Why begonia doesn’t bloom - a description of the main reasons and ways to solve the problem

Begonia attracts attention with its unusual lush inflorescences, somewhat reminiscent of the queen of flowers - the rose. Despite the fact that begonia is not very demanding in care, to maintain lush flowering it is necessary to pay a little attention to it. Based on their decorative properties, begonias are divided into deciduous and flowering plants. So, if you improperly care for a flowering begonia, the plant will only produce foliage and will turn into a decorative form or will begin to get sick. The article will tell you what may be the reason why begonia at home does not bloom, but only produces foliage.

Recreating the microclimate for begonias

Creating a tropical forest microclimate on a home windowsill is a completely feasible task even for novice gardeners.

It is important to remember the basic requirements, the fulfillment of which contributes to obtaining a harmonious flowering specimen:

  • Lighting for begonias;
  • Air temperature and humidity;
  • Optimal watering regime.

The tropical climate is characterized by constant temperature and humidity. Begonias with pubescent leaves grow in the diffuse shade of tall trees, which prevents water from getting on the leaf blades and flowers. Tropical understory plants are exposed to the rays of the rising and setting sun. In the midday heat, begonia leaves are protected by the shade of trees.

Creating similar conditions at home will not be difficult if you place a flowerpot with a plant on windows facing east or west. Otherwise, the plants are shaded from the burning rays of the sun. Begonias are able to grow on the windowsills of northern windows without entering the flowering phase.

Incorrect lighting of begonias most often leads to:

  • Sunburn of leaves:
  • Formation of petioles that are too long;
  • Lack of plant flowering.

The presence of one of the above symptoms indicates the need to change the lighting regime of the herbaceous bush. The problem is solved by shading the begonia on the south window and organizing artificial lighting in a room with a north orientation.

The optimal air temperature range for begonias is +22+24°C during the period of active growth and +19+22°C during the resting phase. Favorable humidity level is 60-70%

Particular attention should be paid to air humidification during the heating season.

Moisture that gets on the developing buds or flowers causes irreparable harm to the flowering of the indoor plant. Sudden changes in air temperature are a stress factor for begonias, as are destructive drafts.

The flow of cool air leads to hypothermia of the root system and loss of moisture from the leaf plates.

Dry air is moistened by irrigation from a spray bottle near the flowerpot. A container of water placed in close proximity to the begonia also effectively increases humidity. It is recommended to place a damp cloth on radiators during the winter season. Household air humidifiers have also proven themselves well.

Improper watering of a houseplant can result in begonias not blooming at home. The method of watering begonias depends on their type. Tuberous and root begonias require different watering. Tropical crops react extremely negatively to excessive waterlogging of the substrate and overdrying of the soil in the flowerpot

It is extremely important to remove excess water from the pan to avoid acidification of the soil

Water for irrigation requires preliminary preparation. Tap water must be left to stand for three days in an open container to remove the chlorine it contains. Most city water supplies supply hard water with high levels of salts. This water needs to be boiled for five minutes.

It is important to prevent water from getting on the petioles and leaves of the begonia during watering. Violation of the watering regime most often entails:

Violation of the watering regime most often entails:

  • Root rot;
  • Spots on leaf blades;
  • Dropping flowers and buds;
  • Lack of flowering;
  • Wilting of leaves.

The presence of one of the above symptoms indicates a violation of the watering regime. Understanding the source of the problem allows you to correctly determine what to do to correct agricultural mistakes.

Specialized retail outlets sell a soil mixture for begonias containing an optimal set of microelements. Young specimens are replanted annually after the flowering phase is completed. Fertilizing should be done depending on the vegetative phase.

Begonias are not fertilized during the dormant period. At the beginning of active growth, a complex of mineral fertilizers with a predominant nitrogen content is applied.

The fertilizer mixture is changed after the begonia has grown a sufficient amount of green mass. Flowering species need a potassium-phosphorus complex to awaken flower buds and maintain the flowering process. The application of fertilizers that do not correspond to the vegetative phase causes a lack of flowering and the formation of too lush greenery.

Growing conditions for indoor begonias Elatior

Stable warmth and good soft lighting are all that begonias need for tireless flowering. They are gentle and do not tolerate sudden changes in cultural conditions.

Winter begonias remain primarily indoor plants. But they are increasingly grown for garden purposes - decorating balconies, terraces, potted gardens and even open soil. They are used in urban landscaping and transferred to plots - like plants that bloom for one season. As a perennial, this begonia can only be preserved indoors. But even in the interior it can be thrown away immediately after flowering.

Begonia Elatior 'Berseba'. bakker

Lighting and placement

Despite the abundant flowering, begonias of the Elatior group are not sun-loving. They need to be protected from direct sunlight, choosing secluded places with diffused but still bright lighting. Light partial shade is the best choice for them.

It was not by chance that elatiors received their name as winter begonia. These are plants with a pronounced short day, thanks to which they bloom most luxuriantly in the coldest time of the year. Plants that bloom in spring and summer require control of daylight hours 8-10 weeks before flowering.

Additional lighting with shading for two months allows you to achieve lush flowering from the plant at any time, but during the preparation period the duration of daylight should be exactly 9 hours a day. Natural conditions in October-December are already sufficient for winter flowering of begonias.

One of the secrets of the spectacular flowering of Elatior class begonias is the stability of lighting. From the moment of budding until the end of flowering, it is better not to turn or move the bushes in relation to the light source, and not to move them to a new place or to new rooms.

Therefore, you need to choose a place for this plant carefully, thinking through the location of the flowering begonia in the interior and making sure that the lighting is comfortable for further growth several months before the start of the main “show”.

Temperature and ventilation

Any beautifully flowering begonias should be protected from heat. But Elatior begonias will prefer very stable and moderate temperatures within the range of 16 to 21 degrees Celsius, even in summer. Any excess of 22 degrees shortens the flowering period and requires control of air humidity.

Heat causes loss of fullness and stretching of the plant, especially if temperatures exceed 28 degrees in the fresh air. At the same time, during the budding period, the temperature is critical: the better the indicators stabilize at a value of 20 degrees or slightly higher, the more magnificent the begonias will bloom.

If it is possible to control temperatures more strictly, you can use the secret for the longest possible flowering of Elatior begonia: increase temperatures by at least 3-4 degrees at the budding stage and lower them to cool at the flowering stage.

The minimum temperature that elatiors can tolerate is about 12 degrees. But the cold will not pass without a trace for them. Plants will prefer to spend even their dormant period at a temperature of 16 to 18 degrees. If plants continue to bloom in winter, then such a decrease is unacceptable.

For almost all new varieties of Elatior begonia, it is preferable to keep them even in the depths of winter at a temperature of at least 20 degrees. The minimum temperature at which flowering continues is 18 degrees Celsius. Moreover, any temperature fluctuations have an extremely negative effect on flowering.

These plants need to be protected from any sudden changes in temperature, especially cold snaps and drafts. The more stable the environment, the more abundantly and longer the elatiors will bloom. Even from a period of active development to a period of rest and back, plants should be transferred gradually, with intermediate transitions.

