Reasons why bamboo palm leaves dry out

Chamaedorea is a low palm tree from the tropical forests of America and Mexico. Of all the palm trees, representatives of the genus Hamedorea are best suited for indoor use. The plant is bushy, with numerous trunks arising from one root. The flower has narrow feathery leaves located on a thin, strong stem. The lower leaves fall off and leave ring-shaped marks, which makes the thin stems look like bamboo, which is why Hamedorea is also called the reed or bamboo palm.

Diseases and pests

Some problems may arise during cultivation:

  • Dry tips of chamedorea leaves are a sign of dry air. It is necessary to regularly ventilate the room and spray the palm tree.
  • Leaves turn yellow - too much light or watering with hard water. The plant should be moved to a darker place and soft water should be used.
  • The leaves droop, die, and rot - this usually happens in winter due to rotting of the roots of the palm tree. The reason for this is excessive watering of the plant. To correct the situation, you need to reduce the frequency and volume of watering and loosen the soil. You can replant by cutting off the rotten roots, and adding drainage and moisture-retaining components (sphagnum or coal) to the soil.
  • Brown spots on the leaves are a sign of overwatering the palm tree or using too hard water. It is necessary to cut off damaged leaves, reduce watering, and use soft water.
  • The leaves wither and darken - the consequences of keeping them at low temperatures. You need to move the plant to a warmer room.
  • The lower leaves fall off - this is a normal process for aging palm leaves. Such leaves are cut and the cut areas are treated.
  • A cotton-like coating on the leaves is a sign of a mealybug appearing on the plant. The bush will need to be treated with insecticides.

Pests that can attack: mealybug, spider mite, scale insect.

Soil moisture

The domestic palm tree is quite demanding in terms of soil moisture. It needs to be watered at least 2-3 times a week. Overwatering can harm the palm tree. The consequence of excess moisture in the soil is rotting of the roots. If black dots appear on the leaves at the bottom of the stem of the chamedorea, this is a clear sign of waterlogging in the soil. In winter, it is recommended to water the plant no more than once a week.

Bamboo Palm Care

Palm trees love high humidity. If the leaves begin to dry out and darken, then it’s time to take action. Spraying the foliage and air with a spray bottle will help solve the problem. You need to do it every morning. Then each leaf should be wiped with a napkin. This procedure will allow the leaves to breathe and also help get rid of accumulated dust and dirt.

Hamedorea pests and diseases

Among the pests, Neantha can be affected by spider mites, aphids, scale insects and mealybugs. The bamboo palm is resistant to harmful insects, but dry air and contaminated soil can lead to their appearance

If the leaves of Hamedorea begin to turn yellow and dry, carefully examine them from the underside, and also pay attention to the trunk:

  • spider mites can be recognized by very small moving dots and cobwebs between the leaves;
  • scale insects look like gray or brown plaques that are difficult to tear off;
  • green or gray aphid insects can settle on the table and the top of the tree;
  • Mealybugs look like pieces of cotton wool.

All these insects feed on the sap of the plant, which is why the leaves first lose their decorative appearance, and soon dry out and fly off. Pests can be destroyed using special insecticidal preparations.

When the soil in the pot stagnates, the air in the room is cold, and the soil is contaminated, chamedorea can be affected by diseases in the form of pink rot or leaf spot:

  1. Pink rot
    affects the roots of the palm tree, and wet pink, brown or brown spots appear on the leaves and trunk. After some time, the trunk rots and the plant dies. To cure chamedorrhea, you need to change the soil, trim off the rotten roots, and treat the remaining ones with a fungicide.
  2. Leaf spot
    is a fungal disease that appears as oval or round spots on leaves that are gray, brown, light green, brown, white or yellow. The fungus multiplies quickly and soon the leaves wither completely. It is necessary to reduce watering, trim off affected leaves and spray the bush with a fungicidal preparation.

Arecaceae family – Arecaceae

This genus of palms has about 130 species, native to the tropical forests of Central and South America.
Graceful low plants up to 4 m in height, distinguished by thin, graceful trunks and the ability to form shoots. Plants bloom and set fruit easily. Several species are cultivated. Hamedorea is an exceptionally resistant palm tree in the interior, often blooming. The plant is very shade-tolerant, which allows it to be placed in the twilight of vestibules and foyers. If you have a large house, then Hamedorea can be placed in a large hall. For a floor arrangement, you should select a convenient flower container that will not be accidentally knocked over by children or guests.

How to fix the problem

Hamedorrhea, the leaf diseases of which can be seen in the photo, is very rarely subject to infections. The cause of the disease is improper care. To eliminate the problem, it is worth trimming the shriveled leaves, trimming the damaged tips and providing the plant with partial shade, humidity and a stable temperature.

If the cause of yellowness is waterlogging of the soil, and rotting of the root system is detected, there is only one way out - replanting the plant, during which all damaged parts are cut off.

Systemic insecticides - Fitoverm, Vertimek, Actellik - will help cope with insects. They are used several times with an interval of 10-14 days. But chemicals won’t help you deal with scale insects. They fight it only mechanically: using a toothbrush, remove insects from leaves and shoots. You can also use a cotton swab soaked in alcohol.

When fungal diseases occur, complex fungicides are used.

Feeding the plant should also be regulated, since an excess of potassium leads to yellowness. It is recommended to alternate organic and mineral preparations.

Hamedorea is a heat-loving palm tree. She reacts painfully to sudden changes in temperature or to watering with cold water. Exot needs spraying and showering in hot summers and does not tolerate waterlogging in the winter. Loves nutritious organic matter and is afraid of drafts. By providing chamedorea with such conditions, you don’t have to worry about its diseases - a strong plant will cope with troubles on its own.

Leaf tips dry out due to water quality

Tap water is not suitable for watering indoor plants.

