How to grow roses in your garden: planting and care - a short encyclopedia for beginning gardeners (170 Photos)

The rose is a flower to which it is virtually impossible to remain indifferent. Refined petals combined with sharp thorns, a charming aroma, and an incredible range of colors turn this flower into a real queen among its kind [1].

Roses were first cultivated in ancient Rome. It is curious that it was grown in special gardens intended exclusively for plants that had not a decorative, but a very practical purpose: spices and medicinal herbs. In the 9th century, court physicians of the Carolingian dynasty treated the rose exclusively as a medicinal flower.

At the end of the 18th century, tea roses became known. It was during this period that flowers were brought to Europe from Asia, the aroma of which resembled the smell of tea. The so-called tea roses quickly gained recognition due to their medicinal properties and amazing beauty.

general characteristics


  • general characteristics
  • A little history and geography
  • Botanical characteristics
  • Types and varieties
  • Chemical composition and calorie content
  • Beneficial features
  • Use in cooking
  • How to pick tea roses correctly
  • How to dry and store
  • Making rose jam
  • Making tea from tea rose petals

The beneficial properties of both ordinary and tea roses are primarily due to the presence of a high concentration of essential oil in the flowers. Rose oil claims to be one of the most valuable oils in the world. It is widely used in perfumery and cosmetology. At the same time, rose oil made in Bulgaria is considered to be of the highest quality. In this country there is the so-called Valley of Roses, where a special oilseed variety of this amazing flower is grown [2]. Interesting fact: to get just one gram of rose oil, you need to process more than thirty kilograms of petals.

Rose essential oil has a slight sedative effect, but at the same time sharpens cognitive abilities, relieves fatigue, and helps to concentrate. In addition, it increases the regenerative properties of the skin, helps relieve irritation and relieves inflammatory processes.

If we talk about using roses in cooking, the first thing we think of is rose jam. The healthy sweet, which is known under the romantic name “female revenge,” not only has a great taste, but also has medicinal properties. Queen of Flowers jam helps to cope with stomatitis, its use is indicated for sore throat. However, the use of roses in cooking is not at all limited to making jam. It is a raw material for the preparation of rose water, which is part of sherbet and other desserts. Specially processed rose petals are used to add flavor to baked goods, to decorate cakes, to add an unusual taste to sweets, and so on.

One of the most pressing questions that nutritionists are often asked is the following: which varieties of roses are edible? The answer to this question is quite simple. All flower varieties are conditionally edible, that is, those that can be eaten without negative health consequences. However, this does not mean at all that you can use flowers bought at the nearest store to make jam. Most roses that are grown for decorative purposes are treated with special chemicals that are designed to help them maintain their marketable appearance. Using these flowers to make desserts, jam, or for medicinal purposes is fraught with very unpleasant consequences. Therefore, when we talk about rose varieties that are used in medicine and cooking, we most often mean tea rose [3].

Tea rose is a special species, the beauty of which can strike the heart of even the most experienced gardeners. Its distinguishing feature is a very intense aroma and flowers of unusually large diameter, which can appear prohibitively large against the backdrop of thin stems and graceful leaves. The tea rose appeared in Europe relatively recently, although the history of human interaction with this plant goes back to the distant past.

Not only flowers smell: classification of roses by aroma

Roses are flowers with fragrant buds. The diversity of roses also concerns its scents - there is no single concept of “rose scent”. Each type and variety has its own aroma characteristics. It may differ in intensity, character of smell, and special notes.

The strongest scent of a rose can be felt when the bud opens. As the bud fades, the aroma weakens. Biologically, this can be explained by the fact that the aroma of the flower is given to attract insects. Rose petals release essential oil, which is why they smell the most.

Roses smell differently. There are pleasant aromas, and there are repulsive ones. For example, Rose Foetida smells sharply, like turpentine. There is a classic “rose” aroma, and there are fruity, honey, berry, wine, and spicy rose aromas. There are roses that smell like lilies of the valley, mushrooms (Mauris Utrillo variety), and moss.

The rose aroma is associated with the scent of rose oil produced from the Kazanlik rose variety. The petals of Gallic, Alba, Damascus, and Centifolia roses are very fragrant. The classic rose aroma is often complemented by other notes - blueberry, raspberry, vanilla, clove sticks.

Fruity rose aromas are common to many roses. The classic rose aroma is complemented by notes of raspberry, nectarine, orange, lemon, melon, banana - the variety is incredible. Some Bourbon roses smell like apples, but Rosa Iglanteria is different in that its young leaves smell like apples.

is popular . It can be described as a mixture of muscat wine, nasturtium and fruit aromas. Roses with a tea scent: Moulinex, Pegasus, Jane Austen, Gloria de Dijon and others.

Another aroma characteristic of some types of roses is musky. The sweet, spicy scent with fruity and honey notes comes not from the rose's petals, but from its stamens. Musk aromas can only be heard if you lean towards the flower. Varieties of musk roses: Felicia, Buff Beauty, Cornelia, Daphnia and others.

There are roses that smell of spices and aromatic herbs. Madame Figaro has an aroma with notes of anise, Agnes Schilliger smells like mulled wine - nutmeg, ginger, berries and cinnamon. Rose Viridiflora and Rein de Violettes have peppery notes.

Hansa, Chrysler Imperial, Heritage, Crimson Gloria, Rouge Mediland smell like roses and carnations

The varieties Jardins de Bagatelle, Rosoman Janon and others have a vanilla aroma

The aroma of myrrh is characteristic of Austin varieties. This is a spicy sweet aroma, somewhat reminiscent of anise.

Floral aromas are also inherent in roses. Roses can smell like jasmine, lilies of the valley, lilies, freesias, and lilacs. Sometimes there is a slightly powdery aroma of violets.

