Zephyranthes at home: types and varieties, guide to winter care and propagation | (60+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Zephyranthes pink. Photo Zephyranthes (popularly called upstart) (Zephyranthes) is a bulbous perennial plant from the Amaryllis family. Under natural conditions, the homeland of zephyranthes is Cuba. The flower is quite unpretentious and suitable for growing at home.

The size of this herbaceous plant can reach 40 cm in height.

It is a perennial plant. The flowering period can have different durations: it usually occurs in spring and summer, in some cases the plant blooms all summer. The flowers are pink or white, appear quickly and last only a couple of days, after which new ones bloom just as quickly.

Be sure to pay attention to such wonderful plants of the Amaryllis family as wallot and clivia.

Growth rate is average.
Blooms in spring and summer.
The plant is easy to grow.
It is a perennial plant.


Appearance of flowers

Marshmallow is not only a popular sweet, but also the name of a deity from ancient Greek myths. Later, this word began to be used to describe the warm, moist wind blowing from the Atlantic coast. The word "anthos" is translated from Greek as "flower". The homeland of the plant is South America.

Zephyranthes got its name because it blooms when the wind begins to blow zephyr from the Atlantic to the South American continent. The literal translation is “flower of the west wind.”

But zephyranthes also has a nickname - “upstart”. It owes its rapid growth to him: from the moment the peduncle appears until the first flowers bloom, not even a few days pass. The plant has other, more poetic nicknames: “water lily”, “rain flower”, “house daffodil”.


Due to the fact that under natural conditions, zephyranthes blooms during the rainy season, it requires abundant and frequent watering during the growing season.

However, it is important to ensure that the water in the pan does not stagnate - this can lead to rotting of the bulbs.

The soil should be slightly moist during flowering, watering is carried out every 3-6 days.

Water used to moisten marshmallows is settled and warm.

After the plant has flowered, watering is gradually reduced both in volume and frequency. In winter it should be moderate enough so that the bulbs do not rot. And upstart species that shed their leaves during the dormant period do not need watering at all in winter.


Flowering in open ground

Zephyranthes is a herbaceous bulbous plant, a perennial of the Amaryllis family. Up to 40 species are found in nature, living in the tropical and subtropical regions of Central and South America. 10 of them are suitable for home breeding. Residents of these areas happily grow zephyranthes in their garden plots.

The bulbs are small in size, 1-5 cm in diameter, slightly elongated or ovoid in shape and covered with brown husk. The toxins they contain make them unattractive to parasites and pests. Narrow and oblong linear leaves of a dark green hue grow from bulbs.

Variety with pink flowers

Each bulb produces one or several tubular peduncles, their length reaches 30 cm or more. The flowers are solitary, single-row, funnel-shaped, 7-10 cm in diameter. They bloom almost simultaneously with the appearance of the leaves.

In nature, zephyranthes bloom at any time of the year, if the conditions are suitable. The flowers are colored pink, white, scarlet, purple or yellow. Some note that they resemble crocuses.


Zephyranthes needs bright light, but at the same time diffused. It will feel comfortable on window sills facing west or east.

On a window facing south, you will need shading using a translucent curtain. Or the flower can be placed on a table by the window.

On a northern windowsill, the plant will not have enough light. It will build up green mass, but there will be few buds. In this case, artificial lighting will help.

During the warm season, the “upstart” can be taken out onto the veranda or onto the balcony . You can even plant it in open ground.

Difference from Gabranthus

What flowers does gabranthus have - photo

In the Amaryllidaceae family there is a flower similar to zephyranthes - gabranthus. Sometimes they are even called twin brothers. The differences are presented in table form:

It is interesting that in English both flowers are called the same: rain lily - “rain lily”.

What does the flower symbolize?

The name of the Zephyranthes flower comes from 2 Greek words: “zephyr” - warm summer wind, “anthos” - flower. Two important characteristics are combined - an unusual appearance and a surprisingly light aroma of the buds.