Water for irrigation should not contain alkali, acids or toxic compounds. Tap water can burn the root system of some plants, such as spathiphyllum, chlorophytum. It is categorically not recommended to water them with water taken from the city water supply.

For them, you can use melt water, rain water or settled water. Even purifying tap water with activated carbon tablets will not bring the desired result. When interacting with sorbents, fluorine and chlorine disappear, but the sorbent cannot remove impurities of calcium and salts. A compromise solution for watering indoor plants is distilled water.

Humid climate

One of the important indicators in caring for chamedorea is humidity. Palm tree (photo) comes from the tropics, characterized by high humidity. At home, it also requires maintaining a humid climate. In the warm season, it is necessary to spray the leaves with rain or settled water.

In winter, it is better to avoid spraying, as there is a risk of causing fungal diseases of the flower. During this period, it is better to use a device to humidify the air or place a bowl of water next to the plant.

Caring for chamedorrhea at home

To grow an overseas beauty at home, you don’t have to spend a lot of time and effort.

By providing it with excellent watering, appropriate air humidity, periodic feeding, pruning and protection from pests, you can be sure that the pet receives everything it needs for normal development.

Watering and air humidity

Perhaps the main aspect when growing chamedorea is ensuring high air humidity.
In all other matters, the beauty is quite patient, and minor mistakes during cultivation are unlikely to cause her significant discomfort. Hamedorea prefers a humid tropical climate, but at home you will not be able to achieve the humidity of the tropics, and therefore daily spraying in the summer and 1 or 2 times a week in the winter will help relieve the plant from suffering.

The plant will also appreciate bathing in the shower, and, in addition, water treatments will wash away accumulated dust from its leaves. You can also wipe them with a damp sponge 1 or 2 times a month to clean them. Regular watering will also help ensure a decent standard of living for the plant.

True, in order for chamedorea to grow and develop normally, it will be necessary to comply with summer and winter regimes. When cultivating it, you must try to avoid complete drying out, as well as excessive moistening of the earthen clod. In summer, the plant must be watered at least twice, but not more than three times a week.

In winter, the palm tree will have to be watered once or maximum twice a week, avoiding even slight drying of the soil.

Important! Hamedorea should be watered only with soft, well-settled or filtered water. High lime content will negatively affect the quality of growth and health of the palm. Remember that excessive watering can be the main cause of rotting of the palm roots

Remember that overwatering can be the main cause of palm tree root rot.

Palm tree feeding

Due to the fact that the active growth stage of the palm tree occurs from April to August, it is at this time that it needs to be fertilized.

Plants are fertilized on average at least twice a month. Ready-made Palma fertilizers are used as useful substances for chamedorea, since they contain the entire spectrum of useful substances necessary for the plant.

In winter and autumn, your palm tree will not require systematic fertilization: it is quite enough if during this period the plant receives fertilizer once a month. If your pet has a healthy and blooming appearance, then you can do without introducing additional food at all, since excessive stimulation of palm tree growth in winter can cause the formation of weak and non-viable shoots, which will reduce the decorative characteristics of the plant. Feeding should also be avoided in the first six months after transplanting Hamedorrhea.

Leaf trimming

In order for chamedorea to grow normally, periodic removal of leaves will be required, because pruning a palm tree is the most important component of its successful cultivation at home.

All yellowed or dried leaves must be removed, but when performing the procedure, you must follow a few simple rules that will help ensure the health of the plant:

  • Before pruning, be sure to wipe the equipment with alcohol, which will prevent it from becoming infected with phytoinfections;
  • dry leaves are trimmed to living tissue;
  • cut sites are treated with fungicidal preparations.

How to properly care for homemade chamedorea in a pot. Photos of palm trees

Hamedorea is a plant of the Palm family, native to Central and South America. Popular in home cultivation due to its graceful oblong leaves and unpretentiousness in everyday life. The plant is quite tall - in its natural environment it can reach up to 4 meters, but in artificially created conditions it grows to a maximum of 1.5 m. It begins to bloom in the third year of its life, and can bloom at any time of the year. The flowers are small in size and have a bright yellow color. However, the plant is not valued because of them; some experts recommend cutting them off, otherwise the plant itself will become depleted. Scientists have proven that the chamedorea palm tree is capable of removing harmful substances - such as benzene, formaldehyde - from the air, which makes this plant not only a room decoration, but also a useful assistant.

Features of care

When buying chamedorea, you should remember that our climate is still “alien” and unsuitable for a plant whose homeland is lands with a humid, hot climate all year round. Therefore, it is important to follow the rules of care and create the right artificial conditions for the active growth and development of the palm tree.

Lighting and optimal temperature for growing

Place the plant so that direct light does not fall on it

Give preference to a shaded/semi-shaded location away from direct sunlight. To maintain symmetrical development, turn the plant pot 180 degrees once a week or two. It is possible to successfully grow using artificial lighting.

This heat-loving representative of the Palm family requires the following temperature conditions:

  • not lower than 12 °C;
  • in winter from 16 to 22 °C;
  • in summer up to 27 °C;

Try to avoid sudden changes in temperature and open drafts.

Humidity and watering

One of the main rules for caring for chamedorrhea at home is plenty of air humidification, but avoiding stagnation of water in the soil.

Every day you need to spray the leaves of the plant with settled water at room temperature and wipe them once every 2 weeks with a damp cloth. Avoid this procedure in winter, otherwise the leaves may become infected with fungus. In summer, it is recommended to use rainwater for this.

The future development of the palm tree mainly depends on proper watering. Determine the need for watering based on the condition of the soil - in summer it should be dry outside, in winter - 3-4 cm deep.

Watering too much can lead to rotting of the soil, the leaves wilt and turn yellow, the base of the stem darkens, and the pot gives off an unpleasant odor. Do not confuse this condition with desiccation, in which the tips of the leaves become dry.

