10 most frequently asked questions about tuberous callas (planting, care, storage)

It is not for nothing that the word “calla” means “beautiful” when translated from Greek. This spectacular flower will decorate the coast of a reservoir, but beginners do not always manage to grow it. After all, for this you need to know some subtleties. We will tell you about them.

Many gardeners love calla lilies not only for their beauty, but also for the vanilla aroma that the flowers emit. By the way, in a non-flowering form this plant is no less attractive due to its rather large and dense leaves. They often have variegated colors.

Tuberous callas need warmth, so in the middle zone they are grown in open ground only from spring to autumn, and in winter the tubers are stored in conditions that are comfortable for the plant. In addition, calla lilies can be grown all year round in a warm room, in a container. But observing the temperature regime alone is often not enough to enjoy the spectacular blooming of calla lilies. Let's see what difficulties beginner gardeners most often encounter and answer the most common questions.

How to store tuberous calla lilies?

First, the tubers are cleared of soil, after which they are dipped into a fungicide solution for 20-30 minutes. After this time, they are dried in the sun for 2-3 days.

Then the wilted leaves are cut off and the tubers are stored in a container with sawdust, peat or vermiculite. The container is placed in a dry room with an air temperature of 10-12°C. In winter, make sure that the tubers do not rot or dry out.

The calla tuber must have a diameter of at least 7 cm. Otherwise, flowers are unlikely to appear from it in the first year

Planting calla tubers

At the end of February - beginning of March, before planting in the ground, calla tubers are planted for germination. If the tubers have wilted a little, before planting, keep them in a damp cloth for 2-3 days until they become elastic again and the buds are clearly visible on the surface of the tubers.

Carefully inspect the tubers.

If you notice damage on them or signs of dry rot, which often appears due to improper storage, strip the tuber with a sharp knife to healthy tissue.

Lubricate the wound surface with brilliant green and let it dry.

To prevent fungal infections, before planting, treat calla tubers with any fungicide intended for treating tubers and bulbs. The drugs Fundazol and Vitaros, which have a systemic effect, are well suited for this purpose. They not only destroy fungi on the surface of the tuber, but are also absorbed by the plant, providing it with long-term protection. Dry the tubers a little before planting.

In the photo: 1. cleaning the wound surface of calla tubers 2 and 3. Treating the wound surface with brilliant green 4. treating calla tubers in the foundation

Fill a small pot with nutritious earthen mixture to about 2/3 full. The mixture should have a slightly acidic reaction. Soil composition for planting calla lilies: peat, humus or compost, leaf or garden soil, washed sand (2:1:1:0.5). Compact the soil in the pot and place the tuber on top.

Cover the tuber with the prepared soil mixture. The planting depth for calla tubers is 1.5–2 cm from the top of the tuber to the soil surface.

Water carefully, being careful not to wash away the soil. Place the pot in a bright place. Calla develops well at daytime temperatures of about +15...+20 °C. It doesn’t matter if at night the temperature of the calla lilies drops to +13…+15 °C, the difference between night and day temperatures is beneficial for the plant.

in the photo: 1 and 2. planting a tuber in a pot, 3. watering a newly planted calla tuber

Calla lily roots grow in all directions. To prevent them from coming to the surface of the soil, as soon as the sprouts reach a height of 5–7 cm, add another 2–3 cm layer of soil to the pot. Keep the soil moderately moist. Tubers do not tolerate excessive watering and stagnant water, so drain the water from the pan immediately after watering. Once every 2 weeks, feed with a solution of complete mineral fertilizer for seedlings. Fertilizing with liquid gumized fertilizer brings good results.

The photo shows sprouted calla lily tubers in pots

When the soil in the garden warms up to +15°C and the threat of frost has passed, calla lilies can be planted in open ground. Calla does not like direct sunlight, so choose a place for it that receives full sun until noon. Prepare a hole measuring 30x30 cm for planting, add half a bucket of humus and peat into it and mix well.

Carefully remove the plant from the pot. Despite the fact that calla lilies have powerful roots, they are very fragile and cannot be restored if damaged. Place a ball of earth in the hole.

in the photo: preparing the planting hole and planting calla lilies

Gently fill the area around the roots with soil. When planting, it can be deepened again by 1.5–2 cm, so that during care you do not accidentally damage the surface roots.

Water and wait until the water is completely absorbed into the soil. After watering, mulch the plantings with peat to prevent the formation of a soil crust.

in the photo: planting calla lilies in the ground in May

What to do if the tubers sprouted ahead of time?