There are many beliefs associated with the symbolism of Zephyrantes:

  1. People believed that the flower preserves love, tenderness and fidelity in family relationships.
  2. Blooming Zephyranthes has increased energy abilities. Timid, uptight people who are not able to stand up for themselves, inhaling the aroma of the buds, become liberated and gain confidence.
  3. It’s a pleasure to communicate with those flower growers who grow upstart plants.

Application and beneficial properties

Use in landscape design

Zephyranthes is a wonderful indoor plant and a convenient “resident” of a garden or summer cottage. Plants are also used to decorate landscapes. But in addition to decorative properties, zephyrantes also have healing properties.

Lycorin, naringin and other alkaloids and antioxidants contained in parts of the plant are used in therapy:

  • Oncological pathologies
  • Hepatitis and other liver diseases
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Tuberculosis.

Marshmallows have also proven effective against colds. The plant is used not only in traditional medical practices, but also in official medicine.

Since marshmallow bulbs are poisonous, they should not be allowed to reach pets or children.


“Upstart” feels comfortable at average air humidity.

On hot summer days and during the heating season, when the air in the house or apartment is quite dry, you can place containers of water near the plant. This will increase humidity and create favorable conditions for the plant.

If zephyranthes is in a room with dry air, it needs spraying . The procedure is carried out using warm, settled water every 2-3 days.


Sharp and long leaves of the plant

The flower is surrounded by signs and folk beliefs. For example, it is believed that a plant has strong energy during the growing season - active growth and flowering.

Presumably, zephyranthes helps a person become more relaxed, courageous and self-sufficient. They also say that it strengthens the family, makes relationships more tender and warm.

However, the flower also has a bad reputation. In the teachings of Feng Shui, on the contrary, it is said that an “upstart” causes discord in family relationships, so it is undesirable to keep it at home, especially in the bedroom. Proponents of the doctrine believe that, in general, you should not have plants with long, sharp leaves at home.


During growth and flowering, the optimal temperature will be 19-25 degrees. During the dormant period, Zaphyranthes needs to reduce the temperature to 9-14 degrees.

This will have a positive effect on the future flowering of the plant. However, you cannot lower the temperature below 5 degrees - the zephyranthes will simply die.

It is pleasant to note that zephyranthes is unpretentious and normal to temperature changes.

In summer, the flower tolerates higher temperatures. Heat of about 30ºC does not in any way affect its growth and further flowering, provided there is abundant watering.

In winter, zephyranthes do not have to be kept at low temperatures . If this is not possible, you can simply leave it on the windowsill in the apartment at room temperature. After such a wintering, flowering will not be so abundant, and much fewer young bulbs will be formed. But in general, a warm winter does not affect the general condition of the flower.

Types and varieties

Species Zephyranthes aurea

There are 38 species of Siferanthes in natural conditions. Thanks to advances in breeding, new varieties have been developed, including multi-color hybrids. Therefore, now there are already about 90 varieties of “upstarts”.

Based on the color of the corolla of the petals, zephyranthes are divided into white-flowered, red-flowered, yellow-flowered and bicolor. Let's look at the most common and interesting types.

Zephyranthes grandiflora

Zephyranthes grandiflora

Grandiflora Zephyranthes (Zephiranthes grandiflora) Can grow up to 40 cm in height. The leaves are also long, thin, up to 20-30 cm.

The color of the corolla is pink, the stamens are orange. The variety can bloom before the onset of cold weather.

Snow-white zephyranthes (Zephiranthes candida)

Zephyranthes snow-white

Snow-white zephyranthes (Zephiranthes candida) Grows up to 60 cm and higher. The bulb is round, approximately 3 cm in diameter. The flowers, as the name suggests, are white with golden-yellow stamens.

Zephyranthes versicolor

Zephyranthes versicolor

Zephyranthes versicolor A typical representative of bicolors. The unusual flowers are colored red-green or white-green on the outside.