Choosing soil for the Hamedorea palm

The ideal soil for this plant is a mixture of turf soil, humus, peat and perlite in equal proportions. However, you can buy special soil for palm trees.

Feeding and fertilizers

Feed the plants 6 months after planting

It is recommended to start fertilizing the soil after 6 months from the date of planting. During active growing seasons (April-September), the plant is fed every 10 days. Use special Palma fertilizer (concentrated) or a complex of mineral fertilizers for indoor plants. Used both in solutions and in granules. In winter and autumn, the plant is fed with a highly diluted fertilizer solution.

Pruning indoor chamedorea palm

One of the necessary procedures that must be performed is sanitary pruning of leaves. When leaves or stems begin to dry out, turn yellow or become old, it is time to prune. However, there are a number of rules that are needed to do this correctly.

First of all, in order not to introduce infection or disease into the cut stem, you need to wipe the pruning shears or garden shears with alcohol.

After this, all aged and withered leaves and stems are trimmed to young tissue. It must be remembered that slightly yellowed leaves can still be saved with proper care. So you only need to remove completely dead shoots.

This procedure should be carried out periodically and as necessary. After this, the plant is treated with fungicides to avoid diseases.

Remember that adult palm trees are harmed by frequent transplants

It is better to replant in the spring (April). Young plants are replanted more often, approximately once a year. They do this because the roots grow and require a larger container.

It should be remembered that a palm tree that is more than three years old does not need frequent replanting. A container that is too large can also harm the development of the plant: the root system of chamedorea is small in width, but longer in height, and containers that are too wide in width can lead to an unnecessary degree of humidity. That is why it is better to use tall, but not wide, tubs for transplanting.

Transplants to an adult plant are arranged as needed - when insects appear in the soil, a tub rots, or a sanitary transplant is necessary - approximately every 3 years.

An important point during the procedure is the preservation of the earthen coma. You should also maintain soil level before and after replanting. The best soil to use is an earthen mixture that consists of equal parts of turf soil, humus, peat and perlite. A drainage layer (small pebbles) is placed at the bottom of the pot, which is necessary for moisture to drain away.

How to transplant chamedorea correctly

Hamedorea needs to be replanted infrequently - immediately after purchase and as it grows, approximately every two to three years. The optimal time for this is April. You need to purchase ready-made soil for palm trees and a larger pot than the previous one.

You can prepare the soil mixture yourself. To do this, mix humus, turf, sand and peat. The soil should be light, well permeable to air and water.

For replanting, prepare a pot, which must have drainage holes, and a soil mixture. Hamedorea is carefully pulled out of the old pot and transferred to a new one. After this, the plant is watered and placed in the shade.

In the first six months after transplantation, the flower does not need fertilizer. It is advisable to feed it every two weeks in the summer. To do this, use a special palm fertilizer, which is sold in flower shops. There is no need to feed Hamedorea in winter.

Features of care

Temperature: the most optimal temperatures are from 18 to 20°C, winter temperatures should be slightly lower than summer ones.

Light: Compared to other palms, Hamedorea is relatively shade tolerant.

Humidity: Unlike other palm trees, it requires less watering and is resistant to dry air. In spring and summer, it needs moderate watering in both frequency and volume; during periods of relative dormancy, it needs less frequent watering. Spraying is advisable in summer; in winter, it is enough to wash once a month or even less often.

Soil: recommended: turf, humus soil, peat and sand (1:1:1:0.5).

Nutrition: It is advisable to feed regularly in spring and summer, using specialized fertilizers for palm trees, as well as for yucca or dracaena.

Reproduction: by seeds, which are sown in a special soil mixture of peat, sand and chopped moss (sphagnum) and grown under heating.

Other care: it is recommended to turn the plant towards the light, otherwise the palm tree will be covered with leaves unevenly. Young specimens are replanted annually, old ones - once every 2-3 years, larger, tub-sized specimens - once every 5-6 years. Containers for palm trees should be tall rather than wide.

Hamedorea palm – description, photo

Hamedorea or bamboo palm in nature reaches a height of 3 to 5 meters. At home, it can grow to about one and a half meters. The plant has a thin trunk, on which ring marks are visible after the fallen lower leaves. With proper care and growing conditions, new shoots will form on the rhizomes and thin bamboo stems will grow.

On each trunk, feathery green leaves are formed, dissected into a large number of segments. They have grooved or rounded long petioles. The leaf blade is also quite long, so it is inclined in an arched manner. This is best seen on adult specimens.

At a young age, chamedorea can bloom, and at any time of the year. First, a peduncle is formed on the bamboo palm, along the entire length of which bright yellow, slightly velvety flowers of small size bloom. Experienced flower growers recommend removing the emerging peduncle, since the plant spends a lot of energy on the formation of buds, which can affect the decorativeness of the leaves.

They grow very slowly, so if you want to decorate your green corner with a large tree at once, then purchase an already mature plant.

Hamedorea gracilis or Neanta

This type of palm tree can most often be seen in flower shops, where Neanta is sold in bushes. That is, several palm trees grow in one pot at once.

The height of Hamedorea graceful can reach from one and a half to two meters. It has thin trunks that produce about seven light green feathery leaves. Each leaf consists of 8-14 narrow-lanceolate leaf blades.

Neanta is the most unpretentious of all palm trees, as it is able to adapt to almost any growing conditions. It is resistant to many pests, can grow in partial shade and can withstand short drying of the earthen clod. However, in order for the leaves of the plant to always have a decorative appearance, it is still necessary to know certain rules when growing Hamedorea graceful.

Hamedorea transplant

This is a very important moment when caring for Neantha, since many inexperienced gardeners make mistakes when replanting. As a result, the plant suffers or even dies. But if you follow all the recommendations, your bamboo palm will soon take root and begin to grow.

