Why Zamioculcas does not grow and what to do: reasons, ways to solve the problem

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Kira Stoletova

Zamioculcas is often bred at home. The dollar tree is attractive for growing on your own due to its unpretentiousness and spectacular appearance. However, due to improper care and errors during transplantation, the flower does not grow or turns yellow. Let's look at how to avoid this, and what to do if the problem has already arisen?

Zamioculcas grows slowly

Features of the plant

Zamioculcas, or Dollar Tree, belongs to the Araceae family, and among its fellows is the only succulent. In nature, it is found in Madagascar and Africa, preferring dry sandy soils.

With prolonged drought, the flower stops growing, turns yellow and drops its leaves. Amateur gardeners often mistake these signs for death, although when watering is resumed, it acquires foliage again.

In fact, without water, this plant dies only when the underground tubers completely dry out. Evaporation of moisture from them occurs extremely slowly.

At home, only one species of Zamioculcas is grown - Zamioculcas Zamiifolia. It is distinguished by dark dense leaves, slow growth and inexpressive flowers that appear very rarely.

For decorative purposes, flower stalks are cut off immediately when they appear, since they are of no value.

How quickly does a dollar tree grow in the house?

Zamioculcas is a succulent that has a thickened stem and a root system in the form of tubers that can retain moisture. At home, with proper care, the height of the plant stems can reach up to 1 m. But it will take about 3 years to acquire such dimensions. The gardener needs to be patient: in the first year of life, the plant hardly produces only a few leaves , but subsequently it can increase the size of its shoots at an accelerated rate.

Reference! When favorable conditions are created, a dollar tree can please its owner with flowering, throwing out small inflorescences formed in the form of a cob at the base of the leaves.

Causes of stunted growth and how to solve them

Zamioculcas is unpretentious. In most cases, a stop in the development of stems, if they previously grew normally, is due to improper care in general.

How Zamioculcas grows photo

Incorrectly selected container

If the pot is too large, Zamioculcas stops developing stems, completely focusing on growing roots and nodules. At the same time, it looks good in appearance: there is no yellowing or drying out. In this case, only time will help: in order for the plant to grow further, it is necessary to allow the roots to develop.

If the volume of the pot is insufficient, the tubers begin to press on each other, which causes the growth of arrows and leaves to stop. Here you cannot do without a transplant, otherwise the flower will begin to fade.

It is optimal if the diameter of the container is 3-5 cm greater than the width of the plant tubers. In this case, Zamioculcas will develop and grow normally.

Unsuitable soil

Zamioculcas prefers dry sandy soil with stones of different sizes. Such conditions make it possible to avoid the accumulation of moisture, which is detrimental to the plant tubers.

Poor soil requires infrequent application of fertilizers, especially those rich in nitrogen. It is necessary for the Dollar Tree stems to grow and develop normally.

Please note that the soil must be permeable to air. There should be drainage and holes at the bottom to drain excess liquid.

Under no circumstances should water accumulate in the pan, otherwise the flower will quickly get sick.

Incorrect watering frequency

Zamioculcas, like other succulents, does not need frequent watering or spraying. With excess moisture, it begins to rot and becomes easy prey for rot and parasites.

Zamioculcas does not grow reasons

The optimal frequency of watering is once every 12-15 days. Gardeners advise letting the soil dry completely and leaving it that way for 2-3 days. Such conditions are as close as possible to natural conditions for the Dollar Tree.

Over-drying a flower is undesirable, but not dangerous: in this case, it begins to wither, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. If you resume watering, new leaves will soon grow.

Moisture accumulates in underground tubers, so Zamioculcas can easily withstand long periods of time without water.

Wrong location

Zamioculcas prefers a well-lit place without drafts and wind, with low air humidity. If the position is incorrect, the following happens:

  1. The bush no longer grows, the stems become thin and elongated. The reason is poor lighting, lack of sun. It is recommended to move the flower to the eastern windowsill or purchase a special lamp that imitates natural light. Ordinary incandescent light bulbs will not work; their lighting is not enough.
  2. The bush stops growing, the leaves turn yellow, and yellow spots appear on the stem. The cause is sunburn. Most often it appears due to the refraction of light through drops of water that remain after spraying.
  3. The growth of the bush slows down, the stems wrinkle. The reason is cold wind and drafts or damage to the root tuber due to parasites.
  4. Drops form on the surface and the flower “cries”. The reason is high air humidity and poorly selected fertilizers.

