Dahlias: planting and care in open ground, description of the 10 most beautiful varieties (100 Photos & Videos) + Reviews


Large-flowered variety Myrtle's Folly

Dahlias are a genus of herbaceous plants in the Asteraceae (Asteraceae) family. Under natural conditions, these perennials grow in the mountainous regions of Colombia, Mexico and Guatemala.

Dahlias are characterized by long and lush flowering. Almost the entire color palette is present in the color of the inflorescences, with the exception of blue and light blue shades.

Dahlias blooming

Dahlias are perennials that do not overwinter in open ground.

Every year, the above-ground part of these plants with hollow stems and feathery leaves dies. The underground part consists of large cone-shaped tubers connected to the root collar, on which vegetative buds are located.

These buds are absent on the tubers themselves, so the death of the neck leads to the death of the entire plant. For the winter, the tubers need to be dug out of the ground and stored indoors.

Decorative (Dahlia Decorative)

One of the most widely represented groups. Terry, different diameters, leaves are opposite. Flowering is short: July-September.

Another name for the group is borders; dwarf plants in this category are often planted along paths or sidewalks.

  1. Babylon Red. They are characterized by large sizes - with proper care and stable feeding they grow up to 30 cm in diameter. There is a similarity with a sunflower.
  2. Babylon Purpur. It has a characteristic shade and is slightly curled. Refers to the tall ones.
  3. Lucky Number. The work of Dutch breeders. Grows up to 1.2 m.
  4. Manhattan (Manhattan Island). A medium-sized representative of the species from Holland. It has bright red petals with yellow tips, the diameter of the bowl is 15-20 cm.
  5. Prince Carnaval. Delicate pink, there are small touches and cherry speckles.

Babylon Red

Babylon Purpur

Lucky Number

Manhattan Island

Prince Carnaval

Other original ornamental bushes:

  1. Thames Valley.
  2. Akita.
  3. Gallery Art Deco.
  4. Four Queens or Royal (Four Queens).

Short description


  1. Location . Dahlias are heat-loving plants. They grow well in sunny areas, protected from cold winds, with good air circulation. Low and wetlands are not suitable for planting dahlias in open ground.
  2. Illumination . The area should be well lit during the day for at least 6 hours
  3. Watering . It is necessary to water abundantly, but the soil should not be waterlogged. Dahlias do not tolerate either stagnant moisture or drought.
  4. Feeding . Organic or mineral fertilizers are applied 1-2 times a month
  5. Soil . Any soil is suitable for dahlias, but the best option is rich garden loam enriched with humus. Fertilized sandy soil is also suitable.
  6. Reproduction . By dividing tubers, cuttings, grafting or seeds
  7. Bloom . For different varieties - from July to late autumn
  8. Pests . Aphids, slugs, earwigs, caterpillars, thrips, horse flies, cutworms
  9. Diseases . Mold, fungal diseases, viral mosaic, powdery mildew, fusarium, gray mold, leaf spot
  10. Appearance care . It is necessary to remove faded flowers, stepsons and fading lower leaves
  11. Usage. Dahlias are used to create borders, flower beds and flower arrangements. Most varieties are used in free compositions and group plantings in flower beds. Dwarf varieties can be grown in pots and containers. Plants with long and strong flower stems are ideal for cutting

Collar (Dahlia Collarette)

Baskets up to 10 cm wide. The outer petals are flat, slightly curled. The top row is narrow, forming something like a collar. Both tiers may differ in shade.

They are classified as tall, the stems grow up to 1.2 m. Bright flowering lasts until frost.

  1. Alpen Mary Lloyd . Country of origin: USA. A laconic combination of yellow stamens, “tongues” and lower petals of a lilac-white hue - such a specimen will become a real decoration for any gardener’s dahlia collection.
  2. Granato. Dwarf plant up to 40 cm tall, color – light garnet. Long flowering is observed until the first cold snap.
  3. Night Butterfly . A dark burgundy flower in a flowerbed is sure to attract everyone's attention. A yellow core framed by soft pink tubes against a background of burgundy petals - Butterfly looks especially elegant and elegant in field plants.
  4. Fancy Pants . An extraordinary spectacular dahlia. The lower tier of petals are rolled into tubes, the “collar” frames a dense, thick center.
  5. Fashion Monger. Delicate cream and crimson petals of graceful bushes will not leave anyone indifferent.

