Which window should I put the orchid on and should I rearrange the flower?

You want to place bright and attractive orchid flowers in the very center of the room, without hiding them behind curtains, so that everyone who enters can admire your beautiful exotic flower. But will the flower itself like this arrangement?

Most often, flowers in apartments and houses are on window sills or wall racks next to the window. But the question is: on which window will the phalaenopsis and its relatives be comfortable? After all, improper lighting can ruin all your efforts to care for the flower.

Where to put an orchid in an apartment: space requirements

Choosing a place for an orchid in an apartment is one of the main conditions for the proper development of the plant.

The exotic flower loves a lot of sunlight, but not its direct rays. Therefore, you need to choose a place where he will be absent-minded. Otherwise, the leaves may get sunburned. The best place is the western or eastern part of the room. If this is not possible, and the windows face north, then you need to take care of artificial lighting for the orchid. It will compensate for the lack of sun.

The plant reacts very sensitively to changes in the surrounding microclimate. Therefore, it is very important to maintain a constant temperature and humidity around it. Generally, the suitable temperature for orchids is 25-30ºС in summer, 20-25ºС in winter. Humidity should usually be 60-90%. If the air in the room is too dry, then the flower should be placed in a tray with expanded clay or other drainage material and water should be poured into it.

The absence of drafts is another condition that must be taken into account when choosing a place for a flower. When ventilating the room, it is necessary to prevent the flow of air from the street entering it.

For your information! Different types of orchids require different conditions. Therefore, an individual approach is needed in plant care.

Examples of placing Phalaenopsis in the house

Orchids harmoniously complement the space in such fashionable styles as loft and country. They make such interiors more “alive”.

This plant is often used to decorate interiors in modern eco-style. Orchid compositions help create an oasis atmosphere, filling the space with extraordinary freshness.

It is difficult to imagine the classic style of Baroque and Renaissance interior without an orchid, harmoniously matched to the overall style of the room. This solution gives the home even greater status and emphasizes its luxury.

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Which window should I put the orchid on?

There is no exact answer to this question. Depending on the type of orchid, methods and methods of caring for it are chosen, including the place where it will grow.

North side

This is the worst place for orchids. The flowers begin to elongate excessively, the leaves become pale and thin. All this happens due to lack of light. Under such conditions, the plant may die. In such cases, additional lighting sources are installed. It is best to use a phytolamp. It will provide the orchid with 10-12 hours of daylight. It must be installed no closer than 30 cm from the plant.

For your information! Ordinary incandescent lamps are not suitable for additional lighting.

East side

The most favorable place for good healthy growth of any orchids. The flower receives a completely suitable amount of sunlight without burning its leaves in the summer. In winter there may be a lack of lighting. To understand this, you need to observe the plant. If he shows signs of light deficiency, then you need to turn on the phytolamp.

South side

The most suitable option for placing orchids in winter. Here the flowers will receive the optimal amount of sunlight even without additional sources. In summer, the sun's rays can burn the leaves, so it is necessary to make artificial shade for them.

For your information! In a room on the south side, orchids should be installed no closer than 1 meter from direct sunlight.

West side

Here the opinions of gardeners are divided. Some argue that a west-facing window is good for orchid growth. Others put it after the northern one and note a great lack of sunlight. But in both cases, you cannot do without additional lighting in winter. The phytolamp should work for approximately 3-4 hours a day. The advantage of a western window is that the sunlight is not so scorching in the summer.

Description of the flower

An unpretentious plant with an exquisite appearance and the favorite flower of many housewives is the orchid. It perfectly decorates your home and gives the interior a stylish look. Its inflorescences are called multi-colored butterflies because of the varied color palette. In addition to natural shades, you can find unique colors of hybrids bred by florists. The most unusual variety is black phalaenopsis.

For reference ! The color of the leaves indicates the health of the plant. Darkened leaves are a sign of a lack of light, yellowed leaves with spots are a sign of its excess.

