Succulent of the Aizaceae family
Aptenia care and reproduction: varieties and home conditions
Apthenia plant literally translates as “wingless” or a flower that begins to open its petals in
Globular succulent
6 types of echinocactus and breeding features of Gruzoni
Echinocactus is a spherical succulent common in the deserts of Central America. Another name for this genus is
Beautiful and unpretentious: species characteristics of the houseplant Gymnocalycium nuda and tips for caring for it
Botanical description Houseplant Gymnocalycium naked or Gymnocalycium denudatum in Latin - a representative of the genus
Raspberry: large-tongued and rowley species - care, propagation, how to root a flower
The godson can rightfully be called many-sided. Despite the fact that it belongs to succulents,
Fluffy cactus 27 photos types of hairy or shaggy cactus Espostoa rules for caring for a flower with fluff
General description Cacti are a favorite plant of many gardeners, but not many know what they are called
DIY florarium for beginners - using the Tiffany technique, in a round aquarium, in a jar, with an orchid: step-by-step instructions, photos, videos, ideas
A DIY florarium is an original craft. Make it yourself. Terrarium or container.
Growing Cereus Peruvianus at home
What does the Peruvian Cereus look like? Cereus is one of the brightest representatives of the Cactus family. Succulent is different
how to propagate Decembrist at home
Decembrist: reproduction at home, care features, photo
In winter, when all the flowers are in the dormant phase, the window sills are decorated with blooming Decembrist
4 container options for money tree. How to choose the right pot, as well as photos and recommendations
Such a well-known plant as the money tree, today, as in former times, is found almost
Aerial roots
How to propagate a money tree at home?
Features of the process Before planting a shoot, you need to acquire an adult tree, take into account the subtleties of choosing a container,
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