Cornflowers (EN: Cornflowers) wallpapers, pictures, download 105 desktop wallpapers. Beautiful free photos of flowers for your desktop

“Cornflower, cornflower...My favorite flower”... The words of this famous children's song are familiar to almost everyone, however, the plant, which is striking in its rich bluish-blue color and has healing properties, is rarely included in the list of the most beautiful. And in vain. After all, this flower is translated from the Old Russian language as “royal” - a symbol of courtesy, purity and friendliness. Many legends are associated with the appearance of this flower, from one of which we learn about the healing properties of cornflowers: when the centaur Chiron entered into a fierce battle with Hercules, he received deep wounds - it was the juice of cornflowers that helped heal them.

The beauty of these blue-azure flowers is also associated with their beneficial properties: cornflower flowers are used in pharmacology and folk medicine; for its beauty and brightness of color, it is considered the best flower for wreaths and bouquets; it is often used in cosmetology and perfumery, as well as in dyeing wool fabrics and making ink. It is also interesting that this plant is the national flower of Estonia, however, in some European countries it is known as the “German flower”, and for the Russian fabulist Ivan Krylov this flower became fateful - thanks to it he recovered from a serious illness and was awarded the highest attention of Empress Maria Feodorovna. Today we invite you to learn about the most beautiful cornflowers in the world.

Cornflower blue

“Blue centaur flower,” as the name of this plant is literally translated, we rarely see in flower beds or meadows: its habitat is wide and endless fields, where wheat and rye grow nearby. Blue cornflowers, also called “royal potion,” are the most famous species today.

Flowers of soft blue, azure-turquoise and deep blue, stems up to 80 cm high, unpretentiousness and frost resistance - this is what sets them apart from other species. In addition, these flowers are drought-resistant and love the sun very much, which is perhaps why their shades are unusually diverse, because these flowers always turn different sides towards the sun.

What does cornflower look like?

There are many species of plants in the cornflower family. What all species have in common is that they have a complex inflorescence consisting of many smaller flowers. What is typical for inflorescences is that the flowers in the inflorescences are in 2 layers, while the outer layer is lighter, and often does not bear either seeds or honey.

All plants of the cornflower family have a rather hard trunk, it is often rough, and sometimes its length reaches 120 centimeters. In cases where the trunk branches into sub-trunks, multiple inflorescences are possible, however, there can only be one inflorescence on one sub-trunk.

Flowers of the cornflower family can have different colors, especially if the species was bred through selection, but generally the flowers of the cornflower family are painted in cool tones: from blue to deep purple.

Cornflower meadow

Meadow cornflower is a perennial plant, from 30 centimeters to a meter in height, it is unpretentious and is found throughout Europe. The preferred climate is steppe.

It has thin light purple petals, a hard, rough stem, at the end of which there is an inflorescence. The inflorescences are large and resemble the shape of an egg.

Medicinal properties:

  1. Choleretic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.
  2. An infusion of herbs in water is used in the treatment of hepatitis, dropsy, delayed menstruation, heart failure, gastalgia, migraines, and inflammatory processes of the urinary tract.
  3. Tincture of rhizomes is used for diarrhea.
  4. Brewed inflorescences are used to treat diseases of the heart and uterus.
  5. Tincture of flower pots for eczema, rheumatism, and other diseases of the skin and joints.
  6. Baths with this flower have a beneficial effect on curing diathesis.
  7. Pounded seeds can be used to cure human papillomavirus.
  8. Powder from dried leaves is used to eliminate swelling.

The flower is poorly studied in terms of its chemical composition and its effects on the body. The medical effect of the flower on children under 12 years of age is undesirable. The above-mentioned uses of cornflower in folk medicine are mainly a theory, not supported by any scientific facts. Compared to other species of the cornflower family, it is not as toxic and can be safely used even for children over 12 years of age.

Cornflower blue

Blue cornflower is an annual or biennial plant that is often confused with a weed. Plant height is up to 60 centimeters. From the name it becomes clear that the flowers of this species are blue in color.

