Hypocyrta: photo, care at home and when planting in open ground, diseases and pests of nematanthus and how to care for a flower in winter?

Botanical description of the hypocyrt plant

The genus Nematanthus includes 6 species. Among them are epiphytic and semi-epiphytic vines, as well as shrubs and subshrubs.

MotherlandSouth America
Escape typeStraight, creeping
Petal colorYellow, orange, coral
Leaf structure and colorSucculent, elliptical, obovate, dark green
Flowering periodMarch - September
ReproductionSeeds, cuttings

Based on the botanical description of the hypocyrt, the stems of these plants are thin, flexible, in young specimens they are straight, in older specimens they are creeping, because over time they become very long and bend under their own weight.

The leaves are arranged oppositely along the entire length of the stem. The leaf blades are dense, fleshy, oval or elliptical, smooth, shiny. The leaves are dark green on top, and violet, red, purple on the reverse side. Aerial roots and inflorescences form in the leaf axils.

The leaves of some species have pubescence, and it is denser; if the bush grows in partial shade and shade, in the sun the leaf plates do not acquire hair.

The peduncles of representatives of this genus can be long or short, depending on the species. The flowers are tubular, 4–5 cm long. The corolla is rich yellow, red, pink, purple or orange. The petals are fused inside, the edges at the base are bent. Due to these features, the flower has a specific shape. This plant begins to bloom in March-April, flowering lasts until September, sometimes longer. In bright light it can bloom in winter.

At home, nematanthus is grown in hanging pots and flowerpots as an hanging plant. Both young and mature overgrown bushes look very impressive, so this crop is considered one of the most popular among connoisseurs of indoor plants.

How impressive and extraordinary the indoor hypocyrtus flower (nematanthus) looks can be seen in the photo below, where you can see the unusual buds and beautiful foliage:

About the name of the plant

Nematanthus, as noted above, is a genus of the Gesneriaceae family. The latter includes 28 plant species. The flower owes its name to the German doctor of medicine and professor of botany Heinrich Adolf von Schröder, who created the word “nematanthus,” meaning “flower on a thin peduncle.” And it is called “Goldfish” due to the similarity of the shape and shade of the plant’s flower.

Today, the genus Nematanthus and the genus Hypocyrtus are combined, so it can rightfully be called by a second name. The plant has been known in cultivation since 1846.


The leaves of the indoor flower "Goldfish" are slightly pubescent, opposite, elliptical, shiny, small, dark green. Young stems are usually erect, but begin to bend and droop from the weight of the leaves.

The axillary inflorescences of nematanthus have short peduncles. The tubular-shaped flowers are waxy and have a length of about 5 cm. The corolla has a red, pink, dark purple or orange color. The stems are creeping, covered with fleshy, glossy, small leaves. Nematanthus blooms abundantly and for a long time - from spring to autumn. The plant is cultivated as a hanging plant - in hanging baskets or flowerpots.

Very unusual flowers in color and shape are similar to small bright aquarium fish. Thanks to such flowering, nemananthus is usually called the “Goldfish” flower (photo presented in the article).

"Goldfish" in your home

Despite the peculiarities of care, it is not difficult to grow Nematanthus at home. There are folk tales about the benefits of this flower. Attracts financial well-being and good luck.

Botanical research has shown that this unpretentious flower has a beneficial effect on the mood of its owners. Proper care causes a wave of bright flowers, which cannot leave true flower growers indifferent!

Variety of species

In the Nematanthus genus, botanists count 28 species, approximately 7–8 of them grow in the flower beds of amateur plant growers around the world.