Alpen Mary Lloyd


Night Butterfly

Fancy Pants

Fashion Monger

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Flower garden with dahlias

Dahlias are propagated by dividing tubers, cuttings, grafting (rarely) or seeds. The peculiarity of these perennials is that with any of the propagation methods, the plants bloom in the first year.

When propagated by seed, the inflorescences of most new plants are of poor quality. During vegetative propagation, all qualities are transferred from the mother plants, so let’s take a closer look at these methods.

Tuber division

Healthy tubers

The division of tubers is carried out after their preliminary germination, shortly before planting in open ground. To germinate, they are transferred from storage to a warm, bright room, for example, in a greenhouse, and boxes are used that are filled with sawdust with a layer of 5-6 cm. Tubers are laid out on them, covered with sawdust up to the root collar and regularly watered with warm water.

The air temperature must be maintained within 16-20 degrees.

For propagation, well-developed young tubers without signs of infection with viral, fungal and bacterial diseases are used.

As soon as the buds wake up and sprout, the tubers need to be removed from the sawdust and divided into parts. They do it as follows.

Using a sharp garden knife, cut the root collar lengthwise so that each separated part has tubers and at least two or three eyes. The sections are sprinkled with charcoal powder, crushed sulfur or treated with brilliant green.

Bush with awakened buds

Depending on the size and number of awakened eyes, each bush can be cut into 3-6 parts.

The separated tubers are kept for 2-3 days, and then placed again in sawdust for further germination or, if the time has come for planting dahlias in the spring, they are planted in open ground. As a rule, dahlia tubers are sprouted in April, less often in March.

Dividing the bush

You can start germinating dahlias in March in boxes, pots or containers; such plants have time to set buds before they are planted in the ground. Plants must be replanted from pots carefully so as not to destroy the earthen ball.


Cuttings are cut with a sharp knife

This is the most productive method of propagating dahlias. The healthiest and most viable queen cells are selected for cuttings. With this method, the tubers begin to pre-germinate in February. Before the eyes awaken and shoots 1-2 cm long develop, plants can be kept in limited light conditions at an air temperature of 20-25 °C.

For further growth of shoots, plants require maximum illumination and a decrease in air temperature to 12-15 °C. At this time, watering of the queen cells is stopped, and frequent moderate spraying is carried out instead. This reduces the growth rate of shoots and prevents them from stretching.

When the sprouts reach 5-7 cm and form 2-3 pairs of leaves, they are carefully broken off or cut with a knife. Dense shoots with shortened internodes take root faster and better. Plants that develop from such cuttings begin to form high-quality tubers at an earlier date.

Cuttings with the so-called “heel” take root best, that is, cut so that on each there remains a piece of the root collar with a sprout. Cuttings without a “heel” root slowly and form inferior tubers - long and thin. In winter, such tubers may die.

Cutting separated from the mother plant

In place of the cut sprouts, new ones soon grow, but they are less suitable for reproduction. Therefore, as a rule, no more than 2-3 cuttings are taken from one place. For rooting, cuttings are planted in cups or boxes filled with a 7-8 cm layer of ordinary garden soil, on top of which a 2-3 cm layer of well-washed coarse sand is poured.

Planting a cutting

Before planting dahlia cuttings in boxes, water the soil generously with warm water. The cuttings are planted to a depth of 2-3 cm, making a distance between them of 5 cm. Plantings should not be thickened, as this leads to plant loss. The seedlings are sprayed with water, the boxes are covered with glass or film and shaded with white paper from direct sunlight. However, it should be remembered that sufficient light intensity is needed for root formation.

When planting cuttings, do not forget to sign the name of the variety

In addition to varietal characteristics, the rate of formation of the root system depends on the timing of cuttings. When cutting in January-February, 25-30 days are needed for rooting, when cutting in March - 15-20 days, and in April - 6-8 days.

The soil temperature for the first 7-10 days should be maintained within 20-22 °C, and the air temperature should be 17-19 °C. After 7-10 days, the paper is removed from the glass. For 5-7 days, the boxes are regularly ventilated by moving the glass, and then it is removed completely. Drafts should be avoided. After 10 days, the substrate temperature is reduced to 17-18 °C, and the air temperature to 14-15 °C. This will avoid creating imbalances in the development of roots or vegetative mass.

