A flower that can be grown in any room - ficus "Abidjan"

Characteristics of the variety

Abidjan is one of the most common varieties of rubber-bearing ficus (elastica). The plant, originally from Asia, despite the fear of drafts and love of the sun, has successfully adapted to our country and successfully grows in houses and apartments.


  • height about 1.5 m;
  • the stem is thick, fleshy, green;
  • leaves are dense, leathery with a glossy surface, oval, pointed at the tips;
  • sheet plate size - 27x17 cm;
  • in adult specimens over 8 years of age, slight branching is observed - shoots grow at an angle of 40-45°, densely covered with leaves;
  • The root system is branched with numerous small roots.

Signs and beliefs

Different peoples have their own beliefs and signs associated with trees. According to Slavic signs, ficus Abidjan gives rise to discord in the house and negative emotions, and the Thais believe that the plant is capable of expelling evil spirits and cleansing the house.

In ancient times, even before the revolution, every aristocratic family had a ficus. The plant was believed to bring good luck and prosperity. It helps to move up the career ladder and improve family relationships.

During Soviet times, people began to get rid of trees, considering them a relic of the revolutionary era. After the war, when many men died, ficus trees began to be considered negative, blaming them for all the troubles. It was noticed that the men did not return from the front to those houses where the ficus grew.

There is a mention of ficus in the Bible. It says that the plant provided the first clothing before Eve and Adam, after they were expelled from Eden. A close relative of the ficus, the fig was the first food for the exiles. Since then, the plant has become a symbol of family well-being.

Since biblical times, a sign has been born that if a girl runs around a plant, she will soon become pregnant.

If a couple wants to have children, according to signs, they should place the ficus in the western part of the bedroom. As soon as the plant has a new shoot, expect an addition to the family soon. This shoot is planted in a separate pot.

How to choose in the store and price

For the last few years, Ficus elastica Abidjan has not been considered exotic, so you can buy it at any flower shop.

Price 1000-1200 rubles (depending on the height of the specimen).

When purchasing, you should pay attention to the appearance:

  • the stem and leaves should be whole, dense and fresh, of a uniform dark green color;
  • it is important that the buds and leaves do not have yellowness, black or reddish spots, which indicate the presence of diseases or pests;
  • the substrate should be slightly moistened, without acidification and mold.

If the crown sheds its leaves when shaking, it is better to discard it. Through the drainage holes you can determine the condition of the roots: if they turn black or become moldy, this means that the plant is sick with something.

The best time to buy is spring or summer, because in the cold season the flower takes longer to acclimatize.

Transfer rules

Typically, this procedure begins after a three-week quarantine. Keeping a flower in another room helps determine its condition and health.

Light, slightly acidic soil is suitable for replanting. You can also prepare such a mixture yourself by mixing turf, leaf soil and sand in a ratio of 2:2:1.

Use a tall container - at least 15 cm, with a circumference of 10 cm. You can take a ceramic or plastic pot with drainage holes at the bottom.


  • A handful of expanded clay or pebbles are placed at the bottom. Then half the volume is sprinkled with fertile soil.
  • The plant is shed generously with water, after a couple of hours it is removed and, together with the earthen lump, transferred to a new pot. If necessary, add soil around the edges, trample down, and water with warm, settled water.

Not only purchased flowers need to be replanted, but also homemade ones, as they grow very quickly.

The frequency of the procedure is every three years, while taking a container 2-3 cm larger in diameter than the previous one.

An unscheduled transplant is carried out if the root system is rotten or the plant is sick/attacked by pests.

To do this: water the ficus, remove it from the pot, and lower it into a container of water to wash off the remaining soil. The roots are dried, all diseased areas are cut out to healthy tissue, then sprinkled with charcoal. After a couple of hours, they are planted in a new pot with a sterile substrate.

Ficus Abidjan: home care with photos

Ficus Abidjan is an ornamental plant valued for its large, beautiful leaves. When comfortable conditions are created, the bush intensively grows green mass and looks very impressive.

Caring for the plant at home is not difficult; even a novice gardener can handle it. The main thing is to choose a place for the ficus in the house where the plant has enough light and warmth.

