HB-101: instructions for use, growth stimulator composition, dosage and application

  • October 13, 2018
  • Plant care
  • Elena Zhmakina

To grow a good and healthy crop, you need to work hard. This requires painstaking care of the plants, including watering, pest control and, of course, fertilization. In order for the garden to delight us with abundant flowering or harvest, the plants must receive all the necessary microelements. For this purpose, there are mineral and organic fertilizers. Some of them are of chemical origin or organic. Japanese manufacturers have invented a fertilizer that is absolutely safe for the environment. This is NV-101 (we’ll look at what it is later).

What's included

About the drug HB-101, the instructions for use contain the following information. It contains only natural ingredients and extracts:

  • Made from Japanese cedar.
  • From pine.
  • From cypress.
  • From plane tree.

All plants are distinguished by longevity and deodorizing properties. Sycamore is used in the production of medicines for humans. It also contains mineral supplements:

  • Iron – 6.8 mg/gal.
  • Magnesium – 12.5 mg/gal.
  • Calcium – 125 mg/gallon.
  • Silicon – 28 mg/gal.
  • Sodium – 155.3 mg/gal.

The drug does not contain arsenic and cadmium.

It is worth noting that the HB-101 concentrate has a pH of 4.0. This means that when using the product according to the instructions, the acidity of the soil will not be disturbed. An increase or decrease in this indicator significantly affects how plants absorb minerals, which affects their growth and development.

Forms and types of fertilizer

The drug is available in various forms: liquid and granules. The first contains nitrogen, sodium, calcium, silicon, magnesium and iron. Each of their elements complements each other. Silicon plays a particularly important role, as it contributes to better absorption of nutrients by the plant. In addition, it activates defense mechanisms that help plants fight unfavorable environmental conditions. It also contains saponins and terpenes. Highly active. This form of fertilizer must be dissolved in water and sprayed on the soil.

The drug HB-101 is available in both liquid and granule form

The second form contains not only the above elements, but also oxides of both macro and microelements. 76 percent of the drug consists of silicon dioxide, which ensures its granular structure. This form of stimulant is scattered on the soil surface. The fertilizer gradually penetrates into other layers and affects the vegetation.

Safe or toxic?

Any fertilizers must be treated with caution. These are still chemical products. Likewise, the drug HB-101 (instructions for use indicate at the moment) is a concentrated liquid product that must be diluted before use.

The safety level shows how dangerous the product is for humans, animals and plants. This fertilizer has been tested, and the results are as follows:

  • Temporary toxic effect – LD50 = 60 g/kg. Non-poisonous.
  • Long-term toxic effects. Non-toxic for people, animals, birds, fish.

Distinctive features, advantages and disadvantages

The distinctive features (advantages) of the drug “NV-101” should be noted:

  • there are no chemical components in the composition, it is a 100% organic product;
  • nourishes plants in a balanced manner with a complex of elements and microelements;
  • significantly accelerates growth, enhances flowering and, accordingly, productivity;
  • Absolutely safe biological product for humans and nature;
  • two convenient release formats (liquid and granular);
  • fully compatible with organic, mineral and organo-mineral fertilizers;
  • can be used throughout the entire life cycle of plants, starting with soaking their seeds;
  • universal use (seedlings, seedlings and saplings, seed treatment, etc.);
  • applicable for all crops (vegetables, berries, fruits, flowers, ornamental, etc.);
  • shows high activity, since the results are confirmed by many years of practice;
  • Japanese quality.

As a disadvantage, or rather a limitation, it should be noted the high cost of the drug for Russians. Estimated cost: 1 l. liquid concentrate - about 15 thousand rubles, and 1 kg. granules - about 4.5 thousand rubles.

MORE DETAILS: "CHLORELLA", suspension/powder - biostimulator for plants (full instructions for use)

*** This material is for informational purposes only and is not advertising or commercial; if necessary, consult with specialists.

Application area

For what purposes is the drug NV-101 used:

  • To increase fertility and productivity.
  • To increase seed germination rates, as well as their successful development.
  • To strengthen the root system of plants before planting or replanting.
  • For better adaptation after crop transplantation.
  • As a means of caring for seedlings.

