Description of burning clematis, planting and care in open ground, reproduction

The small-flowered burning clematis clematis flammula has a powerful foliage mass, and when snow-white flowers appear on it, the plant instantly becomes bright and eye-catching. After all, it is impossible to pass by a huge white air cloud. The brightness and beauty of clematis pungent can transform any homestead. With its help, both amateur and professional landscape designer can easily bring tenderness and airiness to their composition. And its unpretentious nature and resistance to winter temperatures will only increase the desire to use this crop again and again.

Appearance and characteristics of the plant

Stinging clematis is a small-flowered shrub, the vines of which are capable of entwining an area 5 m high and 4 m wide. It is noteworthy that the shoots themselves, as they grow, entwine nearby structures. As a result, nondescript walls or a fence turn into an elegant green carpet with beautiful buds.

The leaves of this species are small, dark green, oval in shape. Each vine produces up to 400 buds. When fully expanded, they look like stars. The buds themselves are small, even when opened their diameter is no more than 3 cm. Such an unusual plant with small white flowers looks great both when planted alone and as a background for other plants.

Bush clematis also looks attractive when decorating gazebos. It can be combined with other varieties that have contrasting flower colors and the same flowering period.

Origin and properties of the flower

In the wild, stinging clematis is found in forest edges, hillsides and undergrowth. The length of its shoots reaches 5 m. Under natural conditions, the plant can be found in Transcaucasia, Asia, Africa and the Mediterranean part of Europe.

During flowering, clematis produces a pleasant honey-vanilla aroma. Liana is a honey plant. After flowering, it is covered with large reddish-brown seeds, giving the bush a decorative appearance until autumn. In warm climates, stinging clematis only partially sheds its leaves at the end of the growing season . In harsh conditions, the entire above-ground part dies off in the fall, and with the onset of warmth, growth begins from the tillering point. Thanks to this feature, burning clematis easily tolerates even severe winter frosts.

Advantages and disadvantages of use in landscape design

Burning clematis is widely used in landscape design. Most often it is used as a cover plant for various supports. A straight white cascade can cover an unattractive wall or fence, and also become a decoration for a gazebo. You can plant the vine near trees so that it entwines their trunk. It is important to remember that the lashes will have to be tied up first, since they are not capable of wrapping around the support on their own.

By shaping the bush and directing the vines, landscape designers sometimes work wonders. Burning clematis becomes like a white cloud, enveloping windows, arches and entrances. The ideal complement for it are climbing roses, honeysuckle or wild grapes.

The advantages of the vine are its unpretentiousness, suitability for molding and high decorative qualities. Disadvantages include a short flowering period and the need to remove dead vines at the end of the growing season when grown in a northern climate or in the middle zone.

Features of stinging small-flowered clematis

This species belongs to the group of “wild”, but at the same time landscape plants. That is, visually they look like they were created by nature, and not by the efforts of breeders. This clematis is characterized by small, star-like flowers that form one voluminous cloud of burning white color. Hence the name of the plant, which fully embodies its essence.

Flowers, as a rule, are no more than 3 centimeters in diameter. During their opening, they emit a wonderful aroma reminiscent of almonds. Flowering begins approximately in mid-June, and ends by the beginning of autumn (if your clematis does not bloom, read our article). One shoot can have several hundred small flowers at once. Clematis stinging (photo and description) produces red-brown seeds with decorative properties. They are suitable for reproduction, which will be discussed a little later.

Necessary conditions for growth and flowering

Burning clematis is not a capricious crop that requires increased attention. But in order for its decorative qualities to reach the maximum level, certain requirements must be met:

  • planting work should be done in March or September;
  • for planting, choose a place completely protected from wind and drafts;
  • The size of the planting hole should be 60 x 60 cm.

The plant needs good lighting, but excess sunlight also negatively affects its condition. The liana does not tolerate overheating of the soil, so it is recommended to plant the soil around it with dense or ground-covering annuals.

