Wanda - caring for a royal orchid at home

Royal orchids are a wonderful home decoration. These flowers with a delicate delicate scent look unusual and expensive, add a festive touch to any interior and are simply pleasing to the eye.

There is an opinion that growing home orchids is quite a troublesome task. However, this task is quite doable, the main thing is to know the rules of care. It will not be difficult for an experienced gardener to maintain the required regime, but if you are just about to comprehend the science of growing a home greenhouse, our article will help you understand all the intricacies.

Brief description of the flower

Some researchers believe that orchids appeared relatively recently, about 2.5 thousand years ago, which is quite a bit by evolutionary standards.
These flowers got their name from the word “orchis” - from Greek it is translated as “testicle” (of any mammal, including humans). They were given this name because of the characteristic shape of the rhizome. Some people think that orchids grow on a tree in the rainforest, that is, they are an exotic jungle flower. In fact, they originated in China, and from there they spread throughout the world. These are very popular flowers in Southeast Asia. About 500 species of orchids are grown in Thailand alone. But at the same time, plants from the orchid family are found on all continents except Antarctica. And although it is mainly in the tropics that the most beautiful orchids grow, the species of which most often come to mind first when these flowers are mentioned, orchids also grow in Russia. In total, there are more than 130 species of this plant, of which about a third are listed in the Red Book. About 30 species of orchids grow in the Moscow region.

In total, biologists count 3 groups of orchids:

  1. Epiphytic plants - they settle high above the ground, on trees, growing right on their branches. These species feed on those small particles of minerals and organic matter that may be contained in the tree bark, or more precisely, in its cracks, where they enter from the air. Interestingly, this category includes phalaenopsis, which today are the most popular among home orchids.
  2. Lithophytic flowers grow mainly on stones, so they are common in mountainous areas. Their outer roots do not tolerate excessive moisture.
  3. Terrestrial species also take root well at home, as they easily take root in the soil.

This is a scientific approach to classifying species. In the wild, epiphytic orchids most often grow in the tropics. Temperate latitudes are characterized by terrestrial flowers.

Each group contains many varieties, some of which are very interesting from a biological point of view. There are even varieties of orchids that are known for sexual deception. These are caladenia, ofris and drakea. The flower of such a plant resembles female wasps and bees in structure, color and aroma. This is necessary so that the males of these insects try to mate with the flowers. Of course, they won’t succeed, but pollination will happen. Such deceiver plants grow in Crimea.


Vanda reproduces in several ways, which we will now describe.

Shoots (children)

In adult specimens, lateral shoots form in the leaf axils. As a rule, over time they grow roots. Therefore, they can be separated from the mother plant and planted in a small container with a moist substrate.

It is advisable to cover the container with a glass (transparent plastic) jar to create greenhouse conditions for the sprout to maintain high humidity. There is no need to water; if necessary, spray the sprout with warm water. Choose a place for the greenhouse that is warm, bright, and without direct sunlight. When the baby gets stronger and grows a little, move it to a small pot with orchid substrate and care for it with special love.

Apical cuttings

This method is used when an adult plant loses its lower leaves, the stem becomes bare, and the appearance of the flower loses its decorative appearance. The cutting is cut from the top of the orchid stem, but only if it has three or four aerial roots. The cut part (cutting) is treated with the rooting preparation “Kornevin” or another growth stimulant, then planted in a container with a substrate in the same way as with children.

The mother plant should not be thrown away. Trim it to a stump with several dormant buds. Sprinkle the cut with charcoal or cinnamon. Water and spray the plant and its roots with a solution of succinic acid so that the “wounded” Vanda recovers faster and produces a new sprout.


The key to productive growth and flowering of the royal orchid will be the creation of the correct microclimate in the room. The primary task is to ensure optimal air temperature, which should be in the range from +24 to +26 degrees. In the winter months, when phalaenopsis is in the resting phase, the temperature will need to be lowered by 4-6 degrees.

The tropical flower loves moisture very much, therefore, in addition to watering, the orchid should be sprayed regularly.

Watering at home can be done in several ways:

  • giving the culture a warm shower;
  • immersing the plant in a pan of water for some time;
  • watering the soil using a watering can with a dispersing spout;
  • spraying.

In summer you can bathe the flower every week. After a shower, you need to leave the orchid in the bathroom for a while to allow all the moisture to drain. The leaves should be additionally wiped with a rag. You can leave the flower in a tray with water for half an hour. You can determine that the plant is sufficiently saturated with moisture by the color of the roots - they will turn green.

The orchid can be watered from a watering can every other day, using warm water for watering. When spraying, you should avoid getting too much moisture on the aerial roots. If the royal orchid is grown in a glass vase, then for watering it will be enough to pour water inside the container, leave it there for a quarter of an hour, then drain it.

Lighting for an orchid should be bright, but without direct sunlight on the flower. The optimal place for cultivating tropical crops at home will be a window sill on the southwest side. In winter, during short daylight hours, the plant can be moved to the south side.

As for flowering, if all care requirements are met, a large-flowered crop can bloom up to twice a year without various artificial stimulants. To provoke a crop to flower, you can resort to the option of creating a stressful situation for the orchid. This is possible if there is a significant difference between the day and night air temperatures in the room. As a rule, a fluctuation of 10 degrees downward will be sufficient.

