Anthurium Andre - home care, common growing problems

Description of the plant

Anthurium Andre (Andrianum) is a genus of evergreen, perennial, belonging to the Araceae or Aronicaceae family, native to the tropical regions of South America.
Grows naturally in the tropical forests of Ecuador and Colombia. There it was nicknamed “fire tongue” or “flamingo flower”. In Latin it sounds like Anthurium Andreanum, the name comes from the Greek words for “tail” and “flower”. And here we call it “men’s happiness” or “flower of love.” The highlight of Andre's decor is the bracted sheet-spread, spread around the inflorescence-cob. The blanket leaf is the same as the heart-shaped leaves, but is distinguishable by its structure and color. There are several varieties with different shades from white to black, but the most famous ones are bright scarlet.

All parts of anthurium contain toxic substances that are dangerous to humans and their pets. This fact must be taken into account when choosing places for its cultivation (remote from children and pets)

Care for the flower with care.

Botanical description and names

Anthurium andreanum is an evergreen perennial of the Anthurium genus and belongs to the large aroid family. The Anthurium genus has more than 800 species. The herbaceous plant grows as a terrestrial and epiphytic flower, and can grow into voluminous branching vines.

Reference! Literally translated, the name of the plant means “flower” and “tail,” which characterizes the structure of the flower itself. People call this flower “male happiness”, “flamingo flower”.


Let's look at some varieties of anthurium that are most popular.


Anthurium Andreanum has fairly large, greenish, heart-shaped leaves. And the plant itself is also large. The stems have a large number of aerial roots. Surface of various colors: snow-white, pink, scarlet, yellow and green.


Anthurium Scherzerianum is an epiphyte. Stems are shortened. It grows no higher than 40 cm. The leaves, like those of Anthurium Andre, have a leathery structure, but are covered with dark dots on both sides. As a rule, its inflorescences are taller than the plant itself. The surface is scarlet-red. Occasionally other colors are found.

"Andrianum Champion"

'Andrianum Champion' has large, leathery leaves. Its bract is modified. The bract itself comes in different shades. There is an inflorescence inside it. The cob is slightly curved. Depending on the variety, the color varies from white to black. May bloom throughout the year. The flower itself is red. It blooms for about three months. Maximum grows up to 65 cm.

Anthurium "Dakota" is very large in size, reaching a height of 80 cm. The size of the bedspread is up to 20 cm. The spadix is ​​yellow.

Anthurium Andre "Baby Boomer"

Anthurium Andre "Baby Boomer" - for it you will need light, slightly acidic soil filled with minerals. Grows up to 90 cm. Blooms for 3 months. At home, it is better to keep it on the west or south side; sometimes it needs to be exposed to the sun, but not longer than 2 hours. Just like other varieties of anthurium, it needs abundant watering and maintaining high humidity in the room.


Anthurium “Sierra” - if most varieties of this family are quite tall, then this variety is medium in size and will fit into any interior. The flowers have a passionate red color, the peduncle is quite large, yellow-green in color. Most often, it is chosen as a gift, not only for women, but also for men. If you properly care for Sierra, it will delight you with its flowering all year round.


Anthurium Crysytallinum - the leaves of this plant change from yellow-violet to green over the course of its life and do not grow more than 20 cm. Their velvety surface is shaped like a heart. You can see silver veins on it. This anthurium is called crystal not only because of such veins, but also because of the beautiful cover of purple or green color, reminiscent of this material in general.


Anthurium “Magnificent” is also often found among domestic species. It is somewhat similar to the previous species. This is a beautiful plant with large leaves of a velvety greenish color. There are snow-white veins on the leaves.

Anthurium Linden

There is also a rather unusual species of Linden anthurium. This species is found in the wild. Pink anthurium is rare, more often a rich green color. This species is native to Colombia. It often grows under trees or as an epiphyte on a tree. The key difference between the Linden anthurium is the shape of its leaves. They have the shape of a pointed heart and shine with gloss. The leaves are quite large. Sometimes their length reaches 30 cm. They also have olive-colored veins. The bract of the plant is pink and round in shape, pointed towards the tip of the leaf. On a peduncle about 40 cm in size there is a creamy white cob. When it blooms, it smells bright.

Anthurium Hooker

Anthurium Hooker can very rarely be found at home, only if somewhere in private collections, since this plant is still wild. It is found in the Lesser Antilles, in the tropical forests of Suriname, Trinidad and in some areas of Guiana. Leaves in the form of a rosette. The diameter of one such rosette is quite large, ranging from 150-200 cm and a height of slightly more than 50 cm. The stem is literally not visible. The leaves are large, elliptical, narrowed. If you look closely, you can see dark spots on the leaves. The petioles of the leaves are quite short, which also distinguishes this type of plant from the rest. It is quite difficult to grow Hooker's anthurium at home so that its cob can be seen. But if you manage to achieve this, you will see a large ear of dark purple color, about 30 cm high, with a bract slightly shorter than the inflorescence itself.

Feeding and fertilizers for anthurium

From mid-March to mid-September, when “male happiness” is actively growing and blooming, it needs additional nutrients every 20-30 days. Fertilizing stimulates good development and ensures powerful flowering.