The plant has a thin, rough, straight trunk. The leaves are grey-green. The flowers are small, up to 3 centimeters in diameter. The flowers themselves in the inflorescence are arranged in 2 layers: bluer on the outside and darker, even purple, inflorescences on the inside. Below is a photograph of a representative of this genus of flowers.

Medicinal properties:

  1. The drugs are used as substances that regulate electrolyte metabolism, diuretic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, choleretic, laxative, analgesic, sedative, immunomodulatory, and antibiotic.
  2. Flowers are used for urolithiasis, inflammatory processes of the urinary tract, edema of the cardiovascular system and genitourinary system, tachycardia, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and abdominal cavity, helminthic infestations, whooping cough, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, accumulation of uric acid in the joints, diarrhea .
  3. Herbal preparations improve appetite and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. External decoctions are used for eye pathologies, mainly inflammatory in nature, dermatitis.
  5. Crushed seeds are used to combat human papillomavirus.

Solutions using blue cornflower can be dangerous due to the presence of a small amount of cyanic acids, so the use of these drugs must be agreed with a doctor. The use of such medications is not recommended for children under 12 years of age.

Cornflower rough

Cornflower rough - has a thick, straight trunk up to 120 centimeters high.

This is a perennial plant with a straight stem that has almost no branches at the upper edge. It has dark green rough leaves. The flowers in the inflorescences are in 2 layers: lighter purple on the outer layer, which bear neither seeds nor honey, and darker inside, which are ovoid in shape and are honey-bearing. Like many wild representatives of the cornflower family - similar to many weed-like plants

The herbal part of this plant is used for itching, hepatitis, dropsy, as an antiparasitic agent (against dwarf tapeworm and Giardia), for delayed menstruation, as a diuretic and choleretic, as an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing agent.

This plant is clearly poisonous, therefore, if possible, it is advisable to refuse treatment with its help and use traditional medicine.

Mountain cornflower

Mountain cornflower is a perennial plant growing in mountainous regions. Outwardly it looks like blue cornflower. Blooms mainly from June to August. Has several subspecies.

This plant has small (up to 85 mm in diameter) flowers. The plant is resistant to unfavorable conditions. Due to its unpretentiousness, it can grow in almost any soil without requiring special care.


  • Alba is a low plant. The name (“white”) corresponds to the color of the flowers;
  • Parham - purple;
  • Grandflora - has large blue flowers with a diameter of up to 80 mm;
  • Rosea - according to its name, it has pink flowers;
  • Violeta - correspondingly dark purple flowers.

Uses of this type of plant:

  1. For decorative purposes, for example, in rock gardens, rock gardens.
  2. These flowers can stay in vases for a long time and not fade.
  3. Dried flowers can be used for winter bouquets.

Musk cornflower

A close relative of the blue cornflower, it is slightly shorter and slimmer, adding to its graceful beauty. Originating from South-Eastern Europe, this flower is distinguished by a color unusual for cornflowers - purple-white or yellow. Characterized by their “fluffiness” and special “terry” quality, cornflowers are especially valuable for florists, since their stems are smooth and their flowers are lush, which allows them to be combined into original compositions.

This amberboa flower (second name) can also be recognized by its special pleasant aroma, called “amber” in Arab countries. Let us note that the aroma of such cornflowers is much stronger than that of its relatives, so if you find yourself in a field of musk cornflowers, you will certainly feel, as people say, “the smell of summer.”

Origin and appearance of cornflowers

Simple and beautiful flower

You can find it in almost all European countries. Most often where they are actively engaged in farming. Cornflower, a wildflower, has become a real disaster for rye crops, actively growing among the cereals and causing considerable harm to the crops.

In general, every person who at least sometimes gets out of the city knows what a cornflower looks like. But it won’t hurt to tell you briefly.

Cornflowers of the Aster family, or Asteraceae, can be either annual, biennial or even perennial plants. The stems are straight and quite tall - from 50 to 80 cm.

Flowers form an exquisite basket. Moreover, the color scheme can be very different. There are white, yellow, blue, purple, red, yellow, lilac, burgundy and others. Of course, thanks to this, cornflower is a plant of considerable interest to many breeders.

The leaves are very narrow, weakly defined and often adjacent to the stem, which may make it seem as if they are not there at all.