At the end of the flowering phase, the orchid needs to be pruned. To do this, the plant's shoot is shortened, leaving only a small stump at the base. After the procedure, the cut site should be treated with beeswax.

What is it like: home care

Many gardeners worry that care at home will require a lot of effort and time. Although this is not at all true.

Breeders bred the white phalaenopsis orchid just for home cultivation. Therefore, you don’t need to worry about the temperature in the room being unsuitable or having to constantly worry about air humidity. But it has not yet been possible to breed a completely black orchid, although there are some species that are very close to this color.

All care usually comes down to the following points:

  • landing;
  • lighting;
  • watering;
  • feeding;
  • soil;
  • pruning and replanting.

By adhering to some rules, it will be possible not only to grow white orchids, but also to propagate them.


It is recommended to plant a white orchid in a transparent pot

You need to pay attention to the fact that there are small holes at the bottom for aeration. Before planting a flower, drainage must be poured onto the bottom.

Beginning flower growers are recommended to buy a special substrate in stores. Those who already have experience growing similar flowers can prepare the soil themselves. To do this, you will need to take dry bark, a little sphagnum moss and charcoal.


Without light, the orchid will die, so it needs to be provided with good lighting. In the summer, a flowerpot with a flower can be placed relatively close to the window. However, you need to make sure that the plant is not exposed to direct sunlight all day. In winter, you may need an additional light source, such as a fluorescent lamp.

Despite the fact that phalaenopsis takes root well at any temperature, it is best that it is within +20..+23°C. A mark below +15 °C is quite alarming; at low temperatures the plant may even die.


The white orchid does not require frequent spraying or watering. As soon as it has been noticed that the tree bark (and this is the main part of the substrate) has dried well, manipulation can begin. In hot weather, the flower is usually watered a couple of times a week, and in winter, when the room is cool enough, the procedure can be carried out no more than three times a month.

Only clean water should be used. There can be no talk of any liquid from the tap. Considering that some apartments are very hot in winter, the plant may not have enough air humidity. In order to provide it to the flower, you should spray the phalaenopsis with a spray bottle or place a jar of water nearby.

Top dressing

There is no need to rush to fertilize the flower immediately after it was purchased. Fertilizers are applied only after a couple of years. They are sold in flower shops. Moreover, a non-blooming orchid is fertilized once a month, but a flowering orchid is fertilized 2-3 times a month.

The soil

Most gardeners buy ready-made substrate in stores. In principle, this is a good idea, since it practically eliminates the possibility of various pests getting into the flower with the soil. Although, if you do everything correctly, you can make your own soil mixture.

To do this you need to take:

  • tree bark (4 parts);
  • sphagnum moss (1 part);
  • charcoal (1 part).

And mix it all well. The bark must be well dried and pre-boiled to prevent pests from entering the soil. It is also necessary to ensure that all components are neither large nor small in size. Because in the first case the substrate will be very large, and in the second it will resemble dust.

Watering and fertilizing

The royal Phalaenopsis orchid, like Vanda, does not like frequent watering. Excess moisture can lead to the death of the plant.

There are three options for watering a flower:

  • dipping in a basin of water for half an hour, followed by standing in a tray to drain off excess liquid;
  • bathing in the shower;
  • directly watering the roots from a watering can;
  • moistening the leaves with a spray bottle.

In winter, any of these procedures should be carried out no more than once every 7 days. In summer, you can reduce the intervals between waterings by half. If the soil in the pot does not have time to dry out, becomes compacted, rolls up, the roots are covered with plaque, or an unpleasant damp smell appears, most likely you overdid it with watering. Take a break and then reduce the amount of water, otherwise the flower will die.

Royal orchids can only be watered with high-quality filtered water with low hardness.

Fertilizing is carried out during the growing season. Use a special nitrogen-containing fertilizer for these exotic plants.

Necessary microclimate

During any period of its growing season, the Royal Orchid needs care and a special microclimate. The temperature regime is very important for it, and it may differ for each type of Orchid. Phalaenopsis feel comfortable and bloom profusely at a temperature of 22–24 °C, Vanda requires a temperature 3–4 degrees higher, and for Cymbidium 16–20 °C are optimal. In autumn or early winter, the houseplant enters a dormant period, so the temperature should be lowered by 6–8 °C.

Like all tropical plants, orchids are moisture-loving. Since the substrate, consisting of large fractions, dries out quite quickly, it is necessary to take care of additional moisture in the form of spraying. Periodically, the flower pot can be dipped into water or poured into a tray. An excellent option is to install an aquarium, a decorative fountain, or just a vessel with water next to the indoor orchid.

As for lighting, orchids prefer bright but diffused sunlight. The ideal place for them is a windowsill on the southwest side. In winter, the flower can be placed on the south side, but in summer it should be moved to a less hot place. The north side is not suitable for an orchid. In winter, a flowering plant needs to be provided with additional lighting using lamps.

The most popular varieties

As we found out, Royal Phalaenopsis refers to the English name “Phalaenopsis Royal...” from the Dutch nursery “Geest Orchideeën” (VG Orchids), which are good at painting their plants in the brightest colors.

Colors of Phalaenopsis Royal.

There are quite a lot of varieties of Royals, but the most popular are:

  • Royal Blue Phalaenopsis has sky-colored flowers. The bole usually blooms in a cascade for quite a long time;

    Royal blue.