Balsamic aroma – slightly coniferous, resinous. It is characteristic of moss roses. Their sepals and peduncle are covered with hairs that look like moss. It is these hairs that emit the smell. In order to feel the smell, you need to rub the villi with your fingers. An example of a moss rose variety is William Lobb.

There was a period when breeders did not bother with the smell of the varieties they bred, so many of them are odorless. But the smell of roses is important, fragrant varieties are very popular, and even a position has appeared as a scent expert in leading rose nurseries. The variety of roses makes your head spin.

There are a huge variety of species and varieties, they differ greatly from each other in general shape, shape of flowers, leaves, and aroma. But all of them are united by decorativeness and popularity for decorating garden plots and flower beds. When choosing roses for growing, you need to rely on the conditions that the plant requires and that the gardener can provide, as well as the difficulty of growing - not all varieties of roses can be grown by a beginner.


Answer from Alexander Alexander [newbie] Each owner, based on his desires, creates a unique image of the garden. If you plant only tall trees in it, it will be boring and dull. Only shrubs, especially flowering ones, can correct the situation and create a feeling of eternal holiday in your garden. Types of shrubs Such plants have a wide variety of species and varieties. They are represented by: Evergreen shrubs that retain foliage in winter. In harsh climates, they are rare and require shelter during cold weather. Lingonberry, rhododendron, periwinkle are striking examples of shrubs of this species. Why people are born left-handed and how this affects their lives Self-care mistakes that spoil and age you You should stay away from these plants Decorative deciduous shrubs that do not produce flowers. They are grown for their beautiful leaves. These are plants such as bamboo, bamboo, boxwood, aralia, and jasmine. Decorative flowering plants with incredibly beautiful flowers of various shapes and colors. This species includes honeysuckle, almonds, roses, lilacs, and cherries. Rhododendron This plant stands out for its bright, early and lush flowering. At this time it looks amazingly beautiful. The grace and richness of colors of rhododendron can only be compared with a rose. A flowering branch of a bush looks like a bouquet. Its beauty is emphasized by glossy leaves. Jasmine This plant is a favorite among gardeners. Jasmine has irresistible blooms. When you enter the garden, it seems as if snow has fallen. Snow-white flowers fascinate with their purity and aroma. If we give examples of shrubs used in flowering alleys, from which hedges are created, then jasmine is definitely worth mentioning. Lilac This flowering ornamental plant is very popular. Lilacs have long been used to decorate local areas, parks and gardens. Thanks to its delicate aroma, beautiful, abundant and long-lasting flowering, it has earned everyone's love. Such individuals can terrify everyone The incredible health benefits of bananas 13 things that people understand about you when they meet The best ornamental plants Barberry, hawthorn, camellia are the best examples of ornamental shrubs. They are used in landscape design. They are created by nature for beauty. Barberry is considered one of the most beautiful deciduous shrubs. Its yellow, bright red and later brown shoots are incredibly attractive. The variety of varieties allows such plants to be widely used. Barberry bushes are grown to create borders and hedges. They are used in single plantings and large tracts. They decorate gardens and parks. Hawthorn represents such types of shrubs that give beauty at any time of the year. In early spring, during the flowering period, its corymbose inflorescences attract attention, and in summer - fruits of orange, yellow, red, burgundy and black colors. In autumn, the plant pleases with the varied colors of its leaves. Camellia is a type of evergreen shrub and is the most ornamental plant. It is very important to know the distinctive characteristics of shrubs when choosing them for planting on your site. Camellia is notable for its exquisite rose-like flowers. And the dense shiny dark green leaves give it charm. Woody ornamental plants Almost all flowering ornamental shrubs belong to tree species. They bloom in spring or early summer, and some only in August. If we talk about examples of long-lived shrubs, it is worth noting that their flowering time lasts from early spring to late autumn. In evergreen deciduous woody plants, the leaves remain green throughout the winter and their fibrous structure resembles leather. Various shrubs, the names and photos of which you see in the article, give the garden a unique charm


I. The development cycle is dominated by the sporophyte. II. They reproduce well by vegetative means. III. The endosperm is haploid. IV. The endosperm is diploid. V. Trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants. a) II, IV; b) I, III; c) I, II; d) IV, V. 2. The conducting cells of the xylem are characterized by: I. Large vacuoles. II. Lack of cytoplasm. III. Presence of perforations in cell walls. IV. Thickened cell walls. V. Multi-core. a) II, III, IV; b) I, II, IV; c) III, IV, V; d) I, III, IV. 3. Representatives of the chordate type are characterized by: I. Three-layered; II. Secondary body cavity; III. Secondary mouth; IV. Bilateral symmetry; V. Lack of internal skeleton. a) I, III, IV, V; b) I, II, III, V; c) I, II, IV, V; d) I, II, III, IV. 4. Spores reproduce: I. Bacillus subtilis; II. Ulotrix; III. Mukor; IV. Salvinia; V. Hara. a) I, II, III, IV; b) II, III, IV; c) I, II, IV; d) II, III, IV, V. 5. Pituitary gland: I. Consists of one lobe; II. Consists of several lobes; III. Not connected to the thalamus; IV. Not associated with the hypothalamus; V. Consists of nervous and glandular tissue. a) I, II, III, IV; b) III, IV, V; c) II, III, V; d) II, IV, V.

Part III. You are offered test tasks in the form of judgments, with each of which you must either agree or reject. Highlight the answer with “yes” or “no.” The maximum number of points you can score is 10.

Removing the tinder fungus rids the plant of the parasite. Of the coniferous trees growing in Russia, the genus pine has the largest number of species. The horizontal flow of water in the root is controlled by the pericycle cells. In plants, leaves begin to fall in response to a drop in ambient temperature. Oxygen released during photosynthesis is formed from a molecule of carbon dioxide. The corpus luteum persists if the fertilized egg implants in the endometrium. The fruit of a pea is a pod. Relict and endemic genera often include one or more species. The length of the neck in birds depends on the number of vertebrae. Bats navigate their flight using their sense of smell.