Hybrid elatior begonias love fresh air. Frequent ventilation while protecting the plant from drafts is a prerequisite for plant health. Drafts, especially cold ones, cause begonias of the Elatior group to drop their buds.

All elatiors bloom successfully in the fresh air. Plants can be taken out onto balconies and into the garden, placing them in sheltered places and in partial shade, not in too much sun. But you should be prepared for the fact that after returning to the rooms, in the absence of a gentle transfer to new conditions, flowering in the rooms may not continue.

Begonia Elatior 'Eva'. IRecommend

Errors in begonia agricultural technology

Often, inexperienced gardeners show excessive enthusiasm when growing indoor plants. One should take into account the fact that flowering itself serves as confirmation of proper care and professionalism of the grower.

Beginning owners of green collections have insufficient knowledge about the agricultural technology of begonias. As a result, plants lose their decorative properties, do not enter the flowering phase, or drop their buds. Further non-compliance with the rules of cultivation and care at home can even lead to the death of the plant.

Successful agricultural technology for begonias consists of the following points:

  • Optimal watering regime;
  • Planting in an appropriate substrate;
  • Correct choice of lighting;
  • Maintaining ambient temperature;
  • Appropriate humidity level;
  • Application of mineral fertilizers.

Deviation from the requirements for cultivating indoor plants entails disruption of the vegetative phases of development, lack of flowering, and death of the specimen. Natives of the tropics and subtropics have low resistance of the root system to pathogenic bacteria. Also, some garden pests can adversely affect the development of begonias.

Flower pests of begonias

Infestation of a houseplant by flower pests can cause a lack of flowering. The vegetation of the tropical bush is disrupted, since all types of pests feed on the sap or tissue of the begonia. A careful examination of the leaves and petioles allows us to determine that the specimen has been attacked by pests.

Most often begonias are affected by:

  • Aphid;
  • Spider mite.

Aphids live on the lower part of leaf blades and look like a light coating to the naked eye. Under a magnifying glass, you can see microscopic insects with a light green or whitish color.

Thin webbing on the bottom of leaves may indicate the presence of spider mites. It is recommended to carefully remove the affected parts of the plant, and then carry out preventive treatment of the begonia.

The problem is solved through the use of insecticides. Chemicals are sold by specialized retail outlets. The above-ground part of the plant is treated according to the instructions on the package. You should remember personal safety precautions.

Sometimes the cause of plant death is soil contaminated with nematodes. Rehabilitation of the affected specimen is almost impossible. Nematodes belong to the class of protozoa. Experienced gardeners recommend getting rid of the soil along with the specimen and the flowerpot.

Reasons why a crop stops blooming

If begonia does not bloom, there may be many reasons. Let's look at them in more detail:

  1. Young age. Typically, independent flowering is observed only after at least five rings have formed on the main stem. Therefore, if you received a young plant with an already formed inflorescence, this means that the begonia was forced to bloom artificially at home. To do this, as a rule, specialized preparations are added to the soil to stimulate earlier flower development. However, it should be borne in mind that the period of such flowering will not be long-term, and the next one will repeat only when the flower reaches the required age.

Species mismatch. Depending on the variety of plants planted - flowering or ornamental, producing only leaves, there is no point in expecting flowering from the latter.

Insufficient lighting. Begonia is a light-loving plant; lack of light can be one of the reasons why begonia buds fall off immediately after they appear on the stem. You can correct the situation by moving the flowerpot to a place illuminated to the required degree. But you should not expose the plant to direct sunlight for a long time, as there is a risk of burns. Experienced flower growers recommend placing pots with these flowers on window sills that face southeast or southwest.

Low humidity levels. Too dry air has an adverse effect on the crop. The main sign of a lack of moisture is the drying out of the edges of the begonia leaf blades. What to do: It is recommended to place a small container of water at room temperature next to the pot, and in winter hang a moistened towel or cloth over the radiator. A nearby aquarium would also be a good alternative. But watering should be treated with the utmost attention: the plant can die either with a lack or excess of moisture.

Inappropriate temperature. In the warm season, begonias feel good at temperatures not exceeding 22 degrees. But in winter the temperature range drops to 15-18 degrees. Sudden changes in temperature in the room where the flower is located should be avoided. Otherwise, the stressful state into which it falls may be one of the reasons why the begonia will drop its flowers and will not be able to delight with flowering in the subsequent period.

Failure to comply with the time intervals of vegetative rest. Between active periods, begonia needs rest to gain strength for the next flowering. If you wake up too early, the flower does not have enough strength to fully bloom. The problem is solved by establishing a specific rest schedule. If in the summer the crop bloomed well and luxuriantly, in the winter it must be left to rest for at least three months. To do this, the number of waterings is reduced, the pot is placed in a cool place, and daylight hours are reduced to 7 hours. The plant is brought out of the suspended state in stages: the room temperature rises, watering becomes more frequent and daylight hours increase.


To ensure that begonia does not stop blooming in the house, you must adhere to certain rules:

  • Say no to drafts. It is forbidden to place the pot in such a way that it is blown from all sides. Tuberous begonias are especially sensitive to drafts, since their shoots are quite fragile. A strong wind can break them in an instant. If you neglect to comply with this condition, then you should not wonder why the ever-flowering begonia does not bloom.
  • Fresh air. For full flowering of begonias, you need to ensure a constant supply of fresh air.
  • Light. Bright lighting is extremely important for this plant. However, it is forbidden to be in direct sunlight, as it leaves burns on the leaves. It is recommended to place begonia in the western or eastern part of the house.
  • Temperature. The maximum permissible temperatures for begonia: in summer +23 ⁰С, and in winter +18 ⁰С.
  • Air humidity. Despite the fact that begonia cannot bloom normally without moist air, it is prohibited to spray it, since after such actions brown spots appear on the leaves. To solve this problem, flower growers place the pot on an inverted pallet, and place it on another larger pallet. Next, moss is sprinkled over it, on which water is periodically splashed.
  • Watering. The plant requires especially careful watering in hot weather, but in the winter months this is not necessary at all, since the begonia is placed in peat.
  • Nutrients. Begonia needs to be fed three times a month with special fertilizers.

Types of begonia

Cultivated begonias have a large number of varieties. Moreover, there are both “pure” and hybrid forms.

Based on their decorative qualities, they are divided into two types:

  • Deciduous. Valued for its beautiful color and leaf shape. It blooms with small, inconspicuous flowers collected in a brush, so the flower stalks are often removed.
  • Blooming. Flowers of this species can come in a wide variety of colors, shapes and sizes.
  • Tuberous. The most popular type. At the base of the stems a tuber is formed, which is an extension of the rhizome. After flowering, this species sheds its ground part and goes into hibernation.
  • Rhizomatous. Powerful root system of a perennial plant. Shoots of this species do not die, but the plant requires rest.
  • Superficial root system. This root system develops quickly. Begonia is easy to grow from seeds. Plants are also called ever-flowering.