  • Aphrodite Royal became the prototype of the world's first transgenic blue orchid. It was recently developed by Japanese geneticists. It is not yet available to most gardeners;


  • A cascade is an artificially created direction of growth of a peduncle, thanks to which “arches”, “rings” and other flower shapes are obtained.


  • Royal Pink is a Japanese derivative. The standard has a different color scheme; the delicate pink color of the flower will not leave anyone indifferent.

Royal pink.

In addition, there are many more varieties, all of them are united by large flowers and colorfulness during the flowering period.


As a rule, the Vanda orchid blooms in the presence of warmth and light. For the timely onset of the flowering period and increasing its duration, humidity indicators, fertilizing, and watering are important. Under favorable conditions, the flowers bloom and stay on the plant for 1–3 months.

Experienced flower growers, by maintaining the necessary conditions, achieve re-blooming of Vanda. If the orchid produces buds for the second time in December, then it needs help in the form of additional lighting - 1 hour in the morning and in the evening. If you do not provide additional lighting, the buds will not bloom and the flower stalks will dry out.

Where does the color blue come from?

Many orchid lovers wonder where such a bright and rich blue color comes from in orchids. And is there such a species in nature? Let's try to understand this issue.

Interested in whether a blue orchid is colored or not, buyers try to find the answer, which they soon find themselves with the purchase of such a plant. The next time it blooms, it will return to its natural shade. The buds will likely turn either dirty blue or white.

This phenomenon is justified by the fact that in nature orchids are not as deep blue as we see them on store shelves. Therefore, plants are often dyed using a special chemical dye. In many stores where such flowers are sold, small labels are attached to the bowls, where visitors are honestly warned about this. But still, more often than not, they try not to disclose such information, so many buyers, after purchasing a blue orchid, the photo of which is in this article, are subsequently disappointed in their purchase.

For this type of painting, the most often chosen are those types of orchids that are naturally either white or blue. But over time, the dye disappears, and the flower again returns to its natural shade.

Potty requirements

Since most plants are epiphytes (have aerial roots), it is better to grow them in a transparent plastic pot with drainage holes not only in the bottom, but also on the side walls.

Such a container will improve air access to the roots, speed up the evaporation of excess moisture, and it will be easier to monitor the condition of the roots. In addition, we should not forget that in epiphytes photosynthesis occurs not only in the leaves, but also partially in the roots. Also, for planting orchids, wicker baskets, coconut shells and other containers made of natural materials can be used, which must have drainage holes.

Brief characteristics and description of the plant

  1. Orchids are considered the oldest plants on Earth. Their trace was visible 65 million years ago. Prehistoric remains of this flower were found in Verona.
  2. Speaking about orchids, it is impossible not to note that this beautiful flower often has a soft purple hue. The orchid has managed to adapt to life throughout the world, except Antarctica.
  3. The total number of orchids in the world exceeds 25 thousand, and this count is inconclusive.
  4. The name “orchid” came to us from Ancient Greece and translated it means “testicle”, which confirms the similarity of the shape of the flower’s rhizome with the male part of the body.

What does it look like?

  1. An orchid is a monopodial flower that has one short stem that grows upward.
  2. Near the ground, the orchid flower has a rosette with succulent and thick foliage, which absorbs nutrients and moisture. Depending on the type of flower, the length of the leaves can reach sizes from 6 to 30 centimeters. Sometimes there is a characteristic light-colored ornament on the leaf plate.
  3. The orchid's peduncle is tall and slender. Large bright flowers bloom on it, resembling a butterfly. The sizes of these flowers range from 3 to 30 centimeters.
  4. Depending on the health of the plant, when an orchid blooms, from 5 to 40 flowers may appear on one peduncle. In the wild, their number can reach hundreds.
  5. This flower has thick roots of a flattened or rounded shape. With their help, the orchid easily adapts to growth on any surface.
  6. The size of the buds on an orchid can vary: from 1 to 13 centimeters in diameter. In this case, the inflorescences are usually localized in the axils of the leaves.

Where does it grow?

  1. Orchids grow on every continent except Antarctica.
  2. Most representatives of this flower can be found in the tropics. This is due to the fact that tropical latitudes are the most favorable environment for the growth of these plants. Most epiphytic orchid representatives grow in the tropics.
  3. In the post-Soviet space it will be possible to find up to 49 species of orchid plants.

External characteristics

The Royal Phalaenopsis orchid belongs to the giants; the trunk has very tall parts. This is what distinguishes the variety from other representatives of epiphytes from the tropics. Indoor phalaenopsis has the following dimensions:

  • The flowers of the trunk are large, each of them can reach a diameter of up to 16 cm. The shape is round, the petals are large, the lip is also rather large;
  • the maximum peduncle can grow up to one and a half meters, while the standard is considered to be a meter-long shoot;
  • an adult trunk usually has 5-7 leaves on a shortened stem; sometimes it happens that a trunk grows up to 9 leaf blades;
  • a fully formed plant can reach a length of up to 1.7 meters, but this happens in rare cases. Usually the trunk with peduncle reaches 1.2-1.4 m.

Interesting! The variety produces one peduncle; there are only enough nutrients for this number of flowers. If you observe a Royal Phalaenopsis with two shoots, it is an extremely rare occurrence.