Dahlia cuttings in cups

Rooted cuttings are transplanted into pots or cups with a diameter of 9 centimeters. After picking into small containers, young plants form round compact tubers. If the plants are left in boxes until planted in the ground, the tubers will be of poor quality - long and thin.

For rooting, you can also use perlite with a granule size of 3-5 mm. It provides sufficient moisture and air supply necessary for the rapid development of roots. In addition, perlite creates sterile conditions under which cuttings are less susceptible to fungal diseases.

When cuttings in late April - early May, it is better to use a mixture of perlite with well-weathered peat as a substrate. For every part of perlite add 2-3 parts of peat. This contributes to less damage to young roots when transplanting cuttings. This substrate is leveled, lightly compacted and moistened with water.

A young plant transplanted into open ground

It is better to immediately plant the largest cuttings of January and February harvesting dates in pots half filled with fertile soil and with sand on top. In pots, such cuttings take root better and subsequently the plants develop well. Delenki are planted in open ground when the threat of return frosts has passed.

Variety of varieties

Flowers are distinguished depending on their shape and the structure of the inflorescences. The most popular varieties of dahlias:

Simple flowers with one row of petals Yellow Hammer, Princess Marie Jose, Orangeade.

Anemone-like plants will become a bright accent in the garden. Plain types are common, as well as varieties with a core painted in a contrasting color.

Collared dahlias are especially popular in France. Their inflorescences consist of large reed flowers, the outer petals of which are painted a different color.

The peony type is distinguished by semi-double inflorescences with two or more rows of petals located around a yellow core.

Decorative dahlias have wide wavy petals; they will give the flowerbed an extravagant look.

Today there are many varieties of these flowers. Among the huge assortment, you can find the right type that will occupy a special place in the flowerbed, complement the composition, make it more expressive and attractive.

How to plant dahlias in spring: soil preparation

Digging the soil

The soil for planting dahlias is prepared in the fall. It is dug up to a depth of 25-30 cm and left in clods until spring.

In early spring, the site is fertilized with well-decomposed humus (2-3 buckets per 1 sq. m.) and compost (1 bucket per 1 sq. m.). Good results are obtained by adding mineral fertilizers for flowering plants to organic matter at the rate of 50-70 g per 1 square meter. m. After applying fertilizer, the area needs to be dug up again and raked.


  • The Akita dahlia variety comes from Japan, bred in 1978. Height is about 1 m. The diameter of the spherical buds exceeds 20 cm.
  • Large reed petals have a red-brown background, yellowish stripes along the entire length, and the white color of the tips is smoothed with a creamy tint.

Pink giraffe
  • The average height exceeds 1 m. The shape of the bud is unusual, the petals are spreading.
  • Baskets up to 12 cm in size, pink color with pearlescent tint

Planting dahlias with tubers

Planting dahlias in the ground

Dahlia tubers are planted in open ground after the threat of spring frosts has passed and the soil has warmed to a depth of 20-25 cm. To prevent the planted plants from freezing, the shoots can be sprinkled with soil, sawdust or covered with cardboard boxes at night.

When placing plants on a site, take into account their height and color of inflorescences. Varieties with dark flowers look impressive next to light varieties.

Pegs next to grown dahlia bushes

Dahlias are planted in such a way that the soil layer above the root collar does not exceed 5-6 cm. Before planting the tubers, pegs are driven into the bottom of the hole. They are needed in order to tie the stems of adult plants to them in the future. The tubers are leaned against the pegs with their root collars, covered with soil and watered with warm water. You can also attach labels with the names of varieties to the stakes.


Today, more than 15,000 species of dalia are known. For simplicity and convenience of orientation in a variety of species, the categorization of dahlia varieties is carried out according to several signs and characteristics.

By growing method:

  • from seeds - annuals;
  • tubers are perennial.

By reproduction:

  • tuber division;
  • cuttings

According to height they are distinguished:

  • miniature - less than 0.3 m;
  • bush, dwarf, balcony - compact stems 0.3-0.5 m high;
  • short - 0.5-0.8 m;
  • medium height - 0.8-1.2 m;
  • tall - on average grow over 1.2 m.