Ficus Abidjan

Abidjan (elastica Abidjan) is one of the types of rubber-bearing ficuses that grow successfully at home. A distinctive characteristic of the plant is its beautiful leaves with a smooth, glossy dark green surface, with burgundy veins on the underside. The shape of the leaves is oval with a sharp tip, 20-25 cm long, 15-17 cm wide.

When suitable conditions are created, the bush reaches a height of 1.5 meters, and in a greenhouse with proper lighting it grows without restrictions. Ficus Abidjan is a long-liver and can reach the age of 50 years. Under artificial conditions it practically does not bloom, does not form seeds, and is propagated by cuttings.

Growing conditions

Successful growth of a heat-loving, evergreen plant is possible if the lighting conditions, ambient temperature and regular soil moisture are observed. These parameters must be taken into account when purchasing.


Light intensity plays a key role in the life of a plant:

  • Ficus is suitable for diffused but bright light;
  • the bush tolerates slight shading, but grows more slowly;
  • with prolonged lack of light, the lower leaves turn yellow and fall off.

Therefore, it is best to place the ficus pot closer to the window , and use artificial lighting in winter. Windows on the western or eastern side of the house are best suited for the plant.


Ficus Abidjan, the care and maintenance of which practically comes down to watering only, is responsive to both a lack and an excess of moisture.

  1. Watering should be carried out regularly ; complete drying out of the earth clod is unacceptable, but excessive waterlogging is also not advisable.
  2. At reduced temperatures and lighting in winter, watering is reduced to once a week.
  3. During hot summer periods, ficus is watered every 3-4 days to avoid drying out of the soil.

Ficus loves “water procedures”. The leaves are sprayed with a spray bottle and cleaned of dust using a napkin or soft sponge. The procedures are especially relevant during hot summer periods and in winter, when the air is very dry in rooms with central heating.

How to form a ficus

The plant has a fast growth rate and does not naturally form side shoots. Ficus Abidjan photos clearly demonstrate this feature. An erect stem in good light gives growth of up to 45-50 cm per year.

To limit the height and form a bush, it is systematically pruned.

  1. The main stem of a young plant is cut at a height of 25-30 cm, and the shoots are pinched at a level of 10 cm. In this case, a new shoot is formed from the upper bud.
  2. You can also simply bend the top of the ficus and thus stimulate an additional bud to awaken.
  3. After pruning, only one growth point can form on the shoot. Therefore, several plants are planted in a pot or rooted cuttings are planted. In this way it is easier to form a bush with a rich, lush crown.

Pruning is carried out before periods of intensive growth, which occur in spring and early autumn.


Ficus is usually propagated by cuttings, which inevitably remain after pruning.

  1. To do this, the apical stem is separated and time is given for the milky juice to be completely released from it. You can also place the cut under running water to speed up the process. The lower leaves are cut from the cuttings and placed in a container with water, which should be changed periodically. After 3-5 weeks, the cutting throws out its first roots. As an option, the cuttings are immediately planted in the ground and the container is covered from above with a film cover.
  2. To obtain layering, the ficus trunk is cut by a third and filled with sand. The incision site is wrapped in moisture-retaining material and protected with film. With the appearance of roots, the stem is cut off and transplanted to a permanent place.

See how to do it correctly:

At home, ficus does not bloom or form fruit, so it cannot be propagated by seeds.

Possible growing problems

Ficus is a fairly trouble-free plant. Yellowing of leaves is most often associated with a lack of moisture. The appearance of brown spots on the leaf plate can be caused by a violation of the temperature regime. Analyze the reasons and move the pot with the plant to a more suitable place, feed it and give it time to adapt.

Damage to ficus trees can be caused by spider mites, thrips, scale insects, or centipedes carried with the soil. To prevent and get rid of pests, it is often enough to spray the surface of the leaves from the top and bottom with a soap solution.

If scale insects or millipedes are detected after washing the leaves, the ficus is treated with a fungicide . Such drugs as Actilik, Fitoverm, Vermitek are suitable for this. If there are a large number of pests, remove the top layer of soil or replant the plant in clean soil. It is also necessary to disinfect the window glass and the surface of the window sill.

