Why Dieffenbachia leaves turn yellow: causes and methods of control

Dieffenbachia diseases: how to help a tropical beauty

Fans of lush indoor plants often admire the Dieffenbachia, a guest of their rainforests in America.
This cute flower can grow up to 2 meters in height, decorating a living space. Wide green leaf plates are decorated with variegated patterns, from which it is impossible to take your eyes off. They amaze the imagination, but unfortunately, various Dieffenbachia diseases bring a lot of grief to their masters. Reasonable care of the plant contributes to the successful development of Dieffenbachia, as a result of which new leaves regularly appear on it. What to do if a tropical beauty gets sick? How to help a silent “household member”? First of all, it is important to gain knowledge, and only then take action.

According to experts, Dieffenbachia is considered a poisonous plant. When it comes into contact with a mucous part of the body, its juice causes irritation and even allergies. It is especially dangerous for children.

Dieffenbachia diseases - different spots, leaves do not open, video

Fans of lush plants growing indoors often admire the guest of their American rainforests, Dieffenbachia. This cute flower can grow up to 2 meters in height, decorating a living space. Wide leaf plates in green are decorated with bright patterns, it is impossible to take your eyes off them. They amaze the imagination, but unfortunately, various diseases of Dieffenbachia bring a lot of grief to their masters.

Reasonable care of the plant contributes to the successful development of Dieffenbachia, which is why new leaves constantly appear on it. What to do if a tropical beauty gets sick? How to help a silent “household member”? First of all, it is important to gain knowledge, and only then take action.

According to professionals, Dieffenbachia is considered a toxic plant. When it comes into contact with a mucous part of the body, its juice causes irritation and even an allergic reaction. It is especially dangerous for children.

Dieffenbachia diseases: general information

Quite often, lovers of indoor flowers notice how the leaves of a tropical beauty turn yellow.
The first thing that comes to mind is improper care. But this happens even to the most dedicated gardeners. Dieffenbachia diseases occur for various reasons, the main thing is to start treatment on time. Another problem with the plant is the drying and falling of the lower leaf plates. Since they are the main decoration of the flower, it is not very pleasant to see their loss. In some cases, the cause is the natural process of plant development, which even the most competent gardener cannot stop. But if young plates fall off, it is worth thinking about possible Dieffenbachia disease and methods of timely treatment.

It is quite an unpleasant sight when a beloved flower drops its once lush leaves and takes on a pitiful appearance. Dieffenbachia withers for various reasons, but this appearance is a signal to action. In addition, brown spots, drops of unknown origin, or even leaves that do not open may appear on the plant. Let us consider in detail the possible causes and methods of treating Dieffenbachia diseases.

If there are small children living in the house, you can have an exotic flower in the office. Such a cute “neighbor” will decorate the room with lush greenery and will always be a reason for joy.

Dieffenbachia diseases: general information

Very often, lovers of flowers growing in a room notice how the leaves of a tropical beauty turn yellow. The first thing that comes to mind is incorrect care. But this happens even among the most dedicated flower growers. Dieffenbachia diseases appear due to various reasons, the main thing is to start treatment in a timely manner.

Another problem for the plant is drying and falling of the lower leaf plates. Since they themselves are the main decoration of the flower, it is not very pleasant to see their loss. In most cases, the basis is considered to be the normal process of plant development, which even the right grower cannot stop. However, if young plates are falling, be sure to think about the potential for Dieffenbachia disease and early treatment methods.

It is a very unpleasant sight when a beloved flower drops its once lush leaves and takes on a pitiful appearance. Dieffenbachia withers due to various reasons, but such an appearance is considered a signal to action. Also, brown spots, drops of dubious origin, or even non-opening leaves appear on the plant. Let us consider in detail the permissible causes and methods of treating Dieffenbachia diseases.

If there are small children living in the house, you can get an exotic flower at work. Such a pleasant “neighbor” will make the room more beautiful with lush greenery and will always be a reason for joy.

Brown spots on leaves: causes and methods of control

One wise book records the simple truth that all living things suffer from diseases. We see the truth of these words every day. Unfortunately, plants also get sick and the tropical beauty is no exception. Research shows that it is susceptible to fungal, viral and bacterial diseases. One of them appears when brown spots form on the leaves of diffebachia, around which there is an orange border. Over time, they spread to the entire leaf, causing it to die.

The main causes of the disease are caused by the following factors:

  • high room temperature;
  • changes in humidity;
  • overwatering the plant.

If the care rules are followed and the listed points are not observed, then the plant is affected by a serious disease:

With such problems, brown spots appear on the leaves, framed by a dark line. A solution of fungicide, which should be sprayed on the infected plant, will help get rid of the disease.

In order for Dieffenbachia to receive enough moisture from the air, it needs to be “housed” away from direct sunlight, and in the cold season, from central heating.