  1. Approximately 10-14 days after purchase, when the plant gets used to its new home conditions, it will need to be transplanted from the plastic shipping container into a new pot. If Neanta is already growing in your house, then the young plant is transplanted into a new container every year, and adult specimens - once every 3-4 years.
  2. To replant chamedorea, you can use soil for palm trees from the store or make it yourself from turf soil, peat, humus and perlite, which are taken in equal parts. Before use, it is recommended to sterilize turf and humus in the microwave.
  3. The pot for transplanting a palm tree should be only 2-3 cm larger than the previous one. The mistake of many gardeners is that they plant a small tree immediately in a large pot. This should not be done under any circumstances! The size of the pot should be increased gradually.
  4. If you are going to plant a single-trunk palm tree, then choose a pot a couple of centimeters larger than the volume of its roots. A small number of roots in a large volume of soil will begin to sour and rot. As a result, the leaves of the chamedorea will turn yellow, and it may even die.
  5. It is better to replant the plant using the transshipment method, so as not to disturb the roots. First, a layer of drainage is poured onto the bottom of the new pot, then a small layer of soil, and only after that, a palm tree is placed along with a lump of earth. The roots of the bush are covered with soil mixture and watered.
  6. Adult plants do not like replanting, but they need to update the soil. If the chamedorea in the pot is not crowded and the roots are not visible from the drainage hole, then in the spring you can simply remove the old top layer of soil and replace it with a new one.

To get a beautiful palm bush, plant several palm trees of different ages and lengths in one pot.

Why does chamedorea dry out and the leaves turn yellow?

For some people, flowering does not occur as in the photo; on the contrary, the plant begins to dry out and turn yellow

Then the question arises, why the leaves dry out, what to do. When this occurs after a transplant, the phenomenon can be considered temporary. There is no need to worry if the lower leaves die off
, as this is a natural process.

If there is massive drying out, one may suspect excessive dryness of the air. If the problem affects only the tips, then watering should be reduced.

. The same is recommended for limp plants with black leaves. Additionally, it is recommended to check the roots for rot.

Signs and superstitions are associated with chamedorea

. People believe that a pot with a palm tree should not be brought into the apartment, otherwise disaster will happen. To avoid troubles, the plant should be started, for example, in a stroller. Naturally, all this is just superstition.

It is enough to see a palm tree bloom once to improve your mood.

. Small yellow flowers will create a summer atmosphere in the house and will delight the owner.

Description of the main diseases of chamedorea, their signs, symptoms, effective treatment. Why do the leaves turn yellow? Experts answer the question.

Young chamedorea leaves curl downwards

. Cause of illness: no illness. Young foliage is always slightly bent downwards. Watering can be adjusted. For this palm tree, you can lightly dry the top layer of soil before the next watering.

The tips of the chamedorea leaves have dried out and turned black.

. Reason: waterlogging, burns from direct sunlight or frostbite. Ways to eliminate the disease: bring the conditions of the plant to normal. Eliminate unfavorable factors.

Small, jumping insects have appeared in the soil of Hamedorea

. Cause of the disease: the insect is called a podura or springtail. This is not a pest. Appears from waterlogging of the soil. Ways to eliminate the disease: normalize watering.

Black dots appeared at the bottom of the stem of the chamedorea, and the leaves dried out.

Cause of the disease: chrysolidocarpus from waterlogging of the soil. Ways to eliminate the disease: the plant cannot be saved; the root system has begun to rot.

After transplantation, the chamedorea leaves began to dry out, and there was a smell of rot and dampness in the pot.

. Reason: improper transplantation with disruption of the plant's root system. The smell of rot indicates waterlogging of the soil. Measures to eliminate the problem: moderate watering, cover the plant with a transparent film (make a greenhouse). Spray and water with cycron (4 drops per 1 liter of water). Repeat the procedure 4 times with a frequency of 1 time per week.

Small light dots appeared on the leaves of Hamedorea, and a white coating appeared on the back of the leaves.

. Cause of the disease: spider mite. Treatment: Normalize watering, wash the leaves under a warm shower, isolate it from the rest of the flower garden. Treat with Fitoverm or Akarin.

Root rotting

If you do not care for the plant according to the rules, do not monitor the composition of the soil in the pot and constantly over-moisten it, then the roots begin to rot. If this problem occurs, the only solution is to transplant Hamedorrhea.

The soil for growing a flower should be loose, light, and have good oxygen and water permeability to the root system. Replant the plant after cleaning the roots from rot and dirt. It is important to treat the root system and container with a solution of potassium manganese. The nutrient substrate must be replaced.

Hamedorea transplant

If, after transplantation, the leaves of the chamedorea plant dry out, and there are smells of rot and dampness in the pot, then the rules of care have been violated. Timely, rational watering and high-quality soil composition will help protect the palm tree from root rot.

Leaves of Hamedorea dry out: reasons

In order to determine the reason for the drying of the leaf blades of a palm tree, it is worth studying the secrets of its maintenance. Chamedorea, leaves drying out. Experts recommend what to do in this case:

  • Choose the right location for the pot. In nature, the palm tree grows under the protection of the crown of giant trees, and therefore does not tolerate direct sun at all. Windows with eastern and western orientation are suitable for growing a beautiful fan. Exotics can also be grown away from a window under artificial lighting.

Organize the temperature regime. Hamedorea fully develops at a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius in summer and 12 degrees Celsius in winter. Sudden changes in temperature can cause spots to form and leaves to dry out. Higher or lower temperatures are also detrimental to the plant. Humidity is an important factor that affects plant development. In nature, chamedorea grows at air humidity of more than 70%. It is impossible to provide such indicators in an apartment. Installing containers of water near the pot with a palm tree will help to humidify the air.

Lack of nutrients in the soil. As a rule, the tips and then the entire leaf dry out due to a lack of phosphorus and nitrogen or an excess of fluoride.