A little history and geography

The homeland of the tea rose is China. This flower came to Europe only in the 19th century. It was brought from China by ships of the East India Company, which were called tea clippers, since their main purpose was to deliver tea to the Old World.

English gardeners, captivated by the beauty of the flower, began to actively cross the tea rose with local species. Their goal was to obtain hybrids that could easily withstand the cold European climate and temperature changes. As a result, many so-called hybrid tea varieties were developed, which were also included in the species Tea Rose. At the same time, the plant, despite all the efforts of breeders, still remains unusually sensitive to heat, which is why it is rarely grown in open ground.

There are three versions as to why the tea rose got its name. The first theory relates this to the fact that the flower seedlings were transported on ships that delivered tea to Europe. The second version sees in the aroma of this plant a resemblance to the smell of freshly brewed elite tea. Finally, the third, most romantic theory says that the half-opened flower resembles a Chinese tea bowl in its outline.

Tea rose in Asia is found even in the wild: in the mixed forests of China, Thailand, Vietnam and Myanmar. There are four varieties of wildflower, but all of them are endangered.

What types of rose flowers are there?

The first thing that catches your eye is the color of the roses. Wild specimens have white, red, pink and yellow flowers. And varietal roses surprise with an incredible variety of shades. So far, breeders have not been able to breed only blue and blue roses. Apparently, this plant completely lacks blue pigment.

Depending on the color of the petals, roses are divided into several categories:

  • monochromatic - all petals are the same color;
  • bicolor - the inner and outer sides of the petals are painted in different colors;
  • multi-colored - in one inflorescence there are flowers with different shades (often the tones change over time);
  • mixed - the inside of the petal is painted in two or more shades;
  • striped - each petal is painted in several colors in such a way that a striped pattern is obtained;
  • painted - there are strokes, spots and other patterns on the silver petals.

Depending on the number of petals, roses are:

  • simple - they have no more than 7 petals;
  • semi-double – from 8 to 20 petals;
  • terry - more than 20 petals.

The rose petals themselves are most often flat in shape, only in some hybrid tea and floribunda roses they are slightly bent (their ends are curled). In varietal roses you can sometimes find petals with a wavy or jagged edge.

Rose flower shape

The arrangement of the petals determines the shape of the bud. She may be:

Globular (deep cup-shaped) - the petals form a ball with a covered center, they are bent towards the center of the flower. This form is very rare.

Floribunda rose Pomponella

Cupped - the petals form a bowl with an uncovered center, their edges are bent outward. In double flowers, the center can be square or round. The height of the bud is approximately equal to the width of its base. Cup-shaped flowers can be densely double, like modern varieties of English roses.

Rose Pink Paradise

Flat - the petals are wide open and thereby form a flat bud, slightly concave in the center. This form can be found in all groups of roses.

Rose Astronomia

Rosette-shaped - short petals arranged in rows form a flat flower, slightly concave in the middle. This form is characteristic of some antique roses.

Rose Francois Juranville

Pompom - short petals (like rosette roses) form a round bud with a convex center. This form is found primarily in miniature roses, such as patio roses.

Rose Perle d'Or

Cone-shaped (goblet-shaped) - the inner petals are folded and thereby form a cone. This form is characteristic of many hybrid tea roses.

Hybrid tea rose Red Berlin

Botanical characteristics

The tea rose can be either low-growing, from half a meter in height, or climbing, reaching more than two meters. The stems of the flower are very thin, but at the same time strong. The leaves of most varieties are oval in shape and also have a noble dark green hue.

Tea rose flowers may appear disproportionately large against the background of its stems and leaves. The shape of the buds varies among different varieties: they can be round, elongated or slightly pointed. Each tea rose flower has about sixty petals, which is why they are so incredibly lush.

The color range of tea roses is incredibly wide – this is reflected in the efforts of breeders. However, a soft pink shade with peach and beige notes is considered classic. When the flower fully opens, a yellow core is visible in the middle.

New varieties of roses for the garden, terrace, balcony

Over the past 30 years, there has been a real revolution in rose breeding. A well-known manufacturer, the company Kordes, whose varieties are very popular (Westerland, Lichtkönigin Lucia, Schneewittchen, Friesia, Rosarium Uetersen), decided to take a bold step in the late 1980s. On test fields, he completely abandoned the use of plant protection products. Only 10 percent of the bushes survived the experiment! And although the result should dampen the enthusiasm of the breeder, it was these few varieties that remained in good condition that gave birth to an entirely new generation of roses.

Thanks to this risky experiment, today we can enjoy exceptionally healthy varieties, very resistant to diseases, fighting fungal diseases on their own. Caring for and planting such plants is simple. Examples of new varieties are given below.

For balconies, terraces

Small shrub or miniature varieties develop well and bloom beautifully in pots on the terrace or balcony. You can note:

  • Weg der Sinne;
  • Innociencia;
  • Gärtnerfreude;
  • Solero;
  • Sonnenröschen;
  • Bassino.


They winter well, have a compact bush shape, and are suitable for group plantings - flower beds, decorating paths. Resistant varieties:

  • Gebrüder Grimm;
  • Apricola;
  • Cherry Girl;
  • Roter Drache;
  • Cubana;
  • Planten un Blomen;
  • Rotilia;
  • Black Forest Rose;
  • Kosmos.

Types and varieties

It should be noted that modern varieties of tea roses are very different from their ancestors. As a result of the efforts made by breeders, the flowers have become a little more resistant to climatic conditions: their branches have become thicker and tougher, and their leaves have become larger and leatherier. The shade of the buds also varies. Modern tea roses can be not only pink or yellow, but also white, red, and orange. However, most varieties of tea rose have a characteristic pearly hue.