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Strong winds can bend stems and break flower stalks and branches. Therefore, almost all types require a garter to a support. It is more convenient to do this immediately upon planting; this will ensure more powerful growth and development of the bush.

By size (diameter) of flowers:

  • giants - over 25 cm;
  • large – 20-25 cm;
  • medium – 15-20 cm;
  • small – 10-15 cm;
  • miniature - up to 10 cm.

According to the color range, the main options are:

  • burgundy;
  • blue;
  • yellow;
  • red;
  • red and white;
  • raspberry;
  • orange;
  • purple;
  • pink.

Based on the shape of the petals, the classification is considered the most complete and informative. This option of dividing species into 10 groups was adopted in the 1960s in Belgium. Many experts also identify group 11 - semi-cactus. Below, in alphabetical order, is a list of varieties of each group in this category.

Caring for dahlias

Watering dahlias

Caring for dahlias after planting in open ground during the growing season is as follows:

  1. As soon as the shoots reach 30-40 cm, they need to be tied to stakes
  2. In order for the stems to be stable and the inflorescences to be large, usually no more than 2-3 shoots are left, and the excess ones should be removed
  3. In many varieties, stepsons are formed in the leaf axils. They need to be pinched at the very beginning of development (pinching)
  4. Fading lower leaves of plants are cut off
  5. The lateral buds of the flowering shoot are also removed.
  6. Further care comes down to weed control, loosening the soil, watering and fertilizing
  7. It is useful to mulch the soil under dahlias using humus as mulch. In this case, it is enough to water the plants once a week at the rate of one bucket of water per bush
  8. After the plants bloom, the watering rate should be increased.
  9. Feeding is a necessary part of caring for dahlias after planting. The first feeding of plants is given a month after planting in the ground. It is especially needed during budding. Dahlias should be fed with organic or mineral fertilizers 1-2 times a month.
  10. In autumn, it is recommended to protect dahlias from the first frosts with a smoke screen. Thanks to this technique, the plants will continue to bloom until the end of October.
  11. Dahlias are demanding on soil and air moisture. The soil must be constantly kept moist, avoiding drying out and waterlogging.
  12. On a hot summer day, moisturizing watering is carried out using a sprinkler or special nozzles. This allows you to increase the air humidity for a short time
  13. At the end of August - beginning of September, the plants are covered with soil to a depth of 12-15 cm. This protects the bases of the stems from possible damage by low temperatures during frosts
  14. In varieties with powerful development of the vegetative mass, the lower leaves are plucked off at a level of 30-40 cm. This technique improves air exchange around the plants and prevents the growth of a thick stem at the base of the root collar, which impairs the storage of tubers

When and how to dig up tubers

In order not to confuse varieties, dahlia tubers need to be labeled

Dahlia tubers are removed from the beds in the fall, after the leaves of the plants turn black from frost. It is better to dig them up in the morning, in dry weather.

Before harvesting, the stems need to be trimmed, leaving about 10-13 cm. When digging up tubers, dahlias should not be held by the remaining part of the stem, so as not to damage the root collar.

The tubers are dug up carefully: on light soils it is better to do this with a pitchfork, and on heavy loamy soils - with a shovel.

The dug up tubers need to be lightly shaken to remove excess soil. They are left in the garden until evening, allowing them to dry. Then, for 7-10 days, the rhizomes are dried in a well-ventilated, dry room. Dried tubers will be stored better.

After drying, the cut stems can be coated with lime solution. This will protect them and the root collar from rotting.

All tubers suspected of having diseases are discarded and destroyed. Damaged, rotten and dead parts are removed. Tubers that received mechanical damage during digging are trimmed and sprinkled with charcoal powder.

Storing tubers in winter

Low-growing (border) dahlias

Dahlia tubers are sprinkled with sand and stored in a cool, dry place protected from the cold - for example, in a basement. For storing tubers, the optimal relative air humidity is no higher than 60% and a temperature from 3-5 to 7 °C. The room must be well ventilated to prevent mold from forming.

During the winter, the tubers need to be checked from time to time, the rotten parts should be cut off to healthy tissue, the cuts should be sprinkled with charcoal powder and dried in a warm room for 2-3 days.