An additional advantage is that it blooms for a very long time - it starts in mid-June and ends in early-mid October, when the first night frosts hit.

For reference! According to legend, there lived a guy named Vasily and a mermaid fell in love with him. When he rejected her offer to live under water, she was offended and said: “You will always live on the field!” and turned the unfortunate man into a beautiful flower.

American cornflower

This type of cornflowers, unlike the previous one, is quite strong and large. The height of the stem reaches 1 meter, and it itself is hard and abundantly leafy. The stems of this flower are slightly pointed, the flowers are in the form of terry baskets of white, lilac or pinkish-violet color. This type of cornflower is often used in decoration for its beauty and is also planted in botanical gardens.

Cornflower varieties:

Cornflower blue

Blue cornflower is the most famous variety. It is distinguished by a very beautiful turquoise color of the flowers; the length of the flower stem can reach a height of 80 cm. A one- or two-year-old plant. You can meet them in fields, wastelands, meadows.

Mountain cornflower

Mountain cornflower is a perennial plant. Can grow on any soil. A very unpretentious plant - can survive in difficult conditions. Flowers can be blue, purple, burgundy. It can reach a height of up to 1 meter.

White cornflower

White cornflower is a rare variety of flower that is listed in the Red Book. It is distinguished by white flowers and double petals. At the same time, the growth of the flower is quite small - up to 30 cm in height.

Large-headed cornflower

Large-headed cornflower is a perennial plant. It is distinguished by its large size. The height of the flower can reach more than 1 meter. The flowers also differ in their size - they can be up to 7 cm in diameter. The color of the flowers is light or bright yellow.

meadow cornflower

Meadow cornflower is a perennial plant, the size of which can reach up to 80 cm in height. The color of the flowers is lilac, pink, less often white. The plant is covered with a cobwebby cover. Flowers are collected in baskets.

Cornflower yellow

Yellow cornflower is a perennial plant whose size can reach up to 1 meter in height. The color of the flowers is bright yellow and the cornflower flower is approximately 5 cm in diameter. The stem is thick and straight.

Eastern cornflower

Eastern cornflower is a large perennial plant that can reach 120 cm in height. The flowers are quite large, collected in baskets.

Whitened cornflower

White cornflower is one of the most beautiful types of cornflower. It can reach a height of up to 60 cm. The lower leaves can be white and the upper ones green. The cornflower flower itself is also beautiful. The color of the flowers is bright pink.

Pink cornflower

Pink cornflower is a perennial plant up to 1 meter in height. The inflorescences are large and single pink. The flower stems are strong and swollen under the inflorescences.

Imperial cornflower

Graceful flowers of variegated shades rightfully occupy a place in our selection, since they demonstrate their beauty longer than their relatives. Such cornflowers, as a rule, reach a height of 50–80 cm, and bloom in sunny meadows, lawns and plantings for about 45 days. Interestingly, this species remains fresh for a long time even after cutting, emitting a subtle, pleasant aroma. This culture is also unpretentious, which is why it is very popular among gardeners.

Whitened cornflower

This type of flower is characterized by perennial flowering and is the most elegant subspecies. Matte pink, deeply fringed flowers and dark green leaves with silver threads form lush hemispherical bushes and usually bloom in late July. But such beauty requires care, so these cornflowers require good garden soil, constant sunlight and moderate moisture.

White cornflower

It is not difficult to guess the color scheme of one of the most beautiful varieties of cornflowers, since its name speaks for itself. Indeed, the white basket inflorescences are unusually attractive and delicate. Their height does not exceed 25 cm, and the diameter of the flower is 4 cm. They are quite rare, therefore they are listed in the European Red Book.

Where do blue cornflowers grow?

They can be found in Ukraine, Belarus, and throughout the European territory of Russia (with the exception of the Far North). They grow in fields as weeds of agricultural crops (especially rye).

Blue cornflower in Russia occupies the northern part of the black soil strip and almost the entire forest area. This plant does not exist in the arid steppe part. Found in the Caucasus and Crimea. The growing area does not go further east than the Urals due to harsh winters. Cornflower grows especially abundantly in Karelia, in the Ivanovo, Leningrad and Moscow regions, in the north of the Voronezh and Kursk regions. It is also common in Asia Minor and even as an alien plant in North America.