See also

Description and pruning group of clematis variety Nellie Moser, planting and care rules


Protection from diseases and pests

Small-flowered white clematis differs from other varieties of clematis in its natural strong immunity. It is quite rarely affected by various diseases. However, with insufficient control of soil moisture and the wrong choice of planting site, this type of vine can be affected by gray rot, powdery mildew and rust.

To save the plant, it is necessary to promptly remove damaged parts and burn them. Next, you need to water the clematis at the base with solutions of Fundazol or Azocel. In case of severe damage to the bushes, they must be cut off at the root and burned.

Among the pests, snails (slugs) attack clematis “stinging”. They must be removed from the plants in a timely manner and other types of shrubs or flowers with strong aromas that can repel pests should be planted next to the vine.

Unpretentious clematis, dotted with small flowers and looking like a white airy cloud, can delight the eye for many years if you choose the right place for planting it, and also provide the plant with a little, but proper care.

Planting multi-flowered clematis

Simple rules of agricultural technology allow gardeners to grow white small-flowered clematis on their own plot. You just need to choose the right place, plant the vine and provide it with further, simple care.


Planting of burning clematis is planned for the first month of spring or autumn. These dates may vary depending on the growing region. In any case, in the spring the vine should be planted before the buds begin to swell. In autumn, work is carried out during the dormant period of clematis, but no later than the beginning of October.

Preparation of the site and planting material

Clematis pungent can grow in one place without transplantation for up to 30 years. Plant the plant near a gazebo, outbuilding, gazebo, fence or arch. The place should be protected from winds and well lit. At the same time, you cannot plant the vine in the very sun. In hot climates, you can place the clematis in partial shade.

Stinging clematis prefers loose and light soils with a large supply of nutrients for cultivation. The acidity should be low or neutral. If the soil on the site is acidic, then before planting the vine, a small amount of lime should be added to it. The ideal option for clematis are loams and sandy loams.

Stinging clematis should not be planted in lowlands or wetlands, as well as in places where groundwater lies close to the soil surface. Such conditions contribute to root rot and plant death. During the long rainy season, experienced gardeners recommend scattering wood ash under the bush.

It is recommended to dig a planting hole for clematis in advance. Its depth and width should be 60 cm each. After this, prepare a nutritious soil mixture consisting of garden soil, wood ash, superphosphate, peat and humus. Just before planting clematis, the soil is shed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. It is important not only to properly prepare the site and planting hole, but also to choose a seedling. To do this, it is examined, paying special attention to the following points:

  • clematis should not have mechanical damage;
  • the seedling should not show signs of disease or pest damage;
  • the root system must consist of at least 5 roots;
  • an autumn seedling must have 2 shoots, and a spring seedling must have at least 1.

Clematis that are 2 years old and have a closed root system take root best. Before planting, it is recommended to trim the shoots, leaving no more than 5 buds.

Direct drop off

Stinging clematis is planted on the site at the very beginning of autumn or early spring. In cold climates, spring planting is preferable, and in the south - autumn planting. A support is installed in a hole prepared in advance and a drainage layer of any available material is poured onto the bottom:

  • broken brick;
  • crushed stone;
  • sand;
  • expanded clay;
  • pebbles

Fertile soil is poured over the drainage layer in the form of a mound, on which the clematis is placed, carefully straightening the roots. The seedling is covered with earth so that the root collar is located below the soil level. Something similar to a funnel is formed around it. The plant is watered abundantly and mulched with peat. In the first weeks, clematis will require light shading, which can later be removed.

Use in landscape design

Clematis comes in different types. Among them are those that are famous for their large, bright flowers. “Small-flowered burning white clematis (clematis)” is very popular not only among gardeners, but also among landscape designers. Its small flowers, collected in brushes, form a lush white cloud.

Clematis flammula blooms in the 2nd year of planting (sometimes in the 1st year of planting, depending on weather conditions). The diameter of the crop can grow up to 3 m, and the height can reach 5 m. By using a support, vertical growth of the vine can be achieved.