Many gardeners complain that in warm basements, dahlia tubers often dry out and die. In this case, they should be stored in slightly damp sand. With this storage method, eyes will sprout. This does not cause any particular harm, and sprouts that have reached 10-15 cm should be removed.

Another method of wet storage is as follows. The dug up tubers are washed with water from a hose, and then immersed for several minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate and stored in damp sand. With this storage method, sprouts will also appear, which must be removed periodically.

When to sprout dahlia tubers

Dahlias: planting and care in open ground, description of the 10 most beautiful varieties (100 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Dahlias. My favorite varieties

You can’t say about these flowers that they require a minimum of care... Germination, division, planting, care, digging, storage - all this requires effort and time.
Every year I ask myself: “Do I need all this?” I sigh and answer myself: “We must!” Dahlias

I can no longer imagine late summer and autumn without gorgeous colorful caps of dahlias. These flowers captivate me with their beauty, the play of color of the petals, the variety of flower shapes... They are all amazing!

First, I want to clarify why we call this flower dahlia, and when we buy new varieties, we see the name of the species “Dahlia” on the bag.


In 1791, the director of the Royal Botanical Garden in Madrid, Cavanilla, published a botanical description of new plants called Dahlia - named after Dal (a student of Carl Linnaeus). Later it turned out that one shrub had already been named this way, and in Germany the plant was given a different name - dahlia (Georgina) - in honor of Academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences Johann Gottlieb Georgi. This name is still preserved only in Russia, and the plant has its original name - Dahlia variabilis.

Over the past 15 years, my garden has had many varieties. There were some very fashionable, huge ones (the flower was the size of a child’s head), but the most persistent and beloved ones remained.

Today I will introduce you to part of my small collection. I’ll tell you about old, stable varieties and about those new products that, it seems to me, deserve the attention of lovers of these beautiful flowers.



The 'Antey' variety is one of my favorites.
Bred by Oleg Doroganov. Refers to decorative spherical. Height up to 1 m 30 cm (mine is lower). Flower diameter 13 cm. Color white with crimson streaks. The variety is resistant, the tubers store well. 'Antey'

The flowers are large, with charming, bright touches. Flowering is abundant.





'Don Juan'

Variety 'Don Juan'.
Early, one of the first to bloom. Needle. Flower size up to 20 cm. Bush height up to 1 m 30 cm. Color dark red, rather burgundy. Very effective. Always blooms abundantly. Good for cutting, as the stems firmly hold the flower. Stable in storage, the tubers grow well over the summer. Favorite! 'Antey' and 'Don Juan' 'Don Juan'

There are always cut flowers:

'Don Juan', profuse flowering

'Don Juan' 'Don Juan'

'Don Juan'

'Don Juan'


'Orangenzon' and 'Don Juan' Variety 'Orangenzon'.
This variety has very delicate, beautiful coloring. More like salmon. The flowers are large and can be classified as semi-cacti. The bush is compact, up to 1 m 20 cm. Flowering is abundant. 'Orangenzon'

'Orangenzon' like a lotus flower))) 'Orangenzon' 'Orangenzon' 'Orangenzon' 'Orangenzon' 'Orangenzon' 'Orangenzon'


'Trapeza' and 'Orangenzon'
Variety 'Trapeza'. I often plant 'Trapeza' and 'Orangenzon' together. So the color of 'Orangenzon' appears brighter. They are almost the same in height, about 1 m 20 cm. The flower is also large, bright red, almost scarlet, but the petals are round. Abundant flowering is guaranteed! One year I almost lost the variety... The tubers that came out of that winter were not very good... The variety was preserved and propagated by cuttings. After the sprouts on the tuber reached 10 cm, I cut them off with a blade and rooted them in a cup with loose substrate placed in a bag. I inflated the bag and tied it. The cutting took root within a couple of weeks. By the way, it is very useful to update the collection of dahlias by cuttings, in order to avoid degeneration of the variety.

Scarlet 'Meal'





'Noble' and 'Meal'
Variety 'Noble'. Also from the category of compact bushes up to 1 m 20 cm. The flowers are very large, densely double, complex in color. When they bloom, they are pale pink with a yellow center. By the time of complete dissolution, the pink color becomes brighter. The petal is rounded. The variety is very resistant. The tubers are stored well. Can be used for cutting.