How intense the aroma of a flower is also depends on the variety. Some have an unusually strong scent, while other varieties have a very light, almost imperceptible aroma.

As a rule, only the most fragrant varieties of tea rose are used in cooking. Many of them were bred by British breeder David Austin [4].

Alan Titchmarsh. This rose has very large double flowers with pink-lilac petals. It has an incredibly long flowering period. The peculiarity of this flower is a very sweet and rich aroma, which contains light citrus notes. Experts say that the scent of this rose is reminiscent of the aroma of those ancient Chinese varieties that once arrived in Europe on tea clippers. Most often, this variety is used for making liqueurs and jams.

Christopher Marlowe. This rose has pink-orange flowers, which are collected in lush inflorescences. It is noteworthy that they do not fade in the sun, maintaining their brightness to the end. Their aroma is very intense, reminiscent of tea with citrus notes.

Abraham Darby. This is a chameleon rose. Its flowers are very large, peach-apricot in color, and have the property of turning pink if the air temperature drops. The buds have an intense fruity aroma with notes of strawberry.

Gertrude Jekyll. The flowers have petals of a rich pink hue with an incredibly strong scent. As a rule, this variety is used for making jam. It is also a raw material for the production of perfumes.

Gentle Hermione. The flowers are distinguished by their delicate pink hue and extraordinary delicacy. They are actually transparent, but this fragility is deceptive: in fact, even rainfall cannot damage them. Their aroma is very rich, with a barely noticeable presence of myrrh.

Blue moon. These are incredibly large flowers of a soft lilac color with a silvery tint. This variety is used for making liqueurs [5].

Plant morphology

Roses are shrubs whose stems, as a rule, are abundantly armed with thorns or thorns of various shapes and sizes. Wild beauties flowers typically have five petals, while human-cultivated plants often double this number (meaning they have multiple sets of petals).

Pink flowers range in size from tiny miniatures measuring 1.25 cm (0.5 in) in diameter to hybrid specimens measuring over 17.5 cm (7 in) across. The rosebud is fleshy and sometimes edible, and the berry fruit usually ranges in color from red to orange.

Morphological description of roses for children:

  1. Plants include annuals, perennial herbs, shrubs or small trees.
  2. Leaves are alternate or opposite, simple or compound, often armed with spines, usually with stipules.
  3. Fruits - various types: seeds, multi-nuts, boxes.

The unifying features of the family are full, perfect, actinomorphic flowers with a pronounced cup-shaped hypothene and many straightened stamens. The perianth and stamens are attached to the edge of the floral tube (hypophya). The small flowers have readily available nectar on the honey disc, and insects collect abundant pollen.

Botanical description of rose flower:

  • calix - 5 sepals;
  • corolla - 5 free petals;
  • male reproductive organ - usually numerous stamens;
  • female reproductive organ - pistil, one or many; if one, then a composite one, consisting of 2-5 fruits; if there are several, then simple ones. Ovary higher or lower.

The morphology of the fruit is very diverse: in rose hips it is a fleshy hypanthium surrounding numerous nuts, in strawberries it is an enlarged fleshy vessel covered with fruitlets, in blackberries it is an aggregate fruit with an elongated vessel bearing numerous seeds. Rosaceae fruits also include apples and almond seeds.

Chemical composition and calorie content

The energy value of tea rose petals is practically zero. It is only 5 kcal per 100 g of product. However, the fragrant buds are a real storehouse of useful substances.

Thus, tea rose petals contain vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and regulates blood count; vitamin K, which normalizes blood clotting and helps prevent osteoporosis; B vitamins, which are responsible for energy metabolism in the body, increase resistance to viruses and bacteria, and also support the functioning of the digestive system [6].

If we talk about macro- and microelements, then the largest (and best!) part of Mendeleev’s periodic table is represented in the petals of the tea rose. They contain calcium, which is responsible for the condition of bone and dental tissue; potassium, which normalizes the activity of the heart muscle; copper, which helps cope with depressive disorders and chronic fatigue syndrome; as well as iodine, which increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland. Rose petals also contain iron, which is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin; Magnesium has a vasodilating effect, which also helps cope with stress; and selenium, which is known for its antitumor properties and takes part in the synthesis of a number of enzymes and hormones [7].

In addition, the chemical composition of tea rose petals contains zinc, phosphorus, manganese, molybdenum, vanadium and silicon. Zinc helps maintain healthy hair and nails; it is also necessary for the body to properly absorb B vitamins. Phosphorus increases cognitive abilities, participates in energy metabolism, and is responsible for the condition of muscles. Manganese takes part in the synthesis of cholesterol and is also a preventative against fatty liver and the development of diabetes. Vanadium normalizes the blood formula and also helps reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol. Molybdenum is an effective means for preventing the development of gout, as well as a participant in the synthesis of a number of vitamins and enzymes.

Also, the chemical composition of rose petals contains citric and malic acids, tannins, resins and, of course, essential oil, which has an incredibly large list of beneficial properties [8]. It can stimulate the immune system and improve the condition of the endocrine glands. Also, essential oil normalizes the state of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminating the manifestations of dysbacteriosis.

It is also useful for nervous stress, because it helps to calm down and relax, prevents migraines and cerebral vascular spasms [9].


Climbing roses are a beautiful garden plant that looks like a tall bush; its stems curl and can reach several meters in length. Typically, this type of rose has a height of 5 to 15 meters. Thanks to this quality, flowers have found wide application in landscape design; they are often used to hide outbuildings, which with their architectural forms spoil the overall appearance of the site.