In the autumn-winter period, there is no need for fertilizers, but some experts recommend maintenance fertilizing every 30-40 days.

What to feed at home?

We recommend using fertilizers for flowering indoor plants (for example, azaleas and rhododendrons, begonias, orchids, roses, etc.) in an amount of 20-50% of the indicated dose (anthurium does not tolerate an excess of minerals).

Ideally, fertilizing with liquid fertilizer should be alternated with organic matter, namely vermicompost (for more details, see the material on types of fertilizers).


  • To avoid burning the tender roots, first water the “male happiness” with a small amount of soft, clean water, and only then with a nutrient solution.
  • Depending on the composition of the soil mixture, the first fertilizing after replanting can be carried out no sooner than after 4-8 weeks.





There are many ways to propagate anthurium, so everyone can choose the one they like or find simpler.

Growing from seeds

A fairly popular method of propagating a flower is growing from seeds. Seeds are purchased in specialized stores. Before sowing, they are treated with any growth stimulator for ornamental flowering plants. The treated seeds are sown in small containers with a mixture of peat and perlite in grooves to a depth of 2 cm, maintaining a distance of 4 cm between each seed. They are then sprinkled with substrate and sprayed with warm water from a spray bottle.

The container is covered with a transparent film on top and placed on a light window. When germinating indoors, maintain a temperature of +25°C, ensure there are no drafts and sufficient lighting while maintaining a 12-hour daylight hours. You can extend daylight hours by installing a fluorescent lamp next to the container, which must be turned on when it gets dark outside.

Every day the container must be freed from the film for 1 hour for ventilation. The soil is sprayed 2-3 times a week as the top layer dries.

After the first shoots appear (seeds germinate within a week after sowing), remove the film from the container and continue care. When each plant has 3 leaves, they can be transplanted into separate plastic cups. As a substrate for replanting, use a mixture of sphagnum and soil for azaleas, provide good drainage (expanded clay) and make holes in the bottom of the glasses so that excess water leaves the container.

In the process of growing young plants, they are watered every week with water containing “Kornevin” and sprayed with “Epin” according to the instructions.

Dividing the bush

Anthurium is often propagated by dividing the mother bush during the process of replanting the plant. To propagate using this method, carefully remove the plant from the pot and shake off the soil, freeing the root system.

Try to unravel tangled roots carefully so as not to damage them

Using a sharp and clean knife, divide the root into 2 parts. Cut areas and damaged roots are treated with crushed activated carbon. All obtained parts of the plant must be planted in separate pots, following the recommendations for replanting the plant.

After replanting, you do not need to water the plants immediately - let the cuttings dry a little and heal. The first watering can be done a week after planting.

We recommend reading how to properly plant indoor flowers in a pot.


Anthurium propagation in this way is practically not used due to the fact that cuttings placed in water for root development often rot.

If you decide to propagate anthurium by cuttings, the most favorable time for this is from May to June

When choosing, pay attention to the apical stems up to 15 cm in length: they should have 2 leaves. Cut such a cutting, maintaining the maximum length

It is better to root cuttings in vermiculite: it is poured into plastic cups with a pierced bottom. Due to the high flowability of this substance, a piece of cloth capable of retaining vermiculite is placed at the bottom of the glass. The cuttings are buried 5 cm into the soil, then watered generously with warm water. The cuttings will take root for at least 30 days, after which the plant is planted in a pot, using the soil as for replanting.

By shoots

Aerial roots often appear on anthurium, so they, together with shoots, are used to propagate the plant. To do this, stem shoots with aerial roots are separated from the plant with a sharp, clean knife. The sections are sprinkled with crushed coal, and parts of the plant are rooted in a container with river sand.

A transparent plastic bag is placed over each container. The greenhouse is regularly ventilated, the soil is sprayed with warm water from a spray bottle. When the plants develop additional roots and active growth of green mass occurs, they are planted in pots with a soil composition as for replanting.

Anthurium Turenza - description

This variety of araceae is also called Andre's anthurium. It belongs to the evergreen perennials. The leaves are dense, glossy, slightly wrinkled, dark green in color, shaped like a wide lancet. The length of the leaves can reach thirty centimeters. The flowers are large, flat, oval, with rounded edges, similar to a heart, and inside contain long yellow inflorescences that look like corn cobs. Anthurium Andre is distinguished by its bright color when flowering: red-crimson flowers will always create an atmosphere of celebration and comfort, and when the plant fades, you can see the appearance of round orange fruits.

Like all representatives of the araceae, Turenza anthurium has an aerial root system: this means that its roots can exist both in the ground and in the open air. Its characteristic feature is the “throwing” of parts of the root system outward, since in nature this plant is an epiphyte - it clings with the help of roots to other taller and larger trees and flowers.

What does Anthurium Andre look like?

Anthurium belongs to the Araceae family, which includes mainly vines, evergreens and epiphytes that do not require soil to grow fully. It is native to the tropical zones of Central and South America.