The best option for growing Dieffenbachia is the eastern side of an apartment or house. Away from the sun, which burns its tender leaves.


The decorative deciduous indoor plant Dieffenbachia has recently been found in almost every apartment. Now its popularity has decreased slightly, but the attention of many gardeners is still attracted by the original leaves with a beautiful pattern. How to care for Dieffenbachia, what types of this flower can be grown at home and how to create the most favorable conditions for this plant - all the necessary information is presented below.

A distinctive feature of this flower is its rapid growth. With proper care and good watering, Dieffenbachia is capable of throwing out about one leaf every two weeks. At this growth rate, the plant will reach the ceiling in just a few years, so the right approach to growing this pet is simply necessary.

The homeland of Dieffenbachia is the Tropics of North and South America, but the plant takes root well in our climate. The flower received its name in honor of the Viennese gardener of the botanical garden Joseph Dieffenbach, and the right of discoverer belongs to the Austrian researcher - botanist Heinrich Schott.

About 40 species of this extraordinary plant have been studied under natural conditions, but not all are suitable for growing at home. The restrictions mainly apply to tall giants, because in favorable conditions the leaves can reach a meter in length or more.

The structure of the plant is the same in almost all its varieties. The indoor Dieffenbachia flower is distinguished by a thick, fleshy stem to which large oval-shaped leaves are attached. Growth occurs from the top, although there are species whose growing point is at the base, so they are able to form a spreading bush.

The plant belongs to the aroid family, so flowering occurs with the “cob” characteristic of the representatives. It is extremely difficult to achieve this at home, but since Dieffenbachia is a decorative foliage plant, the main advantage of the plant is not a flower at all. There are several main types of this unusual house pet.

A fairly compact plant - only a meter in height. The shape of the leaves is almost round with a small pointed tip. The color of the leaves is quite interesting: on a dark green background there is a scattering of small white and yellow spots.

Dieffenbachia Seguina is very similar to it - the ancestor of many hybrid varieties. The leaves can reach 15 centimeters in width, but with less pronounced stripes along the lateral veins.

The original leaves are light yellow with a green edge. The plant is distinguished by its compact size and bushy leaf arrangement.

One of the varieties of this species will be Dieffenbachia Compacta - a small bush with a similar color, but only the inner surface of the leaf is not solid light, but interspersed with a green background.

The second name is pleasant. The plant is distinguished by beautiful, symmetrical dark green leaves with longitudinal white stripes along the veins.

A distinctive feature of this plant is its hard, dark leaves with a distinct white stripe in the middle. There are several equally attractive varieties with similar colors, for example, Leopold, Green Magic or Ørsted.

Most flower growers, having learned some of the characteristics of this plant, refuse to plant it at home. The point is not at all about the capriciousness and whimsicality of the tropical guest.

The main difficulty lies in doubt: is Dieffenbachia poisonous or not. The answer is definitely yes! In natural conditions, this serves as a natural protection against pests, because many people want to feast on the succulent leaves.

For growing at home, this becomes an insurmountable obstacle. It is necessary to place the plant in a house where small children live with caution, because inquisitive little ones love to try everything, and the attractive patterns on the leaves only enhance this interest. That is why be sure to make sure that the flower pot is located at an inaccessible height from the child.

If there is a cat living in the house, it is advisable to completely abandon this flower. The fact is that there are no places in the apartment that are inaccessible to these pets, which is fraught with trouble.

For an adult, Dieffenbachia juice can be irritating, cause an allergic reaction and mild disorders. Such an acquaintance will be more expensive for the child: a negative reaction can lead to burns of the mucous membrane and severe allergies.

For a pet, such as a cat or small dog, trying to taste the leaves of this plant can be literally fatal.

Signs associated with Dieffenbachia are not limited to the danger of poisoning. According to popular belief, this flower “scares away” male energy and prevents the birth of a male child.

floor. It is called the “widow’s” plant, and its appearance is also associated with the inability to start a family or become pregnant.

You can list for a long time the reasons why you cannot keep Dieffenbachia at home, but it is better to dwell on the positive aspects of such an acquisition. Despite such “fame”, this flower is very common in our homes, and this is not at all accidental.

The original large leaves, in addition to their aesthetic beauty, are very practical. They are able to absorb large amounts of moisture and then actively release it into the air. Thanks to this exchange, the room will always be comfortable enough to breathe, which is especially important in winter when the heating system is operating.

The second undoubted advantage is the formation of oxygen in large volumes. Due to its size, Dieffenbachia can provide them with an entire room, and several plants in the house can completely replace an entire greenhouse. The flower’s ability to release oxygen makes it an almost indispensable companion in environmentally problematic cities.

  • Promotes a comfortable microclimate.
  • Attractive from an aesthetic point of view.
  • Easy to care for.
  • Rarely gets sick.
  • Has bactericidal properties.

