Brugmansia - growing and propagation at home, photo of the species, storage and features, flower care

Brugmansia is a small beautiful tree (shrub) that belongs to the Solanaceae family. Previously, it was part of the Datura genus, but then it was isolated separately. The plant contains a highly intoxicating substance, thanks to which the flower received the name devil's tree.

The flowers are brightly colored, like bells, but incredibly large, giving it the name Angel Trumpets and Tropical Beauty. Distribution area: South America.

Features of the external structure

During its growth and development, Brugmansia develops into a shrub or a small beautiful tree with a wide crown. The large leaves of the plant, arranged in tiers on the shoots, are ovoid in shape and can reach a length of 30 centimeters.

Depending on the species, the leaves may be pubescent. At the initial stage of development, up to 50-150 centimeters in height depending on the type of plant, Brugmansia grows with one trunk, after which it begins to branch.

The amazingly beautiful Brugmansia flower is a distinctive feature of the culture. Reaching 50 centimeters in length, the tubular-bell-shaped inflorescences acquired a second name due to their shape - “Angel Trumpets”.

The impressive color palette of Brugmansia flowers can range from white to orange, red or lilac with a variety of shades. During one summer flowering period, more than two dozen simple, double or two-tier flowers can bloom.

Speaking about the description of Brugmansia, one cannot fail to mention the characteristic very strong, but really pleasant aroma of flowers, which becomes more intense in the evening. From the beginning of summer to mid-autumn, the flowering of this plant lasts, ending with the ovary of fruits containing seeds.

It is practiced to grow Brugmansia outdoors in large pots and then move the flower indoors during the frost period.

It is important to remember that caring for the plant requires some caution, since all parts of it, especially the leaves and seeds, are poisonous. In this regard, it is recommended to carry out all manipulations with flowers using gloves.

Growing problems, diseases and pests

The most frequently asked question is why Brugmansia does not bloom. This can happen for several reasons:

  • young age. Even if the tree has reached an impressive size, it will not bloom until it reaches 3 years of age;
  • lack of light. In addition to the lack of flowers, this problem is also manifested by weak, elongated shoots, leaves that are too light, and a crown that has stopped developing;
  • excessive content in the soil or, conversely, lack of fertilizers. Also, the reason may be an excess of one type of substance with insufficient quantities of others.

When a problem is identified, you need to start correcting it, then everything will work out, and the plant will thank the gardener with lush, large flowers. In addition to this, there are other problems: falling buds, even the death of the plant. Diseases and pests can cause great harm to this exotic plant. The most common are scale insects and spider mites.

How to deal with them

The most important thing is to follow all the rules of flower care. This will help avoid all problems and significantly increase the plant’s immunity. If pests are detected, the tree must be immediately treated with insecticidal preparations.

Growing a Brugmansia flower seems unreal to many gardeners; they believe that such splendor requires extremely complex care that cannot be created in ordinary garden conditions. But that's not true. Of course, like any other plant, Brugmansia needs to follow a number of rules, but unlike most other exotic plants, it is quite unpretentious. Unfortunately, the intoxicating tree can only be grown in the southern regions, but breeders are working on this and doing everything possible to create and discover new varieties suitable for central Russia.

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Brugmansia care rules

To obtain the desired result when planting and caring for Brugmansia outdoors, you need to take into account a number of nuances.

The main rule for planting a plant is to choose a good place, which for Brugmansia will be a sunny area of ​​the garden. Of course, it can grow in the shade, but only in the open sun will the flowering be as impressive and long-lasting as possible.

When the sun is scorching, it is recommended to moisten Brugmansia leaves with warm water. Before planting, the soil must be fertilized and coarse sand added to it to achieve effective water permeability.

When growing in a pot or other container, you need to create a drainage layer at the bottom using expanded clay.

Main types of shrubs

Brugmania varieties can differ significantly from each other in the shape and appearance of their flowers. The following popular varieties are distinguished:

  • Brugmansia fragrant. The flower is white or pale yellow, up to 30 centimeters long and directed downwards. The flowering of the crop is particularly abundant and, when grown in a greenhouse, can last 12 months. The shrub has a central trunk and sparse branches.
  • Brugmansia golden. The flowers are presented in all shades of yellow, have a wide bend and are 30 cm long. The leaves are tapered and dark green in color.
  • Brugmansia snow-white. It reaches a height of three meters. The leaves have a velvety structure, are 25 centimeters long and white in color.
  • Brugmansia bloody is the most resistant species to low temperatures. The bright flowers are colored red, yellow and orange. The smell of this variety is not as strong as others.
  • Brugmansia variegated. Long flowers bloom on the crop - 50 centimeters. They are painted in a cream color, which turns into peach over time.
  • Most often, flower growers choose the fragrant Brugmansia variety for growing in an apartment.


Despite the fact that the plant tolerates hot weather well, it is extremely sensitive to lack of moisture and requires regular watering. In order for Brugmansia to feel good and please the owner, the soil must be constantly moist.

Otherwise, there is a risk that the plant will lose leaves and almost. Bushes growing in pots or other containers require daily watering. When the heat drops, you need to let the top layer of soil dry before watering.

What are they, angel trumpets? ↑

This is a perennial decorative flowering tree or shrub. In nature, it reaches a height of up to 5 m, and as a tub crop it does not exceed 2.5 m. The plant is characterized by rapid growth, for example, a seed sown in March will turn into a green charm 0.7-1 m high already in August.

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It's incredibly interesting to watch Brugmansia grow. Every new day is a big change. Just yesterday, a baby with 3 young leaves, today it is winking with the fourth leaf, as if hinting that tomorrow there will already be 5 of them.

You can learn how to grow angel trumpets from our other article about this plant.

Species Brugmansia vulcanicola

Fertilizer and pruning

For active and healthy growth of the tree during the season, it is advisable to feed it every week. It is possible to use ready-made multicomponent baits, such as potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. If the volume of the container in which Brugmansia grows is 5 liters, you need to add 1 teaspoon of fertilizer during watering.

You can determine the lack of nutrients by the leaves that have begun to turn yellow and the discarded buds. You can stop intensive feeding at the beginning of autumn.

To give the required shape to the crown and control growth, it is possible to trim the branches of the tree. This should be done in the spring, before the start of the growing season. Also, with the help of pruning, it is possible to stimulate the flowering of the plant; to do this, you need to remove the shoots that have grown at the base of the trunk.


The substances of the common poppy have a strong effect on the human body. Opium is obtained from the milky juice of this plant, which is addictive and gives a state of bliss. However, it is a powerful drug that often leads to death. It is also used for medical purposes, but... this does not justify it. )

Winter care

The plant is extremely sensitive to frost, so it is advisable to grow it in containers so that the tree can be sheltered indoors during cold weather. With additional lighting indoors, Brugmansia can bloom for several months, but this can lead to a weakening of the plant as a whole.

The reason for this is that it is advisable to give the plant rest during the winter. To fully prepare for the season, the plant during the cold period should be kept at a temperature of 6-10 degrees and stand in partial shade.

At this time, the tree should be watered very sparingly, just not allowing the soil to dry out completely.


At least one plant is not known to be fatal when consumed. At least that's good.

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