Varieties of root begonias


The main difference between the species is its constant flowering. You can plant such a plant in the garden in the summer, take it indoors for the winter, and it will bloom everywhere all year round. These are perennial herbaceous begonias. External signs, in addition to constant flowering, are rounded leaves and small height: tall - up to 36 cm, short - from 8 cm. Many varieties have been bred with green or burgundy leaves, white, yellow, pink or coral flowers, which, in turn, They can be terry (in the form of roses) or simple.

Examples of plants in the photo


Indoor herbaceous begonias bloom in early spring and fully justify their name. The flowers are painted in different shades of red, and the branched flower stalks hanging down under the weight of the buds are very similar to corals. The leaves also look romantic: elongated, matte, speckled, with jagged edges reminiscent of angel wings. Begonias look most impressive in pots on stands. They are very unpretentious in care. Bush height - up to 90 cm.

Peduncles resemble corals in both shape and color

Deciduous begonias

The species is famous for the decorativeness of its leaves, and the flowers of deciduous begonias are small and inconspicuous. These are often non-flowering perennial plants. They differ from other species in their capriciousness. So, leaf begonias cannot be kept in the open air, that is, these begonias love greenhouse conditions, high humidity, and diffused light. In the country house or on an open balcony they will die. The main feature of the species is large (15–20 cm) and beautiful leaves. They can be decorated with colored pearl spots, exquisite patterns, contrasting colors, silver glitter or mother-of-pearl shimmer. The stems are pubescent, the reverse side of the leaves usually has a red tint.

What to do and how to make begonia bloom at home

To make a healthy plant bloom, it is important to review the conditions. If all the rules are met, then the next steps will be:

  1. Be sure to inspect the plant and remove overgrown shoots, thus thinning out the green mass. During the rest period, pinch the tops 2-3 times so that the plant stretches into growth, which helps the process of laying buds.
  2. In addition, the flower needs to be watered as the soil mixture dries out in the flowerpot to a depth of 1-2 cm, and also provide an influx of fresh air, bright diffused light and air humidity.

Setting up lighting and watering

For abundant flowering of begonias, lighting and watering play an important role.

Therefore, it is important to find a well-lit, draft-free place in the house with diffused rays. The plant does very well on south-east or south-west windows

In spring and autumn, when daylight hours are shortened, it is necessary to pay attention to additional illumination with special lamps

To determine whether the flower has enough moisture to ensure flowering, pay attention to examining the leaves. The main sign of lack of watering will be dried out tips of the leaves.

The plant needs watering. However, you should not immediately flood the begonia. Water must be introduced gradually, in small portions, draining excess liquid from the pan if necessary. The soil should not become soggy or form lumps when it dries out.

The main sign of lack of watering will be dried out tips of the leaves. The plant needs watering. However, you should not immediately flood the begonia. Water must be introduced gradually, in small portions, draining excess liquid from the pan if necessary. The soil should not become soggy or form lumps when it dries out.

In summer, watering is done twice a week, but on very hot days the soil mixture is moistened daily. By autumn, water as the top layer of soil dries out, gradually reducing it to a minimum - once every 2-3 weeks. In spring, the intensity of moisture increases.

It will also be interesting: Coral begonia - caring for a houseplant at home?

Selecting the soil

The soil in which begonia is planted must be loose and allow air to pass through, so that when watering, rotting of the tubers or rhizomes of the flower does not occur.

To plant young plants, ordinary soil and peat are mixed in equal proportions, and for adult flowers, the same soil mixture is suitable, but with the addition of sand. Moreover, before mixing, it is advisable to calcine the soil in the oven in order to get rid of unwanted pathogenic bacteria and pests.

In order not to doubt the quality of the soil for planting begonias, you need to purchase a special substrate at a flower shop, which will begin the powerful development of the root system, green foliage and the formation of flower buds.

We fertilize correctly

To achieve long-term flowering of begonia, it should be properly fertilized.

For feeding, it is important to select high-quality complex mineral fertilizers. For example, “Good Power”, Bona Forte

Before applying complex fertilizers, Begoniaceae are fed with potassium nitrate.

The addition of nutrients prolongs flowering and serves as a good preventive measure against pests and diseases, so you should pay attention to ensure that the fertilizer contains:

  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron.

The plant needs to be fed with such nutritional compounds twice a week.


Preventive measures to care for begonias will ensure their normal development and, as a result, the full formation of new flower stalks. Basic preventive rules:

  1. To prevent fungal diseases, as well as maintain immunity, watering with a weak solution of potassium manganese or fungicides is used.
  2. Shading in the summer and additional lighting in the autumn-winter have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the flower.
  3. Compliance with watering rules helps prevent rotting of the root system.
  4. Frequent inspection of leaves and new shoots will allow timely detection of the presence of diseases and insects, which will allow timely treatment.

It will also be interesting: Royal begonia - varieties of indoor plants and care at home?

Causes of problems

Sometimes it happens that indoor begonia does not bloom, but only produces foliage - let’s look at why this happens at home.

  1. Sometimes gardeners place a pot of begonia in direct sunlight and forget about watering. After a while they notice that she is wasting away. The main condition that is observed if you want to see a flowering plant on the windowsill is abundant watering. You will learn important nuances of caring for a flower in a pot in this material.
  2. For prevention, water it with a weak solution of manganese or fungicides to prevent the development of fungal diseases.
  3. If you do not feed begonia with mineral fertilizers, the tuber will develop poorly and the flowers will fall off.
  4. The absence of flowers is caused by a substrate and pot that are incorrectly selected in composition and size. You can learn about choosing a pot and caring for a flower in a flowerpot here.

Reference. Tuberous begonia blooms after a period of dormancy. To do this, it sheds leaves in the fall and acquires new ones in the spring.

Before looking for a way to make begonia bloom, they look for the reason for the lack of buds.

  • The pot is in the shade. If the pot is in the shade, move it to another place where the length of the day will be different. At the same time, make sure that direct sunlight does not shine on it in the new place. Begonia feels better on southwestern and southeastern window sills.
  • Poor watering. Lack of moisture is determined by leaves that have dried out at the tips.
  • Dry air. It can be easily dealt with by purchasing a water spray or diffuser without perfume additives.
  • Temperature fluctuations. To prevent stress, move the pot to a warm place where there will be no drafts.
  • No rest period. It is important because it promotes the formation of buds that will bloom in the spring. To do this, reduce lighting to seven hours a day and cover the begonia with a cap or towel.
  • Pests. Constant inspection helps identify aphids or mites before they seriously damage the plant. We wrote about diseases and pests of begonia here.
  • Burnt roots.
  • Lack of fertilizers. Nitrogen ones are excluded, as they prevent the formation of buds.

Identifying the cause helps to change the care and return everything to normal.

Growing Begonia from seeds

Growing this plant from seeds is more difficult than from tubers.

You can purchase seeds in the store, or collect them from your Begonia.

Begonia seeds should be sown in February, so that in June-July you can already admire its flowers.