Royal phalaenopsis

The royal phalaenopsis orchid is distinguished by very large flowers. Some of them reach a diameter of 13-15 cm. This royal person is not capricious in caring for her. Prefers a temperature of 22-24 °C and high air humidity of about 70-80%.

In the fall, to stimulate flowering, the orchid should be placed in a cool, draft-free room with a temperature of 14 °C for 2 months. Do not over-water or dry out the roots of the plant.


Multiflora is a small orchid with a huge number of flowers. It has dense, leathery, oval-shaped leaves and small inflorescences up to 6 cm in diameter. During the period of intense flowering, it can form up to 5 peduncles, on which up to 50 buds bloom simultaneously.

The orchid prefers diffused daylight and a temperature of +20-22°C. It requires standard watering once a week and fertilization for orchids. The main feature is the absence of growth buds; shoots develop from the root.

During the period of abundant flowering, the plant requires support, since the peduncles of this orchid are very thin and can break under the weight of the buds.


This exotic beauty has a caramel aroma and a long flowering period. Peduncles form in the axils of long narrow leaves. With sufficient lighting and timely watering, the plant produces up to 4 flower stalks with 15 flowers on each. Wanda is quite capricious and demanding of lighting and air humidity.

Mini and midi

  • The mini is a smaller version of the full-size phalaenopsis orchid. The plant differs only in small leaves and fewer buds on the peduncle.
  • Midi is something between a mini and a standard orchid. For example, if a mini has leaves up to 9 cm in size, then a midi has about 16 cm, while a full-size specimen has about 20 cm.

White butterfly

White butterfly is one of the names of white phalaenopsis, and not its separate species. Remember, Phalania ("moth") and Opsis ("likeness").

white heron

The white heron is the name given to the orchid Habenaria radiata. Its flowers are unique and resemble a flying bird with pearly white wings. This snow-white orchid is especially popular in Japan precisely because of the unusual shape of the bird-like flowers.

The white egret is very finicky to care for!

Before purchasing a flower, you should familiarize yourself in detail with the features of its cultivation. Lack of lighting or excessive watering can lead to disease and death of the plant.


Amabilis is the progenitor of many orchid hybrids. In nature it can be found on the island of Borneo, as well as:

  • in Australia;
  • in the north of the Philippines;
  • in New Guinea;
  • on the island of Java.

The plant has a stem from 10 cm to 50 cm, with long elliptical leaves and peduncles up to 1 meter in length. Usually up to 15 flowers appear on the peduncle at the same time, each with a diameter of 7 to 9 cm.


Cattleya is native to the tropical forests of South America. The main feature of this orchid is the middle petal, which has a different color from all the others. The plant has quite large flowers; there can be no more than 5 buds on one peduncle. Cattleya leaves are dense and oval in shape. Growing cattleya at home will require a lot of effort.


Dendrobium is one of the popular plants of the orchid family. The most common hybrid is Dendrobium nobile, an orchid with powerful shoots and elliptical leaves. But besides its visual appeal, this plant has one indisputable advantage - even an inexperienced amateur gardener can grow dendrobium.

Little ones and giants

In nature, there are a huge number of species of orchids, some of them are completely different from their counterparts. For example, the royal gigantella orchid can reach a height of 3 meters or more. This plant has powerful roots, thick stems, and fleshy leaves. During the flowering period, the plant is covered with many small yellow flowers speckled with red. The birthplace of the giant royal orchid is New Guinea. This plant is successfully grown in greenhouses around the world. It is too large for home keeping.

Many orchids thank their caring owner with medium-sized flowers. Vanda grows up to 80 cm in height and is covered with flowers 10-15 cm in diameter. Phalaenopsis is taller (up to a meter), and its flowers are more compact. But there are quite a lot of them on one stem. Mini-orchids of the genus Phalaenopsis are popular among gardeners. They require the same care as other varieties.

How does a plant turn blue?

Manufacturers don’t like to talk about how flowers are dyed. But the essence of their method is usually that the plant is placed in a specially created environment. This environment will not cause any harm to the orchid, since it itself is of natural origin.

A hybrid bred in this way by breeders is a fairly successful marketing ploy that allows you to sell more orchids.

It is much more dangerous and harmful to the plant when sellers, wanting to make a big profit, decide to paint the orchid blue on their own. After all, if such a procedure is successful for them, then the cost of this plant will be several times higher.

Most often, such sellers produce coloring using barbaric methods. They use ink as a dye, which is injected either into the root of the plant, into the peduncle itself, or into the stem. Therefore, when purchasing a plant with a blue color, it is recommended to immediately inspect it carefully. Each such injection is stressful for the phalaenopsis, which is precisely the cause of the death of the flower.

Poisoned by harmful dyes, a blue orchid, photos of which show all its beauty, can easily die. But it is worth remembering that when there is a mark from the injection on the peduncle, the plant can still survive. If the injection is made directly into the root of the flower, then there is practically no chance of recovery.

There is another method of coloring an orchid. Sometimes the plant is watered with colored water, so soon a blue tint appears not only on the flower itself, but also on the roots and leaves.

You shouldn’t paint phalaenopsis yourself. Many fans try to cover it with ink. This will not give the orchid a blue color, and the plant itself will die.

What you need to know about the blue orchid

Often flower sellers do not skimp on beautiful flowers. Blue Orchid! This is just a dream! But if you want to place such an unusual flower in your home, it is worth considering some facts.

