The drug Zircon: use of a growth stimulator for plants and reviews

Plants require no less care than animals. Only at first glance, it seems that there is nothing complicated, and gardening or indoor flowers is simple. In fact, it is required to fertilize and feed with various minerals and vitamins. At the same time, take into account the soil structure and plant preferences.

The preparation zircon is an indispensable substance for eliminating stress in crops, both garden and indoor. At the same time, the substance creates a model for protecting and enhancing the effects of fertilizers (chemical, biological). When added to water for bouquets, zircon retains the fragrance and freshness of flowers for a long time.

Zircon preparation: composition of the root system stimulator

Zircon has a rather interesting composition of the drug. It is based on HCA (hydroxycinnamic acids).

The concentration of the active substance is 100 mg/l.

In addition there is a whole complex of several acids important for plants:

  • chicory;
  • Kaftarova;
  • chlorogenic.

Photo of the drug Zircon

The listed substances are contained in large quantities in the extract from plants belonging to the Asteraceae family. More precisely, this plant is called Echinacea purpurea.

On a note:

Zircon contains the usual macro- and microelements, such as sulfur, nitrogen, magnesium, phosphorus and others. They play a secondary role.

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The effect of Zircon is significantly enhanced by alcohol, which acts as a preservative.

It is a stabilizer for other components. Thanks to this composition, the drug penetrates into the structure of the treated plant in a short time.

Due to the presence of alcohol in the stimulant, it has a specific odor. Regarding color, most often Zircon has a yellowish tint with the presence of green. Sometimes you can find a rich shade, sometimes very light.

Preparation and storage of working solution

The preparation of Zircon working solution should be carried out immediately before use, since it is not subject to long-term storage. A ready-made mixture that has stood idle for too long will lose all its beneficial properties and can simply be thrown away.

It is allowed to store the working solution, and in a room at room temperature, starting from the moment of preparation: a maximum of 3 days, but provided that the storage is carried out in a dark place, and if in the light, then during preparation the water must be acidified by adding citric acid - for 5 l requires 1 g; no more than 24 hours if stored in the light and without acidification.

For preparation, you should use water and Zircon itself, at a temperature not lower than room temperature - within 18–23 °C. If the drug in the ampoule or other container in which it was purchased has separated, then before preparing the working solution it must be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous liquid is obtained. To do this, Zircon must be shaken directly in the ampoule or its other “native” container.


The working solution should be prepared in enamel, glass or plastic containers. It is not recommended to use other types of containers, and galvanized ones are prohibited.

The cooking technology is as follows:

  1. Pour water into the dishes in a volume of 1/3 of the total required volume.
  2. Add Zircon. If we completely use the ampoule, then rinse the container from under the drug with water, which after rinsing is poured into the container with the prepared solution.
  3. Add water to the container used for cooking to the required volume.
  4. Mix everything thoroughly.

Release form and principle of action of the drug

Most often you can find Zircon in ampoules. It is profitable to purchase in this form. It is convenient to use and easy to calculate the required dosage.

The drug acts as an immunomodulator.

It not only has a quick restorative effect, it strengthens the plant’s immunity, stimulating its growth. The use of Zircon helps to awaken the reserves that exist in every plant, has a rejuvenating effect, thereby increasing lifespan.

It is not recommended to use Zircon fertilizer separately. Experienced gardeners insist on using the product together with standard fertilizers for this type of plant. This is because it is not designed to protect against pests, parasites and diseases.

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Use of the drug

This biostimulant is not used in its pure form. Based on it, an aqueous working solution is made, which can be used in different ways:

  • Soaking seeds and cuttings.
  • Spraying the plant.
  • Watering crops.