If sprouts appear in winter, it is best to plant the tubers in a small container with fresh, light soil and place them on a window located on the south side. After about 2 weeks, the first leaves will grow. If the daylight hours are still short, the plants need additional lighting. When the weather becomes warm outside, the callas are transplanted into open ground or into larger containers.

Please note: for calla lilies to bloom well, the tubers must be dormant for at least two months a year.

Diseases, pests, other problems

Let's look at the main problems that arise when growing this wonderful indoor plant.

Elongation of stems

This problem occurs if the room temperature is too hot, or if there is not enough sunlight. They solve the problem by eliminating the causes that cause it.

Leaf petiole fragility

A problem arises due to illiterate feeding. It is important that the flower receives nutritional minerals in a complex - a lack of microelements leads to fragility of leaf petioles.

No flowering

Usually this problem is caused by improper maintenance of the plant during the dormant period or the absence of a pronounced rest period.

Powdery mildew

This fungal disease can also affect the flower. A symptom of the disease is a white coating on the foliage. If you notice this alarming sign, you should urgently treat the plant with a solution of potassium permanganate (0.3 g per liter of water), or a solution of colloidal sulfur. The drugs Topaz, Skor, Vectra, and a solution of calcined salt with laundry soap can also help.

Gray rot

This is also a fungus that causes a gray coating to appear on the stems and foliage. You need to get rid of the problem without delay using fungicide solutions:

Root rot

This is a serious, dangerous disease that can lead to the rapid death of the plant. The disease is transmitted through the soil, so when making your own soil mixture, the ingredients must be doused with boiling water. Excessive soil moisture can also lead to root rot.

A symptom of the disease is the sudden and almost complete shedding of leaves and flowers. To get rid of the disease, watering is stopped, the soil is replaced with a new one, and the plant and its roots are treated with Ridomil or Previkur. Areas affected by rot must be cut off.

So, we found out how to properly plant calla lilies at home. We also learned how to care for this wonderful plant. There is a lot of wisdom - however, the calla flower is unusual and exotic. Using the recommendations from the article, you can grow beautiful, healthy calla lilies at home and enjoy its unique flowering for a long time.

Indoor callas stand out from other plants with their unique colors. Various species differ in the shades of their buds. If you wish, you can create a whole flower garden on the windowsill from just calla lilies .

For all its beauty, the flower does not require titanic efforts to maintain and can decorate the home of even a beginner in floriculture.

People can find other names for calla lilies:

  • calliper;
  • zantedeschia or arum, which means the same genus of the family Araceae (shown in the photo).

The energy of home calla lilies smooths out conflict situations in the home and is able to improve relationships. It is also believed that flowers have a beneficial effect on the health of their owners.

How to grow calla lilies as a container crop?

To plant calla lilies, use a pot with a diameter of 30-40 cm. Drainage made of expanded clay or sand is placed at the bottom of the container, and a permeable nutrient soil mixture is poured on top. Tubers are planted to a depth of 3-5 cm (this depends on their size) and watered abundantly. The pot is placed in a well-lit room with an air temperature of 13-18°C.

After the first leaves sprout, the calla lilies are transferred to a warmer place (with a daytime temperature of 22-25°C and a night temperature of at least 8°C). There should also be a lot of light here.

Moist soil and good lighting are necessary conditions for the appearance of calla lilies.

Every 14 days, it is recommended to feed calla lilies with complex fertilizer for flowering plants. Then, after 1.5 months from the date of planting, it will delight you with the first blooming flowers.

What soil should I plant in?

The soil for planting calla lilies should be loose and slightly acidic. It is better not to use ordinary garden soil, and even in its pure form - it is too heavy and will take a long time to dry out. These callas grow well in Saintpaulia substrate.

For tuberous calla lilies, be sure to choose a pot with large drainage holes so that excess water drains well. For the same purpose, the bottom of the flowerpot is covered with a good layer of expanded clay.

How to grow calla lilies from seeds?

Seeds are sown superficially in a container with loose soil (for example, a mixture of peat and sand in a ratio of 1:4). An interval of about 8 cm is maintained between them. The container is placed in a well-lit place with an air temperature of at least 18°C. When the seedlings become crowded, they are planted in separate pots. Callas grown from seeds bloom 2-3 years after sowing.

Do not forget that calla lilies are poisonous, especially their tubers. Therefore, when planting, wear protective gloves and isolate the flower from small children and pets.