There is a royal blue Vanda orchid, but the cost is usually quite high. In addition, this plant is not so easy to get. And the shade is closer to purple, not blue.

But there are a lot of blue Phalaenopsis in flower shops. But at present there is not a single selectively bred specimen of this plant with this color. And such a miracle is the work of a not entirely honest seller.

And this is how they get it. For an orchid with white flowers, a coloring pigment is added to the soil, or injections are made into the peduncle, as a result of which the flower petals acquire a blue tint. You should not buy such plants; they are weak due to the effects of chemicals and can quickly die. They look very unusual, but this effect will not last long.

If such an orchid somehow ended up in your home greenhouse (for example, it was given to you), you should take care of the plant. He has a chance to survive. Take care of it, irrigate and feed it on time. Reviews from the owners indicate that such a plant can be revived. For some time, its flowers will have a blue tint, which will begin to lighten over time.

Another thing is the royal Vanda orchids. However, it is also worth mentioning here that the plant blooms not blue, but lilac or purple. This variety is quite rare, but it does not require special conditions. Caring for it at home is no different from caring for a pink or white flower.

Royal phalaenopsis orchid: how to distinguish it from an ordinary one?

Sometimes, for the purpose of fraud, the store offers us to buy a regular type of phalaenopsis instead of the hybrid Royal one. How to distinguish these two completely different trunks and pay specifically for a large-flowered hybrid:

  • These two varieties can be distinguished by the size of the flower, the Royal one is much larger;
  • the petals also vary, in the ordinary phalaenopsis almost all have the same size, but in the Royal one, two large ones lie on top of three smaller ones;
  • the leaves are large;
  • The peduncle of the Royal Phalaenopsis is thicker and higher.

The appearance of the orchid itself tells you what variety it belongs to; carefully examine the standard you are purchasing.

Royal orchid blooms

Long flowering is one of the main characteristics of this plant. Most types of royal orchids bloom from late summer to mid-autumn. Some varieties of phalaenopsis delight owners with flowers almost all year round. Vanda blooms in late September - early October.

The color palette is very wide. Orchids can be white, pink, burgundy, yellow, lilac, purple. Remember, unusual shades like the aforementioned blue, as well as black and green, are not varieties, but artificial coloring. The royal orchid is a quite beautiful flower in its natural color; there is no need to experiment with paint at all.

A flower stalk appears on the trunk of the plant, which will soon produce beautiful orchids. If after flowering, which, by the way, will not happen very soon (in 2 months), it is better not to touch the peduncle. It may dry out and fall off on its own, or it may bloom again after a while.

This vegetative part can also be used to propagate the plant.


The royal orchid is somewhat more difficult to grow than the regular Phalaenopsis species. However, caring for any variety of this flower at home is based on the same rules.

Planting by seeds

The key to successfully planting an orchid using seeds is correctly collected and high-quality seed material. It is not easy to collect seeds at home.

The algorithm for collecting and processing seed material is as follows:

In order for Phalaenopsis Royal to set several seed pods, it must be pollinated. However, pollination does not guarantee the formation of the desired capsule. The optimal condition is the use of a special Knudson nutrient medium

In its absence, it is assumed to use leaf soil or bog moss. When germinating Royal Phalaenopsis orchid seeds, it is important to maintain the correct temperature conditions. The recommended temperature is between 22⁰ and 33⁰.

High-quality seed material can be obtained in a specially equipped laboratory. For this reason, flower growers often order Royal Phalaenopsis seeds from Eastern countries.

Planting with sprouts

This type of propagation consists of transplanting separated shoots of the plant, which are often called pups.

When using this method, it is important to correctly separate the sprout and plant it in accordance with the recommendations and rules

For propagation of Phalaenopsis, side shoots that have already taken root are used. In this case, the root system is direct evidence that the sprout is able to obtain nutrients from the soil without the help of the mother plant.

For proper separation and planting of the sprout, it is important to follow the following tips:

  1. The baby is cut off with part of the peduncle (about 1 cm).
  2. The cut areas on the sprout and the mother plant are dried for 30 minutes, after which they are sprinkled with cinnamon or crushed charcoal.
  3. Transplant the shoot into a transparent plastic pot, making holes in the bottom.
  4. The orchid sprout is placed in the middle of the pot, placing the root collar at the level of the edge of the container.
  5. The roots are carefully distributed over the soil without compacting it.
  6. The transplanted baby is watered a couple of days after planting in the pot.

The mother plant is watered 5-6 days after the baby is separated. An adult plant can withstand this time without receiving moisture. During this period, the cut areas will be completely overgrown, and the flower will not be susceptible to infections.

Very beautiful blue orchid

White Vanda and its blue varieties will grow and delight their owner with beautiful moth-like flowers if they are properly cared for.

Climatic conditions

The primary task of the florist is to provide the flowers with a microclimate acceptable for their life. Without this, all efforts will go in vain, and cultivation will not give any results.

Caring for a representative of the flora includes creating the following climate conditions:

  1. Maintain the air temperature within 22-24⁰С. For the growth and flowering of the Vanda genus, the temperature is raised by 2-3⁰С.
  2. When the flower enters the dormant period, the temperature is reduced by 6-8⁰C.
  3. Maintain high humidity levels. Spraying or installing a fountain or container filled with water next to the green pet will help.
  4. Provide bright, diffused sunlight.