Treatment with this biostimulator provides:

  • improvement and acceleration of seed germination (this is especially noticeable on seed with an expired shelf life), as well as faster germination of seedlings;
  • stimulating the formation and development of the root system of cuttings;
  • acceleration of development and growth of seedlings - the period of formation of viable seedlings ready for planting in unprotected soil is reduced by an average of 5–10 days;
  • increasing the resistance of seedlings to a number of diseases (including blackleg), insufficient light and humidity, and return frosts;
  • reducing the rooting period by about a week, both cuttings and transplanted adult plants;
  • activation of the formation of roots, shoots, ovaries and fruits;
  • prevention from fungal and bacterial diseases, as well as faster and more effective plant control and recovery from pest control measures;
  • reducing the time for flowers to appear and preventing the shedding of flowers and ovaries; increasing the yield of all crops by 30–60%;
  • the onset of ripening is 5–10 days earlier than in untreated plants.

In addition, Zircon provides protection and excellent recovery of plant crops from stresses caused by drought and waterlogging, heat and frost, lack of lighting and ultraviolet radiation, as well as the use of chemicals (fertilizers and pest and disease control products) and changes in soil composition.

On a note!!!

As a fertilizer, this biostimulator is much more economical than all other fertilizers.

What is Zircon used for?

The uniqueness of Zircon is that it has a huge range of uses:

  • processing of pre-sowing material, in other words, seeds for planting, due to which the seeds germinate faster;
  • normalization of temperature levels in case of strong changes;
  • mitigation of “negative” reactions after changes in soil composition (for example, as a result of fertilization);
  • helps seedlings to quickly and easily take root in a new place, so to speak, to “take root”;
  • Helps indoor plants as a preventative against fungi and bacteria.

This is interesting:

The use of the Zircon stimulant is not limited only to the area of ​​horticulture. It is actively used in medicine because of its GCA (acids), which have an extremely beneficial effect on all organisms, except for fungal and bacterial spores.

Growth accelerator ZIRCON. How to use it correctly - video

Zircon analogs

Zircon is not the only regulator and immunomodulator used in agriculture for the treatment of flowers and trees.

Zircon analogues:

  1. Epin-Extra - refers to phytohormones, increases immunity, prevents infection by bacterial flora.
  2. Heteroauxin – increases the growth rate of plants.
  3. Novosil is a natural-based immunomodulator. The starting material for its production is fir needles.
  4. Agate – the active ingredients of the drug are deactivated viruses and bacteria. Increases plant resistance to pathogenic flora.

Zircon is a natural based product. It is safe for humans and plants. But when using it, follow the manufacturer's instructions. Excess of the drug will harm the plants. And when working with immunomodulators, do not forget about safety rules.

Advantages and disadvantages

Without a doubt, Zircon is a fertilizer of a new time or generation. It can be used during the formation of the plant, as well as as a preventive measure for cuttings.

Has the following advantages:

  1. non-toxic;
  2. promotes the harmonious development of the plant;
  3. increases protective properties, developing immunity to certain diseases, for example, powdery mildew, scab and others;
  4. improves fruit quality;
  5. makes the plant fast-growing, strong, strong;
  6. increases productivity;
  7. reduces the amount of heavy substances in the soil;
  8. helps rapid rooting;
  9. stimulates the growth of seedlings and ovaries;
  10. normalizes material metabolism in plants even under unfavorable conditions;
  11. efficiency;
  12. efficiency;
  13. ease of use.

One of the disadvantages is that it must be used together with other fertilizers.

And you also need to do a compatibility test by combining each substance with the soil and see the reaction.

Fertilizer ZIRCON review, drug testing - video

Pros and cons of using the product

Zircon is a fertilizer substance that belongs to a new generation of fertilizers. It is used during the formation period, and prophylaxis is also carried out for cuttings. A non-toxic product that helps balance crop development. Due to the introduction, the following processes occur:

  • resistance to the appearance of diseases increases: scab and powdery mildew, late blight and rot, moniliosis;
  • the quality of the harvest and fruits improves. Definitely accelerates growth and development, ripening, number of fruits;
  • the cumulative percentage of heavy substances in the soil (radionuclides, pesticides) is reduced;
  • the rooting period is reduced and at the same time the formation of fruits, ovaries and roots is stimulated;
  • metabolic processes are normalized even if external conditions are unfavorable.

Application area

Every vegetable grower and florist in the process of caring for their “pets” faces certain difficulties. For example, sprouts appear slowly, the plant does not survive well in a new place, and so on. All these problems are easily and simply solved by Zircon. It restores the plant after stress and provides prevention.