  • Nematanthus Gregarius is perhaps the most spectacular and is therefore most often cultivated by flower lovers. It is he who is known by his second name - “Goldfish”. This species of Nematanthus has thick, dark green leaves and bright red-orange flowers that actually resemble aquarium fish. There are several varieties of Gregarius, the most famous being the Australian subspecies. It looks best in wall or hanging pots: with this type of cultivation, it does not need to cut off its shoots, let its vines flow beautifully. This is a spectacle for true exotic lovers.
  • The Wetstein species is also very common. It produces many liana-like shoots up to 90 cm long. The leaves of this plant are small, oval in shape. Their surface is glossy waxy, the color is rich dark green. The flowers are tubular, yellow, orange-red, slightly swollen, up to 2.5 cm long. They look magical against the background of dark green foliage. Like other members of the genus, Nematanthus Wetstein blooms continuously from spring to mid-autumn.
  • Fritsch's view. Less common than the previous two, but still well known. Nematanthus Fritsch is a relatively large, beautiful species with fairly large leaves that have a slight edge on the underside. Nematanthus Fritsch forms bushes up to 60 cm tall. Its flowers are gracefully curved, bright pink, and shaped like a funnel.
  • Nematanthus finely bristle is a small bush 20–25 cm high, producing straight ascending shoots that are quite branched. The leaves of this type of nematanthus are oval, shiny, small, single or collected in threes. The flowers are tubular with a spherical swelling, with a corolla that has a slight bend. The color of the buds is bright yellow-orange, classic for the Nematanthus genus.
  • Nematanthus locustus belongs to the type of climbing subshrubs. Its leaves are light green and large, reaching a length of 7–10 cm. The pedicels are equally long, with single red flowers, strongly swollen on the tube.
  • Prirechny view. This is also a very graceful climbing plant. The leaves of Nematanthus riverine are large, ellipsoid, about 10 cm long, their reverse side is purple. The flowers are lemon yellow, up to 5 cm long. The flower's throat, unlike most nematanthus, is unfolded, the tube is pubescent on the outside.
  • Nematanthus Tropicana stands out from other nematanthus with large, pitcher-shaped flowers. In the lower part they are swollen, their color is yellow-orange, bright. Stripes of red-brown and golden-burgundy color stand out noticeably on the buds. The bracts are red-orange. The inflorescences are incredibly beautiful. The underside of the dark green, dense, glossy Tropicana leaves has a reddish tint. The shape of the leaves is oval, pointed. The shoots are erect, but over time they droop and branch. The Nematanthus Tropicana species is very popular among plant growers because it blooms profusely and effectively for a long time.
  • The unique species of Nematanthus Santa Teresa is considered to be less common, but it cannot be confused with others due to its striking large flowers. They reach 5 cm in length, are white or cream in color and are abundantly dotted with yellow dots and spots. The shape is tubular, the pubescence is weak. The flowers emit a delightful aroma reminiscent of zest and olive oil. The throats of Nematanthus Santa Teresa flowers, unlike other species, are wide open to attract insects for the purpose of pollination. Large (up to 7 cm) dark green elongated leaves of Nematanthus Santa Teresa have reddish veins and pubescence on the underside. The shoots can reach 70 cm, but during the growth process they droop and branch.
  • The variegated (variegated) forms of nematanthus are worth special mention. Such forms of plants arise due to genetic mutations: some leaf cells do not produce chlorophyll, so the leaves acquire light green or white spots. Variegated nematanthus are extremely beautiful.

How to plant and replant nematanthus

Those who want to have a nematanthus at home can purchase an already formed flower in the store or try to grow it from seeds or cuttings.

Growing from seeds

To propagate nematanthus by seeds, you must first prepare the substrate - before sowing it must be leveled and moistened. Nematanthus seeds are very small, dust-like; from the dried seed pod they should be poured onto a sheet of paper and scattered evenly over the surface of the prepared substrate, and then covered with glass. When the seeds sprout, the glass must be moved to the side so that a gap forms between the edge of the container and the glass.

Nematanthus seeds should be placed under glass

Grown seedlings dive - they are transplanted 5-6 pieces per pot. The plants will bloom in a year.

Propagation by cuttings

With this method of propagation, the substrate is thoroughly loosened before planting. The mother plant is cut into cuttings 8–10 centimeters long (they can be harvested throughout the year). The leaves are torn off from the bottom of the cutting and planted in a prepared substrate (this can be sphagnum moss, preferably fresh).

Propagation of nematanthus by cuttings is considered a more traditional method.

The donor plant should be placed in a shaded place, and after a while it will produce new shoots.


The practice of cultivating nematanthus has shown that this plant needs replanting. But it should be carried out no more often than every 2–3 years, since nematanthus develops at a fairly moderate speed. Transplantation is carried out in the spring, as soon as the first sign of growth of a young shoot appears.