In winter, the plant is usually moved from the west to the south. Also in winter, gardeners provide it with additional lighting through lamps.

Watering and fertilizing

Maintaining a watering and fertilizing schedule is also important for growing the Royal Orchid. Maintaining the proper condition of the substrate and ensuring the supply of useful nutrients will help you get a healthy plant that will bloom profusely

Watering should be done moderately

It is important to prevent liquid from stagnating in the pan of the pot. When watering, it is also important to prevent water from entering the outlet.

One way to supply liquid is to immerse the container in water or a fertilizer solution.


The royal orchid has difficulty adapting to new conditions after transplantation, in light of which it would be more correct to carry out this manipulation with the plant only in extreme cases. This concerns the growth of the root system when the old pot becomes too small for the phalaenopsis. Also, the need for replanting may arise if a root disease is detected.

There are certain recommendations regarding the selection of suitable soil for a tropical flower. First of all, it should not interfere with the flow of air to the root system, nor should it retain moisture received during watering. The most suitable option would be crushed pine bark and sphagnum moss. For productive development, it is worth including charcoal, expanded clay and sand in a pot with a flowering crop.

There is also an opinion among flower growers that the royal orchid, indoors and in its natural environment, will not need soil at all. That’s why you can find a crop that will grow in a plastic basket or attached to a piece of tree bark. During this development, the plant will receive moisture and substances necessary for life from the air.

If you have chosen the method of growing a flower in a pot, then the priority will be a container made of clay or polymer containers. To protect the roots, the flower is additionally placed in a wicker pot or basket.

Rooting into the ground involves the following algorithm of actions.

  1. You must first lay a drainage layer at the bottom of the selected container. This can be gravel or expanded clay, the layer of which should be about 2-3 centimeters.
  2. After this, the container is half filled with the substrate. The plant is transplanted into a pot without old soil, so it should be carefully cleaned. During cleaning, the right decision would be to inspect the root system of the crop and remove damaged roots, if any. The cuts must be treated with crushed coal.
  3. The orchid is placed in a pot, the roots in the central part are covered with large bark, the side ones should be straightened and covered with bark and moss of a finer fraction.

Suitable growing container and correct soil

Orchids in the wild live on branches and tree trunks, and some subspecies even prefer stones. The roots of this unusual plant feed aerotrophically. Simply put, an orchid does not need soil; it is able to accumulate moisture from the air.

The royal orchid, the photo of which you see in the next illustration, lives in the right container.

This plant must be placed in a transparent plastic container or in a pot with holes. In an ordinary container for indoor plants, the orchid will quickly die.

Some experienced gardeners grow this exotic plant on a large piece of bark or split coconut. The composition looks quite colorful, and the flower is easy to care for. If you like this option, try putting it into practice. But do not forget that in this case, in the first stages, the orchid must be tied to a support.

Flower shops sell packaged soil for orchids. It contains nitrogen and the necessary fertilizers, and also contains large fractions that prevent compaction of the soil and promote aeration.

Where to place an orchid?

It's not just the dishes that are important. This plant also requires compliance with the light regime. The best choice would be a west or south window. In summer, royal orchids also feel comfortable on eastern windowsills. But the north side is the worst choice.

If your windows face south, the orchid will need to be moved in the summer. Direct sunlight is harmful to her. Burns may remain on the leaves.

Experienced gardeners advise organizing diffused light for this plant.

Royal orchid variety

Orchids can be found in every corner of the planet. This variety of flowers grows everywhere. The exception is Antarctica. However, not all cultural representatives have beautiful flowers. Most often, phalaenopsis delights with its beauty.

Tropical plants have recently begun to be grown at home. They are increasingly found on window sills in apartments and houses. Today it is impossible to even imagine how many hybrids exist. They differ from each other in a number of ways, including the size of the buds and the duration of flowering. The Royal Orchid is one of the few varieties that belongs to the large-flowered hybrid.

Diseases and pests

Caring for a royal orchid at home also concerns protection from diseases and insect pest attacks. Spider mites pose a great danger to tropical flowers. To destroy the pest, the crop is washed with soapy water. If this method does not bring the desired result, the flower is treated with a fungicide.

Orchids can develop a variety of fungal infections, atrophy of the trunk, thermal burns and the formation of spots on the green mass. Most often, such situations arise during mistakes regarding care and creating optimal conditions for flower development indoors.

Today, almost all diseases are treatable. For prevention, it is worth regularly inspecting the crop and, if any signs of illness are detected, adjusting the microclimate in the house. As for fungal infections, the disease can be overcome by disinfecting the plant with fungicides.

The following video will tell you how to transplant a royal orchid.

Interesting Facts

  1. Orchid facts confirm that this plant is pollinated primarily by bees and flies, but there are varieties that grow underground. They are pollinated by animals that live in similar conditions.
  2. One type of orchid is Kinabalu Gold, and it is the most expensive flower on our planet. It is quite rare and blooms only at the age of 15 years.
  3. From orchids you can make vanilla, as well as the drink “Salep”. It is believed that “Salep” helps exhausted and sick people, as well as infants. The drink gives strength, tones and promotes a feeling of satiety.
  4. Orchids are noble flowers and have always been revered in many cultures around the world. In ancient China, for example, the word “orchid” indicated good quality and respect. In Europe, orchid roots were added to potions and drinks.
  5. Up to 4 million seeds can appear inside one orchid, which makes this plant a leader among flowers in seed productivity.
  6. Orchids that grow on trees do not parasitize them. They use trunks only as a support and when moving towards the sun.