Damage to the root system

Injury to the tuber during transplantation negatively affects its appearance: Zamioculcas stops growing, withers, leaves and stems turn yellow and wrinkle. Rot and parasites may appear due to the weakened immunity of the flower.

If you have any suspicions about the integrity of the root system, then it is better to play it safe and pull the nodules out of the ground.

Procedure for various types of damage:

  1. When roots and nodules rot. Use a sharp knife to cut out any rotten areas to prevent the spread of the disease. Damaged roots should be cut off completely. Next, the root system is treated with a weak solution of manganese or a fungicide and left to dry for 2-3 days. The roots sprinkled with ash are transplanted into a new pot and fertilized with Kornevin. The old soil must be thrown away and the container must be disinfected.
  2. If there is rot not only on the rhizome, but also on the stems, it is necessary to disinfect the entire plant. To do this, it is dipped in a fungicide solution for 20 minutes.
  3. When the tubers dry out. Water if it has not been done for a long time. Replant if the root system is damaged due to the pot being too small.
  4. If the tubers crack, they need to be treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, allowed to dry briefly and moved to new soil. Fertilize with Kornevin and water.

Rest period

Under normal development and favorable conditions, the Dollar Tree may stop its growth due to falling asleep. The dormant period usually occurs in late autumn and winter.

Zamioculcas does not grow and does not die

In this case, you don’t need to do anything; the flower itself will wake up from hibernation closer to the warm season. It is worth caring for Zamioculcas less carefully: reduce watering, stop feeding.

Adaptation period

The adaptation period for the Dollar Tree begins if:

  • you recently had a transplant;
  • you just bought a new flower and brought it home;
  • Zamioculcas was only cured of diseases or parasites were removed;
  • the conditions of detention have changed, especially attention should be paid to air humidity and temperature.

During the adaptation period, the growth of stems and leaves stops; Zamioculcas needs time to resume development. Usually everything returns to normal within a week or two.

What to do and how to fix the problem

Resuscitation measures for a diseased crop take a long time and require the purchase of specialized medicines that help destroy diseases and pests. Saving a plant affected by rot is only possible if certain requirements are met.

Zamioculcas - reproduction at home

Rotten roots must be removed - the damaged areas are excised using a sharp knife. After completing the procedure, the root system is washed in a solution of potassium permanganate or fungicide. The roots are dried, and the cut areas are sprinkled with activated carbon powder or ash.

When the shoots are affected by rot, the tree is completely immersed in the medicinal solution for 15-20 minutes. Then the culture is transplanted into a new pot with substrate for cacti and succulents. In the first two weeks, the soil is not moistened, then several waterings are carried out along with Kornevin and other substances to increase survival rate.

Important! Transplantation and therapeutic work must be carried out with gloves. Contact of poisonous money tree sap on unprotected skin can cause allergic reactions or intoxication.

The remaining events are held in accordance with the rules for growing a money tree:

  • Soil - to plant the plant you need to use a special substrate designed for cacti and succulents. The natural habitat of the crop is poor sandy soils, and not rich and fertile soil.
  • Container - there must be special drainage holes at the bottom of the container to prevent the accumulation of liquid. The bottom of the pot is filled with expanded clay, and its size should not exceed the volume of the root system by more than 3 cm. When planting, the plant is not buried - the soil should lightly cover the upper sections of the roots.
  • Watering is done up to 2 times a month, in winter it is reduced as much as possible. The tree prefers to grow in dry rather than constantly wet soil.

Transplanting a dollar tree

  • Feeding - those who bought a flower for the first time are convinced that fertilizer for Zamioculcas is the main issue. An overfed plant will not give the expected result and will not begin to produce new shoots. It is combined with watering and carried out monthly. Preference is given to store-bought solutions intended for succulents and cacti, rather than dubious folk recipes.
  • Location - in spring, summer and autumn, the flower is sent closer to the windows, but protected from direct contact with the sun's rays. In winter, it is moved away from the batteries. The plant does not react well to drafts, but can live calmly in a room with a temperature above +15 degrees.
  • Planting - work is carried out annually for young bushes, adult trees are replanted every two years. With each planting, the size of the pot should be 3 cm larger than the previous one.