In addition, Dieffenbachia is able to purify indoor air from many harmful chemical compounds, for example, formaldehyde, which can be found in large quantities in furniture, finishing materials and even in household products.

The best option is to plant this flower at work, where children and pets have no access. Such a neighborhood will certainly increase productivity and make staying in the room more comfortable.

Dieffenbachia is easy to care for and does not require much attention. Our further information will tell you how to create optimal conditions for this plant for rapid growth and good development.

The rules for growing are simple, but they have some peculiarities. The most important thing is that the plant absolutely does not tolerate lime, so it is necessary to settle the water and also monitor the acidity of the growing soil. Each point of creating comfortable conditions for growing is described in more detail below.

The ideal location is away from direct sunlight so as not to cause leaf burns. In this case, there should be enough light, especially for leaves with decorative patterns. A monochromatic color requires less light, so such a plant can be positioned a little further.

Comfortable temperatures vary over a fairly wide range, from about 15 to 30 degrees Celsius. In summer, the plant feels great on glazed balconies and verandas.

The main thing is to prevent drafts. In this case, Dieffenbachia can suddenly shed its leaves, so it is better not to break this rule.

The soil for the plant should be moderately acidic, and the pot should be large enough. Considering the active growth and size of an adult flower, transplanting Dieffenbachia at home is an important part of care.

Of course, a tropical plant cannot do without abundant watering. This rule also applies to regular spraying, as well as water “showers”. In addition, hygienic care of the leaves is necessary, but dust can accumulate. Over time, they become darker and harder, so additional polishing may be necessary.

Watering is carried out with warm, settled water; you can use regular tap water, but it is better to pass it through a filter. The plant really needs good drainage so that water does not stagnate at the roots.

In this case, watering must be abundant and frequent. If you plan to leave for some time, be sure to consider the possibility of organizing watering, otherwise the plant may die.

In winter, Dieffenbachia enters a dormant period, so the need for moisture decreases slightly. At the same time, the earthen lump should not dry out even at this time, otherwise the growth of the plant will stop.

Fertilizers are applied according to a standard scheme in the spring-autumn period. Mineral and organic fertilizers are used, but not limestone compounds.

There is also an important nuance here: varieties of Dieffenbachia with a predominance of white leaf color need to be fed with non-nitrogen compounds, so it is better not to use organic matter. From such substances, the leaves will lose their original pattern, becoming monochromatic and acquiring a greenish color.

Getting a new plant from a mother plant is quite simple. As mentioned earlier, the flowering of Dieffenbachia is a rather rare process, so this plant does not reproduce by seeds. It is best to use the cutting method; besides, when pruning a plant, unnecessary tops are often left behind. The easiest way to propagate Dieffenbachia at home is from these “waste”. In addition, an old plant with fallen leaves at the bottom looks quite unattractive, so you can rejuvenate the flower by removing the top and cutting the stem into several segments.

  • The cut cuttings must have at least one “node” with a leaf.
  • After cutting, it is necessary to wither the shoot a little, leaving it without water for about a day.
  • The cutting can be placed horizontally on the prepared soil and covered with film.
  • After the plant sends out its first shoots, you can move the pot to a permanent place, water and feed it as an adult plant.
  • When two or three permanent leaves appear on the shoot, you can cut the cutting and replant it.
  • The second way is to place the cut stem in water until roots form. In this case, there is a high risk that Dieffenbachia will grow asymmetrical, so it is advisable to use the first method.

Dieffenbachia can also be propagated by aerial shoots. To do this, an incision is made on the stem, damp moss is applied and the entire structure is fixed with an opaque film. After some time, new shoots will appear just below the cut, which must be removed and rooted into the ground.

The optimal period is winter time. In a dormant state, the plant still continues to grow, so it is necessary to monitor the root system. As soon as the pot becomes small and the roots begin to peek out, this is a signal for a change of residence. It is advisable to do this by transshipment, without touching the earthen ball inside the roots. A new pot is selected approximately 3-4 centimeters larger in diameter and the same amount deeper.

When the earthen lump with the plant is inside the new pot, you need to fill the edges with slightly acidic soil (it is advisable to use a store-bought one), or a self-prepared mixture. It consists of two parts of leaf soil, one part of sphagnum and peat, as well as a small amount of fine river sand. A drainage layer must be placed at the bottom of the pot so that moisture does not stagnate at the roots.

After transplantation, the plant does not need feeding for at least a month (if a purchased mixture was used), but abundant watering is a prerequisite for successful acclimatization.

Rapid flower growth is not always desired, so in some cases it is better to adjust the height. Pruning is carried out with a sharp blade or garden pruning shears; be sure to follow safety rules when working.

The milky sap of the plant can cause burns to the mucous membranes, so it is advisable to protect your eyes and work with protective gloves. In case of contact with the skin, quickly wash off the juice with water and use oil or rich cream to soften the affected area.