Anthurium Andre

If we talk directly about the characteristics of the plant itself and the Anthurium Andre variety in particular, it is worth noting the following points:

  • The flower is a cylindrical rod covered with small fibers. But it is the bract that makes a bright impression - it is a fleshy, heart-shaped petal with a color ranging from white to black-violet.
  • The plant blooms throughout the year, and this is especially evident when suitable conditions are created. Each peduncle retains its original appearance for 1 to 2 months, depending on the variety.
  • With complete pollination, berries, including seeds, are formed in place of the flower.
  • The leaf blades are quite massive - they reach 30 cm in length. The color is most often rich green with a glossy gloss.

Foliage of the plant

Common varieties

This home flower has thousands of varieties, but not all are grown at home. Most often used as interior decoration:

  • Variety Leganza - a distinctive feature is that the color of the petal varies during flowering from pale pink to deep orange.
  • Otazu - has dark red, almost burgundy bracts. They look quite contrasting against the background of a yellow flower.
  • Silens is an interesting option in the form of bicolor. The flower has a yellow-red, uneven color. And the bract is white or cream with rich pink-beetroot veins.
  • The largest hybrid is the Favorit variety. It features dark foliage and a bright pink spathe.
  • Scherzer is an original variety whose flower ear is not straight, but sinuous. And the bedspread is lanceolate and matte.


Note! In addition, there are varieties whose stipules can be colored blue, purple, bright yellow, black, and green. Among the dark red varieties, Anthurium Andrianum stands out

Among the dark red varieties, Anthurium Andrianum stands out.

Popular subspecies of Anthurium andreanum and their photos


Hybrid compact variety, grows up to 50 – 60 cm in height. The leaves are shiny and dense. It is distinguished by pronounced veins on the dark green surface of the leaf blade. The bedspread is bright red. Grows well at home.


The leaves are large, shiny, bright green. The leaves are heart shaped. The inflorescence is a large spike, located on the very cover of the flower. The bedspread is large, glossy, rich red. The height of an adult bush is up to 70 cm.

We talked about red anthuriums in this material.


The bush is compact, plant height up to 60 cm. The foliage is dark green and large. The leaf plate is glossy. The ears are straight and may have a pinkish or yellow tint. Bracts - spathes, depending on the andraeanum subcultivar, can be pink (Pink) or white (White).


To create colorful group mixes, several varietal varieties of andre anthurium, differing in the shade and size of leaves and bracts, can be planted in one container (or one bed). For example, delicate bedspreads of Andre Silens anthurium will go perfectly with pink Andre Favorite anthurium. The bright, rich red varieties Otazu and Belize will favorably emphasize the spectacular dark shades of the Fiorino and Black Queen varieties (read about black anthuriums here, and the Black Prince (Black Queen) variety is discussed in this material).

We talked about the types and varieties of anthuriums here.


To turn your home into Andre's blooming abode, there is no need to spend money on a new planter. You can simply start propagating the culture. Read on to find out how to do this.


The easiest and most convenient way. It is better to carry out the procedure in spring or summer, since during these periods the cuttings take root and take root better. The first thing you need to do is cut off the top of the flower with several internodes, 5 cm long. Then place it in water and wait for the roots to appear. You can cut off the part already with the air root. The cuttings are planted a month after cutting. During this time, the roots of the seedling will reach a length of 3 cm.

Important! Yellowing of the edges of the leaves of the plant indicates aging, or lack of light. Therefore, you need to think about its reproduction or rejuvenation.

Growing from seeds

The procedure will be more complicated than the previous one and will require much more time and effort. After all, first of all, you need to wait for the Anthurium to bloom, for the fruits to set and reach. And for the fruits to appear, the pollination process must be carried out in the first days of the appearance of flowers. This procedure is carried out using cotton sponges or a brush, passing over the cob several times.

The best effect is obtained by cross-pollinating two or even more Andrés. A single procedure will not be enough; it must be repeated over several days. After carrying out pollination procedures, you need to be patient and wait until the berries, and then the fruits, ripen. The wait can last a whole year.

After the ripening period has expired, you need to collect the seeds, which can be planted immediately, having first cleared the berry pulp. Planting is the act of placing seeds on the soil. There is no need to cover them with the substrate from above; you just need to press them a little to the ground and then spray them with a spray bottle. The container is sent to a warm (+25…+28°C) and dark place. In just a week or two, the first shoots will appear.

After about 2 months, the sprouts will have 2 true leaves. This suggests that they need to be dived. Another pick is carried out after another 2 months. You can place seedlings in separate containers only when they have 5-6 leaves.

Important! Anthuriums grown from seeds will bloom only after 3 years.

Reproduction of a tropical beauty

The plant reproduces in several ways:

  • seeds;
  • young shoots from the main bush;
  • apical cuttings.

To set seeds, the plant is pollinated during flowering using a brush. The seeds must be extracted from the fruits when they are ripe. After treating them with a weak solution of manganese, they are sown on filter paper. After two weeks they will germinate. The seedlings need to be planted in a specially prepared mixture of peat, leaf soil and sand in the proportion: 2x1x2. After two months, the diving procedure is repeated. When the leaves are more than 7 cm, the babies are planted in small pots (about a glass in volume). This anthurium blooms only after four years.

A simpler method is vegetative propagation. For this purpose, cut the stem, which has aerial roots, into shoots of 5-10 cm and plant it in a small container, covered with glass or film. The rooting process lasts two to three weeks. The optimal time for this procedure is May-June. For the appearance of aerial roots, the branches of the flower can be covered with moss and sprayed with it.