If you strictly follow the rules of looking after an exotic flower, it is quite possible to grow a healthy and regularly flowering specimen.

Important! There is no need to constantly look for what to feed zamioculcas for better development - only compliance with the activity and rest regime and the absence of overflow will help it develop normally.

Zamioculcas does not grow after transplantation

The dollar tree is unpretentious to care, but is sensitive to mistakes during transplantation. In order for it to grow normally after moving it to a new pot, you need to make sure that you do not make the most common mistakes. Among them:

  1. Excessive deepening of root nodules. They should not be visible on the surface, but when palpated they should be felt well. If you have poured too much soil on top, you should carefully remove the top layer of soil.
  2. Choosing a pot that is too deep. Zamioculcas will not grow if the container for it is too high. Choose squat pots. There should be no more than 5 cm between the root system and the drainage layer.
  3. Replanting in wet soil. It is better to move it to a new pot at a time when the soil in the old one is dry. After transplantation, Zamioculcas is watered and fertilized for better rooting.

Don't be too partial with replanting your Dollar Tree. Flower growers recommend doing this no more than once a year for specimens under 5 years old and approximately once every 2 years for those older.

Proper watering

When watering zamioculcas, it should be taken into account that this crop belongs to succulents. The plant is capable of extracting moisture from the air itself, so during the growing season the soil should be moistened only when the soil layer is half dry.

Irrigate the soil substrate approximately once a week, especially if the room is not too hot. In the cool season, Zamioculcas is watered even less frequently. You should not allow the earthen clod to dry out.

The need for watering can be easily determined by the leaves - they fall off the top of the shoots in case of drought. So in the wild, the flower reduces the area of ​​evaporation and conserves moisture.

Water the zamioculcas with well-settled or filtered water. It is also necessary to protect the dollar tree from stagnation of moisture in the roots.

How to make a flower grow

Growth rate depends on age:

How does Zamioculcas grow in nature?

  1. It’s normal for a freshly planted leaf if it doesn’t change in appearance in a year. At this time, the root system is being formed and the tuber is growing. Therefore, it is not recommended to root cuttings in large pots - this way you can wait two or three years for growth.
  2. After the formation of the arrow, the development of the tuber continues with a supply of moisture and nutrients. You can expect new leaves to grow on the stem itself.
  3. From three years old, the appearance of one or two stems per year is normal.
  4. After 7 years, one stem is formed per year (provided that the plant has not previously been transplanted into a larger container).

To speed things up, stimulant fertilizers are used. At the same time, gardeners recommend not to get carried away with such means: The dollar tree is a slow-growing tree, and artificial acceleration may be unsafe for the plant itself.

The main period of development and increase in size begins in spring and lasts until September. It is at this time that all stimulant feedings will have the most noticeable effect.

Shock therapy is used to stimulate growth. To do this you need:

  1. Stop watering for 2-3 weeks.
  2. Move the plant to a cool room. The air temperature should not fall below 15 degrees; the optimal range is considered to be from 17 to 20.
  3. After three weeks, Zamioculcas is returned to normal conditions and watered. It is allowed to apply fertilizers, preferably with a high nitrogen content.

It is worth remembering that even such shock therapy is only a stimulus for the growth of tubers, and not the upper part of the plant. Therefore, there may not be visible results at first. Then, when the nodules grow, you will experience the rapid appearance of one or two stems and the accelerated development of leaves on old arrows.

Why doesn't my succulent produce new shoots?

The most common reasons why a dollar tree has stopped producing new shoots in a bush include:

  • The soil does not meet the requirements of Zamioculcas. All succulents prefer rocky-sandy soil; excess humus can cause problems in the development of the plant. In no case should you use heavy soil from a summer cottage or a purchased universal substrate in its pure form - they must be mixed with coarse river sand before planting. Does not tolerate succulents and soil with high acidity.
  • Violations in planting technology. Zamioculcas will gain green mass most quickly if it was propagated by dividing the rhizome. However, when the roots are separated, they often become injured or become infected with pathogenic microorganisms. The plant's reaction is natural: it will not grow properly, and there is a high probability of its complete death.
  • Unsuitable flowerpot. The container in which zamioculcas is grown must grow with it. There is no need to plant a young bush in a large container. It will take a very long time for the succulent to take over the entire space of the earthen clod, only after that it will begin to grow green mass. As the root system grows, one pot needs to be replaced with another, adhering to the “2 centimeters” rule: the diameter and height of the new container should be only 2 cm larger than that of the old pot.
  • Lack of nutrients in the soil. Although succulents do not require excessive fertilization, they still need a basic complex of beneficial vitamins and minerals. Nitrogen is important for the rapid growth of the aboveground part of the plant; without it, shoots develop very slowly, and the leaves become weak and yellow.
  • Incorrect watering. Even though succulents can hold enough water to sustain themselves, they still need to be watered. A lack of moisture causes the plant to “freeze” in growth, and its excess is fraught with rotting of the roots, which leads to a high risk of flower death.

Attention! Between October and March, Zamioculcas literally hibernates, and the lack of growth is a completely normal physiological phenomenon. This situation does not require any special action on the part of the grower.

Why does Zamioculcas not grow at home?

There are many reasons why Zamioculcas does not produce new shoots.

If the problem has arisen in a plant that has been living in the house for a long time or recently, then this condition is caused by pests, diseases and improper care. In almost all cases, the main root cause is the incorrect actions of the owner of the money tree.

Money Tree

The main reasons for not releasing shoots and stopping growth

Experienced flower growers identify several primary sources related to the fact that Zamioculcas does not grow at all. In addition to errors by the owner of the flower, deviation is caused by attacks by insect pests and fungal infections.

Adaptation after transplant

Zamioculcas - transplantation at home after purchase

Stopping development after flower transplantation may be due to:

  • An incorrectly selected pot - the volume of the container should not exceed the size of the earthen ball together with the root system by more than 3 cm. Excessive deepening, more than lightly sprinkling the roots with soil, also becomes a source of the problem. Initially, the tree grows its root mass, but at this time the above-ground part does not grow. If there is too much soil above the roots, then it must be reduced. When the source is a bulky and unsuitable container, the plant is transplanted into a smaller box.
  • Adaptation - a flower needs a certain time to master new conditions. Lighting level, soil quality characteristics, air humidity indicators - everything plays a role. You need to wait until the plant gets used to it - after the adaptation time ends, it will begin to grow upward again.

Important! At this time, you should not disturb the adapting plant again. Otherwise, it may remain in its infancy for many years.

Withered leaves

The plant has a dormant period

One of the primary reasons why a dollar tree does not grow for a long time is the dormant period. At this time, the plant's metabolic processes slow down and a state of hibernation occurs. Normally this lasts from November to February.

The autumn-winter season requires a reduction in the frequency of watering, no fertilizing and a cool room with a temperature of about 15-18 degrees.

Important! When resting, the money tree does not produce new shoots - slow development is a characteristic of succulents. Active growth is observed in the spring-summer period. There is no need to take any action in autumn and winter.

Mistakes made when caring for a flower

What to do if zamioculcas grows poorly: initially it must be carefully examined. Based on the results, you can draw conclusions about the source of the problem:

  • If the stems are too thin, lose color brightness and stretch upward, there is a possibility of insufficient lighting. Initially, the succulent lived in African territories, so it is very demanding of the sun. The plant needs to be moved closer to the light source, but it should not be left in direct sunlight - burn marks will remain on the foliage.
  • If there is a shortage of land, the growth of the root system leads to the shedding of leaves and their yellowing. Replanting work is carried out in the spring - annually or every two years.
  • When the foliage rots or wrinkles, turns yellow or dries out, the question arises about the rotting of the tubers and root system. The deviation is due to excessive and abundant watering of the plant. The money tree does not tolerate moisture accumulation at its roots - it prefers slightly dry soil. Watering activities should be carried out 1 to 2 times a month, depending on the quality characteristics of the soil and only after determining sufficient dryness of the soil.
  • When the tips of the leaves dry out, the problem is insufficient air humidity. This problem occurs in winter if the tree is located near central heating radiators. Treatment consists of spraying with water (without fanaticism) and wiping the foliage with a damp cloth.

Important! The plant may go dormant or become seriously ill when left on the windowsill. If the temperature outside the window is below 15 degrees, then it must be removed from there and returned to its original place in the spring.

