Watering flowers with aspirin and ascorbic acid: pharmacy care for indoor plants

If your indoor plants are sick, grow poorly and refuse to bloom, then they need help. The difficulty is that sometimes we do not see signs of illness, but the flower sits in place as if enchanted. What to do? There are a number of simple and affordable remedies that can help revive the plant and make it produce new leaves. Aspirin comes first. For indoor flowers, this is a universal remedy for activating the immune system.

Aspirin for indoor flowers

Anyone can face the difficulties of growing houseplants. Even the most attentive and experienced flower growers have situations when their favorite flowers begin to look unhealthy or even die. The reasons may be different - this can happen either due to a banal oversight or regardless of the actions of the owner.

Fortunately, there are folk ways to save flowers from a stressful situation, even if the plants look really bad. To do this, you don’t need to look for gardening stores and buy some new serums or expensive fertilizers - simple improvised means that can be bought for a symbolic amount will help.

An example of an affordable alternative to expensive fertilizers is ordinary aspirin, which is sold in any pharmacy. This drug is acetylsalicylic acid, which is especially useful for plants as a fertilizer if the dosage and application rates are followed.

Important! You shouldn’t overdo it, or carelessly care for your plants, hoping that the drug will help indefinitely - the basis for guaranteeing healthy plants still remains regular and proper care.

Aspirin, or more precisely, its solution, is used both for emergency treatment of flowers with nutrients, and for prevention as a means of supporting their “immunity.” Aspirin is a universal fertilizer for the home garden, which is suitable for both fresh and cut flowers.

What else can you use?

Judging by the reviews, aspirin for indoor flowers can be a very effective helper. What to do if this drug is not available on the farm? Run to the pharmacy? Not at all necessary, let's try to find an alternative option:

  • Sugar feeding. Almost any flower responds well to this procedure. Glucose in sufficiently large quantities is used by the plant for growth and development. At the same time, fertilizing is very simple: just sprinkle a spoonful of sand on the surface of the earth. When watering, the grains will melt and be absorbed into the soil.
  • We use yeast. No, we won’t cook sweet pastries now, everything is much simpler. It is a source of natural B vitamins and other beneficial microelements. Plants need to be fed with yeast three times a year: in spring, summer and autumn. Just pour 10 g of live yeast into a liter of water and let it sit. This amount is enough to water one plant.
  • Fertilizing with ammonia. This substance is a good fertilizer; plants easily absorb it. It perfectly helps with nitrogen deficiency and has a restorative and healing effect. Ammonia disinfects the soil, destroys fungi and various insect pests. It's quite easy to use. You just need to add a teaspoon of ammonia to a liter of water. Within a week the plants will turn green and begin to look much better.

What are the benefits of aspirin for plants?

Many people know what effect aspirin has on humans - it is a primitive but effective analgesic. For flowers it plays a slightly different role.

This drug, or more precisely acetylsalicylic acid, is a serious source of substances beneficial to the flower. Naturally, acid has a positive effect on plant growth, helps it bloom magnificently and on time, protects it from many threat factors and generally activates growth - and therefore aesthetic qualities and reproduction potential.

The effect of aspirin solution on indoor flowers:

  1. Growth stimulation. Under normal and good conditions, the plant will stretch on its own, but there are “capricious” flowers or initially not very healthy specimens - you can even buy a flower with problems.
  2. More chances for successful reproduction. For all flowers, the use of aspirin has approximately the same effect in reproductive terms - the substance accelerates the work of all processes associated with the ovary and the formation of buds. If you need to propagate a flower faster or the plant does not bloom as planned, then feeding it with aspirin will help correct the situation and improve the quality of the seedlings.
  3. Preventive protection against pests and disease development. Acid adds substances to the plant, with the help of which it can cope with typical diseases more easily and quickly. Also, its high concentration is antifungal protection and repels most insects.

Thanks to fertilization with aspirin, the plant will bloom and delight with bright colors.

But the most important positive impact is emergency resuscitation. If the flower has not been properly cared for, is in poor condition and is obviously dying - its leaves fall, its stems wither, its petals fade and once green shoots turn yellow, then aspirin may be the only effective remedy that can revive the plant.

About the benefits of tablets

Salicylic acid was originally of plant origin; it was synthesized from willow bark 119 years ago.
It has been proven that all plant organisms in stressful situations (sudden weather changes, illness, pest invasion) produce salicylic acid. Its volume is small, but it helps plants cope with the negative influences of the external environment. Research by American scientists has shown that an aqueous solution of aspirin has a positive effect on the productivity and immunity of tomatoes and accelerates seed germination.

Amateur vegetable growers have several recipes for preparing a solution that can be used.

The first is to dissolve 2 tablets containing 500 mg of salicylic acid in 7 liters of water, treat the tomato bushes every 3 weeks.

The second recipe from summer residents is a little different. They take 1 aspirin tablet (500 mg), dilute it in water (5 l). For processing, take a regular spray bottle. Spray leaves on both sides, stems from base to crown.