In fields where cornflowers grow along with spring and winter crops, they are weeds. They grow in forest belts and near roadside plantings. They prefer sandy loam and sandy soils, but also grow on heavy clay soils.

Eastern cornflower

This herbaceous perennial stands out among others with bright yellow flowers. Having appeared in western Transcaucasia, the plant began to grow on rocky slopes and mountain paths, as a result of which light sandy soil became the best soil for growth. Some people confuse it with thistle, however, we note that this cornflower has different stems and leaves. Not everyone can observe the beauty of the oriental species, which is why it is already included in the Red Book of Russia, and has a special status in the Belgorod, Kursk and Volgograd regions.

Main varieties

  • Talieva's cornflower is a rare and little-studied species from the Red Book of the Belgorod Region and Russia.

  • Blue cornflower is a plant that received its name in honor of the centaur Chiron, who was the mentor of many famous ancient Greek heroes: Hercules, Asclepius, Jason, Achilles, etc. According to legend, Chiron used cornflower in healing to heal wounds. The rest of the article provides more detailed information about where blue cornflowers grow.
  • Russian cornflower, listed in the Red Book of the Belgorod Region as a rare species.
  • Phrygian cornflower is an excellent honey plant.
  • False-spotted cornflower blooming with magnificent pink flowers.
  • Cornflower rough, or cornflower, is a honey-bearing and beautiful ornamental plant.
  • Meadow cornflower is a good honey plant. Occasionally, hybrids of Phrygian and meadow cornflowers can be found (more detailed information about where cornflowers of this type grow, later in the article).
  • Eastern cornflower is a plant common on chalk outcrops.
  • Marshall's cornflower is a plant that grows on outcrops of marl and chalk.

Mountain cornflower

This plant is one of the favorite and most recognizable, as it often decorates flower beds, rockeries and edges near paths and paths. Planted, as a rule, on the south side, mountain cornflower prefers uniform, not too scorching sunlight, so when planting it, you should carefully study the area. Its beauty is attractive not only to people, but also to insects and birds, who happily flock to the fragrant aroma and bright flowers of cornflowers.

Caring for garden cornflowers

Armeria flower - planting and care, varieties

Caring for cornflower is much easier than most garden plants. But still, there are certain features here. It is advisable to find out about them in advance, so as not to subsequently encounter unnecessary difficulties that could be easily avoided.

Watering mode

It is very important not to overdo it with watering. If it rains at least once a week, then you can completely refuse to additionally moisten the flowerbed. The fact is that cornflower is perfectly adapted to drought - the stems are dense, the leaves are few, narrow and hard. Therefore, it tolerates a lack of moisture much easier than its excess.

However, you should still monitor the health of the plant. Indeed, on hot and windy days, the evaporation of moisture from leaves and flowers increases, so if it begins to fade, you should still water it.

Bouquet of cornflowers

Top dressing

Annual plants are fed a couple of weeks before flowering - potassium fertilizers are used for this. Thanks to this, there are more buds, and the cornflower will be able to delight others with gorgeous flowers longer. Fertilizing should be repeated every two weeks until the end of the season or the end of flowering.

Perennial varieties are fed not only with potassium fertilizers, but also with phosphorus fertilizers. This should be done in early to mid-September. A single application of fertilizing is sufficient. Thanks to this, the cornflower will store enough nutrients in the roots to easily survive the cold season, and with the arrival of summer, again please the gardener with magnificent flowers.

So, although many people consider cornflower to be a simple weed, in the hands of an experienced gardener it can become a real decoration of any garden or flower bed. Moreover, the plant is very unpretentious and does not require constant care.

yellow cornflower

A tall flower with bright yellow spherical inflorescences is distinguished by large flowers, which is why it is also called “large-headed”. The tallest (up to 120 cm) stem allows these flowers to rise above others, which attracts insects and butterflies. An interesting fact is that when the buds are cut, the stems and leaves of the yellow cornflower will remain green until cold weather, so it is not only the largest of the cornflower genus, but also the most durable flower.