The cut area must be blotted from the juice with a dry cloth and sprinkled with crushed activated carbon. Removed parts of the plant can be used for propagation by cuttings.

Despite the relative resistance to common diseases, as well as innate protection against pests, you may encounter some problems when growing this flower. The most common situations and possible causes are described below.

  1. What to do if Dieffenbachia leaves turn yellow. There can be several reasons for such conditions: sunburn, pest damage.
  2. Dieffenbachia leaves curl. If Dieffenbachia withers, we are talking about rotting of the roots due to poor drainage. Damaged roots are removed, after which the plant must be transplanted into a new pot.
  3. Dieffenbachia leaves usually dry out due to insufficient watering or spraying. The reason may lie in pests and diseases. In this case, spraying with special preparations is necessary.
  4. Dieffenbachia cries from waterlogged soil. This is a natural way to get rid of excess moisture.
  5. Situations when Dieffenbachia does not grow occur when the regime is violated (watering with cold water, insufficient lighting, pests).

Leaf plates do not open: a wise solution to the problem

Over the course of several decades, Dieffenbachia has gained particular popularity. It can be found in the corridors of clinics and hospitals, offices, educational institutions and even train stations. The main reason is simple care, consisting of the following activities:

  • regular soil moisture;
  • spraying leaf plates;
  • growing plants away from drafts;
  • room temperature control;
  • correct choice of habitat (away from direct sunlight).

Despite this, the plant may get sick. Sometimes it happens that Dieffenbachia leaves do not open, as a result of which its beauty is lost. Often the reason lies in the following factors:

  • it is exposed to direct sunlight;
  • drafts that lead to sudden temperature changes;
  • Root rotting due to excessive moisture;
  • low level of indoor humidity;
  • lack of useful elements.

Damage to the plant by pests such as spider mites, mealybugs, aphids or scale insects should not be ruled out. If “enemies” are detected, the flower should be treated with a soap solution. If this does not help, use insecticides.

Feeding Dieffenbachia

Due to its rapid growth, Dieffenbachia needs regular feeding all year round. In spring and summer, the soil of the plant should be fertilized once every 2 weeks, in winter - once every 1.5 - 2 months. For fertilizer, you need to use mineral complex fertilizers without lime.

Once a year in February or May the plant should be replanted. This should not be done in hot summer weather, otherwise the plant may not take root after such a procedure. You need to be careful with the roots, as they are very fragile.

Old drainage and soil should be removed from the pot. You can also use another larger pot because the plant grows quickly. A drainage layer of expanded clay and pebbles is placed at the bottom of the pot. Then pour soil consisting of humus, sand, peat and leaf soil. Before placing the flower in a pot, you need to cut off all old roots and leaves. After this, you can plant the plant.

If the lower leaves of an adult plant begin to gradually fall off, the flower should be “rejuvenated”.

To do this, you need to cut off the top and root the plant in a mixture of peat, sand or water. For a better process, you can cover the plant with a glass jar and place it in a well-lit place without direct sunlight. The top with roots 4-5 cm long can be replanted.

There is a second method of propagation - cuttings. The cuttings are divided into pieces 10-15 cm long and dried for 24 hours. The cuttings are placed in the prepared substrate, immersing only half in it. With this method, rooting and sprouting of shoots occurs very slowly from several months to a year.

Dieffenbachia “cries” and does not grow

Often, if the plant is not sick, it is distinguished by lush greenery, intensive growth and brightly colored plates. But as soon as lethargy appears, the color changes and Dieffenbachia does not grow, it’s time to sound the alarm. Perhaps the cause was pests or viral diseases carried by insects. As a result, yellow or brown spots form on the leaf plates, which adversely affect the growth of the flower. Coping with a disease can be difficult, so the best solution is to start a new plant and say goodbye to it.

Sometimes the following factors influence the growth of Dieffenbachia:

  • lack of light;
  • “drought” on the soil;
  • need for feeding.

Careful attention to the flower and simple actions will help eliminate problems:

  • moving to another location in the premises;
  • regular moistening of the top layer of soil;
  • use of special fertilizers for Dieffenbachia.

Unfortunately, each of us tends to go to extremes. Therefore, excessive watering can lead to rotting of the roots and the appearance of drops on the Dieffenbachia. It is interesting that in such an extraordinary way, the flower compensates for excess moisture. Such droplets on the leaves are also found during periods of heavy rain. This is how the plant protects itself from excess liquid.

Another reason for the appearance of wateriness on leaf blades is bacteriosis. At first, small droplets of moisture may not cause concern, but if they are outlined by a visible border, it’s time to sound the alarm. Subsequently, the foliage turns brown and dies. It is better to destroy such a plant to prevent the spread of the disease to other indoor flowers.

Be careful - Dieffenbachia!