Apical cuttings are planted in a similar way. Only in this case, only the upper part of the cut with aerial roots is used. Rooting occurs within a few weeks.

Important! Propagation by seeds is the most painstaking and thankless method: very often with this type of propagation, a hybrid variety loses its properties.

Video “Ways to maintain an atrium at home”

Experienced flower growers talk about the secrets of growing indoor plants.


It says that in ancient times, when people lived in tribes, one girl turned into a red anthurium. The cruel leader of one tribe took a fancy to a beauty from a neighboring one. He attacked the village and took it away. According to tradition, on the wedding day it was customary to light a fire, into which the young beauty threw herself, not accepting her lot. The gods took pity on the unfortunate girl, turning her into the luxurious red Anthurium Andre. And the bride’s home village became a beautiful tropical forest.

Since then, drops of moisture have flowed down the foliage and grass in it. They have become a symbol of the tears of inconsolable parents who mourn their daughter. The bright red anthurium is considered a symbol of love and has been growing since that time in the dense greenery of the tropics. Residents of Colombia believe that the flower can bring prosperity and happiness. This is what married couples use to decorate their homes on their honeymoon.


Externally, Anthurium Andre is an evergreen and perennial shrub. It has a short stem, green elongated leaves with a shiny surface. Their standard length is 30, width – 12 cm. A feature of the leaf is its heart-shaped center. The petioles grow up to 30 cm. The spadix, in which the pale yellow flowers are collected, can reach a length of about 10 cm. The highlight of the image is the leaf-spread located near the inflorescence. It is wide and somewhat wrinkled, characterized by a heart-shaped shape and distinct veins on the surface.

Anthurium Andre has orange and round shaped fruits. Today, breeders have managed to develop many of its varieties. Each of them has a flowering duration from 1 month to a year, the color of the inflorescence leaf is green, purple, red, burgundy, brown, black or two-color. With proper care at home, the plant can survive for 3–4 years, after which it rejuvenates.

Popular varieties of Anthurium Andre are Champion - a plant with yellowish-pink inflorescences and a snow-white blanket on which pink veins are visualized; Lentini Pink - a crop with a greenish-pink veil; Otazu is a plant with a dark burgundy veil; Leganza - with a greenish-pink bedspread. Varieties of Red Anthurium are varieties Dakota - a plant with a spathe length of about 25 cm; Black Queen is a crop with a characteristic colored veil and light-colored inflorescences; Fantasy Love - with a three-color bedspread combining pink, white and green; Cavalli - with a blanket of delicate lilac color; Fiorino is a plant with a purple-pink shade of the bedspread; Utah - representatives of the Utah variety have an unusual bright pink bedspread.


The rich species of the Aroid genus amazes with its diversity.

Did you know? The plant is usually given to men as it symbolizes masculinity, passion, love, and male happiness.

A small list of the most prominent representatives of the Arturium Andre variety:

  1. Arthurium Scherzer is considered a dwarf among its “relatives”. The length of the Scherzer stem is only 15 cm, the thickness in diameter is 2 cm. Its peduncle can reach a length of 50 cm. It attracts attention with the original shape of the inflorescence: it resembles a spiral, colored in a reddish-orange hue. The length of the spiral is 8 cm. It differs from Andre in the bright orange color of the bedspread, as well as the sharpened shape of the leaves, which seem to be turned inside out. The length of the leaf varies between 26 cm and the width - 6 cm. The color, as in Andre, is rich green. The plant surprises with the simultaneous blooming of at least 8 flowers, and this extravaganza lasts up to 3 months. Now you can buy Scherzer with a pink, red, green shade of bedspread, as well as a variety whose bedspread is dotted with two-color dots.
  2. Anthurium Crystal is an ornamental deciduous crop. Its huge velvety heart-shaped leaves are impressive, rich green in color, cut through by contrasting silver veins. With age, the color of the leaves changes, starting from bronze-purple shades and ending with dark green. Compared to the large size of the leaves, the flowers of the Crystal variety can be described as inconspicuous, since they are too small - only 10 cm in length. But their bedspreads are originally painted - they are purple.

  3. The closest relative of the Crystal variety is Fabulous. It differs only in that its foliage is crossed not by silver, but by white veins. And the flowers acquire a light green or purple color.

  4. Anthurium Andrianum Mix - a representative of the species that most closely resembles its wild “relatives”. The bearer of bright red inflorescences that delight the eye all year round.

  5. Family of the Black Prince and the Black Queen - are considered chameleon varieties: they change the color of the bedspreads, starting from red and ending with brown-chocolate, almost black.

  6. Representatives of these cultures can be considered giants Baby Boomer variety. Their height reaches 90 cm. And large bright red inflorescences against the background of glossy green leaves cannot leave any connoisseur of beauty indifferent. True, flowering lasts only from June to September.

Watering the plant

Some sellers claim that anthuriums need constantly moist soil. However, it is not. Constant dampness leads to gradual rotting of the root. Without timely therapeutic actions, the plant will die. 80% of the deaths of this plant are due to this problem. Here you need to remember one rule - it is better to pour less than more. In other words, anthurium copes very calmly with prolonged drying, but one serious flood can result in the death of the plant.