If kept incorrectly, the likelihood of developing the disease chamedorea or “visit” of insects increases. Typically this is:

  • Anthracnose, in which the leaves first become covered with light spots and then dry out.

A scale insect that sticks to the outside of a leaf and sucks out the juice.

Spider mites are insects that attack shoots and leaves. Colonies of pests entangle the plant in a kind of web. It is by this that one can determine the presence of a tick, since it is almost impossible to notice it with the naked eye. Thrips are sucking insects that feed on the sap of leaves. Under its negative influence, the leaves first become yellowish in color and then completely dry out.

Other possible reasons for drying out of the leaf plate:

  • If yellowness appears in a newly acquired plant, then this is considered normal. The palm tree has suffered stress and thus reacts to changes in lighting, temperature, and humidity.

The death of leaves in mature palm trees is a normal physiological process.

The palm tree is completely unpretentious and is able to get used to different conditions, but always reacts poorly to their sudden changes. However, in order to avoid the death of the plant, drying of the leaves, and the appearance of diseases, it is still necessary to care for the plant.


There are several reasons why chamedorea leaves dry out:

  • illumination The palm tree does not like direct sunlight and requires shading;
  • temperature. With sudden changes in temperature, the roots of the plant rot, and at 12 ° C it dies;
  • priming. The soil required is loose, nutritious, slightly acidic;
  • not enough space. The root of chamedorea grows deep, so the pot is required to be narrow and tall;
  • watering. The flower is afraid of waterlogging; the soil should dry out to the middle of the pot between waterings;
  • spraying. Hamedorea requires air humidity as in the tropics, so regular spraying and wiping the leaves with a damp cloth are necessary;
  • diseases and pests. If not properly cared for, a palm tree can be susceptible to attacks by pests and diseases.


A plant can get sick for several reasons:

  • in poor lighting;
  • due to insufficient or excessive watering;
  • if the root system does not have enough space in the pot;
  • with sudden changes in temperature;
  • due to unsuitable soil composition.

Hamedorea elegans flower - cultivation and care

Many diseases are quite easy to cope with, but serious illnesses require long-term treatment.

Important! If the leaves begin to dry out, or dark dots or yellow streaks appear on the plates, you should immediately determine the cause. Some chamedoreas can lead to death.

In chamedorea, the tips of the leaves begin to dry out if the soil substrate is dense enough or contains a lot of calcium. If you stop fertilizing or replant the palm tree, the health of the plant will be restored.

The cause of this condition may be improper watering. Restoring regularity of irrigation and normalizing the amount of water will help correct the situation.

Hamedorea's leaves are drying up

What to do if the leaves of Hamedorea dry out. Causes of leaves drying out in chamedorea

A small, neat, strong and persistent plant with bright and very beautiful foliage. This is chamedoria. She can decorate the interior of any home. Often the culture is placed in houses built from natural wood.

The flower emphasizes the severity of the room; it is often used to decorate libraries or office rooms. Flower growers are interested in why chamedoria leaves dry out and what to do in such situations. Plant health depends on growing conditions and care.



Hamedorea lives in warm areas. The culture can be found in Mexico, in the forests of Central and South America. There are 125 types of plants.

The tree is tall, reaching 2 m. If grown at home, its height is about 1.5 m. The stems are smooth, tender and very thin. The leaves have the appearance of feathers that resemble bamboo.

The flowers are dim, yellow in color, and may not be noticed due to the lush foliage. When the flowers fade, pea-sized berries appear.

The palm tree not only decorates the room, but also acts as a filter. It absorbs a lot of toxins and negative substances, so even a bedroom can be decorated with chamedoria.

The palm tree is an indoor crop that even inexperienced gardeners will enjoy; it does not require serious care and does not take much time. To avoid yellowing of the leaves, you need to know the intricacies of caring for the plant.

Palm tree care

Hamedorea is known throughout the world. The plant grows in forests without care or fertilizer. If a palm tree grows at home, you need to know the care conditions.

The plant needs proper lighting. It loves weak diffused light, so it develops well in dark rooms. It is advisable to place a palm tree in those rooms that face the east or west. You should not place a young flower on a window, as the leaves will lose their brightness due to too much light. The palm tree is large, so it may not fit on the windowsill. It is recommended to place the plant on a coffee table or on a special stand. To prevent the leaves from turning yellow and falling off, provide shade to the plant in the summer. If there are curtains on the window, then this will be enough. Air temperature monitoring is mandatory. In summer, the flower will feel good at a temperature of 20-26 °C, in winter 18-22 °C. The lowest temperature the plant can withstand is 12 °C. The growth conditions for the flower are feasible. They can be obtained in any residential building. It is necessary to ventilate the room in which Hamedorea grows from time to time. The palm tree loves a little wind and is ok with drafts

She is not afraid of sudden changes in temperature. It is important to control air humidity. The plant loves high humidity

Such conditions will be difficult to meet at home, so the acceptable humidity is 55%. The bush is sprayed with water in the morning, and once a week the leaves are wiped with a wet napkin. This procedure will allow the leaves to breathe and get rid of dirt. If the room is constantly dry, the flower will begin to turn yellow and dry out. If you don’t have time to spray the plant every day, you can place a container with water and pebbles near the flower. The plant likes average soil moisture, so the flower is watered well. You need to water again after the outer layer of soil dries. The number of waterings in summer is 1 time every 3 days, in autumn and winter 1 time every 5 days. It all depends on living conditions and room temperature. The water needed for irrigation is soft, 30 °C.

Other Possible Problems

The plant needs not only to be watered, fed and replanted, but also to create certain conditions for its development.

For example, during the dormant period, pruning is required. The lower leaves of the palm tree tend to dry out periodically. The natural process of foliage renewal must be regulated using gardening tools. Yellowed, faded and dried leaves must be trimmed in a timely manner. Sections are treated with any alcohol solution.