These features of clematis are successfully used for:

  • decoration of house facades in garden plots;
  • decoration of gazebos and pergolas (decorative ceilings);
  • hedge decorations;
  • division of territories;
  • decorating old trees;
  • decorating arches and portals.

White small-flowered clematis is a perennial plant. He can live in one place for up to 25 years. This should be taken into account when choosing a place to plant a crop and drawing up a landscape project.

An important role in using Clematis flammula for the implementation of various design plans is played by the choice of support and its size. The decorativeness of the plant and its shape largely depend on this. A lush cloud of white small-flowered clematis looks very beautiful in a composition with bright roses, rhododendrons and other beautifully flowering varieties of clematis.

Many gardeners and landscape designers organize the proximity of “burning clematis (clematis)” with climbing varieties of roses and wild grapes. Such compositions emphasize the tenderness of small vine flowers.

How to care for a plant

Proper care of burning clematis is the key to abundant and beautiful flowering. In the process of growth and development of a vine, it may require not only fertilizing and watering, but also the formation of a bush, correction of light levels, garter, and preparation for winter.

Watering and fertilizing

When watering stinging clematis, a strict balance should be maintained and excessive soil moisture should not be allowed. Otherwise, the roots may rot and the vine will die. When watering, they try to pour water under the root, without irrigating the stem and leaves. If clematis is planted next to the roof and rainwater flows under it, then you need to constantly monitor the soil moisture. If necessary, sprinkle the ground with any moisture-absorbing substance (for example, ash). It should be borne in mind that young seedlings require more moisture than already formed bushes.

During the formation of clematis, it is fed monthly with organic matter or minerals. You cannot apply all the fertilizers at once; you should alternate organic and mineral components every month. Fertilizers are applied immediately after watering so that they are evenly distributed and quickly absorbed by the vine.

Trimming and shaping

In many ways, the appearance of burning clematis depends on the correct pruning and shaping of the bush. The first pruning is done before planting, thus stimulating the growth of shoots. Young shoots need to be pinched. To extend the flowering period, a group of side shoots that do not affect the appearance of the plant are partially pruned. In the fall, all shoots are cut off, since with the onset of cold weather they die anyway, and in the spring new ones are formed.

See also

Description of clematis variety Piilu, planting and care rules, pruning group


Tying up

Clematis stinging requires a mandatory garter, since initially it is not able to braid a support on its own. First you need to make a frame of the required size and shape. To make it convenient for the vine to weave around the fence, its cells should not be more than 1.5 cm wide. The lashes are tied with pieces of twine or thin fabric rope.

Mulching and loosening

As clematis grows, the soil around it must be loosened after each watering or heavy rainfall. At the same time, weeds and other growth that takes away nutrients from the vine are removed. Experts recommend mulching the soil around clematis with peat or mowed dried grass.

Protection from pests and diseases

Stinging clematis is rarely exposed to diseases or pests, but under unfavorable conditions the vine can be affected:

  • rust;
  • gray mold;
  • wiltom;
  • powdery mildew.

When the first signs of the disease are detected, the affected shoots must be immediately removed and the bush treated with preparations specially designed for this purpose. To repel pests, calendula or marigolds are planted next to clematis. Their specific smell will repel insects, and the flowers themselves will become an additional decoration of the site.

Preparing for winter

Burning clematis overwinters well in open ground without special preparation. Its above-ground part dies off with the onset of cold weather, and the root tolerates even severe frosts and forms new shoots in the spring. In the fall, it is recommended to immediately trim the vine almost to the very root, leaving stumps of about 2.5 cm. If the winter has little snow, then you can cover the plant with fallen leaves or spruce branches.

Description of the variety

The plant is a woody vine, the climbing branches of which can reach a length of up to 5 m. The leaves of this species are dissected, 2- or 3-fingered. They have a length from 1.5 cm to 4 cm, a bright green color and a round, elongated shape.