To prevent diseases and increase stress resistance, plantings are sprayed throughout the season. Processing is usually carried out once every 14 days.


Use store-bought liquid soap as an adhesive, or take a piece of household soap, rub it, dilute the shavings (50 g) in warm water, and pour the resulting liquid into the working solution.

A solution of the same concentration is watered at the roots of tomato bushes. Watering can be combined with spraying aspirin on the leaf. In the spring, when preparing seeds, aspirin is used for pre-sowing soaking (1-2 tablets per liter).

According to reviews from experienced gardeners, the effect of using aspirin in tomato beds is:

  • it is possible to reduce crop losses from cladosporiosis;
  • delay infection of open ground tomatoes with late blight;
  • achieve early and long fruiting;
  • reduce the negative impact of weather during periods of prolonged rains and droughts.

Aspirin for powdery mildew

Aspirin is used against powdery mildew and other fungal diseases of tomatoes. To prepare 1 liter of solution you need to take:

  • aspirin (1 g);
  • baking soda (3 g);
  • denatured alcohol (5 mg);
  • any soap (5 g).

Diseased plants require three treatments to recover.

When to use aspirin for houseplants

Acetylsalicylic acid is so useful for plants that it can be used on a regular basis, both in the warm season and in the cold. Care is especially important in winter, when plants stop growing intensively and one might say “hibernate.” During this period of time, they “want” as much attention as possible to themselves. Therefore, in order to preserve the healthy appearance of your home flowers for many years, it is recommended to make the use of aspirin not a forced measure, but a habit. For most plants, this procedure is sufficient to carry out twice a week.

Important! Aspirin can also significantly extend the life of gifted flowers in a vase - for this, instead of water, you should use its solution (2-3 aspirin tablets per liter of water). It has been proven that flowers in such an environment will be fresh and fragrant for a long time (up to a month). Even such whimsical flowers as roses can delight with their beauty for up to 10-14 days.

But if the plant has already reached a critical state or has suddenly entered the active phase of the disease, then to revive it it is necessary to act immediately - prepare a solution and immediately water the flower.

How to understand that a plant urgently needs help:

  • leaves and stems became drooping;
  • the “green” part of the plant has changed color to yellow - completely or partially;
  • signs of parasite life appeared on the plant.

It is quite simple to identify a sick flower - it is immediately clear that without help and additional nutrition it will soon wither.

Using garlic to feed plants

You've probably heard that flowers are also watered with garlic water. This is a slightly different feeding - not for the growth and lush flowering of plants, but as a means for preventing diseases, strengthening the immune system, disinfecting the soil and treating against ticks.

You can prepare the infusion like this: for 1 liter of warm or hot water – 4-5 crushed cloves. After 5 days of infusion in a dark place, the product is ready for use. Add three tablespoons of the solution to a liter of water and water or spray the leaves.

What flowers are watered with garlic water: orchids, violets, geraniums, dracaena and, in principle, any flowers, but not during flowering and no more than 2 times a month.

Methods of application

There are only two ways to use aspirin solution on home flowers - experienced gardeners use both watering and spraying. Thus, aspirin is a type of root and foliar feeding.

For both methods you will need an aspirin solution; the recipe is very simple (read the answer to how to prepare it below). In the first case, the solution is simply poured under the roots in the normal watering mode, in accordance with the needs of the plant. That is, as with regular watering, cactus and hydrangea will require different quantities and regularity. Be sure to remember that an excess of moisture in the soil is just as unfavorable for plants as a lack of it.

The second method requires a spray bottle (as a last resort, you can simply take the solution into your mouth and spray it - it is harmless). You can either spray the leaves, flowers and buds directly, or practice distant spraying to increase humidity.

Any of the methods will have a beneficial effect on the health, development and flowering of house plants.

How to water indoor flowers with aspirin

To treat flowers with aspirin, you don’t need to do anything special - just replace two waterings a week with an aspirin solution. It is not worth making changes to the volume, as well as to the method of watering. If the plant requires only one watering per week, you can alternate - water it as usual for a week, and with the solution the next week.

Important! An overdose of aspirin for plants is unlikely, but still you should not feed the medicine more often than recommended - you will not be able to get the best effect, and the concentration of any substance in excess can have a bad effect on the flowers.

The same applies to spraying. To ensure high-quality home care, the gardener is recommended to adhere to the treatment regime that is familiar to him. It is not recommended to completely replace water for spraying with aspirin solution. We must remember that for each situation and each plant you need to apply your own approach and care.

What to do if the plant dies:

  1. It is necessary to carefully examine the flower and try to determine what exactly is killing it. Perhaps the reason is quite dangerous, and the flower needs more serious help than aspirin.
  2. If pests are detected, it is better to give preference to chemical treatments that are aimed at destroying pests in all phases - larvae, adults, pupae. It is believed that aspirin will not help get rid of parasites if they are already active, but can be an excellent remedy for rehabilitation if the flower has already suffered from a pest-related disease.
  3. In all other cases, aspirin will serve as an excellent medicine. It is recommended to both water the soil of the plant (as much as possible, but within the limits of the flower’s moisture needs) and spray it outside.
  4. After treatment, it is advisable to carefully monitor the plant - the first results should appear soon. But sometimes it may take a little longer than usual. As an additional support, you can water the flower with aspirin solution a little more often until it returns to normal.