Phalaenopsis Royal green, 2 stv

Phalaenopsis is native to the dense tropical forests of southern Asia (southern India, Taiwan and the Philippines), New Guinea and Australia. This biological species has up to seventy varieties, in addition, there are thousands more different hybrids and varieties. These are plants with greatly shortened stems.

The leaves are evergreen, 10-30 cm long, collected in a rosette from which flower stalks and aerial roots grow. For its color and shape of the petals, similar to the fluttering wings of a butterfly, this flower was called “orchid-moth” or “orchid-butterfly”. You can find phalaenopsis with a single flower, as well as with many inflorescences that fit on one stem. The stem can reach a length of sixty centimeters and bear up to twenty inflorescences. Phalaenopsis is the most unpretentious plant of the orchid family, and for beginners it is recommended to breed orchids from it. Thanks to its lush and frequent flowering and excellent adaptation to indoor conditions, this plant has become the most popular of the genus of orchids grown indoors. Before purchasing, carefully inspect the plant: the roots should be green and silver.

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Phalaenopsis needs an influx of fresh air, but it is important that there is no draft. Almost all species feel comfortable during the day from +22 to +30C, at night not lower than +16

Drafts and excessive heat are dangerous for the plant. A colder temperature promotes flowering, a hotter temperature promotes the appearance of a baby on the peduncle. Phalaenopsis love bright light, and if there is no sun, you can use artificial light (fluorescent lamps). Do not place the orchid in direct sunlight (burns are possible). At temperatures above +35° C, the orchid must be placed in a cooler place, and the roots and foliage should be sprayed with warm water.

Phalaenopsis requires bright light for at least 12 hours in winter. With insufficient lighting, flower growth slows down, and in winter the orchid may go into a dormant state. For additional illumination, fluorescent lamps emitting a white glow are used. However, if you do not have the opportunity to additionally highlight the flower, nothing bad will happen. Your orchid will actively develop in the spring-summer period and rest with the onset of winter.

In order for your orchid to bloom, a number of conditions must be met:

  • move the flower pot as little as possible;
  • do not allow sudden changes in temperature;
  • provide the plant with sufficient light;
  • Monitor the air humidity in the room.


You need to water with filtered, boiled or settled water, abundantly (by immersion), but rarely (in the summer once every 4 days, in the winter once every 7). Wait for the water to drain, remember that overfilling is much worse than underfilling. Irrigation water should not get into the growing point (the center of leaf growth) to avoid rotting.


Mostly mineral fertilizers with a certain level of acidity are suitable for phalaenopsis. Typically, fertilizers for orchids contain much less microelements than for ordinary indoor plants. When choosing fertilizer, preference is given to liquid forms, as it will save you from the need to weigh and measure proportions

In addition, pay attention to the presence of special ingredients that prevent the accumulation of excess salts

Remember that for a healthy plant, the root type of feeding is preferable. For a plant with a damaged or practically absent root system, spraying can be carried out.

Selection of capacity

The Vanda orchid is capable of fully developing in a glass container without a substrate. The phenomenon is explained by the fact that this epiphyte develops on the rocks of tropical thickets and the bark of plants, feeding from air and light, thanks to aerial roots.

In addition to water, the bare root system is nourished by light and moist air. She feels great on expanded clay granules in a large transparent flask or even a large glass, where her root system places it.

Other types

You can find other types of orchids in garden centers. For example, this is Angrekum Leonis, which has a peculiar but pleasant smell, as well as sickle-shaped leaves. On the peduncle, no more than three very large flowers with waxy white petals are formed (less often they are ivory-colored).

Flower growers also love zygopetalum - this is a rather rare type of orchid, but extremely beautiful because it is distinguished by its graceful petal shape and unusual color. Beginners are often afraid to purchase zygopetalums, thinking that such an unusual species requires some special, labor-intensive care. But in fact, this is just a common misconception. Caring for zygopetalum differs little from other types of orchids that form pseudobulbs. At the same time, it looks very impressive thanks to petals with various colors and patterns of spots and inclusions. Zygopetalum blooms mainly during the winter months. On one peduncle, from 10 to 20 buds are formed, which then open into medium-sized flowers, emitting a delicate sweetish aroma.

Catasetum is another original variety of orchid. A distinctive feature is the ability to simultaneously form flowers that differ in size and color. And all because both male and female, and even bisexual flowers bloom on one plant. At the same time, they look very decorative.

Cattleya can hardly be called exotic; it is a very common species, which includes varieties with both large and small flowers. In garden centers, Cattleya is represented mainly by hybrids. They can be white, pink, lilac, beige in color.

A very beautiful type of orchid is the dendrobium. It is distinguished by decorative cylindrical leaves and spectacular flowers, the diameter of which can reach 6-8 cm. They are collected several at a time into inflorescences formed on long peduncles. Among the varieties of dendrobium, two-color varieties are especially popular. Dendrobium blooms twice a year, in winter and summer. Depending on the specific variety, the color of the flowers can be pink, beige, or purple.

Cambria is a decorative flowering hybrid. It was obtained by crossing several species of orchids. Its main advantage is the varied colors of the flowers.