As a pre-sowing fertilizer

The growth-stimulating effect of Zircon has been tested in practice:
the root volume increases up to three times.

The liquid easily gets inside the seed and fills it with strength and growth energy. The best option for feeding with Zircon is by drip. However, there are differences in soaking time.

The temperature of the water for soaking should not be lower than 25 degrees. All dosages are indicated in the instructions for the drug, depending on the type of plant.

The usefulness of the drug has been tested for seedlings, indoor flowers, and fruit and berry crops. The instructions indicate to use the product both as an additional feeding and as a prophylactic agent. Amount of use: no more than 2 times per year.

The amount of product must be taken into account in case of plant transplantation.

Action and properties of the drug

This biostimulator has a wide spectrum of action. Let's consider what effect the use of Zircon has on indoor flowers and plants:

  • flowers become more resistant to changes in environmental conditions (temperature changes, air humidity, amount of light);
  • when transplanted, an indoor flower quickly adapts to new conditions;
  • the processes of rooting and growth of root mass are accelerated;
  • the process of plant rehabilitation after poisoning with pesticides is accelerated;
  • the immune system is more actively restored after damage by diseases or pests;
  • the negative impact of direct sunlight and soil salinity is reduced.

How to use the drug

Zircon has hazard class IV,

which means it is virtually non-toxic. However, you must also work with it carefully, observing all precautions and the indicated dosages.

Photo instructions for use from the manufacturer

It is necessary to distinguish between such procedures as spraying and watering, and prevention. Before starting to work with Zircon, it is recommended to carefully read the instructions for the product. It is especially important to correctly calculate the dosage for watering.

Using fertilizer for indoor plants!
Epin Extra: use for indoor and garden plants and flowers, fertilizer composition, how to dilute the product

Benefits of zircon

The advantages are:

  • It is possible to use zircon for indoor plants and garden crops.
  • It is used for plants of any age: from seed preparation to harvesting.
  • Compatible with almost all organic and mineral fertilizers, insecticides, microelement supplements, preparations of chemical and plant origin, biological agents, except those that have an alkaline reaction.
  • It makes it possible to grow environmentally friendly products, as it is absolutely safe for humans.
  • Reduces the toxic effect after using chemical fertilizers and pest and disease control products.

The packaging is designed for quick use of the drug. This is an ampoule that contains 1 ml of the substance, that is, 40 drops. Dosages will be calculated as follows: how many drops of zircon need to be added per liter of water for a particular plant. Each ampoule is packaged and accompanied by instructions for using the drug zircon.

If the land area is large, then you can buy a canister of 1, 5, 10 and 20 liters.

Dosage calculation

There is a strict scheme in accordance with which the product is diluted. It is quite popular as a root feed. Many people use it to stimulate during the growing season, and also as a means to restore plants after stress.

Zircon consumption rates:
ampoule for 10 liters of liquid. As a rule, one ampoule contains 1 ml of Zircon.

Photo of the appearance of the drug Zircon


the resulting solution is applied strictly to the root for the best effect.

A freshly prepared solution is especially effective, that is, on the same day. You should not put it off until later, because in this case the effectiveness of the product can be reduced by 65% ​​or even more. However, it is worth remembering that insufficient concentration of the product is better than excess. Water temperature is from 20 to 25 degrees above zero.

How to use Zircon during budding and flowering

At this stage, the concentration of the drug should be reduced by 1-2%, depending on the plant that needs to be fertilized. Root feeding is relevant here, carried out by watering flowers, trees, bushes or vegetable crops. Since the solution is quite active, it is not advisable to use it more than once a week. After this, soil irrigation is not allowed for 6 hours. The fertilizer itself is applied at the root using a ladle; 0.3-0.5 liters is enough for one bush.

Tips for the garden, vegetable garden and flower garden

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The last watering is needed when the first fruits appear. On the street, work is carried out closer to sunset, since the solution dries much more slowly at night than during the day. For indoor plants, the time of day does not matter at all. After this, you can irrigate the land no earlier than 2 days later.

To water indoor flowers, the contents of 1 ampoule are diluted in 7 liters of water.