Small-flowered white stinging clematis

White small-flowered clematis is a very heat-loving crop that prefers growing areas with plenty of light and moist soil. The plant's habitat is the Black Sea and Mediterranean coasts.

Clematis flammula is quite unpretentious and does not require special care. The only thing this liana-like plant needs is support for tying up the growing branches.

Clematis stinging is able to withstand any changes in air temperature, and even severe frosts. He has a strong immunity to various diseases. The plant is a honey plant and is endowed with a very pronounced, but unobtrusive aroma, which is emitted by numerous small flowers. They are collected in small panicles and have a diameter of 2-3 cm.

One shoot of this vine with lush green mass can have up to 200-300 buds. During flowering, Clematis flammula resembles a fragrant, lush, lacy white cloud. Many gardeners and landscape designers love this plant for its ease of care and extraordinary beauty during the flowering period, which lasts from June to August.

After flowering, in September, “clematis pungent small-flowered” begins to bear fruit. The plant produces a simple, dry, single-seeded, indehiscent fruit with a leathery pericarp (pericarp).

Clematis flammula grows quickly and begins to bloom in the 2nd year of life. It is very beautiful as a single plant, but can make an excellent harmonious company with other large-flowered clematis or other flowering plants.


Stinging clematis reproduces by seeds, layering, petioles or division of an adult bush. Seeds can be sown both in open ground and in a greenhouse. In the first case, they are sown in early April, and in the second, in November. The seed is planted in a mixture of earth and sand in equal proportions, and covered with peat on top, the layer thickness of which should be no more than 2 cm. To propagate clematis by dividing the bush, you need to carefully dig up the old plant and divide it into parts, which are immediately planted on new place.

Side shoots are used as layering for propagation. They dig grooves near them and carefully place them there. After this, the branches are pressed with staples and sprinkled with earth. A year later, the young bushes can be separated from the mother clematis and planted in a permanent place.

Clematis cuttings should be treated with a root formation stimulator to make them take root more easily. The soil temperature during the rooting process should not drop below +18 °C. Until the planting material takes root, it must be protected from direct sunlight.


Clematis variety "small-flowered burning white" is called an unpretentious plant. However, he also needs care and minimal care.


Clematis flammula likes moist soil without stagnant water. Therefore, watering the plant should be moderate. Only seedlings that have just been planted in open ground should be watered abundantly.

If groundwater is located close to the soil surface, it is necessary to provide the area with a drainage system, and plant vines on small hills. In addition, when watering clematis, the soil under the plant should be moistened, and not its above-ground mass.

The frequency of the watering procedure must be adjusted depending on weather and climatic conditions. So, during the hot period, the plant should be given moisture 3-4 times a week, and in a temperate climate with average air temperatures, 2-3 waterings per week are sufficient.

Top dressing

For good growth and abundant flowering, small-flowered white burning clematis needs additional nutrition in the form of complex mineral and organic fertilizers. It is better to fertilize the plant 3 to 4 times per season in spring and closer to autumn.

If the soil was well fertilized when planting seedlings in open ground, then you can feed the vine from 2-3 years of age. In addition to fertilizing the soil under the plant, you can carry out foliar feeding. To do this, the above-ground parts of the plant (green mass and shoots) are sprayed with special compounds.

All procedures must be carried out after weeding (removing weeds), watering and sunset.

Spraying the plant should be carried out in cloudy, dry weather. This will allow the nutrients to stay on the plant longer.

You should not fertilize the plant with solutions and mixtures of high concentration.