All climbing roses are divided into large-flowered and small-flowered. They differ from each other not only in appearance, but also in flowering periods. Small-flowered plants have too long and flexible shoots, thanks to which you can decorate large areas (build arches, fences or pergolas). The main feature of such roses is that they need support and proper pruning, since flowers appear on both new and last year's shoots. The stems of small-flowered roses are creeping and arched, they reach a length of more than 5 m, are characterized by a bright green hue and a surface covered with thorns. The leaves placed on the shoots are small in size and have a slight glossy sheen.

The diameter of the inflorescences usually does not exceed 2.5 cm; depending on the growing conditions and varietal characteristics, the flowers can be simple, semi-double or double. Small-flowered roses have a faint sweetish aroma; their flowers form in inflorescences and cover the entire length of the shoots. One of the advantages of this type of roses is that they have a long and abundant flowering period, which exceeds 4 weeks. Flowering begins, as a rule, at the end of June, after which it may repeat. Most varieties of small-flowered roses are frost-resistant and tolerate wintering well even under light cover.

As for large-flowered roses, compared to small-flowered roses they have stronger and thicker stems that do not exceed a height of 3 meters. In addition, their flowers are large (up to 4 cm in diameter) and their flowering period is continuous. These plants bloom only on the stems of the current season, so they are easy to care for and pruned according to the general rules, as for other roses. Climbing large-flowered species were bred by crossing tea, remontant and hybrid varieties. Therefore, their flowers look similar to tea roses.

Climbing large-flowered plants, which are called brandings, are also very popular among gardeners. They are mutating rose bushes with huge flowers (their diameter is 11 cm) and powerful growth. The inflorescence of such species can be either single or consist of several small flowers. Claimings are characterized by repeated flowering and fruiting, which is usually observed in late autumn.

Beneficial features

The unique chemical composition of tea rose petals gives them a wide range of beneficial properties. Here are just a few of them:

  1. Increasing the overall resistance of the body, its ability to resist bacteria and viruses.
  2. Normalization of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Remedies based on rose petals not only reduce inflammatory processes, but even promote the healing of ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract [10]. They help get rid of “lazy” bowel syndrome and improve liver health [11]. A slight choleretic effect is also noted.
  3. Help in the fight against insomnia, relief from nervous tension. A bath with rose petals has a relaxing effect and relieves muscle spasms. If you find yourself in a situation where you are forced to constantly exist in a mode of intellectual and emotional overload, periodically relieve yourself by inhaling the aroma of rose oil.
  4. Treatment of colds, relief of inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract and oral cavity. Rose petal jam is recommended for sore throat, pharyngitis, periodontitis and stomatitis.
  5. Improving the condition of skin and hair. Rose petals have bactericidal properties, promoting wound healing and getting rid of acne. When using preparations based on this plant material, the skin becomes velvety, becomes more tender, and its tone improves. In case of allergies or mosquito bites, it is enough to apply fresh pink petals to the itchy places, after kneading them in your fingers - the burning and irritation will disappear.
  6. Normalization of the monthly cycle in women. Rose petal remedies are useful for heavy and painful periods.
  7. Removing excess fluid from the body, which helps relieve the kidneys. This way you can get rid of edema [12][13].

Not only rose petals, but even their aroma have medicinal properties. Breathing rose essential oil is indicated for angina pectoris and a tendency to heart disease. In this case, you can wear a ceramic medallion around your neck, in which a few drops of rose oil are placed.

Also, inhaling rose oil helps relieve symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia: dizziness, sudden attacks of weakness and nausea, panic attacks. To do this, you need to take slow and long breaths, inhaling healing ethereal vapors as deeply as possible.

We all know “grandmother’s” recipe in case of upper respiratory tract diseases - breathe over a pan of boiled potatoes in their jackets. However, few people know that for bronchitis and tracheitis, steam inhalations can also be done with rose petals.

Rose water, an infusion of rose petals, helps with neuralgia [14]. It is applied to the area of ​​the skin where the person is experiencing pain. Also, compresses with rose water are useful for radiculitis and osteochondrosis.

Types of rose fruits

False rose fruits are fleshy “nuts”. They come in different sizes and shapes. More often - round or oblong. Most roses have red fruits, but sometimes black (for example, Rosa spinosissima), yellow and orange berries are found.

If you want to more thoroughly understand the existing classifications of roses, read our articles:

Sources: https://

Use in cooking

Tea rose petals have also been in demand in cooking since ancient times. There are a huge number of ways to use them. Fresh petals are used to decorate cakes and desserts. They are dried, soaked, and used to make jam, honey, as well as liqueurs and tinctures.

Candied rose petals are especially popular. They can act as an independent dessert, as well as an exquisite decoration for other dishes.

Rose petals are also added to black tea to give it a piquant aroma. In some countries, tea rose is used as a raw material for an independent drink. It has a pleasant, refreshing taste, as well as a very specific tart aroma.

And finally, we have all been familiar with rose petal jam since childhood - an exquisite delicacy that can satisfy the most demanding taste. Also, jelly and marmalade are prepared from tea rose buds, and cottage cheese and yoghurt are flavored with rose water.

True culinary professionals know that using rose water and rose petals is not as easy as it might seem. It is enough to just slightly overdo it with the essential oil of the queen of flowers, and the dish will turn into something with a suffocating aroma, reminiscent of expired perfume.

