Will not take much time and effort: 14 of the most unpretentious indoor plants

Flowers bring a piece of comfort and warmth to any room. They help to instantly refresh a boring and boring interior without investing significant sums of money or much physical effort into this process. In addition to their external beauty, plants are incredibly useful. They purify the air, and many can increase its humidity.

Photo: Pixabay.com

Each pet requires certain care and compliance with living conditions, among which the main ones are:

  • Abundance of light in the room.
  • Ambient temperature.
  • Regularity of watering and fertilizing.
  • Air humidity level.
  • The need for a transplant.

Many plants are incredibly capricious and demanding, which is why they can quickly fade in the hands of inexperienced gardeners. In turn, unpretentious individuals are able to withstand unfavorable conditions. They do not take much time and effort, so they are easy to care for. Undemanding flowers can be comfortably placed in rooms with a lack of sunny color; many are unpretentious to the level of air humidity and are able to withstand a lack of moisture, making them suitable for those who are often on the road and cannot always provide their pets with timely watering.

In today's rating, we have collected for you 14 of the most unpretentious indoor plants, caring for which will not be difficult.


  1. Begonia
  2. Crassula
  3. Chlorophytum
  4. Ficus benjamina
  5. Cyclamen
  6. Kalanchoe
  7. Echeveria
  8. Sansevieria
  9. Zamioculcas
  10. Dracaena
  11. Aspidistra
  12. Aloe
  13. Monstera
  14. cacti

Zamioculcas - dollar tree

Branches with glossy leaves are formed from tubers located in the ground. A waxy coating protects the indoor plant from drying out, so Zamioculcas accumulates moisture.

  • This easy-to-care flower can be grown in the shade, but with sufficient lighting it develops faster and does not stretch.
  • To prevent the roots from rotting, watering should be moderate.
  • Zamioculcas does not respond to changes in air humidity, so it does not need spraying.
  • This indoor flower is characterized by slow growth, which can be accelerated by feeding cacti twice a month.
  • Since the sap of the plant is poisonous, zamioculcas should be placed out of the reach of children, and replanting work should be done with gloves.

Which one is best to grow in an apartment?

When deciding which of these colors to purchase, you need to consider several factors.

  1. Lighting in the apartment. For northern windows, it is better to choose spathiphyllum, anthurium or fuchsia. Pelargoniums, balsams, Kalanchoes and abutilons are well suited to eastern and western locations.
  2. Signs associated with flowers. Each plant brings special energy to the house. Hibiscus, for example, has acquired a bad reputation. It is even called the “flower of death.” It is believed that it feeds on the energy of household members and unexpectedly blossoms, foreshadowing illness or imminent death. But Kalanchoe is called a peacemaker, anthurium attracts happiness to a man, and spathiphyllum - to a woman. Balsam attracts wealth to the house.
  3. Room style. Plants can become a logical extension of the interior. So, spathiphyllum, anthurium, and varietal pelargonium will look good in the classic one. Kalanchoe, maple or begonia will fit into a modern one. Country music will be decorated with geranium, balsam or hibiscus.

Unpretentious orchids

Flower growers, even experienced ones, are wary of orchids, since growing them requires a lot of attention - as the owners say, you will have to inspect the condition of the flower every day in order to eliminate problems in time. However, upon careful consideration of the features of care, the following simple rules are distinguished:

  • The orchid is placed near the window so that it is not exposed to direct sunlight, but at the same time it must be provided with sunlight.
  • Water the orchid once a week - place the pot in a bowl of water or water it from the shower.
  • The flower is replanted as the root system grows.
  • Immediately after flowering ends, the peduncle is cut off.

This is where caring for the plant ends. In order not to aggravate the situation, it is recommended to use the most unpretentious varieties of orchids for planting - Oncidium, Dendrobium, Vanda, Cattleya.

Growing an orchid at home is not for the lazy


The much-loved Kalanchoe offers a choice between extravagant foliage forms, small medicinal classics and flowering varieties. And in all cases, it flaunts with fleshy leaves with a dark color and a very beautiful edge.

Kalanchoes are not afraid of drafts, but not at the flowering stage. You should not place bright bushes or bouquets in a draft. But deciduous forms will not refuse regular ventilation at any time except winter.

Kalanchoe remains a typical succulent and requires careful watering. Despite their preference for cool wintering, all species adapt well to indoor conditions.

Kalanchoe. © Apartment Therapy

Decembrist - winter flower

Schlumbergera (Decembrist) is a representative of the cactus family, the peculiarity of which is flowering in winter, when many indoor plants are dormant. Many pink, white, red or purple flowers decorate the house for several weeks.

  • For abundant flowering, Decembrist must be kept at low room temperatures.
  • In summer, the plant requires abundant watering after the top layer of soil dries out, however, nothing will happen to it if you forget to water the Decembrist on time.
  • The unpretentious plant tolerates direct rays of the sun if you gradually accustom it to it.
  • Adult specimens are transplanted every 5 years.