Application for individual crops

Each individual crop requires its own approach, including treatment with various drugs. Zircon is no exception here. It is used in different dosages for individual crops. The method of application also differs.

Zircon for tomatoes

To treat tomatoes, 4 drops are required per 1 liter of liquid during planting. Next, be sure to re-introduce it into the soil when three full-fledged tassels have already formed.

Application of Zircon for cucumbers

The dosage in this case is exactly the same as for tomatoes. A freshly prepared solution is added when buds and three mature leaves are formed.

Stimulator Zircon for strawberries

It is good to treat berry crops with Zircon as a preventive measure. For example, strawberries. You will need 1 ml of Zircon per 10 liters of water. The treatment is carried out 2 times. The first - when the first buds form, the second - after two to three weeks. Method:

Application of the drug Zircon for potatoes

Zircon is perfect for potato crops. It has a stimulating effect on tubers, due to which they grow much faster, and prevents the occurrence of putrefactive processes.

The working solution is applied directly to the planting material before planting. The dosage is ½ ml per 1 liter of water. For an effective result, it is necessary to treat with fresh solution twice. The next treatment is carried out with a solution with a lower concentration - 1/10 ml per 1 liter of water. Time:
appearance of the first shoots and beginning of flowering.

For cabbage

Zircon is very easy to use for processing cabbage. When the head of cabbage just begins to appear, add a solution of the drug in the amount of 14 drops per 10 liters of water (bucket).

Growth stimulator Zircon for fruit trees

Apple and pear crops are sprayed with a fresh mixture prepared from 4 drops of the drug and 1 liter of water. Cherries are treated with a stronger solution:
from 8 to 10 drops of Zircon per 1 liter. Treatment method: irrigation. Time to spray trees with Zircon: formation of buds and two weeks later, when the color falls off.

Application of Zircon for indoor plants and flowers (orchids, roses, violets)

Zircon is an excellent remedy for plants growing in home, “apartment” conditions. For example, for azaleas, violets, roses and many other flowering and non-flowering plants. Orchids are very responsive to treatment with the drug.

The product stimulates growth and at the same time protects the plant from pests and diseases.

For 0.3 liters of water, 1 drop of Zircon is enough. It is necessary to keep the seedlings in the prepared fresh solution for a period of 6 to 16 hours.

Next, you need to systematically water the solution. Take 1 ampoule per bucket. Make a solution and water the plants. It is thanks to this drug that plants form larger flowers, bloom beautifully and for a long time.

For conifers

Zircon is applicable for almost all crops, including coniferous trees and shrubs. It is necessary to fertilize the seedlings. For 1 liter of water you will need only 4 drops of the drug. When trees have cracks or damage, a different fertilizer scheme is used. Make a solution by thoroughly stirring 2 ml of Zircon in 10 liters of water. Water systematically at intervals of 7 to 10 days.

How I use growth stimulants on coniferous plants - video

Tips and tricks for gardeners

  • For more convenient preparation of working mixtures of small volumes, purchase a pipette with which you will measure the required amount of product;
  • When spraying, it will be enough to simply cover the entire green mass with the solution; do not try to use all the prepared solution: the excess will simply drain into the soil;
  • For young indoor plants, you can use a working solution with a lower concentration: 1:20000.

Soaking seeds, cuttings, plant bulbs in Zircon

All you need to process the material for sowing with Zircon is a flat plate, a preparation, and water.

As a rule, for vegetable crops, a dosage of 10 drops per 1 liter of liquid is taken. The holding time of the material in a freshly prepared solution is 8 hours. When cucumber seeds are processed, the holding time is reduced to 4 hours. The same time applies to flower seeds. True, the dosage of the product will be less:
from 30 to 40 drops per 1 liter of water.

How to soak seeds before planting? - video

When propagation occurs by cuttings, Zircon is also well suited in this case. Without hesitation, we can safely say that it can be used to process cuttings of all plants. You will need from 10 to 20 drops of the drug.

On a note:

It is recommended to treat roses, fruit trees and shrubs with a solution with the highest concentration during the first 12 hours of preparation.

