The creators of the pornographic website “Blue Orchid” were detained

The color variety of orchids is impressive, but are there blue orchids? Blue phalaenopsis are very common on the shelves of shopping centers. The unusual coloring attracts attention and fascinates. To an ignorant person, such plants seem like a real miracle of nature. In fact, this is a clever marketing ploy by the manufacturer.

Special dyes give them their unusual color. In the absence of proper care, such plants are most often doomed to slow death from poisoning. So, how to preserve blue phalaenopsis?

A little history or how did blue phalaenopsis appear?

Blue orchids were first introduced in 2011. Their originator is a company from Florida. Just 3 months later, the Royal Blue Phalaenopsis was presented at a Dutch flower competition and immediately won an award. Even then, the jury predicted enormous popularity among consumers.

From the very beginning, manufacturers did not hide the fact that the blue color is the result of a special dyeing and that during subsequent flowering the flowers will be white. The technology for coloring phalaenopsis is patented and is a trade secret. According to the manufacturers, its essence is to place plants in a special environment with conditions very close to natural. If this technology is strictly followed, no harm is caused to the plants.

- Little fool! – for some reason the man whispered softly, moving closer. At first there was silence, then Irbis’s hand covered him, pressing him to himself, and then Steph felt a strong pain in his shoulder - Dan bit him, leaving his mark. The boy screamed and thrashed around on the bed, but the alpha held him tightly. The boy turned his head and stared at his now husband. Even in the darkness, he saw a huge silhouette, felt the alpha kissing the bite site, licking the protruding droplets of blood with his tongue, as if soothing, very gently. “Just lie still,” the mafioso finally said. - I'll be leaving soon. The young man did not believe what he heard, and even asked again: “Really?” - What are you, an idiot? – a quiet voice was heard from the darkness. “You’re not even in heat yet.” Stefan was simply dumbfounded. -You won't rape me? – he continued to be surprised. “You are my mate, I immediately felt it when I saw you and your brother in the schoolyard, but you are still just a child,” he chuckled. “In public everything will be as it was, you can continue to be afraid of me.” I really hope that you are a good actor. But until you STICK, I won’t touch you,” the snow leopard answered, slightly loosening his grip. “In the meantime, be a good boy and lie still, your smell is driving me crazy.” I can imagine how strong he will be when his first heat comes…” he ran his nose along his neck, inhaling the aroma. - Don't move. Just lie down. Stefan fell into a stupor, that was bad luck. He clearly felt his husband’s rock-hard member pressing against his side, like the alpha tense but lying still. Without touching it. Yes. Marked, which means he claimed the omega, but is he really not as bad as they say? — Will you be rude in public? – the omega asked quietly. - Will. - And in private? “No,” Dan stood up and gently kissed the boy on the lips. “I’ll play along,” Stefan smiled. - Now go to sleep, you have to go to school tomorrow! - said it suddenly and bluntly. - And my teddy bear? - Child! - the alpha snorted, - I’ll ask them to bring it. How will I leave? - Thank you! The young man fidgeted, making himself more comfortable. - Damn it! Child! - Daniel groaned, and then barked, - Freeze! Stefan shuddered and actually froze. Dan couldn’t stand it for more than ten minutes; every vein in his penis was throbbing. Pre-cum began to come out abundantly, staining the boy’s side, he had to suddenly stand up and go to the bathroom to give himself some relief, return again to get dressed and leave, loudly slamming the door. Stefan shuddered, left alone, but not for long. Soon he heard footsteps, he had to curl up into a ball, lie there, quietly whining and sobbing, in the end, he promised to play along. The door opened and an elderly omega entered the bedroom with a bear in his hands. Walking over to the bed, he sat down, stroking the boy's hair. “Tefi... My name is Alexander,” he whispered. – You don’t have to hide in front of me. Dani is my son, I know he didn't do anything to you. Omezhka immediately stopped pretending and sat up in bed. - Is it true? – he asked naively. The adult omega laughed velvetyly in the darkness. Then, however, he turned on the night light by the bed, and the young man saw a man. Very similar to the thunderstorm in the night city of Irbis. “When I gave birth to Dani, I was sixteen,” he said softly, looking at the boy with love. “But his father was never rude to me.” -Where did Daniel go? Omega laughed softly again. - To the brothel, he needs to relieve sexual tension. I don't think you'd be impressed by the prospect of being raped. “That’s for sure,” the boy responded, clutching the toy to himself. - Stay with you until you fall asleep? – the man suggested. - Oh, that would be great. Stefan lay down in bed, and Alex carefully covered him and kissed him tenderly on the forehead. Lying in the dim light of a night lamp with his eyes closed, Stefan tried to calm down his wildly beating heart, but how could he do this if everything here smelled of his husband, and besides, even his side had not yet dried out, not allowing him to forget about what could have happened.