Dahlia 'Noble' 'Noble'



'Lake Ritsa'

'Lake Ritsa'
Variety 'Lake Ritsa'. This variety has a very gentle, romantic appearance. The color of the reeds is pink-lilac. Needle-like, cactus. Flower diameter up to 15 cm. Bush height up to 1 m 30 cm. Medium leafy. The peduncles are long but weak, so I do not recommend them for cutting.

'Lake Ritsa'

'Lake Ritsa' 'Lake Ritsa' 'Lake Ritsa'

'Snow Story'

'Snow Story' Snow-white variety 'Snow Story' (very similar to the variety 'Pagoda'). The tallest one in my collection. Decorative, spherical. Good in the background of a flower garden. Height up to 1 m 60 cm. A strong stake is required! The bush is well leafy, flowering is always abundant. The stems, despite the large size of the flower, hold it well. Can be used for cutting. 'Snow Story' 'Snow Story' - the highest 'Snow Story' 'Snow Story' 'Snow Story'

'Snowy Rus''

'Snowy Russia' Variety 'Snowy Rus'' is another Snow White from my collection, but in a mini format.
Originator A.N. Sidorova. The bush is low - about 1 meter. Cactus, snow-white color. The flower size is about 15 cm. The tubers do not grow very well, so there may be problems with storage. 'Snowy Rus''

'Snowy Rus'' 'Snowy Rus'' 'Snowy Rus''

Recently, many new varieties of foreign selection have appeared. I'll tell you about those that remain in my flower garden.

'Franz Kafka'

'Franz Kafka'Variety 'Franz Kafka'.
From the pompom group. The color is bright purple. The flowers are small, about 7 cm, but the flowering is abundant, the bush is sparsely leafy, low, about 1 m. The variety will definitely delight you with its brightness and cheerfulness! 'Franz Kafka' Dahlia 'Franz Kafka'

Dahlia 'Franz Kafka'

Dahlia 'Franz Kafka'


Dahlia 'Show and Tell'
Variety 'Show and Tell' (USA 1985) - belongs to the group of lace (dissected). The height of the bush is up to 1 m 10 cm. The variety is luxurious! Huge flowers up to 25 cm. Unusual variegated color: orange-red with yellow. Tongues of flame are seen in this flower! Amazingly beautiful variety!

'Show and Tell' 'Show and Tell' 'Show and Tell'

'Fazzy Wuzzy'

'Fuzzy Wazzy' Variety 'Fuzzy Wazzy' is one of my latest new products.
Raspberry petals with white tips. The variety captivated us with its unusual petals and bright color. Fringed (dissected). The height of the bush is about 1 m 10 cm. The diameter of the flower is about 10 cm. I can’t say anything about stability yet. This variety is only in its second year. 'Fuzzy Wazzy'

And a little more about caring for this beautiful flower... The most important thing when growing dahlias is, of course, storage. Here everyone adapts based on the opportunities that are available. I store the tubers in cardboard boxes covered with sawdust in the basement. After digging, I wash the tubers, dip them in a solution of Fitosporin and dry them in a barn for several days. I don’t cut the stems short right away, I do this just before sending them to the basement.

Basement storage

Now, at the end of April, it’s time to get tubers for growing. I do this in boxes in the greenhouse. I cover the tubers with light soil and sand, leaving the root collar. I constantly moisten the soil. I divide the tubers after sprouts appear. Some varieties with very large tubers, such as 'Snow Story', must be divided with an axe. I deal with the rest with a sharp knife. I definitely sprinkle the cuts with crushed coal. And when planting, especially tall varieties, I advise you to immediately drive a stake to secure the bushes. I don’t know, but it’s already been checked that the bushes grow faster, feeling this support. Believe it or not.))) Dahlias in the garden I wish all lovers of these beautiful flowers the safety of the collection after winter storage and lush flowering in the new season! Good luck! Thank you!


Diseases and pests of dahlias


When growing dahlias, gardeners sometimes encounter problems, the solutions to which we will tell you.