Summing up

Growing ficus does not require the creation of unusual conditions. You can always find a place in the house with the necessary lighting and temperature parameters.

All that remains is to water regularly and feed the plant as needed. The evergreen bush is very decorative and, in addition to its aesthetic benefits, effectively purifies the air in the house.

When purchasing a ficus Abidjan, you need to remember that the long-lived plant will delight you with its extraordinary beauty for many years, but will also require proper care in return.

Source: //ProZvety.ru/katalog-rastenij/dekorativno-listvennye/fikus-abidzhan

Growing conditions

Protect the plant from direct sunlight

This light-loving plant can be placed on an eastern or western windowsill with access to diffused daylight.

If your flower is located on a south window, it needs to be shaded every day, otherwise the leaves will quickly burn and turn yellow.

When kept on the north side, the ficus grows slowly and the leaves turn pale.


  • In spring and summer - 20-24°C.
  • In autumn and winter - 16-17°C.

In the warm season, the flower is taken to the western balcony or loggia. You can also place it outdoors under trees or tall bushes, which will protect it from burning in the sun.

Ficus prefers high air humidity (80-85%), so it should be sprayed with water at room temperature every day. In winter and autumn, the frequency is reduced to 2 times a week.

Additionally, the plant can be placed on a tray with wet pebbles or expanded clay, as well as an open container with water.

In winter, keep away from heating appliances. Often ventilate the room, after moving the ficus to another room.

Ficus Elastic Abidjan - description of the plant and care for it

Ficus Abidjan is an excellent solution for those who want to have a lush, large and aesthetic indoor plant, while requiring a minimum of care. This tropical tree is one of the most unpretentious indoor plants, but there is still a certain set of rules for its maintenance.

Description of the variety

This type of ficus belongs to the category of rubber-bearing plants (elastic) and is more valued not for its flowers (in indoor conditions the plant almost does not bloom), but for its lush crown, consisting of dense and large oval leaves, growing on average to a size of 15x25 cm.

Young leaves have a burgundy tint, but in the light they quickly turn a rich dark green color. The main distinctive features of Abidjan are leaves pointed at the ends and a relatively small height - with proper care, the plant does not grow more than 1.5 meters.

The width of its crown can reach any size, depending on how it is formed.

Home care

All varieties of ficus came to us from the tropics, therefore, care for them at home should initially be based on the climatic characteristics of their native places.

Where is the best place to put

It is best to place the plant on the sunny side, but try to prevent direct rays from falling on its crown for a long time. With this lighting, the plant will develop much faster than standing in a shaded corner of the room.


In the summer, the ficus can be taken outside, but it is best to place it on one of the northern sides. Morning or evening sun does not pose a particular threat to the crown of the plant. But the tree must be hidden from the scorching afternoon rays!

Temperature and humidity

As in the temperate zone, the tropics also have their own winter, so in winter it is advisable to let the plant experience the hibernation season, reducing the room temperature to 15–17 °C. From spring to late autumn, the best temperature for ficus Abidjan will be 20–24 °C.


Correct pruning, i.e. the formation of a correct bushy crown, involves pinching the main trunk when it reaches a 20-centimeter height and, subsequently, pinching each side stem when it reaches a 10-centimeter length.


The most common ficus diseases are caused by pests such as spider mites, scale insects and centipedes. In the case of the first two, the plant is sprayed with special means. In the case of centipedes, an emergency transplant into new soil will be required.

Source: //MoiOrhidei.ru/fikus/abidzhan

Rules of care

This variety of rubber-bearing ficus has good resistance and hardiness, so it is not considered demanding in care.


The plant loves moisture - it is watered regularly, preventing the earthen clod from drying out. For humidification, use melt, settled or rain water. In spring and summer, during the active growth phase, moisturize frequently - every 3-4 days, in the cold season - once a week.

Abidjan does not tolerate excess moisture well; with frequent overwatering, its root system begins to rot. You can save the plant if you remove it from the pot, wash off the soil, cut off the damaged areas, dry it, powder it with charcoal and replant it in a new container with fresh soil mixture.

It’s easy to determine the need for moisture - just dig the soil to a depth of 3 cm, if it’s dry, then it’s time to water.