For sowing seeds, it is very important that the soil is disinfected. When sowing, they do not need to be buried in the ground; the seeds must remain on the surface of the soil so that sunlight falls on them; this is a necessary condition for successful germination

When sowing, they do not need to be buried in the ground; the seeds must remain on the surface of the soil so that sunlight falls on them; this is a necessary condition for successful germination.

If there is not enough light in your room, use fluorescent lamps.

Without enough light, Begonia seedlings will begin to stretch out.

You need to sow seeds in containers that have drainage holes at the bottom so that moisture does not remain in the soil.

If you are not sure about the cleanliness of the containers, sterilize them with boiling water.

Seed germination temperature is 20-25 degrees.

Germination time is about 14 days.

Begonia has one interesting feature: its seeds do not germinate well if planted alone and do not germinate well when planted densely.

While the seeds are germinating, it is very important to keep the soil moist. To moisten the soil, it is better to use a sprayer so that the seeds do not bunch up in one place

To moisten the soil, it is better to use a sprayer so that the seeds do not bunch up in one place.

You can also use a napkin or other loose paper to germinate Begonia seeds.

After the seeds germinate on a napkin, they can be transplanted into disinfected soil or into professional peat tablets.

The time has come when the seeds have sprouted in the soil and need to be planted; this can be done immediately when the seedlings appear or you can wait a little when the plant has its first true leaf.

The seedlings will feel more comfortable if you transplant them into the same soil mixture in which the seeds germinated.

Reproduction methods

Begonias reproduce using stem cuttings, leaves, seeds, parts of a bush or rhizome, or cuttings.

Any variety of begonia is propagated by cuttings:

  1. Cut a cutting 10 centimeters long from the main stem. It should have three pairs of leaves. The lower ones need to be removed and the upper ones cut in half.
  2. Dry the sections.
  3. Mix any soil for begonias with sand in a 1:1 ratio.
  4. Plant the cuttings in a container with soil and cover tightly with soil.
  5. Cover with bottle.

Within a month, the cuttings will acquire young leaves. They should be gradually accustomed to fresh air and the bottle removed. Four months after rooting, the begonia will bloom for the first time.

When propagating by seed, begonia seeds must be sown in moist sandy soil. Cover with film and grow on a sunny windowsill, periodically ventilating the crops. After 14 days, the emerging seedlings must be gradually accustomed to the surrounding climate and the film removed. When several leaves appear on the stems, the begonia needs to be planted in separate containers. In order for young plants to take root better, the soil can be treated with a Zircon solution. If the seeds were sown in winter, the first flowering can already be expected in mid-summer.

Basics of classification

A considerable part of the thousand-plus wild species attracted the attention of connoisseurs and moved into gardens and flowerpots. Many turned out to be capable of hybridization, and at present it is not possible to establish their pedigree

For successful breeding, it is enough for a florist to know the features of the life cycle, requirements for living conditions, methods of reproduction and methods of protection against diseases.

  • Tuberous begonias are beautifully flowering plants with a pronounced dormant period. Suitable for both indoor cultivation and for creating flower beds. This includes two close cultivar groups: B. tuberosа and B. tuberhybrida.
  • Rhizomatous begonias. A group of decorative deciduous trees, whose variety names speak for themselves: Diadema, Metallica, Coral, Rex... Inconspicuous white or pink flowers appear, as a rule, in winter. Although the latest new products can boast quite rich flowering. They prefer to grow indoors and fit well into an office environment.
  • Begonias with fibrous roots. More like decorative deciduous. Because although they bloom all year round, the flowers are small. Begonia sempflorens (ever-blooming) has all the characteristic features.


Tuberous begonia is an ornamental plant common among many gardeners. A special feature of this type of flower is its unpretentiousness in growing, which allows even an inexperienced gardener to do it without much difficulty.

The color palette of tuberous begonia is simply amazing in its dazzling and versatility, starting with creamy white shades and ending with dark purple combinations. The begonia leaf has an asymmetrical shape, covered with small hairs. The stem of the flower is juicy, watery, and large in size. This stem is designed to retain moisture in the plant and support massive leaves.

But, no matter how beautiful a flower is, it is not able to completely protect itself from dangerous pests that encroach on its colorfulness and “appetizing”. Read below if you want to learn how to help your plant escape unwanted parasites and diseases.

Home care after this period

During flowering, the plant required a lot of light, water and nutrition, but the energy-consuming process has ended and it is necessary to smoothly transfer the begonia to a dormant state. Gradually it is necessary to reduce the amount and volume of watering, fertilizing and lighting intensity.

What to do with it when it has bloomed depends on the type of root system.


In order to preserve the plant until next year, the tubers must be dug up. You need to do this correctly:

  1. As soon as flowering has ended, watering is significantly reduced. Water only so that the soil does not dry out at all.
  2. Trim off excess shoots and leaves.
  3. The plant is placed in a less lit place. At this time, the root gains strength to form buds.
  4. As soon as everything above the ground has dried, the tuber is removed from the ground.
  5. Cut off dried shoots.
  6. Inspect for rot. If there are rotten areas, it is necessary to cut them down to clean tissue with a sharp knife, sprinkle with crushed coal and dry.
  7. Place the tubers in a sealed bag with slightly damp sand or sawdust and place them on the refrigerator door until spring.

How to store begonia tubers in winter:

Varieties with common roots

Non-tuberous begonias can bloom almost until spring. However, it is better to give the plant a rest. To do this, you need to change the conditions of keeping the flower from November-December, as soon as active flowering has subsided:

  • Stop fertilizing.
  • Reduce watering as much as possible, water only when the top layer of soil becomes completely dry.
  • Trim the plant, remove all unnecessary shoots completely, reduce the main ones to 12-15 cm. Sprinkle the cut areas with charcoal powder.
  • Spray the air around the flower, or provide normal humidity in another way. You can put a tray with water, but the pot should not be in the water. You can pour pebbles into the tray, on which the pot will stand.

Transplanting everblooming begonia for the winter:

How to wake up?

At the end of February you need to prepare the plant for the next flowering:

  1. The tubers are inspected, sprinkled with water and placed in a bag in a bright and warm place at 22-25 degrees.
  2. As soon as the sprouts appear, they are planted in a pot with soil (read how to choose a flowerpot and care for begonias in a pot here). To a depth of 2/3 of the length of the tuber.
  3. Water little by little and keep in a warm, lighted place. You will learn how and what to water the plant here.
  4. When the sprouts become stronger, the soil is filled up to the root collar. This is the place where the root turns into an above-ground shoot.
  5. Non-tuberous begonias are simply transferred to a warm, illuminated place and watered more often.
  6. When the plant has woken up and started to grow, they begin to feed it. For this purpose, mineral liquid fertilizers are used, which are intended for flowering plants. We wrote about how to feed begonia for abundant flowering here.

Incorrect transplant

Another common reason for the lack of inflorescence is improper planting. In this case, it is easiest to force the flower to produce inflorescences. Before planting, you need to choose the right soil. It should be loose and nutritious. The optimal acidity level is from 5.5 to 6.5 pH. It is best to buy ready-made soil mixture in the store. Such a substrate will exactly meet all the necessary characteristics and will not be infected with pests or diseases.