Main types of callas

There are many varieties of calla lilies known in indoor floriculture, but they all belong to one of three types:

– Ethiopian calla (Zantedeschia aethiopica). A rhizomatous perennial plant with snow-white, funnel-shaped, sail-like flowers. The sizes are different: ordinary flowers are 10-15 cm long, but there are large ones - up to 25 cm. Peduncles are quite tall - up to 1 meter, in some varieties - up to 1.5 m. Leaves are basal, large, up to 30 cm long. The dark green color of the foliage beautifully sets off the light flowers that solemnly rise above the leaves. Ethiopian calla symbolizes purity and innocence, which is why it is very often used when creating wedding bouquets. During the dormant period, feces rhizomatous does not shed its leaves, so it can decorate a room with its greenery in the winter.

– Calla Elliot (Zantedeschia elliottiana). A tuberous perennial plant with beautiful large heart-shaped leaves, dark green in color with white spots. The peduncle does not exceed 50 cm. The flowers are funnel-shaped, greenish-yellow on the outside, and bright yellow on the inside. At the beginning of September, the leaves die off, after which the tuber is removed from the pot and kept for a month at a temperature of +23-25 ​​degrees for complete ripening. Subsequently, the tubers are stored in a refrigerator or cellar, where the temperature does not exceed +5 degrees. There they “sleep” until the end of March and beginning of April.

– Calla Rehmanni (Zantedeschia rehmanni). A tuberous perennial plant with leaves similar to those of Calla Elliot. The flower stalks of all varieties of this species do not exceed 50 cm. The flowers are funnel-shaped, rather narrow at the bottom and widened towards the top. Remani callas come in many varieties with variegated, uniquely colored flowers. Colors range from light pink and soft purple to maroon and dark purple. This type of calla lilies decorates any flower arrangement. The disadvantage of the plant is the autumn wilting of the leaves, like Calla Elliot's.

Calla lily care

The optimal temperature for calla lilies is about 20-25°C;

The soil

The soil for planting calla lilies should be fertile, acidic, consisting of humus, sandy-turf soil, peat and clay. You can also use an acidic substrate based on rotted needles, you just need to add complex fertilizers;


It is necessary to resume watering when new leaves appear. You need to water from a tray with warm, soft water;

When the first buds begin to appear, the calla plant needs additional lighting;

For the longest flowering of calla lilies, as well as to stimulate the production of subsequent flower stalks, you need to feed the calla lilies once a week with a solution of boric acid, a complex fertilizer for bulbous plants;

Indoor calla lilies are best grown on windows with diffused light or shaded. Several times a week, the calla lily needs to be turned to the light with the other side for uniform development of the leaves. Homemade calla lilies need to be replanted once every 5 years.

Pottery and plastic pots

To grow calla lilies in a pot, you need to choose the right container. Before choosing a potty type, you should familiarize yourself with the benefits of each type. Distinctive features of a pottery pot are:

  • significant weight, due to which the plant is less at risk of being knocked over;
  • porous material through which excess moisture can evaporate;
  • The natural color of the pot matches any color of flowering plants.

A plastic pot has its advantages:

  • lightweight and less likely to break if dropped;
  • there are many holes at the bottom of the pot, so there is no need for drainage;
  • you can choose any color;
  • The pot is easy to clean.

The most spectacular pots are pottery ones with hand-made molding and colored glaze, but they are also priced accordingly. Such pots fit perfectly into a classic-style interior.

Preparing for winter

Before the first cold weather sets in, calla lilies should be dug up.

In the photo: Tubers of calla lilies dug up in the fall

The tubers are dug up along with the foliage, carefully so as not to damage the fragile roots, the remaining soil is shaken off and stored at a temperature of +5+10 degrees for two weeks.

Carefully dig up calla lily tubers so as not to damage the material

After this period, the foliage will give up its nutrients and it can be cut off, and the tubers can be wrapped in paper and put away for the winter. You can choose any place for storing tubers with a stable temperature (basement, loggia or vegetable section of the refrigerator).

At the end of March - beginning of April, the bulbs “awaken”. Root tubers are taken out, examined for the presence of any diseases, and treated with any fungicide.

Which varieties are suitable for home cultivation?

The height, color of flowers, and type of root system depend on the species of calla lilies. The ancestor of domesticated crops, the Ethiopian calla lily is distinguished by its 1.5-meter height, snow-white color, and the presence of rhizomes.

Varieties of the Elliot species are yellow and golden, up to half a meter high. Calla lilies of the Rehmann species are pink in color with low peduncles. In the last two species, the underground part is represented by tubers.