Nematanthus has a small root, so it needs a compact pot, and the new one should not exceed the previous one by more than 2-3 cm in diameter. In flowerpots that are too spacious, nematanthus are more often affected by diseases or pests. In addition, this tropical sissy does not grow or bloom well in large pots. As for the soil, it should be moist, soft and breathable.

Step-by-step process of transplanting nematanthus

Prepare the container and soil for replanting the plant. Place about a third of the pot where you plan to place the nematanthus under drainage (expanded clay, brick chips, vermiculite). Its presence ensures that the plant will not suffer from waterlogging

Compose the new substrate from leaf soil, peat, humus and sand (2:1:1:1). Carefully remove the top layer of soil from the old pot, being careful not to damage the delicate roots. Remove the plant from the old pot without destroying the lump of earth with the rhizome. Carefully place the root ball on the drainage layer in the new pot. Add the previously prepared new substrate. There is no need to compact the soil

If the soil settles naturally, you can add a little soil, but still do not compact it.

What types of nematanthus are grown at home?

Several varieties of hypocyrta are grown at home. Nematanthus, namely its character depends on the species. There are only 6 copies that will perfectly complement the flower collection.

Nematanthus tropicana

Hypocyrta with oval leaves. The plate has a sharp tip and a smooth, leathery surface. The structure of the flower is similar to a slightly tilted jug. The corolla is yellow, orange or dirty brown. There are random red or burgundy spots on the tube, as well as a golden stripe.

Gregarius - hypocyrta "goldfish"

The leaves are glossy and smooth. During the flowering period, swollen buds of yellow or red color are formed. If you look at the photo, it will immediately become clear why this variety of nematanthus is compared to goldfish.

Naked hypocyrta

When young, the plant has straight stems. They grow vertically. Mature crops can hardly be called hanging crops, but they can be grown in hanging pots. Leaves are medium sized (up to 4 cm). They are glossy, fleshy, covered with a leathery plate.

Coinfolia Nematanthus

This particular species is a money plant. Hypocyrta has small green leaves, shaped like coins with a crenate edge. Red flowers with a yellow edge appear in spring. The species is grown as an ampelous plant. An important feature of the nematanthus is that it sheds its leaves in the fall as soon as the last buds fade.

The most popular hypocyrt variety is Albus . It is very rare, has green foliage and incredibly beautiful white buds with brown speckles.

Riverine nematanthus

A beautiful variety with stems that develop like a vine. This is a climbing plant, capable of clinging to ledges with its shoots. The leaf blades are ellipsoidal, up to 10 cm long. The reverse side of the blades are painted red or burgundy. During flowering, yellow buds are formed on long flowering stems.

Nematanthus anklet

Epiphytic shrub with an aerial root system. The leaf blades are rounded and light green in color. The leaf is long, up to 10 cm and up to 4 cm wide. Hypocyrta blooms with red single buds. It has long peduncles - up to 10-12 cm.

How to prepare and care for a plant in winter?

Nematanthus should be brought into the house and placed in a warm place where there is no draft. If you place it on a windowsill, you need to put something heat-insulating under the pot. You also need to remove the flower from heat sources, such as radiators and stoves.

As for caring for the plant in winter, it is not at all whimsical:

  • You just need to reduce watering, this will allow the plant to overwinter peacefully.
  • There is no need to feed nematanthus in winter.
  • Organize additional lighting for 2-3 hours in the evening.
  • Loosen the soil more often to allow air to reach the roots.
  • If you give the plant enough light, it will bloom and delight you with its beauty all winter.

Caring for nematanthus at home


In order for the nematanthus to grow and develop within normal limits, it will need bright, diffused lighting, and the daylight hours should be from 12 to 14 hours. When choosing a suitable place for such a flower, preference should be given to window sills located in the western or eastern part of the room. This flower can also be grown on a north-facing window, but it should be taken into account that in the cold season the flower may not have enough light, which can have an extremely negative effect on flowering. If the flower is placed on a southern windowsill, then in summer it will require obligatory shading during the midday hours from the scorching direct rays of the sun, otherwise burns may appear on the surface of the leaves. In winter, the plant needs a lot of bright light just as much as in summer. If sunlight is not enough for the nematanthus, then it can be supplemented by installing, for example, a phytolamp. If the flower is very large, then placing it under a fluorescent lamp will be quite problematic.