The second point is the choice of pot. It should not be too cramped, but not too spacious. In a spacious pot, flowering occurs later and there is a risk of soil waterlogging.

How to plant begonia correctly:

  1. Transplantation is carried out in early spring.
  2. The plant is carefully removed from the pot and the root system is examined. If there are rotten areas, they are cut off.
  3. Then the flower is transplanted into a new pot and watered abundantly.

Additional Information! After transplanting, the pot is placed in a warm place with diffused light.

Decorative deciduous begonias

Anyone who was able to provide proper care for tuberous begonia will easily cope with this task for its decorative deciduous forms.

Rhizomatous and other decorative deciduous begonias do not require a period of rest. They are more shade-tolerant than flowering ones, but more thermophilic. They cannot withstand daily changes that are common in our climate, so they are rarely taken outside the premises.

Since the main decorative effect lies in the leaves, spray them with soft water (hard water will cause white spots to appear). Often they refuse to sprinkle at all: they wipe the leaves with a soft damp cloth, at the same time removing dust.

Rhizomatous begonias require a more spacious “living space”, wide and shallow. Transplantation is needed when the underground part becomes crowded. It will not be needed often: these are slow-growing plants.

Fertilizers are needed mainly nitrogen; it is useful to add well-rotted compost and other organic matter to the soil. The fertilizer application schedule is compared with the growing season - the more intense it is, the more often it is fed.

It is recommended to remove inflorescences if they are small and do not represent aesthetic value. The plant's energies will be directed toward producing larger, more colorful leaves.

Features of begonia flowering

Thanks to the painstaking work of breeders, the Begoniev family has a large number of varieties. Cultivated indoor begonia is divided into:

  • blooming;
  • deciduous.

The first one captivates with its beauty due to its lush flowering, while the deciduous one is distinguished by its unusual decorative effect and foliage shape.

There are 3 types of flowering begonias:

  1. Tuberous. After flowering in the fall, the plant sheds its leaves, and a tuber remains in the ground, which will give rise to young vegetation in the spring.
  2. Bushy is distinguished by a powerful rhizome, and after flowering the leaves of the plant do not die, but the flower requires rest.
  3. Evergreen stands out for its powerfully developed root system.

The flowers of the blooming varieties are unusually bright, showy, with many shades. Deciduous species also bloom, but many amateur gardeners tend to cut off flower stalks, since the plants are grown precisely because of their decorativeness and asymmetrical leaf shapes.

If you plant a flower in February, the first buds will already form in April; the begonia will fully bloom in May, delighting its owners with bright flowers until the end of October.

To extend the flowering period, fading flowers are removed.

Experienced flower growers achieve abundant flowering for six months, or even more, thanks to proper care and maintenance. Then begonia can bloom almost all year round, its flowers are luxurious, collected in racemose inflorescences with formed perianths of 6-8 petals. Depending on the variety, they come in different shapes, colors and types: terry, plain, multi-colored, large, small.

Some flowers have a scent. Bauman's begonia, for example, has a very pleasant smell, which, among other things, has a healing effect, cleansing the bronchi and increasing the body's defenses. When the plant fades, it needs a period of rest, after which the flower awakens, forming new bright buds.

It will also be interesting: Begonia Elatior - care at home and when to replant?

How to make begonia bloom at home?

Bored roses at home can be replaced with blooming begonia. The name of the plant is “ever-blooming” begonia, but in practice the formation of buds did not occur. Why didn't the begonia bloom?

How to make begonia bloom: place it on south-east or south-west windows. Provide additional light if the sunny day is short.

Begonia was not watered well

You can determine that the plant did not have enough moisture to bloom by examining the leaves. If they begin to dry out at the ends, there are clear signs of lack of moisture on the face.

How to make begonia bloom: introduce a constant in small portions. Drain excess water from the pan. Make sure that the soil does not become soggy or dry out, forming lumps.

Dry indoor air

Begonia does not bloom in dry air. If there is not enough moisture and soil mixture in the pot, you can say goodbye to the flower.

How to make begonia bloom at home: place moistened sphagnum moss or a container of water nearby. Home life hack: hanging a damp towel on the radiator is an ideal option in winter to make begonia bloom. Install a water spray or diffuser without perfume additives at home. Begonia near the aquarium is an ideal solution for room decoration and plant health.

Temperature fluctuations at home

The plant experiences stress during temperature fluctuations. A comfortable environment for begonia is 22°C in spring and summer and 15°C in winter.

How to make begonia bloom: move it to a warm place and shorten the post-stress period. Do not expose to drafts.

Did the begonia have a dormant period?

Then it is not surprising that the plant stopped blooming. During the rest period, begonia lays buds that will bloom in the spring. How to send a begonia to rest: reduce lighting to 7 hours a day, cover the begonia with an opaque towel or cap. Reduce the air temperature to 17° C during the daytime and gradually reduce watering.

How to make begonia bloom after a dormant period: gradually increase the amount of moisture and lighting. Move the begonia to a warm place - raise the air temperature gently.

Pests on begonias

To exclude parasitism, you need to constantly inspect your begonia. If you notice signs or the direct presence of aphids/mites, treat the plant with a fungicide.

Begonia does not bloom - what fertilizers are missing?

You can make begonia bloom by fertilizing it with a complex of minerals. Keep in mind that the soil mixture must have a drainage layer - at the bottom of the pot - and drainage elements mixed with the soil. Begonia does not bloom due to an excess of nitrogen, so it must be excluded during the period of bud formation.

Burnt begonia root system - why?

A burned root system is formed from excessive fertilizing, temperature changes, and exposure to direct sunlight during the dry period. Try to follow the above suggested rules for caring for begonias at home for flowering to keep the plant healthy.

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How to choose

When choosing a begonia, you need to pay attention to its appearance: a visually beautiful plant symbolizes its health. There should be no unnecessary spots or defects on the leaves and buds. The presence of any parasites is also unacceptable.

If the choice fell on a tall plant, then it is necessary to prepare an appropriate room for it so that the begonia feels free. Beginners should choose simple varieties of this flower, for example Elatior, so as not to be tormented by the question of why begonia does not bloom at home?

The main reasons why begonia does not bloom

  1. Type of flower. If it doesn't have flowers, it may be an ornamental foliage variety. Decorative deciduous begonias have beautiful leaves. They can be large or small, with an unusual shape or pattern. Often the stem of such a plant is creeping, and the leaves rise high on long cuttings.
  2. Plant age. Begonia blooms only when there are 5-6 rings on the main stem. Earlier flowering occurs rarely or under the influence of stimulating drugs.