Zephyranthes robusta

Zephyranthes powerful

Zephyranthes robusta has large bulbs up to 5 cm in diameter. The variety usually blooms in spring and summer. The flowers are light pink.

Also distinguished:

  • Golden Zephyranthes (Zephyranthes aurea)
  • Zephyranthes atamasca
  • Pink Zephyranthes, or Pink (Lindley Zephyranthes rosea)

Features of zephyranthes

Zephyranthes is a herbaceous bulbous perennial plant whose leaf blades are belt-shaped. The flowers of this plant and crocus are very similar to each other. The color of the flowers depends on the variety and type of marshmallow and can be white, red or pink. There are also varieties whose flowers are two-colored. Different varieties bloom at different times, but in general they bloom throughout the year. Only 10 species of marshmallow are cultivated at home, with 5 of them being the most popular among flower growers.


Zephyranthes reproduction

The plant can be propagated by daughter bulbs - tubers, as well as seeds. But before you prepare planting material and propagate the plant, you need to take care of a “home” for it.

Selecting a pot for planting

Selection of containers for flowers

To make the blooming zephyranthes look more spectacular and lush, several bulbs can be planted in a container at once. To do this, select a pot that is wide and not too deep. The optimal number of bulbs is from 5 to 10 pieces.

If you plan to plant only one onion, it is enough to choose a pot of a standard shape, but only slightly wider than the onion: too large a container will interfere with the adequate development of the root system. Expanded clay drainage must be placed at the bottom of the pot. The recommended layer width is 1/3 of the height of the pot.

There should be one or more drainage holes at the bottom of the container. If they are not there, choose another pot. You can make holes in plastic yourself.

Soil requirements

Zephyranthes needs loose soil

Zephyranthes will benefit from a loose and well-drained substrate with a high content of nutrients. The acidity pH value should not exceed 6. The soil can be purchased at a flower supply store.

If you prepare the soil mixture yourself, then use it in the same ratio:

  • Leaf soil
  • Sod soil
  • Coarse sand
  • Humus

It is also permissible to add one part of peat to the substrate.

Reproduction by children

Plant bulbs

This is the best way to breed marshmallows at home. Daughter bulbs must have roots, otherwise it will be difficult for them to take root in new conditions. The bulbs, separated from the mother bulb, are planted in a prepared container in the amount of 5-10 pieces.

Small specimens are completely grounded. If the neck of the onion is long, it should protrude from the ground.

Then the soil is sprayed with a spray bottle and not watered for several days: during this time, the planting material will undergo primary adaptation. Afterwards, the plants are watered in the usual way.

Choose this method of growing marshmallows if you want quick flowering. A plant grown from seeds will begin to bloom no earlier than three years later.

Zephyranthes are propagated by bulbs and seeds.

The most effective method of propagation is buried in the ground - bulbs. Plants prudently form young children around the main bulb. Choose young bulbs with an already formed root system. This way there is more chance for a new “upstart” to appear, and it will bloom within a year.

For experienced gardeners, there is an interesting option for propagation by seeds. The effect will be noticeable in the third year after planting. You can use store-bought seeds or get them yourself. To do this you will have to engage in self-pollination.

At the beginning of flowering, a clean brush is used to transfer pollen from the stamens to the pistils. In this way, you can develop your own unique look by crossing pollen from plants of different colors.

As a result of such manipulations, fruits with seeds remain in place of the inflorescences. There is no need to store the obtained seeds, immediately into the prepared soil no deeper than 1 cm. Favorite habitat is tropical swamps, the soil of which is dominated by peat.

Set up a box with peat and a lid made of glass or greenhouse film in a warm and well-lit place.

Flower growers love to share bulbs of different varieties and collect various collections in their homes.

Propagation from seeds

Box with seeds

In apartment conditions, this method is rarely used: it is more complicated and gives worse results. In addition, not everyone wants to wait several years for flowers to appear. Finally, for the procedure to be carried out correctly, you must already have flowering marshmallows at home.