Life periods of the plantFeeding timeTypes of fertilizers/proportions
1st feeding/beginning of May.
Urea solution/30 g per 10 liters of water.
Vegetation2nd feeding/1 week after the 1st feeding.Organic matter diluted with water (chicken manure, mullein)/1 part organic matter to 10 parts water.
Vegetation3rd feeding (foliar)/2 weeks after the 2nd feeding.Complex fertilizer "Fertika Universal"/1 tbsp. l per 10 liters of water.
BuddingLate spring-early summer.
  • A mixture of potassium nitrate (1 tbsp) and superphosphate (1 tbsp) with water (10 l);
  • universal complex fertilizer “Aquarin flower” / according to instructions.
BuddingEarly summer (foliar feeding)
  • “Zircon” solution/according to instructions;
  • "Epin"/according to instructions.
At the end of floweringEnd of summerPotassium and phosphorus-containing fertilizers in combination:
  • superphosphate (½ tbsp. l);
  • potassium sulfate (½ tbsp. l).

Small-flowered white burning clematis is unpretentious and does not require special care; fertilizers and fertilizing will give it the opportunity to be stronger, healthier and more beautiful.

Loosening and mulching

The procedure of loosening the soil under and around any plant helps saturate the root system of flora representatives with oxygen and improve the penetration of moisture and fertilizers deep into the soil.

It is better to loosen small-flowered white clematis and remove weeds at least 2-3 times a month before watering and fertilizing. However, it should be noted that even without loosening the plant is able to develop and grow well.

Mulching protects any crop from the growth of weeds and from some diseases. In addition, this procedure helps maintain soil moisture for a longer period.

Immediately after planting small-flowered clematis, you should mulch the soil under and around it. To do this, you can cover the soil under the plant with a thick layer of grass, fallen leaves, sawdust or peat. In addition, you can use material that is sold in specialized stores.

The organic layer of mulch must be regularly updated and maintained in a healthy condition to avoid decay and putrefactive processes.


Clematis flammula (small-flowered white stinging clematis) does not require regular pruning. It looks beautiful in its original form. You can occasionally cut or pinch some of its side shoots. This will stimulate the vine to bloom more luxuriantly.

However, before wintering, you should cut off all the branches and shoots of the plant to the surface of the soil, since its entire above-ground part still dies off before the onset of cold weather. Only the root system of clematis remains to overwinter.

Shelter for the winter

It should be noted that this variety of clematis can winter well without additional shelter, even in severe frosts and winters with little snow. The main thing is that all branches of the vine are cut off first.

However, in regions with a very harsh climate, you need to play it safe and cover the places where the clematis “sit”. To do this, you can use a mound of dry earth, a layer of mulch, spruce branches and wooden boxes.

Possible problems

In the process of growing stinging clematis, the gardener may encounter some problems. In particular, the vine sometimes stops blooming, its inflorescences become smaller from year to year, or the tops begin to dry out. It is important to correctly determine the cause of such trouble and take measures to eliminate it.

The plant has stopped growing

This problem most often appears in the first year of life, when the seedling really stops growing and its height does not exceed 0.2-0.3 m. The reason for this is improper care. The liana will require increased fertilizing containing nitrogen and good watering.

Inflorescences become smaller

This problem is typical for old bushes aged 5 years or more. The root system goes too deep into the ground, and watering does not provide it with the necessary amount of moisture. As a result, the root weakens. It is necessary to dig several plastic bottles, neck down, into the ground at a distance of 0.5 m from the main trunk of the bush. The bottom is cut off and water is poured into the container. This manipulation promotes deeper penetration of the liquid into the ground.

Problems you may encounter when growing clematis

ProblemCauseHow to get rid of the troubles that have arisen?
Stunted growthIn the second year after planting, in June, the growth of clematis reaches 20 centimeters and stops. This means that the care regimen has been disrupted. To help the plant begin to grow, it is necessary to increase the number of waterings and double or triple fertilizing with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, such as urea.
Drying of the topsIf the tops of the vine begin to curl and dry out, this means that the plant is not getting enough water or there are aphids on it.When clematis is damaged by insects, it is sprayed three times with a decoction of tobacco dust or hot pepper, maintaining an interval of 3-4 days. If traditional methods do not help, you can use chemicals.
Grinding BloomIf clematis stinging flowers stop forming lush clouds, then most likely this means that the suction roots located at depth do not receive enough moisture.In this case, a shallow trench is dug around the plant and water is poured there when watering. This trench can also be used for applying fertilizers.