Features of care

Caring for blue phalaenopsis has some features. For example, immediately after purchase, a plant needs proper adaptation. If this is neglected, the orchid may die. To reduce the negative impact of dyes, it is recommended to treat the plant with anti-stress drugs such as Epina. And also, you should not immediately replant phalaenopsis into another soil. Replanting is an additional stress that can significantly worsen the condition of the plant. Otherwise, caring for blue phalaenopsis is standard.


For normal development, phalaenopsis requires bright, diffused lighting; direct sunlight is harmful to it. The best place to place orchids of this type are east and west windows. In winter, it is advisable to provide additional light to the plants. The optimal length of daylight for them is at least 14 hours. To organize additional lighting, you can use ordinary fluorescent lamps or special phyto lamps.

Humidity and watering

For full development, phalaenopsis does not require high air humidity; in most cases, it adapts perfectly to the conditions around it. For irrigation, you must use pre-settled water at room temperature.

Watering is most conveniently done using the immersion method. This method avoids unnecessary flooding. At very low air humidity, the plant can be additionally sprayed with warm water, but care must be taken to ensure that water does not accumulate in the area of ​​the growing point and does not fall on the flowers.


The optimal temperature for growing phalaenopsis is 20–25 °C. In winter, especially when there is insufficient lighting, it is advisable to reduce it to 16–18°. But it is also desirable for the plant to provide a small difference between day and night temperatures. This promotes the formation and development of flower buds.

Palych, Cop, Red, Painter and Lawyer from Yekaterinburg

The most high-profile arrest of pedophiles in the Urals occurred in December 2005. Then shocking operational footage spread throughout the country: special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs burst into the apartment, naked boys are pressed against the walls, a trio of young boys shyly cover themselves with a blanket, and nearby there is a set table with vodka, sausage and other snacks.

The biggest impression was made by older men. They were not like Humbert. The corresponding nicknames are: Painter (Sergei Malyarenko), Palych (Vladimir Lobov), Red (Alexander Sipakov), Cop (Alexey Starkov) and Lawyer (Yuri Akatov). At the time of their arrest, these five were celebrating the 31st birthday of Ment, a former private security officer, at the apartment. He was later found hanged in a cell in the Yekaterinburg central prison.

This group of pedophiles was developed by employees of the Sverdlovsk department for combating organized crime. Before the arrest, the OBOP operative met with members of the group in a cafe in Yekaterinburg, where he “bought” a 15-year-old teenager for 30 thousand rubles.

As it turned out, Ekaterinburg pedophiles acted according to the Blue Orchid scheme. Pimps supplied teenagers from 8 to 14 years old to clients throughout the country. The “product” was in particular demand in St. Petersburg. And pedophile pimps recorded their orgies on video and sold them on the Internet.

53-year-old Malyar, who worked as a massage therapist in a sports and recreation center in Sortirovka, developed a certain set of signals for potential clients through advertisements for massages that implied sex with minors.