You need to consider what ingredients tea rose is combined with:

  1. Rose water adds flavor to dishes high in chocolate, coffee and citrus zest. It also goes well with bitter spices, in particular cloves. In Spain, a very popular sweet rose water soup is ajoblanco, to which honey and ground almonds are added and served with grapes and melon.
  2. Roses with almonds are another popular combination. Thus, in France, Orgeat almond-rose syrup, which tastes similar to amaretto, is widely available on store shelves. It is used to make cocktails. And in Iran, almond slices, soaked in rose water and rolled in sugar, are one of the main holiday delicacies.
  3. Melon pulp in rose syrup is a popular delicacy in India. Before serving, the delicacy is kept in the refrigerator for some time.
  4. The bitter aroma of coffee will partially dampen the sugary quality of the rose, so in the East, Turkish delight prepared with rose water is often served with this invigorating drink.
  5. A few drops of rose water can be added to apple desserts. Their taste will become more intense, and the aroma will sparkle in a new way.
  6. Roses and cucumbers are a strange combination, but nevertheless very popular in the UK. They prepare a cocktail with sliced ​​cucumbers and rose water. It is believed that this is a tribute to the traditions of the Victorian era, when sandwiches with slices of fresh cucumbers were served at garden picnics.
  7. A few drops of rose water added to lemonade will allow this drink to sparkle with new colors.
  8. Chocolate candies with pink fudge, chocolate ice cream in rose water sauce are another very winning combination.
  9. Cardamom, pistachios and rose water are a combination that will turn even an ordinary ice cream into an exquisite dessert that can satisfy even the most picky gourmet.

What is hybrid tea rose

This beautiful classic variety has a long stem with a small number of thorns and a large cup-shaped or spherical flower, 10 to 14 cm in diameter. They belong to semi-double roses, consisting of 12-20 petals, or double roses - from 20 to 130 petals. The buds of the hybrid tea rose are more elastic than the parent ones, and therefore it has become a very popular species for breeding and sales on an industrial scale. They are presented in a wide variety in flower shops and become a pleasant gift for many friends and relatives. A beautiful bouquet or single can help express love, joy, peace and empathy better than just words.

The plant has an even bush with lush, dense foliage, producing the most beautiful fragrant inflorescences of a floral style. The bushes grow up to 1 m high and produce long single shoots. The buds have an elongated goblet shape. When they bloom, they spread the aroma of freshly prepared tea.

Hybrid tea rose bushes come in hundreds of varieties, with a wide range of colors ranging from snowy white to almost black.

Popular pink varieties include:

  1. Silver Jubilee was launched in 1978. An English variety named in honor of the anniversary of Elizabeth II. Has repeated abundant flowering. The height of the bush is from 60 to 80 cm, erect. A strong stem rose. Planted in soil and pots.
  2. Variety 1982. Aashener house. French hybrid. Characterized by repeated flowering. Tolerates partial shade. It can withstand rain, but withers in the scorching sun. The trunk is 90 cm long.

Representatives of red roses:

  1. Barcarolle is a German variety from the house of Tantau, bred in 1988. Velvet dark red rose. The height of the bush is from 80 to 100 cm. The stem is 90 cm long. Refers to semi-double.
  2. Burgundy - burgundy large, goblet-shaped flowers. The variety is resistant to changes in weather conditions. The frost-resistant bush can withstand cold down to -35 degrees. Height up to 100 cm. The aroma is unobtrusive, light.

Yellow roses:

  1. Elina Patrick Dixon. It was created in 1984 in England. The tall variety reaches a length of 120 cm and a width of 80 cm. Double large flowers are 15 cm in diameter. The aroma is delicate. Blooms again.
  2. Gloria Day was bred in France in 1945. Petals are intense yellow with red tips. Height from 80 to 100 cm. Prefers partial shade. Has a number of awards: 1945 received a gold medal from the American Rose Society, 1965 - the Golden Rose award in The Hague, 1976 - inducted into the Hall of Fame of the World Federation of Rose Society, 1993 - "For Garden Merit".

Many other varieties are white or cream mixed with light or dark pink.

Flowering season of hybrid tea varieties

Hybrid tea rose bushes grow from spring to autumn and live from 20 to 30 years. They bear flowers as single buds or in groups (clusters), and they can bloom almost continuously throughout the season. Hybrid tea rose bushes stop blooming when the temperature drops to 5–10 degrees Celsius, after which they prepare to go to winter.

Hybrid tea rose bushes require appropriate conditions for growth and successful flowering. They need to be planted in a sunny area. They need at least five hours of light to function properly. Avoid exposure to strong winds and drafts. Dilute the soil with organic compost. Add bone meal early in the season and apply a special granular or water-soluble rose fertilizer to encourage flowering. Regularly trim wilted, fallen flowers from the bush, and pick fresh ones when they are open to encourage re-blooming. Roses need to be watered every week and cover the ground with a layer of mulch to keep it moderately moist.

How to pick tea roses correctly

It is best to collect tea roses yourself. This is done at a time when the bud has not yet fully opened, in other words, the golden core should not be visible.

Petals are collected only in dry weather. There should be no dew or raindrops on the petals. At the same time, it is best to go “hunting” for tea roses at dawn: at this time its aroma is most intense.

The correct way to harvest a tea rose is as follows: holding the flower, cut off the stem at a distance of at least half a centimeter from the base of the bud.

Pruning roses in spring for beginners

An important aspect in independently growing the presented flowers is timely pruning of shoots. The absence of this process provokes the formation of fewer buds and their significant reduction in diameter.

Caring for roses in the spring at the dacha begins with pruning. The guide for beginners looks simple: remove all the shoots that grow inward from the bushes.

By the way, look at the previous article. There is a lot of useful information for you - Chrysanthemums: planting and care in open ground.

Such prevention by removing shoots and faded buds allows you to preserve the strength and energy of the bush for flowering, which can happen again in good weather, even if this is not inherent in the characteristics of the variety.

How to prune roses and cover them for the winter, our proven method for pruning roses

How to dry and store

In the event that there is no need to use fresh tea rose buds, they are quickly dried so that they do not lose their valuable essential oil.

The most convenient option is to disassemble the bud into petals, which then need to be laid out on paper in a thin layer so that they do not touch each other. After this, the rose must be covered with another sheet of paper. It will dry completely in 3-4 days.