Throughout the growing season, the flower should be kept warm. It grows best at this time at an air temperature of 19–24 degrees. In winter, the nematanthus has a dormant period, during which the flower should be in a cooler place (from 14 to 16 degrees). The plant tolerates short-term temperature drops normally. However, if the room in which it is located is colder than 13 degrees for a long time, then this will have an extremely negative impact on its decorative effect. If the air temperature in the room drops to 7 degrees, then the foliage will turn brown and fly off. If, on the contrary, it is very hot (27 degrees or more), then this will also negatively affect the development of the flower. The flower responds well to a decrease in air temperature at night by 5–10 degrees.


In the warm season, during the period of active growth, the nematanthus is watered regularly and abundantly, immediately after the top layer of the soil mixture in the container has dried. With the onset of the dormant period in the cold season, the abundance and frequency of watering must be reduced, especially if the flower is in a cool room. You only need to moisten the soil mixture in a flower pot with well-settled, soft water, the temperature of which should be close to room temperature. If a species is grown with fairly large leaf blades that absorb a larger volume of water, then it is recommended to resort to differentiated watering, and it is necessary to take into account the size of the bush, the size of the foliage and the composition of the soil mixture.

You can understand that the plant does not have enough water by the following signs: small leaf plates fly around, and large leaf plates curl. If the earthen lump is very dry in the pot, then you will need to immerse the bush along with the container in a basin filled with water. After the dried substrate is saturated with water, the pot with nematanthus is pulled out of the basin. If there is a void between the lump of earth and the pot, then it needs to be filled with fresh substrate.

Air humidity

The optimal air humidity level for indoor nematanthus is about 50%. It should be taken into account that the warmer the room, the higher the air humidity level should be and vice versa. If the air temperature in the room is no more than 21 degrees, then the air humidity should be about 50%. At air temperatures up to 27 degrees, the air humidity level must be increased to 60%.

In the spring-summer period, the flower responds well to daily moistening from a sprayer; for this it is recommended to use warm and soft water. During cool wintering, the bush cannot be moistened, but if there is a need to increase the level of air humidity, then take a tray filled with wet pebbles or expanded clay, and place a pot with nematanthus on it.

Top dressing

During the growing season, the plant is fed regularly once every 15 days, using complex mineral fertilizer. In autumn, the flower is fed less often, and in winter, fertilizers are not added to the soil mixture at all.

Flowering and pruning

Nematanthus flowering begins in spring and ends in autumn. However, if the flower receives enough light in winter, it may begin to bloom. This plant differs from many others grown indoors in that its flowers form only on young shoots. In this regard, for lush and spectacular flowering, it is necessary to systematically carry out rejuvenating pruning of the bush. As a rule, the bush is pruned immediately after it has finished flowering. If in winter the flower is not moved to a cool place, then its shoots become very elongated. In this case, another pruning will be required in early spring in order to shorten the stems that are too long.

If the bush is already very old, it may lose its decorative effect. But don't rush to throw it away. Cut off its most powerful shoots and root them like regular cuttings. Thanks to this, instead of one old one, you will have several young and beautiful bushes.

Stimulating nematanthus flowering with formative pruning

Every year, before the dormant period in autumn (October), the nematanthus is pruned to stimulate flowering for the next active period. If the plant overwinters in a warm room, the formation process is postponed until spring. This will heal and rejuvenate the goldfish.

Remove diseased, thin stems. Healthy young shoots are shortened by 1/3, aged ones by half.


Nematanthus is replanted in the spring, but only when necessary. When choosing a new pot for replanting, you should take into account that it should be only slightly larger than the old one, since in a container that is too spacious, the bush may not bloom for a long time. So, the new container should be 10–20 mm larger in diameter than the old one.

It is imperative to make a good drainage layer at the bottom of the pot so that there is no stagnation of liquid in the substrate, which must be loose. The soil mixture should be light, loose, well-permeable to water and air, neutral or slightly acidic with a pH of 5.5–6. The approximate composition of a soil mixture suitable for growing nematanthus can be as follows: leaf soil, sand, peat and humus, taken in a ratio of 2:1:1:1. It is recommended to add small pieces of charcoal and sphagnum moss chopped with scissors to the finished substrate.