Clematis stinging is a very beautiful plant with which you can decorate any garden area. It will add tenderness and airiness to any composition. A pleasant bonus for any gardener will be ease of care and good frost resistance.

How to plant clematis (video)

Clematis pungent is one of the most common and popular types of clematis in domestic gardening. It attracts with good frost resistance, unpretentiousness and durability, long flowering. The use of this plant in garden decoration is extremely diverse; its flowers are beautiful and fragrant.

When is it better to replant clematis in spring or autumn?

For proper transplantation, look at the root system. The optimal time will depend on the type of root system. If you have cuttings with closed roots, you can plant them in both spring and autumn. When the root system is open, it is better to replant in the spring, while the buds have not yet formed.

When you have chosen a suitable location, you need to properly plant or replant the clematis. Gardeners advise doing this in the fall for lovers of these flowers. In early autumn, it is better not to replant, as due to the abundant sun you will not always be able to give the plant proper care.

The best period of autumn is considered to be when the air temperature begins to decrease. Then the main processes are carried out:

  1. The site is being prepared.
  2. They dig a hole.
  3. If necessary, prepare drainage.
  4. They make fertilizers.
  5. A plant is planted.
  6. Cover with the rest of the fertilizer.
  7. Watered.

After planting or replanting in the fall, you need to trim the root runners. And another important point - in the fall, the hole is completely filled up. When you want the cuttings to take root, take river sand.

After planting, be sure to constantly loosen the soil. This way you can grow clematis healthy. In the first year of transplantation, fertilizing is not used.

Advice from gardeners: if it is not possible to constantly water the plant abundantly, you can make a special design. To do this, take a plastic tube with many holes in it. When planting a bush, the tube is placed in a hole and covered with a mixture of fertilizers. This will allow you to have constant watering and care for the bush.

If replanting in the spring, for a beautiful landscape in your garden, choose a period no earlier than mid-April. During this period, the soil is well warmed up and will be able to accept the plant normally. There are no particular important features of planting in spring. All processes are no different from planting in the fall.

Advice from gardeners: it is advisable to plant low flowers near the plant that can shade the root system

It is also important to completely pluck all the buds in the first year of the plant’s life. Then the root system can quickly develop

As you can see, there is some trouble when caring for clematis. But by doing things right and following the processes, you can enjoy an abundance of lush blooms from gardeners' favorite perennial plant.

What is so good about this shrub? Main advantages:

  1. Abundant flowering for a long time.
  2. Flowers on every meter.
  3. It can be an ecological screen.
  4. Variety of species.

Consider the whole range of requirements and with proper care, they will bloom colorfully and for a long time in your garden, being resistant to pests.

Site preparation

This plant is a climbing plant, so it is necessary to build a support for it before replanting. Usually, decorative trellises are installed for this, but clematis shoots are very strong and tenacious, so they can wrap around any support.

In winter, the branches must be removed from the support, otherwise they will die. Sometimes this is difficult to do because the stems grow so much.

Rules for transplanting clematis in the fall:

  • if the support has a complex curled shape, you should take species that need pruning in the fall;
  • Do not grow clematis near buildings with sloping roofs - they can be damaged by flowing water.
  • the distance between plants should be at least 1.5-2 m;
  • the optimal groundwater level should not exceed 1.3 m.

When replanting in the fall, it is important that the roots of the plant can take root faster and the clematis begins to bush. You also need to dig a hole

If the soil is heavy and clayey, then a nutrient mixture is used to fill the hole. To prepare it use:

Before transplanting the plant into the soil to another place, add a little ash, as well as a glass of lime or mineral fertilizer. Clematis has a root collar; it is recommended to cover it not with soil, but with a mixture of ash and sand.

When transplanting clematis, add a little ash to the soil.

Pit preparation

The pit for transplanting clematis is prepared in advance. Its depth should be at least 60 cm deep and 50 cm wide. A drainage layer 10-15 cm thick is placed at the bottom of the hole.

