Spathiphyllum: learning to care for a flower at home, transplanting into a pot, watering, reproduction, diseases and pests

Description of spathiphyllum, features of a houseplant

The name of the perennial, derived from two Greek words “spathi” and “phyllum”, means “bedspread”, “leaf”. I can't think of a more accurate "name". Bright green leaf plates of round or pointed shape carefully protect the flower, which does not have a stem, from the external environment.

The spathiphyllum plant belongs to the Araceae family, which has more than 40 species. The natives of this numerous “clan” are exotic flowers that are not inferior in beauty to the recognized favorites - saffron, orchid and some others.

The foliage and decorative representatives of the Araceae amaze with their unusual “painting” and richness of shades. For example, the leaf blades of the Domino and Picasso varieties are painted in bright, variegated colors.

Not all species are able to exist in modern apartments. Epiphytes that live on the surface of other plants need a natural environment. Some, like amorphophalus, lack space, others lack swampy lowlands.

Many owners who have studied the intricacies of the behavior of Women's Happiness have plants that bloom all year round. In classical descriptions of the flower, this period falls on April-June and September-November.

IMPORTANT! Few gardeners know that spathiphyllum is a poisonous plant. The leaves are dangerous. Therefore, when starting transplantation, you need to take care of rubber gloves. And also make sure that children and pets do not try to taste the plant.

Flower care

Despite the fact that the indoor plant is considered unpretentious, it requires compliance with certain conditions, the list of which includes watering, lighting and a number of other factors affecting the health of the green pet.

Home care involves:

Abundant watering in spring and summer. At this time, the plant begins to bloom, it requires additional strength and energy. However, you should not get carried away with water to prevent the soil from becoming waterlogged. You can start watering only when the top layer of soil dries out. The water quality must be impeccable. As a rule, it is recommended to leave the filtered liquid for two to three days.

Scattered light. Hot rays can burn the leaves and injure the spathiphyllum. In winter, it is important to ensure that the plant is not deprived of light, so it is given a place on a southern windowsill, or nearby. Many gardeners install phytolamps or fluorescent lamps.

High humidity of the habitat. It is desirable that spraying from a spray bottle becomes a mandatory procedure, and that the pot has a tray. The water that will be released from it will support the plant and nourish it with the necessary moisture.

Maintaining temperature conditions. In spring and summer, thermometers should not fall below 18°C; in winter, stay within 16°C. If it is cooler, the bushes will begin to rot, and this can lead to the death of the indoor flower. Drafts have a detrimental effect on people from the tropics.

IMPORTANT: Drooping leaves indicate a lack of moisture, dark spots on the ground indicate its excess. Knowing how to water a flower correctly, you can avoid many problems.


The plant is very decorative and at the same time unpretentious, despite its exotic origin. It is valued for its beautiful patterned leaves and for bringing happiness into the home. In its homeland, calathea is used by Aboriginal Indians to make household utensils such as baskets, as well as furniture.


Growing calathea is not difficult, and the plant has no special requirements for soil, air or care. The plant is famous for its ascetic character and will easily survive even a temporary (rather long) lack of watering and fertilizing. With irregular care, calathea will “last” for four years, and with good care it can delight with its presence for a very long time.


Calathea is considered a symbol of a prosperous family life, attracting peace and tranquility to the family.

Spathiphyllum transplant

Women's happiness is replanted in the spring, when the indoor plant is gaining strength and is ready for change. The signal to start the procedure is the root system. As soon as it becomes crowded in the pot, it is necessary to prepare the soil. The ideal composition includes turf, deciduous soil, a little humus, river sand and peat, which are taken in equal proportions.

Expanded clay, broken brick, and charcoal are placed at the bottom of the pot as a drainage layer. Experienced flower growers who do not neglect folk recipes advise using pieces of walnut shells and chicken eggs for these purposes. A delicate graceful flower (look at the photo of spathiphyllum) responds well to such mineral supplements.

The new container should be slightly larger than the previous one. Don't overdo it! Otherwise, the roots will begin to grow, the emphasis will be on the leaves, and you will have to forget about the flowers. In order for the plant to take root faster, you need to:

  • monitor hydration using a special sprayer;
  • ensure normal watering with warm water;
  • cover the flower with cellophane film, remembering to ventilate it daily.

Simple rules will help green pets adapt faster and gain strength.