  • To improve the quality of the crop.
  • To increase plant resistance to the negative influence of external factors.
  • Helps plants strengthen their defenses.
  • To improve resistance to pests and diseases.

Considering the wide range of applications of the NV-101, many have already understood what it is. The product is an assistant for gardeners and gardeners.

Mechanism of action

The principle of action of the drug “HB-101” is based on strengthening (more correctly, activation) of the plant’s immunity and vitality. The drug helps the plant to make full use of its entire biological potential and environmental resources. This is ensured by establishing numerous active connections between the plant and beneficial microelements, enzymes and other microorganisms.

The natural components of “HB-101” have a high biochemical affinity to the enzymes of the plants themselves and are effective even in small doses. Cedar, pine and cypress are centuries-old trees with enormous vitality. The unique protein-mineral complex inherent in these trees is the main secret of their health and longevity. Plantain, in turn, is known for its healing properties and has been widely used in medicine for a long time.

Thus, the drug “HB-101”:

  1. improves seed germination and increases growth energy;
  2. activates the protective functions of plants, reduces the risk of infection by phytopathogens;
  3. increases the resistance of plants to unfavorable conditions (overmoistening of the soil, sudden temperature changes, drought, etc.);
  4. protects plants and allows them to adapt to not very favorable soils (excessive acidity, salts, etc.).

As a result of this, the color and shape of leaves and flowers improve, and, accordingly, the quality characteristics of the fruits themselves (taste characteristics, appearance, size, etc.). Productivity increases significantly, earlier harvest is possible.

Systematic use of “NV-101” improves the health of the soil and neutralizes the development of soil phytopathogens in it. It is possible to re-plant a crop in the same area.

READ MORE: Best practice ROOT FORMATION stimulants (comparative analysis of drugs)

Advantages of the drug

Let's list the positive properties of HB-101:

  • Can be used in any region, regardless of soil type and climatic conditions.
  • Suitable for all types of plants.
  • Can be used as a biostimulating agent at any stage of plant development.
  • It has neutral acidity, thus does not disturb the soil structure.

  • It has a positive effect on all agricultural crops.
  • The product can be used for any farming method.
  • Reduces the amount of nitrates in vegetables and fruits by reducing the use of chemical stimulants.
  • Plants are made more resistant to negative environmental factors.
  • Helps improve the quality of vegetables and fruits.
  • Safe for people, animals, plants, birds.
  • Allows you to extend the shelf life of vegetables and fruits several times.
  • Economical and easy to use.
  • Convenient to store and transport.

Properties of growth stimulator hb 101

The hb 101 stimulator has a positive effect on plants due to a number of its advantages and properties. First of all, fertilizer can have an effect on any cultivated plants. This is important, since gardeners will not need to look for a specific preparation for a particular type of plant. The drug can be administered at any stage of development. This is very convenient if you did not have time to purchase fertilizer within a certain period of time. It will have the same effect in any period.

When using a stimulator, you do not need to worry about the area in which you live. The product is suitable for any climate and soil composition. This is a great advantage, as it emphasizes the versatility of the drug. The fertilizer has neutral acidity. It is convenient to store and transport with you.

Another positive property is the safety of the stimulant for people and animals. Therefore, any dosage will not have a negative effect on your body. However, a large amount of the drug, which deviates from the norm, can cause inhibition of plant growth. Therefore, you should pay attention to the instructions and follow them. Only then will the drug provide all the necessary properties, increase productivity and stimulate growth.

Plant difference. On the left with the use of the hb-101 stimulator, on the right without.

When using a stimulant, early flowering and fruit appearance are often observed. Moreover, the number of buds can increase, and the number increases by 200 percent.

The appearance of plants improves, the incidence of disease and parasite infestation is reduced to zero. All this is primarily due to the fact that fertilizer ensures soil fertility and cleanses it of harmful impurities.

Fruits grown using this stimulant have beneficial nutritional properties and are enriched with vitamins. The amount of pesticides and harmful substances in them is reduced, which has a beneficial effect on human health. You can use them without harm.

Another important property is that all plants become resistant to various environmental conditions. They can more easily withstand sudden temperature changes, bad weather, moisture disturbances, drought, damage, etc. Therefore, you should not worry, as the drug will create a protective environment for your plants.

