a closer look at several more foreign varieties - London, Shirley Temple, Raspberry Sunday and Miss America. The pride of domestic breeders: In memory of Academician Tsitsin, Vesenny, Maya Plisetskaya, Mother of Pearl, Pearl, Altai News, Golden Fleece, Moscow, Cool, Kuril Islands. In the last 3–6 years, the following varieties have become popular: Iceberg, Arctic, White Ball, Cruiser Aurora, Katyusha Dubrova, Polonaise, Zorka, Sadko.

Tree peonies with white flowers

Scent of Lily (Zhong sheng bai)

The Smell of Lily variety is a tall bush with a large number of snow-white flowers with shiny petals. In the center of the inflorescences there is a bright yellow crown of stamens.

The peony grows quickly and bushes well. The variety got its name due to the similarity of the smell of its flowers with the aroma of lilies, which, unfortunately, cannot be conveyed through photos..

  • The height of an adult bush is 1.5 m.
  • Flowering begins in June.
  • The flowers are semi-double, 16 cm in diameter, the aroma is bright and memorable.
  • Frost resistance zone – 4 (Moscow and Moscow region).

Anastasia Sosnovets

The bush is semi-spreading, the stems are strong. The inflorescences are cup-shaped with a 2-row corolla, located above the bush.

The color is dazzling white with a purple spot at the base of the petals. The stamen filaments are light, the stigmas are light yellow.

  • The height of an adult bush is 1.2 m.
  • Flowering begins on June 10.
  • The flowers are simple, 16-20 cm in diameter, with a strong aroma. The number of buds on an adult plant is 30-50 pcs.
  • Prefers drained soils without stagnant moisture.
  • Frost resistance zone – all regions.


A large white flower with a pink center, two-row petals. The bush is semi-spreading, with strong shoots. There is one flower on the peduncle, it does not droop.

  • The height of an adult bush reaches 1 m.
  • Flowering from May 23 to June 3.
  • The flowers are semi-double, hemispherical in shape, 18-23 cm in diameter, with a pleasant aroma.
  • Resistant to fungal diseases.
  • Frost resistance zone – all regions.

Snow Tower

An easily recognizable variety by its anemone-like flowers. The petals are pink-peach at the base and fade to white towards the edges. The inner petals are long and narrow, slightly serrated along the edges. There are few stamens. Flowers look up.

  • The height of an adult bush reaches 1.2-1.8 m.
  • Flowering lasts 2 weeks in May-June.
  • The flowers are double, crown-shaped, 20 cm in diameter, with a delicate aroma.
  • A profusely flowering plant.
  • Frost resistance zone – 4 (Moscow and Moscow region).

White Jade

An ancient variety of tree peony, which is distinguished by its snow-white petals and golden corolla of numerous stamens. Flowers in the shape of a lotus look advantageous against the background of dark green carved foliage.

  • The height of an adult bush is 1.5-1.7 m.
  • Flowering occurs in May-June for 12-14 days.
  • The flowers are semi-double, 17 cm in diameter, with a delicate, sweetish aroma.
  • The number of buds on an adult plant is 25-50 pcs.
  • Frost resistance zone – 4 (Moscow and Moscow region).

Thanks to their rigid flower stalks, peonies look great in a bouquet.

Silk Veil (Gui Fu Ren)

One of the best double white tree peonies. Huge, dazzling white flowers bloom from green buds with a dark purple spot at the base of the leaves. The background for such splendor is the gray-green leaves on strong stems.
  • The height of an adult bush is 1.2-1.5 m.
  • Flowering begins in mid-June.
  • Double flowers, 20 cm in diameter, delicate aroma.
  • The number of buds on an adult plant is 40-60 pcs.
  • Frost resistance zone – all regions.

Features of cultivation

Each plant requires special attention to itself. Peonies are no exception, despite the fact that they are practically unpretentious. It is worth considering in more detail how to properly care for these flowers, so that the buds are large and the plant itself remains healthy.


These flowers should be planted in the fall. To do this, you need to perform a number of actions:

  1. Dig a hole 60x60x60. If there are several roots, then the distance between the holes should be at least 100 cm.
  2. Place a drainage layer on the bottom. It is advisable to use expanded clay.
  3. Add a layer of soil.
  4. Carefully lay the root so that the top bud is at a depth of 3–4 cm.
  5. Cover the rhizome with soil and lightly water it.

If the peony root appears in the spring, it is recommended to plant it in a pot and place it in a cool and dark place so that it does not germinate.

Important. The soil in the pot should always be moist. It is recommended to place ice or snow on it. By gradually melting, it will not allow the earth to dry out. At the end of August you will need to transplant into open ground.

When is the best time to plant?

Planting should be done in the fall, but before that the soil must be disinfected. In the Southern Federal District, you can leave the root without additional protection, since winters there are mild.

However, in other regions it is necessary to perform certain actions to protect the plant from the cold:

  • put peat mulch on the hole;
  • cover everything so that the wind does not scatter the mulch and the snow does not wash it away.

Important. If there is a suspicion that the winter will become especially cold or the gardener lives in the northern part of Russia, then the root can be planted in the spring. But at the same time it is placed in a pot of soil. After 2 - 3 weeks, when the peony gets used to the new conditions, it is necessary to remove it from the pot and leave it in open ground.

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