Decembrist: reproduction at home, care features, photo

In winter, when all the flowers are in the dormant phase, the window sills are decorated with blooming Decembrist or Christmas flowers. This plant has an attractive appearance and beautiful bright flowers. In addition, the flower is often called crayfish due to the presence of unusually shaped leaves.

Few people know that Decembrist belongs to the genus of epiphytic cacti, and is correctly called Schlumbergera. But caring for it is a little different from maintaining thorny plants. In order for the Decembrist to bloom beautifully at home, it must be properly cared for and propagated. The flower itself is a long-lived plant and can live for more than 20 years.


This amazing flower is called zygocactus. The plant stands out because it does not go into dormancy in winter, continues to develop and blooms. Reproduction of the Decembrist at home, as well as its cultivation, has a number of features.

The flower, like most cacti, appears in a leafless form. The leaves are considered to be segmented, fleshy thickenings of the stem in which the zygocactus stores moisture. Due to the weight and thin isthmuses between the parts, its shoots bend. Therefore, many gardeners grow this flower as an hanging crop.

The growth and intensity of flowering of zygocactus depends on compliance with these rules. Those who are engaged in flower breeding are interested in how the Decembrist reproduces. There are several ways:

  • cuttings;
  • leaf;
  • vaccination;
  • seeds.

Possible errors during reproduction

Sometimes errors occur when propagating the Decembrist.

The cuttings wither

Most likely, the cutting has a fungal infection and should be treated with a fungicide. If this is excluded, then most likely the root system of the cutting has died. This may happen after watering with cold water or in the presence of a cold draft.

The stalk is rotting

When germinating a cutting, it receives too much moisture. It must be removed from the ground, cut off everything that is rotting and dried for 2 days. After this, it is planted in new soil and watered less frequently than the previous time.

Decembrist propagation by cuttings

This is the most common method. The reason for this is its ease and almost 100% guarantee of the desired result. Although this method can be used to propagate a flower at any time of the year, the maximum effect is ensured precisely during the warm period.

The most suitable time for propagation is considered to be from April to May, when the mother plant has completely faded. You need to find a shoot that is not very branched or has a small number of shoots. This will allow you to simultaneously take planting material and force the remaining branch to begin active growth.

For this procedure, you can choose any shoot that has two or three sections. Zygocactus should be carefully examined and healthy and strong parts with aerial roots should be selected. An excellent solution would be to select several cuttings at once, then the flower will turn out beautiful and lush.

It must be borne in mind that experienced flower growers do not recommend taking shoots with piercing and cutting tools. You can ruin the planting material.

The branch that you decide to use for propagation must be taken right at the base, lightly pressed and twisted around its axis until it comes off, remembering to hold the mother plant with your free hand. The procedure for removing the shoot should be performed carefully and carefully, otherwise the flower may be harmed. If suddenly significant damage does occur on the mother plant, it must be covered with soil in which the zygocactus grows. In addition to knowing how to choose the right cuttings, you should study information on how to plant a Decembrist shoot.

There are two ways to prepare cuttings for growth. The essence of the first method is to necessarily dry the shoot before planting. This option is more common and most effective. The cuttings are placed in some container and placed in the place where:

  • dry;
  • dark;
  • chilly.

Basically, planting material is dried for three days. The fact that it is ready for landing is indicated by a thin film formed at the site of the break.

In the second option, the shoot is placed in water. It must be planted when the cuttings have a very branched and strong root system. The root formation period can last up to two weeks. It must be borne in mind that the water in which the cutting is dipped must be taken:

  • soft;
  • clean;
  • without chlorine.

Now you need to familiarize yourself with how to root the Decembrist. In order for the planting of the shoot to be successful, you should listen to the following tips.

For the first time, small glasses are suitable. They must be disinfected and washed well. Place a small layer of drainage material on the bottom, and fill the top with ordinary soil, the basis of which is peat with a slight alkaline reaction. It needs to be watered before planting. Deepen the shoot vertically into the soil up to half its length. It is necessary to organize greenhouse conditions, for which it is necessary to cover it with cellophane or a jar. Place the newly planted plants in a dark place where the temperature is 15-20 0C, not forgetting to ventilate and water regularly. The soil should not be dry and not very wet. As soon as young stems appear, the jar should be removed.

Once the plant has taken root, you need to choose a small pot with more nutritious soil. You can buy it in a special store or prepare it yourself. The best soil consists of:

  • six parts of leaf soil;
  • four parts of humus;
  • two parts of peat and sand;
  • one part of turf land.