Immediately after the petals dry, they are placed in a jar and sealed tightly. The duration of their storage should not exceed one year.

Types of rose leaves

This plant has complex leaves that consist of several simple ones. Most often, a rose has 5 or 7 serrated leaves (round or elongated). But sometimes there are varieties with 9, 13 or 15 leaves.

Also, depending on the variety, the leaves can be glossy (shiny and highly shiny) or matte. In both cases, the surface of the leaf plate is smooth, only the wrinkled rose has tubercles.

As for color, rose leaves can also be of different shades. They are usually green (from light green to deep emerald) or bronze. There are also varieties with reddish and bluish leaves.

Making rose jam

To prepare fragrant rose jam, you will need the following ingredients: 600 g of sugar, 300 g of fresh rose petals, and 6 glasses of water.

Sort the petals and rinse. Dry them on a towel, then place them in a bowl and sprinkle with two tablespoons of sugar.

Rub the petals thoroughly with your hands and drain the juice into another bowl.

Bring the water to a boil and add the remaining sugar. Mix thoroughly and, without stopping stirring, cook for two minutes. After this, strain and cool.

Pour the prepared syrup over the petals. Bring to a boil over high heat. Then reduce the heat to low and simmer for six minutes, stirring and skimming off the foam.

Add the juice of rose petals to the jam and simmer for another quarter of an hour until the syrup thickens.

Roses in the garden: care and cultivation

Caring for roses is not difficult. Here you should water the bushes once a week, and in hot weather - twice.

Water is poured under the root so as not to get on the foliage, otherwise they may get sunburn. It is important to ensure thorough watering so that moisture penetrates the soil to a depth of 30 cm.

Otherwise, the bush may develop superficial roots that are easily damaged.

Watering is the most important condition in considering the question of how to care for roses, because if the flowers need moisture, the buds themselves will grow small, and their number may be significantly reduced.

Roses. Planting and care // FORUMHOUSE

Top dressing

For better flower growth, we must not forget about feeding. Here they use the best and most universal fertilizer - manure.

For the presented plants, it is better to take horse manure, which has been rotting for six months. Fresh manure is not laid out - this blocks nitrogen and negatively affects plant growth.

During the growth of the bush, roses are watered with mineral fertilizers. During the formation of rose buds, you can feed them with a solution of calcium nitrate. For 10 liters of water take only 1 tablespoon of solution.

You should also resort to ways to protect the bushes from stress. Stress for roses is heavy rain or hot sun, frost. To make the plant endure this period easier, the bushes are sprayed with zircon or sodium humate.

Rose care, video:

Rose care - Rose fertilization and feeding

Purchase rules

  • When choosing seedlings, always carefully inspect the option you like, make sure that it has no visible flaws or defects. Try to choose strong seedlings, without spots or yellowing, and plants that are vigorous. The roots should not be damaged, and the foliage should not have any spots of different colors or darkening.
  • If you choose a grafted rose seedling, remember that it should have several woody, strong shoots with intact bark. The root system should be well developed and have many branches.
  • It is better to choose flowers in containers with leaves, because it is by the condition of the leaves that you can understand whether the plant is healthy. The shoots should be strong and the foliage fresh. If you see that the leaves of a flower are pale and undeveloped, this is a clear sign that the plant does not have enough light. Because of this, the rose may get sick or die when transplanted.
  • If you buy an already mature flower that previously grew in a greenhouse, be sure to ask whether it is grafted. Flowers of this family, which grow mainly in the central part of Russia, are most often grafted onto rose hips.

How to choose a variety

Often, when buying roses, it is very rare to find out detailed information about the variety from the seller. And you will have to find out what frost resistance this variety has, whether it is susceptible to disease, how long it blooms, etc. So, to avoid complete disappointment after your purchase, try to buy roses in places where they will tell you in detail about any variety of roses and recommend the most popular ones. So it is better to choose nurseries or botanical gardens.

How to plant roses

According to the rules, flowers of this genus can be planted in open ground in spring and autumn, but provided that the ground is not frozen and its temperature is about 10 °C, not lower! In the autumn, you should not plant a rose early, this can harm it, as it will begin to grow when planted, and our unpredictable weather and climatic conditions will simply kill it.

To plant this flower, you must use so-called planting holes. How is it done? For lovers of this beautiful flower, experts recommend preparing holes in the fall, however, everyone forgets about this condition. If you also missed this moment, then there is no need to despair, dig a hole 2 - 2.5 weeks before the planned planting date, this will allow the soil to settle. Remember that the depth of the hole will depend on the type and quality of the soil, as well as the groundwater level in your area. The depth of the landing pit should be calculated from the following conditions:

  1. Focus on the length of the roots of your rose;
  2. Add a couple more tens of cm to this figure;
  3. As a result, the average depth of the required hole will be about 1 m.

The next stage of preparing the pit will be fertilizing it with manure; for a special sweep, combine about 2 buckets of earth with 1 bucket of compost, 1 bucket of peat, a couple of glasses of ash, as well as a handful of fertilizer and 1 glass of dolomite flour. If your soil is too clayey, you need to add sand; if, on the contrary, it is too sandy, then add clay.

Before planting, this flower must be prepared, namely, carefully inspect the entire bush and remove dead roots and shoots with scissors. The shoot itself is cut off in front of the bud, a little higher by half a centimeter, and the cut itself is made at an angle of 45 °. If your plant already has new, young shoots of light green color, then it is also recommended to remove them, but if they have already reached the top, then the easiest way is to cut off the top completely.

Carefully inspect the root zone of the plant, remove all rot and additionally cut off roots that are too long, they will interfere with planting. Don’t be afraid that new and young ones will grow in place of old shoots!