How and when to replant nematanthus

Nematanthus is a slow growing flower. Young ones are replanted only after 2-3 years, and adults - when the roots come out of the drainage holes. They do this in the spring.

Take a small container, about 2 cm wider than the previous one.

The following substrate options are used:

  • soil for violets:
  • leaf, peat, sand (1:1:1) with the addition of crushed bark and moss;
  • leaf, humus, peat, sand (2:1:1:1), charcoal crumbs.

The container and soil are disinfected (boiled in a water bath or doused with boiling water). Drainage is important (expanded clay, pebbles, vermiculite).

Transplantation is carried out using the transshipment method, taking care not to damage the delicate roots. Afterwards, water the plant with warm water, spray it, and place it in the chosen place.

Transplanting a plant

To transplant hypocyrthus, you need to choose the right soil. For healthy development and long-lasting flowering, you need to choose a loose substrate with increased breathability. The best substrate would be a mixture of coarse sand with pieces of sphagnum, peat and leaf soil (2:2:1:1). Since nematanthus are quite compact plants, they will not need frequent replanting ; it is optimal to replant the flower no more than once every 2 years. In this matter, it is better to stick to how quickly the roots fill the soil in the pot.

The procedure must be carried out using the standard method - transshipment with slight removal of excess substrate and top soil. When replanting a plant, you need to carefully monitor the roots of the flower and avoid contact with them. To prevent the hypocyrt from suffering from excess moisture, it is better to lay out a good layer of drainage.

The container for replanting should not exceed the height of the previous pot by more than 3 cm. Since the flower has a small rhizome, it is better to select small pots.

Reproduction of nematanthus, obtaining new fish flowers

Nematanthus is propagated by seeds and cuttings.


This method is labor-intensive and time-consuming:

  • Prepare a tray and a container with drainage holes, add peat and sand, and moisten it.
  • Ripe seed boxes are opened, the latter are poured onto paper, then distributed over the substrate and covered with a transparent material (glass, film).
  • Water into a tray and ventilate regularly.
  • After the sprouts appear, the shelter is removed.
  • After 2 weeks they are picked.
  • 3-4 seedlings are placed in one pot. Young nematanthus bloom the next year.


After pruning, healthy approximately 10 cm (4-5 nodes) cuttings are rooted in peat, moss, and water.

  • The lower sheets are removed, the sections are treated with Zircon or Epin, immersing the planting material 1 cm in the solution.
  • The cutting node on which roots are formed is deepened into a rooting container and covered with a glass jar.
  • They create +22…+25 °C and light.
  • After 2-3 weeks, they are planted in small pots of about 10 cm, 3-4 pieces each.


Produced from stem cuttings in spring or summer. When preparing the cuttings, 3-4 internodes are left on the stem. Rooting is effective in water with the addition of phytohormones (epin, heteroauxin, etc.).

The container with the cutting should be kept warm (24-250C). You can use bottom heating, but it is not necessary. Planting of young seedlings is carried out when the roots have developed sufficiently into a small pot, or several cuttings together.

Reproduction by seeds is possible. They must be ripe. Collected after the flower has completely dried. Planted in spring in prepared soil for seedlings, covered with glass. Picking seedlings is done when 3-4 true leaves appear. With good care, a young plant can bloom after the first year of life.

Errors in caring for nematanthus, pests and diseases

When grown in the wrong conditions, nematanthus can get sick and be attacked by insects.


External manifestations on leaves

CauseCorrective measures
Dropping flowers.

Leaf fall.

Winter period: waterlogged soil, low temperature. Growth and flowering period: lack of moisture in the soil and air. Reduce watering. Move to a warmer place. If the damage is severe, the flower is transplanted into new soil.
Yellowing, curling. The appearance of brown spots.Excessive direct sunlight. Burns. Place it away from the window. Shade. Spray early in the morning or evening.
Withering.Overfeeding with fertilizers.Follow the feeding rules.
Lack of flowering.Lack of lighting, nutrition, dry air, cold. There was no trimming. Create the right conditions of detention.
Drying and yellowing.Heat and dryness.Increase humidity (place in a tray with wet pebbles, place a container of water and a humidifier nearby).
Darkening of flowers, their fallingDrops of water getting on the buds.Use only a fine spray, do not get on the flowers.
The appearance of depressions.Incorrect watering.Maintain a watering schedule.
Whitish wet coating.