Types and varieties of cornflower

Cornflower flower

Of course, before you plant a cornflower flower in your garden, you need to find out the description of the different varieties. Still, there are quite a lot of wild varieties, between which there is almost no difference in care, but in appearance they are very different from each other. This means there is a great opportunity to decide which one is best suited for the flowerbed.


This is not a flower, but a whole inflorescence

Perhaps one of the most common members of the family. On the one hand, it is quite beautiful, has large flowers of a rich blue color - similar to flax. It grows quite large - some stems reach 120 cm in height!

However, the plant is considered a weed, so it is actively combated. In addition, it poses a considerable danger to some animals. Due to the fact that the stems contain phenol derivatives, horses that eat a large amount of cornflower may well become seriously poisoned.

Cornflower yellow

The real name of this ornamental plant is Grossheimia macrocapitatum. It is a perennial plant.

  • The stems are quite tall - they can reach a meter in height.
  • The inflorescences are very large - in some plants the diameter reaches 5 cm.
  • The shape is quite unusual, as is the color - a yellow ball.

The bright yellow heads cause them to resemble thistles rather than their close relative, cornflower. The bottom of the bud is covered with paper-like scales, and the leaves are rough to the touch, rather rough. Unfortunately, it blooms quite a bit - no more than two months, usually from the beginning of July to the end of August.

Attention! Cornflower has medicinal properties - it can be used as a diuretic, which helps with swelling and kidney disease.

White cornflower

Luxurious bouquet of cornflowers

Quite an unusual variety, more like a chamomile.

The flower, as the name suggests, has white petals. It is found most often in the Caucasus and sometimes in northern Iran. When grown, it forms a rather dense but low bush - no more than 55 cm. The lower leaves are dissected, the upper ones are more even. The diameter of the inflorescences can easily reach 4 cm.

In general, this meadow flower is of considerable interest to breeders. On its basis, unusual varieties were bred, including John Coutts, distinguished by its soft pink color. It begins to bloom at the end of July and blooms until the end of September.

Pink cornflower

As the name suggests, the color of cornflower is pink. But this is not the only interesting feature. This plant also boasts the largest flower in the family - up to 8 cm in diameter. And it smells great too. It is not surprising that many gardeners prefer to use this particular perennial for growing.

It is very beautiful when flowering, but faded flowers spoil the appearance, so it is advisable to remove them regularly.

For reference! The ancient Greek name for the flower is Centaurea, meaning centaur (or centaur). According to legend, the centaur Chiron managed to recover from the poison of the Lernaean Hydra by using cornflower juice.

Eastern cornflower

Another perennial plant. The flowers are vaguely similar to dandelion - yellow, consisting of many tiny petals. It is distinguished by its unpretentiousness - it overwinters easily, grows on almost any type of soil and can easily tolerate even prolonged drought without harm to itself.

It grows in length up to 80-120 cm - it all depends on whether it gets enough sunlight.

True, it does not bloom for long - most often only a month in mid-summer. And the flowers are not too large - rarely more than 3 cm. Therefore, the species is not included in the list of the most popular cornflowers.

Cornflower purple

Unusual color

A real gift for gardeners who love cornflowers - the flowers of this variety are truly deep purple. The magnificent aroma will be a pleasant addition to the beautiful flowers, the size of which, by the way, reaches 5 cm, so they cannot be called small.

An annual plant reaching a height of 70 cm. The stem is covered with bright green leaves with jagged, jagged edges. If the weather is good, it can bloom for a very long time - from early summer to mid-autumn. At the same time, purple cornflower, like all its relatives, easily tolerates drought.

Spreading cornflower

The beauty of this species lies not in the shape of the flower or the rich color, but in the number of buds and their unusually delicate, almost transparent shades. Popularly referred to as harlay, camel, perecatipole, splay or gill, this dry-resistant flower is an excellent honey plant, therefore it often acts as a lifesaver for beekeepers in dry years.