IMPORTANT: Plastic retains moisture. Therefore, clay pots are considered the ideal container for spathiphyllum.

Reproduction of spathiphyllum

In its natural habitat, the Flower of Love reproduces by seeds. This method is usually used by breeders involved in breeding new varieties. In indoor conditions, amateur gardeners most often use cuttings or dividing bushes.

The right moment for replanting is an overgrown plant that has become cramped in its pot. The procedure is quite simple and consists of several steps:

  1. Before removing the bush from the container, it needs to be watered.
  2. Clean the roots from the soil and rinse carefully in clean warm water.
  3. Remove unnecessary shoots.
  4. Separate the roots, carefully untangling them. If this cannot be done with your hands, resort to using a knife. The sections are immediately sprinkled with crushed activated carbon to prevent the entry of bacteria.

After this, the shoots are planted in new containers. Cuttings of spathiphyllum without roots can be dipped in water. The rooting process carried out in this way will take from 2.5 to 3 weeks.

Experienced flower growers, knowing how much happiness spathiphyllum brings to the house, claim that growing it at home is a great joy.


A simple plant that can be found especially often in our apartments. Its popular name speaks for itself - “Family Happiness”. Outwardly it looks quite exotic: it has narrow, flowing leaves that create a lush fan. Chlorophytum is grown only as an ampelous flower.

The plant humidifies the air and increases the content of useful components and oxygen in it. This unique healing effect is explained very prosaically: the presence of a large amount of essential oils in the leaves of the plant.

Thanks to essential oils, chlorophytum helps relieve nervous tension, get rid of stress, and promotes complete relaxation. Fatigue and negative thoughts will also disappear thanks to the influence of this wonderful plant.


A uniquely undemanding flower. The only condition is sufficient watering, especially in summer. But it is necessary to grow a flower at home under conditions of abundant lighting.

If you add a little ground activated carbon to the soil where Chlorophytum grows, the plant will purify the air with particular intensity and efficiency. If you grow several chlorophytums in an apartment at once, you won’t have to use artificial air purifiers at all.


It has been scientifically proven that chlorophytum, in greater quantities than other flowers, is able to absorb harmful impurities from the air. In addition, the plant normalizes the microclimate in the family, leading to happiness and tranquility.

Six unusual facts from the life of a plant

Spathiphyllum is one of the flowers covered in myths and legends. The plant is said to:

  • Strengthens family ties. Married couples in whose home Women's Happiness has taken up residence quarrel less often, and divorce does not occur.
  • Affects the conception of offspring. The barely perceptible aroma improves the health of expectant mothers. Their children are born strong.
  • Attracts money, protects against poverty. That is why before planting a flower it is advised to place a coin at the bottom of the pot. Sometimes money is placed under the container. But it is recommended to do this during the dormant period, when the plant is resting from flowering.
  • Like a litmus test, it will help you understand how much your loved one values ​​their feelings. If a young man gives a girl spathiphyllum, and it takes root in her house, you can be sure of the devotion of the chosen one.
  • Helps the indigenous people of South America perform mating rituals. If they are carried out during the flowering period of Women's happiness, the union will be strong.
  • Fights stress. Therefore, the flower has become a common decoration for offices and hotels.

Knowing the rules for caring for a plant indoors, understanding how to water, replant, and care for spathiphyllum, you can achieve almost uninterrupted flowering. A pet will purify the air in the apartment and bring harmony and joy to the house.


The plant is popularly called the “tree of happiness” or “tree of love.” This is a small flower, reaching a maximum of 30 cm in height. The plant has original shaped leaves that resemble hearts.

Externally, aichrizon is a small shrub with fleshy leaves and a thick stem. Its foliage is painted light green, sometimes there are small spots - brown or reddish, whitish. The plant blooms - its flowers are small, yellowish-red.

In nature, it is found in inaccessible rocky areas: where no other flowers can survive. And in this fact, romantically minded people also see confirmation that aichrizon is indeed a tree of love.


An easy flower to grow, which can feel quite good even with not the most careful care. In summer, aichrizon is kept at a temperature of +20-25 degrees, often watered. In winter, water once a week and keep at a temperature of +10-12 degrees. Periodically you need to spray the plant and wipe the leaves with a damp cloth to remove dust.


True to its “folk” names, aichrizon brings happiness and love to the home.

Photo of spathiphyllum

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