Death of leaves.

Mealybug.Remove insects with an alcohol wipe.
Covered with light yellow spots, the formation of cobwebs.Spider mite.Spray with Actellik, Fitoverm.
Slow growth.

Deformation, silver smudges.

Insects are visible.Aphid.Treated with Antitlin, Biotlin
Mold.Gray rot.Remove the affected areas and change the substrate. Use Fundazol. Reduce watering and ventilate the room.
Withering, yellowing and death.Root rot.The diseased roots are removed, the plant is dried, replanted, and watered with Carbendazim.
White plaque.Powdery mildew.Spots are removed manually or diseased leaves are torn off. Treated with Fitosporin.

Possible difficulties

Weak flowering or no flowering. The reason for this is poor lighting, lack of nutrients, too dry or cold air, and possibly lack of pruning of the plant.

There are light brown spots on the surface of the leaves. A possible reason is that the water is too cold; it should be warm (20°C) for irrigation.

The plant sheds its leaves. If this happens in the autumn-winter period, then the likely cause is too low a temperature. If in the summer, and the substrate is dry, then the plant suffers from severe drying out of the root ball.

The tips of the leaves dry out and turn yellow. The reason is too high temperature and low humidity.

When the plant is flowering, when spraying, it is necessary to avoid getting large drops of water on the flowers, as they may turn brown and fall off prematurely.

, gray rot appears .

Leaves lose color intensity. There may be several reasons: direct sunlight, too dry air, or overfeeding with fertilizers.

Why nematanthus does not bloom and other problems when growing

“Why doesn’t nematanthus bloom” - flower growers who grow this crop often ask this question. Usually, in good conditions, buds appear very quickly. Flowering occurs in March and can last until September-November. In the presence of bright lighting, if phytolamps are used, it can bloom in winter. But there is one nuance to this: the plant loses its strength.

It happens that the bush does not begin to bloom at all. This often happens when a flower grows in conditions that are not entirely suitable for it.

So, there may be several reasons why this crop does not bloom. Firstly, as mentioned above, a large pot was chosen for it. Secondly, flowering will not occur if the plant does not have enough light. Thirdly, the reason may be depletion of the bush due to lack of fertilizers or poor watering. Another reason for the small number of flowers is the lack of a dormant period in nematanthus. If you do not prune the bush, it is unlikely that buds will begin to form on it.

It happens that the leaves of a plant wither, but do not dry out, but gradually turn yellow and fall off. This indicates rotting of the root system. The reason for this is often a fungus found in constantly moist soil. At the first signs of this disease, you should remove the plant from the pot, inspect its roots, remove the affected ones and replant them in a fresh substrate, having previously disinfected the container for it.

If young shoots and buds begin to curl and then dry out, you need to inspect the bush. Most likely it was attacked by aphids. If it is detected, the hypocyrta should be treated with a special preparation against this insect.

If yellow spots begin to appear on the surface of the leaf blades and cobwebs are visible, it means that a spider mite has settled on the bush. The insecticide “Kleschevit” and similar preparations will help in the fight against insects.

Hypocyrta (nematanthus) - folk superstitions

There are folk tales and ancient legends about many flowers and plants. All that is known about nematanthus is that it brings happiness and good luck to its owner. It also purifies the air and decorates the house. If it looks healthy and well-groomed, it lifts the mood of the owners, since bright and unusual nematanthus create an atmosphere of real tropics in the home. That's probably all that can be said about this indoor plant. But if you know more about Nematanthus hypocyrtus than we do, be sure to share your knowledge with us.