Often, the problem of gardeners is the survival rate of seedlings. The stimulator can improve this indicator no matter how many times you replant the specimen. If you use seeding and a stimulant at the same time, germination will occur much earlier due to the correct proportional composition of all the necessary elements of the drug.

Disadvantages of the product

It is necessary to note the negative aspects of the drug, which also occur and must be taken into account:

  • Doesn't give quick results. Long-term and regular use is required.
  • In case of an overdose, the opposite effect is possible in the form of inhibition of plant development.
  • The result of use may be subtle and not immediate.
  • The drug has a high price.

The product has far fewer disadvantages than advantages, which makes it popular.

Pros and cons of the drug

The biological product HB 101 for plants is in demand, but not all gardeners are trying to take advantage of the manufacturer’s offer to increase productivity.

Reasons: presence of disadvantages. NV used in granules is quite expensive. And this turns off buyers. Let's add to this that the product is natural, stimulates development processes, but the result is not immediately noticeable.

If you buy NV for irrigation (in liquid form), then the price is not significantly lower than the granular product. After application, the drug improves the soil and plants from granules 2 times faster.

But complex measures will be required, requiring repeated and regular watering. Negative aspects also include overdose: development is inhibited instead of accelerated.

The positive qualities that the instructions show, in relation to the minuses, cover the shortcomings:

  • The drug is suitable for all plants (garden, garden, indoor);
  • recommended for use at any stage of development (from seed to fruit appearance);
  • there are no special instructions regarding microclimate, soil type, regions;
  • economical use. High yield rates, efficiency;
  • compact, convenient for storage and transportation;
  • acidity: neutral;
  • suitable for any farming system;
  • biologically pure product with a low hazard class.

It is often used as an antidepressant for indoor flowers, sprouts during planting or after illness. Seed germination and growth energy are accelerated. Flowering and fruiting are more active and earlier than with other growth stimulants.

Stressful situations include: weather conditions, diseases, pests. The soil is not depleted, since NV maximally vitaminizes it and fills it with minerals, macro- and microelements.

Need to know! Combination with pesticides and fertilizers is allowed. A reduction in dosages of additives will be required. But the result of the combination is impressive. Efficiency increases by 3-5 times. Application is sequential: no earlier than 7-10 days after spraying with HB 101.

Interaction with other compounds

I would like to note that the instructions for HB 101 (growth stimulant) do not recommend using in conjunction with products that contain:

  • Oils.
  • Urea.
  • Chemical nitrogen fertilizers.

If the drug is used with fertilizers and pesticides, the amount of the latter should be significantly reduced, and the result of plant care will be higher.

Can be used with other organic and mineral fertilizers.

It is not recommended to violate the instructions and exceed the dosage of the drug. This can have a negative impact on plants and soil.

Purpose and application of “HB-101”

"HB-101" is a stimulator/regulator of plant growth or development for universal use. They are also called phytohormones. Strengthens the plant's immunity, protects plants from pathogenic phytopathogens and unfavorable external factors, heals the soil, stimulates plant growth.

Shows excellent results:

  • when growing seedlings (plants are strong and healthy, do not overgrow, do not get sick, etc.);
  • for cultivating the soil before sowing seeds;
  • for pre-sowing seed treatment;
  • for spraying ovaries;
  • during pre-planting spraying of the root system of seedlings and seedlings;
  • when growing plants hydroponically;
  • preserves the appearance of cut flowers for a long time (used by florists).
  • when restoring dying and weakened plants and many others. etc.

In Russia, the drug “HB-101” is mainly used only on private farms, and in eastern countries it is used in industrial agricultural production.

The drug is used on all vegetable, fruit, berry, ornamental and flower crops, including indoor and greenhouse plants.

MORE: TOP 10 best FRUIT FORMATION stimulants (comparative analysis)

Use of the drug in liquid form

In order to ensure that the dosage of the drug is observed, the bottles with liquid have a dosage pipette.

Each culture prefers its own concentration of the product.

For 10 liters of water use 1 milliliter of HB-101.