Important ! The palm tree not only decorates the space, but also absorbs various toxins.

A strong and hardy chamedorea plant does not require complex care. If you monitor the temperature and lighting in the room, water in moderation, replant and prune in time, the flower will decorate any interior. Wide, voluminous palm leaves will not dry out under normal conditions.

Why do the tips of Hamedorea leaves dry out?

The Hamedorea palm began to dry out and turn yellow - how to stop the death of the plant? Let's determine why the tips of the leaves of Hamedorea dry out? Read today's article to find a care that will save your chamedorea from death!

Why do the tips of Hamedorea leaves dry out?

Flower growers do not often complain about the condition of chamedorea, since the plant adapts to home conditions without problems and every day seems greener to the delight of its owner, but if there are disturbances, the palm tree is under threat. Indoor plants that purify the air in the apartment.

Why do chamedorea leaf tips dry out?

  • Reduced air temperature;
  • Do not spray in dry air;
  • Pests have appeared;
  • I stood in a draft in winter;
  • The irrigation system is broken;

Indoor microclimate - secrets of caring for chamedorrhea

Creating a suitable microclimate for palm trees from southern countries is not as easy as expected. It is necessary not to dry out the air, which is why the plant also begins to have problems, but to set the temperature in the room correctly.

Air temperature for chamedorea: +12-20° C. Indicated for winter and summer.

Air humidification: air 70-80% humidity, do not place it next to the battery in winter, or cover it with a damp towel to soften the air. In the summer, you can spray the area where the chamedorea is located so that a damp mist falls on the leaves - this relieves stress from exposure to dry air.

Drafts, temperature fluctuations - winter care problems

Since the comfortable air temperature for chamedorea in winter is +12° C, the palm tree is placed in a cooler place, where it is exposed to drafts. It turns out that a middle ground cannot be found? Place chamedorea away from the battery, in a corner area where the duration of lighting in winter is at least 6.5 hours a day. It is advisable that the palm tree does not stand in a draft or in any transition zone, for example, in a corridor, near a door, near a balcony or a frequently opened window for ventilation.

Watering Hamedorea

To normalize the condition of the chamedorea in a pot, water it with warm water and alternately dry the soil mixture. How to properly water chamedorea so that the tips of the leaves do not dry out?

Moisturizing nuances:

  • Do not dry out the soil mixture completely;
  • Drain excess water;
  • Alternate watering with time to allow moisture to evaporate;
  • Add warm water;

When watered with cold water or insufficient moisture, the tips of the leaves of the chamedorea dry out, however, if the leaf blade is wrinkled, feels soft to the touch or visually appears rotten, the problem lies in the plant being over-watered.

Hamedorea pests: how to identify and eliminate?

Hamedoreas are parasitized by:

  • Scale insects;
  • Ticks;
  • Scale insects;

When infected by pests, the leaves begin to dry out, turn yellow, and become stained. The longer you wait and do not treat, the faster you will lose the plant.

How to treat chamedorrhea:

  1. Treat with a soap solution and mechanical impact on parasites.
  2. Restore home care by removing comfortable conditions for parasites.
  3. Use acaricides: “Sunmite”, “Masai”, “Aktellik”.

The listed restoration conditions are added to the general set of procedures on how to care for chamedorea at home, and then you will have a beautiful, healthy and evergreen palm tree in your home.

Feeding, propagation and flowering

To avoid diseases, you should properly care for your palm tree:

  1. Slightly acidic soil. For chamedorea, a substrate made of turf, humus, sand, peat is suitable; pine needles, charcoal, and sand are good as light additives. You can use ready-made mixtures from specialized stores. The top layer of soil requires annual replacement, but it must be changed very carefully so as not to harm the rhizome of the chamedorea.
  2. Feed once every 3 weeks in the warm season. If the plant is in good condition, the norms indicated in the instructions can be halved. There is no need to feed the palm tree in winter and autumn.
  3. Reproduction can be carried out by seeds, by dividing the bush and by root shoots.

You can get the seeds yourself. Pollen is transferred from male to female plants using a brush. After the palm fruits ripen, the seeds are collected and soaked in water for 5–6 days. Seeds, the hard shell of which must be broken, are placed in cups with a peat-sand mixture to a depth of 1 cm and covered with film. The temperature should be about 24 degrees. Don't forget to water and ventilate the seedlings.

There is an option for vegetative propagation: wait until the root suckers produce a certain amount of their own roots, then separate them from the bush. Keep in mind that purchased seedlings germinate more slowly.

  1. Transfer. Young growth undergoes a replanting procedure every spring; an adult plant is replanted as the root system increases, when the roots grow beyond the pot and “lift” the palm tree. The container for transplantation should be larger in size than the previous one. A thick layer of drainage is laid at the bottom, with soil on top. If the transplant is planned, there is no need to do any unnecessary actions with the roots, but if the roots are rotten, they will have to be cut off, then the remaining healthy ones should be washed and the wounds sprinkled with coal.

You should not expect chamedorea to bloom at home. But in nature it blooms with orange fluffy flowers.

Young Hamedoreas should be regularly watered and ventilated.


Growing chamedorea at home is not difficult. How care and reproduction is carried out can be seen in the photo.

There are 3 methods of reproduction:

  • seeds;
  • children;
  • dividing the bush.

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Propagation by seeds

This method is used extremely rarely. This is due to the fact that palm seeds have low germination rates. In addition, they place high demands on storage conditions.

The procedure is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Seed material must be soaked in water for 100 hours.
  2. Complex fertilizer should be added to the liquid.
  3. Pour the substrate into pre-prepared pots and place 2 seeds in it.
  4. Then you need to cover the containers with polyethylene.
  5. Watering must be done once every 2 days, ventilation - daily.

In 3-6 months the first shoots will appear. After this, the film should be removed and the containers taken to the greenhouse. There the seedlings will grow for another 2 months.