Incorrect lighting for an indoor flower
Lack of light. Flowering begonias need sun, but do not like direct sunlight. If the pot is in the shade, it will not bloom. The solution to this problem is to move the plant to a more illuminated window sill. South-west or south-east windows would be the best option. Dry air. If the air is not humid enough, begonia may refuse to bloom. In order to humidify the air in the room, you can use special steam generators, containers with water or wet rags on batteries. An uncovered aquarium and spraying water from a spray bottle help to humidify the air. The main sign of too dry air is the drying out of the edges of the flower leaves. Uncomfortable temperature. The temperature norm for begonia is 20-23ºС in summer. Deviations from this norm or sudden changes in temperature can cause stress in the plant, under which it will not bloom. The solution to this problem is to move the plant to a place with a constant climate that is comfortable for it. No or short period of rest. A period of rest or hibernation is important for all types of flowering begonias. Its absence or awakening too early is the reason for the lack of strength for flowering. Problems can be solved. It is necessary to set a schedule for when the begonia will rest. For example, if flowering is preferable in winter, then dormancy should be done in summer. To do this, reduce watering of the plants and place them in a cool, shady place. The air temperature in it should be 15-17ºС. Daylight hours are about 7 hours, after which the plant is covered or the lights are turned off. The dormant period lasts about 3 months, then the begonia is gradually removed from it, increasing daylight hours, temperature and frequency of watering. Drafts. Begonia really loves cold air currents. A draft causes stress and failure of flowering and growth. It is necessary to protect heat-loving begonia from cold air. Lack of nutrients. Begonia requires a lot of energy and nutrients to bloom. The best option would be to transplant the plant in the spring into fresh soil special for begonias. If the plant has not been replanted, and the old soil has become poor, then you can feed the begonia with fertilizer for beautifully flowering indoor plants.

Consequences of improper plant maintenance

Lack or excess of watering. Begonia has a hard time surviving both drought and waterlogging. Stagnation of water can cause rotting of the root system or diseases (for example, powdery mildew). Lack of moisture leads to drying out of the earthen clod and death of the roots. If the root system cannot be saved, it is necessary to cut off the begonia stems with a sharp knife and place them in water. They will sprout roots pretty quickly. Excess fertilizer. Overdoing it with fertilizing can cause burns to the roots or cause vigorous growth of green mass. Pest infestation. Flower pests can be brought into the house from the garden, with soil or with other plants. Main pests: aphids, spider mites, weevils. Their detection requires immediate treatment of the plant with insecticides. Pests suck the juices out of the plant and it does not have enough strength to bloom.

Spider mite

Dying or rotting of buds may be due to spraying the plant with water or inaccurate watering. A flower can lose its buds if it is moved or turned over. This should not be done even within the same window sill, not to mention moving it to another room. Removing the female flowers (with the “seed”) will ensure more abundant blooms of beautiful male flowers.

Features of growing a lush indoor flower

Following simple rules for caring for begonias will allow you to admire beautiful flowers every year. A variety of color variations, as well as shapes of leaves and stems, makes it possible to beautifully decorate balconies, loggias, borders, flower beds and create a cozy atmosphere at home.

Low air humidity or improper watering

Dry air has a bad effect on begonia, the leaves begin to dry out at the edges and over time it will stop blooming altogether. To increase humidity, you can place a jar of water on the windowsill, or hang a damp towel on the radiator.

The plant will also respond beautifully by flowering to a nearby open aquarium.

As for watering, if there is a lack of water or an excess of moisture, begonia dies. You can try to save at least a few branches: cut off the still living stems and put them in water. After rooting they are planted.

Features of the flowering period

The duration and characteristics of flowering at home depend on how the owner cares for the green pet. You will learn about proper cultivation of begonia at home in a separate article.

When does it start and how long does it last?

Experienced flower growers can enjoy begonia flowering for six months to a year. After prolonged flowering, it needs rest, after which the plant is gradually awakened and soon enjoys bright buds.

Many people plant the plant in mid-February so that the first buds form at the end of April and bloom in May. In this case, it pleases with an abundance of buds until October.

With proper care, begonia blooms all year round, but this does not happen if the grower does not prune it. Read about proper pruning of begonias here.

How does this happen at home?

Begonia blooms profusely and brightly. Its flowers are luxurious, similar to the buds of peonies, roses or carnations. They can be terry or simple, large or small. They gather in racemose axillary inflorescences that form at the tips of the shoots. The perianth is formed by 2-5, and sometimes 6-8 petals.

Flowering process:

  1. At the beginning of development, all female flowers are cut off and fed three times a month.
  2. Flowering begins immediately after the possibility of pollination appears in a developed flower, i.e. its parts become accessible and free to influence pollination factors.
  3. Soon a yellow, red or orange flower will bloom (it can be single or multi-colored). The duration, as well as the flowering period itself, depends on how the grower cares for the begonia and whether pollination occurs.
  4. As the flowers fade, seed pods form.

For long-term flowering, feed the flower once a week with complex mineral fertilizers (Good Power, Bona Forte). Before adding them, feed it with a weak solution of potassium nitrate. Read more about how to feed a plant for abundant flowering in this article.

Not all begonias have fragrant flowers. Bauman's begonia smells. It has a unique smell, and besides, it has healing properties. It cleanses the bronchi and increases the vitality of the respiratory tract. Read about the beneficial and harmful properties of this plant here, and we talked about whether it can be kept at home and why it is needed in this material.

Read on to see photos of blooming begonia maculata and other varieties, as well as what the plant looks like without flowers.

Begonia maculata:

Begonia Volumia:

Begonia Baby Wing:

Begonia Bada Boom:

Begonia Ray:

Content Features

About 900 plant species today are associated with the name “begonia”. Once upon a time, the famous scientist Charles Plumier saw a flower in the Antilles. The flower owes its name to the governor of Haiti Begon, a philanthropist and organizer of large-scale expeditions. The most popular varieties include royal begonia, red-leaved, “Non-Stop”, spotted, ever-flowering, etc. Care for it depends on the type of crop.

  1. All varieties known today are quite sensitive to lack of light. Even if the lighting conditions simply change dramatically, this can become stressful for the plant and lead to its disease.
  2. A good place for begonia would be a window sill with diffused lighting (northwest or southeast windows are optimal).
  3. Indoor culture categorically does not like drafts and significant temperature changes. If such unfavorable conditions occur during periods of active growth and flowering, this is a direct threat to the plant.
  4. The normal temperature for the crop will be 15–18 plus degrees in winter, and in summer the figure increases to 22–26. At the same time, in warm weather, monitor the humidity level. Therefore, you can place a cup of water right next to the container with the flower. Today you can find decorative fountains on sale, which would come in handy next to a flower pot - both aesthetically and practically.
  5. In summer, domestic begonia requires “walking” in the fresh air. But look at the condition of the leaves: if sunlight hits them, there is a risk of burns.
  6. You need to water the flower moderately. If the variety is tuberous, it is watered exclusively in a tray. Excess water is certainly drained.
  7. Before flowering begins, it makes sense to spray the leaves with water several times a week. Alternatively, you can wipe them with a wet cloth. But water should not get on the flower itself (they can rot).
  8. Watering is carried out using melted, settled or filtered water (it should be at room temperature).
  9. In summer, watering depends on the climate and weather conditions. In winter, watering once a week is enough.
  10. During the period of active growth and development, be sure to feed the crop. These can be universal fertilizers; nutrient mixtures for ornamental flowering plants are also suitable. The fertilization procedure is carried out twice a month.