A 6 ml ampoule will make a solution for 12 buckets. This is enough to spray a hundred square meters or to water a fourth of this area.

If the drug is needed to simulate seedlings, then it is diluted: take one or two drops per 1 liter of water. This solution concentration is suitable for the following:

  • For soaking seeds.

  • For watering the soil before planting seedlings or sowing.

Seeds that are soaked for 1 minute - legumes, beans, peas. Soak cereals, radishes, cabbage, radishes, and greens in the solution for 3 hours. It will take at least 12 hours for tomatoes, flowers, eggplants, peppers, cucumbers, root vegetables and other crops.

The liquid solution is also used for the following purposes:

  • For spraying seedlings.
  • For soaking bulbs, tubers, and rhizomes before planting in the ground. It is necessary to keep in the solution from 30 minutes to 3 hours.
  • Water the seedlings an hour before planting or transplanting.
  • During the growing season, annual crops are sprayed or watered once a week or every 14 days. Can be used for indoor plants.
  • Shrubs, tree-like plants, herbaceous perennials are sprayed or watered with the solution 3 times throughout the season with an interval of at least a week.
  • Coniferous plants that have turned yellow after winter are sprayed once a week for a month. You can also alternate with watering.

Composition and chemical formula of fertilizer

The main components in the nutritional mixture are organic and mineral additives of natural properties. Developers obtain them from extracts of coniferous crops - cedar, cypress, pine. In addition, an auxiliary component in the composition is an extract from plantain and other substances.

Let's list the remaining components:

  1. Nitrogen compounds – 97.0 milligrams per liter.
  2. Compounds of phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium, iron, manganese - approximately 5.0.
  3. Silicon dioxide – 7.4.
  4. Calcium salts – 33.0.
  5. Sodium salts – 41.0.

In addition to these ingredients, the manufacturer indicated on the packaging the following composition: sugi, hinoki.

Sugi is a Japanese cedar, and hinoki is a blunt-leaved cypress.

Use of the drug in granules

HB-101 in granules, the instructions for use recommend using it on the ground surface. This type of drug does not require deepening. Can be mixed with compost or sand. Then they are scattered over the surface of the soil under bushes and trees. There is no need to dig up the area after applying the granular product.

You should also pay attention to the fact that the drug should be used after applying fertilizers and various fertilizers.

It is recommended to use the drug HB-101 in the following doses:

  • For potted and tub plants – 4 granules per liter.
  • For a lawn - per 1 sq. meter 1 gram of granules.
  • For the root zone of young trees – 1-2 g.
  • For the trunk circle of mature trees and shrubs – up to 6 grams.

Category: “Questions and answers”

Question No. 1. Are there any fertilizers and orchid protection products that “Hb-101” cannot be combined with?


Combined use with nutritional supplements and other drugs is quite acceptable, with the exception of:

  • Fertilizers with a high nitrogen content - urea, urea, etc.
  • Other plant growth regulators.
  • Preparations based on any natural oils.

Question number 2 . How long does the working solution last?


The working solution is prepared immediately before use, because it cannot be stored. You can only save the concentrate in tightly packed containers.

Application for indoor plants

Houseplants, just like garden plants, require care, perhaps even more care. Many need to create special conditions for maintenance and flowering, ranging from soil composition, humidity, temperature and lighting. Also, very sensitive and capricious specimens often suffer from infections and pests.

Growth stimulator HB-101 is very well suited for comprehensive care of indoor plants. Most often, gardeners use a liquid solution in the following proportion: dilute 1-2 drops of concentrate in 1 liter of water. Sprinkling should be carried out once every ten days for flowering plants.

Regular spraying and watering help strengthen plants during the adaptation period, as well as during the vegetative growth phase. The number of diseases decreases, flowering becomes more abundant and longer.

Price and analogues

The cost of the growth stimulator hb-101 depends on the form of release:

  • granulated - 90-130 rub. / 10 g;
  • liquid – 150-200 rub. / 6 ml.

It can be purchased at a stationary retail outlet or ordered from an online store.

The Vitalizer has a unique set of components. No drugs have been developed that exactly duplicate its composition.