Constant humidity will lead to rotting of the plant root.

In order for the anthurium to take root, it is worth creating a watering schedule and strictly following it. After drying the soil, it will be enough to fill the anthurium into ½ of the pot.

Usually the flower is watered once a week

Anthurium, even in hot weather, is watered once every 7-10 days. In cold weather this is done even less frequently. You need to water the plant with warm, purified water. Any water that has leaked into the pan must be drained to prevent it from stagnating.

Anthurium flowers Andre in a bouquet

Anthurium flowers cut at this stage of blooming remain fresh for up to a month! This is one of the most durable flowers in a bouquet.

TOP 10 most durable flowers for a holiday bouquet

The variety of varieties and shades of Andre anthurium, combined with its “durability,” make it one of the most popular among florists around the world.

Anthurium Andre variety Enjoy Life

Anthurium Andre variety Turenza, Turenza

Anthurium Champion: temperature conditions and watering

The variety includes two subvarieties:

  1. White.
  2. Pink.

Pink anthurium
Differences are manifested in the color of the inflorescence leaf - the spathe. It is an epiphyte with aerial roots on the stem. The leaves are large, oblong with a sharp tip. Flowering lasts for a long time; after wilting, the spathe turns green. When cut, freshness remains for about three weeks. Anthurium prefers a lighted place without exposure to bright sunlight. The best location is eastern and northwestern windows.

Summer temperature: +20…+28 C°. Relative humidity not lower than 85%. At lower rates, the growth of aerial roots and then the plant itself will stop. Be sure to spray the anthurium and cover the roots with moistened sphagnum. You can completely immerse the pots in moss or place them on a tray with damp expanded clay. The leaves are carefully wiped with a soft sponge.

Advice. When spraying, water should not touch anthurium flowers.

In winter, a slight decrease in temperature to +16 C° is necessary. Humidity is also reduced to 80% if possible. From September, watering is reduced, gradually increasing the drying period of the substrate. Dormancy lasts until February.

Water the anthuriums with settled boiled water (t +30 C°). The soil in the pot should dry out at least 1/3. Despite the fact that the plant is moisture-loving, there is a high probability of flooding. Be sure to drain the water from the lower saucer by wiping the container dry.

White anthurium

Conditions for growing at home

The magnificence of this plant can give rise to fear and thoughts that caring for it can be as difficult as the flowerpot is beautiful. But that's not true. It is relatively easy to care for.

Important! In a home environment, it is best to grow hybrid varieties of Anthurium.


Although the culture is considered shade-tolerant, for full growth and flowering it will need a sufficient amount of diffused sunlight, but not direct sunlight. It is most comfortable in the western and eastern areas of the house or apartment, but not in the northern ones.


The flower migrated to us from the tropics, and, accordingly, it belongs to heat-loving plants. So, in winter you need to make sure that the temperature in the room where it is located is not lower than +16°C, the optimal temperature for summer is +28°C.

Important! The tropical plant is afraid of drafts. Also, the proximity of radiators and heaters in winter is not welcome.

Air humidity

The natural habitat of the crop is conditions of high humidity. Therefore, you need to create something similar in the room. Anthurium welcomes the proximity to air humidifiers, which you can either purchase in special stores or make yourself. For example, cover the bottom of the tray on which this flowerpot is placed with moistened expanded clay or sand.

You can put a little damp sphagnum moss near the stems, which will nourish the aerial roots and stimulate their growth. The air around such a tropical inhabitant needs to be sprayed daily, but this should be done so that water does not get on the leaves and flowers, as stains form on them.

Anthurium prefers bathing procedures, during which its greenery will be cleaned of dust, but after this, moisture must be removed from the leaves using paper napkins. It is not recommended to soak the flowers; they are simply wiped if necessary.

Watering, air humidity

Many gardeners are concerned about the question of how to care for anthurium at home? When maintained, the plant needs not only good lighting and warmth, but also abundant watering. The soil in the flower pot should be constantly moist, but there should be no stagnation of liquid, otherwise the roots will rot. The optimal frequency of watering is once every 3-4 days. In winter, water less frequently, once a week.

Water for irrigation is used soft, at room temperature. It must stand for at least three days.

Anthurium loves moist air, so it needs to be sprayed regularly. From time to time the plant needs to wipe the leaves.

To increase air humidity, place the flower pot in a tray containing wet moss. In summer, it is recommended to cover the stems at the base of the plant with damp moss. Such care will stimulate the growth of adventitious roots of the flower. In this case, caring for anthurium at home will become much easier. And the soil will not dry out.

How to water

- Watering. Tropical plants love humidity and abundant watering. Anthurium Andre is no exception, but there are watering features that you need to know. Watering is good, but excess moisture will have a detrimental effect on the plant itself. We water very abundantly, the pot and plant should be saturated with moisture, excess moisture should be removed from the tray. In cool rooms we water less often, only after the top lump has dried out a little, but drying out should be avoided. Water for irrigation should be slightly above room temperature, allowed to sit for several days. Usually I fill the container and place it closer to the battery. The optimal temperature is not lower than 23 degrees. In the summer and during the period of active growth and budding, we water abundantly; during the dormant period and in winter, we reduce watering by half, without ceasing to monitor the earthen clod, it is necessary to take into account the heating system, the evaporation of moisture in the plants.