What to do next with wilted buds?

Even during the period of active flowering, all faded buds are removed. Some carefully cut, others twist. This way you will gradually remove the entire flowering part, and by the end of flowering the question will disappear by itself. Why do this? During flowering in this way, you save the plant's energy for more luxuriant flowering. At the end of this period, you also help the plant get rid of unnecessary things in order to prepare for dormancy. And in the end, wilted flowers are not aesthetically pleasing; they spoil the appearance of the begonia, making it sloppy and unkempt.

For this purpose, the largest and healthiest fruits are left, the rest are cut off. 20-25 days after flowering ends, the capsule ripens. It is opened and the seeds are taken away. From these seeds you can grow new young plants using seedlings.


Among the first requirements is good illumination of the place where the flowerpots with plants are located. But at the same time, direct sunlight should not fall on the leaves. You can get bright lighting, which is so important for flowering specimens, by placing pots on windows facing east or west. If there are no other options, such as southern windows, you will need to create diffused light for the plants.

Leaf burns, which can result from exposure to sunlight on unprotected leaves, are extremely undesirable, especially during the flowering period.

When does flowering occur and how long does this period last?

Blooming begonia cannot go unnoticed due to the large number of inflorescences. The most common types of this plant bloom on average from May to November, but in general the duration and time of flowering depend on:

  1. Plant varieties. Terry large-flowered species bloom less than others.
  2. Growing method. In open ground, the flowering period is limited due to weather conditions and the need to transplant indoors. At the same time, there are species that, after transplanting into a pot, bloom until spring.
  3. Care. It is necessary to create comfortable conditions and provide proper care, otherwise flowering will be short-lived or not at all.
  4. Time to wake up. If you start awakening the plant from dormancy at the end of February, flowers will appear in April-May.
  5. Type of root system. Begonia with a tuberous root system blooms in the summer-autumn period, with a regular one - almost all year round.

Reference! It is possible to extend the period and increase the intensity of begonia flowering by removing the female flowers from the formation itself, but it will be impossible to obtain seeds.

Other Possible Problems

In addition to improper care and illness, there may be other reasons. Why does begonia not bloom?

  • An excess of nutrients in the substrate leads to the falling of flowers and buds.
  • If a yellow spot appears on the leaf, then the flower needs to be moved to partial shade. This is how sunburn manifests itself.
  • If the stems become long and the flowers bloom in pale shades, then the plant does not have enough sunlight.
  • Outdoor begonias may stop blooming due to early transplanting into the ground, when there are still frosts at night. Transplantation should be carried out no earlier than mid-May.

Sunburn on leaves

If the begonia grows and does not bloom, it is quite possible that the reason is the age of the flower. Young plants grow actively in the first year, but do not produce inflorescences. In this case, there is no need to force the plant to bloom. Flowering usually begins when 5 rings have formed on the main stem.

When you buy a plant, they always bloom. Often, flowering is caused artificially, so it does not last long. In practice, the flower will not bloom until it reaches the required age.

Important! Another reason is an incorrectly selected pot where the plant was planted during propagation or transplantation. It should be spacious.


Most often, when growing begonias, you can encounter diseases such as gray rot (mold), black root rot, bacterial wilt, and powdery mildew.

Gray rot

At the initial stage, gray rot is characterized by sticky light gray spots on the leaves and stems, gradually darkening to brown. A little later, the shoots begin to fall off, and holes appear on the foliage. Excessive watering and high air humidity lead to this disease.

To save the plant, you need to change its location to a more suitable one. After this, the affected areas are destroyed, and the remaining above-ground part of the plant is treated with euparene, foundationazole, and Bordeaux mixture.

Signs of disease on begonia leaves

Black root rot

Having noticed blackening and rotting of the roots, you can confidently diagnose black root rot in the plant. It can be cured by spraying with benomyl. In the future, to prevent the disease from returning, you need to reduce watering.

Bacterial wilt

The cause of bud drop in begonias is usually bacterial wilt. Other signs of the disease are small spots on the leaves in the form of bubbles, which quickly increase in size and turn black. In this case, the plant must be sprayed with a fungicide.

Powdery mildew

Often the leaves and shoots of the plant suffer from powdery mildew, which covers them with a whitish coating. Gradually the leaves dry out and fall off. Such a flower is quarantined, separated from other plants, to stop the spread of the disease. At the initial stage, the plant is treated with Alirin-B or Fitosporin-M, but if almost the entire flower is affected, then it is better to use Strobin or Topaz.

Important! It is necessary to study the signs of diseases in order to notice them in time and have time to save the plant.


It is advisable not to bring any problem to treatment. Preventive measures are required. The main point of which is pest control, since the main care parameters have already been presented.

  • Regular removal of rotten and yellowed leaves.
  • Perform the spraying procedure using a spray bottle. For this process, it is important to take clean and settled water, as well as at room temperature.
  • If the appearance of yellow, dry and rotten leaves becomes more frequent, then you should start feeding the begonia. It is important that the supplement contains minerals and is rich in all essential vitamins. Before the process, you must carefully study the dosage and rules of administration.
  • If the plant smells of rot or a white coating appears on the flower, then the flower needs to be treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Harmful bacteria often cause loss of stem strength. To avoid this, you need to treat the flower with a solution of Bordeaux mixture from time to time.
  • Prevention of viral diseases is also carried out with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Care Tips

According to the advice of experienced gardeners, a purchased (or donated) begonia should be replanted immediately.
This is justified by the fact that the root system requires a thorough examination and assessment of its condition. It is important to ensure that the plant is not at risk of any signs of disease or pests. After all, you know nothing about the life of the plant before you got it. If any ailments are discovered, then you will have the opportunity to take emergency measures. If you don’t do this, the plant may begin to wither right before your eyes, and it may already be too late.

Before you start a begonia, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristic signs of possible diseases and what causes discomfort for the plant. For example, pale leaves symbolize poor lighting, and their falling symbolizes a lack of water.

Important! Knowledge of the simplest rules for flower care will allow you to notice diseases at an early stage and eliminate them in time.

If you follow the simplest rules for caring for begonias, this will allow you to delight your eyes with the lush flowering of the plant every year. Different types of flowers, which differ in the shape of the leaves and stems, will give you the opportunity to create a beautiful design not only for balconies, loggias, street flower beds and landscape design, but also to create a cozy home environment.

Everything is important - even the composition of the soil

The soil for planting plants on one side does not have any special requirements, but experts recommend buying in specialized stores exactly the one that is intended for begonias. If it is possible to prepare it yourself, then you will need to: add the same amount of a mixture of chernozem and peat to half the volume of leaf soil. The bottom of the pot should be lined with pebbles, then covered with about a centimeter layer of sand.