For this use:

Then it is filled with prepared soil from equal parts of sand and peat. You should also add organic matter to the mixture to improve plant nutrition, and 2 parts of soil. You cannot use soil that has been removed from a hole; it is better to purchase a special garden mixture. While mixing the components, approximately 185 g of dolomite powder is added to each well.

You should also not use fresh manure because it can burn the roots. The holes filled with the mixture are left there for a while.

Caring for clematis White Cloud

The plant quickly adapts to different climatic conditions, which allows it to be grown both in the south of Russia and in temperate latitudes. In addition, small-flowered clematis is completely unpretentious and is rarely affected by pests.

Combined with its lush appearance and rich honey aroma, these qualities have brought the shrub great popularity.


Water clematis pungently abundantly, but infrequently. In this case, it is advisable to add water to the very roots, trying not to flood the shoots and leaves.

The recommended frequency of watering is 1-2 times a week. If the season is hot and dry, you can increase this figure to 3 times a week.


During the season, clematis is fed at least 1-2 times, however, it is advisable to fertilize every month. In this case, it is imperative to alternate organic fertilizers with mineral ones; you cannot use only one type of fertilizer. To make it easier for the plant to absorb nutrients, feed clematis immediately after watering.

In spring and early summer, nitrogen fertilizers are applied to the soil. In the fall, when the bush fades, it is fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. This way, it will be easier for the plant to survive the winter.

In order to prevent various diseases, you can additionally feed the vine with a solution of potassium permanganate and boric acid. To do this, 2 g of potassium permanganate is mixed with 2 g of boric acid and the resulting mixture is diluted in 10 liters of water.

How to feed clematis

Clematis Hania photo

The plant throws out a large mass of flowers over the course of a season, so the bush cannot do without serious feeding. Once every 10 days it must be supported with fertilizers that promote lush flowering. These are Agricola for flowering plants, Agricola Fantasy, Grow-Up, Effecton for flowering plants.

In the fall, be sure to feed the plant in winter: 1 tbsp. spoon of superphosphate and 1 tbsp. spoon of potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water - move carefully. Water one bucket of this solution per adult plant, then next spring the flowers will bloom faster and will delight you until the fall.

Choosing a location for garden clematis

In order for a flowering perennial to grow in one place for a long time, not get sick and regularly form buds, you need to plant it correctly right away. To do this, select the optimally suitable place in advance, taking into account all the requirements for “accommodation” conditions:

  1. Nutritious, permeable, moderately moist soil.
  2. Excellent drainage, because the root system does not tolerate stagnant waterlogging. It is better to choose an elevated place for growing.

    Combination with peonies

  3. Clematis requires a regular sunny location. In the shade, vines bloom poorly and are damaged by fungal diseases.
  4. Low-growing plants, such as marigolds or calendula, help shade the tree trunk from moisture evaporation and overheating. They look beautiful all together, forming a charming composition, while at the same time covering sensitive roots from the burning sun.
  5. Clematis does not climb or produce tendrils like grapes. They cling to support with leaf petioles, so light but very strong gratings or mesh are installed for them.
  6. Wind is the worst enemy of plants, so clematis must be planted in places that are maximally protected from strong cold winds.
  7. When planting near a wall, the bushes should be placed away from water flowing from the roof so that the roots do not suffer from excess moisture.

Video about the best way to plant clematis.

A well-chosen place and the right growing conditions will help the plant quickly take root. In the first years, the seedling may look deplorable; it will begin to grow to its full potential by 3-4 years.

Step-by-step planting instructions

Proper planting is of great importance in the subsequent development of the perennial

Everything is important: the landing site and timing. Each region has its own time to plant clematis.

Site selection and preparation

Anyone who wants to plant ornamental shrubs in their dacha should decide on a place for flowers. The area suitable for clematis is:

  • well lit by the sun, maybe with a little shade;
  • protected from cold winds and drafts;
  • with loose and nutritious soil;
  • where groundwater does not come close to the surface.