The main functions of recruiting teenagers lay with Palych. Despite his “hobby,” he was married and had a daughter from his marriage. Having received a pedagogical education, he was a labor teacher at a school in Sredneuralsk and worked in summer children's camps.

Photo: Screenshot, video frame of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Sverdlovsk Region

Often boys were found simply on the street, lured by computer games and the Internet. It is noteworthy that not only orphanages, but also children from quite prosperous families fell into the hands of pimps.

Red was responsible for working with the video. He worked as a fireman at the Zelenstroy municipal unitary enterprise. It was from his home that operatives seized a computer with video projects for future films.

After the arrest, only the Lawyer was able to remain free. Unofficially, law enforcement officers then said that in exchange for this, Yuri Akatov was supposed to give out a list of pedophile clients. However, immediately after his release on his own recognizance, the Lawyer disappeared from the sight of the security forces. He was put on the international wanted list.

The three remaining pedophiles were convicted at the end of 2007. During the judicial investigation, it was possible to prove 50 episodes involving 14 victims. Although pedophiles admitted to almost a thousand episodes involving their victims.

The charges against the trio of pedophiles are: “Human Trafficking”, “Violent Acts of a Sexual Nature”, “Acts of a Sexual Nature with a Person Under 16 Years of Age”, “Depraved Acts”, “Production of Porn Materials with Minors” and “Involving Minors in Committing Antisocial Acts” .

As a result, Malyarenko was sentenced to 20 years in prison, Lobov - to 17, Sipakov - to 16 years of strict regime.

Photo: archive

Accordingly, Red, Malyar and Palych listen to the verdict. Sergei Malyarenko covered his face throughout the entire meeting with a folder on which he wrote “Fabricated Case”

The lawyer was caught by law enforcement only in 2012 in Simferopol. He was transferred to Yekaterinburg, and in 2013 a trial began against him, which immediately stalled. Unlike his accomplices, Akatov was accused of one episode of “violent acts of a sexual nature” and two episodes of “depraved acts.” He committed the last two in St. Petersburg. Therefore, the judges took a long time to decide where to consider the Lawyer’s case: in Yekaterinburg or the northern capital. By the time they settled on Yekaterinburg, the St. Petersburg episodes of “depraved acts” had disappeared from the case. And by the time the verdict was pronounced in May 2014, the statute of limitations under the article “Violent acts of a sexual nature” had expired. Thus, Yuri Akatov escaped punishment.

Unofficially, the court admits: “Everyone understood, they sprinkled ashes on their heads, but they could not do anything. Law is law". Nothing is currently known about Akatov’s activities.


The orchid must be replanted as the bark grows or breaks down in the substrate. This usually happens no more than once every 2–3 years. Transplantation is best done in the spring, at this moment the plant’s vitality is at its peak and the plant tolerates all procedures painlessly.

For planting it is necessary to use transparent flowerpots and specialized soil. Planting orchids in ordinary light-proof pots is unacceptable. Photosynthesis processes take place in its roots. During transplantation, the root system is thoroughly cleaned of the remnants of the old substrate, and all rotten and dead areas are removed. To process the resulting sections, use cinnamon powder or charcoal.

During the first 2 days after transplantation, the plant is not watered, then watering is gradually resumed. To speed up rooting, you can add a couple of drops of Zircon to the irrigation water. It effectively relieves stress and accelerates growth processes.

What to do if blue phalaenopsis begins to die?

If immediately after purchase the plant begins to drop buds, and the lower leaves begin to wrinkle and turn yellow, it is necessary to urgently take rescue measures. For this:

  1. Carefully cut off the flower stalk. It contains the highest concentration of toxic substances.
  2. Remove the plant from the pot and rinse the roots thoroughly under running water.
  3. Remove all rotten and blue areas on the roots.
  4. Plant the orchid in fresh substrate. You cannot leave the plant in old soil with dyes.

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