There are many mysteries associated with orchids. There are conflicting folk rumors about this sophisticated plant. All this makes amateur gardeners think about signs and superstitions before purchasing this luxurious plant.

Features of placement and care by season

in winter

Daylight hours are very short, which negatively affects the condition of flowers. Additional lighting lamps that are installed no closer than 20-30 cm from the pot will help here. During this period, you need to carefully ventilate the room. The orchid does not like drafts, and cold air can freeze the sensitive leaves of the plant. In winter, indoor air is dry due to the use of heating appliances. The capricious beauty suffers from lack of moisture. Therefore, you need to monitor the condition of the soil in the pot and water it on time. To increase humidity, you can spray the air with water. At the same time, make sure that moisture does not get on the leaves, otherwise they may rot.

For your information! If you don’t have time to periodically spray the air around the flower, you can place containers of water next to it. The water will evaporate and moisten the space around the flower.

The temperature background in a room with orchids during the day should be within 20-25ºС, at night 15-20ºС. The difference should be no more than 5ºС.

in spring

The orchid is emerging from winter sleep and gaining strength for new flowering. During this period, it is necessary to protect the plant from sunburn, as the sun also begins to show its activity. Using blinds or tulle will help create a natural shadow for the flowers.

Caring for orchids during this period involves increasing watering and spraying. You can feed the plants with fertilizer, minerals and organic substances for faster recovery after winter.

In summer

Tropical plants grow, bloom and develop best. The only concern for them is direct sunlight. They can burn the leaves of the plant. Therefore, the most suitable place for them in summer is partial shade.

It is necessary to control soil moisture in the room. Orchids begin to suffer due to lack of water and may dry out and die.

in autumn

The orchid begins to prepare for winter and enters the sleep stage. Daylight hours are shortening and the time has come for additional phytolamps. They begin to water the flower less often, but maintain a sufficient humidity regime, as the heating devices begin to work again. It is advisable to feed orchids in the autumn so that they have enough nutrients to withstand all the hardships of winter.

Additional lighting

It is best to buy fluorescent phytolamps, which are close in spectral composition to natural ones. Considering that you can find economical options on sale today, this will not hit your budget too much.

When turning on the lamp, you must ensure that the distance from it to the tip of the sheet is at least 20 cm and no more than 30 cm. As many have probably already guessed, in the first case the lamp can burn the sheet plates no worse than the scorching sun, and in the second is to have insufficient influence.

When providing an orchid with artificial light, you need to understand that the flower must receive it, firstly, in doses, and secondly, preferably at the same time. Ideally, lighting should be provided for at least 10 hours. If for some reason this is not possible, then the lamp should be turned on for at least 6-7 hours. Otherwise, the flower will continue to suffer from lack of light.

The mistake of many is that in order to save electricity, they turn on the lamp at night. Under no circumstances should this be done. This is due to the fact that flowers, just like people, have their own biorhythms, the failure of which will lead to negative consequences.

From all of the above, we can come to the conclusion that orchids in an apartment can stand where there is a sufficient light source - the flowers have enough lighting, but at the same time they do not burn.

Recommendations for care depending on the direction of the world and the season: table

To clearly see how, at what time period and depending on the location to care for an orchid, the following table is presented

Orchid locationAutumn winterSpring Summer
North sideAdditional light sources are required for 10-12 hours a day, temperature and humidity controlIf necessary, use additional lighting 1 - 2 hours a day, control the humidity level
South sideThe best place for orchids, temperature and humidity controlIt is necessary to shade the plants and control the humidity level
West sideRequires additional lighting for a couple of hours a daySuitable option for arranging orchids, safe from sunlight
East sideAdditional lighting is required for several hours a day. A suitable place for flowers to hibernate. The best option for healthy growth and development of orchids without shading.