For propagation, the owner independently carries out cross-pollination. After two months, the seeds can be planted in the ground: during this time they will ripen in seed pods. A wide, shallow container is suitable for planting. The seeds are lowered into well-moistened soil, evenly distributing them at a distance of a couple of centimeters from each other.

Then they create a greenhouse: cover the pot with cling film. It is kept in a warm, ventilated room and in good light.

Every day the film is removed for 20-30 minutes so that the soil and seeds can “breathe”. In about a month, the first shoots will appear. After some time, they can be separated and placed in other pots.

Seed germination rates vary. There is no need to rush to dig up weak and small seedlings. Let them gain strength.


In spring and summer, the “upstart” is fed once every two weeks . For this purpose, liquid fertilizers are used for flowering bulbous plants.

In the fall, fertilizing is reduced, and in winter it is completely stopped.

Feeding the flower must begin 1 month after transplantation. Previously, the soil in a pot with a flower does not require fertilizer, since it has not yet been depleted and is very nutritious.

Usually zephyranthes are fed from mid-April . At this time, its active growing season begins. And since this plant forms buds very quickly, fertilizing is carried out with fertilizers for flowering plants. It is advisable to use liquid complex fertilizers, which are convenient to dilute with water and apply to the soil.

Fertilizers are diluted with water according to the instructions to obtain the desired concentration. The plant is watered with this water once every 2 weeks until mid-September. We should not forget that any fertilizers are applied only to moist soil. Therefore, before fertilizing, it is necessary to water the plant.

Until the end of October, fertilizing is carried out once every 3-4 weeks. In winter, even if the plant is at room temperature, it is not fed.


Now - in more detail about what conditions need to be provided for the marshmallow and what its well-being depends on


Zephyranthes grows in the tropics and subtropics: this fact determines the selection of maintenance conditions

It is recommended to place the plant on the windowsill of a south-facing window: zephyranthes likes the most light place possible. It is also acceptable to place it on a western or eastern window. But in the north it will be too dark.

Sunlight, even direct light, will not harm it, but it is still advisable to protect zephyranthes from the bright midday sun. In the warm season, the flower is regularly transferred to the balcony or loggia, where it feels great. You just need to protect it from drafts and midday rays.

Temperature: seasonal conditions

During the growing season (spring and summer), heat-loving zephyranthes is comfortable at a temperature of +20-25 degrees

In autumn, a period of rest begins, which continues in winter , until approximately the end of January - beginning of February.

This means that conditions need to be cooler. It is advisable to gradually lower the temperature, starting in autumn, and maintain it at +12 degrees in winter.


Sufficiently moist soil

Proper hydration is critical for the plant. In nature, zephyranthes does not bloom in dry times, but begins to grow during the rainy season - it is not for nothing that it is called the “rain lily”.

The flower is watered with soft and clean settled water at room temperature as the top layer of soil dries. Watering is carried out abundant or moderate; The main thing is that the earthen lump does not dry out. But excess moisture from the pan must be removed to avoid water stagnation.

Zephyranthes prefers daily spraying of foliage. It is also recommended to humidify the air around it. For example, you can place containers of water nearby or get an artificial air humidifier in your apartment.

Proper hydration is especially important during the active growth phase. Otherwise, the plant will go into hibernation. The optimal humidity is 80%.

Top dressing

Liquid fertilizer

During the growing season, the plant needs liquid mineral fertilizers, sold in flower shops. They need to be applied twice a month from spring to autumn.

When the zephyranthes blooms, feed it a little more often - once every 10 days, observing the well-being of the flower. When wintering begins, they stop fertilizing.


Transplanting bulbs into a new pot

It is advisable to replant Zephyranthes in the spring - in the most favorable conditions. To do this, use strong, healthy bulbs without traces of rot and mold and with their own root system.

Rotten specimens can also be used, but first they are soaked in a fungicidal solution for 30 minutes. The bulbs are planted in a new pot, the voids are carefully filled with fresh substrate.

Diseases and pests

The plant is resistant to attack by pests, but if conditions are violated, it can be exposed to harmful insects.