Common varieties adapted for home cultivation:

  1. Schwarzwalder. Almost black flowers with a burgundy tint look very impressive. The average height of the plant is 60 cm. Flowering begins in mid-July and ends by September. The culture is decorated with bright green, erect leaves with white spots.
  2. Vermeer. The color of the flowers is white on the outside, closer to purple on the inside. The cob is bright, canary-colored. White inclusions in the rich green leaves give the plant a decorative appearance.
  3. Mango. The variety is suitable for growing on a windowsill and in open ground. The yellow cob and the golden-orange cover of the peduncles look good when cut. The leaves are green with silver speckles.
  4. Amethyst. The color of the flowers corresponds to the name. The potted plant emits a pleasant, delicate aroma. The leaves grow higher than the flower stalks.
  5. Red Alert. The variety stands out for its large red flowers and large speckled leaves. Red Alert differs from other varieties in its long flowering - throughout the summer.
  6. Hot Shot. Popular tuberous plant. Translated from English - hot shot. Depending on the flowering time and maintenance conditions, it changes shades from peach to orange-red. The leaves have a standard color on top, with brown veins visible on the underside.

The presented varieties are similar in appearance. The average height of the plants is 60 cm, the size of the flowers is 10 cm. The inflorescence consists of a spadix and a spathe, forming a funnel. The basal leaves are shaped like an arrowhead, the color is green with silvery-white splashes.

House conditions

In order for caring for calla lilies to bring results, immediately after purchasing the plant, it is necessary to create the proper conditions for it in terms of soil composition, watering and lighting.


Calla needs good lighting throughout the year. It is best to grow it in indirect sunlight. The plant feels its shortage especially in winter - there may be no flowering, only the development of stems is noted.


The most important condition for the growth and development of a flower is to ensure constant moisture in the soil in which the calla lilies are located. Even the top layer of soil should not dry out!

Still, we should not forget about the natural conditions in which the plant develops - swamps and coastal zones.

It is necessary to water every day using soft water with a small amount of salts. In addition, to create an additional source of moisture, you can place a container with a flower on a pallet filled with pebbles, expanded clay or broken bricks. They need to be moistened as they dry.

If water gets on the flowers when watering, they will become covered with unattractive, non-decorative spots. To prevent this from happening, there is no need to spray the plant; instead, wipe the leaf blades with a moistened sponge or napkin.


To maintain the air humidity necessary for the plant, it must be sprayed frequently. In summer, in hot weather, you can spray twice a day - early in the morning and after sunset.

Calla responds well to moistening the leaves with a wet sponge or cloth. During the dormant period, the plant is not sprayed, since it lives mainly off the tuber and is not affected by air humidity.

Necessary feeding

As plants are planted in a pot, their roots grow and fill the pot, absorbing all the useful elements from the soil. Calla spruce is constantly kept indoors; it needs timely feeding and complex fertilizer. This will allow the flower to develop properly.

For this purpose, universal complex fertilizers are used at intervals of 1 time in 2 weeks. The use of nitrogen fertilizers is unacceptable until the flower begins to bloom. Urea or infused eggshells are added to the soil as a top dressing.

Such procedures must be carried out carefully. When there is an excess of fertilizers, the edges of the leaves turn yellow and dry out, or even die.

Caring for calla lilies during the rest period

The rest period for some varieties varies in duration and usually occurs after flowering has ended. The plant may completely lose its leaves, which is more typical for garden crops. On the windowsill, calla lilies slow down their growth and therefore need to change their maintenance conditions:

  • air temperature drops to 15–18 degrees;
  • watering is reduced to 2–3 times a month;
  • fertilizing is excluded during the winter months; from spring, it is introduced gradually 2 times a month (organic compounds are preferred - infusion of nettle or manure).

This video shows how you can store calla tubers in winter.

The rhizomatous Ethiopian calla variety has a dormant period in the summer, so it needs to be provided with a cool place with preserved lighting.

Selection of planting material (tubers)

As noted above, plants can be of different types. Therefore, calla lilies can be planted with tubers or rhizomes. For example, calla lilies Remani and Elliot are propagated by tubers, but the white Ethiopian variety has a branched rhizome, so it is propagated by dividing the mother bush.

Growing calla lilies of all types is also possible from seeds, but the method is very labor-intensive and unpromising. In addition, with this method it is impossible to preserve varietal characteristics, so it is used very rarely.

Tips for choosing quality planting material:

  • You can see the tubers of this flower crop as early as February. It is recommended to buy planting material in reliable and trusted garden centers and specialized stores. Read reviews from real customers, ask your friends what they think about certain points of sale.
  • The tubers should be firm (the texture should resemble new potatoes). Only such material can please you with flowering in the first year after planting.
  • But if you come across limp, shriveled tubers in the store, then it is better to discard such a specimen once and for all. Nothing good will come out of it, it's just a waste of money.
  • And of course, the planting material should not show signs of mold, rot, or damage.
  • The optimal tuber diameter should be at least 4 centimeters.