Despite its attractiveness, the sweet tropical beauty is a poisonous plant. The juice secreted by the plant causes minor damage to the skin. But if it gets on the mucous tissue of the mouth or eye, a burn occurs. In rare cases, complete intoxication of the body may occur, which manifests itself as follows:

  • swelling of the oral tissues and lips;
  • copious amounts of saliva;
  • rapid breathing;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • temperature increase;
  • tearfulness.

First aid for Dieffenbachia burns, and treatment consists of simple steps. First you need to rinse the affected area of ​​skin with running water. If there is pain, apply a lidocaine solution to the burn. If the juice gets on the eyeball, wash the affected eye with running water for about 20 minutes. Then use Levomycetin drops or furatsilin solution to prevent infection.

Burns caused by Dieffenbachia juice in the mouth are removed by rinsing. Clearly expressed pain can be quenched with a solution of novocaine (0.5%). After these steps, it is recommended to drink a glass of cold milk or water. In any case, when a problem arises, it is important not to waste time, but to act.

Why does Dieffenbachia turn yellow - video

Pests of Dieffenbachia

Despite the fact that the plants are poisonous, they are often attacked by pests.

The most common:

Spider mite, a sign of damage to which is the presence of cobwebs in the internodes of the trunks, sluggish and falling leaves.

Thrips, small (1-2 mm) bugs that suck the juices from the plant, which leads to stunted growth, curling and drying of the leaves.

Aphids, numerous colonies of which not only weaken plants by sucking out intercellular fluid, but are also carriers of various diseases.

The appearance of spider mites, thrips and aphids on Dieffenbachia is especially favored by dry indoor air (relative humidity below 60%).

Scale insects and false scale insects, which suck the juice from leaves and stems, leaving a characteristic discharge, brown plaques that are difficult to remove. The leaves become discolored, dry out and fall off.

Mealybugs, insects 3-6 mm in size, attack leaves, stems and flowers, which are covered with a white mealy coating. The leaves become deformed and dry out, which can lead to the death of the entire plant.

Measures to combat all of the listed Dieffenbachia pests are similar; they consist of their mechanical removal using a sponge and soap solution, followed by rinsing under running warm water, and treatment, if necessary, with insecticidal preparations, actellik or karbofos, at a concentration of 15 drops per liter of water.

Why do Dieffenbachia drops form on the leaves?

This unusual phenomenon is called Guttation (gutta - drop), and consists in the release of droplet liquid by the leaves of the plant in order to free it from excess water and various mineral salts.

Also read: Common fig diseases and how to combat them

In addition to too abundant and frequent irrigation measures, guttation can increase under conditions of decreased atmospheric pressure. Along with other aroids, Dieffenbachia sap is poisonous, so it is not recommended to touch the droplets actively released on the surface of the leaf blades. Over time, they dry out on their own.

Dieffenbachia diseases

Most Dieffenbachia diseases belong to the fungal group, the most common of which are:

Leaf spotting , causing the appearance along the edges of the leaves, primarily the lower ones, of small brown spots with an orange border, gradually covering the surface of the entire leaf blade. The disease is transmitted through plant debris and water.

Anthracnose , in which fairly large spots appear on the edges of leaf blades, gradually spreading to the entire surface and causing drying and death of the leaf. It is also transmitted through infected plant parts.

Both diseases are provoked by high temperature and humidity, waterlogged soil; as control measures, it is recommended to optimize the temperature regime and watering, as well as treat the affected specimens with a systemic fungicide, for example, foundationazol or vitaros.

Fusarium , affects the root collar and root of the flower, where dark depressed spots of an elongated shape are formed. Infected Dieffenbachia turns yellow and wilts. In damaged areas you can see light pink mycelium of the fungus. The causative agent of the disease persists in the soil for a long time and spreads when it touches diseased and healthy plant roots. The disease is promoted by overdrying and lack of potassium.

To prevent fusarium, it is recommended to use high-quality soil, healthy planting material, treated for disinfection with a biological fungicide (for example, hyocladine). When signs of disease appear, spray with a systemic fungicide.

Root rot , manifested in the form of dark depressed areas on the neck and roots, gradually affecting the entire tissue and causing decay, and subsequently lodging and death of the plant. The affected parts are covered with light gray mycelium. The disease is transmitted through the soil; it is facilitated by an excess of fertilizers and moisture in the soil, lack of ventilation, and high temperature. If there are signs of damage, limit watering, replace the substrate and treat with a systemic fungicide.

Among bacterial diseases, we note Dieffenbachia bacteriosis, in which watery areas with sharply defined boundaries appear on the trunks and leaves. Later they acquire a brown or brown color. The disease spreads through infected plant remains due to mechanical damage, for example, during cuttings. Flowers kept at elevated temperatures and humidity, with an increased amount of fertilizer in the soil, are more severely affected. Diseased specimens are destroyed.

