Epiphyllum oxypetalum. Photo
Epiphyllum - home care, photos of species, reproduction
Photo of a blooming Epiphyllum (Epiphyllum) is a beautifully flowering succulent from the Cactus family. Grown indoors
Description of the genus Lithops and features of growing succulents
The succulent plant Lithops, popularly called “living stone,” is a member of the Aizaceae family.
Soil for succulents: options for replanting and growing
Criteria for choosing soil Many novice gardeners buy succulents in the store, not knowing how to
Photo of Echeveria in the botanical garden
54 varieties and hybrid varieties of echeveria. Photo and description
Description of plants of the genus Echeveria Succulents of the genus Echeveria received their name by the French botanist Augustin Pyramus
Domestic stone rose (Molodilo): description, types, features of planting, propagation, cultivation and use in landscape design | (100+ Photos & Videos)
The botanical genus Juvenile, called by its Latin name Sempervivum, literally means “ever living.” These
Echinopsis photo
Echinopsis Erie - features of growing the “Queen of the Night”
Unusual, sometimes a little strange and at the same time royally magnificent representatives of the Cactus family appeared in Europe
Comfortable conditions for growing indoor haworthia and its reproduction
The spectacular Haworthia of the Xanthorrhoeaceae family, subfamily Asphodelaceae, is often cultivated as a house plant. Dwarf and
at home
Episcia - home care, propagation by leaves and cuttings
Episcia: botanical description Species of the genus Episcia are perennial herbaceous plants. Root system
When filling the pot with roots, it is necessary to replant
How to replant dracaena at home? Step-by-step instruction
Dracaena is becoming an increasingly popular indoor and office plant. She is easy to care for, but
haworthia coopera
Haworthia Cooper at home: tips on growing, propagating, replanting
Amateur flower growers can often see an interesting flower on the windowsill, something between aloe and
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