Pink cornflower

The harmonious combination of all shades of pink sets this subspecies apart from others. Delicate inflorescences are usually dark in the center and almost white at the edges. These cornflowers, like others, are not demanding and grow on almost any soil, however, we note that the pink cornflower is capricious and gets used to the planting site very quickly. It happens that it takes root in a flowerbed only in the area that was first planted and rarely goes beyond it.

meadow cornflower

Lilac-pink flowers leave no one indifferent, especially since everyone can see this species. Growing along roads, in mixed forests, meadows and fields, cornflower reaches a height of about 50 cm, and its inflorescences are about 3 cm. Although it is classified as a weed, we can say that its sometimes “killer” beauty is so pleasing to the eye that For a moment you can forget about the harm the plant causes to the soil and crops and just enjoy the view of one of the most beautiful cornflowers.

Meadow cornflower photo

Meadow cornflower Common names: hairweed, bitterweed, patchwork, bear's heads, trapushnik.

Belarusian: vaslek lugava, valoshka, early, boboushk.

Ukrainian: voloshka luchna.

Latin name Centaurea jacea L.

Family Compositae - Compositae, or Asteraceae

Genus Centaurea - Cornflower

Meadow cornflower description

Perennial plant 80-100 cm high. The whole plant has grayish or cobwebby pubescence.

The stem is hard, erect, ribbed, branched in the upper part, without thickening under the baskets.

The basal leaves are coarsely toothed, collected in a rosette (1), on winged petioles; the middle and upper ones are alternate, lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate (2), entire-edged, rough, covering the stems right up to the baskets.

The baskets are usually located singly at the ends of the shoots (3). Civets are funnel-shaped, lilac-pink, rarely white; the marginal flowers are larger than the middle ones. The involucres of the baskets are almost spherical (4), 10-15 mm wide, their color varies from silver to dark brown. The appendages of the involucre leaflets are light brown and membranous.

The marginal flowers are large, funnel-shaped, sterile, the middle ones are tubular. It blooms from June to September, the fruits ripen from July to October.

The fruit is an elongated ovoid achene and blooms from the second half of June to September.

Propagated by seeds and vegetatively.


Distributed in Eurasia. Widely distributed in the European part of Russia and the Caucasus.

Meadow cornflower grows on fresh sandy and loamy soils in meadows, in light pine and mixed forests, along their edges, shrubs, along roads, along the boundaries and edges of fields, and is sometimes found in crops.

V. meadow

Raw materials

Collection and drying of raw materials. For medicinal purposes, flower baskets and cornflower herb are used, which are harvested during the flowering period. Dry in the shade under awnings, in well-ventilated areas or in dryers.

Chemical composition. The aerial part of the plant contains tannins and centaurine (xanthoglycoside). Up to 120 mg% of ascorbic acid accumulates in the leaves, there are traces of alkaloids; seeds contain up to 16% fatty oil.

Pharmacological properties. The plant has diuretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

Therapeutic effect: diuretic, toxic. Toxicity – antibacterial.

Indications for medical use: diseases of the digestive system, diseases of the cardiovascular system, diseases of the skin and subcutaneous fat, diseases of the reproductive system, diseases of the immune system, infections and infestations, symptoms and syndromes, pain, injuries

Application in medicine. Currently used only in folk medicine. Roots. Infusion - for diarrhea as an astringent.

Leaves (steamed) are applied to the area where muscles and tendons are stretched.

Aerial part, inflorescences. Infusion - for nephritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, jaundice, delayed menstruation.

Inflorescences. Infusion (orally) - for diseases of the heart, uterus, headaches, stomach pains and as a diuretic; externally in the form of baths - for rheumatism, exudative diathesis, eczema.

Dosage forms, route of administration and doses. * Infusion of meadow cornflower herb or inflorescences: 2 teaspoons of the raw material are poured into 200 ml of boiling water, infused, then filtered. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals.

Application in other areas. Yellow dye for wool and silk is obtained from the leaves. Honey plant. It is distinguished by its high honey production and even in drought gives the bees an abundant supply of nectar and pollen. Honey is transparent, with a golden tint. Up to 100 kg of honey is obtained from 1 hectare. Decorative, used to decorate curtains, lawns, edges.

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