Transplants are carried out if the roots have grown too much and are cramped in the old pot, naturally, a larger container will be required. The optimal time for transplantation is early spring. The remains of the old soil are removed from the roots, and the roots themselves are treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. All defective and rotten roots should be identified and carefully removed.

Transplanted plant:

  • don't put it in the sun
  • water little by little, very often

Why begonias do not bloom, but grow: causes, diseases, pests

Begonia is a very capricious plant that immediately reacts to any negligence in care. In order for it to bloom profusely and not fade, it is worth studying the features of caring for it.

Begonia flowering process: possible disturbances

Begonia varieties are divided into two types - beautifully flowering and decorative deciduous. The second group has inconspicuous flowers, so there are usually no problems with flowering. The same cannot be said about beautifully flowering varieties.

Begonia at home

Why tuberous begonia and other species do not bloom:

  • diseases or pests;
  • waterlogged or overdried soil;
  • incorrectly selected soil for planting;
  • improper conditions of detention;
  • lack of sunlight (the crop is a light-loving plant and does not tolerate shade);
  • lack of fertilizing;
  • excess nutrients in the soil.

Note! If the plant is not sick or infested with pests, then problems with flowering come down to errors in care.


Begonia elatior flower - home care

Common begonia diseases:

  • powdery mildew (a white coating appears on the foliage, then it dries out and falls off);
  • cucumber mosaic virus (deformation of the leaf plate occurs);
  • gray mold (weeping spots with a grayish coating appear);
  • black root rot (roots turn black and then rot).

Powdery mildew on a plant

What to do if begonia does not bloom due to disease:

  • Spraying with chemicals (Fundazol, ground and colloidal sulfur, Fitosporin, Planriz) helps against powdery mildew. In an advanced stage, bushes should be treated with Topaz or Strobin. The pot should be moved to a well-ventilated area during the treatment period.
  • There is no cure for cucumber mosaic. It’s better to throw out the flower before everyone else gets infected.
  • Treatment with Benomyl helps against gray mold. During treatment, the pot is transferred to a well-ventilated and dry room.
  • Benomyl also helps against black root rot. You also need to remove the plant from the pot to remove damaged roots. The cut areas are treated with crushed charcoal.


Pests can appear both when growing outdoors and at home. What pests cause begonias to stop flowering?

  • spider mite;
  • thrips;
  • whitefly;
  • nematode.

Begonia evergreen plant at home and in the garden

Spraying with a soap solution helps against whiteflies. The leaves on which the larvae are deposited are cut off and destroyed. Spider mites appear on indoor begonias with abundant humidity and heat. Because of them, the leaf acquires a marble color. Then the leaves fall. In this case, the drug Decis will help.

Note! When growing a flower outside the house, the bushes are treated with insecticides: Mospilan, Apploud or Teppeki. Three treatments will be required, 7 days apart.

Because of thrips, the plant drops its leaves and cannot bloom. Insects appear mainly in summer. In this case, the leafy part is washed with soapy water and then sprayed with infusion of tobacco and celandine.

It is easier to prevent the appearance of a nematode than to fight it. In most cases, the plant cannot be saved. Before planting, the soil must be treated. This is a good way to prevent pests.


Terry begonia flower at home

The plant is demanding on air humidity. Lack of moisture causes buds to fall off and foliage to turn yellow. To increase humidity, you can place a container with wet expanded clay next to the pot. It is recommended to spray the foliage regularly.

Air temperature

The optimal air temperature for a flower is from +18 to +21 ℃. When the temperature drops sharply, the flower sheds its leaves. An increase to +30 ℃ also has a detrimental effect.

Additional Information! The reason for the lack of flowering may be constant drafts.

Problems with roots

Problems with the root system most often arise for two reasons - improper watering and disease. If a flower begins to rot, saving it is extremely problematic. In most cases he dies. But if the root system has just begun to rot, then it is quite possible to cure it.

What to do if the roots rot from overwatering:

  • remove the flower from the pot;
  • cut off the rotten part of the roots;
  • plant in new soil;
  • It is important not to over-water the plant again.

Rotten roots

Incorrect transplant

Another common reason for the lack of inflorescence is improper planting. In this case, it is easiest to force the flower to produce inflorescences. Before planting, you need to choose the right soil.

It should be loose and nutritious. The optimal acidity level is from 5.5 to 6.5 pH. It is best to buy ready-made soil mixture in the store.

Such a substrate will exactly meet all the necessary characteristics and will not be infected with pests or diseases.

The second point is the choice of pot. It should not be too cramped, but not too spacious. In a spacious pot, flowering occurs later and there is a risk of soil waterlogging.

How to plant begonia correctly:

  1. Transplantation is carried out in early spring.
  2. The plant is carefully removed from the pot and the root system is examined. If there are rotten areas, they are cut off.
  3. Then the flower is transplanted into a new pot and watered abundantly.

Additional Information! After transplanting, the pot is placed in a warm place with diffused light.

Other Possible Problems

In addition to improper care and illness, there may be other reasons. Why does begonia not bloom?

  • An excess of nutrients in the substrate leads to the falling of flowers and buds.
  • If a yellow spot appears on the leaf, then the flower needs to be moved to partial shade. This is how sunburn manifests itself.
  • If the stems become long and the flowers bloom in pale shades, then the plant does not have enough sunlight.
  • Outdoor begonias may stop blooming due to early transplanting into the ground, when there are still frosts at night. Transplantation should be carried out no earlier than mid-May.

Sunburn on leaves

If the begonia grows and does not bloom, it is quite possible that the reason is the age of the flower. Young plants grow actively in the first year, but do not produce inflorescences. In this case, there is no need to force the plant to bloom. Flowering usually begins when 5 rings have formed on the main stem.

When you buy a plant, they always bloom. Often, flowering is caused artificially, so it does not last long. In practice, the flower will not bloom until it reaches the required age.

Important! Another reason is an incorrectly selected pot where the plant was planted during propagation or transplantation. It should be spacious.

Folk methods of struggle

Traditional treatment methods help if the problem (disease or pests) is not yet in an advanced state. What to do if begonia does not grow:

  • Treating powdery mildew with wood ash infusion helps. To prepare it, you need to pour 200 g of ash into 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 2 days. Then dilute 2 g of soap in a small amount of water and add to the infusion. Two treatments will be required, one week apart.
  • You can destroy spider mites with garlic broth. Grate a large head of garlic and pour the pulp into 10 liters of water. Leave for a day, then strain. Treat the foliage until the insect disappears. The infusion is not intended for long-term storage.
  • An infusion of wood ash will help cope with gray rot. A decoction of tomato tops, onion and garlic is also effective. These infusions need to treat the surface of the soil in the pot.
  • The most effective method of preventing the appearance of nematodes is to water the soil the day before planting with boiling water. After watering, cover the soil with a bag so that it cools as slowly as possible.

Note! For more effective pest or disease control, it is best to combine chemicals with traditional methods.


With proper care, begonia will delight you with abundant and beautiful flowering for a long time. Most often, it is because of violations of maintenance conditions that problems arise with the flower.

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