- Feeding. We feed the anthurium in spring and until autumn a couple of times a week, using mineral organic fertilizers. It is better to purchase them in liquid form; it is more convenient to dilute them in water for irrigation. During dormancy and from autumn until spring, we do not fertilize. In addition to root feeding, you can spray the leaves. Epin is suitable for this.

Reproduction, planting and replanting of Pink Anthurium at home

Loose, slightly acidic soil - ideal for anthuriums

It is important to regularly fluff up the soil in the pot to prevent it from caking. When planting exotic plants, you should not over-compact the soil, and it is better to take a container made of plastic (in these it is easier to achieve the required temperature balance)

By the way, you should choose a small pot, otherwise there is a risk that the plant simply will not bloom and will devote all its energy to “settling into” the spacious house.

If young anthuriums respond well to annual replanting, then with older specimens the procedure is carried out approximately once every 3 years by transshipment (you should try not to damage the roots, since they are very fragile in this plant). If replanting is done less frequently, the soil will be depleted and the Flamingo will not receive the nutrients necessary for growth and flowering. The best period for transplantation is from the end of February to the end of August (the time of active growth of anthuriums).

There is no need to rush into replanting just a purchased flower. It is better to do this after adaptation and the end of the flowering period.

For replanting, you can use ready-made universal soil, but it is better to prepare the mixture yourself by mixing 1 part of turf and 2 parts of peat and sphagnum moss. You can also add a little crushed pine bark to the soil, this will make it more loose. In addition, anthuriums can be grown using hydroponics (soilless growing in an environment filled with nutrients).

As for propagating the flamingo flower, this can be done at home in two ways: vegetatively or by seeds:

  1. The first method is the most popular and even beginner gardeners can do it. This is a banal division of an overgrown bush into sections. The success of propagation by this method is determined by two nuances: the presence of a good root system and growing point in each division. Anthurium grows quickly, and lateral growths are easily separated from the mother bush. If the cutting turns out to be without roots, it can be rooted in damp sand or perlite, while the green part of the “baby” must be given greenhouse conditions.
  2. The second method is more labor-intensive. In addition, plants grown using this method may lose varietal characteristics and will not bloom until the fourth year. You can either buy the seeds or collect them yourself (for pollination you will need a cotton swab or a small brush). The harvesting of the seed material is done when the cob changes color.

    But here it should be remembered that anthurium seeds quickly lose their viability, so they must be sown as quickly as possible, having previously been treated with a fungicide. The material is sown in greenhouses with light nutritious soil, maintaining high humidity and temperature within 24 degrees. After the first true leaf appears, the plants dive. Strong specimens are transplanted into soil prepared from peat, deciduous soil, pine bark and fine fractions of charcoal, taken in equal parts.

It will also be interesting: White Anthurium - caring for a houseplant at home?

Diseases and pests and their elimination

In the case when a plant disease occurs due to improper care, it can be corrected. If a flower becomes ill with infectious diseases or is overtaken by pests, success depends on how quickly the problem is recognized and neutralization begins.


Anthurium should beware:

  1. Aphids are most often introduced with other flowers. For prevention, it is good to give the plant a private shower. You can get rid of aphids if you treat the anthurium with a soap solution or an infusion of onions: finely chop fifteen grams and add a liter of water, let it brew for seven hours. The following drugs are used: biotlin, fitoverm, spark.
  2. Mealybugs are white and fluffy worms, but you need to get rid of them. A soap solution is used, repeated every other week, and garlic water (spraying). If the case is advanced, then fitoverm.
  3. To get rid of scale insects (a bug with scales), you need to remove each insect with a needle, then treat the flower with a daily infusion of crushed garlic - one part, and a soap solution (soap - part, water - three parts). If the case is advanced, wipe the leaves and stems with kerosene.
  4. Thrips midges suck the juices from the plant and appear in rooms with high humidity. Fitoverm is used at intervals of five to seven days.
  5. Spider mite - it starts in a dry room, entangling plants in its web, young plants are especially affected. You need to use fitoverm.

Important! Fitoverm is a universal remedy for many pests.

Infectious diseases

Fusarium is a fungal disease in which the plant begins to wither and later dies. Spreads from the root system, moving to the upper part of the flower. At the initial stage, it makes sense to remove damaged roots or cut them off altogether, and root the remaining part, pre-treating it with foundationazole and replanting it in a new pot with new soil, adding a little trichodermine, which will prevent the development of this disease. If you regularly overwater the anthurium, the roots will rot. It can be treated by trimming the rotten part of the root and treating it with the drug Maxim, followed by replanting.

Anthracnose disease is another type of fungus that affects the flower when there is high humidity. Initially, red spots with a black dot in the center appear on the leaves. The spots spread more and more, and the disease spreads to the stem and the andre dies.

If the disease is not advanced, the flower can be saved: remove the leaves with spots, disinfect the roots and replant them in new soil and pot. The following drugs are used: foundationazole, bactofit, phytosporin. Quarantine, with light watering and spraying two to three times every two weeks, is a prerequisite for this disease. It is important to keep the flower in this mode until complete recovery, since humidity can provoke the disease again.