All roses belong to the genus Rosehip ( Rosa

). Currently, there are several thousand garden varieties and hybrids of roses, their origin is often lost in the mists of time. Therefore, the modern classification of roses is based on the division into classes and conditional groups based on stable garden characteristics, and not on their species origin. This classification was created by the American Rose Society (ARS) and approved in 1976 by the World Federation of Rose Societies (WFRS). The latest version was published in Modern Roses XI. The World Encyclopedia of Roses. Academic Press. .

In addition to this classification, there are others. For example, there are park roses and garden roses. Park roses include beautifully flowering species and varieties of rose hips and their hybrids, bred in harsh climates without shelter for the winter or with light shelter. Garden roses are the result of a centuries-old culture based on evergreen subtropical species and their European hybrids. These species and varieties require high-quality agricultural technology and shelter for the winter. They are characterized by continuous flowering or repeated (remontant) flowering after a short period of dormancy. Flower buds are formed on the shoots of the current year.

Based on the number of petals in flowers, roses are divided into three types: simple (maximum 7 petals per flower), semi-double (8-20 petals), double (more than 20 petals).

For varieties that have petals with a smooth transition between different colors, the following groups are distinguished:

  • white mixture
    - includes varieties whose petals are mainly white, but have areas of other shades, for example pink, red, purple;
  • yellow mixture
    - includes varieties whose petals are mainly yellow, but have areas of other shades, such as pink, red (for example: 'Gloria Dei');
  • orange mixture
    - includes varieties whose petals are mainly orange, but have areas of other shades, for example yellow, purple;
  • pink mixture
    - includes varieties whose petals are mainly pink, but have areas of other shades, such as orange, yellow, purple;
  • red mixture
    - includes varieties whose petals are mainly red, but have areas of other shades, for example yellow, orange;
  • purple mixture
    - includes varieties whose petals are mainly purple, but have areas of other shades, for example mauve, lavender;
  • brown mixture
    - includes varieties whose petals are mostly brown, but have areas of other shades, such as red;
  • multi-colored
    - varieties with petals painted in 2 or more immiscible colors.

In the literature, there are often simplified classifications of roses according to the applied principle: cut roses, potted roses and garden roses. Garden roses can be divided into:

  • Miniature;
  • roses Patio;
  • Border, or Multi-flowered;
  • Noble, or Large-flowered;
  • Ground cover;
  • Shrubs, or Shrubs;
  • Vintage;
  • Park;
  • Climbing; are divided into: Antique climbers;
  • Modern climbers;
  • Miniature climbers;
  • Super Ramblers;
  • Ramblers.

How to care for rose bushes in your garden

The formation of this amazing culture is carried out throughout the year, where the main task is to pinch the tips of vegetative organs - shoots. This technique allows you to increase the growth rate of bushes. To prevent flowering from weakening the young plant, it is necessary to remove the emerging buds at the beginning of summer.

Rose bushes are very demanding plants for moisture and its deficiency can cause the growth of young shoots to stop, as well as the plant to wither and its leaves to fall off. Ultimately, the culture loses its decorative value.

Water treatments

Abundant watering of the bushes is especially necessary at the stage of its growth and formation of buds and leaves, after the first flowering. It is best to use melt or rain water. Watering must be done in a pre-prepared ditch.

Up to 15 liters of water are used per plant, applying it several times. The optimal number of procedures is once every 7 days, and on dry days the interval between waterings is increased to four times.

Watering roses in autumn

It is not recommended to water the bushes abundantly in August - September , as this can damage the plantings. With an excess amount of moisture, the bush continues to develop, in which the young shoots do not have time to fully ripen. To prevent them from dying when the first frost occurs, artificial irrigation should be completed at the end of the season.

If autumn turns out to be hot, then you can irrigate the bushes moderately, using up to 12 liters of water per plant. This supply of moisture will be quite enough to wait out the winter period.

Features of fertilizing

Mulching the soil must be done before the buds open. Mulch is prepared from humus, peat or mature compost. It is poured at least 10 cm.

As a result, the soil is saturated with useful microelements, which contribute to the active growth and development of the plant.

Nutrients are added in the first year, the frequency of procedures is three times a year. Moreover, for each time of year a certain type of fertilizer should be used.

Plant nutrition

It is especially effective to introduce both mineral elements and organic matter at the same time. In terms of duration, organic compounds work more slowly, but provide better soil quality.

If the soil is clayey, then fertilizer is applied less frequently, and if it is sandy, then more often.

It is recommended to use dry fertilizers after rains or artificial irrigation. It is necessary to scatter the fertilizer around the plant, retreating 15 cm from the trunk. Be sure to water the bush after feeding.

There is no need to fertilize during the period of active color.

How and when to prune rose bushes

In spring, the plant begins to awaken after winter and grow intensively, laying buds, strengthening the flowering stem and releasing new shoots. If dormant (underdeveloped) processes are found, they must be removed. Dormant shoots should be trimmed to 1-2 leaves.

After pruning, the plant must be fed with a liquid organic or mineral composition.

Bush pruning

After some time, the bush forms new powerful shoots. If weak shoots appear in autumn, they should not be pruned, as this can weaken the bush.

Planting a rose in a permanent place

From a cut rose you can grow a beautiful bush, which needs to be given a permanent place. We already know how to grow roses from cuttings, now we’ll figure out the further growth of the new plant.

In order for the transplantation of rooted material into open ground conditions to be successful, it is worth paying the utmost attention to this matter.


A newly transplanted rose requires regular soil moisture, which should not be confused with watering! Excess moisture will cause the plant to rot.

Prepare the soil in advance: light and nutritious soil is diluted with river sand or vermiculite. Mineral and organic fertilizers in the form of humus, added in advance and mixed with soil, will allow your bush to become a real queen of the garden.

Feeding in the first year is carried out in 4 doses. You cannot immediately add fresh bird droppings or manure; such substances must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 10.

Planting roses in the soil must be very careful

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