  • https://kvetok.ru/komnatnye-rasteniya/nematantus-gipocirta-harakteristika-vidov-uslovija-vyrashhivanija
  • https://FB.ru/article/438521/tsvetok-zolotaya-ryibka-opisanie-s-foto-razvedenie-posadka-vyiraschivanie-i-pravila-uhoda
  • https://diz-cafe.com/rastenija/nematantus-uhod-v-domashnih-usloviyah-foto.html
  • https://cvetochkino.ru/?p=1056
  • https://rastenievod.com/nematantus.html
  • https://MrDachnik.com/nematantus
  • https://flora.dobro-est.com/nematantus-nematanthus-ili-gipotsirta-hypocyrta-opisanie-vidyi-i-uhod-za-nematantusom.html
  • https://green-color.ru/2968-nematantus-posadka-vyraschivanie-i-uhod.html


Signs and superstitions

Photo of nematanthus in a pot
One of the plants associated with superstitions. It is believed that it is beneficial to keep the flower in the house: it brings happiness and luck to its owners and attracts financial success. During flowering, nematanthus lifts the mood, delighting with a school of “goldfish” decorating the dark emerald shiny shoots.

Other problems

Nematanthus, like many other houseplants, has certain problems that can be eliminated.

  1. The tops of the leaves can dry out due to high air temperatures and inappropriate humidity.
  2. The plant may shed its leaves in the presence of sudden changes in air temperature or drafts. This can also happen in winter at low air temperatures, when the soil is very waterlogged.
  3. The appearance of light brown spots on the leaves occurs when the plant is watered with cold water.
  4. When large drops of water fall on the leaves of the plant, they will turn brown and fall off.

The falling of small leaves of the “Goldfish” flower while the large ones curl up indicates insufficient watering of the plant. In this case, the container with the flower should be placed in a tray with water so that the soil is sufficiently saturated with moisture.

Nematanthus indoors: what to do after purchase?

Transportation from the store must be careful . Wind, drafts, cool air below 12°C can negatively affect the condition of the plant. At home, you should carefully wipe all the leaves with soapy water and leave the nematanthus in quarantine. 2 weeks to adapt to new conditions . After this time, the bush can be replanted if it really needs replanting. If the perennial looks strong and healthy, it is better to wait until spring to replant.

Replanting requires a new pot and special soil. As for the material, you can take any pot. In size it should be larger than the old one by about 2 cm in diameter. Good drainage holes at the bottom of the pot are welcome. The drainage layer can be made of expanded clay or large pebbles. Transplantation is carried out by transshipment without destroying the old earthen clod. The voids in the pot are filled with fresh soil.

Diseases: control methods and prevention

  • If your plant's leaves turn yellow, this indicates that the conditions for their comfortable maintenance most likely were not met. The flower could be affected by: heat, lack of air, light or moisture. To prevent the leaves from turning yellow, you need to follow the rules of care and inspect the plants more often for signs of pests. To cure a plant, it is necessary to find the exact cause of yellowing and correct the situation.
  • Fungal diseases can be identified by white spots on the leaves. If the situation is not very advanced, a regular solution of soda and laundry soap can help. If not, then remove the damaged parts from the plant and spray with the following preparations: Benlat or Topsin-M. For prevention, ventilate the room more often, do not overdo it with watering, disinfect containers, soil and tools.
  • When a plant's leaves fall off, it indicates that the plant is under stress. This occurs due to drafts or lack of heat. Correct the situation by providing the plant with comfortable conditions.
  • If your plant's leaves have wilted, it means it either lacks moisture or vitamins. To save the plant, it is necessary to water it more often and apply highly specialized and monofertilizers.

Conditions for growing at home

Although caring for a “goldfish” does not require much effort or special training, certain conditions must be observed.

Location and lighting

Nematanthus requires a lot of bright and diffused light. Direct exposure to sunlight can burn delicate inflorescences and foliage. For this reason, in summer it is better to place the plant on the east and west sides. If you place the pot on the south window, the flower should be protected; in the north window you will have to provide additional lighting.

Important! Without the proper amount of light, buds will not form.

In winter, artificial light is sufficient for the flower.

Air temperature and humidity

From spring to autumn, when the plant grows and develops, room temperature (+19...+25°C) is enough for it. In the resting phase, which occurs in winter, the temperature should be +14…+16°C.

At the same time, the plant is not afraid of temperature changes. But, if the temperature stays below +13°C for a long time, this will affect the appearance of the plant, and at +7°C the foliage will turn brown and fall off. At high temperatures (above +27°C) the flower will also suffer.

The humidity level for nematanthus to live must be maintained between 50–60%. Therefore, in the warm season, it is recommended to spray nematanthus as often as possible. But it must be remembered that the higher the temperature, the more moisture there should be, and vice versa.

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