1 Flowers open only partially and lean to one side

The cause of this may be horsefly bugs. Confirmation is provided by black spots under the flowers. It is necessary to spray the plants with a systemic insecticide.

2 The plant appears weak and is growing slowly

This may be due to lack of lighting. If the bushes are growing in containers in shaded areas, place them in a brighter place.

3 Young plants turn yellow

Yellowing of the foliage is possible due to waterlogging. If low-growing dahlias are growing in pots, you should check the drainage holes to avoid stagnant water.

Dahlia leaves have turned yellow

4 A gray coating appeared on the flowers

This is a mold that requires plants to be sprayed with a fungicide.

5 Silvery stripes are visible on the leaves, flowers are damaged

Small insects - thrips - can fly around the plants. To get rid of them, you should spray the plants with an insecticide.

6 The young plant turns yellow, the leaves are pale, but the soil is not waterlogged

Perhaps the plant needs feeding. Apply fertilizer every 10 days. You can shorten the interval between fertilizing, but the concentration of fertilizers should not be increased.

7 Round-shaped damage was found on the leaves, flower buds were eaten away

Plants are damaged by caterpillars. Carefully inspect the bushes, collect insects and destroy them.

The dahlias have turned black

8 Young plants have turned black

Blackening occurs if the bushes have been damaged by frost. In spring, it is imperative to protect dahlias from low temperatures.

9 Small spots appear on young plants, which gradually increase

This develops sooty mold - a fungal disease. Every week you need to spray the plants with Bordeaux mixture from a spray bottle until it is clear.

10 Round-shaped damage and small holes in the petals appear on dahlia leaves.

The plant was damaged by earwigs. It is necessary to treat the soil with a solution of karbofos.

11 Leaves, flowers and buds are eaten away, small holes and traces of mucus are visible on them

Such damage is caused by slugs or snails. It is recommended to place anti-slug preparations around the plants, using them according to the instructions.

Dahlia pests

12 Small insects are visible on shoots, buds and flowers

These pests are aphids. Spray the plants with a solution of karbofos every week until it is clear of aphids.

13 The flowers have drooped

This happens when the soil is too dry. You need to water the plants immediately. The soil should be moist, but not waterlogged.

Thematic video:

How to plant dahlias / Proper planting of dahlias

Dahlias: planting and care in open ground, description of the 10 most beautiful varieties (100 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

DAHLIA / How to SAVE until spring, how to DIVIDE and how to PLANT correctly

Dahlias: planting and care in open ground, description of the 10 most beautiful varieties (100 Photos & Videos) + Reviews


Needle dahlias

The number of varieties is so large that dahlias are divided into groups according to the shape of the flowers. Plants from the “minion” group are varieties with simple flowers.

Among them there are miniature forms with a bush height of less than 30 cm. Peony-shaped and anemone-shaped dahlias, together with collared dahlias, belong to the group of semi-double ones.

Today there are several tens of thousands of varieties of this perennial plant.

Terry dahlias do not have a core - it consists entirely of flower tongues. In cactus (needle-shaped) varieties, these tongues are long and pointed. In spherical, pompom-shaped and nymphal dahlias, the tongues are folded like a spoon and give the flower a neat ball shape.

Anemone (Dahlia Anemone)

In the center of a double or semi-double flower, around the core, tubular petals are placed, and reed petals are placed around them. Upright bushes can reach more than 1 m in height. They are considered a good addition to mixboards and are planted under fences and walls.

  1. Asahi Chohje. Representative of the Japanese selection. Dahlias are characterized by their original color - alternating red and white stripes.
  2. Blue Bayou. An incredibly beautiful specimen for any gardener's flowerbed. The densely packed burgundy core combines in an original way with the violet-lavender tiers of petals.
  3. Brio . Native to the Netherlands, it is a red-orange species.
  4. Boogie Woogie . An extraordinary combination of a bright yellow core and a pink-lilac border, suitable for cutting into a bouquet.
  5. Polka. One of the new and rare specimens, it has an interesting shape and color.

Related article:

How to grow fireweed at home, on your own plot

Asahi Chohje

Blue Bayou


Boogie Woogie


Also in the regions of the country there are such original varieties as:

  1. Inka.
  2. Lambada.
  3. Mambo.
  4. Honey.
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