However, some remedies have a similar effect:

  1. SILK is a domestic growth regulator. Obtained by Siberian scientists. Recommended for most agricultural and indoor plants. A 1.5 ml container costs from 50 rubles.
  2. Novosil is an updated version of the previous drug. It has a fungicidal effect against a number of fungal, bacterial and viral diseases. It has a complex positive effect on plants. For 15 ml you will have to pay from 75 rubles.
  3. Ecosil is a Belarusian development. Changes the composition of the soil, making crops absorb nutrients much more efficiently. Price for 20 ml – about 215 rubles.
  4. Zircon is an immunomodulator, root former, and flowering inducer. Contains extracts from Echinacea purpurea - zirconic, caftaric and chlorogenic acids. 1 ml – from 20 rub.
  5. Siliplant is one of the few fertilizers that contains a large amount of bioactive silicon. 100 ml – from 120 rub.

These preparations do not contain hormones and have a gentle effect on plants. Some craftsmen prepare identical products themselves from pine and spruce needles.

Growing root crops and bulbs

To increase productivity, gardeners use HB-101, a growth stimulator. The instructions recommend taking an aqueous solution of the drug for this. Per 1 liter of water, 1-2 drops of concentrated product are most often used.

Before planting bulbs, the instructions recommend soaking them for a certain period of time. It is indicated for each type. It is also recommended to prepare the soil. To do this, it is spilled with a solution. After the bulbs are planted, it is recommended to irrigate the soil cover with a solution every 10 days throughout the growing season.

Features of growing seedlings

The harvest depends on what kind of seedlings grow. HB-101 is perfect for this. This stimulant will help germinate seeds and strengthen young plants.

Before planting, it is recommended to soak the seeds in a solution at the rate of 1-2 drops per 1 liter of water. This must be done before landing. The solution should be used immediately after preparation. For each type of plant there is a required soaking time.

After planting the seeds in the ground, it is necessary to irrigate the ground with HB-101 solution once a week until shoots appear. Next, carry out the same watering. It is recommended not only to water, but also to spray the ovary.

You can use other organic fertilizers together, but the best effect is achieved when using liquid HB-101.

Forms of release of biostimulator HB 101

The product from Japan is produced in two varieties:

  1. Granular form, which is distributed over the soil near the trunk circle, without any deepening. Sold in containers with a zipper or in PET bags;
  2. In liquid form, which is initially mixed with water to reduce the concentration. Sold in dispensers with droppers, bottles, ampoules.

But, judging by the stories of experienced vegetable growers, the liquid form is the most effective.


NB granules contain a huge amount of mineral active substances - sulfur, sodium, potassium, calcium, zinc, iron, silicon, manganese, yttrium, barium, aluminum, zinc, iron, strontium, zirconium, rubidium. The shell of the granule itself consists of zeolite, which contains all the nutrients, including silicon. Zeolite is a beneficial food for the soil: it is sometimes called an ameliorant. The granules have excellent sorbing properties. The main purpose of the granules is soil preparation. For such purposes, they are added a pinch at a time during planting. The granules act “for the future”: the effect will be noticeable after 6 months.

Areas of application of granules:

  • Into the substrate for mycelium;
  • In potted crops;
  • Under greenhouse conditions;
  • In unprotected soil before winter or in winter.

At daytime temperatures of plus 15 degrees and night temperatures of plus 10 degrees, the soil is watered three times a week as a preparatory option for sowing, and granules are applied under garden trees.

Concentrated solution

The liquid is used to obtain the required concentration of fertilizer. With the instructions, however, an incomprehensible nuance arises: on paper one dosage is specified, but if you watch the video, the numbers are slightly different.

Application of HB 101:

  1. Foliar application.
  2. Soaking seed material for 12 hours before planting.
  3. Soil preparation: before sowing, water the bed at the rate of 0.33 milliliters of liquid per 1 liter of water.
  4. Irrigate seedlings up to once a week at the rate of 1 milliliter of liquid per 1 liter of water.
  5. Root treatment before planting: soaking the roots for up to one minute before planting in a solution with proportions of 0.33 milliliters and 1 liter or 100 milliliters of water.

Recommendation! The finished mixture should not be stored: the diluted concentrate should be used up immediately.