To treat the bulbs, make a solution made from 40 drops of Zircon per 1 liter of water, per day. Gladioli bulbs need half the dosage - 20 drops per 1 liter of water.

Zircon for indoor plants

The drug is used as a growth stimulator for indoor plants. Is it possible to water plants with Zircon ? First, it is used for soaking seeds, and then for watering bulbs, shoots or cuttings during transplantation.

To soak the seeds, prepare a solution of 1 drop per 300 ml of water. This solution is infused for 16 hours.

Important! Please note that seeds require a lower concentration than flowers. Follow the written instructions.

The drug is also used to accelerate the growth of cuttings, at the rate of 1 ampoule per 1 liter of water, leave for 14 hours. The drug is also used to enlarge bulbous indoor plants, at the rate of 1 ampoule per 1 liter of water. The solution is prepared and infused for 24 hours. A universal solution is prepared for watering indoor plants:

  • you need to take an ampoule for 10 liters of water;
  • or 4 drops per liter.

Zircon, compared to other preparations, is an environmentally friendly fertilizer. It is used to eliminate stressful situations when the conditions of plant growth and development change. It is also good for feeding and stimulating the growth of indoor and garden crops.

Compatibility of Zircon with other fertilizers

As noted above, Zircon is used to restore plants after stressful situations. Diseases and pests belong to such moments.


Zircon is used as an additive to the main one, since it has only a preventive effect.

Schemes of use and combination of drugs: Epin, Zircon, Tsitovit, Ferovit - video

Preparation of the current solution is standard:
a bucket of clean water + 1 ampoule of the product.
Before combining drugs, you need to check their compatibility. If there is sediment during mixing, this is a sign of incompatibility. Particular care should be taken when feeding petunias. Although Zircon is a low-hazard product, the specified consumption rates must be strictly observed. Exceeding is highly undesirable, because there is a risk of harm to the treated plant. In this case, harm will be observed only from the main product. For example, the fruit may not have the desired taste.

On a note:

To make cut flowers last longer in the vase and delight you with their fresh appearance and aroma, add a small amount of Zircon (2 to 3 drops) to the water.

Action of Zircon

When diluting the drug, foam appears. The active components of the fertilizer decompose in light and under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. The work of the drug is to stimulate the plant’s own phytohormones - the so-called auxins, which are responsible for growth and many other important processes. As a result, any plant culture responds in a complex manner, activating and launching a number of different internal mechanisms - protective ones, ensuring accelerated development.

Zircon for orchids

Attention !!!

Before mixing or using simultaneously (within one day) the working solution of this biostimulant with other fertilizers or other compounds, you should check them for this same compatibility. To do this, mix Zircon and another drug in small quantities (a few drops each). If a precipitate appears, it means that these two compositions are incompatible and should only be used separately.

In plants, growth, root formation and generative processes are activated (for which many classify the drug as a fertilizer), and resistance to diseases, various negative factors and stress is significantly increased.

Moreover, the drug has such an effect on plant crops at all stages of their development - from preparation for sowing or planting and right up to harvesting. As can be seen from the composition, as well as the method of action on the plant, Zircon is not a fertilizer at all. This drug is nothing more than a biostimulant and immunomodulator.

How to properly make fertilizer for flowers based on Zircon

To make a suitable nutrient mixture for plants, you need to take 0.1 liter of water and only 1 - 2 drops of the drug. Next, apply the same amount of selected and compatible fertilizer. Stir thoroughly. There should be no sediment.


You cannot combine Zircon with alkali fertilizers, because as a result the positive effects of the drug do not appear. They are blocked.

At the flowering stage, they are used independently, separately from other drugs, simply by spraying the plants.

Why do you need to water orchids with zircon? - video

Application for growth stimulation

Advice! The solution must be prepared in a plastic, enamel or glass container. Do not use galvanized cookware.

Technology of use:

  • 1/3 of the required amount of water is poured into the dishes;
  • Zircon is added and mixed;
  • the container from under the product is rinsed;
  • poured into the working mixture;
  • water is added to the required volume;
  • mix thoroughly.

The solution is ready for use on the day of preparation.