Viral diseases include:

Bronzing of Dieffenbachia , manifested in the appearance of yellow circles, rings and arcs on the surfaces; the affected leaves wither, while remaining hanging on the trunks, often on one infected side.

Viral mosaic , which is characterized by mosaic leaf spotting.

Dieffenbachia affected by these diseases does not grow, stops developing, cannot be treated and must be destroyed to prevent the spread of the virus. The pathogen is carried by insects, thrips (bronzing) or aphids (mosaic). A preventive measure is treatment with insecticides.

Other problems encountered when growing Dieffenbachia

In addition to the pests and diseases listed above, Dieffenbachia may suffer from improper care and unsuitable living conditions. Let's look at some questions that often arise among amateur gardeners.

Why does Dieffenbachia turn yellow? Most often, the reason for this behavior is low air temperature in winter or drafts, as well as a lack of nutrients and watering with hard water. Yellowing of the lower leaves with intensive growth of the top usually signals that the flower needs to be transplanted into a larger pot. Dieffenbachia leaves also turn yellow when affected by root rot.

Why do Dieffenbachia leaves curl? This usually occurs when attacked by pests, also when watering with cold water, drafts and low temperatures.

Why does the stem become soft and rot? The reason is waterlogging combined with low air temperatures. If the decay is small, you can try to remove it by covering the cut with activated charcoal or charcoal; if it is large, cut off the flower and root the top.

Why does Dieffenbachia dry out? If old leaves dry out, then this is a natural process; if the decorative effect is lost and the stem is exposed, the Dieffenbachia is rejuvenated by cutting off and rooting the top. If young leaves dry out, the cause may be dry soil, cold air, or drafts.

Why do the edges of leaves turn brown? This is most likely caused by drying out soil or low temperatures in winter.

Why do the leaves become discolored? The reason is too bright lighting or direct sunlight on the plant.

Why does Dieffenbachia cry? This occurs from excessive watering; the flower protects itself from excess moisture in the soil. The same behavior is characteristic of Dieffenbachia before rain. As a resident of tropical forests, the plant prepares in advance for excess water and opens channels to get rid of it.

Why Dieffenbachia leaves may turn yellow: pests, diseases, how to fight

Dieffenbachia is very sensitive to changes in living conditions, which manifests itself in a sharp deterioration in the general condition of the bush. Every gardener should know why Dieffenbachia leaves turn yellow.

Inexperienced owners often do not know the exact cause, and therefore cannot begin to properly eliminate it. Yellowing can actually occur for many reasons: improper watering, lighting, temperature, quality of fertilizing.

Careful care and observation of the flower will help eliminate the problem.

​Dieffenbachia ailments: how to help cope with them.

Dieffenbachia (lat.) is an evergreen tropical plant, its homeland is the humid forests of Central and South America.

Dieffenbachia can reach two meters in height, the leaves are large, wide, and variegated.

With good, competent care, Dieffenbachia pleases with its exotic beauty, the flower develops well, and new leaves constantly appear. But what to do if your “green household member” gets sick?

Most often, gardeners growing Dieffenbachia are faced with the fact that its leaves begin to turn yellow, dry out and curl, and there are other problems - the flower grows poorly and becomes lethargic.

What is the cause of the malaise: improper care at home or a pest attack? Let's look at all the "sores" of Dieffenbachia in more detail and try to determine the cause of their occurrence and methods of treatment.

Air temperature and humidity

For cultural life at home, it is necessary to observe the following nuances:

  • The bush should not be exposed to drafts, temperature changes, or be located in places where the temperature is below 12C or within its limits. These conditions cause hypothermia and death of the roots. The process begins with leaves. At the edges they begin to turn yellow and fall off.
  • Dry and hot air has a negative effect on the leaves of the crop. The bush should not be near the radiator. If the apartment is hot, the plant must be sprayed with water 2-3 times a day. You can also place Dieffenbachia next to the flowers so that they humidify the air.

Dieffenbachia diseases and their treatment

How to help a tropical beauty?

  1. Dieffenbachia leaves turn yellow, reasons, what to do? Solution to the problem:
      low air humidity. Dieffenbachia, not receiving enough moisture from the air, also begins to turn yellow, so in winter it should be kept away from central heating radiators or buy an air humidifier;
  2. direct sunlight, there should be enough light;

It is necessary to check whether the roots of the flower have actually begun to rot. To do this, you need to remove the plant from the pot, inspect the root system, remove rot and affected areas of the root, transplant the flower into another smaller container, observing the planting rules (drainage 1/3 of the pot, 2/3 soil mixed with sand and peat)