Features of use for fruit trees and shrubs

For abundant flowering of trees and shrubs, as well as for their good fruiting, use HB-101 fertilizer. In this case, it is recommended to use it in granules. You can also use an aqueous solution.

Granules are applied in the fall or spring along the perimeter of the crown, after the soil has been dug up and all fertilizing has been applied.

Spraying ovaries with HB-101 solution is effective. This procedure can be repeated once a week. It is worth considering that heat-loving shrubs and trees cannot be sprayed more than 2-3 times per season. The plant will thus be severely depleted and will not survive the winter well.

If you need to replant a shrub or tree, it is also recommended to use HB-101. The instructions for use suggest soaking the rhizome for 15 minutes in a solution based on 1-2 drops of concentrate per 1 liter. Then, before planting, you can pour part of the solution into the planting hole, and water the plant with the rest at the final stage.

HB-101 growth stimulator, vitalizer liquid extract concentrate 6 ml.

Vitalizer HB-101 is an absolutely natural growth stimulator and activator of the immune system of plants, created on the basis of natural plant extracts. Plant growth stimulator HB-101 balances all components and gives natural vitality to your plants, it will help make them stronger and healthier, and the fruits are larger and, most importantly, nutritious!

Vitalizer means revitalizing!


  • HB-101 improves soil condition
  • HB-101 enhances plant growth and improves their immunity
  • HB-101 can be used for any types of plants
  • HB-101 has no expiration date
  • The consumption of NV-101 is very small: 1-2 drops per 1 liter of water
  • HB-101 is a 100% natural drug without chemicals
  • HB-101 improves survival rate during transplantation
  • HB-101 improves plant resistance to diseases and pests
  • HB-101 helps plants withstand adverse weather conditions (unforeseen drought, sudden temperature changes, etc.)
  • HB-101 can be used both in private households and in agriculture without restrictions.


Rice and grains

Irrigate the soil with a solution of HB-101 (1 ml per 10 liters of water) 3 times before sowing or planting seedlings.

Soil preparation

Before planting, soak the seeds for 2-4 hours in the HB-101 solution (1-2 drops per 1 liter of water).

Emergence of rice shoots

Spray the plants with a solution of HB-101 (1 ml per 10 liters of water) weekly for 3 weeks.

Planting in open ground

Spray the green mass with HB-101 solution five times.

Bulbs and root vegetables

  • Tulips, lilies and other bulbous flowers;
  • Potatoes, carrots, cruciferous vegetables, etc.

Soil preparation

Irrigate the soil with HB-101 solution (1 ml per 10 liters of water) 3 times before sowing or planting seedlings.

Soaking bulbs/root vegetables

Before planting, dip the bulbs/tubers for 30 minutes in the HB-101 solution (1-2 drops per 1 liter of water).

Further processing before harvest

Irrigate the soil with HB-101 solution once every 10 days.


  • Soybeans, beans (ordinary and asparagus);
  • Beans (regular and broad beans) and others.

Soil preparation

Irrigate the soil with HB-101 solution (1 ml per 10 liters of water) 3 times before sowing or planting seedlings.

Germination of seeds

Before planting, dip the seeds in HB-101 solution (1-2 drops per liter of water) for no more than a minute.

Emergence of seedlings

Spray the seedlings with HB-101 solution (1-2 drops per liter of water) weekly during the growing season until harvest.

Further processing

Irrigate the soil with HB-101 solution once every 10 days.

Leafy vegetables

  • Cabbage, lettuce, arugula, spinach and others

Soil preparation

Irrigate the soil with HB-101 solution (1 ml per 10 liters of water) 3 times before sowing or planting seedlings.

Germination of seeds

Soak the seeds in HB-101 solution (1-2 drops per liter of water) for 3 hours

Emergence of seedlings

Irrigate the seedlings with HB-101 solution (1-2 drops per liter of water) weekly for 3 weeks

Further processing

Irrigate the soil with HB-101 solution once every 10 days.


  • Chrysanthemums, "Eustoma Grandiflorum", roses, carnations, sweet peas and others.

Soil agitation

Irrigate the soil with HB-101 solution (1 ml per 10 liters of water) 3 times before sowing or planting seedlings.