When attacked by scale insects, the flowers lose their color and dry out, and dark spots appear on the leaves. To get rid of the scourge, the leaves are treated with Actellik.

Whitefly infects leaves, which dry out and fall off. Actellik and Decis are used for fighting.

In most cases, when the soil is very waterlogged, an amaryllis mealybug appears and settles on the bulb, feeding on its juices. The flower withers and growth slows down. Affected bulbs are treated with an insecticide. If the damage is severe, the bulbs are destroyed.

If there is insufficient humidity, the flower may be attacked by spider mites. Flowers wither and dry, cobwebs appear on the leaves. Apply a soap solution liberally to the affected areas, and after complete drying, wash off with running water. In case of severe infection, use the drug Actellik. It is necessary to spray the leaves as often as possible.


Zephyranthes. Replanting for further flowering

Rain lily does not need to be pruned. An exception is the removal of yellowed, diseased and dry leaves, dried flowers and buds. This will preserve the decorative properties of zephyranthes.

Diseases and pests

View of a healthy flower

Zephyranthes rarely upsets its owner with illness. Among the common problems for gardeners that arise from improper maintenance:

  1. Lack of flowering. Among the reasons why zephyranthes does not bloom are lack of light, increased or insufficient humidity. Poorly selected capacity may affect
  2. Root rot, red rot. Rotting begins due to overwatering of the soil. The plant needs an urgent transplant. Rotting places are cut off and the bulbs are treated with phytosporin or other biofungicides
  3. Yellowing of foliage. The usual culprit for leaves turning yellow or falling off is a lack of moisture. It is necessary to adjust watering, spray the plant more often


Pests also do not often attack the plant. Typically parasitic among zephyranthes are:

  • Spider mites
  • Shchitovka
  • Whitefly
  • Amaryllis mealybug

Spider mites

The flower withers and withers, sheds its leaves, and refuses to bloom. Parasites feed on the sap from leaves and stems, depriving it of its strength. They settle on different parts of the plant and even between the scales of the bulbs.

To get rid of pests, you need to wash the marshmallow with soapy water, then give it a warm shower. For mild infestations, these measures are sufficient. If there are too many insects, you will have to treat the zephyranthes with special insecticidal preparations. Insecticides are sold in flower and garden stores. You can buy Actellik, Karbofos or Decis.

Careful care will help prevent pests and diseases. Do not forget to spray the plant, fertilize it, and replant it in a timely manner.

Solving growing problems

Table: common mistakes in care

Excessive wateringRotting of the bulb and rootsWater after the top layer of soil dries out
Insufficient wateringWilting or yellowing of leaves, no flower stalksDo not allow the earthen coma to dry out
Bowl too bigNo floweringIt is necessary to create moderate crowding for the plant
Peace is not guaranteedFor three months in autumn or winter, the flower definitely needs rest.
The neck of the bulb is covered with earthFollow landing rules

Table: diseases and pests of zephyranthes

NameDescriptionMethods of control and prevention
Amaryllis mealybugA small insect that causes yellowing, falling, and wilting of leaves.
  • Insecticide Fitoverm at the rate of 2 ml per 1 liter of water. Water the plant with it.
  • If the bulb is severely affected by the bug, then it is better to destroy it.
Spider miteA small insect that entangles leaves and stems in a web, causing the leaves to dry out and the plant to die.
  • Spray with Anti-Mite insecticide according to the instructions.
  • Humidify dry air and spray with water from a spray bottle in hot weather.
Soft scale insectA convex insect 4 mm long, feeds on the juices of the plant, causing its death. It is difficult to fight it with insecticides, since the scale insect has protection - a shield on its back.
  • Using a cotton swab dipped in the insecticide Actellik, Karbofos or Aktara, remove all scale insects from the plant, treat the windowsill, window.
  • Carefully examine each part of the zephyranthes. If at least one scale insect remains on it, after a few days the plant will again be covered with insects.
WhiteflyA small white insect, 3 mm in size, similar to a moth. The whitefly comes from tropical countries, so it loves places where it is warm and humid. They live mainly on the underside of leaves.
  • Actellik - 1 ampoule per 1 liter of water, spray when whiteflies appear.
  • Move the plant to a cooler and drier place - whiteflies do not like lower temperatures and humidity.
Fusarium (red rot)This dangerous disease is caused by a fungus that penetrates through wounds and cracks in the bulb. It manifests itself as rotting of the roots of the bulb, yellowing and wilting of the leaves.
  • Destroy the diseased bulb along with the earthen lump.
  • Place healthy onions in the Maxim preparation for 30 minutes.
  • Avoid high humidity when storing bulbs.