Reproduction by children

This method is used much more often than the seed method. Young palms must be separated. The procedure should be carried out in the spring, during a planned transplant.

Dividing the bush

The method is used when several plants grow in one container. The procedure is performed in the spring. To do this, you need to remove the earthen ball from the container and remove the soil. After this, the bush should be divided into several small ones, and each planted in a separate pot.


The work must be performed with disinfected tools.

Hamedorea graceful leaves dry, what to do. Types of Hamedorea suitable for home cultivation

Despite the variety of graceful palm species, only a few of them are well adapted to home conditions. These include:

Chamaedorea graceful (lat. Chamaedorea E legans). Grows from 1.5 to 2 meters. Numerous stems are up to 3 cm in diameter. Each stem has 5 to 7 light green leaves. The leaves are pinnately shaped, long-petiolate, from 40 cm to one meter in length. This species is beautifully flowering - bright and large yellow flowers are collected in inflorescences.

Hamedorea gracilis

Chamaedorea high (lat. Chamaedorea E latior). The tallest of all domestic species, from 3 to 5 meters in height. The trunks are thin, bamboo-like, each with 5 to 6 dark green, feathery leaves. The bright orange flowers of this species appear in panicle-shaped inflorescences.

Chamaedorea monochromatic (lat. Chamaedorea Concolor). A low plant, very well adapted for growth in greenhouse conditions. The medium-sized, light green leaves have a feathery shape.

Hamedorea unicolor

Chamaedorea Ernesti-Augusti (lat. Chamaedorea Ernesti-Augusti). Its wide, dark green leaves are not divided into segments.

Hamedorrhea Ernest-Augustus

Metallic chamedorea (lat. Chamaedorea M etallica). This species is distinguished by the color of its solid wide leaves - dark green with a metallic tint.

Hamedorea metallic

Of all the above species, the first three are the most popular for growing in home greenhouses. This is explained by their good adaptability to indoor conditions. The second two are very rare in home collections and are found mainly in large botanical gardens.

Types of chamedoria and their distinctive features

There are more than 100 varieties of bamboo palm. We suggest comparing photos and familiarizing yourself with the names of species grown at home under indoor conditions.

  • Hamedorea High is a popular species intended for growing in large rooms, schools, winter gardens, and offices. Grows up to 3 m or more in height. It begins to bloom at the age of 3 years after planting. The flowers are small, panicle-like.

  • Hamedorea Elegant or "Elegance", reaches 2 m in height. Each stem with a diameter of 2.5 to 3.5 cm has 5-6 petiolate leaves. The inflorescences are light yellow with a pleasant aroma. Later, black fruits appear. It is one of the hardy, low-maintenance indoor plants. Elegance can withstand temperatures down to minus 7°C. The only drawback is slow growth.
  • Hamedorea Bridble is similar to the "Graceful" species. The difference can be detected during the flowering of the palm tree, which gives off a sharper and more pleasant aroma.
  • Hamedorea Ernest-Augusta is an unusual variety of indoor palm tree. The elegant large leaf resembles the shape of a heart. It is distinguished from other species by its single thin trunk with several nodes from which root shoots emanate. This helps the palm tree to reproduce vegetatively. Blooms with bright red small flowers.

  • Hamedorea cascade (Cat palm) is quite capricious in relation to lack of moisture. It has beautiful decorative feathery leaves and several thin trunks. Grows quickly.

  • Hamedorea metallica is often confused with the coconut palm. It has a single trunk and wide, dense leaves of small size. Similar to the Ernest August variety, but has a metallic leaf tint. Loves shade very much.

  • Chamedorea Seifritz is a bushy palm with brightly colored leaves. Prefers bright places.

Hamedorea palm - home care


Neanta loves the absent-minded. Many people think that since palm trees grow in hot countries, they should be placed in the sun. This opinion is wrong. Hamedorea in nature grows under the cover of the foliage of tall trees and direct sunlight is contraindicated for it. Otherwise, its leaves will turn yellow (see photo).

However, it will not grow completely in the shade. If you place it far from the window in the back of the room, the trunk will begin to stretch, and the leaves will lose their decorative effect. You can place the chamedorea in front of a western or southern window. If your windows face north, then the tree should be on or near the windowsill.

To ensure that the leaves grow in different directions and the trunk does not bend, the plant must be regularly turned in different directions towards the light source.

Air temperature

For palm trees, Hamedorea should always be warm. It should not fall below +18 degrees even in winter. Many gardeners like that the plant does not need to be provided with a dormant period and can be grown at room temperature in winter. But if the room is cool during the cold season, then the temperature should not fall below +16 degrees. In this case, the bush needs to be watered less often and does not need to be sprayed.

Watering Hamadorea

. When caring for Neantha, the main thing is not to over-moisten the soil. It will tolerate dry soil more easily, so it is necessary to water the plant only after the top layer of soil in the pot has dried thoroughly. In cool rooms, it is necessary to water the tree after the soil has dried to a depth of 3-4 cm.

Remember that they love moist air, not soil! If the leaves begin to turn yellow, the stem at the base has darkened, and there is a musty smell coming from the pot, then you are watering your bamboo palm too often. In such conditions, she may soon die.

Air humidity

tropical plant loves tall. Therefore, when caring for hemedorrhea at home, it must be sprayed with settled water daily. Plants especially suffer from dry air that comes from heating radiators in winter. In such conditions, sometimes even spraying does not help and the tips of the palm leaves begin to dry out.

In rooms with dry air, spider mites can grow on the leaves and feed on their sap. As a result, the leaves of Hamedorea turn yellow and fall off. A special humidifier can help increase air humidity. If it is not possible to purchase it, then place a container of water next to the palm tree, which will evaporate and humidify the air.