As a rule, using such a solution in the correct proportions and doses will guarantee a beautiful and healthy flower garden on the windowsill. But if it is clear that immediately after watering the plant’s condition began to deteriorate, then the treatment should be canceled immediately - perhaps this particular flower is an exception.

Preparation of the solution

The aspirin solution is prepared very simply and does not take much time; even a beginner can cope with this task. For preparation, the most common aspirin is suitable, which can be bought at a pharmacy at a very low price.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. You can buy cheap domestically produced aspirin at any pharmacy. To avoid the imposition of expensive analogues, you can use online orders (there are many sites for ordering medications specifically).
  2. The basic proportion of the solution is to add a quarter of an aspirin tablet to 2 liters of water. You can divide the tablet into quarters using a regular knife.
  3. After a quarter of the tablet is separated, it is better to crush it into powder with a spoon - this will dissolve the drug faster.
  4. Dissolve aspirin in water. You can warm the water a little so that the aspirin dissolves faster. For the same purpose, it is necessary to dilute and stir the solution until no visible particles remain.

After preparation, it is advisable to leave the solution for half an hour and then return to it. If sediment has formed at the bottom, it should be stirred again.

Recipes for preparing the solution

There are two main ways to prepare the solution. In the first case, 1000 mg of the drug is diluted in 7 liters of water, and in the second, 500 mg is diluted in 5 liters of water.

In each option, you need to buy the most common cheap aspirin, not soluble, not effervescent, not for heart patients. Although the active ingredient in all of them is acetylsalicylic acid, it is supplemented with additives, and tomatoes do not need them at all.

Regularity of processing indoor flowers

Most flowers require treatment 1-2 times a week. But if the plant is initially watered non-standardly, then the feeding regime with aspirin will have to be adjusted to it.

Plants that need to be watered infrequently require less and healthy watering. But you shouldn’t be too diligent in calculating the amount of the substance that plants receive - acetylsalicylic acid is useful for them, and an overdose is unlikely.

In what cases is it used?

Acetylsalicylic acid (regular, not effervescent) for indoor plants is a fertilizer, medicine and immunostimulant. Used for the following problems:

  • leaf falling;
  • new buds do not grow;
  • if there was a transplant or the plant suffered a “stressful situation”;
  • externally the plant began to look worse;
  • for fungal diseases.

In stressful situations, a person experiences a surge of adrenaline. And the plant is coated with acetylsalicylic acid. This is a kind of barrier, an immune shield for them. Therefore, by feeding them with an aspirin solution, you can strengthen the defenses and increase the immunity of house plants.

It must be taken into account that the culprits for the deterioration of the condition of plants can be pests, diseases, and improper care. And aspirin must be taken in combination with other drugs. But even its separate use contributes to healing, strengthening and the emergence of new shoots.

If the color has faded, the stems have become thinner and light spots appear, this indicates a lack of nutrition. There is no need to let the plant die. It is enough to feed him regularly. This is especially true in March, when the sun becomes active. It is necessary to feed once every two weeks. You can recharge it until the end of October. Without interruptions: both during growth and during flowering.

From October to February, the “dormant” mode begins and the plant can be left alone. This does not apply to winter-flowering ones: they can be fed even in winter. But not more than once a month.

Useful tips

Aspirin is not a new medicine; it has been used to help plants for quite a long time, so experienced gardeners have already established rules for using this drug, which only increase its effectiveness:

  1. If there are plans for the preventive use of aspirin solution, then it is better to start “accustoming” the flowers to this as early as possible.
  2. If the plant’s health is critical, do not be afraid to overdo it with aspirin - it is unlikely that the harm from too high a short-term concentration will be greater than the main danger to the flower.
  3. You should not prepare the solution in advance - like any other substance, aspirin erodes and loses its properties. It is best to water flowers with freshly prepared medicine. To prepare, you can simply divide the purchased tablets into quarters (remember, dissolve 1/4 of an aspirin tablet in 2 liters of water).

When caring for flowers and indoor plants, it is great to have an inexpensive and accessible product on hand, the search for which will not take much time from gardeners. Of course, aspirin is not a panacea for all plants, it will not increase the yield in the garden, but weekly feeding of home flowers with it will certainly improve their condition. Aspirin is just such a multifunctional drug used in emergency situations, which does not require careful measurements, special skills and abilities, and does not pose a danger to humans and pets.

On the site you will learn secrets that will help you grow and maintain beautiful indoor plants in your home. The articles contain useful information on how to care for plants so that they bloom abundantly in the spring; how to prepare for wintering in October - November and much more. And in the comments you can share your own experience of caring for indoor plants.

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