Powdery mildew affects anthurium if the temperature drops sharply and high humidity remains. You need to treat by placing the flower in a dry place and spraying with Acrobat or Topaz.

Another type of fungus is rust. It usually manifests itself on the leaves and develops in the cold season with high humidity. Prevention and treatment are carried out with the drugs phytosporin and topaz, respectively.

Important! When working with fungicides, it is necessary to use protective equipment!

Caring for Andre at home

This beauty adapts remarkably well to the home climate and is especially decorative if you create favorable conditions for it that are close to natural, or rather tropical.


In summer, the flower can be taken outside, but even here it is necessary to provide it with suitable conditions for development: protect it from moisture, drafts and direct exposure to the sun. In winter, it is recommended to arrange additional lighting. Fluorescent lamps are good for this.

Air temperature and humidity

The flower is quite thermophilic and does not tolerate cold and drafts. The best temperature for keeping it in spring and summer is 20-24 degrees. In winter, the temperature in the room is maintained at 16-18 degrees. It is these temperature conditions that favor the formation of buds and subsequent abundant flowering.

At subzero temperatures it dies.

It needs high humidity, as in its native tropics; it can be provided in various ways:

  • spray twice a day, preferably with boiled water;
  • install a humidifier nearby;
  • place a container of water next to the pot;
  • bathe once a week, then wipe them from moisture, do not wet the flowers (they are wiped with damp material).


Water is poured below the stems, after the top layer of soil has dried. In summer, moisture is added every 3-4 days. At the same time, water must not accumulate in the pan of the pot; it is drained after 30 minutes. This will prevent rotting of the plant's root system. In winter, the frequency of watering is reduced to once a week.


Fertilizing should be carried out in the spring-summer period 2 times a month. Mineral or organic additives are used. The best option for feeding are universal formulations containing both types of additives, but they have a fairly high price.

  • Organics: mullein, bird droppings or humus.
  • Mineral: Uniflor Bud, Azalea, Kemira Lux.

Dilute the fertilizer in water, reducing the dosage by 2 times specified in the instructions. Add the diluted mixture into a damp earthen ball.

Regular transplant

It is best to plant Andre in plastic pots because this material, unlike others, is able to maintain soil temperatures approximating air temperatures.

Stimulating flowering

Under favorable conditions, proper care and sensitive attitude, Andre's anthurium blooms profusely all year round, forming more and more new inflorescences. The lack of flowering is possible due to violation of the rules of its maintenance. This problem can be solved quite simply. You just need to change the conditions of its maintenance towards improvement, following all the recommendations described in the article and feed the roots with minerals.

There are several additional rules for its flowering:

  1. The bush cannot be moved from place to place, this will delay its development and flowering.
  2. Provide it with neighboring plants. Together they form the necessary humid microclimate.
  3. When flowering begins, it is worth increasing watering and air humidification.
  4. Cover the top of the soil with sphagnum and constantly moisten it.
  5. Replace previously applied fertilizers, for example, with “Ideal”, or other special nutrient mixtures that stimulate flowering.


The procedure is performed to produce fruits, followed by obtaining planting material. In the first days of the flower's appearance, you need to very carefully move a soft brush or cotton sponge over the cob (female flowers are on the bottom, male flowers are on top).

If there are several flowers in a pot, cross-pollination can occur. These actions need to be repeated 3 times over several days.

After this, berries will form on the cob. But fruit ripening takes a long time and can last up to a whole year.

Flowering Andre, necessary conditions for this

The flower is considered capricious and requires increased attention to its person, but this is not entirely true: by fulfilling simple mandatory conditions, you can achieve almost year-round flowering and full growth from it. For anthurium flowering it is important:

  1. Place the flower pot correctly, away from direct sunlight and provide diffused light.
  2. Keep away from drafts.
  3. Water regularly, observing the norm - the plant reacts with diseases to both excess moisture and insufficient watering.
  4. Regular spraying will help achieve the required humidity (at least 80%).
  5. Fertilizer feeding.
  6. Compliance with the temperature regime (in summer – 22-25 degrees, in winter – 16-18 degrees).
  7. The roots in the pot should be “closed.”

The conditions are not quite difficult, and the long period of anthurium flowering is worth such efforts on our part.


Many inexperienced flower growers do not always know how to properly transplant anthurium at home. There is nothing complicated here. Transfer young flowers to larger containers as they grow. Replant adult anthuriums only after 3 or 4 years. The best time for this is from February to August. To replant anthurium, select flowerpots of suitable volume, preferably plastic rather than clay, and prepare the ground. The soil for anthurium should be very light, airy, and not compacted. You can prepare it yourself or buy it at a flower shop.

Choosing a pot

Take a small but wide pot for anthurium, always a little larger in size than the previous one. But don’t overdo it, it shouldn’t be too big: in such a container the “male flower” will grow quickly, but it won’t bloom well. It is better to take a plastic or glass pot rather than a clay one - the roots of the anthurium can grow into its porous walls and be injured during the next transplant.

Suitable soil

The soil for anthurium should be selected to be very loose, porous, and not caking or compacting. It should be air- and moisture-permeable, with weak acidity (pH 5.5-6.5). It should include:

  • leaf humus;
  • some turf land;
  • fresh unpressed sphagnum peat;
  • coarse river sand;
  • pine bark or coconut fiber;
  • charcoal.