Chlorophytum - air purifier

Due to its rapid growth, attractive appearance and ability to purify the air from various impurities, chlorophytum is often used for landscaping an apartment. Due to the ability of an unpretentious flower to filter the air, it is most often placed in the kitchen.

  • Caring for this indoor plant is very easy. It is enough to water moderately after the top layer of soil dries out and fertilize once a month from spring to autumn.
  • In order for chlorophytum to grow lush, you need to provide it with good lighting.
  • When the air becomes dry during the heating season, you need to increase the humidity by spraying.
  • Transplantation must be done when the root system has grown greatly.
  • With proper care, the unpretentious chlorophytum will definitely show itself in all its glory and will hang rosettes at the ends of the flower stalks, so it can be grown in hanging flowerpots.


Among the Bromeliads, no plant can boast such lush greenery as Billbergia nutans. She has something to surprise: graceful pink inflorescences, thin “grass-like” leaves, the ability to grow in lush bushes and constantly produce daughter plants, rich shades and durability.

Drafts for Billbergia are almost a substitute for taking it out into the fresh air in the summer. At least, this is exactly how this plant reacts to them when they are moved into the garden. And at a distance from the window, it tolerates drafts even in winter.

Amazingly hardy, Billbergias love more than just fresh air. They need bright lighting, protection from heat, scanty feeding and regular, gentle watering.

Billbergia nutans. © Sydney Living Museums

Unpretentious indoor flowers that bloom all year round

If we consider beautiful, unpretentious indoor flowers, there are several dozen of them; the easiest ones to grow independently have already been described above (hibiscus, geranium and abutilon).

Now we should list the same easy-to-care flowers that bloom throughout the year, to one degree or another. It should be noted that feeding the plant gives better and more numerous flowering.

1. Anthurium. The anthurium flower has a second name - male happiness, which is due to the belief that it improves male strength. Despite skepticism, you can find the presented plant in many apartments; it’s all about unpretentious care. It will be enough for anthurium if it is placed in a place where there is diffused light - direct sunlight can burn its leaves.

If there is no storage place other than on the windowsill, you should choose the eastern or western sides - short sun rays will not harm the flower.

Otherwise, there is no need to monitor the anthurium - it is only important to water it and check the soil moisture, which should not dry out completely. In the absence of regular feeding, 1 flower will always please the eye. As soon as it fades, a new one will grow in its place.

2. Pelargonium is another plant that occupies a leading position in the list of unpretentious flowering indoor plants. The popularity of the flower lies in its continuous flowering - it does not matter on which side of the apartment the pot will be placed. Florists only note the fact that sunlight can affect the height of the pelargonium itself.

And what’s surprising is that if the flower is placed in the shade, the plant will grow in length; if it is placed in the light, it will become a small and neat bush. Water pelargonium once every few days - you will have to ensure constant soil moisture. Otherwise, you may need to trim the flower to grow a neater bush.

3. Royal begonia. There are about a hundred species of begonia, but to start floriculture, it is recommended to choose the royal begonia. This flower is unpretentious and, when exposed to sunlight, will illuminate the room with attractive colors.

It is recommended to place the pot with begonia on the east or west side so that the bush receives sunlight for several hours. It should be watered abundantly, but do not allow moisture to remain in the soil.

The only peculiarity and nuisance is tracking the growth of cuttings - if you do not trim the tops in time, the begonia will turn into a large bush, which can slow down its flowering.

4. Spathiphyllum. Lovers of calla lilies can rejoice, because now there is an excellent and unpretentious alternative - spathiphyllum. This plant pleases with large white flowers, which consist of one large petal.

It is better to keep the pot in light shade, since from prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation the leaves begin to turn slightly yellow at the edges, which gives the flower an inappropriate appearance.

In summer, flowering increases significantly in quantity, but you can observe the pecking of flowers all year round. Spathiphyllum flowers are afraid of water, so you should not overwater the soil.

5. Kalanchoe. Those housewives who love flowering plants, but constantly forget to water them, may give preference to Kalanchoe. This flower can stand without water for a whole month, however, this can still affect the flowering.

Kalanchoe prefers warm summer days, so you can grow it on a south-facing window, but it is better to slightly shade the flower first.

Unpretentious indoor plants, video:

Unpretentious indoor plants.

Spathiphyllum - women's happiness

This flowering houseplant is believed to help one find happiness and love. Unpretentious “female happiness” is also valued for its beauty. Delicate green leaves in combination with white blankets of graceful flowers look very impressive and noble.

  • This unpretentious indoor flower prefers diffused light and regular watering.
  • Drooping foliage indicates a lack of moisture and rises immediately after watering.
  • To keep the tips of the leaves from drying out, spraying is required.
  • In the warm season, spathiphyllum needs to be fed once a month.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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