This type of cactus grows best in soil enriched with peat. Therefore, some gardeners prefer to grow flowers in clean peat. There are two conditions that apply to the substrate - breathability and lightness.

If you follow all the recommendations and carefully monitor the process, flowers on the zygocactus may appear in the same year.

What kind of pot is needed for a zygocactus: description and photo

Decembrist, also called zygocactus, is an unpretentious plant, but it is still necessary to observe certain conditions for caring for it. First you need to choose a pot in which the Decembrist will grow. You can choose a standard clay vessel, a plastic pot, or even an enamel bowl. It is important that the container for the plant has a wide radius and stability, but is not too bulky.

The root system of the Decembrist is miniature; it does not need huge containers. After purchasing a plant, it must be replanted at home, because the soil intended for transportation is not suitable for the systematic and healthy growth of the Decembrist, nor for its flowering.

In a pot that is too large, the Decembrist will constantly enlarge the root system, and you can forget about flowering during this period. It is important to choose a small but wide container that will be ideal for the plant.

Below you can see photos of pots suitable for planting plants:

How to propagate using leaves?

Many novice gardeners want to know how to plant Decembrist from a leaf, although this propagation method has been little tested and is not popular. Zygocactus has no leaves; they are replaced by branched and powerful shoots of leaf-like shape hanging down. For propagation, you should take juicy and large parts. Before planting, they are dried for two days. The procedure for preparing the leaf does not differ from that needed for cuttings ripening in the substrate. Before planting, the soil is sprinkled with sand, which is well moistened. The leaf is deepened into the ground with its lower part up to its middle.


Reproduction of the Decembrist at home by grafting is a rather complicated method. Mostly experienced flower growers resort to it. In this case, the rootstock is spiny pereskia or prickly pear. The upper branched part of the rootstock is removed, the stem is cleared of leaves. Its top is split. For the scion, you can choose a zygocactus shoot consisting of two or three parts. Its lower part needs to be sharpened so that it looks like a wedge, and inserted into the crevice. The graft should be secured with a long spike or needle, secured with a band-aid or adhesive tape. Work must be done carefully and as quickly as possible, while the sections remain fresh. The plant will germinate well at a temperature of 20 degrees and moderate watering. This will take approximately 14 days. As soon as it becomes noticeable that the flower is increasing in size, the fixing bandage should be carefully removed. Zygocactus is grafted in summer or spring.

How to propagate Decembrist at home using seeds? It should be noted that this method is used mainly by breeders to develop new unusual hybrids with delightful colors. However, with this technique, the varietal characteristics of a young plant most often are not preserved.

Replanting after purchase

Inexperienced owners may be concerned about the question of how and when to replant Decembrist after purchase. The procedure is carried out as soon as possible, and during the replanting process the old peat is completely removed:

  • The plant should be carefully removed from the shipping container.
  • Its root system is completely cleared of peat.
  • If the old primer is difficult to remove, you can use a toothbrush. The roots of the plant must be carefully combed towards their ends.

After inspection for the presence of pests, the zygocactus is ready for planting in a pre-prepared soil mixture. Also, the new plant needs to be kept in quarantine for a couple of weeks before being placed next to other flowers.

Sprout care

The Decembrist flower tolerates propagation at home well. A young seedling needs to be cared for in the same way as an adult. It is necessary to water the plant exclusively with settled warm water. If the air in the room where the newly planted zygocactus is located is too dry, then the shoots need to be sprayed with warm water.

On cuttings with an undeveloped root system, emerging buds should be removed. If all the plant's energy is spent on flowering, there will be no left for the root system. 20 minutes after watering, the water that collects in the pan must be poured out.

Transplantation into soil

The readiness of the cuttings for transplantation is indicated by the appearance of a strong root system. When cuttings are taken in an aquatic environment, it can be observed with the naked eye. And in the case of germination in a substrate, the formation of roots can be judged by the appearance of new stems.

To prepare soil suitable for zygocactus, you need to mix the following components in equal parts:

  • fertile garden soil;
  • sand;
  • peat;
  • rotted leaves.

We choose a pot for the Decembrist that is not very tall, but always wide. At the bottom of the pot, be sure to place drainage in the form of pebbles of various sizes or expanded clay. And then pour in the prepared soil. Place several cuttings in a small hole in the center of the planting container.