Germination of seeds

Soak the seeds in HB-101 solution (1-2 drops per liter of water) for 12 hours.

Emergence of seedlings

Regularly (once a week) feed the plants (foliar watering) with HB-101 solution (1-2 drops per liter of water).

Vegetables and berries

  • Tomatoes, strawberries, melon, cucumbers, herbs, peppers, watermelons, eggplants and others.

Soil agitation

Irrigate the soil with HB-101 solution (1-2 drops per liter of water) 3 times before planting.

Seed preparation and planting

Soak the seeds in HB-101 solution (1-2 drops per liter of water) for 12 hours.

Before planting in the ground, soak the seedlings in the HB-101 solution for about 30 minutes.

Spray with HB-101 solution (1-2 drops per liter of water) weekly for 3 weeks.

After transplanting until harvest

Irrigate the plants with a solution of HB-101 (1-2 drops per liter of water), or spray the ovaries once a week.

Potted plants

Most people who want to create a cozy atmosphere in their apartment have a variety of indoor plants at home. In addition to creating a cozy atmosphere, they have a positive effect on human health. Lovers of indoor plants know firsthand how difficult it is to grow them. Sometimes growing a beautiful, healthy indoor flower that will delight its owner with green leaves or fragrant flowers is more difficult than harvesting a good, abundant harvest. Caring for plants is a complex process with many nuances. It is not enough to simply replant and water the plant regularly; it is also necessary to select high-quality fertilizers for indoor plants that would have a comprehensive effect while remaining safe for human health. Recommendations for using HB-101 fertilizer for different indoor plants differ. Thus, for ornamental and potted crops (for example, orchids, roses, camellias, cyclamen, bamboo and others), it is necessary throughout the year, every 7-10 days, to irrigate the soil and spray the foliage with HB-101 solution (at the rate of 1-2 drops of the drug per liter of water). But the royal potted chrysanthemum requires a more precise application interval: the solution (1-2 drops of HB-101 per 1 liter of water) should be applied once a week, adding it to the soil and to the leaves. In addition to indoor potted plants, many people grow seedlings in their houses and apartments, which they will later plant on their plots of land. The germination of seeds for seedlings can be improved with the help of special preparations, which have recently become increasingly popular. They contribute to increased yields and also improve the quality of fruits and vegetables. Nowadays, the market offers many special stimulants, which, acting on the plant, cause it to naturally produce the necessary phytohormones. We recommend using the natural Japanese preparation HB-101 for plant care. The use of this drug allows you to enhance flowering, improve root formation, stress resistance, growth and fruiting, which is equally important for both indoor plants and seedlings grown at home.

  • Orchids, rose, camellia, cyclamen, bamboo and other ornamental and potted crops

Irrigate the soil and spray the foliage with HB-101 solution (1-2 drops per liter) every 7-10 days throughout the year.

  • Royal potted chrysanthemum.

Irrigate the soil and spray the foliage with HB-101 solution (1-2 drops per liter of water) once a week.


  • Bonsai - pine, azalea, oak and others.

Irrigate the soil with a solution of HB-101 (3 drops per 1 liter of water) once every 10 days throughout the year.

  • Trees - cedar, cypress, pine, birch, oak, maple and others.

Once every six months, spread the granules around the perimeter of the crown.

  • Fruit trees - grapes, cherries, pears, apples, tangerines, kiwis, oranges, plums, peaches, persimmons and others.

In spring and autumn, spread the granules around the perimeter of the crown. Spray the ovaries with HB-101 solution (1 drop per 1 water) 3 times (once a week).

Tea, mushrooms


Irrigate the soil and spray the foliage with a solution of HB-101 (1 ml per 10 liters of water).

Bacterial environment: Add HB-101 solution (1/3,000 to 1/5,000) to the substrate and spray with the solution (1/10,000 to 1/50,000) once a week.


Wood Media: Soak the substrate in a solution of HB-101 (1/5.0000 to 1/10,000) for 10 hours. Irrigate the plantings with the same HB-101 solution once a week.

Protected soils, substrates, grass, lawn

Protected soils, substrates: Add the concentrate to the solution tank (mixer) 1 ml per 10 liters of water. Add concentrate once a week.