Photo gallery: diseases and pests that can affect zephyranthes

Spider mites appear when the air in the room is too dry Amaryllis bug lives on bulb scales Whitefly appears in a humid, warm climate False scale insects are capable of very rapid reproduction Fusarium is a dangerous fungal disease that causes rotting of the bulb and roots

Due to the fact that marshmallow bulbs are poisonous, the plant is quite resistant to disease and often dies due to improper care. In rare cases, zephyranthes can become ill with fusarium.


Planting and transplanting

Planting zephyranthes is not difficult. Basically, everything will depend on what shape the bulb has - with an elongated neck or a short one. In the first case, the bulb is buried in the ground so that the neck protrudes half or a third above the surface of the earth. A bulb with a short neck is buried completely in the ground.

Remember that the long neck of the marshmallow should stick out from the ground, and not be buried in it

Let's consider planting a marshmallow bulb, which consists of several stages:

  1. The bulb of the marshmallow is small, so a small pot is required for it - just a couple of centimeters larger. It happens that the plant is propagated by daughter bulbs, of which up to 12 can be formed per season. All of them can be planted in one container, which should be wide - depending on the number of “daughters” planted. This flower loves nutritious and loose soil with a pH level of 6 or so, which consists of equal parts of turf, humus and sand. It is important to equip a high-quality and thick drainage layer so that the plant does not stagnate in damp soil. Most often, simple expanded clay acts as drainage.
  2. Marshmallow bulbs are soaked for 1–2 hours in a solution of any fertilizer developed for bulbous plants.
  3. While the bulbs are in the “lock”, prepare the pot. It can be about 10 cm deep, respectively, the drainage layer in this case will be about 3–4 cm. Nutrient soil is poured on top of the drainage. It is best to choose soil specifically for bulbous indoor plants.
  4. There is no need to fill the soil to the edges of the pot; you can leave 3-4 cm uncovered. The layer of soil is watered with a solution of the same fertilizer for bulbous plants (for example, Zdraven turbo for dahlias and bulbous plants - 15 g per 10 l). Place the bulbs on top and sprinkle them with a layer of soil.
  5. It is best to water the bulbs not from above, but through a tray. Thanks to this method, in the presence of expanded clay, moisture stagnation and root rot can be avoided. Watering through a tray is beneficial not only during planting, but also when growing zephyranthes. The whole point is that in this case the top layer of soil is not compacted and washing out does not occur. In addition, the root system, sensing water at the bottom of the pot, tends to grow downward.

If you decide to dig up the bulbs in the fall and put them in storage, then do not separate them, but simply put them in a cool room to dry for a week. Then place in a paper bag and place in a frost-free freezer or basement. This wintering will help the plant bloom more abundantly next year.

Zephyranthes does not need a deep pot

As for replanting this plant, there are several opinions on this matter. Some gardeners claim that zephyranthes need to be replanted every year - in spring or autumn. Others say that replanting is not necessary until the flower becomes cramped in its pot. Still others are inclined to believe that the bulbs should be dug up in the fall and planted again in the spring. You can choose the most suitable option for yourself. If you look from a logical point of view, many plants do not like to be disturbed often, so the best option would be not to touch the marshmallow until its bulb grows and takes up all the space in the pot. When transplanting, young bulbs are easy to separate and plant in new places.