In combination with watering, the leaves are irrigated with a spray bottle, which helps maintain decorativeness, improve leaf growth and protect against parasite invasion.

A day after each moistening, surface loosening is carried out so that the soil does not form a crust.


Balanced and regular nutrition provides the plant with good immunity and rapid growth.

From spring to early autumn, ficus is fertilized twice a month with complex compounds. Many people alternate feeding: the first time with organic matter, the second time with mineral fertilizers.

For better absorption of nutritional components, abundant watering is carried out after the procedure. Water also prevents burning of the root system.

Additionally, you can fertilize the leaves - spray once a month with Zircon or Epin.

Crown trimming and shaping

The top of the crown needs to be pinched

With good nutrition and regular watering, the flower quickly reaches large sizes - up to 50 cm in a year. To prevent excessive stretching, it is periodically pinched.

This is usually done in the spring - the central stem is shortened by 20 cm in length, the side shoots by 10 cm. Using this technique, you will be able to form a compact and beautiful crown.

It is necessary to use a sharp and sterile instrument to eliminate the risk of severe injury and infection of the plant.


It is advisable to replant as the bush grows. The more the ficus crown has developed, the more crowded its root system becomes in a cramped pot. And even if the plant was initially planted in a large container, it is worth changing the soil in the pot every 2-3 years. This will significantly stimulate the plant to rapid development and growth.

The plant is replanted using the transshipment method. You should not destroy the main lump, as this can damage the main roots. In order for some of the old earth to collapse, you can lightly pour water on it from all sides. Then the plant must be placed in the prepared pot and, having covered it with earth from different sides, lightly compacted.

Important! In no case should you forget about drainage! Without a layer of drainage, the lower roots of the plant will quickly begin to rot!


There are two ways to propagate a flower at home, each of them has pros and cons.


The cutting is carried out in the spring, the top is taken from the central stem, cut off at a height of 12-15 cm. Then it is lowered into a vessel with water and waits for the roots to develop. This usually takes 3-4 weeks. To prevent the appearance of mold, the water is changed every three days.

The second rooting option is planting in the ground and covering with a transparent film. Some gardeners prefer rooting in peat tablets.

By layering

This method of reproduction is as follows:

  • a 1/3 cut is made on the main stem;
  • a little sand is placed into the incision, which will prevent it from accreting;
  • the prepared area is wrapped with moss or plastic wrap;
  • As soon as the roots break through the winding, the apical stem is cut off and planted in a separate flowerpot.

Diseases and pests

Usually, infection with diseases or parasites occurs due to violation of the rules of planting, care and maintenance.

  1. Powdery mildew. This is a fungal disease that appears as a whitish coating on stems, shoots and foliage. Over time it becomes watery. Treatment is carried out using fungicides - Fundazol or Ridomil gold. Treat the crown and soil twice with an interval of 7 days.
  2. Shield. Small reddish or brown plaques are a sure sign of the appearance of this pest. It attaches itself to the stem and leaves and sucks out the juices from them. Treatment is carried out as follows: remove insects with a cotton pad soaked in a soap solution. Then they are sprayed with insecticides - Actellik or Aktara.
  3. Spider mite. It envelops internodes and leaves on the underside with a fine web, feeds on their juice and leads to the death of the flower. The parasite can be destroyed if treated with Aktara or Aktellik. For prevention, you should increase the humidity and lower the temperature in the room.
  4. Centipedes. When they appear, the root system gradually withers, followed by the entire crown. Therefore, such a plant must be removed, washed from soil residues, sprayed with a fungicide on the roots, dried and replanted in a new container with fresh substrate.

Problems during cultivation

Due to ignorance or inexperience, many gardeners make various mistakes in care and maintenance, which cause the death of the plant:

  1. Yellowing of leaves can be caused by a lack or excess of water. Therefore, before each watering it is necessary to check the condition of the soil.
  2. Mass leaf fall is provoked by two factors - the flower goes through an acclimatization stage or suffers from a lack of nutrients.
  3. Drying and darkening of the leaves at the tips is a sign of lack of moisture or high temperature.
  4. The leaves turn yellow when kept in a dark place. To fix this problem, it needs to be moved to a room with diffused daylight.
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