Grass, lawn: At the beginning of the growing season, fertilize the lawn with granular HB-101 (1 cm3 per m2).

Restoring a dying tree

Pour 1/30 HB-101 solution directly into the hole drilled at a 45 degree angle to the center of the wood axis.

Application for coniferous and deciduous trees

Using the drug, you can increase not only the yield of fruit crops, but also give strength and beauty to deciduous and evergreen trees.

If a coniferous tree is sunburned and the needles have turned yellow, then HB-101 (fertilizer) can help. The instructions for use suggest diluting the drug at the rate of 1 ml per 10 liters of water. This solution can be used for spraying. It is suitable not only for treating trees, but also for preventing diseases and improving the condition of foliage, needles and plants in general.

If the tree or shrubs are heat-loving, frequent spraying can harm them. You should not do this more than 2-3 times per season. An excess of stimulant can destroy plants.

You can also apply granules around the perimeter of the crown. It is recommended to do this no more than once every six months. After the trees have been dug up and other fertilizing has been applied, granules can be spread over the surface. There is no need to dig again.

Methods of application for orchids

The granular preparation can be added to the soil substrate before planting (transplanting) plants. The concentrated substance dissolves slowly when watered and has a prolonged effect.

Based on the fact that the recommended application rate for garden plants is 2g per 1m2, this means that for one flower pot of orchid substrate you will need several grains - 8 - 10 pieces. It is advisable to arrange them evenly as the container is filled with the nutrient mixture. If the product is not applied in advance, the granules can be placed in the top layer of the substrate closer to the walls of the pot.

Important! A solution is not prepared from granules; they are used only for adding to soil mixtures.

Many orchid lovers prefer the liquid form “Hb - 101”, it is easier to handle.

Effect of the drug on soil and pests

The use of HB-101 has a positive effect not only on plants, but also on the soil, since it contains only natural ingredients. The product helps maintain the necessary acid-base balance of the soil. Thus, it assists in the reproduction of necessary microorganisms. The use of the drug for plants significantly increases their immunity, which helps to resist diseases, infections and pests.

Frequent tillage, acid rain, polluted atmosphere and water cause damage not only to plants, but also to the soil. Regular use of NB-101 (fertilizer) will help. Instructions for use, if strictly followed, will allow you to maintain your garden and vegetable garden in a healthy condition, as well as increase the yield and its quality characteristics.

Reviews from experienced gardeners on growing orchids

  1. Alexandra Konstantinovna (Novocherkassk, Rostov region.)

I first bought “Hb-101” in St. Petersburg. One small bottle was enough for several years. I watered all the indoor flowers. But the orchids began to bloom especially magnificently. There have never been such large and bright flowers before. Now I buy the product from the Organic Farming Club in large bottles, and use it not only at home, but also in the country.

  1. Marina Ivanovna (Kislovodsk, Krasnodar region).

When I bought “Hb-101” at Leroy Merlin, at first I thought it was Chinese and put it aside. The sales consultant noticed and suggested that the product was very good and was made in Japan. And in fact, now I am convinced that I had nothing better for orchids.

Effect of the drug on plant development

Note the positive effect of the drug on the development of foliage, root system and plant stems:

  • The efficiency of photosynthesis increases.
  • Contains saponin, which fills microorganisms contained in the soil with oxygen.
  • The ionized form of minerals in HB-101 increases the activity of microorganisms that help plants absorb minerals, calcium, water and nutrients.
  • Promotes maximum supply and absorption of nutrients for the development of the stem, leaves and root system.
  • Nourishes and promotes healthy plants and soil.

Allows you to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and treatments, as a result, harm to the environment is eliminated and environmentally friendly vegetables and fruits are guaranteed.

Action and properties of the drug

The action of the drug is aimed at developing and strengthening the vegetative-root system of indoor flowers and plants. The use of HB-101 is capable of:

  • strengthen the immune system of plants and, as a result, reduce the negative impact of viral diseases and pests;
  • ensure increased protection of plants from the negative effects of environmental conditions (temperature changes, humidity), increase their adaptive resistance;
  • improve the appearance of plants, promote abundant flowering.
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