Feeding Hamedorea

carried out during the period of active growth, that is, from April to September. In specialized stores you can purchase special mineral fertilizers for palm trees, which are used according to the attached instructions. The plant needs to be fed once or twice a month.


Various insects are no less dangerous for chamedorea :


Insects from the family Pseudococcidae. They are easily confused with their closest relatives - false scale insects (Lecaniidae) from the order Coccidae.

Both families are very similar, so even an experienced gardener is not always able to recognize the pest.

Remove the insect from the flower. If the shield is removed, but the insect underneath remains on the stem, then you are dealing with a scale insect. In the false scale insect, the scute is the body of the insect and the booger will be removed along with the scute.

How to recognize?

Look at the stems and leaves. Golden-brown or whitish tubercles appear on their surface . Insects are easily removed.

Just pick it up with a needle or spatula.

How to fight?

  1. Take a simple toothbrush, carefully remove the pest and blot the top with a cotton swab dipped in kerosene. The scale insect will not be able to breathe under the kerosene film and will die.
  2. Can be treated with a cotton swab soaked in mineral oil.

Prevention measures : a well-ventilated room, regular spraying in hot summer weather, maintaining the temperature regime in the apartment. The flower should be in a well-ventilated area. This is especially important in the winter-spring period.

Regular spraying and wiping the leaves with water is also a necessary measure. Dry air and heat are the most favorable conditions for scale insects to reproduce.

Spider mite

Small insects with a round solid body and 4 pairs of legs . They belong to the class Arachnids, phylum Arthropods. The leaves become covered with yellowish spots, which quickly spread, discolor the surface and form dried out areas. Mites cover the lower part of the foliage with cobwebs.

How to fight?

  1. For minor damage, treat with soapy water or mineral oil.
  2. In case of severe damage, use acaricidal drugs.
  3. Spider mites often appear in rooms with dry air and high temperatures. Monitor the temperature, especially in the winter.


Synonym: vesicular, fringed. Insects from the order of small insects with an elongated body. The leaves are covered with a chaotic yellowish color. Dark discharge appears, especially on the underside of the leaves, where they most often settle.

Control measure

  1. When growing plants for greenhouses and for sale, special blue traps with an adhesive surface are often used. This way you can quickly find out about plant infection.
  2. They destroy insects with insecticides: Tanrek, Iskra, Actellik. Processing is carried out in two stages. Repeatedly carried out on 5-6 days.
  3. Thrips appear in a room with high temperature and humid air. Observe temperature conditions.

Reasons why bamboo palm leaves dry out

Hamedorea or bamboo palm (as the plant is often called) is not uncommon in offices, schools, apartments and houses. Tropical exotic does not require special care, and therefore is popular among professional gardeners and beginners. The plant develops relatively slowly, and therefore many people wonder: why chamedorea does not grow, what can be done to speed up its growing season. In fact, gardeners should be concerned with the task of proper care, because it is precisely because of mistakes that the question arises: why do the leaves of chamedorea dry out.

Why leaves of Hamedorea dry out: reasons

In order to determine the reason for the drying of the leaf blades of a palm tree, it is worth studying the secrets of its maintenance. Chamedorea, leaves drying out. Experts recommend what to do in this case:

  • Choose the right location for the pot. In nature, the palm tree grows under the protection of the crown of giant trees, and therefore does not tolerate direct sun at all. Windows with eastern and western orientation are suitable for growing a beautiful fan. Exotics can also be grown away from a window under artificial lighting.

Organize the temperature regime.
Hamedorea fully develops at a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius in summer and 12 degrees Celsius in winter. Sudden changes in temperature can cause spots to form and leaves to dry out. Higher or lower temperatures are also detrimental to the plant. Humidity is an important factor that affects plant development. In nature, chamedorea grows at air humidity of more than 70%. It is impossible to provide such indicators in an apartment. Installing containers of water near the pot with a palm tree will help to humidify the air. Lack of nutrients in the soil. As a rule, the tips and then the entire leaf dry out due to a lack of phosphorus and nitrogen or an excess of fluoride.

If kept incorrectly, the likelihood of developing the disease chamedorea or “visit” of insects increases. Typically this is:

  • Anthracnose, in which the leaves first become covered with light spots and then dry out.

A scale insect that sticks to the outside of a leaf and sucks out the juice.

Spider mites are insects that attack shoots and leaves. Colonies of pests entangle the plant in a kind of web. It is by this that one can determine the presence of a tick, since it is almost impossible to notice it with the naked eye. Thrips are sucking insects that feed on the sap of leaves. Under its negative influence, the leaves first become yellowish in color and then completely dry out.

Other possible reasons for drying out of the leaf plate:

  • If yellowness appears in a newly acquired plant, then this is considered normal. The palm tree has suffered stress and thus reacts to changes in lighting, temperature, and humidity.

The death of leaves in mature palm trees is a normal physiological process.

How to fix the problem

Hamedorrhea, the leaf diseases of which can be seen in the photo, is very rarely subject to infections. The cause of the disease is improper care. To eliminate the problem, it is worth trimming the shriveled leaves, trimming the damaged tips and providing the plant with partial shade, humidity and a stable temperature.

Systemic insecticides - Fitoverm, Vertimek, Actellik - will help cope with insects. They are used several times with an interval of 10-14 days. But chemicals won’t help you deal with scale insects. They fight it only mechanically: using a toothbrush, remove insects from leaves and shoots. You can also use a cotton swab soaked in alcohol.

When fungal diseases occur, complex fungicides are used.

Hamedorea is a heat-loving palm tree. She reacts painfully to sudden changes in temperature or to watering with cold water. Exot needs spraying and showering in hot summers and does not tolerate waterlogging in the winter. Loves nutritious organic matter and is afraid of drafts. By providing chamedorea with such conditions, you don’t have to worry about its diseases - a strong plant will cope with troubles on its own.

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