Important! After planting, the young plant must be watered abundantly.

Rules of care

In order for the reproduction of the Decembrist to bring a positive result, and for the flower to feel good in the house, it is necessary to organize conditions that would be close to natural. This involves creating a warm and humid atmosphere, as well as plenty of sunlight.

If we take into account that zygocactus does not bloom in the warm season, then in spring and summer it can be placed on the windowsills of windows facing east and north. In winter, it is recommended to place the flower pot on the south side. If you don’t turn it at all, the bush will not be symmetrical, since the branches will begin to reach towards the sun. Therefore, flower growers advise moving the plant every month. When growing a flower, it is very important not to disturb it during the budding period. When tying buds, the pot must not be turned or moved to another place. If the Decembrist is moved during the formation of buds, the inflorescences will begin to crumble. Caring for zygocactus is not difficult. The main thing in caring for a plant is to maintain its usual growing conditions.

Decembrist planting dates at home

The time for planting this indoor plant depends on the planting material. It is better to sow seeds in the warm season - in late spring or early summer. If we take into account vegetative propagation, then it is possible at any time of the year, with the exception of the flowering period of the mother plant. Usually the period chosen for the procedure is when the zygocactus has already bloomed.

How to water?

Excellent propagation of the Decembrist at home is impossible without proper watering, which is the basis for its favorable growth. The watering regime for each stage of zygocactus development is different. During flowering, it especially needs water. Watering should be done regularly so that the soil in the flowerpot is always moist. But the plant cannot be flooded, otherwise the root system will begin to rot, the Decembrist will not bloom and will die. Water the plant with settled water.

This plant blooms from December to February. In order for flowering to be abundant and lush at this time and after, water should be added as the soil dries. Watering should be done as soon as the top layer becomes dry. In spring and autumn, it is extremely important that the soil does not dry out.

Summer is the dormant period for the cactus, when it needs to be watered as the soil dries completely. But in hot weather, the flower must be systematically sprayed. There is another way - a warm shower. To do this, jets of warm water are directed at the leaves of the Decembrist plant, while the ground is covered with film.

Schlumbergera planting rules

Young Decembrist bushes need to be replanted annually at the beginning of spring. The flower tolerates transplantation well and does not get sick after it.

Basic requirements for transplantation:

  • 2 cm of expanded clay is poured into a container with drainage holes;
  • Then pour specialized soil onto 1/3 of the pot;
  • A cutting is placed in the center and soil is gradually added around it;
  • The first watering is carried out with warm water after 2-3 days.

Important! In adult plants over 6 years old, the top layer of soil can be replaced.


This cactus begins to bloom only when daylight hours decrease. The signal for stopping the growth of green mass and the beginning of flower formation is a short daylight hours. If it is still long, then you may not see flowers. Therefore, in winter, the plant absolutely does not need additional lighting.

In summer, exposure to direct sunlight leads to:

  • stopping the development and growth of zygocactus;
  • yellowing and curling of leaves;
  • death of the plant.


Decembrist should not be exposed to significant temperature changes. The most comfortable temperature is considered to be +18…+25 0С. In order for the flower to begin to bloom on time, in September - November it is advisable to move it to cooler conditions, where the room temperature is 15 ... + 16 0C. During flowering, it should be brought back to a warm place.

Watering after replanting

After finishing planting the plant, it is given a couple of days to recover. Watering is carried out only on the third day after the procedure. When a Decembrist flower is replanted, minor damage to the root system is possible.

Use a small amount of warm water for irrigation. It is also recommended to use warm water for spraying in the first couple of weeks. The watering schedule depends on the season. In summer, once a week is enough. However, if the temperature exceeds 35 °C, then water the plant a little less often, but significantly increase the frequency of spraying.

Winter watering is done extremely carefully. Provided the room in which the Decembrist is located is warm, a summer watering regime is used. If the temperature drops below +17 °C, then the frequency of procedures is reduced to avoid rotting.


This cactus needs to regularly remove excess shoots that appear in the spring. If you do not do this, then in winter it will not be able to please you with its magnificent flowering. Unnecessary shoots should be removed in June. Eliminate those that grow incorrectly and spoil the appearance. You cannot do the work with scissors; you should grab the shoots with your hands and make circular movements to remove excess parts of the flower.

Anyone can cope with Decembrist reproduction. If all the rules of care are properly followed, this variety of cactus will delight you with its beautiful flowers for at least 15 years.

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