There are types of bulbous crops that cannot overwinter in open ground in northern regions.
September 14, 2018 Flowers Natalya Miroshnikova Flowering vines look very impressive, and such plants
Climbing indoor vines are very popular among gardeners. Such plants include wax
Excess of plants in the house Arranging a beautiful green corner in the apartment is a great idea, but
Advanced summer residents, before developing a new site, begin to determine the chemical composition of the soil. Done
Author: Alexey Streltsov Category: Partners Published: December 30, 2019Last edits: July 22, 2020 Many
Photo: Are you looking for something to decorate your garden and yard when the first spring flowers fade? Something
Many gardeners like to plan their front garden or flower bed, that is, a combination of colors and sizes
Someone called this plant the tree of happiness, and someone saw a resemblance to a dragon and the tree
WHEN TO REPLANT PHALAENOPSIS? Replanting after purchase Important! Phalaenopsis should be replanted immediately after purchase! For