It is this mixture of components that creates soil whose characteristics are as close as possible to those in which these plants grow in their homeland.

Transplantation process

When transplanting anthurium at home, remember that it has extremely fragile thick roots that break very easily and easily, so try to handle them carefully. Place a thick layer of expanded clay at the very bottom of the pot to ensure good drainage. Deepen the plant into the ground so that all its roots are completely immersed in it, but the rosette of leaves is free, all above the surface of the soil. Lightly compact the soil and water the transplanted plant.

Remember that the beautiful and spectacular anthurium is a poisonous plant. Its juice, if it gets on the skin, causes irritation, and if ingested, it can cause an eating disorder, so wear gloves when working with it.

Replanting after purchase

Do not rush to replant a newly purchased anthurium after purchase. Wait until the end of flowering - during this time your new flower will be able to get used to unusual conditions and get used to it. After this, you can start transplanting. Transfer it to another, slightly larger container and leave it for 3 years, and then replant it again, but with a complete replacement of the substrate. It is not recommended to replant more often, otherwise the flower will develop powerful roots and lush above-ground mass, but will not bloom.

Transplantation during flowering

Many people are aware that replanting blooming house flowers is not recommended, as it is very stressful for them. But it turns out that the “flamingo flower” is not as delicate as other indoor pets, so you can replant the anthurium during flowering, this will not affect the number of its flowers or their appearance. Transplant a blooming “male flower” according to the same scheme as a non-blooming one.

Care after transplant

The transplanted plant needs warmth, water and light. Place it in a window where it will be well lit, but make sure it is not exposed to direct sunlight. Water and spray your anthurium regularly, but apply the first fertilizing only 2 weeks after transplantation. Sprinkle roots that may be exposed with fresh soil or cover with moss. Moisturize it as needed.

Why anthurium does not bloom and how to make it bloom

You can often notice that a plant that should delight you with beautiful flowers does not bloom, but only produces leaves. Anthurium does not bloom for various reasons, for example due to:

  • poor lighting;
  • lack of nutrients or heat;
  • excessive pot volume.

To make an anthurium bloom, transplant it into a new, smaller pot, move it to a more lit and warm window and fertilize it once every 2 weeks with fertilizer for ornamental flowering plants.

Reproduction features for this species

This crop is propagated by vegetative and seed methods. The seed method is not suitable for home flower propagation. Because pollination is necessary.

Aunthurium reproduces in several ways.

  • Division by layering - the climbing stem is pinned to the ground at a distance of 10-15 cm from the mother plant and periodically moistened. After this, the sprout is cut off and planted without touching the root system.
  • Propagation by cuttings - it is necessary to cut off the top of the flower to about 8 cm. If there are leaves, it is better to remove them. The cut should air dry, and the cut cutting is placed in water and covered with a bag (a kind of greenhouse). After the roots appear, the plant is transplanted into the ground.

Anthurium propagation

To propagate anthurium at home, you can choose several options. For example, you can propagate it:

  • dividing the bush;
  • cuttings;
  • seeds.

Propagate anthurium by division as follows. Divide the bush into several stems so that each of them must have roots and growing points, and plant them in a separate container. This way you will immediately get several new young bushes that will be able to bloom in the same season.

An old bush can also be propagated by side shoots. Tear them off from the mother plant and immediately plant them in pots. Take shoots at least 15-20 cm long. If they do not yet have roots, place the shoots in a damp mixture of river sand and peat (1 to 1) or in perlite. Keep them in a small greenhouse or cover them with plastic wrap to prevent moisture from being removed from the soil too quickly. Ventilate daily. After a month, plant them in larger flowerpots.

You can also grow anthurium from seeds. This is the longest and most labor-intensive process, but at the same time exciting, since with its help you can get new hybrid options. To collect your own seeds, you will have to pollinate the inflorescences by hand with a soft small brush and wait until they ripen (from 9 to 12 months). Anthurium seeds look like corn kernels, but smaller in size.

Sow them immediately after harvesting, as they lose their viability quite quickly. To sow, take small containers with light, loose fluffy soil, plant seeds in them, water and cover with film. When they sprout, transplant them into other pots with the following soil composition:

  • leafy rotted earth;
  • white peat;
  • charcoal;
  • pine bark shavings.

Take all ingredients in equal parts. Remember that such home-grown anthuriums will be able to bloom only 2-2.5 years after planting, and even then with small flowers, and full-fledged inflorescences can be obtained only after 4-5 years of their life.

How to properly transplant Anthurium

Indoor culture needs to be transplanted at the stage of activation of growth processes, around March. You can replant the plant in any other month of the spring-summer period, but this option can be traumatic for the decorative flower. It is recommended to replant young plants every year using a larger flower pot. An adult specimen can be replanted as needed, but not more often than after a year.

Overgrown and fully formed plants require special care when handling. It is not recommended to completely replant such specimens, due to the fragility of the above-ground part and root system. In this case, the easiest way is to update the soil in the flower pot once every two years. Transplantation, if necessary, can also be accompanied by dividing an already overgrown and well-formed ornamental bush.

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