  • low air temperature. Dieffenbachia is a tropical resident, it loves warmth, so the temperature in the room should not fall below 22 degrees;
  • drafts, which the flower really does not like, so it is better to keep Dieffenbachia away from the balcony door and windows;
  • Dieffenbachia dries and its leaves fall off, the tips of the leaves dry and wither, causes and solution to the problem:
  • fungal infections (atracnose, leaf spot), fungal spores (leaf spot) can be obtained by the plant with irrigation water; dry brown spots appear along the edges of the leaves, gradually spreading over the entire surface of the leaf, it becomes lethargic and lifeless.
    Athracnose is provoked by excessively high temperature in the room, dry air, in some cases, waterlogged soil (excessive watering); to get rid of this problem, it is enough to normalize the temperature and watering regime; the affected leaves can be treated with a regular fungicide to prevent infection of other leaves;
  • drafts, low air temperatures can also lead to leaves drying out and falling off; to eliminate the Dieffenbachia problem, you need to ensure a comfortable microclimate in the room;

  • the plant ages, the lower leaves dry out and fall off, this is a natural process.
    It is necessary to rejuvenate it by cuttings. To do this, the bare trunk of Dieffenbachia needs to be cut into cuttings, leaving only a small part of the stem in the pot, which will soon give rise to a new shoot and Dieffenbachia will continue to grow; To combat fusarium, the flower must be transplanted into another pot, after removing rot from the roots and treating the affected areas with a fungicide;
  • root rot, which appears when the soil is overly fertilized and moistened. Rot first affects the root system, then gradually affects the trunk, the flower withers and dies. It is necessary to replant Dieffenbachia, having previously treated the roots with a fungicide and limit watering;
  • overmoistening in combination with low air temperature, in this case it is necessary to provide the plant with a comfortable temperature and limit watering.
  • Dieffenbachia leaves curl or do not unfold as they grow. Causes and solution to the problem:
      When watering with cold water, it is advisable to leave the water for irrigation for at least 24 hours;
  • drafts and low room temperature;
  • pest attack.
  • Dieffenbachia does not grow, causes and solution to the problem:
      viral lesions (bronzing and viral mosaic), usually carried by insects, yellow round spots (bronzing) or a mosaic of spots (viral mosaic) appear on the leaves of the plant, Dieffenbachia withers and stops developing. It is almost impossible to cope with such a problem; the flower must be destroyed;
  • there is not enough light. You need to move the flower to a brighter room, but remember that the flower does not tolerate direct sunlight;
  • insufficient watering. The soil in the pot should always be slightly damp;
  • lack of fertilizers in the soil. The lack of fertilizers, as well as their excess, negatively affects the growth and development of Dieffenbachia; the fertilizer must be used strictly according to the instructions indicated on the packaging;
  • Dieffenbachia is crying, causes and solution to the problem:
      excessive watering. The flower protects itself from excess moisture in the soil; a similar phenomenon can be observed before rain; the plant opens channels for moisture to escape, preparing for an excess of water.
  • In the photo below you will see the symptoms of the disease in Dieffenbachia:

    Why do Dieffenbachia leaves turn yellow and other diseases of this plant?

    Healthy Dieffenbachia grows very intensively and has bright leaves that, in size and color, correspond to their varietal characteristics. If the plant loses its original attractive appearance, it means that it is sick or pests have settled on it.

    As a rule, this is caused by improper care. Therefore, before purchasing this flower, you need to study the signs of various diseases that affect it, how to treat them and how to avoid infection.

    Main diseases of Dieffenbachia

    Dieffenbachia can be affected by fungal, bacterial and viral diseases. The most common of them include those listed below, and the photos accompanying the article will help you recognize them.

    Leaf spot

    Leaf spotting causes the formation of brown spots on the edges of the plant's foliage, which are surrounded by an orange border. Then they spread to the entire leaf blade. The disease can develop due to high temperature and humidity in the room and waterlogging of the soil. It is necessary to treat the plant with a fungicide and review the conditions of maintenance.


    With anthractic disease, light brown spots with a dark border appear on the leaves and stems of Dieffenbachia, which merge over time and the foliage dries out. It occurs for the same reasons as leaf spot and is also transmitted from infected plants . Treatment is also carried out by spraying with a fungicide.


    With fusarium, the root system and root collar of the plant are damaged. Elongated spots of dark brown color appear on them, covered with mycelium of the fungus with a light pink color. Dieffenbachia turns yellow and withers.

    The disease develops in overdried soil, as well as with a lack of potassium fertilizers. Dieffenbachia needs to be removed from the pot, the roots should be washed from contaminated soil and replanted into a clean container with healthy soil. Then spray and water with a fungicide solution, and then fertilize with appropriate fertilizers.

    Root rot

    If the leaves of a Dieffenbachia plant have wilted and turned yellow or brown, it is highly likely that it is infected with root rot.

    In this case, you need to dig up the soil to a depth of fifteen centimeters and check the root system; if the roots turn black and emit an unpleasant odor, it means that Dieffenbachia is infected with this particular disease. It is caused by waterlogging, excessive fertilizing or contaminated soil. The plant needs to be replanted, removing rotten roots, treating with a fungicide and reducing watering.