East window

In the morning hours, the eastern side receives more light than the western side in the evenings. However, in winter it is best to avoid placing flowers on this side - move the plant here towards the end of spring, in April or May, and leave it until around October.

If you need to constantly grow orchids on the eastern side, it is best to take care of the additional use of a phytolamp, but in many cases this is not necessary - monitor the general condition of the plant.

In which room should I put the orchid?

The room where the orchid stands is not always suitable for its growth.

Living room

An orchid will decorate any room. In the living room it looks especially sophisticated and elegant. If possible, the plant should be given a permanent location. It doesn't have to be a window sill. It can be placed on a table, shelf or nightstand.

in the living room


Many people love to have an exotic beauty orchid on their bedside table. Here you need to take into account that some types of this plant are quite fragrant, especially when exposed to sunlight.

For your information! People suffering from allergies should not place flowers with a noticeable aroma near the bed. It is better to move them to the windowsill.


This is a room with an aggressive environment. Steam, high temperatures, and hot oil can have a negative effect on flowers. But if you still want to decorate this room with an orchid, then it should be located away from the stove and heating appliances. Usually it is placed on window sills, hung in flower pots on the walls, or allocated space on the dining table.

You can put an orchid on the refrigerator if all the necessary conditions for its growth are met: sufficient light, optimal levels of temperature and humidity.


It can affect the flower in different ways. Increased humidity can have both a beneficial effect and lead to rotting of the root system if waterlogging of the substrate is not noticed in time.

It is recommended to place an orchid in the bathroom if the room has a window with natural daylight. Otherwise, you need an additional source of lighting in the form of a phytolamp, which will provide the flower with light in a dark room.


Children are very active and restless. Therefore, to prevent injury to the flower, it is placed in a place inaccessible to children or where it cannot be damaged. Usually these are window sills, high chests of drawers or hanging flowerpots.

Balcony or loggia

Suitable for placing orchids if it is a warm, glassed room. But here you also need to monitor the amount of sunlight, temperature and humidity. If necessary, do shading for flowers.

Where is it better not to place a flower?

This color is quite delicate and sensitive, so you should never place the flower near heating devices. Also, you should not place the flower on the window, because the sun may be shining there too brightly; the flower does not like drafts.

Important. It is necessary to completely limit the flower from the cold. If a person knows in advance that the orchid is at risk of hypothermia, then it is worth insulating it in advance.

Well, the flower is really sensitive to the environment, so you should be careful when choosing a place for the flower.

Related article: Choosing colors and materials in a modern interior

Orchid: where is its main place in the house? (1 video)

Blooming orchids in the house (11 photos)

Possible problems with improper placement of the orchid

If an orchid doesn’t like something, it immediately lets you know. It may turn yellow, stop blooming, become covered with various sores, or die completely. Only immediate measures will help save the flower. But there are also cases when you can irretrievably lose your pet.

Excessive light, leaf burns and pigmentation

A lot of light is not always good for orchids. Everything should be in moderation. If the leaves change color or spots of a different color appear on them, then the flower needs to be shaded. Perhaps direct sunlight burned the plant.

Lack of light - elongated leaves, lack of flowering

Orchids need light in order for the process of photosynthesis in the leaves to proceed successfully. Without it, the plant will simply die. Excessive shade can lead to a lack of flowering, it will drop its buds and remain dormant for a long time. The plant will be exhausted, thin, elongated.

Lack of air

Lack of air can affect the general condition of the plant. It will be wrinkled and limp. If its root system is poorly ventilated, it may rot or mold. Therefore, the room should be well ventilated, but drafts should not reach the flower.

Consequences of drafts

Orchids do not tolerate drafts and hypothermia. Therefore, when choosing a location, you need to take this condition into account. The first sign of frostbite in a plant may be rotting of the root system and mucus on the leaves.