It is quite difficult to recognize it among other similar species if you do not pay attention to the flowers themselves - this plant does not look like a butterfly, its flowers are star-shaped. In addition, Cambria is characterized by a shoot type of growth.

Its leaves are narrow and elongated, and have a dark green color. Up to 10 quite large flowers are formed on one peduncle. The disadvantage of this type of orchid is that it is a rather capricious plant, requiring constant maintenance of temperature and light conditions, as well as a certain level of humidity.

Another capricious plant is celogina. It is quite rarely grown at home, since celogina is demanding. But it blooms with very beautiful and fragrant snow-white flowers. It blooms profusely (at least 10 buds are formed on one peduncle), and its flowering period is long - up to three months, so all efforts to grow will not be in vain.

Macodes looks very nice. This plant is distinguished by decorative foliage, which is quite rare for an orchid. And in this case, it has not only a spectacular color with streaks of golden, silver or copper shades, but also a surface that is velvety to the touch. Its leaves themselves come in different shades - from light green to cherry and even amber-black. True, makodes are just as capricious as the species listed above, even if their beauty compensates for all the troubles associated with them.

What species are royal orchids? In fact, such a plant is unlikely to be found in botanical classifiers. Large varieties of phalaenopsis are called royal. However, some varieties of the Vanda orchid also have this name. So it’s hardly possible to talk about any specific species here. In addition, any orchids themselves are so beautiful that they can safely be called royal.

floricultureorchidsindoor plants

Features of Vanda among orchids

This beautiful flower is often grown on an infertile substrate or without it at all. Orchids have adapted to survive in their natural environment on tree branches and trunks. They attach to the bark of woody plants or to stones.

Vanda owes its name “Royal Orchid” to a Philippine legend. According to legend, this flower grew from the tears of a godlike queen that fell on a tree. The beauty mourned her husband who died in the war.

Features of the Vanda orchid:

  • Plants of the genus Vanda are predominantly large epiphytes with monopodial shoots. Flower arrows are formed at the base of the upper well-developed leaf.
  • On the inflorescence, the raceme develops from 2 to 15 buds.
  • Vanda's rich color palette includes blue-blue, blue-violet, white, yellow, orange, and red tones.
  • The corollas acquire a color characteristic of the species or variety a few days after blooming.
  • The petals usually have rounded edges and are located almost in the same plane.
  • The flowers are monochromatic or variegated with a spectacular pattern in the form of a delicate mesh or contrasting dots.
  • The greenish-gray aerial roots, due to the presence of chlorophyll, greatly elongate with age and create bizarre silhouettes.
  • The leaves are long, belt-shaped, hard, growing in two dense rows.
  • Pseudobulbs are not formed.

A monopodial shoot can only grow upward due to the presence of an apical bud. Another royal orchid, Phalaenopsis, has the same type of branching. Vandas, like Phalaenopsis, form aerial roots. Plants obtain nutrients from small amounts of humus, which is formed from dying bark due to frequent rains and a humid atmosphere. Roots absorb moisture directly from the air.

The height of Vandas in indoor cultivation is 50–60 cm, but some species and varieties reach 90–150 cm. Currently, selection is aimed at obtaining miniature hybrids with compact dense inflorescences and unusually colored petals.

Natural habitat

Varieties of orchid crops grow all over the globe with the exception of Antarctica, however, not all plants of this genus are capable of repeated and beautiful flowering. Phalaenopsis should be included in the category of flowering crops. It was these plants that gradually migrated from their natural habitat to greenhouses, botanical gardens and to the window sills of apartments and houses.

Today it is quite difficult to name the exact number of hybrids growing in the natural environment and indoors. As a rule, they differ in external characteristics and flowering capabilities. Plants that bloom with large flowers include the royal phalaenopsis. Flowering trunks of such an orchid can be found in nature in the tropical forests of China, India and Australia. The climatic conditions of these regions are most suitable for the development and flowering of giant crops.

Plants prefer to grow on the bark of trees, in crevices of stones, and orchids also develop well in forests and near ponds and rivers, where there is an appropriate level of humidity and good lighting, without direct sunlight on the crop. Large orchids are distinguished by an impressively sized trunk, which is the main external feature of this type of epiphyte.

Today, thanks to the efforts of breeders, many varieties of large royal orchids have been obtained. The following are especially popular.

Blue Phalaenopsis. The plant stands out for the unusually beautiful color of its flowers. Sky-blue flowers form on the crop in a cascade; the flowering phase is quite long.

Among the species of royal orchid that are in demand for cultivation in closed conditions, it is also worth noting such plants as Gigantea Alba, positioned as the largest orchid in the world, and the interspecific hybrid Ascocenda.

High humidity

High air humidity in the room where geraniums grow can cause the development of fungal infections. Often the plant is covered with rust, and yellow-brown spots form on the leaves, which then dry out. This disease is difficult to fight. Repeated treatment of the bush with antifungal drugs is necessary.

You should not specifically increase the humidity level; spraying is very harmful for geraniums. If water gets on the leaves, it can cause rotten areas that will dry out over time. The affected leaf will turn yellow and fall off.

To keep the stems and leaves of geraniums healthy, dry air is needed. It is useful to ventilate the room to reduce humidity. You can take the bush out into the open air into the garden in the summer.

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