Precautionary measures

The use of Zircon requires compliance with certain precautions, or safety rules.

These include the following provisions:

  • when using the root method of processing vegetable crops, it is recommended to strictly follow the dosage specified in the instructions;
  • if the product gets into the soil undiluted, sprinkle the place where the substance has penetrated with soil and wait until it is completely absorbed,
  • to later dig up this soil, place it in a simple plastic bag and throw it away;
  • Zircon breeding occurs exclusively in open areas;
  • when working with the product, it is recommended to wear protective clothing (gloves, respiratory mask, goggles, gown);
  • Zircon treatment is carried out either early in the morning or late in the evening;
  • the weather should be calm, windless, and without precipitation.

It is also important to store the drug correctly:
in a container specially designed only for it, away from food and hygiene products.
The solution is stored for only 24 hours, after which it loses its effectiveness.

To extend the validity period, you can do a little “trick” - add citric acid. This will increase the storage time to 72 hours.

Composition and manufacturer

The drug contains components of plant origin, hydroxy acids, which are dissolved in alcohol (0.1 g/l):

  • coffee shop,
  • chicory,
  • chlorogenic.

They are isolated from Echinacea purpurea.

Due to the fact that there are no chemicals in the composition, the products are of high taste and commercial quality. The storage time of the crop increases. The main thing is that all the beneficial properties of the product are preserved, which can be used for feeding children and in the diet menu. Medicines can be produced from them.

The developer and sole manufacturer of this biostimulant is NNPP NEST M (2001). Although there is a drug on sale that is packaged by this and other companies. Zircon is produced in plastic ampoules with caps of 1 ml (40 drops) or in bottles and canisters (1 l, 5 l, 10 l and 20 l).

The fertilizer smells like alcohol. When diluted, foam appears. The product has a light yellow or slightly greenish color. Under bright sunlight, the active component of the drug decomposes, so treatment is done early in the morning or at night. Thanks to its natural ingredients, Zircon is safe for people and animals.

Watch the video! Zircon growth accelerator! The seeds sprouted instantly!

Analogues of the product

Zircon is good to use at any time of the year:
winter, spring, summer, autumn.
The growth stimulating agent is definitely beneficial for plants. However, it is not always found on sale. That is why it is worth knowing what analogues of the drug Zircon are available. Can be used in pairs.

Here is their list:

  • Ecosil and Epin;
  • Sprout and Amulet;
  • Narcissus and Krezacin;
  • Kornevin and Immunotocyte.

However, experienced gardeners have discovered in practice the most effective and powerful combination

Baikal EM-1 + Athlete.
The products listed above contain useful elements. They are classified as purely growth.


About the concentration of the working solution

The composition of the working solution should be as follows: 1 ml of biostimulator per 10 liters of water (4 drops per 1 liter). It is used for spraying and watering plants. This will give the crops constant biostimulation. Will improve their vegetative properties. Provides prevention and protection from stress, pests and diseases.

The preparation of zircon fertilizer should be carried out immediately before planting. It is allowed to store the finished substance for 3 days in a room inaccessible to sunlight. In this case, the water in the solution must be acidified with citric acid (1 gram of lemon juice per 5 liters of water). The solution can be stored outdoors for no more than a day.

If the zircon separates in the ampoule, you need to shake it slightly so that the drug is completely dissolved to a homogeneous liquid. In this case, this temperature should not be lower than room temperature, and should be 180-230C.

According to the instructions for use of zircon fertilizer, the main solutions for watering garden crops are isolated:

  • To feed cucumbers, use 5 drops of zircon/1 liter of water. The solution should infuse for about 8 hours. To soak vegetable seeds, use 10 drops of zircon/1 liter. water. The solution should infuse for about 6 hours.
  • To soak flower seeds, use about 40 drops (about one ampoule) of zircon/1 liter of water, the solution should be infused for 6-8 hours.
  • To fertilize potatoes, prepare a solution of 20 drops of zircon/1 liter. water. The solution is calculated for 100 kg. tubers. Gladioli tubers need to be fed with a solution of 20 drops of zircon/1 liter. water. The resulting solution is infused for about a day.
  • Bulbs of different colors are fertilized with a stronger solution - 1 zircon ampoule/1 liter. water. The solution should be infused at room temperature for about 18 hours.
  • For cuttings of all types of fruit trees, it is necessary to prepare a solution of 1 ampoule of zircon/1 liter for fertilizer. water. After this, leave it until 12 noon.
  • For watering the soil around a tree cutting. For various types of other soda-garden crops and plants, a universal proportion is used - 20 drops of zircon are diluted in a liter of water and left for 20 hours. After this, the solution can be used as a fertilizer.
  • For spraying during the growing season. It is held exclusively in the morning, before the sun appears in the sky. The morning should be calm, since the wind can blow away the fertilizer and its use will not be effective.

Such plant treatments are carried out once every 7 days. Spraying of some garden crops is carried out with the following solutions, in the ratio of a drop of Zykron / amount of water:

  • Root vegetables – 8k./10l. It is carried out after the first plants appear from the ground.
  • Potato crop – 13k./10l. It is carried out both at the beginning of budding and when the first shoots appear.
  • Cucumbers – 4k./1l. It is carried out once only at the beginning of budding (when at least 3 full-fledged leaves appear).
  • Cabbage (white and cauliflower) – 14k./10l. It is carried out with the beginning of the formation of a head of cabbage.
  • Tomatoes - 4k/1l, fertilizer is applied once when planting seedlings in the soil, and is repeated when the first, second and third cluster appears.
  • Pepper, eggplant - 4 k./1 l. Spraying takes place after planting the seedlings and during the appearance of the first buds.

By following simple instructions and recommendations, every summer resident can prepare and feed his garden crops with zircon.

How does Zircon act on plants?

The acids included in the preparation activate auxins - plant phytohormones, due to which its effect as a stimulator of growth and root formation is achieved. According to the manufacturer, Zircon is a root former, a stimulator of flowering and fruit formation, and protects plants from heat and drought, excessive ultraviolet radiation, and infection by pathogens.

Fruits collected from treated plants ripen faster and are stored longer. The quality of fruits and berries and vegetables increases, as does their quantity, and productivity increases (by about 50%). When Zircon solution is added to water for cut flowers, it prolongs their freshness.

The biostimulator has an effect on plants throughout the growing season - from the moment of planting to full harvest.

Safety precautions and storage conditions

It is prohibited to prepare a more concentrated solution than indicated in the instructions for planned treatment. It is allowed to increase the dosage by 1.5 times if it is necessary to treat plants affected by fungi. Any treatment is carried out exclusively in cloudy weather, so that the sun's rays do not fall on the leaves. Work is carried out with gloves; it is not necessary to use other protective equipment.

Zircon can be stored for 3 years in a warm place (but not above 25°C), darkness and dryness. There should be no medicines or food near the packaging; the biological product should be inaccessible to children and animals.

The already prepared solution can be stored for no longer than 1 day; it must be used on the day of dilution.

Zircon treatment of a blooming orchid

Spraying a blooming orchid with zircon is justified for many reasons. First of all, the fact that the orchid grows in harsh (indoor) conditions is already a reason for weakening of the immune system.

In this case, zircon neutralizes the negative impact, thereby increasing the duration of flowering and increasing the resistance of the entire plant, especially to drought. Therefore, you can worry less about the types of orchids that require watering and the safety of their flowers.

Precautions when using Zircon

The Zircon preparation is considered safe when used correctly, but this does not mean that it can be used without precautions - it is advisable to prepare the solution with gloves, and when processing plants, you should avoid getting the working fluid in the eyes and mucous membranes.

If vegetable and fruit crops are sprayed with Zircon, it is advisable to avoid inhaling droplets of the solution. It is difficult to avoid this indoors and outdoors, so summer residents are better off using a respirator or gauze bandage, and their eyes can be protected with goggles or a swimming mask.

It is not advisable to combine the preparation of Zircon, fertilizer, and watering plants with eating and smoking - in the process, drops of the biostimulant may enter the mouth and upper respiratory tract. It is not advisable to use containers in which food is prepared or stored to make the solution, and if the product solution was accidentally spilled on the soil surface, it is advisable to remove the wet lump and take it out of the area.