    With bacteriosis, watery spots with clear boundaries form on the leaves and stems of Dieffenbachia. Then they acquire a brown or brown color.

    The development of the disease can be triggered by high temperature and humidity , and excessive feeding. Bacteriosis can also be introduced through cuttings or contaminated soil.

    It is necessary to spray and water the plants with preparations containing copper (Bordeaux mixture, copper sulfate and others).

    Bronzing of Dieffenbachia

    Bronzing of Dieffenbachia can be determined by the presence of yellow circles (rings) on the leaves. Over time, they begin to wither and the plant slows down. The disease is usually caused by pests, which are destroyed by spraying with an insecticide.

    Viral mosaic

    When infected with viral mosaic, Dieffenbachia stops developing, and spots in the form of stars and rings appear on the leaves. The disease is also caused by the presence of pests, which are destroyed by insecticides. Plants that are too affected must be destroyed.

    Pests living on Dieffenbachia

    Despite the fact that Dieffenbachia is poisonous, it can be affected by spider mites, aphids, thrips, scale insects and mealybugs. The fight against them is carried out using a soap solution and spraying with insecticides.

    Problems caused by improper care

    When breeding Dieffenbachia, the following problems and questions may arise:

    • Why does Dieffenbachia turn yellow, and what needs to be done? The leaves of Dieffenbachia turn yellow most often when it is kept at low air temperatures in winter, in the presence of drafts, insufficient fertilizing, and if hard water is used for irrigation. If the lower leaves turn yellow and the top is actively growing, then the plant needs to be transplanted into a container with a larger volume. The tips of Dieffenbachia leaves turn yellow and dry out when infected with root rot, due to temperature changes, dry air and severe waterlogging of the soil. If the leaves turn yellow and cobwebs form on their lower surface, this indicates the presence of a spider mite on the plant;
    • Now let's figure out why Dieffenbachia leaves dry out. If the old leaves of a plant dry out, this is a natural process of their life. In this case, you need to cut off and root the top. If Dieffenbachia dries along with new leaves, this may indicate low air temperatures, drafts and insufficient watering
    • Dieffenbachia is withering. This may indicate an excess of light and direct rays of the sun hitting the plant; shading is necessary. This also happens if the pot has become too small ; you need to transplant it into a larger container;
    • White spots on the leaves with a cottony coating. This indicates that the plant is infested with mealybugs. It is necessary to wash the Dieffenbachia with a soapy solution and spray it with an insecticide;
    • If new leaves of Dieffenbachia curl or do not unfold, this may indicate that watering is carried out using too cold water, the room temperature is low and there are drafts. In some cases, this indicates pest damage to the plant;
    • The stem and foliage soften and rot. This indicates overwatering of the soil, as well as a low temperature. The affected areas must be removed by treating the sections with activated carbon or sulfur. Next, you need to provide the plant with appropriate conditions. If the damage is too severe, you can try cutting off the top and rooting it;
    • The fact that the tips of Dieffenbachia leaves turn brown is caused by insufficient watering and low air temperatures;
    • Leaves become discolored. This happens when the Dieffenbachia is exposed to direct sunlight or, conversely, indicates a lack of light. This may also indicate an excess of nitrogen fertilizers in the soil and a lack of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers;
    • The leaves become small. This indicates a lack of lighting.

    Since many problems can arise when growing Dieffenbachia, and it is quite susceptible to many diseases and pest damage if not properly maintained, it is better to properly care for it than to then engage in long-term treatment, which does not guarantee that it can be saved.


    Source: https://cvetolubam.ru/diffenbahiya-bolezni/

    Pests. Methods to combat them

    Despite its poisonous nature, Dieffenbachia is susceptible to attacks by pests, which cause significant harm to it.

    It is most often affected by spider mites, aphids, mealybugs, and scale insects. The method of combating each species is the same: it is necessary to wash the leaves and the trunk of the flower with a sponge soaked in soapy water (which should later be washed off under running warm water) and treat Dieffenbachia with an insecticide solution (karbofos, 15 drops per 1 liter of water).

    • scale insect is a small insect with a hard waxy body, it can usually be found on the inside of the leaf; the affected leaves turn pale and fall off;
    • the mealybug got its name due to its secretions that look like shreds of fluff, it attacks the leaves, Dieffenbachia begins to turn yellow and fall off, the flower dies;
    • spider mite, the presence of which can be determined by a coating of cobwebs on the trunk, the leaves of the flower become sluggish and lifeless;
    • aphid is an insect that has a dark green color, it can be seen on the inside of the leaves, aphids are dangerous because they are able to suck out intercellular fluid, weakening the plant and are a carrier of diseases;
    • thrips are small beetles that suck the juice from the plant, which leads to curling and drying of the leaves.
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