If it is not possible to choose a site, then it is worth preparing the appropriate conditions on the existing soil. Excess moisture is removed using a dug groove sprinkled with sand on top. You should protect the clematis roots from moisture by pouring a mound of earth and placing the seedling there.

Dates and schemes for planting seedlings

You can plant clematis on your site both in spring and autumn. The timing depends on the planting region. In the south you can use the time from August to October. In areas with cold climates, it is better to plant the crop in May. Planting holes 70 centimeters deep are prepared in advance. A layer of crushed stone is laid on the bottom. Fill the hole 2 thirds with nutrient substrate. It is prepared from the top layer of soil removed when digging a hole, humus. Add a little slaked lime if the soil is too acidic.

The distance between decorative seedlings should be maintained. It should be 25-40 centimeters. Planted at a distance of 50 centimeters from buildings. This will prevent the soil from being washed away due to rain flowing from the roofs.

in spring

Planting in spring is used for those clematis varieties that will have to adapt to new conditions. Over the summer, the plants will form a powerful root system and will be able to get used to the soil and climate. But the disembarkation deadlines must be observed. If you are late, clematis will not be able to develop fully. In temperate climates, it can be planted in April, before buds open. In the northern regions - in May.

For spring planting, the pit is prepared in the fall. The seedling will grow well if the root collar is buried 7-12 centimeters. The depth is chosen depending on the age of the seedling. For young clematis, 5 centimeters will be enough, and two-year-olds will need a depth of 14. This way, the plant stem will begin to branch faster.


You can plant clematis in the fall. But planting dates must be observed. Early planting will cause the clematis to grow prematurely. Then they may die in winter. It is better to plant before frost in September. It is ideal to choose a hill for flowers so that groundwater lies deeper than 1.2 meters from the surface. The soil should be acidic within the pH range of 7.0-8.0.

Is it possible to plant in summer?

Clematis are planted between May and June in areas where winter comes early. But it is best to prepare seedlings for planting in August. The plants will have time to get stronger before the onset of cold weather.

Collection and storage of seeds

Before breeding clematis, you need to purchase samples for seedlings. Seed material is sold through stores, but sometimes it is collected at home. In the second case, you need to cut off the inflorescences from the flowering shoot. In this case, the insides of the seed head should be visible, and it itself should have a brown tint. These characteristics indicate that the seeds are ripe and dry.

The finished material is stored in a dry room, away from direct sunlight. To avoid rotting, it is spread loosely over a wooden surface or wrapped in paper. The shelf life is maximum 4 years. Moreover, the fresher it is, the better its germination.

Where to plant clematis.

Wet, swampy soils are completely unsuitable for the plant, so we exclude areas where there is stagnant water or water from roof drains for planting them. Such places guarantee fungal diseases and death of the vine. Also, you should not plant the vine near large trees - the roots of the plant are large and will begin to compete with the huge roots of the tree.

I would like to remind you that the flowers of the vine love a sunny place, and the roots love the shade. Therefore, it is good to plant low-growing flowers or ornamental grasses next to it. For example, hostas are excellent companions for vines. Another option is to mulch the roots. Pine needles, sawdust or straw are ideal as mulch.

Do clematis need to be covered for the winter?

In order to prevent freezing of the lower bud and roots, these vines need to be protected from frost. Therefore, before covering the shoots, we remove all the leaves from them to prevent rotting. Then we remove the mulch at the base of the bush and fill the neck of the vine with compost or peat. After this, we lay out the stems in a circle in a ring, fasten the stems to the ground with thick wire clips, cover the top with mulch and cover with waterproof material, leaving holes for ventilation. In early spring, we free the shoots and tie them to a support.

For all their beauty, clematis frighten some summer residents with the difficulties of growing and caring for it. But, if you care for this amazing liana correctly, then you will be able to grow wonderful and luxurious flowers in the country, which look especially beautiful paired with climbing roses.

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