Security measures

This drug is not chemically active and is classified as dangerous class 4 - that is, a low-hazard substance. It does not pose a serious threat to human health. It has low toxicity for him. It is also practically harmless to all warm-blooded animals, fish, bees and other insects, does not pollute both surface and ground waters, does not accumulate in soils and is not phytotoxic.

However, when working with this biostimulant, you need to follow a number of simple standard safety precautions for handling chemicals:

  • wear work clothes that fully protect the skin, gloves, boots, a hat and a mask or goggles with a respirator;
  • Do not drink, eat or smoke until work is completed;
  • No food utensils should be used to prepare a Zircon-based working solution.

Upon completion of work, you should take a shower, thoroughly washing all exposed areas of the body with soap, and then change clothes. It is also imperative to rinse your mouth.


Composition of Zircon

The drug Zircon is an indispensable substance for relieving stress in Bonsai. At the same time, the substance enhances the effect of fertilizers (mineral, chemical, natural) and means of protection against diseases and pests.

Zircon is also an immunomodulator and growth stimulator, which not only helps restore the protective functions of Bonsai, but also stimulates rapid development and growth.

The chemical composition is rich in useful substances and minerals. This included macro- and microelements, as well as:

  • hydroxycinnamic acids (HCAs);
  • sulfur and magnesium;
  • potassium and nitrogen;
  • phosphorus.

The specified list of substances is basic. Their content is maximum.

The description of GCA includes not one acid, but several at once: aphtaric, chicory, gene. They are obtained by squeezing Echinacea purpurea (Asteraceae family).

To enhance all components, and also as a preservative, alcohol is added. Thanks to it, all substances are stabilized.

Zircon for orchids (video)

  • potato plantings need to be sprayed with the solution after the emergence of full shoots, as well as at the stage of mass budding;
  • the above-ground part of apple and pear trees should be sprayed with a standard solution on the buds, as well as two weeks after flowering;
  • the crown of cherries and cherries should be sprayed with a standard solution on the buds, as well as two weeks after flowering;
  • strawberry bushes and other berry crops need to be sprayed over the buds with a standard solution;
  • Zucchini and melon bushes are processed cut after the appearance of the third true leaf and bud by bud.

Spraying is carried out on a cloudy, but not rainy day, in calm weather, which will allow you to achieve maximum fertilizing efficiency.

Compatibility with other drugs

The product is harmless and does not cause unexpected chemical reactions with other drugs. Thanks to its simple natural composition, it can be mixed with any fertilizers, biological and chemical pesticides, root formation and plant growth stimulants, phytohormones, and protective drugs. Although there are exceptions - these are products with an alkaline reaction.

If the instructions do not directly indicate whether the products are compatible or not, and there are doubts, you need to conduct an experiment: mix a small amount of Zircon and another product and look at the reaction. If there is no sediment, bubbling, or temperature change, then the mixture can be used. The growth regulator Zircon, when mixed with other agricultural products, not only does not reduce its or their effectiveness, but, on the contrary, enhances it.

Packaging of the drug

Zircon is “packed” in plastic ampoules with a volume of usually one milliliter; if you count this into drops, for those who like precision, you get exactly forty drops.

Naturally, such “containers” are intended for private gardeners; scientific institutes and large farms never purchase Zircon in ampoules and never use such insignificant volumes. To such enterprises, Zircon, like other similar drugs, is provided packaged in canisters and bottles of up to two dozen liters, no more, because it is very difficult to carry larger containers.

When purchasing Zircon, be sure to place it in a dark and dry room where the temperature does not exceed 25 degrees above zero. The drug is stored for three years.

Who developed Zircon?

The broad-spectrum biostimulator “Zircon” was developed and produced by our domestic company, no other company produces it, so when purchasing, pay attention to the manufacturer and do not purchase cheap and low-quality fakes. Although packaging of the drug (again under the control of the manufacturer) is acceptable, this must be indicated on the packaging of the real drug.

Spraying plants with Zircon promotes longer and brighter flowering. © Bob Vila

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