Where to move the orchid in winter

In the period from October to March, when there is little sunlight and on the windowsill, the radiators are “frying” at full power, and the glass is too cold, it is better to rearrange the orchids. The best option would be a rack, cabinet or table near the window so that the flower catches the minimum amount of sunlight that is available, and does not suffer from drafts and temperature changes. You need to move the flower carefully and it is advisable to orient it towards the light source with the same side as it was in the previous place.

You can grow an orchid on any window, but in some cases, to provide it with comfortable lighting, you will have to make a little effort.

  • Which orchid to choose for a beginner - advantages and disadvantages of popular types

    Plunge into the luxurious world of orchids and choose a new tenant for your home or winter garden!

Recommendations for placing different types of orchids in an apartment


Phalaenopsis will feel great on a west or east facing window. He does not like direct sunlight, so he needs shading on the south window. The optimal duration of daylight for phalaenopsis is about 12 hours. Therefore, if necessary, you need to supplement the lighting with a phytolamp. The temperature background must be maintained within 20-26ºС in summer and 16-18ºС in winter. Significant temperature changes should not be allowed.


Dendrobiums are lovers of bright, diffused light. Therefore, south-eastern and western windows with slight shading in hot sunny weather are the best place for flowers. The temperature background during plant growth should be within 25ºС during the day, 20ºС at night. After the orchid has grown, the night temperature is reduced to 15ºC.


Cattleyas are the most capricious and demanding flowers of the orchid family. The ideal location for them is east and west windows with no drafts. The temperature ranges between 21-25°C during the day and 17-18°C at night.


Cumbrian star orchids love western windows. When at rest, it is better to move it to the east side.


Vandas are lovers of abundant lighting. Therefore, the south and southwest are just for them.


Paphiopedilums are one of the few types of orchids that can be placed on the northern side, where they will feel good.

Video: why it’s better not to keep orchids at home

Orchids are so spectacular and beautiful that you should not deny yourself the pleasure of admiring them. Flowers can be safely taken into the house if none of the family members are allergic to pollen. But it’s still better to refrain from placing them in the bedroom. For suspicious, suggestible people who take superstitions and omens seriously, it is better to abandon this plant altogether.

  • Author: Svetlana Lukyanova
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Answers on questions

Question No. 1. What to do if an orchid growing on a windowsill gets sunburned?

It is not worth cutting out the spots formed as a result of the burn, much less removing the burnt leaves. It must be borne in mind that the negative consequences of excessive insolation are more serious the drier the substrate in which the orchid grows. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is moisten the soil. It is advisable to soak the container with the plant for 1-2 hours in the Zircon solution (5 drops of the drug per 1 liter of water).

Reviews from flower growers

Olga : Through trial and error, I came to the conclusion that it is absolutely impossible to choose a permanent place by experimenting, periodically moving the plant from place to place. The orchid reacts extremely negatively to any movement. If it was not immediately possible to take into account the entire set of factors affecting the life of the plant, you must try to eliminate the negative on the spot: shade or, conversely, organize lighting, install an air humidifier, use a finely dispersed moisture spray, fence off the plant with a screen while airing or operating the air conditioner, adjust the schedule watering, etc.”

Can I keep it in the bedroom or in the kitchen, for example, on the refrigerator?

The question arises: is it possible to place an orchid in the bedroom, in the kitchen or on the refrigerator? The answer is yes, it is possible, provided all conditions are met.

  • Nowadays it has become very fashionable to place orchids in bedrooms. Most often they are placed on bedside tables, but before that you should make sure that there is enough light falling on the orchid. In addition, a night lamp will add lighting, albeit artificial.
  • A huge number of gardeners place orchids in their kitchens. There are plenty of places for this: windows, dining table, bar counter.
  • People are often interested in the question of placing an orchid on the refrigerator. And it is worth saying that in the summer this plant can be placed on the refrigerator, since in this place it will be protected from direct sunlight. It is recommended to frequently check the substrate for moisture. In winter, you should not place the orchid on the refrigerator, as during this period it will be too dark for it.
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