Possible problems and difficulties

  • If not cared for properly, novice gardeners may encounter some difficulties in growing this flower. Insufficient lighting and dry air in the room lead to stretching of the stems. When certain rules and recommendations are followed, caring for a flower is very simple.
  • When there is a lack of nutrients in the soil, the plant's leaf petioles become brittle.
  • Improper care of the plant in winter and the absence of a rest period inhibits the flowering of calla lilies.

Diseases characteristic of indoor calla lilies

Indoor calla lilies are affected by quite serious diseases that can lead to the death of the plant in a short time.


Anthracosis is a common cause of brown spots on leaves. At first they are small and slightly concave, and later they become large with red sides and a light center. Subsequently, the entire leaf blade dries out and dies. The reason lies in a fungal infection. Treatment is treatment of unaffected parts with a fungicidal preparation. Leaves with spots are removed immediately.

Gray rot

Gray rot appears from waterlogged calla lilies and rarely ventilated rooms. The leaves soften and gray mold appears. The fungus spreads very quickly, including to other plants.

You can fight for the flower by removing damaged leaves and treating the remaining leaves with a fungicidal agent (for example, “Fundazol”). Of course, along with treatment, the causes of the disease must be eliminated. Since the pathogen remains in the ground and can live there for up to 2 years, complete removal of the old substrate is required.

Bacterial rot

Calla lily tubers, if damaged during transplantation, can become infected with bacterial rot. Excessive watering and excess nitrogen contribute to this. During the disease, leaves quickly darken and die. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to stop the death of the plant. You need to completely remove the leaves, treat the bulb with potassium permanganate and let it dry. When you replant the calla lilies in the pot, do not allow the soil to become waterlogged.

Root rot

With root rot, there is a sharp drying out of all leaves due to the death of the roots. The process is triggered by constant stagnation of water in the pot. It is possible to try to save the flower by treating it with Ridomil or Previkur and changing the surface layer of soil.

No flowering

If the calla lily does not please its owner with elegant flowering, then the most likely reasons lie in improper care of the plant:

  1. Lack of space in the pot, which is not always reflected in the growth rate of foliage, but may be the reason why calla lilies do not bloom at home.
  2. Insufficient lighting and frequent moving of the pot from place to place. The flower is forced to constantly be under stress and adapt to new conditions, which leaves no energy for the formation of buds.
  3. Lack or lack of fertilizing, especially before the start of the active period. The cause may also be the alkaline reaction of the soil, which does not allow food to be absorbed by the root system.
  4. A short duration of the resting phase in a cool place, during which flower buds do not have time to develop.
  5. Overgrown tubers requiring replanting.
  6. A large amount of soil in the pot, promoting the development of putrefactive processes.


  1. Thrips. They cause small yellow spots to appear on the leaves. Pest control - treatment with an insecticidal solution, for example "Aktara" or "Fitoverm".
  2. Spider mite. The leaves become dry, and thin threads of cobwebs are visible on their surface. In addition to treating insects with insect repellents in the room, it is necessary to increase the air humidity or spray the flower more often.
  3. If the leaves curl and fall off, aphids may be a possible cause. Small colonies of insects can be easily removed with cotton wool and soap or alcohol. If the prevalence is high, the entire plant is sprayed with a solution of “Aktara” or “Iskra”.

Important! Any treatment is carried out 2-3 times to destroy all stages of insect development. Interval between spraying – 5 or 7 days

Is it possible to keep calla lilies at home?

If you organize the air temperature and humidity close to natural, the crop develops normally and blooms in a pot on the windowsill. The question is different, flower growers are interested in energy compatibility with callas.

The South African flower is shrouded in mystery and mysticism. According to some beliefs, it is believed that the plant is a divine amulet, a talisman for good luck, as it bloomed next to the cross on which Jesus was crucified, and is present in images of angels and the Virgin Mary.

Others are sure that calla blooms on the eve of death and is appropriate for funeral rites, as it looks like a yellow candle wrapped in a white shroud.

Most flower growers are of the opinion that calligraphy brings prosperity to the family and reconciles quarreling spouses. A pot of calla lilies in the office maintains a friendly atmosphere in the team and helps in negotiations with business partners.

It has been noticed that calla lilies blooming at home alleviate the condition of patients with heart failure.

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