Yellowing of leaves and their falling

Disease development or pest attack

Presumable sources of cessation of succulent development include damage to diseases or insects. To confirm the theory, you need to carefully examine the foliage on both sides. Common pests include:

  • Mealybug - the appearance of formations resembling cotton wool on the stem or in the axils of the leaves indicates an attack by this insect. The flower needs to be removed from the pot and the root system carefully examined - the pest likes to make a nest in it. The plant is sprayed with Actellik, Fitoverm or Inta-Vir.
  • Spider mites - identified by a whitish coating on the inner surface of the leaf blade. When capturing a small amount of leaves, wipe with a damp cloth soaked in a solution of laundry soap. After wiping, all plants are sprayed with it. If the mite has occupied the entire flower, then acaricides are used, which can be purchased at any flower shop. The solution is used strictly according to the instructions - to obtain the expected effect, experienced gardeners fight the pest with the help of Actellik, Demitan, Neoron, Fufaron and Fitoferm. The last two are also used in the fight against aphids.
  • Aphids - many small greenish or dark gray insects cause leaves to curl. The parasite gnaws the skin and feeds on the sap of the plant. The problem is solved by Decis, Fitoferm, Inta-Vir.
  • Thrips - the appearance of a silvery or pale coating on the leaf blades indicates unexpected guests. Their destruction is carried out with the help of Aktar, Fitoverm and Inta-Vir.
  • Scale insects - the appearance of sticky spots with a convex surface on the foliage and shoots indicates an attack by this pest. Insect control is carried out by Aktellik, Bankol, Aktara, Inta-Vir. Before using insecticides, pests must be removed manually by wiping the affected areas with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol.


Important! All drugs should be used with extreme caution, after reading the instructions from the manufacturer. They are toxic substances and can cause poisoning.

The treatment is carried out in a place inaccessible to children and pets; after completion, the room is ventilated.

Before asking yourself which fertilizer is best for zamioculcas, you need to make sure there are no diseases, otherwise it will continue to die. Common pathologies affecting trees include root and stem rot. The appearance of black specks on the shoot indicates a second disease, which occurs when the soil is over-moistened.

Important! Dark purple spots without weeping located on the plant are not a sign of disease. Sometimes there are varieties with such spotted decoration.

Pronounced swaying of the stems, wrinkling and yellowing of the foliage, and general lethargy of the money tree are symptoms of root rot. Its source is considered to be water transfusion. To confirm the diagnosis, the plant is carefully removed from the container and the root system is carefully examined. Old and black roots of the dry type are age-related changes; if they show signs of decay, then the plant is affected by the disease.

If the roots were checked and showed that they were completely dry or began to dry out, then the problem is caused by insufficient watering or an excessively shallow pot. In the first case, the money tree needs to be watered, in the second, select a larger container and replant it.

Fungal infection

Important! Darkening of stems and leaves in the form of spots can be caused by anthracnose, a fungal infection. Treatment consists of repeated treatment with fungicides. Before using solutions, you must carefully read the instructions.

How to wake up Zamioculcas and make it grow

If all the above conditions are fully met and there is no reaction from the plant, a legitimate question arises as to what to feed zamioculcas for normal development.

Zamioculcas reproduction at home

Flower growers advise activating the activity of a hibernating organism with the help of nitrogenous fertilizers, changing the temperature regime and increasing the length of daylight hours (artificial lighting).

Resuscitation methods

How to save zamioculcas with rotten roots, is it possible to save a rotten tuber? Is it possible to revive the dollar tree? Yes, but it will take time.

If rot is detected on the roots or stems of Zamioculcas, it must be removed immediately - cut off the damaged roots, cut off the affected part of the stem and tuber with a sharp knife. After this, immerse the root part of the flower in a solution of some fungicide (HOMA, Fundazol) or rinse in a solution of potassium permanganate, then let it dry, sprinkle the cut areas with ash. If there was rot on the stems, immerse the entire plant in the fungicide solution for 15-20 minutes. Replant only in a new pot and soil, do not water for the first two weeks. When watering, you can use preparations for better survival, for example Kornevin.

When pruning and replanting, keep in mind that the sap of the dollar tree is poisonous. Wear gloves and do not allow juice to come into contact with your body.

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