The transplant process itself is simple. Half an hour before this event, it is worth watering the plant in order to dig it up with a lump of earth for better survival. You can do without watering by treating the bulbs with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate. Next, a new pot with a prepared layer of expanded clay and soil awaits us. There is one distinctive point: after transplanting, zephyranthes are not watered for several days.

Try not to cause any mechanical damage to the bulbs when transplanting. Microtraumas, as a rule, do not cause any harm to the plant, but larger wounds can become a reason to get rid of planting material. Through them, pathogens of fungal diseases can penetrate into the bulb. If you injure a flower, but are sure that it is not critical, wash it with the same faint pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Flower care at home


To water zephyranthes, it is recommended to use warm water that has stood in the sun. The soil should be moistened whenever its top layer becomes dry. During the dormant period, you need to water zephyranthes very rarely if you want to prevent the leaves from completely falling off, and even less often if you allow them to completely drop.

Top dressing

Agricola is a universal fertilizer suitable for zephyranthes

In order for zephyranthes to please you with abundant flowering, from early spring, water it with well-fermented mullein infusion (ratio 1 to 10) 2 times a month. If for some reason you do not have access to this proven organic fertilizer, you can use any commercially available mineral fertilizer for flowering houseplants.

How to make an “upstart” bloom

During flowering, zephyranthes literally transforms

Although caring for a flower is very simple, some gardeners are faced with a lack of flowering period. There may be several reasons why zephyranthes does not bloom:

  • Improper maintenance of the plant during the dormant period. If a flower is kept in a warm and humid room all the time, then you are unlikely to wait for it to bloom. During the dormant period, the zephyranthes rests, directing all its energies to the ripening of the flower bud. At this time, the plant is able to shed its leaves without any harm to the bulbs - in this case, they should be kept dry, watered no more than 1-2 times a month, and placed in a dry room with a temperature of +8...+10 °C.

To make zephyranthes bloom, give it a period of drought, and then water it abundantly - this procedure can provoke the appearance of flower shoots.

  • The pot is too big and not enough bulbs grow in it. It has long been noted that the pot for marshmallows should not be too large, and its bulbs need company to bloom. It is optimal if 5-6 bulbs grow in a pot, located close to each other.
  • Planting bulbs too deep. When planting, it should be borne in mind that for most types of marshmallows it is preferable that the neck of the bulb is on the surface.
  • Bad light. If zephyranthes grows on a north window, then it can be very difficult to achieve flowering. It is better to place the pot with it on the southern, eastern or western windowsill. In summer, it is advisable to take the plant out onto the balcony - this will only benefit it.

Since dead tissue is a medium for the development of fungal infections, it is necessary to regularly rid zephyranthes of flowers that have lost their beauty and drying leaves. Peduncles, unlike flowers, can be left until they dry completely - this will make it easier to pull them out.

After complete flowering, the necessary action is to feed the plant with mineral fertilizer (for example, Rainbow), and it is also advisable to replace the soil.

Rest period

The dormant period for zephyranthes occurs in autumn or early winter. A sign of the beginning of “hibernation” is the withering and falling of the leaves of the plant. In this case, watering should be stopped, and it is recommended to move the pot with bulbs to a dry and cool place for the next 3 months. There is no need to perform any manipulations to remove the bulbs from the soil; it is only important to cut off the dried leaves of the plant.

Common care mistakes - table

Care errorNecessary measures to eliminate it
Bulb rotting
  1. Reduce the frequency and abundance of watering.
  2. Dig up the bulbs, dry them well, inspect them for rot and transplant them into a pot with fresh soil mixture.
Incorrect planting of bulbsCompliance with the requirements for the container for growing marshmallows, the optimal number of bulbs in the pot and the depth of their planting
Lack of feedingWatering zephyranthes with any fertilizer for flowering bulbous plants once every 2 weeks.
Excessive dry air during the active periodMoisturize the plant by spraying and more frequent watering.

Growing tips - video

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